Internship Manual

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INTERNSHIP HANDBOOK BSc(Hons) Tourism, Leisure & Recreation Management

TABLE OF CONTENTS  Introduction…………………………………………………………… …………………………  Policies and Procedures…………………………………………… ………………….  Internship Protocol………………………………………………… ………………………

Page 4 5 5



 Application Process Time Line…………………………………… ………………  Student Goals and Objectives…………………………………… ……………….  Organisation / Company Selection…………..………………… …………….  Ethics…………………………………………………………………… ………………………………  Remuneration………………………………………………………… ………………………..  Assignments and Paperwork…………………………………… …………………  Grading and Evaluation…………………………………………… ……………………  Internship Responsibilities………………………………………… ……………….. * Student……………………………………………………………… …………………………… * Organisation……………………………………………………… ………………………….. * University…………………………………………………………… …………………………..

6 7 7 8 8 9 12 13 13 16 17

 Handling Conflicts……………………………………………….… ………………………




Appendix A: Internship Proposal / Initial Report



      

Appendix B: Student’s Monthly Report Appendix C: Student’s Monthly Log (Sample Form) Appendix D: Student’s Midterm Evaluation of Internship Appendix E: Organisation / Site Supervisor’s Midterm Evaluation of Student Appendix F: Intern Experience Evaluation of Internship Appendix G: Supervisor’s Final Evaluation of Student Appendix H: Final Report / Project Guidelines


23 25 26 28 31 35 38


IN T R O D U C T I O N The internship is the capstone course of the BSc (Hons) Tourism, Leisure and Recreation Management, new sandwich programme offered by the University of Mauritius. The internship provides the student with the opportunity for professional experience in his/her option area. It is a 6 credit hour course, which is completed over the course of 20 weeks during the Semester VI of the course. During the internship the student is provided the opportunity to apply knowledge to practice. The internship is based on the philosophy that course work and theory, when supplemented with a variety of observations and hands-on work experiences, will provide the student with the opportunity to enhance his/her professional development and increase understanding and appreciation of the profession. The internship is a bridge for the student between the academic present and the professional future. It is a three-way partnership between the student, the internship organisation, and the university. All parties in the relationship assume definite responsibilities, perform specific functions, and achieve benefits as a result of the involvement. The major objectives of the internship may be summarized as follows:  To increase the student’s knowledge of the profession.  To provide opportunities for the student to apply knowledge and skill acquired in academic settings.  To provide experiences this will help in a self-evaluation in respect to strengths, weaknesses, and personal standards.  To facilitate the development of professional ethics


 To enable the student to develop new skills in leadership, supervisory and administrative roles.  To expand the student’s opportunities for affiliation with professional in the field.  To provide the organisation with an opportunity to contribute to the professional preparation of the student.  To develop and strengthen liaisons between the student, the university and the organisation.


PO LICIES AND PROCE DU RE S Students must submit an internship proposal to the internship coordinator for approval. The co-ordinator will evaluate the proposal on the following criteria: Complete and accurate information; adherence to Departmental Policies and Requirements; appropriate documentation when required; a 6 month plan outlining the intern experience with the following components:  departmental expectations  student goals  what the organisation offers Eligibility Requirements Prior to registering for the 6 months Internship students must: • have successfully completed all required course work; • have turned in and had approved all forms and documentation required for internship. Credits Students who enroll in the Practical Internship must register for six (6) credits. Time Schedule The internship must begin at the end of Semester IV and end at the end of Semester V Interns are expected to conform to the work and holiday schedule of the organisation at which they are interning. INTERNSHIP PROTOCOL • This internship experience is available to students of BSc(Hons) Tourism, Leisure & Recreational Management sandwich programme and who are in good academic standing at the Faculty of Law and Management. • Eligibility will be determined, in advance, by the student’s Programme Coordinator.


• Interns must receive approval from their Coordinator, PRIOR to the actual field experience.


