Intergalactic Navigation Quiz for Future Starpilots Instructor: Neophyte: Proctor:
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Identification: QUIZ, Nathan Zhang’s Version, Zhang Family Edition, ZFE 8888 999. Initiator ID: YHVH 33-76 Initiatee ID: S-NGZ 42-88 Initiation type: Baptism of Fire Instructions: Using your fingers in a triangle, plot the course of your starship. Calculate the INEXACT course of your Atsumori-M Class Galaxy Transit Freighter using any method known to man. Quiz should be approximately thirty minutes. This quiz is not timed. Take as long as you feel necessary. Note to IMMORTALS: Your version of this Quiz, IMM3377, is timed. You have: 666 Years 333 Days And 72 Hours to complete this quiz. Quiz courtesy of Aiki Spaceways… which is not yet a registered company… DO NOT TURN THE PAGE UNTIL YOUR INSTRUCTOR PERMITS YOU TO DO SO!!!
BEGIN: 1. Using the index as an adjacent and the blasphemous as a hypotenuse, calculate the distance between IMAGINARY star A and star B. (Measure your fingers if you need to)…
The distance between the two stars is the Pythagorean of ((5)^2 - (3)^2)^(½) or roughly 4. Since my fingers are much smaller, my distance is ((2.1)^2 - (2)^2)^(½) or roughly 0.82, which in Astronomical Units will tend to be quite large…
2. Now calculate the distance if the index is a hypotenuse and the blasphemous is an adjacent…
The distance between the two stars is still a Pythagorean function… My fingers produce (0.82), which is a problem for any star pilots… hmm…
3. Using the index as an adjacent and the ring as an adjacent, calculate the distance between IMAGINARY planet A and IMAGINARY space station B…
This distance is the Pythagorean of ((3)^2+(4)^2)^(½). In my case it is an isosceles triangle, because I happen to be a piano player… I don’t know?
4. Finally, using two fingers (indexes as adjacent and blasphemous as hypotenuses) calculate A.) the distance between the vertex (IMAGINARY Schwarzchild radius center, IMAGINARY black hole A) and the two outermost fingertips (IMAGINARY space stations B and C)…
The distance is approximately two inches, or in AU, 2 AU.
B.) the distance between the vertex and your ship’s position… 5 AU.
C.) the distance between the centerpoint of the whole enigma and the two space stations (calculate one only)… Less than 1 AU…