Interview Script

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 4,600
  • Pages: 27
Interview. written by Joseph Nelson

(262) 902 - 8488 [email protected]

`I/E. CAR DRIVING ON ROAD - DAY THOMAS EVERTS and CHRISTINA JOHNSON drive to the interview. THOMAS is driving the car. CHRISTINA is driving the conversation. CHRISTINA Why do you have to do this? THOMAS sighs with exasperation and doesn't respond. CHRISTINA (pushing his arm repeatedly) Hello? Earth to Thomas? Anyone there? THOMAS Christina, I'm driving. ​ ​ You want us to crash, is that it? CHRISTINA I wanna know why you feel like you need to do this. THOMAS (correcting her) We​ need to do this. CHRISTINA We? I'm not doing this! THOMAS I didn't say you were. I know you're not. ​I'm​ doing it, but ​we need this. CHRISTINA And why's that. ​Please​ tell me why "we" need this. THOMAS Money, Christina. CRISTINA backs off a little : ("oh...he's right"). She looks forward, averting THOMAS’S eyes Beat. CHRISTINA My dad, Tom... He's already offered to let you work with him. You could be making money with him right now.


I'm not a criminal. And I'm not going to work with, around, or have any association with one, OK? I’ve already told you this. CHRISTINA looks at him. CHRISTINA Dating his daughter ​is​ having association with him. THOMAS That's not what - You know what I mean. CHRISTINA Obviously I don't. THOMAS The answer's no. I'm not working for your dad. I'll do anything except for that. CHRISTINA Oh you mean like go to this sketchy interview just to make a quick buck because you're too high and holy to do anything that's not 100% legal. THOMAS doesn't answer. Pause of silence. CHRISTINA I mean... You've heard about how weird these "interviews" are, right? THOMAS Rumors. CHRISTINA Sure, Tom. They're just rumors. Nothing's dangerous. Everything is fine. The world is just as safe and perfect as you are. THOMAS I've never said I was perfect or that the world is. I just don't think we need be worried about this. It's just an interview. And we ​do​ need the money. CHRISTINA Not this way we don't. Beat. THOMAS What could really happen, Christina? It's just a bunch of questions.

CHRISTINA That's not what I heard... I heard they carry a gun on them... During the interview.​ Like come on, Tom! If that's not a red flag... THOMAS Rumors. CHRISTINA No. Not a rumor... Jack told me. He did one of these "interviews" and he -Interrupting her. THOMAS Jack? ​What are you doing talking to him? CHRISTINA hesitates: ("I shouldn't have said that name") she recovers, saying: CHRISTINA He... It's not what you think, so don't go having an asthma attack on me like the last time you thought I was messing around with someone... (beat) Actually, did you ever find your inhaler? THOMAS No I didn't. Don't change the subject. CHRISTINA Wow... I'm just looking out for you... THOMAS says nothing. She continues: CHRISTINA He made this Facebook video where he talked about his experience at the interview and he said that things were just... weird. THOMAS Weird? I can handle weird, but how'd you find out he said they carry guns, Christina? CHRISTINA Well I was curious, and I messaged him and he just went into more detail and the gun came up. THOMAS And you believe him?

CHRISTINA Why wouldn't I? THOMAS He'd lie to a God's face if he thought it'd get him some action. Everyone knows that. CHRISTINA Not everyone is trying to get at me Tom... Despite your paranoia. THOMAS You know what? Just forget it. We’re here. They pull up to a parking spot in silence. CHRISTINA is still in disapproval of his going to the interview. THOMAS just wants the easy money. As he gets out he says: THOMAS You shouldn't have been talking to him. He closes the door before CHRISTINA can say: CHRISTINA It wasn't anything! In this outburst she ends up dropping her phone down the crack of the seat. Furthermore frustrated, she says to herself: CHRISTINA Wow. Angrily, she goes down to reach for it and finds something else. She pulls up THOMAS'S INHALER. She looks up and starts to call out to him, but he's already inside. She unbuckles her seat belt, opens the door, and starts to go give it to him but changes her mind: ("he's being a dick, he can wait.") She reaches down between the seat again and finds her phone. Still mad, she begins scrolling through to pass time. INT. THE INTERVIEW ROOM - MOMENTS LATER

