Internet & Web Page Designing - Long Baljeet

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Internet & Web Page Designing - Long Type Questions - Rajeev Ranjan Kumar/1 1. Ans.

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Discuss briefly as to what is the Internet and how it works. Internet is Network of Networks. We can say it as because it has no any central body or domain who controls internet all over the world. We know that it was started as ARPANET and after successful experiment, it opens for all other persons who was actually even if working on different network but wanted to share their thoughts with each other. They were requiring a common link to connect themselves. So, they started connecting themselves with ARPANET and gradually it develops so largely that converted into Internet. Internet is actually collections of different networks providing different types of services to its user with the feature of remote login (However this login process is not ever need). On the Internet each and every domain have their own IP Address which is 32 bit numeric address providing by and Domain Name Server. All these IP addresses are associated with a character based name known as Domain Name and when person from one network wants to talk to the person of another network then he have to send the message along with his own IP address and the recipient IP address. These addresses are being solved through the Domain Name Server and with the help of so many other devices (Routers, Gateways etc.) it turns to the required destination. How are the Web and Internet are interrelated? or Is the Internet the same as the World Wide Web? Internet is the superset of Web or World Wide Web. World wide web is the collection of web sites available all over the world. Website is actually a collection of different web pages and web page is a HTML document. Through HTML instruction we can integrate different services of Internet in one page. We can access all other services like Email, FTP etc. through a web page. This service used HTTP protocol, through this protocol we can connect ourselves to a web site and start reading a page. During the reading of page the connection automatically disconnected. And if someone click on any other link then it establishes again and download next page. But Internet can used also for e-mail, chatting, File transfer, Usenet etc. We can access all these services without having WWW. But on a web page we also can make links for these services and now-a-days maximum people accessing the internet through these web pages, so sometimes we think that both are same. We should remember that Internet may live alive without WWW, but WWW have no any existence without Internet. What applications are needed to use the Internet? To use the Internet we need following Application :a) For Client • GUI based Operating System (Windows, Linux etc.) • popular Web Browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator etc.) • E-mail client (Outlook Express etc.) • Color monitor • Mouse (If have scrolling button then it is much better) etc. b) For Server • A Network Operating System (Windows NT/2000, Unix, Linux etc.) • High capacity computers • Web Server Software • E-mail Server software • FTP Server etc. How is the Internet changing to meet information demands? Traditionally we were searching information in books that was providing us only linear method of searching. So, it was very difficult to collect any information on a specific topic. It was also lack of people to concern about these messages. If we have to send someone letters then it was taking several days to reach at destination. Phone line for distance communication was also expensive and there were no chances that the required person will be available on the phone when we call him. But with the invention of Internet it becomes too much easy to communicate with someone as well as searching any information on net. Now we can E-mail to the person who is if not available on his terminal then as soon as he come and start his system he get message. It is also too much less expensive. Now we also no need to concern with someone for any information because Internet has large amount of available information on it. We have to feed some key word and we can get too much information about any

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new topic. Now we can see rate list of cloths, dolls, map of any place etc. easily on Internet. Describe the Web as a huge global market. What makes the prospect so bright? On web we can see any information related with any company or firm. People all over the world can access web site of a company at a time. If someone wants to make him available to everyone, everywhere and anytime then Internet is the best way. Through it we can easily advertise about any product and can also gain information about the market for selling our product or service. For unemployed person it is the best way to search a Job for him. Many companies also search good employee through the web site. A student can gain much information from searching the WWW for their specific requirement. There are so many probabilities to improve the market of Internet. In future if one wants to start him own firm, then he can manage all the things like staffs, raw materials, machines etc. through the Internet. He can easily advertise for his new product. New developer and programmer will get job if the web page market will developed. Not only for developing, but also for managing the web site, it requires so many web programmers who will be benefited. In future if any other services will arrive, then it is not possible that, that will not use the Internet or Web. HTML is more of a script than a language. Do you agree? Give reasons. Yes, I am agree with this concept. Because every language have their own grammar, in case of computer every language have their own syntaxes and rule of looping, iteration, constructor etc. but HTML document have no any concept of iteration, branching etc. We need not declare variables in HTML. It is used only for presenting any text in formatted way on the browser. So, we have to learn only some mechanism to publish our text and graphics on the browser. HTML can't validate data, can't give error message but in a programming language all these are compulsory. So, we can say it just like a script not a language. What is a search engine? Discuss with few examples. Name some of the search tools (engines)? Search engine are those website used to search a given topic on WWW. As we know there are billions of web pages all around the world with lot of information of different types. So, it is not easy to get a proper name of any web site for our required information. The same type of information may live on several web sites. There are no any centralize mechanism to find such web sites having same information. So we need a search engine. Actually a search engine has a large database containing details of much more web sites name, content on the web site, visiting attacks on web site etc. a) Google b) Altavista c) Yahoo Search d) Rediff Search e) MSN Search etc. Discuss the HTML features not supported by all browsers? There may be a browser who only works in text mode - like Lynx. So, this type of browser will not support Graphic. It is also possible that animation, pictures, OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object etc. may not appear on many browsers. It is also possible that some browser may not support full color to show a picture etc. It is also possible that some browser will not show Frames. What is an interlaced and Inline image? Interlaced image are those image who are used to keep in background of any web page. It should specify at the time of declaration of "Body" Tag. ----- While we will see the page in browser this image will automatically tiled on the full screen. While we are typing some text and the same time if specify any image source then the image appears as inline, i.e. text and image have same baseline. My Photo

