Interconnection 2009

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  • Words: 3,964
  • Pages: 5
3rd Annual

IP and Telecoms Interconnection Strategies 2009 Examine Commercial and Regulatory Developments and Establish Effective Migration Strategies to All-IP Interconnection With the boom in VoIP traffic and IP based multimedia services, telecommunications operators and service providers are investing significantly in upgrading their core networks to IP based technologies. This enables enhanced service delivery and helps them achieve cost savings. To achieve all this however there is the need for effective interconnection between telecommunications networks – which are increasingly becoming IP based. This conference will provide an update on the latest regulatory efforts and examine evolving business models and technological investments that service providers are making.

21st – 23rd September, 2009 Berlin, Germany Including a Half-Day Pre-Conference Workshop on 21st September 2009 Reviewing Interconnection Costing, Charges and Cost Allocation Methodologies

In the Chair:

Workshop Leader:

Imme Bodammer Senior Consultant WIK

Peter Cartwright Head of Regulatory Consulting BWCS

(former Principal Economics Advisor Batelco)

marcus evans Expert Speaker Panel:

Graham Wilde CEO BWCS

Conference Highlights: • • • •

Orange Austria establishes voice and data network costs Deutsche Telekom ensures QoS of IP interconnection Vodafone presents interconnection pricing models Belgacom highlights IPX architecture to utilise interconnection in an economically efficient way • Mobistar reviews business models within NGN and IP environments

Ola Korsmo Marketing Director Telenor Global Services Claus Nielsen Director Strategy and Market Development Tata Communications

Key Benefits of Attending: • • • • • • •

Alessandro Forcina Director Network Architecture and Technologies Telecom Italia Sparkle WS “Technical Aspects” Chairman i3 Forum

Review current developments of the EU termination rates proposal Explore future billing mechanisms Examine the pros and cons of bill and keep Understand the use of ENUM in IP interconnection Hear about IP interconnection QoS Establish interconnection architecture and security Review new contractual IP interconnection models

Jonathan Sandbach Head of Regulatory Economics Vodafone Group Falk von Bornstaedt Head of IP Transit and Peering Deutsche Telekom Iskra Nikolova Head of Voice Products and LAN Solutions Cable and Wireless Dimitri Repinec Product Manager Belgacom ICS Doulas Ranalli CSO and Founder NetNumber

Silver Sponsors:

Jens Christian Gjesti Associate Lawyer Selmer Eli Katz CEO and Founder XConnect

Media Partner:

Sridhar Ramachandran VP and Chief Technologist Telcordia


Olivier Ondet Director Fixed and Mobile Interconnection Regulation France Telecom Alexander Gratzer Chief Coordinator Interconnection and Wholesale Orange Austria Koen Van Mol Head of Carrier Services Mobistar Uwe Fortwängler Interconnection Manager Telefonica O2 Germany Bob Briscoe Chief Researcher BT Colin Pons Senior Innovator KPN Matt Stagg Principal Designer Orange UK Anreas Oppel Senior Manager, Interconnection and Regulatory Affairs T-Mobile Austria Graham Trickey Senior Director GSMA Imme Bodammer Senior Consultant WIK (former Principal Economics Advisor Batelco) Dan Teichman Director Technical Marketing, Service Assurance Group Empirix

telecoms series

Day 1

marcus evans

21st September 2009

Half-Day Interactive Workshop REVIEWING INTERCONNECTION COSTING, CHARGES AND COST ALLOCATION METHODOLOGIES NetNumber is a leading provider of converged, next-generation, ENUM, SIP, SS7/C7 and SIGTRAN addressing and routing technology to the global communications industry. The NetNumber Transactional IP Telephony Addressing and Numbering (TITAN) server is licensed and deployed by many of the world’s largest mobile-operators, fixed-line carriers, and cable companies as a centralized addressing and routing infrastructure for both TDM and IP-based voice services, messaging services, number-portability services and least-cost routing services. The highly-scalable TITAN Master/Edge architecture delivers on the next-generation technology promise of lower-cost, faster-performance, and greater configuration flexibility than legacy intelligent networking platforms.

Workshop Leaders: Peter Cartwright Head of Regulatory Consulting BWCS Graham Wilde CEO BWCS 13.30

Empirix's is the leading provider of service quality assurance solutions for new IP communications. Since 1992, Empirix has led the market in innovation and expertise for IP communications management. Its widely acclaimed Hammer Test Engine(tm), with more than 30 patents, is the acknowledged global standard for validating the quality of IP networks, systems and applications. The world's largest network operators, equipment manufacturers, and enterprise contact centers depend on Empirix's solutions to maintain the quality of the user experience for business-critical voice, data, video and mobile services. With Empirix, customers can increase revenues, reduce customer churn and cut support costs.

