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A Study on Boiler and Feed Water Treatment Units at KOMUL


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION KMF was found in 1974 as Karnataka Dairy Development Corporation (KDDC) to implement a diary development project run by the World Bank. In 1984 the organization was renamed as KMF, KMF has Milk Unions throughout the Karnataka State with procure milk from primary Diary Co-operative Societies (DCS) and distribute milk to consumers in various urban and rural markets in Karnataka State. Karnataka Co-operative Milk Producer’s Federation Limited (KMF) is Apex Body for the diary co-operative movement in Karnataka. It is the second India largest diary co-operative amongst the diary the diary co-operatives in the country. In South India it stands first in terms of procurement as well as sales. One of the cure functions of the Federation is marketing of Milk and Milk products. The Brand “Nandini” is the household name Pure and Fresh milk and milk products. KMF has 14 milk Unions covering all the districts of the states which procure milk from Primary Diary Co-operative Societies (DCS) and distribute milk to the consumers in various Towns/Cities/Rural markets in Karnataka. Milk may be defined as whole, fresh, clear lacteal sureties by the complete milking of one or more healthy milk giving animals. It is nature’s perfect food. Milk is the only food, which is designed by the nature solely as food. It serves as the foundation as adequate diet. It supplies bodybuilding protein, bone forming minerals and health giving vitamins furnishes energy giving lactose and milk fat. It is delicious and appetizing food as well as being healthful. The constituents of milk are water, butterfat, lactose and mineral water. The major constituents are phospholipids, sterols, vitamins, enzymes, pigments etc. The true constraints are milk fat, fat casein and lactose.

1.1 Company Profile Karnataka Milk federation which is popular as KMF, evolved itself as a premier and most profitable diary farmer’s organization in the state of Karnataka. Karnataka Co-operative Milk producer’s Federation Limited (KMF) is the apex Body for the diary co-operatives movement in Karnataka. It is the second largest diary cooperatives in the country. One of the core functions of the Federation is marketing of


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A Study on Boiler and Feed Water Treatment Units at KOMUL


Milk and Milk products. The Brand “Nandini” is the household name for Pure and Fresh milk and milk products. KMF has 14 Milk Unions covering all the districts of the state which procure milk from Primary Diary Co-operative Societies (DCS) and distribute milk to the consumers in various Towns/Cities/Rural markets in Karnataka. The Kolar-Chikkaballapura Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union Ltd was registered on 23.03.1987, the KOMUL diary is shown in figure 1.1. The jurisdiction extended to the entire kola-chikkaballapura

District and Eleven Taluks of kolar-

chikkaballapura District. The Union undertook the work of organization of Milk Cooperatives in ‘BAMUL pattern’ with the main objective of socio-economic reformation of the farmers in the rural areas through Dairying a main subsidiary occupation. Later the Union was bifurcated into kolar-chikkaballapura District Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union from 23.03.1987.

Figure:1.1: Komal diary Kolar diary was established during 1994 with a processing capacity of 1 LLPD of milk. The processing capacity of the diary was increased to 2.5 lakh liters during 2005 under Perspective plan phase 1 and again to handle 4.0 lakh liters per day in the year 2011. Their continuously increasing milk in 2019 as 10.54 lakh per day DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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KMF handed over chilling centers at Kolar, sadali, Chintamani, Gowribidnur to Kolar Milk Union Ltd.

1.2 Objectives of the Union  To improve Dairy farming activities in rural area by establishing Milk producers cooperative societies (MPCS) under co-operative principles.  To provide assured and remunerative market round the year for the Milk produced by the producer members.  To provide package of technical inputs to its Milk producers for the enhancement of milk production. This includes facilities such as emergency visit service, Infertility camps, First Aid services, Artificial insemination, and Mass Vaccination programme against diseases.  Supply of balanced cattle feed at subsidised rate, Fodder development programmes, beside extension programmes.  To provide necessary training for producers, members and staff of the Dairy cooperative Society.  To facilitate rural development by providing self-employment opportunities for unemployed youths at village level. In other words to prevent migration of unemployed youths from rural area there are by providing an opportunity for steady income.  To eliminate middleman by organizing MPCS which is owned and managed by producers themselves.  To provide quality milk and milk products to urban consumers rates consented by GOK fromtime to time.  To uplift the Socio economic status of the rural people.

1.3 Mission Statement: Kolar - Chikkaballapura Milk Union to continuously procure quality milk by providing remunerative price & technical input services to Producers and to supply quality Milk & Milk Products to the consumers. It also strives to achieve top position in the dairy industry by improving the financial position of the union.


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 Quality  Hard Work  Mutual Trust & Belief  Transparency  Co-Operation & Team Work

1.5 Milk Procurement The present average Milk procurement during the month of June – 18 is 10.23 lakh kgs per day from 1843 DCS comprises of 2.86 lakh members. The milk daily procurement of diary as shown in table 1.1. The Union had registered a growth to the tune of 7% for the last 5 years.