The INTERVIEW ASSISTANT sits inside the interviewing room, near the door. Patiently waiting for the next interviewee. She is unrealistically happy to be doing her job. A knock is heard. She pops up ecstatically and moves to the door. She opens it widely and charmingly says: ASSISTANT Hello! Come in, come in! She holds the door open and motions for him to come in. Once he's in the room, she takes particular care to make sure the door closes behind them. Then turns to him. ASSISTANT Thomas Everts? THOMAS Yes ma'am. She leads as they start walking towards the interview table. ASSISTANT (CHRISTINE) (cheerfully) My mother is a "ma'am". I'll be a "ma'am" ​much​ later. (beat) "Christine" is fine for now. THOMAS Christine it is. They walk towards where the interview table. As they do THOMAS says: THOMAS My girlfriends name is actually Christina. That's kinda funny. CHRISTINE (smiling) What's funny? THOMAS You know... Her name is Christina... Yours is Christine... funny coincidence. They've arrived at the interview table. CHRISTINE (smiling) Yes.

(beat) Funny. She continues staring at him smiling. THOMAS laughs nervously and looks away, but she continues looking at him, smiling. Beat. THOMAS maneuvers out of the pure awkwardness by saying: THOMAS So... You'll be interviewing me? CHRISTINE looks down at a file on the table and goes through it with thorough movements, flipping through, looking for something, as she says: CHRISTINE Oh no, no, no, no. I just prepare your paperwork and get you ready for ​Phillip​. (she says the name "Phillip" with much meaning behind it) THOMAS Okay... (beat) What kinda paperwork? She's found the paper she's looking for. She pulls it out. CHRISTINE Here it is! (brimming with joy) CHRISTINE puts the paper on the table and slides it halfway between her and THOMAS. THOMAS What's that? CHRISTINE Oh, just a waiver. Really just a legal formality. THOMAS And what exactly am I waiving? CHRISTINE This waiver includes a non-disclosure agreement... a lot of people know about these interviews but don't know exactly what goes on in them and it needs to stay that way... otherwise our

results would be skewed due to people having knowledge of what to expect in the interview. (pause) You follow? THOMAS I follow... And that's it? CHRISTINE Well no... this sound ridiculous - trust me I know - but this waiver also waives your right to sue the company for any perceived threat or actual harm done to you within the interview whether it be psychological, emotional, or physical. THOMAS (disbelief) ...Physical? CHRISTINE laughs like he said a joke. CHRISTINE Yes. And like I said this is a mere legal formality because we've had people sue us for the sole fact that we are a very wealthy company with a lot of mystery around what we do, so, before we started having people waive their right to sue, they would get away with a lot of our money for no good reason at all. THOMAS But -She interrupts. CHRISTINE For example. One time this guy walked away with more than I care to say because of a lawsuit against us in which he testified that an interviewer shook his hand too aggressively and he claimed this to be not only psychological and emotional harm, but ​physical harm​ as well. Can you believe that? THOMAS That ​is​ messed up. CHRISTINE Yes... So this is just a layer of protection between us and people like that. THOMAS

And I get that. I just didn't know there would be a waiver or anything. CHRISTINE I understand. But the way I see it, you have nothing to lose. You get half of your pay after you sign the waiver and you have the right to leave the interview anytime if you get uncomfortable for any reason at all. THOMAS I get $500 just for signing that thing? CHRISTINE Exactly. THOMAS And I can just - just leave after you hand me the money if I wanted to? CHRISTINE Well, yes, you could just leave. But then you wouldn't get the other $500 after you complete the interview. THOMAS is processing this, looking between CHRISTINE and the waiver. THOMAS And it's just a legal formality right... CHRISTINE Correct, a legal formality. THOMAS Do you have a pen? CHRISTINE hands him a pen and hands him the waiver with warm a smile on her face. CHRISTINE Sign and initial on the X. THOMAS signs and initials. She pulls out her phone, points it at him, and presses record. CHRISTINE Thank you! Now, please hold the document up and say your full name and that you have signed the waiver that you are holding under your own free will. THOMAS holds the document up, looks into her camera, and says:

