Interest Groups

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 343
  • Pages: 4
Dementia Carers Café Dementia Carers Café is a non profit making interest group that looks into the well being of caregivers. Membership (at no charge) is open to all who are keen to know more about dementia care. Our core team is made up of trained counsellors and social workers. Our objectives are as follows: 1. To create public awareness about dementia care. 2. To allow caregivers to learn more about care giving from professionals and fellow care givers. 3. To provide an avenue for respite and support for caregivers. 4. To provide a place where needy caregivers can seek help and counselling. Interested parties may collect the application form at Ci Yuan Community Centre Blk 662 Hougang Avenue 4 #01-413 Singapore 530662 Tel: 6386 3717 Fax: 6387 9015

关护者咖啡座 关护者咖啡座是一个非盈利目的的兴趣小组,建立此小组是为了关注失智症病患关护者 的身心健康。欢迎想要多了解失智症的公众和其他需要协助的关护者加入会员(免费) 小组的主要成员由辅导员以及社会工作者组成。 宗旨 1. 增加公众对失智症关护的意识 2. 为关护者与专业人士提供一个分享心得的角落 3. 为关护者提供短暂休息的空间 4. 向需要协助的关护者提供协助和辅导 有意者请向茨园民众联络所索取报名表格,谢谢。

Dementia Carer’s Café (失智症关护者咖啡座) Personal Information 个人资料 Name (En/CH): 姓名(英/中): Gender (M/F): 性别: Job: 职业 Address: 地止: Hobbies: 爱好:

NRIC/ Passport No: 身份证 Date of birth (dd/mm/yy): 出生日期: Contact number: 联络号码

Are you a caregiver for person with dementia? Please mark ‘√‘ 你是失智症病患关护者吗? Yes (是)


Others, specify (其它,请注明)

What kind of talk do you hope to attend? Please mark ‘√‘in relevant boxes 你希望参加什么样的讲座?请从下列选项中选择(可多项选择) Dementia disease process 失智症的病理与治疗 Nutrition and person with dementia 失智症的营养管理 Communicating with person with dementia 如何与失智症病患交流 Fall risks and safety awareness 失智症与家庭安全意识

Caregiver self care 关护者之自我关护 Available resources in the community 社会协助资源 Activities and person with dementia 活动与失智症病患 All about Dementia 有关失智症的一切

How would you like to benefit from the interest group? Please indicate 你认为兴趣小组怎样可以让你有更多的受益? 请注明 .

What is a convenient time for you to join our programs? 什么时间你方便加入我们的活动? Please mark ‘√‘ in the relevant boxes 请从下列选项中选择 Weekdays evenings (7 to 9pm) 周日(晚上 7 至 9 点) Saturday afternoons (2 to 4pm) 星期六(下午 2 至 4 点) Saturday late afternoons (4 to 6pm) 星期六(傍晚 4 至 6 点)

Sunday afternoons ( 2 to 4pm) 星期天(下午 2 至 4 点) Sunday late afternoons ( 4 to 6pm) 星期天(傍晚 4 至 6 点) Others, please indicate 其它,请注明

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