Table 1.1 Milk procurement Details Sl. No



Area of operation



No. of Taluks covered



No. of revenue villages



No. of functional DCS



No. of Milk procurement routes



No. of chilling centers



No. of village covered



Milk distribution routes



No. of retailers


1.6 KOLAR-CHIKKABALLAPURA MILK UNION MILESTONES  27.03.1987 Bifurcation of the district from an operational area of Bangalore Milk Union Ltd.,(BAMUL) to form a separate milk union with 422 functional DCS and Rs 8.56 Lakhs Share Capital. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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 1987 Establishment of first Women Dairy Co-operative Society in the Union.  1989 Inauguration of Sadali chilling center.  1990 Initiation of milk marketing at Inter-dairy rate.  1991 Inauguration of Gowribidnur chilling center.  1991 KMF handed over chilling centers at Kolar, Sadali, Chintamani and Gowribidnur to Kolar Milk Union Ltd.,  1994 Inauguration of full-fledged dairy at Kolar with a processing capacity of 1.0 lakh Liter per day.  1994 Union started liquid milk marketing under the brand name of Nandini in Polythene Packets.  1995 Inauguration of Administrative Building in the Dairy campus.  1998 Inauguration of Cheese Plant.  1999 For the first time in Karnataka State Union started marketing Nandini UHT milk in the name of “Good life”,“Slim” and “Smart”.  1999 Expansion of processing capacity of Chintamani chilling center.  2000 Outside the state, entry into the Chennai for Milk marketing.  2001 Kolar Dairy certified for ISO-9002 Quality Management System.  2001 Installation of AMC Units at DCS level.  2001 Union started marketing Masti Dahi.  2001 Expansion of UHT Unit in KOMUL.  2002 Started implementation of TIFAC Project.  2007 UHT Processing Capacity was increased from existing 0.4 LLPD to 1.5 LLPD.  2008 Union started to export Goodlife milk with a shelf life of 1year to Singapore.  2008 Union started to supply Goodlife milk to Indian army.  2008








COOPERATIVE MILK PRODUCERS SOCIETIES UNION LTD”.  2009 Introduced Goodlife milk 200ml Fino packets to market.  2009 Launched New 1000ml Brik UHT variant Milk called “Sampoorna” with Fat 4.5% & SNF 8.5% to market.  2010 Enhanced UHT plant for 2.5 lakhs ltrs per day packing capacity.  2010 Constriction of Mega Dairy has been Started near Nandi Cross Chikkabalapur.  2011 Expansion of Processing Capacity from 2.5LLPD to 4.5 LLPD.  2014 State Govt has Transferred 10Acre of Land to KOMUL near Srinivasapur.  2015 RO Plant & Multiplayer Boiler Inaugurated.  2017 Expansion of Cheese plant from 2MT to 5MT. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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 2017 Union Started Mysore Pak Production.  2017 New Transformer Capacity of 1600 KVA have been Started.  2017 Foundation Stone for "Automated Corrugated box manufacturing unit" has been laid.  2018 March Mega Dairy Inaugurated at Chikkaballapur

1.7 Achievements  Second in Procurement among KMF unions.  1994-95 Union was the first to introduce the “Operation Theileriasis” vaccination program in India.  1999 Installation of AMC Units at DCS level and For the first-time in the history of Karnataka, inauguration of BMC centers in the jurisdiction of KOMUL  2001 Inauguration of Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory at Chintamani chilling center campus.  2002-03 Inauguration of Community Machine Milking Parlors (centers) first of its kind in India.  2003-04 started “Clean Milk Program” for the first time in Karnataka.  2003-04 started mass vaccination programs for Foot and Mouth Disease in coordination with Animal Husbandry Department, Govt of Karnataka.  2006 Producer welfare trust was started.  05/03/2016 Highest UHT Milk Sales is 4.88 LLPD.  23/06/2017 Highest Milk Procured is 10.9 LKPD.  25/07/2018 Highest Liquid Milk Sales is 3.25 LLPD.  2017 Union received "QUALITY MARK" certification from NDDB.

1.8 Awards  2003 Union bagged National Productivity Council Award – 2nd Place.  2004 Union bagged National Productivity Council Award – 2nd Place.  2006 Union bagged Best Co-operative Union Award in the state.  2008 Union received Energy Conservation Award both from Central and State Governments in Dec.  2009 Union got 1st Place in National Energy Award and 2nd place in State Energy Conservation Award.


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1.9 Milk price The cost per kg of Milk is caluculated based on fat and SNF quality of milk basic price is caluclated for 3.5% Fat and 8.5%SNF. At present Milk is purchased from DCS at price 23.00 and DCS pays Rs 22.00 to prducers. In 2017 -18 the Union has paid 916.17 crores to milk prodcers. In june 2018 Union paid Rs 87.05 crores.

Figure 1.2 Plant layout


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CHAPTER 2 STUDY ON BIOLER 2.1 Introduction A steam generator or a boiler is defined as a closed vessel in which water is converted into steam by burning of fuel in presence of air at desired temperature, pressure and at desired mass flow rate.

Principle: In case of boiler, any type of fuel burn in presence of air and form flue gases which are at very high temperature (hot fluid). The feed water at atmospheric pressure and temperature enters the system from other side (cold fluid). Because of exchange of heat between hot and cold fluid, the cold fluid (water) temperature raises and it form steam. The flue gases (hot fluid) temperature decreases and at lower temperature hot fluid is thrown into the atmosphere via stack/chimney.

2.2 Classification of boilers The different ways the boilers are as follows 1) According to location of boiler shell axis  Horizontal.  Vertical.  Inclined boilers. When the axis of the boiler shell is horizontal the boiler is called horizontal boiler. If the axis is vertical the boiler is called vertical boiler and if the axis of the boiler is inclined it is known as inclined boiler. Examples: Horizontal boiler are Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler etc. Vertical boiler are Cochran boiler, Vertical boiler etc. 2) According to the flow medium inside the tubes  Fire tube boliers. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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 Water tube boilers. The boiler in which hot flue gases are inside the tubes and water is surrounding the tubes is called fire tube boiler. When water is inside the tubes and the hot gases are outside, the boiler is called water tube boiler. Examples : Fire tube boilers are Lancashire, Locomotive, Cochran and Cornish boiler. Water tube boilers are Simple vertical boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler. 3) According to the draft used  Natural draft.  Artificial draft. Boilers need supply of air for combustion of fuel. If the circulation of air provided with the help of a chimney, the boiler is known as natural draft boiler. When either a forced draft fan an induced draft fan or both are used to provide the flow of air the boiler is called artificial draft boiler. Example: Natural draft boiler are Simple vertical boiler, Lancashire boiler. Artificial boiler: Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Locomotive boiler. 4) According to furnace position  Internally fired.  Externally fired boilers. When the furnace of the boiler is inside its drum or shell, the boiler is called internally fired boiler. If the furnace is outside the drum the boiler is called externally fire boiler. Examples: Internally fired boilers are Simple vertical boiler, Lancashire boiler, Cochran boiler. Externally fired boilers are Babcock and Wilcox boiler. 5) According to number of tubes  Single-tube.  Multi-tube boiler.