THOMAS I, Thomas Everts, have signed this waiver that I am holding under my own free will. She moves the camera so it is close to the document for verification, and she stops recording. She pulls out an envelope from the file where she got the waiver from and hands it to THOMAS. He grabs the envelope hesitantly: "is this ​actually​ legit?". He opens it and his face lights up with shock as he starts flipping through the bills, counting... THOMAS This is... CHRISTINE $500 exactly. THOMAS ...$500... Just for signing that... CHRISTINE Well don't get too happy yet. You've got $500 more coming once you've completed the interview. He has a new sense of motivation and eagerness in his demeanor. THOMAS Well let's do it, Christine. CHRISTINE Of course! CHRISTINE collects his waiver and puts it in the file. CHRISTINE Phillip will be with you shortly. She smiles warmly and walks away, exiting the room with the file. THOMAS sits in room alone with his newly awarded money. He looks around the room and observes it: "what an interesting place for interviews." He stands up and casually moves around looking at the space he occupies. He takes note of the chairs that surround the interview table, the lights that hang from above, and the overall layout of the room which seems to be a sort of performance room.

The door opens and PHILLIP enters carrying a file. THOMAS quickly sits down as though he's been caught doing wrong. PHILLIP laughs lightheartedly, walking from the door to the interview table and says: PHILLIP It's alright. There's no harm in looking around. THOMAS tries to laugh it off. THOMAS Sorry, I was just curious... This room is... unique for an interview room. PHILLIP (with cheerfulness) Hmm. How's that? THOMAS Well it looks like a theater or something. Like there are supposed to be people in those seats... watching us. PHILLIP Well, yes, usually... (looking around the room) But that's not until the second interview. THOMAS The second interview? PHILLIP looks back at THOMAS and grins casually. PHILLIP You won't have to worry about that just yet. THOMAS Why not? PHILLIP Second round interviews only happen if you... ​qualify​ in this interview. (Phillip emphasizes the word "qualify" but it is ambiguous as to why) THOMAS Qualify? (beat)

Well... what's the incentive? PHILLIP Money, Thomas, ​much more​ than the $1000 you get from this -that is if you choose to go all the way through the interview, of course. (he smiles in a friendly yet challenging manner) THOMAS (like talking to a pal) Well, bring it... Phillip, was it? PHILLIP Correct. THOMAS Phillip what? (implying last name) PHILLIP Just Phillip for now. They both laugh a little. THOMAS Alright, Phillip it is. PHILLIP Any questions before we begin? THOMAS (joking with a pal tone) Just one. You aren't carrying a gun are you? THOMAS chuckles. PHILLIP is stoned-faced. It is very difficult to read him. Beat. THOMAS'S playfulness ceases. The moment is becoming too real... until PHILLIP: Cracks a smile and says: PHILLIP Ahhh. Gotcha! The tension in THOMAS releases as he sighs and laughs.

They both laugh. PHILLIP No man! Where'd you get that crazy idea from? Why would I have a gun?! THOMAS I don't know man! It is a crazy idea, huh? PHILLIP Yes it is! Their laughing subsides. Beat. THOMAS Well that's the only question I had, so... PHILLIP Right, then. Let's begin. THOMAS Aren't you going to record this or write anything down? PHILLIP (slightly harder tone that previously) No need... That was another question. Are you sure you don't have anymore questions before we start because, when we start, I'll be the only one asking questions. THOMAS, recognizing this new subtle seriousness, shifts in his seat, sitting up slightly. THOMAS No sir. No more questions. PHILLIP Perfect, the interview begins... now... PHILLIP stares at THOMAS with a blank face. Beat. THOMAS does not know what is happening or what to do. A few moments pass until he asks: THOMAS Has it begun or?