With the explosive growth of IP networks and services, the world has now become much smaller – and the next hop routing typical of the circuit-switched network is no longer adequate. There are thousands of service providers across the globe who can now potentially exchange voice, video, messaging, location, presence and other services, requiring traditional telecom service providers such as fixed and mobile network operators, carriers and hub providers to implement cost-efficient IP interoperability and accurate routing for such services. Additionally, this enables content and application providers from other business sectors such as financial, advertising, and infotainment to share in revenue models as they deliver rich IP services to end users. PathFinder, a GSMA Managed Service operated by NeuStar for the industry, is a consistent and scalable mechanism that dynamically discovers where IP traffic should be delivered, enabling a world of widely interconnected IP networks. For more information, visit

Registration and Coffee


Workshop Leader’s Opening Remarks


Emerging the Challenges to NGN Interconnection • Reviewing interconnect requirements to NGN • Establishing key drivers of migration to IP interconnection • Understanding the changing cost structure of the network


Addressing Challenges of IP Interconnection Billing • Underlying cost structure of next generation interconnection • Maximising revenue-generating opportunities • Reviewing cost allocation methodologies • Pros and cons of different types of billing models • Reviewing IP billing’s strength and weaknesses


Afternoon Tea and Networking Break


Choosing Efficient Pricing Structure • Determining interconnection charges and gerenal principles • Differentiating CPP, RPP and BAK models • Highlighting the pros and cons of these models • Establishing best practice for termination rates and interconnection


Workshop Leader’s Closing Remarks


End of Workshop

The global leader in network peering, XConnect is trusted by more than 100 IP-based service providers to supply neutral, trusted and secure federation-based interconnection and ENUMregistry services. XConnect’s comprehensive services enable service providers to reduce interconnection costs, improve service quality and offer rich multimedia IP communications on a cross-network basis. XConnect operates the largest worldwide ENUM-based IP-peering federation, the Global Alliance, and the world’s first national VoIP/NGN interconnection federations, in the Netherlands and Korea. XConnect has led industry consolidation via the acquisition of the European carrier ENUM exchange and U.S.-based peering service IPeerX Inc. For more information,

About BWCS: BWCS is a leading consultancy offering regulatory advice to regulators and operators. Telcordia a global leader in the development of fixed, mobile and broadband communications software and services, enables Communications Service Providers (CSPs), enterprises, suppliers and government entities to successfully deploy innovative and advanced services that help our clients realize operational efficiencies, drive revenue, and maintain a competitive edge in the new era of services-dominated communications. Telcordia’s Interconnection Solutions provides essential information, intelligence and interconnection services that enable operators and content providers to accelerate deployment of new services regardless of network, device type, and location. In February 2009, Telcordia was selected by the Country Code 1 LLC to build and operate an IP interconnection service for the Country Code 1 territories.

BWCS has extensive modelling experience with NGNs in the fixed network, having built NGN-based cost models of the incumbents' networks for the regulators in Sweden and Denmark.

About Your Workshop Leaders: Graham Wilde is CEO and co-founder of BWCS. He has worked in the telecommunications industry for 22 years, with Logica, CIT Research, Nortel Asia Pacific and BWCS. Recently, he has advised NTT East on its rollout strategy for NGN and NGA, and has been Project Director for BWCS's NGN cost modelling contracts in Sweden and Denmark. He has also worked extensively in the area of telecoms marketing strategy, where his clients include PCCW, CTM Macau, Nokia Siemens Networks and Nortel. He holds a BA in Psychology and Neurophysiology from the University of Oxford. Peter Cartwright is a leading consultant in cost allocation and modelling in the telecommunications sector, with over 17 years' experience in the field. Peter joined the UK telecoms practice of Deloitte and Touche in 1990 after an earlier career as a manager in electronic engineering. Among his early clients was the Hungarian operator Matav, for whom he developed a detailed cost allocation model in the early 1990s. Later he spent 17 months as the LRIC advisor to Swisscom, working on the implementation of LRIC based interconnection prices, and eight months in a similar capacity for Czech Telecom. His experience spans developed markets such as Sweden and Denmark to developing markets such as the Philippines and Palestine.