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A boiler having only one fire tube or water tube is called a Single-tube boiler. The boiler having two or more fire or water tubes is called Multi-tube boiler. Examples: Single tube boiler are Cornish boiler, vertical boiler. Multi-tube boiler are Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler

2.3 Study on Boiler Units in KOMAL 2.4 Boiler 1: Lancashire boiler make Thermax In Komal diary manufactures as using fire tube boiler. Horizontal drum axis, natural circulation, artificial draft, two-tubular, medium pressure, stationary, fire tube boiler with furnace located internally. And there are three pass fire tube boilers shown in figure2.1 of 4 tons capacity called Lancashire boiler. A fire-tube boiler is type of boiler in which hot gases from a fire pass through one or (many) more tubes running through a sealed container of water. The heat of the gases is transferred through the walls of the tubes by thermal conduction, heating the water and ultimately creating steam. This boiler fuel using as wood. The fire tube boiler efficiency as calculated in annexure 1

Figure2.1: Lancashire boiler. 2.4.1 Boiler specfications Table 2.1: Boiler details Boiler name

Lancashire boiler(Thermax)

Operating pressure

10.34kg/cm2/180o C

Fuel used

Furnace oil



Steam temperature

170o C


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2.5 Operating Principle

Figure.2.2: Working Circuit of Thermax Boiler 

The fuel fired packaged boilers are specially designed for manual operation by

fireman. The furnace is fitted with specially designed heat resistant fire bars. Solid fuels are fed manually on the bars. Primary air flows into the furnace through the openings in the fire bars. The fire bars are so designed that they are kept cool by the cooling action of the primary air, secondary air flows into the furnace through the openings provided in front end of the furnace. The air imparts a circular motion to the flame and the combustion gasses. 

An induced draught fan maintains a negative pressure in the furnace. The unique

proportionating of the two streams of primary air and secondary air prevent the ash fusion and clinker formation. This also ensures complete combustion of the fuel. Semi/ wet- back chamber located in the rear of the furnace effectively absorbs the flames entering it, which ensures complete mixing of the gases prior to entering the second pass. Access door is provided on the rear wall of the chamber to facilitate quick removal of fly ash, thus avoiding chocking in the tubes. The front smoke box also ensures complete turn around and mixing of the gases prior to entering the third and final pass of the tubes. As all the useful heat is absorbed the thermal efficiency increases. The GCV of the fuel used is 3000-3500 kcals/kg. This boiler produces 3 tonnes of steam. In fig.3.2 The Working circuit of Thermax boiler is shown in figure 2.2.


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2.6 Boiler Parts 2.6.1. Water Float indicator In case of the automatic boiler water level is controlled through the a dual control which is a magnetically operated water level of the vertical type in a float chamber for external mountings on the steam boiler. One switch of the dial control operates the electric feed water pumps on/off. The figure.3.3 Shows the water float setting. The second switch cuts or locks out the ID and FD fan in case of low level alarm. In the event of low level, the same goes to be manually started.

Figure.2.3: Water Float Indicator

2.6.2. Thermostats In the automatic boiler, the thermostat is located at the top of the boiler pressure switch. The switch cuts off the ID and FD fan when the boiler pressure or temperature rises above pre – determined limit. This switch automatically switches on when the pressure or temperature falls by a pre-set amount.

2.6.3. Control Panel In case of an automatic boiler, a control panel is directly pre wired which includes the automatic controls for the feed water controller, switch gear with applicable fuses, switches and indicating lamps.


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2.6.4. Blow Down Valve

The boiler blow down is water intentionally wasted from a boiler to avoid concentration of impurities during continuous evaporation of steam. The blow down vavle shown in figure.3.4 The water is blown out of the boiler with some force by steam pressure within the boiler. In case automatic switch is not operational, this is done manually.

Figure.2.4: Blow Down Vavle. 2.6.5 Handholes and Manholes Handholes and Manholes provide maintenance personnel access into a boiler to inspect and clean it internally as needed. These Handholes and Manholes will be covered in depth when boiler maintenance is discussed later in this chapter. 2.6.6 Fusible plug Its function is to extinguish fire in the furnace of a boiler when the water level in the boiler fails ro an unsafe extent thereby preventing the explosion which may takes place furnace plate. 2.6.7 Feed check valve Feed check valve between the feed pump and the stop valve in the feed water pipe. Prevent











condensate/feedwater tank during the off cycle of the pump. 2.6.8 Feed stop valve In the feedwater line as close to the boiler as possible between the boiler and feed check valve. Permit or prevent the flow of water to the boiler. 2.6.9 Water level Indicator In function is to indicate level of water, it’s upper and open in steam space and lower and opens to water space. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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2.6.10 Pressure Gauge It is for indicating the pressure of the steam in a boiler. 2.6.11 Steam Stop Valve It stops or allows the flow of steam from the boiler to the steam pipe. 2.6.12 Blow Off Cock It is for removal of sediment periodically collected at the bottom of the boiler.

