Introduction About Internship

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  • Words: 1,102
  • Pages: 4
INTRODUCTION ABOUT INTERNSHIP The internship program is designed to provide students engaged in a field experience with an opportunity to share their insights, to explore the links between students' academic preparation and their field work, and to assist participants in developing and carrying out the major research project which will serve to culminate their internship experience. Internships are individualized and tailored to the needs and interests of each student in the program. As part of the internship experience, students are expected to take an active role in finding an appropriate internship for themselves.

TOPIC CHOSEN FOR STUDY: “A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Prudential Life Insurance At Yelahanka New Town”

NEED FOR THE STUDY To evaluate the ‘Customer Satisfaction towards insurance plan and investment plan and to identify where they are investing such as public sector as well as private sector. Man’s life is open to many risks if falls sick. He grows old .He meet the accident. He dies his disablement due do sickness. Old age accident and his death the leave him self or his dependence helpless, if he his the only earning member of his family If people are at insurance he get more benefit and returns compare to other investment avenues. In insurance high safety and returns also good, but liquidity are very low compare other investment avenues. The present study intends to throw light on an issue relating to the need and importance of customers relations with the entrepreneurs and the corporate bodies. The study intends to know the relationship that exists between the customer’s satisfaction and the services offered. The study is basically to know the customer satisfaction in respect of Insurances with special reference to ICICI Prudential Life Insurance At Yelahanka .


In July 2000 private insurance companies stepped into Indian insurance market. Private insurance companies introduced new insurance products and services to the customers of Indian market. Life Insurance Corporation was only and the key player in the insurance sector. After the privatization of insurance sector, India witnessed a mushrooming growth of private players in this sector. 'ICICI Prudential' a part of ICICI Group wanted to re-strengthen its position in the market. In order to have a competitive edge over its competitors it was necessity on the part of the organization to outperform its competitors. Thus the researcher had to do the sales analysis to get a cross-sectional view of the advisors' sales performance to determine the effectiveness of each advisor. Effective sales performance evaluations are certainly needed if a company is to remain competitive throughout its life time.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY  To determine the level of satisfaction among the existing ICICI Prudential Life Insurance customers  To understand awareness of insurance product particularly in respect of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance product  To provide valuable information to ICICI Prudential Life Insurance product  To know the customer preference on insurance plan and investment plans  To study the market awareness towards ICICI Prudential Life Insurance plans  To study whether insurance dependence on occupation and income

SCOPE OF THE STUDY Scope of the study is limited only to employees working in private sector, because there is no fresher from companies, but in government employees, they are not included in this study, because govt. employees are more interest in public sector companies such as (LIC). Scope of the study gives an idea about the factors considered by Customers towards purchase of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance product and to develop continuous healthy relationship with Customers. It involves the evaluation of present services and quality, availability of spare parts to Customers.

The study was conducted to know the problems related to service, availability to Customers across the Yelahanka and better way to reach their concern and maintain the long life relationship with Customers in Yelahanka. The study gives an idea about to identify various steps taken by organisation regarding Customer satisfaction by the company and improvements to healthy long life relationship with Customers.

METHODOLOGY ADOPTED: A questionnaire was designed and administered to professional, services etc. The questions were both closed ended and open-ended. The medium of questionnaire was English. The questionnaire was administrated face to face with respondent either by writing by himself or answering the question of the researcher. Some of these were filled up after a small conversion relevant to the subject of the study

SOURCES OF THE DATA Primary data Personal interview In this research I was used questionnaire and collect the data .i was prepare the questionnaire and met the respondents personally. And also I collect the phone number if respondents have interest for making the policies I call and take the appointment from him. Our financial consultant gives the brief introduction about ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE products were investing money and get more returns.

Sampling designs: Fieldwork The tools of the study was respondents and filled by asking those question face to face, by ticking the answer himself or answering the question of the researcher. Some of these face up after small conversion relevant to the subject of the study.

Sample size Sample size of 100 customers was chosen for the purpose of Customer survey Sample unit and Sampling method Software engineer and food world are the sampling unit, he sample of customers is selected on non probability basis and convenience method

Sample plan To visit all the software companies and food world viz., Yelahanka New Town. Questionnaire is self-administrated to collect the responses from the Customers with regards to the base insurance.

Limitation of the study Even though the study was initiated with an idea of analyzing the Customer Satisfaction for insurance and investment plans of ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE the main concentration was given to insurance plans only. Certain weakness on part of the research design are the possibilities of in accurate facts in data collection, sampling and fieldwork procedure in the research study in spite of attempts to extract proper reliable information may be there. Therefore it is essential to clarify the limitation of the methodology and extended to which the findings can be generalized.  Findings of the study were based on the assumption that the respondents gave the correct information systematic bias may arise out of the responses  The study was limited only to private companies and officers. So the result of the analysis can be generalized to private institution.  The study depends on the mode of respondents while filling the questionnaire it is possible that particulars tome condition were unfavorable and hence the bad experiences  The study was limited to only to Yelahanka New Town.

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