International Law

  • November 2019
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International Law Papers (CSS 1999-2003) 1999. Q1. What is meant by the recognition of a state as a member of family of nations? State the different modes of such recognition. Q2. “In the absence of any form of international legislature competent to enact law after the manner of the legislature of democratic states, international law was said to be based upon the consent of the states upon their individual acceptance of its principles and rules”. Discuss. Q3. Explain fully the relations between international law and municipal law. With special reference to different theories advanced in this regard. Q4. discuss fully three modes of acquiring and losing state territory. Q5. Write short notes on the following 1. Extradition 2. universal declaration of human rights Q6. Write shorts notes on any two of the following. 1. Doctrine of postliminium. 2. International court of justice. 3. Reason for refusal to treaty. Question Paper (2000) Q1. Explain the rules which govern … the application of international law by Municipal courts. Give your answer in the light of the courts practice with special reference to British and American courts. Q2. What do you understand by the recognition of states and recognition of government. Explain fully the distinction between recognition Dejure and recognition Defacto. Q3. Write short notes on any four of the following. 1. Exclusive economic zone 2. calve clause 3. Blockade 4. Corfu channel case, UK v Albania (1948) ICJ. 5. human rights Q4. Write short notes on any four of the following. 1. High seas 2. Nationality 3. High jacking 4. Intervention Q5. Define treaty. State how are they concluded and terminated? Explain in the light of Vienna convention on the law of treaties 1969. Q6. Critically examine the powers and voting of UN Security Council. Q7. Write a detailed note on the international court of justice with particular reference to its jurisdiction over disputant states.

Question paper (2001) Q1. Q2. cases. 1. 2. 3.

Explain in detail the object, purpose and basis of international law. Enumerates with short explanation the main principles discussed in any two of the following Lotus case Clarence Thomas and Anita hill case American diplomat case

Q3. The jurisdiction of international court of justice depends on the consent of the parties concerned. Discuss. Q4. Write a comprehensive note on international rivers and international canal. Q5. Write short notes on any three of the following in the light of convention on the law of sea 1982 and our maritime zone act of 1976. You must discuss the nature of jurisdiction, right and duties. Q6. Discuss Kashmir dispute in the light of 1. Right of self determination 2. UN Security Council resolution 3. Non interference in internal affairs 4. legal status of election in Kashmir 5. Simla agreement Q7. Define nationality. What are neutral and neutralized states? Question Paper (2002) Q1. Explain the various modes of acquiring and losing nationality. What is double nationality and statelessness? Q2. Write short notes on any four of the following. 1. Kellogg briand pact 1928 2. the Geneva convention 1929 3. pacta sunt servanda 4. protectorate 5. state servitude Q3. Coercion against a state renders a treaty invalid. Discuss main features of the principle. Also elaborate two other methods of rendering invalid the consent of a state to be bound by a treaty. Q4. “State immunity has become a mere fiction which the law can do with out. The principle is gradually withering away, a process already under way and constantly gaining momentum. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer. Q5. Write short note on any four. 1. Territorial waters 2. Monroe’s doctrine 3. equality of states 4. doctrine of postliminium 5. prize courts 6. continuous voyage Q6. What do you understand by international institutions. Discuss their status and functions as subject of international law. Q7. What are amicable means of settlement of international disputes? Question Paper (2002) Q1. State the various kinds and classes of diplomatic agents and mention their privileges and immunities. Q2. Discuss the term “State jurisdiction“ with reference to 1. maritime belt 2. port 3. foreigners 4. floating island Q3. Write short notes 1. double nationality 2. defacto recognition 3. international boundaries 4. extradition 5. neutrality

Q4. Describe the legal nature of recognition of states, with particular reference to difference between defacto and Dejure recognition. Q5. Describe international rivers. State the principles of law, regulating the use of water and navigation in international rivers. Q6. What is veto? How, when and by whom is used? Q7. State and discuss in brief the various steps mentioned by starke in the creation of legal obligation by a treaty.

