International Competition Brief

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,421
  • Pages: 8

GALAPAGOS - 0 LATITUDE: SUSTAINABLE URBANISM AND ARCHITECTURE 1. Invitation The XV Quito Pan–American Architecture Biennale invites you to participate in the International Competition Galapagos – 0 Latitude: Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture. Its purpose is to lend visibility to human settlement issues on the Galapagos Islands and provide a place to reflect on alternatives for future sustainable towns.

2. Introduction Ecuador gets its name from the zero–latitude line at the equator. Zero is the origin, the starting point, the initial reference. It is also equilibrium, the central position, the balance indicator. Our intention is: =

To start out with the reality of the Galapagos (both environmental and social) as the point of reference; with no assumptions, no preconceived ideas, no intermediaries.


To tune in to this reflection at its point of origin: what the relation should be between nature and human settlements; how to enhance the quality of both at the same time, in one achievable ideal.


To recover the position of equilibrium, the premise of sustainability, to ensure that this achievable ideal is maintained over time.

3. Galapagos Issues The reality of the Galapagos, a natural heritage of humanity (UNESCO – 1978), reveals serious contradictions between the need to conserve the archipelago’s unique species, the requirements of a growing population, and intensive use for domestic and foreign tourism. These contradictions are seen in the enormous concern over natural resources in terms of both investments and studies, and the lesser attention paid to the inhabitants’ problems and the spontaneous, unorganized growth of their towns. The symbolic nature of the Galapagos Islands, and the peculiar conditions that need to be met by the human settlements nestled within a territory that is dominated by protected natural areas (the National Park and Marine Reserve), oblige us to seek suitable answers to the universal question of how to organize the relations between towns and their natural surroundings. Starting at Galapagos, we seek to drive the evolution of future towns.

4. Sustainable Towns In the language of the Amazonian Huaorani community, “garbage” is non–existent as a word and as a concept. It has no meaning or place in a world where everything is recycled and reabsorbed. We understand sustainable urbanism and architecture as meeting the material and spiritual needs of human beings while establishing a harmonious relationship with the natural environment and its life processes.


5. The Contest We will work on the town of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, the capital of the Galapagos province, on the San Cristobal Island. What we seek is not to legitimize what is there, but rather to reformulate it, to work towards transforming, substituting and containing the town with a view to enhancing its current conditions.

::: 5.1 Contest Components: :::: 5.1.1 Proposal for sustainable urban intervention (built and natural surroundings), to transform existing conditions into an “achievable utopia”.

:::: 5.1.2 A habitable prototype that is sensitive to its fragile natural context, with appropriate construction technologies and systems. Contestants may choose to participate in one or both components, with separate entries. Both components have professional and student categories. We recommend forming multi–disciplinary teams (architects, ecologists, engineers, urbanists, biologists, sociologists, etc.) to ensure that proposals contemplate the broadest possible array of viewpoints.

::: 5.2 Competition Contents: Proposals should have an integrated view of the entire town. However, for the purposes of this contest, they will cover a small area that represents the proposal concept.The purpose is to demonstrate, in a fragment of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, the change process for – or expected final result from – transforming the entire existing town. Proposals will have the freedom of action of an ideas competition, and reflections will be based on the current status of the population and natural environment (see appendices). Contestants are free to choose the area of intervention, in terms of both size and location, depending on the types of proposals presented. We suggest that the area of intervention link the town limits to the ocean and the national park (representative “strip”), in order to establish boundary and containment responses connecting town and nature. Proposals may cover everything from localized “urban acupuncture” interventions to full revamping of the area to be intervened. The habitable prototype may be part of the urban proposal or compete separately.The development of habitable spaces seeks to provide suitable housing alternatives for the present population, as well as incorporate alternate programs, such as commercial venues, workshops and tourism services. Take into account the different levels of protection enforced on materials found on the island, develop a technology that is compatible with the technical know–how of the Galapagos population, and emphasize their capacity to minimally impact the energy resources used in manufacture, construction and maintenance, as well as the possibility for recycling at the end of their useful life. Proposals contents should include the following: Linkages: The proposed area should start with the existing conditions and gradually phase in their transformation. Formulate the type of linkage proposed and define networks or overall systems, such as transportation, infrastructure, communication, etc. =

Nature: Specify the relations between the proposed area / habitable prototype and the natural environment (topography, climate, fauna, flora, ocean, etc.). =


Energy: Use clean energy for urban and architectural purposes, contemplate energy savings, utilize non–polluting renewable resources, or achieve energy autonomy vis-à-vis the continent. =