PHILLIP That was a question. ​Strike one. ​ (a serious warning) You don't want to get to strike five, Thomas. THOMAS laughs half amused, half concerned. THOMAS Oh no! Not five strikes! (laughs) (beat) (he thinks...) (beat) (becomes slightly concerned) What happens at strike five? PHILLIP That was a question. ​Strike two. THOMAS'S demeanor shifts in a mixture of seriousness and a challenging playfulness. THOMAS Let's do it. Ask me stuff. PHILLIP stares at THOMAS with a blank face like before. THOMAS isn't taking the bait this time. He returns the stare in silence. Beat. PHILLIP What is your name? THOMAS Thomas Everts. But you already know that. THOMAS smirks. PHILLIP What is your name? THOMAS Ohhh you're hard of hearing... I apologize, I didn't know. (like speaking to an elderly person) T H O M A S... E V E R T S. PHILLIP What is your name?

THOMAS leans back in his seat, casually inspects his nail cuticles, looks around the room, and ignores PHILLIP. Meanwhile, PHILLIP is staring at him with a calm and blank face until he:... THOMAS (exploding like a firecracker, but somehow still calm) WHAT IS YOUR NAME? THOMAS, shaken, snaps his attention back to PHILLIP. THOMAS (giving up the fun he was trying to have) Thomas Everts. PHILLIP How long have you been depressed? They sit in silence. Beat. THOMAS What? PHILLIP You asked a question. ​Strike three. THOMAS C'mon man.​ You can't be serious with this. PHILLIP How long have you been depressed? THOMAS (deflecting) Ok, you got me... THOMAS pauses dramatically like he's about to spill his guts, but he: THOMAS It all started when I was an infant... I remember it like it was yesterday... (he gulps dramatically) It was the breastfeeding, man... PHILLIP'S face is still blank. He is unamused.

THOMAS I just couldn't do it, ya know what I mean. (a silly dramatic pause) but they always made me -PHILLIP interrupts PHILLIP (stern) How long have you been depressed? THOMAS Big serious interview man can't take a joke, can he? PHILLIP That is a question. ​Strike four. Beat. THOMAS is losing the playfulness that was holding him together. THOMAS Maybe I just shouldn't talk at all. PHILLIP I wouldn't do that if I were you. THOMAS (sarcastically) Hmmm, very interesting ​Phillip. (he says "Phillip" with strain) But I can leave whenever I want, and I already have my $500. So you can take your suggestions and your "strikes" and shove them right up -PHILLIP interrupts. PHILLIP You aren't leaving until we're done, Thomas. THOMAS just stares at him. PHILLIP Would you like to know why? THOMAS continues staring at him. PHILLIP (stern)

Would you like to know why? THOMAS Yes. PHILLIP Simply put: $1000 is better than $500. And you need this money because we both know you won't be coming up with $1000 this quick anytime soon. And as you said: (referring to what Thomas said earlier) "You refuse to work with criminals". So I know you won't be working with Christina's dad. THOMAS starts to say, "How do you know that?" but he remembers the five strike rule and catches himself. PHILLIP You want to ask me how I know that, don't you? THOMAS (reluctantly) Yes. PHILLIP We know a lot of things... Information... That's how it's done, Thomas... That's how this company thrives... Knowing things can get you very far in this world... THOMAS That doesn't answer how you know that about me. ​That doesn't answer anything. PHILLIP It answers everything. They stare each other down for moments. Beat. PHILLIP returns to his line of questioning. PHILLIP How long have you been depressed? THOMAS puts his hand on the money envelope. THOMAS Well, I won't lie, Phillip, this has been a lot of fun but I think I'm going to go now.

PHILLIP pulls out a gun and points it at THOMAS'S torso. He does this so smoothly that it implies it's not the first time he's pulled this gun out and that he is not shy about using it. PHILLIP You will stay seated. THOMAS stares at the gun. He is shocked into a standstill: ("he said he wasn't carrying a gun...") THOMAS You can't do anything with that. People know I'm here. PHILLIP Your girlfriend Christina knows. That's the only person who would know. THOMAS Well, one person knowing is already too many for you to shoot me and get away with it. PHILLIP It would not be an issue to... "​take care​" of Christina. THOMAS shoots up out his seat, standing, and slams his hands down on the table. PHILLIP didn't flinch a single muscle. The only movement he made was his gun following THOMAS'S torso as he stood up. THOMAS (said through a clenched, angry jaw) You really think you can threaten Christina to my face and get away with it? PHILLIP That is a question. ​Strike five.​.. B ​ eing your fifth and final strike, I am going to take your initial $500. If you try to stop me, I will pull this trigger. I wouldn't test me on this if I were you. PHILLIP reaches across the table, grabs the envelope, and puts it his pocket. Meanwhile, THOMAS, who is still standing, remains perfectly still in a combination of fear and anger. PHILLIP You may sit now.