• Internship must be full-time, and not less than the period of time specified (six months). • Internship should be compatible with the student’s chosen career specialization within the degree programme. SECTION INTERNSH




APPLICATION PROCESS TIME-LINE The following Guidelines are provided for your planning: PRIOR TO THE START OF YOUR INTERNSHIP: 3 MONTHS OR SOONER ♦ Submit an Internship Eligibility Approval Form (Internship proposal - Appendix A) to the Internship Coordinator. [For only those are searching for an internship on their own]. ♦ Choose a few agencies for possible sites. You may discuss with your Programme Coordinator of possible acceptable organizations to choose from. 6-7 WEEKS ♦ Prepare a professional acceptable Resume. Submit to Internship Coordinator and organizations. Attend a few interviews. ♦ Try to secure an internship and submit internship proposal (Appendix A) to Programme Coordinator 3-4 WEEKS ♦ Make sure to attend the Orientation session at the University to understand all the details of the internship; -7-

especially what work and behavioural standards are required of you as students of the University of Mauritius. ♦ Make sure all arrangements have been made and confirmed with your internship organization/site and the Programme Coordinator and/or Internship Supervisor. ♦ Make sure you know the name of the organization, the supervisor as well as your internship supervisor at the University.

STUDENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Clearly stated goals and objectives will allow you, your faculty and agency supervisor to better evaluate the effectiveness of the Internship Experience. You are required to prepare a ‘joint’ set of goals and objectives with your agency supervisor in the first week of your internship. These ‘joint’ goals and objectives should be typewritten and signed by the agency supervisor. One copy is to be submitted to the appropriate faculty internship supervisor within five (5) working days of the beginning of the internship. These will be graded and returned to you, a copy will be retained in your file. GOALS Written goals should be 1) observable, 2) measurable, and 3) attainable. Goals should be broad based and focus on what you, as the student, will learn from the experience. These goals may be perceived as broad statements of intent and will serve as guidelines to help you maintain a focus throughout the field experience. OBJECTIVES Objectives are specific statements or examples of how you will accomplish these goals. They should reflect actions or behaviors


that are measurable … they may describe what, when, where, with whom and/or how well the task/behavior is to be performed. Upon completion of the field experience, you should be able to examine your objectives and determine the extent to which you have met those intentions. Example of Goals and Objectives: Goal – To demonstrate skill in Program Planning Appropriate Objectives to meet this Goal may be: 1. 2. 3.

Plan a special event Prepare and coordinate a workshop/seminar. Coordinate and plan a leisure / recreation activity.

ORGANISATION / COMPANY SELECTION You can choose your organization for the internship. It is recommended that you talk to the Programme Coordinator and fellow students to help determine which organisation will serve as the best possible host for your internship. Choosing an organisation that is compatible with your career goals will allow your experience to be more beneficial, and more fun. ETHICS Prior to accepting an internship placement, the student will have arrived at a philosophy and set of “moral principles or values” that are the basis for his or her behavior in personal and professional life. Each person operates under some type of rationale, but inconsistencies often arise when one is called upon to defend a position or when one is under pressure or faced with serious decisions. Part of the educational process is the sorting out of these inconsistencies and achieving honesty and integrity as both a person and a professional. As an intern, the individual must accept the responsibilities and obligations of a professional staff member and adhere to the principles, practices and policies of the Cooperating Institution. The student should become familiar with any written code of ethics or professional standards of the Cooperating Institution. If


none exists, the student may wish to prepare a draft code as part of his or her experience. He or she should understand the nature or privacy, confidentiality and human respect which are prime factors in internship work. Even as a student, he or she is a representative of the leisure services or travel and tourism professions as well as University of Mauritius and, as such, is governed by its professional practices. A breach of ethics may have consequences detrimental to the clients, the Cooperating Institution, the student, and the University. It is expected that the intern will respect and acknowledge cultural and religious differences. Any variance from this position is cause for immediate concern, and could ultimately result in termination of the internship experience. The intern is also obligated to comply with any confidentiality and other professional policies established by the cooperating institution. In all instances, the student should conduct himself or herself as a professional individual. Professional ethics should extend to writing reports, exchanging information, and interacting with staff and clients, and should guide the student in respecting and dealing with the people with whom he or she comes into contact. REMUNERATION 1.

The Student – University of Mauritius does not require that a student be paid during the internship. Students should understand that financial compensation is neither guaranteed nor is it a prime consideration in the internship program. It is possible that resources may be made available by the Cooperating Institution to provide room and/or board or a stipend to the student.