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Discuss IMAP as a replacement for POP. Differentiate between POP and IMAP? POP supports only 7 bit ASCII characters. So, if we want to exchange messages in English then it is a good medium. But if someone wants to mail and receive mail in other language then it is not a good medium. To do so it needs some extra header information with the mail, like - coding system, language details, files attached with mail, date and time of sending mail etc. This type of Header information is only possible through IMAP (Internet Multipurpose Access Protocol). IMAP uses MIME header to achieve its goal. Write a short note about Usenet. Usenet stands for User Network. It is an international, Non-commercial network, linking many thousands of Unix sites. It is the world's largest electronic discussion forum, and provides a way for messages to be sent among computers across the entire Internet. People from all over the world participate in discussion on thousands of topics in specific areas of interest called News Groups. Like the Internet, usenet has no central governing body. Usenet is run by the people who use it. With well over 10,000 different Newsgroups, Usenet is accessed by millions of peoples everyday, In more than 100 counties. What is IP Masquerading? IP masquerading is a feature recently introduced into the Linux kernel that allows you to use one network interface, be it an Ethernet, SLIP, PPP, or other TCP/IP interface, using an internal network number. Clients on the masqueraded network use IP numbers (usually something like 10.0.0.x or 192.168.0.x) which are designated as internal network numbers on the Internet and have no real computers attached to them. The masquerading Linux server restamps all outgoing packets with its own real IP address and an alternate port, and restamps all incoming packets with the masqueraded addresses and sends them over the masqueraded network to the client. The client system has no way of knowing whether or not it is actually on the Internet, except that operations that involve the client taking the role of a host do not work with IP masquerading, since the IP address of the client is not a real, valid IP address. What is a proxy Server? Proxy Server is a security mechanism in which a programmer keeps the data away from direct accessing from the internet. To do so we have to use Three tier architecture. User can send his instruction from a remote server, but first of all he have to authenticate himself. He sends username and password to the application server who checks the availability of user on the network and also authorizes him for instructed data or services from the server. After completing authentication and knowing about authorization, the application server connects the user to the Data server and only then the user can access any type of information. This mediator Application server through which data and instructions have to pass first is known as Proxy Server. What is firewall? What are its uses? Firewall is invisible wall between user and a website having important data or information which is not available for everyone. Generally in a Client - Server architecture client queries and server replies, but sometimes it made some provision for server that no every client can queries from server, i.e. query have to checked first and if it is from valid source then only it will be send to server. These middle wall is known as firewall. Sometimes it may be any ISP, who have instructed by a Web Server to not give access to everyone to him. In this situation the Web site have to specify the valid sources (IP address), of which request it will listen. Another method may be a proxy server who first authenticate the valid user and then give permission to access the Web Site. Discuss the communication architecture with reference to OSI reference model.

OSI Model • •

In 1977, the Geneva based International Organization for Standardization set forth the Open System Inter- connection (OSI) model. A master plan for computer to computer dialogue, the OSI model divides the communications process into seven layers. OSI Model (open system interconnecting) -> The OSI is a communications reference model that has been defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO). It is a seven -layer communications protocol intended as a standard for the development of

Internet & Web Page Designing - Long Type Questions - Rajeev Ranjan Kumar/4 communication systems worldwide. This model conceptually organized the process of communications between computers in terms of seven layers called protocol stacks. OSI Model Application Layer Presentation Layer Session Layer Transport Layer Network Layer Data – Link Physical

Postal Model Writing Letter Re-Writing Letter Dividing Letters into Small Pieces. Addressing & Numbering Searching Post office Dispatching from Post office Start Delivering

Physical Layer •

A physical layer makes a physical circuit with electrical, optical or radio signals Passive hubs, simple active hubs, terminators, couplers, cables and cabling, connectors, repeaters, multiplexers, transmitters, receivers, and trans-receivers are devices associated with the physical layer. May be compared with Ship, aeroplane etc. who actually delivering the letter.

Data Link Layer • The data link layer is responsible for gaining access to the network and transmitting the physical block of data from one device to another. It includes the error checking necessary to ensure an accurate transmission. • May be compared with shipment of letter through Post office or courier company, I.e. letter leave the PO and ready to start deliver.