(International Law) TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No.8 which is Compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Explain the rules which’ govern the application of International Law by Municipal Courts. Give your answer in the light of the court practice with special reference to the British and American Courts. 2. What do you understand by 'Recognition of States' and 'Recognition of Governments’? Explain fully the distinction between ‘Recognition Dejure’ and ‘Recognition Defacto’. 3. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following: (a) High Seas (b) Nationality (c) High jacking (d) Intervention (e) Chorzow Factory case, Germany V. Poland (1928) , P.C.I.J. Rep. Ser. A, No.17 4. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following: (a) Human Rights (b) Exclusive Economic Zone (c) Calvo Clause (d) Blockade (e) Corfu Channel Case, U.K.V. Albania(1948), I.C.J. Rep. 1949. 5. Define a ‘Treaty’. State how are they concluded and terminated?- Explain it in the light of Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969. 6. Critically examine the powers and the voting procedure of the U.N. Security Council . 7. Write a detailed note on the International-court of Justice with particular reference to its powers to exercise jurisdiction over disputant states. COMPULSORY QUESTION 8. Write only correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question. , (1) Provisions of Municipal Law:(a) are enforceable in international relations without any qualification (b) are enforceable in international -relations if they are not in conflict with international law;

(c) are not at all enforceable in international relations. (2) Select one of the following: (a) Public International Organizations are subjects of International Law; (b) both Public and Private International organizations are subjects of International Law (c) None of the above is subject of International Law. (3) Foreign diplomatic envoys enjoy absolute immunity from local jurisdiction in; (a) Civil matters; (b) Criminal matters; (c) both civil and criminal matters. (4) The Right of innocent passage is available to: (a) Foreign Aircrafts; (b) Foreign ships; (c) all foreign vehicles. (5) Non-permanent members of the U.N. Security Council are elected for a period’ of: (a) five years; (b) three years; (c) two years. (6) A successor state is legally bound to: (a) fulfill all the obligations of its predecessor state; (b) only selected obligations; (c) No obligation at all.., (7) A lower riparian state: (a) Has no right to share water resources of an International River; (b) Has exclusive right (c) Has right to share water on an equitable basis. (8) The Charter of the U.N. was drawn up by:(a) London Declaration 1943.; (b) Moscow and Tehran Conference1943; (c) San Francisco Conference 1945. (9) Universal Declaration on Human Rights was adopted in: (a) 1978 (b) 1958 (c) 1948 (10) The judges of the I.C.J. are elected by: (a) the U.N. Security Council (b) the U.N. General Assembly (c) both (11) Territorial Waters are: (a) Waters within the territorial limits of a state;

(b) Waters dividing the territory of two or more states; (c) None of the above. (12) A state is admitted to the membership of the’ U.N. by: (a) the Security Council; (b) the General Assembly; (c) Both (13) Advisory opinion from the I.C.J. can be sought by: (a) the U.N. (ii) the States (c) Both (14) A state is exempted from the jurisdiction of the local courts in another state: (a) if an agreement has been made to that effect; (b) by virtue of its sovereign status; (c) if such an exemption is granted by the local authorities. (i5) The offence of piracy is subject to the jurisdiction of: (a) the flag state; (b) the offenders state (c) all the states. (16) A Continental Shelf is situated beneath the sea level at the approximate depth of: (a) 200 meters (b) 300 meters (c) 500 meters (17) Foreign sovereign ships sailing/anchoring in the coastal waters of another state are: (a) subject to the law of the flag state; (b) subject to the law of the coastal state; (c) subject to the law of both states. (18) In case an alien is injured in a foreign state, it is the right of the: (a) injured alien to bring a claim against the wrongdoer state before arrival international forum; (b) state of the nationality of the injured alien; (c) none of the two has aright to do so. (19) Extradition is the process of: (a) providing asylum to the person who needs it; (b) handing over a person accused or convict of a crime by a state to the demanding state; (c) None of the two. (20) The Economic and Social Council is: (a) a specialized agency of the U.N. (b) an organ of the U.N. (c) N.G.O. for the uplift of economic and social standards of the people of the world. ***********************

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