Booking Line Day 2

22nd September, 2009


Registration and Morning Coffee


Chair’s Opening Address

Felix Donkor Tel: +44 (0) 207 647 2390 Fax: +44 (0) 207 647 2249 [email protected]


Overview of Carrier ENUM, Interconnection and Federation Services for the Fixed, Mobile and Web 2.0 Worlds • Real-world examples • Models for carrier ENUM implementations – Including policy, access control, security, query, synchronisation/cache commercials

Imme Bodammer Senior Consultant WIK (former Principal Economics Advisor Batelco)

Eli Katz CEO and Founder XConnect


Opening Speech Development of IP Interconnection in Europe • Exploring drivers for IP interconnection • Reviewing European transition into IP • Analysing different architectures for IP interconnection


Matt Stagg Principal Designer Orange UK

Operator Case Study Migrating from TDM to IP interconnection • Addressing practical implications of this transformation • Reviewing potential costs savings • Understanding the benefits of IP interconnection



Sridhar Ramachandran VP and Chief Technologist Telcordia

Solution Provider Perspective SIP Interconnect: How to Evolve towards an All- IP Vision • Reviewing SIP interconnect between Europe and USA • Addressing cost savings of SIP interconnect • Managing the transition from legacy networks to all-IP • How addressing and routing plays an integral part between TDM and SIP


Afternoon Tea and Networking Break


Operator Case Study Implementation of Interconnect Architecture for International Voice Services • Discussing efficient integrated interconnect architectures for voice and data services • Discussing communication protocol, signalling technology and security issues • Enabling a cost-effective migration of an entire TDM system to a VOIP platform • Alignment with i3 Forum deliverables and evolution towards IPX-based service platforms

Douglas Ranalli CSO and Founder NetNumber 10.55

Morning Coffee and Networking Break


Alessandro Forcina Director Network Architecture and Technologies Telecom Italia Sparkle WS “Technical Aspects” Chairman i3 Forum

Operator Perspective The IPX Model and its Adoption in the Market • The IPX model • GSMA activities • IPX deployments today • Migration towards all IPX interconnects Andreas Oppel Senior Manager, Interconnection and Regulatory Affairs T-Mobile Austria



Operator Case Study IPX Architecture to Utilise Interconnection in an Economically Efficient Way • Highlighting commercial benefits for mobile operators, fixed operators, carriers and content providers • IPX is the best way to satisfy security, QoS requirements • What was learnt from the trial?


Koen Van Mol Head of Carrier Services Mobistar

Association Perspective 18.05



Coffee and Networking Break

Interactive Panel Discussion Next Generation Interconnection in Emerging Markets • Importance of building NGNs and offering differentiated services in cost-effective manner • Benefiting from IP Interconnection and lower OPEX within fast-growing telecommunications in emerging markets • Utilising interconnection in economically efficient ways while serving a growing customer base • Establishing interconnection agreements and wholesale arrangements that are economically efficient The panel will be joined by key speakers from both days

Graham Trickey Senior Director GSMA 13.00

Operator Perspective Investigating How Business Models Developed in an IP Environment • Revisiting current business models within an IP environment • Drivers for change of the business model • Impact on the current market players • What are the emerging business models and what questions to be asked?


Reviewing the Use of Carrier ENUM: Call Routing in an All IP world • Implementing Carrier ENUM as an important step towards IP interconnection, IPX and next generation services • Business benefits for operators • Improving network routing globally with a unified interoperable Carrier ENUM solution

Transition to Future Contractual Models for Interconnect • Reviewing contractual issues related to next generation interconnect • Establishing future contractual models for interconnect • Exploring commercial models for dispute resolution Jens Christian Gjesti Lawyer Selmer

Dimitri Repinec Product Manager Belgacom ICS


Solution Provider Perspective Service Agnostic mobile Interconnection for Service Providers • Requirements of a flexible, service-agnostic methodology for migrating services to IP • How to securely manage data in a two layered interconnection architecture • Normalizing interconnection data for multiple parties – MNO, IPX, Content providers, Application Service Providers • Case study of Country Code 1 ENUM implementation

Claus Nielsen Director Strategy and Market Development Tata Communications


Operator Case Study Securing the Mobile Interconnect • How has IP changed the security landscape for mobile interconnect? • Looking at security within the entire NGN environment, not just at the border • Explaining how just changing the signalling protocol can change the entire approach to border security

Uwe Fortwängler Interconnection Manager Telefonica O2 Germany 09.45

Solution Provider Perspective


Chair’s Closing Remarks


End of Day 2

Booking Line Day 3

23th September, 2009


Registration and Morning Coffee


Chair’s Opening Remarks

Felix Donkor Tel: +44 (0) 207 647 2390 Fax: +44 (0) 207 647 2249 [email protected]