Network Layer

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The network layer makes routing decisions and forwards packets for devices that are farther away than a single link. A link connects to network devices and is implemented by the data link layer. Routers and gateways operate in the network layer. May be compared with selecting right path to deliver the letter, i.e. handovering the letter to the postoffice or courier company to deliver it to destination.

Transport Layer • •

May be compared with Writing addresses and numbering the letters. It is responsible for converting message into the structures required for transmission over the network. This layer ensures that packets are delivered error free, in sequence, and with no losses of duplication. The transport layer typically sends an acknowledgement to the originator for message received.

Session Layer • •

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It establishes and terminates the session, queues of the incoming messages and is responsible for recovering from an abnormally terminated session. This layer provides dialog between application programs. May be compared with dividing a letter into small pieces.

Presentation Layer

The presentation layer does protocol conversion, data translation, compression and encryption,character set conversion, and the interpretation of graphics commands. A network redirector is what makes the files on file server visible to the client computer. The network redirector operates at presentation layer. May be compared with Re-Writing letter in any common language.

Application Layer This topmost layer provides services that directly support user applications, such as database access, e-mail, and file transfers. This layer provides for the connection of application programs on separate machines. We can compare this layer with Writing Letter in Postal Model.

What is netiquette? Give some examples.

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As the internet developed, as with every community, a set of unwritten rules evolved with it. Sheer numbers of users has long since necessitated a more formal system, and netiquette has been committed to page many times.Netiquette is enforced only by social pressure and agreement; the internet has no formal means of enforcing such rules. Netiquette mostly applies to email and newsgroups, but there are aspects relevant to the World Wide Web. When you enter any new culture -- and cyberspace has its own culture -- you're liable to commit a few social blunders. You might offend people without meaning to. Or you might misunderstand what others say and take offense when it's not intended. To make matters worse, something about cyberspace makes it easy to forget that you're interacting with other real people -- not just ASCII characters on a screen, but live human characters. So, partly as a result of forgetting that people online are still real, and partly because they don't know the conventions, well-meaning cybernauts, especially new ones, make all kinds of mistakes. What is flaming? How is it different from spamming? Flaming has come to refer to almost any mail insult. Originating in usenet, flames were carefully honed responses to real or perceived insults; sarcastic, artistic, often literary in allusion. The art has long since disappeared, and flame wars can be abusive, aggressive and unpleasant exchanges in newsgroups, mailing lists and email. They are a serious reminder that it is vital to think before mailing; an insult cannot be withdrawn. Spam of the email variety is easy to spot. It's a message (sometimes two or three!) from someone you've never heard of, advertising something that you'd never use or touting some opinion that you would rather do without, and, while it appears in your inbox, it isn't actually addressed to you. And we all also agree on what we want done about spam -- we want to get rid of it and never get any more. The first step is hitting the delete button. But would you like to do something more active? Don't send a flaming reply; that won't accomplish anything, except to confirm that your email address is a good one. What's the right way? Read on for instructions on how to complain about spam and for hints on how to avoid it. What is a push technology? Give examples. Repeatedly searching the Web for information on a particular topic can be both time-consuming and frustrating. But a set of technologies collectively referred to as "push" technology may help by delivering or pushing information directly to your desktop. Push technology work such as. - Configuring your PC to receive pushed information is relatively easy, often requiring you to simply download and install the push vendor's software from a Web site such as BackWeb's Polite Agent or Marimba Inc.'s Castanet. Some vendors even push their services without requiring anything on the user's end but a Web browser and an Internet connection. Users fill out a profile specifying what types of information they want. The profile acts as a filter and is stored either on the client's machine (client-based filter) or on the push vendor's server (server-based filter). Based on the user's profile, the vendor's server searches across a variety of Web sites or its own channel-a collection of Web-based content that it has rights to distribute. The filter then retrieves relevant information and sends it to the user's desktop. What is web casting? Discuss its uses. Webcasting generally refers to the streaming of audio on the Internet. It is sometimes called "Internet radio." Webcasters may be Internet-only services that transmit several different channels of highly-themed genres or retransmitters of over-the-air broadcasts ("AM/FM Webcasts"). A license usually must be obtained for each of the two copyrighted works embodied in a musical recording. The first is the underlying musical composition, comprised of the written notes and lyrics (for purposes of copyright law, the musical composition is referred to as a "musical work"). The second copyrighted work is the actual recording itself - the sounds, including the recording artist's interpretation of the musical composition, and the creative efforts of the producer, sound engineers and background musicians. (This is referred to in copyright law as a "sound recording.") The copyrighted recording brings to life the written notes and lyrics of the musical work. Discuss various network topologies, along with their advantages and