Waste: Treatment, recycling and reduction of wastes generated by the town and by tourism. =

Life cycle: Estimate the useful life for construction materials and systems. Participants are free to explore options such as the possibility to disassemble, transport, recycle, reuse, biodegrade, or reverse the town or its architecture. =

Production: Proposals should ensure economic sustainability and promote potential clean production activities (services, tourism, leisure, trade, small–scale fishing, agriculture, etc.). =

Society: We suggest that proposals consider the people’s needs, involve them in the sustainable town project, ensure the gradual enhancement of their quality of life, reflect on the roles of visitors, residents and their private life spaces, and include the creation and equipping of public spaces. =

The contest organizers are interested in this becoming an educational tool for transformation that will fully involve the island population in all reflections, assessments and implementations of proposals that may occur on the medium and long term. For this purpose, contestants will be in direct contact with the people and institutions of the Islands via e–mail (see list of contacts). They will also have access to bibliography and graphic material, classified by subjects, on the contest Web page.

6. Participant Categories =

Professionals 4Urban and Landscape Design 4Architectural Design


Students 4Urban and Landscape Design 4Architectural Design

7. Requirements to Participate Architects, urban and landscape designers; as well as students of architecture, landscape and urban design, are welcome to participate in Galapagos – 0 Latitude: Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture.

8. Documents to be presented (for each work entered) Enclosed with a copy of the Entry Form, please send 2 Panels on DIN-A1 format (84.1 cm x 59.4 cm) in both hard copy and digital support forms (CD-Rom with 2 files, containing 1 panel each in .pdf format, size DIN-A1, and resolution of 300 dpi). Contestants may choose to send in only the digital support, for the panels to be printed in Quito. The cost of printing 2 panels in DIN-A1 format (84.1 cm x 59.4 cm) is US$ 40.00.This amount is automatically added to the total on the Entry Form when you choose this option. Include in your panels all graphic and written information 3

necessary to provide a full understanding of the project. Note: You may use the model panel (.il format) available on the Biennale Web page (

9. How to send in works Contestants shall submit their works to: International Competition BAQ/ 2006 Commission Colegio de Arquitectos del Ecuador – Provincia de Pichincha Núñez de Vela N 35-204 e Ignacio San María Quito, Ecuador The deadline for receiving entries is Wednesday, November 1, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. We recommend that contestants from other cities of Ecuador and other countries take into account shipping times. No works arriving at the BAQ/2006 offices after the stipulated time and date shall participate in the International Competition, and the CAE–Pichincha shall reimburse no entry costs. The BAQ/ 2006 Commission shall send an e-mail to the stated author confirming receipt of the documents entered. If this message is not received, contestants should promptly contact us at [email protected] Printed panels should be sent in without supports, but rather rolled up, as the Biennale Commission reserves the right to mount them and will be in charge of selecting the supports for exhibition. All materials required per project should arrive in one single package. IMPORTANT: In order to avoid mailed entries being held up in Customs, contestants should follow these instructions: 1. Place the following note in a visible place on the package or outside envelope: “MUESTRA SIN FINES COMERCIALES”. 2. Make sure the weight of each package sent does not exceed 2 Kg. Contestants submitting more than one project should take close note of weight restrictions. In some cases, they will be obliged to send more than one package. 3. Pay all shipping duties or taxes at the place of origin. BAQ/ 2006 shall not be responsible for customs procedures nor for customs clearance costs, freight and/or taxes not covered by contestants, so we strongly suggest you take into account the above recommendations.


10. Awards ::: 10.1 Professional Category =




First Prize 4Urban and Landscape Design

US$ 5,000.00 A trip to Galapagos for the winner or one member of the winning team

4Architectural Design (Habitable prototype)

US$ 5,000.00 A trip to Galapagos for the winner or one member of the winning team

Second Prize 4Urban and Landscape Design

US$ 2,000.00 A trip to Galapagos for the winner or one member of the winning team

4Architectural Design (Habitable prototype)

US$ 2,000.00 A trip to Galapagos for the winner or one member of the winning team

Third Prize 4Urban and Landscape Design

US$ 1,000.00

4Architectural Design (Habitable Habitable prototype prototype)

US$ 1,000.00

Honorable Mentions at the Jury’s Discretion

::: 10.2 Student Category =




First Prize 4Urban and Landscape Design

A trip to Galapagos for the winner or one member of the winning team

4Architectural Design (Habitable prototype)

