Interact Constitution 2009-2010

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 527
  • Pages: 2

Name of Sponsor ANDREWA MULLER Article I: Name The official name of this organization shall be the OAKMONT INTERACT CLUB. Article II: Purpose The purpose of this club shall be to promote friendship, leadership and community service. Article III: Membership Section 1. . Section 2.

All members are required to be a student or faculty member of Oakmont High School. Regular attendance is required of all members.

Section 3.

Members not paying dues yearly will not be considered as a member in good standing.

Section 4.

Any member of this club is subject to have his membership revoked.

Article IV: Officers Section 1.

The officers of this club shall be (list name): PRESIDENT: Emily Thompson VICE PRESIDENT: Samantha Bielz and Meghna Bhatt TREASURER: Meghan Riley SECRETARY: Ian Utz PUBLICIST: TBD SOCIAL CHAIRPERSON: TBD HISTORIAN: TBD DIRECTOR: TBD GAME DIRECTOR (CHANCELLOR): ___________________________

Section 2.

The officers shall be elected by nomination and majority vote. All potential nominations must be approved by the board of officers and the advisor.

Section 3.

The officers shall be elected twice a year. The fall officers will be elected in the spring of the previous school year. The spring officers will be elected in the fall of the same school year. Elections will be held as needed to fill vacancies as they occur.

Section 4.

The term of office for all officers shall be one semester.

Section 5.

The officers need to be active members who pay dues, volunteer for projects outside of school and help as needed with the leadership of events. Officers may miss no more than one Interact meeting a month. Officers must attend regular officer meetings each month to help plan and carry out various activities. Officers who fail to comply with these requirements will be relieved of their duties by a vote of the membership.

Article V. Meetings Section 1.

This club shall meet weekly or more as needed

Section 2.

Special meetings may be called by the president with the approval of the sponsor.

Article VI. Dues Section 1.

Dues shall be $5.00 per member per year and shall be collected by the treasurer and turned in immediately to our school finance office.

Article VII. Activities Section 1.

Field trips shall be held at times designated by the members and sponsor, and shall be subject to Board approval.

Section 2.

All fund-raising activities shall be subject to the approval of Student Council. Activity requests should be submitted two weeks prior to the date of the activity.

Article VIII. Expenditures All expenditures shall be approved by a majority of the club members and will be subject to the approval of the sponsor and Student Council. Article IX. Amendments Section 1.

A quorum shall consist of 8 members.

Section 2.

This constitution shall be amended by a majority vote of the quorum.

Article X. Authority Section 1.

This organization shall be under direct supervision of the sponsor.

Section 2.

The sponsor is given the right to veto, but is denied the right to vote.

Section 3.

No member shall speak for the club without the authorization of the club.

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