THOMAS doesn't budge. PHILLIP (stern) I said... you may -THOMAS begins to sit before PHILLIP finishes the sentence. PHILLIP stares at him. THOMAS is seated and it is apparent that tears are welling up in his eyes out of pure frustration: ("how is this happening?") PHILLIP You can now only receive the full $1000 upon completing this interview. Without asking another question - no warnings or strikes. And should you fail... well... THOMAS is on the edge of breaking down: ("What have I gotten into"). He holds himself together - barely. PHILLIP Are you ready to complete the interview. THOMAS nods. PHILLIP places the gun down flat on the table, leaving it there as a reminder. PHILLIP How long have you been depressed? THOMAS looks away: ("hold yourself together"). He shrugs off PHILLIP'S question. PHILLIP Answer with words. THOMAS I don't know. PHILLIP Answer truthfully. THOMAS (slightly louder) I don't know.

THOMAS looks away to avoid PHILLIP seeing the emotion stirring in his face. PHILLIP Look at me. THOMAS looks at him reluctantly. PHILLIP You are depressed... THOMAS cuts him off. THOMAS (with volume) I'm not PHILLIP (continuing his sentence) And you have been for sometime. PHILLIP stares at him until... THOMAS loses the battle of holding himself together... A few tears falls. He wipes them immediately. PHILLIP sees that he is breaking into THOMAS'S mind. Beat. PHILLIP digs with:. PHILLIP All I need for you to do is tell me exactly when the depression started. THOMAS is realizing there's no way out of this. At the same time the answer is starting to rise to the surface and he can feel it. He's trying to hold it down but it is on it way out - like vomit. PHILLIP When? THOMAS shakes his head: ("no")... He is physically shifting like he is trying to break out of his skin - like someone who knows they are about to throw up but tries to hold in it with all their power. PHILLIP (louder)

WHEN? THOMAS can't hold on any longer. THOMAS I never cried... Everything THOMAS was holding on to is falling out of his eyes and onto his face. He just stares at PHILLIP while tears roll down. PHILLIP You never cried when? THOMAS She was just there... like her normal self but... cold and she wasn't moving... I didn't... I couldn't cry. PHILLIP stares at him coldly with a blank face. PHILLIP Who are you talking about? THOMAS Not even at the funeral, man... I just... couldn't... what's wrong with me? THOMAS realizes he just asked a question. THOMAS I asked a question... Do it... pick up the gun... ​do it. PHILLIP is still fixed on his line of questioning. PHILLIP Say. Her. Name. Her name is now in THOMAS'S head. His breathing is picking up like he just ran a mile. He shakes his head ("no"): PHILLIP puts his hand the gun. PHILLIP THOMAS... Say. Her -THOMAS cuts him off. THOMAS Jo.. J... Jo... PHILLIP Say it.

THOMAS Joyce. THOMAS'S hands begins shaking. His breath seems to be tightened like someone cut off his air supply. He starts clutching his torso and neck: ("I can't breathe") PHILLIP Joyce... yes... THOMAS continues moving his hands around his upper body and throat like he's searching for air. He barely squeezes out: THOMAS Can't breathe. PHILLIP Yes, Thomas. I know you can't breathe. This is an asthma attack... Haven't had one in a while, huh?... That's what happens when you choke down memories... Everything is fine until you finally face it and... well... everything comes flooding back. The light is starting to slip from THOMAS'S eyes. PHILLIP pulls out an inhaler. THOMAS lights up: "yes, help!" PHILLIP then pulls out a document from the file he brought in and slides it to THOMAS with pen on top of it. PHILLIP Sign and initial your name on the X. THOMAS is clearly only thinking about the inhaler and can only stare at it while he's losing breath. PHILLIP Would you like to breathe? PHILLIP emphatically points at the document, implying THOMAS should sign if he wants the inhaler. THOMAS has no other choice because his air will be gone soon. He clumsily puts the pen in his hand and has trouble finding the X because his vision is starting to go. PHILLIP points to the "X" on the paper.