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disadvantages? Topology is the way networks are physically connected together. Topology determines the complexity and therefore the cost of network cable installation. Topology also determines the strategy for physically expanding the network. There are several type of topology but mainly three type are :1. STAR TOPOLOGY - Each node is connected to a single, centrally located file server, using its own dedicated segment of cable. This topology has the advantage of minimum data traffic along the cables (node to server only), thus providing optimum performance. But because a single machine must co-ordinate all the data communications, this requires an extremely powerful and expensive file server. 2. RING OR CIRCULAR TOPOLOGY - In this layout, each node is physically connected to only two others. Each node passes information along to the next, until it arrives at its intended destination. Performance is faster on this system because each portion of the cabling system is handling only the data flow between two machines. 3. LINEAR BUS TOPOLOGY - In this layout, a single main cable connects each node, in what amounts to a single line of computers accessing it from end to end. Each node is connected to two others except the machines at either end of the cable, which are connected only to one other node. The network operating system keeps track of a unique electronic address for each node and manages the flow of data based on this addressing scheme. 4. TREE TOPOLOGY - This is a network topology containing zero or more nodes that are linked together in a hierarchical fashion. The topmost node is called the root. The root may have zero or more child nodes, connected by edges (links); the root is the parent node to its children. Each node can in turn have zero or more children of its own. Nodes sharing the same parents are called siblings. Every node is a tree has exactly one parent node (except for the root, which has none) and all nodes in the tree are descendants of the node. These relationships ensures that there is always one and only one path from one node to any other node in the tree. 5. GRAPH TOPOLOGY - In this method of connection, zero or more nodes are linked together in an arbitrary fashion. Any two nodes in a graph may (or may not) be connected by a link. Not all the nodes in a graph need to be connected, but if a path can be traced between any two nodes, the graph is a connected one. How does copyright affect what I take from the Internet? You'll find a lot of serious twaddle talked about copyright - usually by people who should know better. Copyright applies in the exactly the same way on the internet as in any other medium; material belongs to the person or organization that created the work, unless and until they choose to waive their rights, or sell them. So anything - text, images or sound - published on the internet belongs to someone. In almost every country, copying something once, for your own private use, is acceptable and legal. Republishing, selling or claiming ownership is a different matter! Many websites will allow - even encourage - downloading and copying; some will ask for payment, some will forbid copying. In law, it is usually permissible to use a reasonable amount of the document for the purposes of review, news or discussion. In this case, the original source should be cited. If in doubt, be guided by notices posted on the site. But be clear - there is no copyright in ideas; if something inspires you - or simply helps you - it's good manners to give credit where it's due

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Is it safe to purchase via the Internet?


What is a cookie, and do I need them?

Yes; provided you deal with an organisation that you trust. The chance of fraud or theft is tiny, no higher than paying for a meal in a restaurant or ordering by telephone; probably much lower. Indeed, the risk is so small that many companies, such as, offer a 100% guarantee without hesitation. People do lose money on the internet, but through fraud rather than hi-tech theft. (Consider; if you had the technology to steal via the internet, would you divert a few pounds from a book purchase, or a few million from a multinational corporation?). Deal with a trusted organisation and you are probably completely safe!

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Cookies are items of information about your preferences that a site can place on your hard drive. Cookies can remember your password, or greet you with a fond and personalized "Welcome Back" message. Many people resent cookies as an invasion of privacy, as they are 'planted' on your computer without you having much control. In practice, however, cookies can save you time getting the information you want from a site, and there is scant evidence of any problem associated with them. Cookie can be refused (through your browser options/preferences).

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Is the World Wide Web full of pornography?

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What is a Web Server application? How is it different from a Web browser? What is a Web Server? How does it function? Web Server is the software program running on the computer who hosts the web page. Generally the computer who is running a web server programme should be too much fast and capable to handle multiple users at a time. Naturally a Web server can run on a network operating system only. This program keeps track of all the visitors accessing the web page and internally creates and removes clones of web pages for each user. It works on HTTP protocol. HTTP protocol enables a user to connect and download the current page and automatic disconnect. through this method it reduce the crowd of visitors on the web site at a time. So, thousands of people may be served simultaneously. Such as APACHI, Front Page etc. It is also called the controller of web pages. In other word the document, which we see in a browser, is called Web page and the controller is known as Web Server. What is a shareware? How is it different from freeware. Discuss with examples. Same as below Write short notes on any two of the following : (a) Freeware The software available in the market for using free of cost without paying anything to its developer is known as Free ware. Such as Linux Operating System, MP3 Player, Internet Explorer etc. (b) Shareware The software supplied by a vendor free of cost of a limited time period and after it if he ask some charge to use it for future then this is known as Shareware. Such as - Virus Remover programme, Alfa or Bita version of many software packages etc. (c) Middleware Sometimes some software we get for trial purpose and after passing trial period it should be registered with the vendor after paying some money, but in later stage no any cost we have to pay to the vendor, i.e. paying after one time we can use it for lifetime. Such as - Songs of any film, album's songs, CBT (Computer Based Tutorials) etc. (d) Author ware - The copyrights messages associated with many programs, CBTs, Logo of the company, etc. are known as author ware. It should not changed while using it. (e) Vapour ware - Some software have a timer to use it for some specific period or time and then it automatic stop responding. These are known as vapour ware. Discuss the features of any two of the following browsers : (a) Netscape Navigator (b) Internet Explorer (c) NCSA Mosaic (d) Lynx Browser is client software who provides us facility to log on a web site through very interactive manner. It is fully capable to read a document having HTML code, i.e. HTML document. Through the help of HTML it can interpret text, pictures, animation etc. on the users website. We can post our request through a browser to a web site and again can get result from it. (a) Netscape Navigator - This browser is developed by Netscape Communication