The Internship Supervisor – University of Mauritius does not provide honoraria or similar compensation to the supervisor or agency involved in the internship program. ASSIGNMENTS AND PAPERWORK DURING


Week 1 – First week of July ♦ Internship Proposal / Initial Report (Appendix A): Student Goals and Objectives Week 5 – First week of August ♦ Report II (Include Monthly Log of hours and duties) – Appendix B & C Week 9 – First week of September ♦ Report III (Include Monthly Log of hours and duties) – Appendix B & C Week 13 – First week of October ♦ Report IV (Include Monthly Log of hours and duties) – Appendix B & C ♦ Mid-Term Performance Evaluation (by student & Organisation/site Supervisor) – Appendix D & E Week 17 – First week of November ♦ Report V (Include Monthly Log of hours and duties) – Appendix B & C Week 21 – First week of December ♦ Report VI (Include Monthly Log of hours and duties) – Appendix B & C Week 24 – End of December ♦ Report VII (Include Monthly Log of hours and duties) – Appendix B & C ♦ Intern Experience Evaluation – Appendix F ♦ Supersivor’s Final Performance Evaluation – Appendix G ♦ Final Report / Project – Appendix H Final Report / Project must be submitted




EXPLANATION OF ASSIGNMENTS Each student will be assigned a faculty internship supervisor before they go on their experience. All correspondence will be with the faculty member. All assignments are to be turned in by the non-negotiable due-dates. Work these out with your faculty internship supervisor. This may require finishing projects ahead of time if you are relying on the postal service. Consult with your faculty internship supervisor for those assignments that will be accepted via email or fax (230) 465 6906. The student will be assigned a course grade at the end of the internship. GRADING PROCEDURES The Internship is graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. The grade is assigned by your university supervisor. The student’s final grade for the internship experience will be based upon the following: GRADING SCHEME Assessment Criteria

M arks

Internship Proposal [Initial Report] (Appendix A) Monthly Reports & Monthly logs (Appendix B & C) Student Midterm Evaluation of Internship (Appendix D) Organisation / site supervisor Midterm Evaluation of Student (Appendix E) Intern Experience Evaluation of Internship (Appendix F) Supervisor’s Final Evaluation (Appendix G) / Confidential Personal Evaluation by Student [Narrative] (see page 14) Final Report / Project (Appendix H) TOTAL

10 60



25 20 10 25 50 200

=6 credits

All forms must be filled out in their entirety, and submitted by set dates. For those who have searched an organization on their own: ♦ Eligibility and Approval Form (3 months prior) ♦ Job description on Organisation Letterhead (4-5 weeks prior) ♦ Organisation Acceptance Form (4-5 weeks prior) RESUME AND COVER LETTER A professionally acceptable resume and cover letter must be submitted to the Internship Coordinator for approval prior to submission to any organisation. REPORTS AND EVALUATIONS All reports should be professionally prepared and submitted to your faculty internship supervisor. Reports should be typed using double spacing with one-inch margins. Please proofread your reports before submitting to the Organisation Supervisor. Reports are due in the office of the Internship Supervisor on the agreed upon due date. Monthly log sheets (signed by the Organisation supervisor) accurately reporting hours worked and duties performed should be sent via regular mail or faxed. (Note: If the supervisor is not available to sign, find an assistant who is familiar with you and the internship to sign for them, and make a note of this). Reports may be sent via email/fax, but it is the student’s responsibility to assure that the reports are completed. REPORT I (Initial Report – Appendix A) NOTE: Remember to submit your Monthly LOG SHEETS, signed by your site Supervisor, with each report!!! REQUIRED REPORTS MONTHLY REPORTS: This form (Appendix B) is to be completed every month by your Organisation / site supervisor. It must be mailed (do not fax) to your university supervisor. These reports are crucial to the evaluation of your internship experience. Please make sure that your Organisation / site supervisor is submitting them in a timely manner.


MONTHLY CONTACT LOG: You are required to initiate contact with your university supervisor at least every month to apprise him/her of your progress. The preferred method of contact is email. If you have no e-mail access during your internship, you must arrange a time for monthly phone contact. Please keep a record of your contact (Appendix C) to submit to the department. MIDTERM EVALUATION OF INTERNSHIP: There is a Student Midterm Evaluation of Internship and an Agency Supervisor Midterm Evaluation of Student Intern (Appendices D & E). These forms must be completed and submitted to your university supervisor at the end of week thirteen of the internship. The organization / site supervisor completes Appendix D and discusses it with you, the intern. You complete Appendix C and submit it to your university supervisor. It is your responsibility to provide your organization / site supervisor with Appendix D so that he/she may return it on time. INTERN EXPERIENCE EVALUATION OF INTERNSHIP: The student must complete this form (Appendix F) to assess the quality of the internship assigned by the department and to help make recommendations for future interns. SUPERVISOR’S FINAL EVALUATION FORM: The organization / site supervisor must complete this form (Appendix G) and submit it to your university supervisor during your last week of internship. It is your responsibility to provide your agency supervisor with the form and check to be sure it has been mailed to your university supervisor in a timely manner. Your internship grade depends on this form being turned in. FINAL PROJECT Each Intern, in cooperation with his or her organization / site supervisor, is expected to design and complete a special project of significance and lasting value to the organisation. (Appendix H). In order for this project to produce maximum benefits to the intern, the nature and scope of the project should be consistent with the student’s educational background and career goals. This project is substantial and comprehensive as it is worth 25% of your final grade.