Opening Speech Identifying the Benefits and Opportunities of IP Interconnection • Reviewing Telenor’s next generation platform and IP interconnection • Developing smooth transition from PSTN to IP • Ensuring quality of service • Enhancing value added service and RCS Ola Korsmo Marketing Director Telenor Global Services


Reviewing the European Commission’s TR Recommendation and MTR Regulatory Decisions in the EU • Examining the EU’s pure LRIC model • Addressing the role of the NRA’s and the NRA’s latest decisions • Analysing the implications for the market players • Understanding the impact on consumers

Olivier Ondet Director Fixed and Mobile Interconnection Regulation France Telecom 13.00



Coffee and Networking Break


Operator Perspective Exploring Interconnection Pricing • Discussing charging principles for IP interconnection • Which economic model: CPP, RPP or Bill and Keep (BAK)? • Does BAK represent a viable business model?

Dr Annegret Groebel Managing Director and Head of International Coordination BNetzA 10.20

Jonathan Sandbach Head of Regulatory Economics Vodafone Group

Operator Perspective Global IP Interconnects-The Case for Growth • Drivers and barriers to adoption • The importance of value adding services • How might what's happening with VoIP interconnect in the wholesale market impact service delivery to retail customers?


Dan Teichman Director Technical Marketing, Service Assurance Group Empirix

Morning Coffee and Networking Break


Highlighting Migration to IP Interconnection of an Integrated SMP Operator with a full Next Generation Core Network • Outlining the interconnection situation in emerging markets • Exploring a fully migrated fixed next generation core network • Transforming the legacy transit and international interconnection gateways of SMP operators • Reviewing challenges of migration to IP interconnection • Analysing impact on costs and interconnection arrangements Imme Bodammer Senior Consultant WIK (former Principal Economics Advisor Batelco)


Falk von Bornstaedt Head of IP Transit and Peering Deutsche Telekom 16.05

Afternoon Tea and Networking Break


Operator Case Study Interconnection Traffic Management and QoS • Per-session QoS vs cloud QoS across interconnect • Traffic management and "just do it" QoS at interconnect • Information on session value at interconnect • Information on traffic cost at interconnect • Emerging business models as surplus value squeezes • Status of latest developments in standards Bob Briscoe Chief Researcher BT

Operator Perspective How to Allocate Network Costs to Voice and Data Products - Lessons Learnt in Austria • About the Austrian mobile voice and data market • How is the Austrian regulator approaching the problem? • Criticism of a pure technical approach • Summary and recommendations Alexander Gratzer Chief Coordinator Interconnection and Wholesale Orange Austria

Operator Case Study How to Ensure QoS of IP Interconnection • What are the applications that need QoS? • How to guarantee interprovider QoS • Over-provisioning as the most simple path to QoS, is it a valid option? • Elastic vs inelastic applications


Solution Provider Perspective Service Quality Assurance for VoIP Interconnection - Can It Be Done? • Getting comprehensive visibility to VoIP quality statistics for operational excellence • Measuring VoIP quality on a per interconnect basis • Using VoIP quality metrics to eliminate the costly "blame game" • Investing in VoIP Service Monitoring does produce positive ROI

Iskra Nikolova Head of Voice Products Cable and Wireless 10.55

Operator Perspective Future Billing Mechanisms in IP Interconnection Regime • Reviewing possible wholesale billing options in future all-IP networks • How to measure IP interconnection • Bill and keep, CPNP, peering, other solutions? • Would the termination market cease to exist if bill and keep is introduced? • What is the billing structure during the migration period towards all IP networks?



Operator Case Study Addressing Quality of Experience Management • Reviewing end-to-end performance and QoS • Assessing business models and techno-economic validation • Establishing wholesale relationships and settlements for video/content distribution Colin Pons Senior Innovator KPN

Business Development Opportunities


Does your company have services, solutions or technologies that the conference delegates would benefit from knowing about? If so, you can find out more about the exhibiting, networking and branding opportunities available by contacting our sponsorship division. James Driscoll, Sponsorship Director, marcus evans Stockholm tel: +46 8407 2923, email: [email protected]

Interactive Panel Discussion Interconnect Billing Challenges in Developing Countries • Reviewing current billing and cost models • Examining wholesale interconnection regulatory approaches • Addressing wholesale fraud issues The panel will be joined by key speakers from both days


Chair’s Closing Remarks


End of Conference

3rd Annual

IP and Telecoms Interconnection Strategies 2009 AM2788

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21ST – 23RD SEPTEMBER, 2009




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