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There is a lot of pornography on the web; but it is perfectly possible to use the internet without ever seeing any of it. The Internet Content Rating Association has been set up to develop, implement and manage an internationally acceptable voluntary self-rating system which provides internet users world wide with the choice to limit access to content they consider harmful, especially to children.

Internet & Web Page Designing - Long Type Questions - Rajeev Ranjan Kumar/8 Corporation whose founder is Mr. Marc Anderson. It is the most popular browser of the world. It is freeware. The interface of this browser is so simple that a some known person can access all the services on web easily. Saving and Printing of a web page is so simple as we are saving a simple document file. It can be used on many operating system. (b) Internet Explorer - It is also a free ware provided by Microsoft Corporation. It has all the feature as Netscape Navigator. It has automatic simplicity inherited from Microsoft product. It is so much popular mainly among those persons using windows as their OS, because it is free and included with all windows CD. (c) NCSA Mosaic - This browser was developed by NCSA and it was the first GUI browser of the world. It makes WWW so popular that within a year 7000 networks become part of the internet which was only 700 in its last year. (d) Lynx - It is a text based browser. So, we can access all the services related with textual item. The person who wants to access the Internet with full speed and no graphics uses this browser widely.

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Write short note on ISDN. ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network) is a fast medium of transmission through bounded media. It is a digital leased line through which data can communicate with 64KBPS speed. It doesn't require modem because due to its nature of digital transmission we have to connect it directly with our PC. We can also receive our phones while someone working with the same line. To use FTP and Telnet like services it is the best option because data transmission is too much fast through it. So, we get response from other computer quickly. Discuss various applications of hypertext mechanism. Hypertext mechanism allow us to navigate through a flood of "Information space" following any path of your choice. Hypertext, as implemented on the Web, allows Web pages to be created with links to any other page on the Web. This system allows us to choose from various links on a single Web page that typically lead to other Web pages at different Web sites geographically located anywhere in the world. Through Hypertext we can also use services like FTP, E-mail etc. without knowing actual physical place of information. Now-a-days it is very useful in creating CBT's also. Through using frame feature of HTML we can create a tutorial in which Table of content will lists in left pane and the clicked hypertext result in another. What is a mail-header? What does it contain? Mail - header is additional information, which automatically attached with a mail message to route the mail at right destination. Following are some of them:• To : Contains address of Primary recipient(s) • Cc : Contains address of Secondary recipient(s) • Bcc : Contains address of those person about whom we don't like to know the primary and secondary recipients. • From : Contains Address of the Originator of the E-mail message • Sender : Contains Address of the Sender of the E-mail message • Received : Contains address of all the intermediate transfer agent • Return Path : Used to specify the path back of the sender • Date : Date and time the message was sent • Subject : One line summary of the message • Reply to : Address to which replies should be sent etc. What is a MIME attachment? How does it enhance the e-mail facility? MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) is an additional header attached with the mail or attached file with mail to know the receiver system that the received message will be decoded. Additional fields in a MIME attachments are: • MIME-Version: Only to identify the version of MIME • Content-Description: Human-readable string telling what is in the message. • Content-ID: A Unique Identifier code under stable by the decoder program • Content-Transfer Encoding: How the body is wrapped for Transmission • Content-Type: Nature of the message Give an overview of SMTP. Discuss its drawbacks. Discuss the enhancements