Final Projects are due three weeks after the last day of the internship experience or before. Grades will be submitted once the final project is completed. GRADING AND EVALUATION Your grade will be a direct reflection of the amount of time and energy you put into your experience and the given assignments. Each assignment is allotted a certain number of points.


RE SPO NSI BILITIES ST UD EN T’S RE SP ON SIBILITIES : Towards the University: 1. To obtain a copy of the Internship Handbook and be knowledgeable of all material therein. 2. To turn in the signed Student Agreement Form. 3. To attend the mandatory orientation meeting prior to being enrolled in the internship (Semester V) 4. To develop goals and objectives with the Organization / Site Supervisor during the first week of the service. 5.

To keep track of and record the hours worked at the field experience site, include total hours for the report period.

6. To complete monthly reports and turn in to faculty internship supervisor. 7.

All reports, goals and objectives, and evaluations must be signed by the Organization / Site supervisor or their representative, before being submitted to the faculty internship supervisor.


To complete and submit a final report and Organization / Site evaluation and submit it to faculty internship supervisor within five days of the completion of the experience.


To complete the appropriate final project and submit it on or before the indicated due date.

Towards the Organisation: 1. To understand the field experience assignment professional experience, and to perform accordingly.


2. To conform to the regulations and policies of the organisation.



3. To be a vital member of the organisation, ask questions, provide input, make evaluations as requested. 4. To be well groomed and appropriately dressed for all field experience assignments. 5. To notify organization / site supervisor, in advance when possible, of any absences or tardiness from scheduled work hours. 6. To accept the organisation’s philosophy, methods, leadership and programs. To provide suggestions if requested by the organization / site supervisor. 7. To consult with the organization / site supervisor in the event of any problems or concerns related to field experience. 8. To complete all assignments and responsibilities as requested by the faculty internship supervisor. 9.

To provide the organization / site supervisor with all necessary paper work and forms at least one week in advance of the due dates so evaluations and other responsibilities may be completed. It is student’s responsibility to see that paper work is completed on time.

10.To provide the organization / site supervisor with a letter of resignation and appreciation for the experience upon completion of the field experience. A signed copy of this letter is to be turned in to the faculty internship supervisor upon completion of the experience. 11.To provide the organization with a copy of the final project upon completion of the field experience. RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENT EVALUATION PURPOSES 1.




COMPLETE INITIAL REPORT (Appendix A) – in cooperation with the Intern Supervisor. This form MUST be completed by the end of the first week of the internship period.



MONTHLY LOG (Appendix C)– The student must prepare, on a monthly basis, a brief (2-4 pages) report describing and discussing the following: a. b. c. d. e. f.

assignments and responsibilities, insights about professionalism, discoveries about the needs and trends of the profession, problems encountered and how they were dealt with, accomplishments, and the degree to which objectives are being met

The report should emphasize the student’s reactions to and reflections on the work situation in addition to a description of the month’s activities. A guideline for the log can be found in Appendix C. 3.

STUDENT EVALUATION OF INTERNSHIP SITE – Students are required to complete a Student Evaluation of their Internship Site (Appendix F).


CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL EVALUATION – Students are to complete a paper summarizing their internship experience. This paper is to be sent directly to the University Internship Supervisor. The evaluation provides a means for the intern to speak frankly about the internship, both personally and professionally. If the Cooperating Institution Supervisor wishes to find out about the intern’s reactions to the internship, it should be approached through either a one-on-one meeting, or as an additional piece written by the intern for the Cooperating Institution. There is no page limit for the narrative, however, it should reflect the following as succinctly as possible. a. Ability of the intern to accomplish initial objectives for the internship program and a discussion of the degree to which they were achieved. Provide an explanation of why certain objectives were not achieved. Include a selfanalysis in terms of professional and personal growth, development of competencies, surfacing of strengths and limitations, emerging attitudes and values, facility to develop interpersonal relationships, crystallization of


career objectives, feelings of increased/decreased confidence and assertiveness, and satisfaction/dissatisfaction with career choice. b. Description of the Cooperating Institution, with particular emphasis on the specific unit, department, or program to which you were assigned or which occupied most of your hours on site. c. Description of the contributions you made during your internship (e.g programs developed, materials written or designed, activities initiated, assistance in in-service training, job analysis). d. General overview of the types of tasks you performed and the opportunities you had for administrative, supervisory, programming and activity leadership involvement at the site. e. Discussion of problems or difficulties encountered, personal and otherwise. Describe approaches you used to mediate adverse or problematic situations. f. Recommendations and suggestions for improving the internship program.