2.7 Boiler Fuel Nilgeri wood plenty available in the forests. This wood consists gross calorific valve is 3200kcal/kg. the cost of wood per kg is 3.57 Rs.

Figure2.5 : Nilgeri Wood Some of the advantages are: Economical and cheaper than other solid fuels.  Pollution free and non-hazardous.  Low ash content about 2% to 10% no fly ash when burning  Easy transportation and feeding.  Combustion is more uniform.


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2.8 Boiler Accessories 2.8.1 Economizer Economizer some of the heat recovered and sent back to the boilers in the feed water if an economizer is placed between the boiler and chimney. The waste fire gases flow outside the economizer tubes and heat is transferred to the fuel water which flows upward inside the tubes. The external surfaces of the tubes are kept free from soft by scrapers which travels slowly and continuously up and down the tubes. 2.8.2 Ash Control Equipment Mechanical multi-cyclone dust collector and multi air bag filter is provided to reduce particulate emission from the flue gases before exhausting through chimney at 30 meter height. Particulate emission after dust collection system will be less than 150ppm due to highly efficient tangential entry multi-cyclone provided in dust collector. Air bag filtration system provided with rayton bags further reduces the suspended particulate matter at outlet to less than 150(milligram per nano meter cube). Further high pressure air supplied from inside of bag filter removes ash and is collected at the bottom with the help of motorized rotary lock valve. Figure.2.6 shows the (ash control unit) means removing the solid particals from flue gass coming from boiler befor enter in to chimny.

Figure.2.6: Ash Control Equipment


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2.8.3 Steam Generation System Energy pack boilers are designed with 3-pass horizontal smoke tube having inbuilt furnace. Water level controller provided to ensure minimum water level inside the boiler and auto operation of feed water pump as per the steam generation. Furnace is designed to absorb maximum radiant heat generated from the combustion of briquette. After absorption of heat, the flue gases pass through the horizontal smoke tube releasing heat by convection. Inbuilt moisture separator provided to separate moisture content from steam to ensure 97% to 98% dry steam at the outlet. 2.8.4 Heat Recovery System Flue gas generated from the firing of briquette is free from sulphur content and hence flue gas temperature can be reduced to optimum level without having any corrosion problem at outlet of chimney.

Figure.2.7: Heat Recovery System

Accordingly energy pack steam generation system is designed with water preheater and air preheater. Part of the flue gases passes through water preheater to preheat the water by circulating pump in the water service tank. Water preheater will preheat the feed water by 30-40 (deg. Centigrade). Remaining flue gas is passed through air preheater to preheat the combustion air fed by forced draught fan and tube type heat exchangers. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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Combustion air will be preheated by 40-50(deg. Centigrade). The heat recovery system is designed to reduce the temperature of flue gases up to 120 deg. Centigrade. The figure.3.7 shows that Heat recovery system. 2.8.5 Feed pump Installed between the condensate/makeup/feedwater tank and the boiler shell or steam drum. Supplies water to boiler as required. According to actual evaporated water quantity the same amount needs to be feed in to the boiler generally water level in the drum is used for this case of once through type boiler it has to be connected with power level control. 2.8.6 Feedwater pipe This line extends from the discharge side of the feedwater pump to the boiler shell or drum. Provide feedwater to the boiler when required.

2.8.7 Ash Removal System Ash drop is provided in each furnace to collect ash on rear side of furnace manually by sliding ash door with the handle. Ash can be collected in trolley kept below the ash drop and conveyed for disposal. Both the smoke boxes are provided with hand hole with cover at bottom side to remove the ash collected in front and rear smoke box. Economiser and air pre heater are also provided with hand hole with cover at bottom side to remove the ash collected. 2.8.8 Chimney After the heat recovery system, the flue gases are directed towards the chimney situated outside the boiler house. The height and design of the chimney complies with existing smoke pollution act laws prevalent at the site. Steel chimney is constructed with adequate thickness to compensate for metal corrosion factors and weather conditions. Insulation is done with glass wool inside and aluminium sheets outside.  Stack cross sectional diameter 0.533  Stack diameter 0.824m  Temperature of flue gases 1120C  Ambient temperature 320C  Velocity of flue gas 9.62m/s


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Figure 2.8 Chimney

2.9 Testing of Gauge Glass  When the boiler is in operation, the steam cocks A, D and water cocks B, E are open and drain cock C is shut.  First shut both steam and water cocks A, D, B and E. Open drain cock C to prove that all the gauge cocks are in order. Then, with the drain cock C still open, cocks B and E should be opened. If water blows out freely from cock C, cocks B and E are clear.  Shut off cocks B and E and open cocks A and D with the drain cock C still open. If steam blows out freely from cock C, cocks A and D are clear.  To cross test, close cocks D and B, leaving E, A and C open. If water blows out from cock C, then E, A and the water-column are in order.  Close cocks E and A leaving D, B and C open. If steam blows out from cock C, then D, B and the water-column are in order.


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Figure 2.9 Testing of Gauge Glass The figure.2.9 shows that control of water by operating vavles for required process.

2.10. Steam Pressure Testing of Safety Valve  The safe operation of steam boiler depends on the correct functioning of the safety valve. The safety valve should be lifted daily with the easing gear to prevent sticking of valve seat and it should be pressure tested weekly as follows:  Shut off main steam stop valve.  Adjust steam pressure switch to a setting slightly higher than maximum permissible working pressure.  With boiler on maximum firing rate, observe the pressure gauge. When steam pressure reaches m.p.w.p., safety valve will automatically open to release steam pressure. That means safety valve is set correctly and working. Maximum permissible working pressure can be obtained from the Certificate of Fitness.