A trip to Galapagos for the winner or one member of the winning team

Second Prize 4Urban and Landscape Design

US$ 1,000.00

4Architectural Design (Habitable prototype)

US$ 1,000.00

Third Prize 4Urban and Landscape Design

Honorific Award

4Architectural Design (Habitable prototype)

Honorific Award

Honorable Mentions at the Jury’s Discretion


11. Jury Guest speakers participating in the Symposium of the 2006 Quito Architecture Biennale will be the jury of the International Competition. Their names will be published on the XV Biennale Web page (( as the Contest Commission receives their official letters of acceptance. The Jury’s decision shall be final. The Jury reserves the right to pronounce a category or sub–category without contestants. All works produced by Jury members and architects who habitually collaborate with them, and their immediate family members, shall be barred from the International Competition.

12. Entry costs = =

Professional Category Student Category


95,00 45,00

NOTE: Keep in mind that these costs do not include shipping and printing expenses.

13. Entry All contestant entries shall be done on–line, on the Web page of the XV Quito Architecture Biennale: www. (International Competition: Entry Form). One entry form shall be filled out per project. Participants wishing to compete with more than one project should enter each one individually within the time limits stipulated in the contest brief.

14. Forms of payment ::: 14.1 Credit Card You may pay via credit card at the Treasury of the Colegio de Arquitectos del Ecuador, Pichincha province (Núñez de Vela N35–204 e Ignacio San María), or on line at

::: 14.2 Direct Payment through Coordinator ::: 14.3 Bank Transfer Bank transfers may be used, including the following information: Name of Beneficiary: Colegio de Arquitectos del Ecuador – Pichincha Beneficiary’s Address: Núñez de Vela N 35-204 e Ignacio San María = Beneficiary’s Telephone: (593–2) 292–0214 = Name of Bank: Banco Bolivariano = Beneficiary Account Number: Current account # 5005020592 = Address of Bank: Naciones Unidas E6-99 = Telephone of Bank: (593–2) 245–5000 = ABA Code: 021000089 = SWIFT Code: CITIUS33 = SWIFT code for transfers in Euros: BBOLECEG500 = Account number for transfers with an Intermediary Bank: 36047839, Citi Bank, New York = =


NOTE: Depending on the place of origin, the Banco Bolivariano charges a commission of 10 US Dollars or 15 Euros for receiving bank transfers. This amount shall be automatically added to the total if this payment option is selected.

::: 14.4 Direct Deposit (domestic contestants only) Deposits may be made to the name of the Colegio de Arquitectos, Provincia de Pichincha, in current account # 30534331-04 of the Banco del Pichincha. Contestants should send a copy of the deposit slip via fax (226–8750) or via e-mail ([email protected]) and shall receive their entry number and invoice by e-mail.

::: 14.5 Check (domestic contestants only) Checks will be received until Monday, October 16, 2006, at the following address: Tesorería Colegio de Arquitectos del Ecuador – Pichincha Núñez de Vela N 35-204 e Ignacio San María Quito Ecuador. =

Checks should be payable to the name of the Colegio de Arquitectos, Provincia de Pichincha. If sent by regular mail or courier, please include a copy of the Entry Form with the check. Should the check not become effective within a maximum of 5 days, the project shall be automatically disqualified.

15. Calendar = = =

Deadline for receiving entries: Wednesday, November 1, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. Inauguración de la exposición: November 17, 2006 Publicación del Fallo del Jurado: November 13, 2006

14. Endorsements = = =


International Union of Architects Regional de Arquitectos del Grupo Andino Pan–American Federation of Architects’ Associations

15. Organizers = =

BAQ/ 2006 Commission Colegio de Arquitectos del Ecuador, Pichincha Province

18. Contact Information ::: 18.1 In Quito: Núñez de Vela N 35-204 e Ignacio San María // Quito :::: Ecuador T: 593 2 226.8755, 246.9093, 246.9094, 246.9103, 243.3047, 243.3048 F: 593 2 226.8750 [email protected] // [email protected] //


::: 18.2 In Galápagos: Francisco Coronel, Architect Director of Planning and Urban Development Municipal Government of San Cristóbal Island [email protected] Language: Spanish Puerto Baquerizo Moreno Residents: Abdón Guerrero, Architect [email protected] Languages: Spanish and English Hugo Idrovo [email protected] Language: Spanish Danilo León [email protected] Languages: Spanish and English Stalin Puga [email protected] Language: Spanish


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