THOMAS signs and initials quickly. PHILLIP swipes the document from him and slides the inhaler across the table. THOMAS grabs it and takes a long pull from it. He tilts his head back in relief. He still isn't quite recovered. He takes a few more, gathering his air back. Meanwhile, PHILLIP just stares at him calmly, watching him regain full consciousness and air. Beat. PHILLIP Congratulations, Thomas. THOMAS is leaning over in his chair, breathing like someone who's recovering from a five mile run. He pays no mind to PHILLIP. PHILLIP You've qualified for the second round of interviews. PHILLIP smiles. A smile similar to the smile he showed when he was putting on a show before the interview started. He slides the full $1000 over to him in two envelopes. THOMAS looks up from his slouched position and sees the envelopes. He looks up at PHILLIP. THOMAS (still struggling to breathe) I'm gonna take this money and walk out of here... and I don't ever want to see you again. PHILLIP continues staring at him with the warm smile. THOMAS If you have a problem with that then pick up your gun and shoot me... Otherwise... THOMAS grabs the money envelopes. He is about to leave, but: PHILLIP Thomas, do you know what you just signed? THOMAS is paused. He looks at PHILLIP. PHILLIP

You've agreed to be a guest at the second round of interviews. They are staring at each other. Beat. THOMAS What are you talking about? PHILLIP holds up the document that THOMAS signed. PHILLIP Here in this room... You've agreed to be here on the 17th... Didn't you read it?... Oh wait, you didn't really get a chance did you? PHILLIP laughs like he's sharing a joke with a friend. THOMAS is very unamused. PHILLIP This contract alone legally binds you to be here on the 17th. And if you were to take that $1000 and not show up on the 17th you would be in double breach of this contract. PHILLIP smiles casually like what he's saying is good news. PHILLIP Basically, what I'm trying to say is, we'll be seeing each other on the 17th for another interview or you'll be legally... screwed. THOMAS Me? "Legally screwed?"? What makes you think anything that happened here wouldn't cause a judge to shut this whole thing down? PHILLIP tilts his head: ("poor boy"). He still smiles. PHILLIP I believe my assistant Christine informed you of the legal nature of the waiver you signed before the interview... non-disclosure, meaning anything you testified would inadmissible in court. THOMAS You pulled a gun. PHILLIP

I believe the waiver includes a bit about waiving the right to pursue any claims or any perceived or actual harm... THOMAS You really think that's going to hold up? PHILLIP It has... for a while now... and against people who thought their lawyers could go against ours... Trust me, it holds up. THOMAS This is sick... THOMAS shakes his head, trying to come to terms. THOMAS You're sick. THOMAS makes his way towards the door. PHILLIP It'll be so much fun, Thomas. We'll have an audience next time. THOMAS exits the interview room, leaving PHILLIP alone in the room, smiling with what seems like genuine glee. I/E. CAR PARKED AT SAME SPOT - MOMENTS LATER The car door opens and THOMAS climbs in, not saying a word. He just stares ahead. CHRISTINA So... How'd it go? What Happened? THOMAS continues staring ahead, in a daze. CHRISTINA See... ​I knew it.​ Didn't I tell you?... ​I knew it.​ Something weird happened, right? THOMAS seems traumatized, hardly capable of speech at the moment. CHRISTINA Well, what happened? Spit it out. THOMAS reaches in his pocket for the money and hands it to her, partly because he remembered it's there, and partly to get her off his back. CHRISTINA grabs it and flips through, counting.

CHRISTINA Are you serious? This is... THOMAS ...$1000. CHRISTINA $1000?! I'm so proud of you! I knew you'd pull through. You always do. She grabs his face and kisses him. THOMAS looks ahead and he drifts off mentally as CHRISTINA goes on and on about how she always believed in him and what they are going to go do with the money (improvised), which is everything except for what they should be doing with it. This continues for moments. The contrast between their states of mind and emotion is dramatically apparent. They both seem to be unaware of the other. They are together but apart. Moments pass. Fade to white.

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