ORGANISATION RESPONSIBILITIES Towards the student: 1. To complete and sign the Organisation Acceptance Form by the due date. 2.

To confer with and assist the student in the development of measurable goals and objectives within the first week of the internship experience.


To complete and submit a midterm and a final performance evaluation of the student on the provided forms, by the published due dates.



To read and sign all student reports and projects before they are submitted to the University. Signing these papers indicates that you have read them and that you acknowledge student hours worked as indicated.


To be available or have agency personnel available to meet with the field experience student as needed. StudentSupervisor meetings are vital for students to broaden their understanding of tourism, leisure, recreation services. (The university strongly recommends the scheduling of weekly meetings between agency supervisor and the student throughout the field experience.)


To make available to the student access to company policy statements, handbooks, and manuals and to provide a work area (e.g computer, desk or copier) adequate for completing the tasks assigned.

ORGANISATION RESPONSIBILILTIES: Towards the University: 1. To designate as organization / site supervisor the staff member responsible for planning, coordinating and implementing the internship experience. 2. To advise the University of Mauritius of any changes in policy, staff, or operations that may affect the field experience student. 3. To provide the University of Mauritius with current materials pertaining to the internship setting. 4. To notify the University of any problems regarding the field experience student or the conduct of the experience that may adversely affect the student, the Organisation, or the University. 5. To terminate any field experience of a student, whose health or performance poses a significant danger to the organisation, it’s employees, participants, or other with whom the student


comes in contact. The Organisation agrees to promptly notify the University of Mauritius of any such terminations. 6. To review, evaluate, and recommend a grade for mid-term and final performance appraisal of student.

UNIVERSITY RESPONSIBILITIES Towards the student: 1. To provide assistance in the search of an appropriate internship experience site. 2. To cooperate with arrangements.






3. To evaluate periodic reports and all paperwork/projects related to the conduct of the internship experience. 4. To talk with the Organisation / Site Supervisor at least once during the semester. 5. To provide feedback to the student regarding the internship experience upon completion of all student assignments and receipt of the agency’s evaluation of the student. Towards the Organisation: 1. To establish and maintain communication with the organization / site supervisor. 2. To provide necessary student information to the organization / site supervisor. 3. To provide, through the Internship Handbook, all necessary forms and paperwork for completion of organization responsibilities. 4. To designate a faculty member who will help plan, coordinate, and implement the internship experience.


5. To terminate any internship experience of a student whose health or performance poses a significant danger to the Organisation, its employees, participants, or others with whom the student comes in contact. The University of Mauritius agrees to promptly notify the Organisation of any such terminations. HANDLING CONFLICTS Even though the faculty completes a selective process in approving an internship site and an organization / site supervisor, conflicts may arise. Some conflicts develop because of a misunderstanding regarding expectations, scheduling, philosophies, etc. Generally, most conflicts can be resolved quickly student and the organization / site supervisor. On occasion, a more serious conflict may develop (e.g ethics, professionalism). It is very important that you let your faculty internship supervisor know when a major problem develops so that you and subsequent students at the agency are able to have a position learning experience. If this happens, these guidelines should help you resolve the conflict. 1. Put the incident into focus by clarifying in writing what you see the conflict to be. Be objective and look at the issue from all sides. Acknowledge your contribution to the problem. This self-evaluation may in fact resolve any issue. 2. Ask for a meeting with your supervisor, if necessary to discuss your concerns. When you meet, utilize your written notes, which indicates you are seeking a constructive resolution. It is usually to your advantage to ask your supervisor for help with a problem you are experiencing. Even if you perceive you supervisor to be the cause of the conflict, do not verbally attack or accuse your supervisor of being the source of that problem. Remain objective and do not become defensive even if your supervisor becomes accusatory towards you. 3. The meeting may be sufficient to resolve the problem. If so, discuss the problem and its resolution in your periodic report. If the conflict is not resolved or escalates, contact your faculty internship supervisor. Depending on the situation, several options for dealing with the conflict are available.