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 If the safety valve does not open when the steam pressure reaches the m.p.w.p., boiler should be stopped immediately, and the easing gear operated to release steam and lower the boiler pressure. Call the Appointed Examiner for examination immediately.

Figure.2.10: Steam Pressure Testing of Safety Valve

2.11 Flashing up Procedure  Check maximum permissible working pressure on pressure gauge fitted.  Check and close drain valves.  Open water and steam cocks of water gauge glass and shut its drain cock.  Clean and examine filter in feed water system.  Open feed water tank outlet valve, and ensure water level in tank is at least half the gauge glass.  Shut main steam stop valve and open air vent.  Switch on power supply. Feed water pump will automatically supply water to boiler till approximately half gauge glass.  Fuel, if briquette is supplied through the grate, if heavy diesel, it will circulate through fuel oil heater till the desired operating temperature reached.  The blower motor will start and purge furnace for at least 1-2 minutes to clear any combustible gas accumulated in the furnace and avoid a blow back.


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 The burner will be ignited according to an automatic sequence, initially at low fire rate.  When steam comes out from air vent, shut off air vent and switch to high fire rate. Steam pressure will gradually increase to normal working pressure.  Check gauge glass, safety valve, and all automatic safety devices to ensure they are functioning normally.  Open steam valve very slowly to permit warming through and draining of the cold steam pipes to avoid damage due to water hammer.


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2.12 BOILER 2: Cornish Boiler make AERW In this boiler single tube and internally firing and firing and flue gases flowing 3 pass and horizontal tube, medium pressure, artificial draft called Cornish boiler . Water surrounds the tubes through which hot combustion gases pass before venting to atmospheric through gas uptakes. Water converted into high pressure steam by transfer of heat from very high temperature combustion gases on water. Boilers are of fully automatic design as shown in figure 2.11. and this boiler efficiency calculation shown in annexure 2.

Figure 2.11: Cornish Boiler AERW 2.12.1 Specifications Table 2.2 Boiler details Boiler name

Cornish boiler AERW

Operating pressure

10.34 kg/cm2/180oC

Fuel used

Furnace oil



Steam temperature



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2.13 BOILER 3: Cornish Boiler make Forbes Marshall In this boiler single tube and horizontal firing and flue gases flowing 3pass and air flow into the boiler using ID fan and air and fuel mix together firing medium pressure, artificial draft called Cornish boiler. Water surrounds the tubes through which hot combustion gases pass before venting to atmosphere through gas uptakes. Water converted into high pressure steam by transfer of heat from very high temperature combustion gases on water. Boilers are fully automatic design as shown in figure 2.12. And this boiler efficiency calculations shown in annexure 3

Figure 2.12: Cornish Boiler make Forbes Marshall 2.13.1 Specifications Table 2.3 Boiler Details Boiler name

Cornish boiler (Forbes Marshall)

Operating pressure

10.34 kg/cm2/180oC

Fuel used

Furnace oil



Steam temperature



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2.14 BOILER 4: Cornish Boiler make Forbes Marshall In this single tube horizontal and internal firing firing and flue gases flowing 3 pass and medium pressure, artificial draft called Cornish boiler. Water surrounds the tubes through which hot combustion gases pass before venting to atmosphere through gas uptakes. Water converted into high pressure steam by transfer of heat from very high temperature combustion gases on water. And this boiler efficiency calculation shown in annexure 4. Boilers are fully automatic design as shown in figure 2.13

Figure 2.13: Cornish Boiler Forbes Marshall 2.14.1 Specifications Table 2.4: Boiler Details Boiler name

Cornish boiler (Forbes Marshall)

Operating pressure

10.34 kg/cm2/180oC

Fuel used

Furnace oil



Steam temperature



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2.15 BOILER 5: Cornish Boiler make Shellmax In this boiler single tube and horizontal firing and flue gases flowing 3pass and air flow into the boiler using ID fan and air and fuel mix together firing medium pressure, artificial draft called Cornish boiler. Water surrounds the tubes through which hot combustion gases pass before venting to atmosphere through gas uptakes. Water converted into high pressure steam by transfer of heat from very high temperature combustion gases on water. Boilers are fully automatic design as shown in figure 2.14. And this boiler efficiency calculations shown in annexure 5. Essential mounting include safety valve, steam pressure switch, pressure gauge, gauge glass, valve fittings, low-water level cut off and alarm devices etc.

Figure 2.14 Cornish Boiler Shellmax 2.15.1 Specifications Table 2.5: Boiler Details Boiler name

Cornish boiler (Shellmax)

Operating pressure

10.34 kg/cm2/180oC

Fuel used

Furnace oil



Steam temperature



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2.16 Furnace oil Moisture test:1000 ml round bottom flask 100 ml furnace oil 80 ml xylene + 20 ml Toluene 6-7 glass bites( to prevent bumping).Then it will be heated up in heating mention the vapours will be calling using condenser 1% is allowable.

Definition: a dark viscous residential obtained by blending mainly heavier component from crude distillation Unit Short Residue and clarified oil from fluidized catalytic cracker unit.

Nomenclature: Bunker fuel furnace oil fuel oil are other names for the same product through fuel oil is a General term applied to any oil used for generation of power or heat C Anil can included distillates and blends of digital ads and Residue such as light diesel oil.

Specification: furnace oil in the current marketing range meets Bureau of Indian Standards specifications IS 1593 1982 Perfume oils grade mv2 shown in table 2.6 and Cost Analysis of wood and furnace oil shown in table 2.7.