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available in MIME to overcome these drawbacks. SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP is used to upload mail directly from the client to an intermediate host. Its drawback is that only computers constantly connected such as Internet Service Providers (ISP) to the Internet can use SMTP to receive mail. The ISP servers then off load the mail to the users to whom they provide the Internet service. In case of MIME because we are using IMAP protocol, so, first of all the mail is downloaded on a intermediate server and then the user can download it or directly read it from the server. After reading till user doesn't want the mail will not deleted. What are the uses of mail filters? Mail Filters are the application program used by the E-mail server to scan the email before downloading it to the server and if any unwanted word or phrase found in the mail then automatically discard it, i.e. not download to e-mail server. This programme receives whole the message as a string and checks its content as specified by the user, such as - Sex, Porn, XXX, Advertisement etc. and the mail containing the unwanted message will not allowed to prompted in inbox of user. However it is not a successful method, because if any message is in form of picture then it is not capable to stop the message to download. What are mailing lists? How are they different from newsgroups? Mailing list connects a group of people who are interested in the same topic, such as home schooling. When one person sends e-mail to the mailing list, the same is sent to every one in the mailing list. A mail reflector is the program that runs on an Internet computer and routes mail to members of a mailing list. Newsgroups are the individual discussion groups within Usenet. It contain articles posted by Internet and Usenet subscribers. Most newsgroups are concerned with a single subject. The range of subjects available through Usenet is very large. Subscribers send and read the news through NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) from a specific location but it need not to download the news. What is streaming media? How is it implemented in browsers? Traditionally we have to download the audio and video file to our local system and without completing the full downloading it was not possible to see or listen the same. But Streaming media is a solution of this problem. In it we can see or listen the video or audio when it is downloading. Actually in this case UDP (User Datagram Protocol) runs in place of TCP who doesn't keep track of missing packets. So, without interruption at the same time when second packet is downloading the first packet can play on the local system. Media Player, Real player etc. are supporting streaming media while we are working in a browser. Whenever a browser receives the packets of streaming media then it calls these programs internally. What is VRML? How does it differ from HTML? It lets people create 3D worlds to describe the geometry of a scene. VRML files are also much smaller than graphic files. VRML files are text files that contain instruction for drawing the VRML world. These files end in a .WRL extension. After a file is created, it is posted on a web server. HTML supports only static web pages and have no any option to create a picture through HTML tag. However it can show picture but it has its own existence in some folder located on the web server. VRML browsers come in two types: Stand alone and plug-ins for html browsers. If we want to see VRML world only then we need Stand alone browsers but when it works with HTML then it must be used as plug-ins. What is plug-ins? How are they useful? Plug-ins is the program used with any application program to enhance its capability. Like - Word has so many plug-ins like MS-Graph, Word art, Clip Art Gallery etc. In the same manner our browser needed some plug-ins to enhance its feature, such as VRML plug-ins, scripting editor etc. What are the advantages of using e-mail? What are the disadvantages? Advantages: • Cheaper Medium of messaging • Can submit the message anytime even if the recipient is available on his system or

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not. • Records of messages automatically maintained • Need not face the personnel, so can put our thought more widely in front of him • Easy to communicate the person have same interest but no any previous identification • Can hide own identity from the recipient. Disadvantages: • Some person doesn't like letters and want to talk instantly • Sometimes we receive much vulgar mails. • Can't express our body language to someone • Messages may be hacked etc. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the World Wide Web. Advantages: • Hypertext Information System • Graphical and Easy to navigate • Cross - platform • Web is distributed • Web is dynamic • Can access many information through it • Web is interactive Disadvantages: • Full of Unwanted and false news • Porn sites misguiding the teenagers • Many sites have information for hacking, terrorism etc. • Not easy to find actual site for required matter etc. What is a URL? What does it contain? Describe its implementation in FTP, email, HTTP and telnet programs. URLs contain information about both the access method to use and also about the resource itself. The first part of the URL before the colon specifies the access method and the second part after colon specifies the resource. It is case sensitive, so one must pay special attention to uppercase and lowercase letters and to symbols as well. FTP URL ftp://nasa/space/f1_name E-mail URL mailto:[email protected] HTTP URL Telnet URL telnet: Discuss advantages of JAVA over conventional software languages. • Java is an Internet programming language. So, we can access Java programs from any corner of the world. • Java is secure due to its Virus-free system. • Java is a platform - independent language. The Java compiler compiles the code to "Bytecode" that is understood by the Java environment and supported by any computer in the world. • Java is a high-speed and high-performance language • It is Object Oriented Language. • It is simple to learn. What is a scripting language? How is it different from the other high-level computer language? Scripting language are those language used with HTML to validate the data entered in the Form of web page. It is a simple text included with the HTML tags and need no any compilation. We can make our web page dynamic through a scripting language. These languages have no any strict grammar and we need not declare all the variables before using it. When someone asks for a web page then the script automatically downloaded on his system along with the HTML code. In a high level language a program must be compiled before run. We have to follow