4. You and the organisation / site supervisor meet again to attempt to resolve the conflict. 5. You, the organisation / site supervisor and your faculty internship supervisor meet to attempt to resolve the conflict. 6. The agency supervisor and your faculty internship supervisor meet to attempt to resolve the conflict. 7.

Rarely, but it has happened, a student will terminate the experience because of an impasse in resolving the problem. If so, each case such as this will be handled on an individual basis and subsequent arrangements will be worked out. This is a last resort option.

8. Your faculty internship supervisor will not meet with the agency supervisor unless you agree to the meeting. You will not be placed in the middle between faculty and agency supervisors.


S e c t i o n I I: IN T ER N S H I P






INTERNSHIP PROPOSAL / INITIAL REPORT Complete form below and attach to this form a report answering all the questions. Questions must be answered in full sentences, and clarification and/or additional explanation must be given when necessary. Your report must be typed and presented as a formal report. This proposal and the 6-months plan must be approved prior to making commitments (verbal or written) to intern at an organisation. PAR T I NAME: STUDY AREA:












PAR T III Directions: Please type your responses on a separate page(s). Repeat the item and then type your response. Include in your typed report questions 1-5. Answer other questions by checking yes or no. Attach additional comments if necessary. 1.

Description of the organisation.


What are your 10 goals related to the internship?


Why do you think this internship site will help you meet your goals? Give specific examples.



Do you have any reservations at all regarding this internship? (Location, personalities, arrangements, expectations, etc.)


What can you contribute to the organisation?

Check yes or no or appropriate space for the following questions. 6.

Was your interview with agency supervisor about this internship by phone ___________ or by personal interview _______________?




Have you ever visited the organisation?




Did you provide the organisation a copy of your goals?




Does the organisation require professional liability insurance? Does the organisation require personal accident insurance?






Does the organisation require personal health insurance?




Does the organisation require an application before approving you to intern?




Have you made a verbal or written commitment to intern at this organisation?




I have answered all of the above statements honestly.


Signature of Date__________


I agree with the above proposal. This student will __________ will not ___________ need professional liability insurance for their internship at our agency. (please initial in the appropriate blank). Signature of Organisation Supervisor ___________________ Date______________


APPENDIX B ORGANISATION/SITE SUPERVISOR MONTHLY REPORT STUDENT: ____________________________ ORGANISATION:____________________ SUPERVISOR: _________________________ ____________________


REPORT NUMBER and _____________________________________________


Directions: Please complete this monthly report according to due dates and mail to the university supervisor. The report must be discussed with the student and signed by the student and the organisation / site supervisor. It is the student’s responsibility to provide you with bi-weekly reports, the mid-term evaluation, and the final evaluation in a timely manner. SUPERVISOR’S COMMENTS AND SIGNATURE Student is fulfilling 40 hr per week work obligation Student is diligent in completion of work and reports Student takes initiative and accepts responsibility Student is making normal progress toward successful internship completion I have reviewed the student’s monthly report with him/her Hours completed to date: ____________







Additional Comments: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________________ __________________


Certain areas need to be improved, namely: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________ I have discussed the above points with the student and suggested corrective behaviors. YES:……….NO:……… Supervisor’s Signature: Date: ____________


Student’s Signature:_____________________________________ Date: ____________


APPENDIX C MONTHLY LOG (SAMPLE) FORM Intern’s Name: _______________________________ ___________________



Assignments: ____________________________________________________________

Responsibilities: _________________________________________________________

Insights about the ______________________________________________


Discoveries about needs and trends of the profession: __________________________________________________________________ ______







STUDENT:__________________________________DATE:________________ ORGANISATION:_________________________________________________ To be completed by the student and sent to his or her university immediately upon completion of the twefth week of the internship. Candid discussion of your reactions expressed on this form with your departmental supervisor are helpful for you to make your internship experience as meaningful as possible. Answers must be typed. You may reproduce 1. How can the meaningful?