Table 2.6 Specification of Furnace oil SLNo. PARAMETER




Density at 15oC kg/m3




Flash Point (PMC), deg. C




Viscosity, kg/ms. 50oC




Calorific Value, gross Cal/kg 10200



Water Content %vol

1 max



Ash % wt

0.1 max



Sulphur, Total % wt




Pour point OC







Viscosity: viscosity is the most important characteristic in the furnace oil specification it influences the degree of preheat required for handling storage under satisfactory atomization if the oil is to viscous it may become difficult to pump burner may be hard to light under operation maybe erratic poor atomization may result in the carbon deposits on DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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the burner tips or on the walls the upper viscosity limit for furnace oil is such that it can be handled without heating in the storage tank is expecting under severe cold conditions . Preheating is necessary for proper atomization.

Flash point: as per the controller of explosives classification for nature in falls in the class ‘C’ category with minimum Flashpoint standard of 66 degree Celsius scenes Penskey martens closed cup method is used it is Apparent that a small quantity of low boiling point hydrocarbons is sufficient to lower the Flashpoint drastically. Pour point: It is very rough indication of the lowest temperature at which furnace iron is readily pump able in the specification the power point of furnace oil is not stipulated details shown in table 2.6 however for furnace iron manufactured indigenously and for imported parcels the PowerPoint is such that current supplies normally can be handled without heating the fuel oil handling installation.

2.17 Cost Analysis Table 2.7 Cost analysis for wood and furnace oil SL

Type of


Quantity Quantity


Cost of





of Steam

of Fuel

of Fuel


per Kg

cost of

Cost of




in Rs




per Hour

For 16




For 16

in kg

Hour in

Hour in

in Rs.

hour in

Hour in

























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CHAPTER 3 WATER TREATMENT SECTION 3.1 Boiler Feed Water Treatment Water consists of organic matter in solution or suspension, dissolved gases which are main causes of corrosion problems and other difficulties. The treatment and conditioning of boiler feed water must satisfy three main objectives:  Continuous heat exchange  Corrosion protection.  Production of high quality steam.  Continuous heat exchange.

External treatment: The reduction or removal of impurities from water outside the boiler. In general, external treatment is used when the amount of one or more of the feed water impurities is too high to be tolerated by the boiler system in question. There are many types of external treatment (softening, evaporation, deaeration, membrane contractors etc.) which can be used to tailor make feed-water for a particular system. Internal treatment: The conditioning of impurities within the boiler system. The reactions occur either in the feed lines or in the boiler proper. Internal treatment may be used alone or in conjunction with external treatment. Its purpose is to properly react with feed water hardness, condition sludge, scavenge oxygen and prevent boiler water foaming Feed water treatment is carried out for the following reasons To prevention of hard scale formation on the heating surfaces

To prevent heat loss due to scaling decreasing efficiency

To elimination of corrosion


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To prevention of silica deposition

3.2 Water Softener Mineral-rich water, or "hard water," is one of the leading causes for poor boiler performance. Hard water clogs the tubes and water side of your boiler system, leaving calcium scale deposits that can degrade over 30% boiler efficiency loss. Water softening systems eliminate hard water and scale build up by introducing soluble sodium compounds (rock salt, solar salt, and evaporated salt) to the water system. These sodium compounds replace calcium and magnesium compounds, effectively reducing lime hardness build up and increasing the life of boiler or heat exchanger. Water softener systems provide increased flow rates, additional capacity and continuous, uninterrupted softened water. Inside the water softener is a synthetic mineral which is petroleum by product called water flows over the resin, it attracts hardness minerals into exchange resin beads give off sodium which is absorbed into water. The resin bead exchanges only a specific amount of sodium. This is called softening capacity. Once the softening process is done salt water under goes regeneration process. Regeneration is simple consisting of drawing of salt water from a salt tank, introducing the salt to the exhausted mineral, rinsing the retained hardness down the drain and rinsing the excess sodium down the drain. Once this is completed softening process is started again.

3.3 Reverse Osmosis Process Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification technology that uses a semipermeable membrane to remove ions, molecules, and larger particles from drinking water. In reverse osmosis, an applied pressure is used to overcome osmotic pressure, a colligative property, that is driven by chemical potential differences of the solvent Reverse osmosis can remove many types of dissolved and suspended species from water, including bacteria, and is used in both industrial processes and the production of potable water. The result is that the solute is retained on the pressurized side of the membrane and the pure solvent is allowed to pass to the other side. To be "selective", this membrane should not allow large molecules or ions through the pores (holes), but should allow smaller components of the solution (such as solvent molecules) to pass freely. The water is first passed through a filter containing a layer of sand, gravel which separates the solid impurities in water. Then the water is sent to the filter cartridge. The DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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chemical maxtreat 9430 is added to the feed water that controls hardness, silica, mineral oil and oxides. After adding chemical to the water, RO system uses permeable membrane, spirally wound membrane housed inside round pressure vessel. Water pressure is applied at the membrane inlet to remove dissolved solids from the water the water is passed through the membrane until required hardness of water is obtained. The figure.4.1 shows that how the water is purification by using reverse osmosis process. The overall capacity of RO system is 8000 litres purified water obtained is around 5000 litres and 3000 litres of water containing salts, organic solvents is obtained which is then removed.

Figure 3.1 Reverse Osmosis Unit

Figure 3.2 RO Plant Flow Diagram

Several designs are available for making RO membrane and elements. These membrane devices are available in plate and frame, tubular and hollow fiber membrane module configuration.The lewabrane RO membrane elements from LANXESS are manufactured as “spiral wound RO membrane elements.” DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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The most common element device for RO membrane application is assembled according to spiral-wound configuration. The format provides the highest degree of packing density. The spiral- wound module uses flat sheets wound around a center pipe.