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very strict grammar of the specified language. In case of language a program compiled on one computer may not run on another if there is any other O/S. So, we can say that the scripting language is far better than HLL in case of internet. What are the differences between JAVA and JavaScript? What advantage JavaScript has over HTML? Java JavaScript • It is compiled on the server before being • The client side computer interprets it. executed on the client-side computer. • It supports dynamic binding. Objects • It supports static binding. Object references are checked at run time. references must exist at compile time. • No need of declaring data type. • Variable data types must be declared. • JavaScript code is integrated with and • Code is not integrated with HTML. embedded in HTML. • Applications written in Java are stand- • JavaScript is limited to browser alone applications. functions. • Java has no access to browser objects or • JavaScript is able to access browser functionality. objects and functionality. Discuss the broad features of ActiveX technology and compare it with Java. ActiveX is a method for adding advanced features and functions to a Web page, including multimedia sounds and images and direct access to other programs. It is a technology from Microsoft that can essentially turn the Internet into an extension of our computer. It can do anything that a normal application can do, in addition to interacting with the Web, the Internet and other computer connected to the Internet. To run these controls, a browser that supports ActiveX, such as Internet Explorer, is needed. What is a mail server program? Discuss its uses? Discuss the major implementation of mail servers and mail clients in different OS platforms like Unix, DOS, Windows 9x and Mac OS. E-mail Server are the software program used to keep track of users associated with the mail server and all the information about their different folder. It is must to run this program on a NOS. Actually it is a database application in which every user have a master record as per their user name and he can access his account only if he gives proper password to access it. Mail client are the software provides facility to access the users account through remote login. It also helps the user to read, send and download the mail from the E-mail server. There are so many e-mail server available, mainly as - Outlook Express, Eudora etc. What is Image Maps? Image maps offer a means of defining multiple link areas within a single graphic on a web page .This means when you click on one part of image that is hyperlink, you will view say document A and if you click on another part of the same picture you will be able to view document B and so on. Thus you can make a banner graphic for the top of your page, and embedded multiple button areas within the graphic. Image maps have become a standard feature of most professionally designed web sites because they offer and effective combination of visual appeal. Image maps are particularly effective when incorporated into moderately sized splash graphics at the top of home page, or into the signature graphics that define your pages. With image maps you can abandon HTML page layout, and build links into large graphics. What is IRC? Discuss how it is implemented in various environments. IRC means Internet Relay Chat is where to meet people on the net. There is a channel for just about anything IRC is a great place of visit. Through IRC we meet many people and through chatting get mutual information. It is actually combination of hundreds of channels who works together. We need not register ourselves on any of the IRC server. Only at the time of chatting we have to give our any valid e-mail address and than choose a nickname to start chat. After validating our e-mail we allowed for chatting with our nickname. We can't think that on which server the listed people are existing, because the list may be combination of users of different sites but want to chat on the same topic. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using a text-based Web browser like Lynx with a graphic Web browser like Internet Explorer. Advantages of using Text Based Browser like Lynx

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• It works at very high speed. • It doesn't try to download any picture. • It receives only textual data • We can use it without a mouse only through a keyboard • We can also access this browser on mono monitor Disadvantages of using Text Based Browser like Lynx • It doesn't support picture and animation, so if any information is in form of picture, then we will miss it completely. • It doesn't support frames etc. Discuss the features of any Web authoring and editing tool. An "Authoring tool is a software that is used to produce content for a web publishing. It is the software program with standard user interface element. When custom interface components are created, it is essential that they can be accessible through the standard access mechanisms for the relevant platform so that assertive technology can be used with them. Authoring tools enable, encourage, and assist users (Authors) in the creation of accessible web content through prompts, alerts, checking and repair functions, help files and automated tools. What is off-line browsing? Discuss its usefulness. When we are browsing the Internet we automatic go page by page too much forward. Sometimes there are so many information on the web page to whom we have no time to read but we want to read it later. But at the online situation it is not possible to read the content continuously due to charges associated with Internet and Telephone call. So, another method is to save the pages, but this is also cumbersome task because later we will become unable to keep link that which was first and which was next pages. So, the browser provides another facility to off-line browse. To do so, we have to check the "Offline" option from "File" menu and then start the clicking on required link. All the steps with web page content saved in temporary folder to whom we can read later after disconnecting from Internet. This feature is known as offline browsing. What do you understand by hosting a web site on the Internet? Hosting a web site means uploading a site content on the Web. It completely depends upon the Internet Service Provider that he provide his own software to do so or we have to use Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard to do so. To Host a web site we need • Space on a Web Server • Procedures for uploading Web sites • The software needed for uploading Web files A person can also host a web site itself by gaining an separate IP Address and a domain name from any DNS. But this is very expensive and complex task because then we need a fast computer, continuous internet connection etc. HTML forms are a great alternative to CGI based forms since they are very easy to implement and maintain and require no complicated setup on the web site. Discuss. HTML forms can be created through very easy steps and because it can easy work in a browser so we doesn't require any other resource or application to use it. A HTML document can be easily accessible through a browser program and so we also call it as Platform Independent. But most of the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) programs can run only on the server and it is not easy to send the whole CGI program from a web server to the client computer. If with any source someone do this then it takes lot of time. After all when it reaches on the other computer then the platform dependency also become a problem for these forms. For a developer it is also a tedious job. Because creating and programming for a Web form in supporting languages as Java etc. are also too much cumbersome task. We have to learn and remember so many classes and objects properties in these languages. Even, creating a button and a event with the button is too much lengthy process. So, HTML forms have large benefits than a CGI based forms. A web server also need not run any other program to maintain a Form. Describe the procedure of building a web site. To build a web site we have to follow following steps: • Plan/Content of the Web Site - First of all we have to decide about the web site that