A. What can you do to make it so? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ B. What can the organisation do to make it so? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


2. What experience would you like to see given more emphasis during the remainder of your time with the organisation? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Is the university supervision you are getting adequate? Suggestions: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

4. Is the organisational supervision adequate? Suggestions:




________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

5. Are your internship goals being met? Explain. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


6. Are you following your plan? Explain. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


APPENDIX E ORGANISATION / SITE SUPERVISOR’S MIDTERM EVALUATION OF STUDENT INTERN STUDENT :_________________________________DATE :_______________ SUPERVISOR :___________________________________________________ ORGANISATION :________________________________________________ PERIOD COVERED BY RATING FROM :____TO :__________________ HOURS COMPLETED TO DATE :___________ This mid-term evaluation provides the agency supervisor the opportunity to evaluate the student’s progress in the internship, identify the student’s achievements, and make suggestions for improvement. The mid-term evaluation should be shared with the student through an evaluation conference with the agency supervisor. The following categories should serve as a guide in completing the mid-term evaluation: S=Superior; G=Good; A=Average; F=Fair; U=Unsatisfactory. Ratings of S and G should be given only to students demonstrating above average professional competencies. PART I : PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE ______ Establishes work goals. ______ Demonstrates success in achieving goals. ______ Displays ability to organize people and resource. ______ Completes assignments on or before due date. ______ Possesses skills commensurate with academic degree. ______ Displays an increase in skills level in all functions and areas. ______ Is critical of own performance and quality of work. ______ Displays capacity for motivating others. ______ Displays ability to lead and direct. ______ Conducts himself/herself well before groups. ______ Communicates ideas well verbally. ______ Strives for quality in written expression. -36-

______ Gains and holds confidence and respect of participants. ______ Gains and holds confidence and respect of associates. ______ Demonstrates initiative in developing and conducting a program. ______ Recognizes a problem and proceeds on own initiative. Other noted performance traits: ___________________________________________________________________ PART II : PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE ______ Displays an initial basic knowledge and understanding of tourism, leisure, recreation management as a profession. ______ Displays growth in knowledge and understanding of subject matter. ______ Applies knowledge in a practical way. ______Thinks independently. Other noted professional knowledge: ___________________________________________________________________ PART III : PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDE ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Displays zeal for the profession. Accepts assignments willingly. Seeks and is alert to potential learning situations. Displays mature judgement. Shows imagination and creative thinking. Adjusts to new situations. Is courteous and tactful.

Other noted performance traits: ___________________________________________________________________ PART IV : ORGANISATION / SITE SUPERVISOR COMMENTS Please indicate area(s) that the student needs to improve prior to completion of the internship experience. Please make specific suggestions as to how the student may improve his/her


performance. Please indicate to what extent the student’s internship goals have been achieved. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ PART V : SIGNATURES I have reviewed my evaluation as completed by my supervisor. Student:___________________________________Date:_________________ I have reviewed my evaluation of the student through a personal conference. Supervisor:________________________________Date:_________________








In order to assist the Department with making recommendations to future interns, we request your assistance with evaluating the quality of your internship experience at the site you selected. Your answer will not affect your internship in any way. Student Name _______________________________________ _______________ Internship _________________________________________________________

Date Name:

Address: ________________________________________________________________ Semester and Year Internship:____________________________________________ Overall, how would you grade the internship: (circle the one that applies) A





of of



Briefly, why did you give it this grade? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________ Were you rotated throughout the various departments, offices, positions, or sectors of that organization to expose you to multiple aspects of the operation of that site? (circle)


Yes, abundantly

Yes, a little


What percent of your time was spent doing clerical ___________________________________


learning and preparing ______________________________ leading/teaching _________________________



programs/projects? or


interacting with participants in tourism/leisure/recreation programs?___________ in a store or doing counter contact with the public? ________________ doing chores such as cleaning up, photocopies, message delivery, making coffee? _______________________ Instruction: Please rate the strengths and weaknesses of the site in terms of meeting your needs as an intern. Use the following scale. Was your site supervisor supportive, interested in your education and progress? Yes, abundantly

Yes, a little




What area of tourism, leisure, recreation management does this site best prepare an intern for? What type of student should we recommend to this site in the future? __________________________________________________________________ ______ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________


What was the best part of this internship? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________ Was housing associated with this internship? Yes, free…….. No………..

Yes, low cost………




Was there a stipend or monetary associated with your internship?


Yes , amount Rs No________________




Are there permanent job opportunities available at this site in tourism, leisure, recreation (at some time, even if none are open at present). Please specify? Yes________________________________ No__________________________________ STUDENT EVALUATION OF INTERNSHIP SITE Excelle nt 1.

Acceptance of you as a functional member of the staff; willingness to integrate you into all appropriate levels in activities, programs and projects.


Provision of relevant experiences in administration, supervision and leadership


More Adequa than te Adequa te




Cooperation of cooperating institution staff to provide professional growth experiences through training programs, seminars activities.