Figure.3.3: Element of RO membrane

The membrane are glued along three sides to form membrane leaves attached to a permeate channel (center pipe) placed along the unsealed edge of the membrane leaf. The internal side of the leaf contains a permeate spacer designed to support the membrane sheet without collapsing under pressure. This permeate spacer is porous and conducts permeate to the center pipe. A feed channel spacer (a net –like sheet) is placed between the leaves to define the feed channel height (typically round 1 mm) and provide mass transfer benefits. The membrane leaves are wound around the center pipe and given an outer casing as shown in Figure 3.3

3.4 DM Plant Demineralization is the process of removing mineral salts from water by using the ion exchange process. Demineralization the by ion –exchange process Ion exchange is the reversible interchange of ions between a solid (ion exchange material) and a liquid in which there is no permanent change in the structure of the solid . ion exchange is used in water treatment and also provides a method of separation for many processes involving other liquids. As shown in figure 3.4.Chemicals using HCL and caustic soda. It has special utility in chemical synthesis, medical research, food processing mining, DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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agriculture, and a variety of other areas. The utility of ion exchange rests with the ability to use and reuse the ion exchange material. Flow diagram as shown in figure 3.5. Demineralized water also known as Deionized water.Deionization is a physical process which uses specially-manufactured ion exchange resins which provides ion exchange site for the replacement of the mineral salts in water with water forming H+ and OH- ions. Because the majority of water impurities are dissolved salts , deionization produces a high purity water that is generally similar to distilled water, and this process is quick and without scale buildup.

Figure 3.4: DM plant The following ions are widely found in raw waters Cations anions Calcium Chloride Magnesium Bicarbonate Potassium Nitrate Sodium Carbonate ion Exchange resins.  Cation exchange resins will release hydrogen ions (H+) or other positively charged ions in exchange for impurity cations present in water.  Anion exchange resins will release hydroxyl(OH)ions or other negatively chargedions or exchange for impurity anions percent in water. The application of ion -exchange technology can be used in water treatment and purification. There are three ways in which ion-exchange technology can be used in water treatment and purification. Water of this quality can be produced by deionization. The two most common types of deionization are.


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1)two bed deionization. 2)mixed bed deionization

The two bed ionizer consist 0f two vessels-one containing a cation-exchange resin in the hydrogen (H+)FORM AND OTHER CONTAINING an anion resin in the hydroxyl (OH-)form . water flows through the cation column, whereupon all the cations are exchanged for hydrogen ions .to keep the water electrically balanced, her using this type of cation, two hydrogen ions are exchanged. Her using this type of DM PLANT REFER FIGURE3.4. The same principle applies when considering anion-exchange. The decationised water then flows through the anion column.

Figure 3.5: DM Plant Flow Diagram

This time all the negatively charged ions are exchanged for hydroxide ions which then combine with the hydrogen ions which then combine with the hydrogen ions to form water (H2O). In mixed bed deionizers the cation-exchange and anion exchange resins are DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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intimately mixed and contained in a single pressure vessel. the throgh mixture of cation exchangers and anion exchangers in a single column make a mixed bed deionizer equilent to a lengthyseries of two bed plants. 3.4.1 Activated carbon filter: Acts on the principle of adsorption which is a surface active phenomenon . It removes organic molecules to control color and removes free residual chlorine present in filter water (0.5ppm) the activated carbon filter contains gravels, fine sand and shown in figure 3.4 3.4.2 Degasifier: In water demineralization, a degasifier, or degasser, of often used to remove dissolved carbon dioxide cation exchange. The most common degassers are of the so-called forced draft or atmospheric type. As shown in figure 3.5

Limitations  Like other ion exchange systems, demineralizers require filter water in order to function efficiently.  Resin foulants and degarding agents, such as iron and chlorine, should be avoided or remove.  Anion resins are very susceptible to fouling and attack from the organic materials present in may surface water supplies .some form of silica, known as colloidal, or non-reactive.

3.4.5 Advantages  Improved aesthetics and rugged design.  User friendly, low maintainence and easy to install.  Simpler distribution and collection systems.  Pre dispatch assembly check.  Less power consumption.  Durable  Economical  High shelf life DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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CONCLUSION This industrial training helps to understand the actual working practice and process flow in diary industry and to gain practical experience and understanding of theoretical principles learnt as an undergraduate at the university on steam generator, refrigeration system and waste water treatment and bio gas plant in the company. The diary offers best quality milk which is pure and fresh. The company should lay emphasize on modernization and product diversification by which the company can meet the fast growing requirement of market. Performance of the boiler, like efficiency and evaporation ratio reduces with time, due to poor combustion, heat transfer fouling and poor operation, deterioration of fuel quality and water quality also leads to poor performance of boiler. The purpose of the performance test is to determine actual performance and efficiency of the boiler and compare it with design valves or norms. For tracking day-to-day and season-to-season variations in boiler efficiency and energy efficiency improvements. I would like thank the management of KOMuL for giving me this opportunity which helped me to improve my technical knowledge and skill. I would also like to thank all staff and guide members of KOMUL who have helped me in completing the internship successfully.


