Interpersonal Conflict

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 33
Inter per sonal Conf li ct

Presented by Prof. Md. Abdul Hannan MIA


Oct 14, 2008


Interpersonal Conflict Interpersonal Conf lict ref ers to the mani fe stati on of incompati bi li ty, di sagreement, or di ff erence betw een two or more interacti ng indi vi duals. Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Prisoner ’s Dilemma A



Not Confess



10 , 4

Not Confess

4, 10

2, 2

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Pris oners D ilemma

• Dil emm a in in te rp erso nal confli ct • Co nfe ssing imp lic ate once confederate • No t c onfessin g imp li cate wo rse n o ff Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Causes of I nterper sonal Conflict

Di fficul ty in m ak ing a deci si on because of li mi ted re sources • Lack of m ut ual trust and conf idence

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Confl ict Goldman’ s (1966) Model

C ycle

1. In it iat ing E ve nt 2. In flu en ci ng Eve nt 3. Co ncl ud in g eve nt Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Confl ict Pondy’ s (1967) 5 stage Model

1. La ten t Con fl ict 2. Pe rce iv ed Con fl ict 3. Fe lt Co nfl ic t 4. ma ni fes te d Con fl ict 5. Co nfl ic t Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Model o f Interp ersonal Conf lict Wal ton and Duttons’ (19 69) Model 1. Dete rmin ants o f

confli ct 2. Att ributes o r manifesta tio n o f confli ct 3. Conse quences o f the re latio nsh ip pattern o f organiza tio nal Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Model o f Interp ersonal Conf lict Tho mas’ s (1976) Process Model

1. Fr ust ra ti on 2. Con ce ptu al iza ti on 3. Be hav io r 4. Ou tc ome Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems







BEHAVORIAL CHANGES Trusting relationship Goal of Wining Less prepared to contribute Use of win-lose Dominating style


Win-lose-Negotiator Group conflict- Formation of group Superior-subordinate conflictHigher or lower level involvement


Structure of of Communication Oral Written Use of media

Bargaining & Compromising –Loser Integrating & Problem solvim Reduce psychological Distance

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems


• Antecedent Condi ti ons (s ource of Conf li ct) 1. Proces s 2. Structur e 3. Demographi c factors Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems


• Conf li ct

1. Behav ioral Changes 2. Structur al Formati on Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Model • Decision P rocess 1. Win-lose a. pr oble m s olving met hod wi ll not be used r ather a medium of negotiatio nbarg ainin g Forma l and le ngthy barg ainin g b. Me dia tor Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Model • Decision P rocess a. pr oble m s olving met hod wi ll not be used r ather a medium of negotiatio nbarg ainin g Forma l and le ngthy barg ainin g b. Me dia tor Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Model • Conflict Af termat h Futu re relat ionship and at titude t oward s each other 1. if bargaining and compr omis ing is us ed both part y per ceive to b e a lo ser • if one party is clear ly a los er, may hav e anta gonistic felling – Behavioral change or change in or ganizat io nal Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Model • Conflict Af termat h 1. if I nt egrat in g o r problem so lving st yle is u sed a. Psy chologic al distance wi ll be r educed b. Exchange of informat ion and more commu nic ation c. Gre ater commit ment to agre eme nt betw een parti es Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems


1. Behav ioral Changes 2. Structur al Formati on

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Consequences of Interpersonal Conflict

1. Greater satisfaction 2. Organizational Effectiveness 3. Organizational commitment 4. A set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone occupying a given position in a social unit. Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Managing Interpersonal Conflict

•Diagnosis •Intervention Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems


•Self Report •Observation •Interview Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems


•Self Report •Observation •Interview Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems



Style of interpersonal conflict Factors that affect the style Effectiveness of the individual member Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems



• Style uses by whom, where. • What behavioral style they use • Relationship of styles to situations and effectiveness

•Norms Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems



Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Intervention •Process •Structure Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems


Transaction Analysis A tool for understanding behaviors, interactions. Three aspects of TA 3. Structural or personality aspect 4. Transactional analysis Proper 5. Life position Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Structural or personality aspect

Study of ego status There are three ego status 1. Parent 2. Adult 3. Child Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Parent Reflects the attitude value, and behavior of authority figures. This state may include prejudicial, Critical, Manipulative, nurturing attitudes. Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Adult Ego Reflects the rational parts of personality. This state values information, reasonable basis, evidences etc. This state assumes that human beings are rational, reasonable and equal. Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Child Ego Reflects experiences and conditions of early childhood. This state implies that individual thinks behaves just the way as he or she did as a child

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

TA Proper

1. Complementary transition (transaction occurs within appropriate ego state: PP, AA, CC, PC, AC,PA) 2. Uncomplimentary transaction (transaction occurs within different ego state) 3. Ulterior transaction (A transaction is indicated to be at on level PP) but actual placement is at another level (PC). Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

Life Position

In a transaction one party tends to be dominated by one of the 4 life positions 1. PC OK-Wrong 2. CP Wrong – Ok 3. AA OK-OK 4. CC Wrong-Wrong Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems


structural interventions are of two types 1. Appeal to Authority 2. The Ombudsman-An ombudsman is a mediator who ensure fair and just application of rules and regulation. Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia Department of Management Information Systems

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