Provision helping personal goals and


Possession of resources essential to the preparation of professionals (e.g library, equipment, computers, supplies, etc)


Employment of qualified professional staff with demonstrated capability to provide competent supervision.


Adequate scheduling of conferences with you and ongoing evaluation of your performance, followed-up by brief written progress reports.


Allowance for relating classroom theory to practical situations.


Willingness to listen to whatever suggestions or recommendation you might offer, and willingness to discuss them with you, explain the rationale for their

of assistance in you meet your and professional objectives.


acceptance or rejection. How many other tourism, leisure, recreation management related activities/programmes were at the site when you were there? __________________________________________________________________ ______ Do you recommend this site for future recreation interns? Strongly

With few reservations No











APPENDIX G SUPERVISOR’S FINAL EVALUATION FORM: INTERNSHIP IN TOURISM/LEISURE/RECREATION MANAGEMENT STUDENT’S NAME :_____________________ORGANISATION:_______ KEY: 0=Not Applicable, 1=Rarely, 2=Usually, 3=Frequently, 4=Always S=Superior, G=Good, A=Average, F=Fair, U=Unsatisfactory 0 1 2 3 4 Please supplement the following ratings with additional written comments. Make note of abilities or characteristics that will particularly qualify problems that will affect, the student for work in leisure services. Use the back of this form for comments. PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES Establishes work goals and objectives Displays basic understanding and knowledge of leisure services Possesses the ability to think independently and appropriately Displays initiative and imagination Is able to apply knowledge in a practical way Has displayed growth in knowledge and basic understanding Strives for quality in own performance OVERALL RATING IN PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES: G A F U PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE AND LEADERSHIP Is successful in achieving goals and objectives



Is able to organize people and resources Capable of motivating others Uses all available resources Is able to lead and direct Completes assignments on or before due date Is punctual for meetings, appointments and deadlines Hs shown an increase in skills in all areas. OVERALL RATING IN PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE & LEADERSHIP: S G A F U PROFESSIONAL PERSONALITY AND ATTITUDE Shows enthusiasm for work Exhibits pleasant and tasteful personal appearance Displays a sense of humor at appropriate times Displays mature judgement Accepts assignments willingly Actively seeks and is alert to potential learning situations Is willing to work to improve areas of weakness Projects a positive and supportive attitude toward other staff members OVERALL RATING IN PROFESSIONAL PERSONALITY AND ATTITUDE: S G A F U COMMUNICATION AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Is able to communicate ideas orally and in writing Strives for quality in oral and written expression Is courteous and tactful Accepts suggestions and criticism Displays concern for others Is consistent and fair in professional relationships Confronts problem areas in a positive, constructive manner OVERALL RATING IN INTERPERSONAL SKILLS:









I certify that the above-named student has completed a full-time (40 hours/week), full-semester internship under my supervision. Total Hours completed _________ From __________ To __________ SIGNED __________________________________________________ DATE ______________________


SUPERVISOR’S COMMENTS Please make any additional comments, recommendations, suggestions that you may have. Please call our attention to any information not covered in the rating scale that would help us assist the student. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ______ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________


APPENDIX H FINAL REPORT / PROJECT GUIDELINES Students should submit a final report for their practicum, amounting to 50 marks of the overall assessment. It can be structured in the following five sections incorporating the elements below: Sections 1. Description s

Requirements Elements Describe the Identify: organisation • Product (s)/service(s)

• • • •

Size and location(s) Nos. of yrs in operation Mission and strategy

A.O.I, building identity of org. Identify: • Nos. of people

Describe the department (s)

• Overall responsibilities

Explain: • Importance of department

• Contribution

Describe position held

to operation of org. Identify: • Job responsibilities



• Job description Explain: • Contribution performance




2. Objectives

Provide as attachment

• Signed •

Discuss details


agreement/objectives Evidence (s) accomplishments


• Objectives • Extent of achievement • Critical success factors and obstacles

3.Personal growth

Explanations to be provided.

• Steps taken to maximise •

Focus of descriptions

on the job learning experience Learning acquired through this process (Knowledge, skills, and attitudes)

• Behaviours • Actions taken • Others response to your efforts

4. Relevance Explanations of assignment

• Relevance •



career academic

• Learning • •

5. Reflections

aspirations Relevance work


What you would have done differently? Any other info. (optional)

– about self, workplace, and career Application of academic study Enhancement on academic study appreciation

• Why? • Describe behaviours and expected outcomes

• Pertinent • -49-

to understand work assignment Further comments


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