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REFERENCES 1. Nandini product plant details from www.kmfnandini,coop 3.Komul diary functional activities and milk procurement details from 4.Steam Boiler Operation by Bureau of energy efficiency. 5.Water purification process of RO and DM plant details from


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Annexure 1 Boiler 1: Lancashire boiler make by Thermax Calculations Heat output data Quantity of steam generated: 3500 kg/hour Steam pressure/ temperature: 7.35 bar/166.935°C Enthalpy of steam(dry and saturated) : 2765.58kj/kg Feed water temperature: 45 degree Celsius Enthalpy of water: 188.4 kilo joule per kg

Heat input data Quantity food consumed for 16:00 hours: 13000 kg Quantity of food consumed: 812.5 kg per hour GCV of coal gross calorific value: 13388.8 kilo joule per kg

Boiler Efficiency (ɳ)= ms*(h1-h2) mf*GCV Where ms= quantity of steam generated per hour ( kg/hr ) mf = quantity of fuel used per hour ( kg/hr ) GCV = gross calorific value of the fuel (KJ/kg) h1 = enthalpy of steam (KJ/kg) h2 = enthalpy of feed water

Boiler Efficiency (ɳ)= 3500*(2765.58-188.4)*3600*100 3600*812.5*13388.8 ɳ=82.91% Evaporation ratio = 3500 kg of steam / 812.5 kg of wood Evaporation ratio = 4.3

Note: 1 KJ/kg = 0.238846 kcal/ kg 1 kcal/kg = 4.1868 KJ/ kg DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,CBIT KOLAR

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Annexure 2 Boiler 2: Cornish boiler make AERW Calculations Heat output data Quantity of steam generated: 1600kg/hour Steam pressure/ temperature: 6.55 bar/161.229°C Enthalpy of steam (dry and saturated) : 2759.435kJ/kg Feed water temperature: 45 degree Celsius Enthalpy of water: 188.4 kilo joule per kg

Heat input data Quantity food consumed for 16:00 hours: 2135 liters Quantity of food consumed: 133.3 LPH GCV of coal gross calorific value: 42676.8 kJ/kg

Boiler Efficiency (ɳ)= ms*(h1-h2) mf*GCV Where ms= quantity of steam generated per hour ( kg/hr ) mf = quantity of fuel used per hour ( kg/hr ) GCV = gross calorific value of the fuel (KJ/kg) h1 = enthalpy of steam (KJ/kg) h2 = enthalpy of feed water

Boiler Efficiency (ɳ)= 1600*(2759.435-188.4)*3600*100 3600*133.3*42676.8 ɳ=72.31%

Evaporation ratio = 1600 kg of steam / 133.3 kg of wood furnace oil Evaporation ratio = 12.0


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Annexure 3 Boiler 3: Cornish boiler make Forbes Marshall Calculations Heat output data Quantity of steam generated: 1800kg/hour Steam pressure/ temperature: 9.31bar/176.8122°C Enthalpy of steam (dry and saturated): 2773.026kJ/kg Feed water temperature: 45 degree Celsius Enthalpy of water: 188.4 kilo joule per kg

Heat input data Quantity food consumed for 16:00 hours: 2400 liters Quantity of food consumed: 150LPH GCV of coal gross calorific value: 42676.8 kJ/kg

Boiler Efficiency (ɳ)= ms*(h1-h2) mf*GCV Where ms= quantity of steam generated per hour ( kg/hr ) mf = quantity of fuel used per hour ( kg/hr ) GCV = gross calorific value of the fuel (KJ/kg) h1 = enthalpy of steam (KJ/kg) h2 = enthalpy of feed water

Boiler Efficiency (ɳ)= 1800*(2773.026-188.4)*3600*100 3600*150*42676.8 ɳ=72.67%

Evaporation ratio = 1800 kg of steam / 150 kg of furnace oil Evaporation ratio = 12.0


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Annexure 4 Boiler 4: Cornish boiler make Forbes Marshall Calculations Heat output data Quantity of steam generated: 2800kg/hour Steam pressure/ temperature: 9.31bar/176.8122°C Enthalpy of steam (dry and saturated): 2773.026kJ/kg Feed water temperature: 45 degree Celsius Enthalpy of water: 188.4 kilo joule per kg

Heat input data Quantity food consumed for 16:00 hours: 3450 liters Quantity of food consumed: 215LPH GCV of coal gross calorific value: 42676.8 kJ/kg

Boiler Efficiency (ɳ)= ms*(h1-h2) mf*GCV Where ms= quantity of steam generated per hour ( kg/hr ) mf = quantity of fuel used per hour ( kg/hr ) GCV = gross calorific value of the fuel (KJ/kg) h1 = enthalpy of steam (KJ/kg) h2 = enthalpy of feed water

Boiler Efficiency (ɳ)= 2800*(2773.026-188.4)*3600*100 3600*215*42676.8 ɳ=78.88%

Evaporation ratio = 2800 kg of steam / 215 kg of furnace oil Evaporation ratio = 13.0


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Annexure 5 Boiler 5: Cornish boiler make Shellmax Calculations Heat output data Quantity of steam generated: 4750kg/hour Steam pressure/ temperature: 9.31bar/176.8122°C Enthalpy of steam (dry and saturated): 2773.026kJ/kg Feed water temperature: 45 degree Celsius Enthalpy of water: 188.4 kilo joule per kg

Heat input data Quantity food consumed for 16:00 hours: 5847 liters Quantity of food consumed: 365.3LPH GCV of coal gross calorific value: 42676.8 kJ/kg

Boiler Efficiency (ɳ)= ms*(h1-h2) mf*GCV Where ms= quantity of steam generated per hour ( kg/hr ) mf = quantity of fuel used per hour ( kg/hr ) GCV = gross calorific value of the fuel (KJ/kg) h1 = enthalpy of steam (KJ/kg) h2 = enthalpy of feed water

Boiler Efficiency (ɳ)= 4750*(2773.026-188.4)*3600*100 3600*365.3*42676.8 ɳ=78.74%

Evaporation ratio = 4750 kg of steam / 365.3 kg of furnace oil Evaporation ratio = 13.0


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