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for what purpose we are going to develop one. We have to decide that what content will be placed on the Web. • Target Audience - One have to decide that who will visit the site most. As per age group and the type of audience (i.e. Student, competitors, filmonia) we have to decide about the color of the page, background, matter, picture etc. that which thing will be arrange on the page and in which fashion. • Web authoring Tool - We also have to choose the web page creater software in which we can create our pages easily. This authoring tool should support each feature of the current web page. • Organize concepts and materials - Developer have to decide carefully that which content should include and which should exclude from the web page. He also make provision for regular changing in the content because if the same content will remain for ever then no one will return on the site. So, we should always make changing in the web page and should leave room for changing. • A Directory Structure - All the files related with the Web site should keep in a separate folder and within that folder we also create some more folder to keep HTML files, CGI scripts, pictures etc. separately. • Sketch of the Web Site - Before starting the web page creation process, we must draw the sketch of the web site, so that later we can examine ourselves that whether we are succeeded or not. • Look and Feel - Our web page should not look hazy, and the space between lines, position of pictures, color of text and picture should so carefully arranged that when someone visit it then sure like to read it once. What are the languages/ methods available for web database programming? Discuss them briefly. Language/ methods available for Web database are - MS-SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase etc. These relational databases are works as backend and it requires some frontend software like Java Program, VB Programs etc. These databases can be connected through a programme to a web server easily. When someone makes a query through a web form then a CGI script receives the request and then query the database for answer. These databases are so created that they can easily understand the rules and regulation of the web page requirement. Java and VB are two most popular language used to develop the application used to access the web from one corner and then a database like Oracle or SQL on the other end. But one can also use C++, C or other High-level language as the front end. What are the software utilities you would like to have if you were a professional web designer and programmer? Why? I will use following software if I will be a Web Professional: • Microsoft Front Page - This is a authoring tool used to develop a professional web page in a very easy steps. It automatically creates folder to keep all the files separate on the disk. We can see the preview of the page in the Preview pane. It is just simple as a word processor. We can put all the controls from a toolbar to the page. There are so many layouts available for designing a web page in this software. • Photoshop - This a graphical software in which we can design button, graphic, background etc. very easily and we can also save the drawing in any format like .jpg. • Internet Exproler/ Netscape Navigator - this browser is required for the purpose to see that how the page will look like when it will be published. • C++/ Java - For creating CGI script and web server assistant program these two are most preferable language. Java is specially a web application creator, so it supports all the features required for a web page. Describe an Intranet. What hardware and software will be needed to establish one? Intranet is personal network of any company or person. It may be LAN or WAN but no any other person can access the network member. Normally in case of Intranet, the company spread its own channel of cable to make the network. Security mechanism in the intranet is very high. Normally as per size of the network we requires following hardware: • Repeater - If want to spread the network only.

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Bridges - If want to connect two similar network. Router - If want to connect two dissimilar networks but working on the same protocol. Gateways - If we want to connect two dissimilar networks even if they are working on different protocol. Normally as per size of the network we requires following Software: • Network Operating System • Server software • Client Software • Database software • Network supporting language/ application etc. Consider the following HTTP request : GET /art/gallery.dll/animals? animal=dog&color=black HTTP/1.0 Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent : Mozilla/3.0b4Gold (WinNT: I) Host : Accept : image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, *.* Describe the various headers in the above request. A CGI script to receive the text stream uses GET. HTTP - This protocol is used to download a page and then automatic disconnection with the server. In the same we are submitting query related to animal group in which the type of animal should be dog and the color of the dog should be black. The query also instruct about the type of graphic picture, i.e. it may be a .gif image, a bitmap or any picture type. The connection should not terminated and the request is done from the site "" from the Mozilla/3.0b4Gold user agent. What are the two main purposes for which FTP is used? FTP is used for transferring file from one location to another. So, we can say two main purpose is : 1. Uploading file from local computer to any website (Remote computer). 2. Downloading file from any remote computer to our local system. What is MS-Outlook Express? What are the uses of it? MS-Outlook Express is one kind of E-mail client. This program helps us to prepare so many e-mail messages and we can also send it without connecting Internet. Actually it keeps all these type of mail in a temporary folder named “Draft”. After connecting Internet, it automatic deliver all the pending mail of “Draft” folder to its destination as well as it also download all incoming mail from our mail-server to the local computer. So, after disconnecting from the Internet, we can read these mail later. This saves our telephone bill and Internet connection charges. It also works as an organizer. We can use calculator, calendar and a useful address book from this software. We can also send a mail to various people through the help of address boo.

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Discuss how secure connections are supported through SSL. How is the technique helpful in e-commerce? Discuss the features of any two of the following e-mail programs: (a) Microsoft Outlook (b) Pegasus Mail (c) Pine (d) Eudora Mail (e) Netscape Messenger What is IP Multicasting? What is hypermedia? How is it different from hypertext?

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