Intelligent Systems Unoversity Papers

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Intelligent Systems − November 2004 Time : 3 Hrs.] N.B.:

[Marks : 100

(1) Question No.1 is compulsory. (2) Answer any four questions out of the remaining six questions


Give a former grammar for the subset of English and Design and give the pseudo code for the English tutor acting as expert system. State the assumptions clearly if any. [20]


(a) What is AI ? Explain the components of AI with suitable block diagram. [10] (b) How to solve the problem of deciding how and when to evaluate the Intelligent Agents success ? Distinguish between rational agent and autonomous agent. [10]


(a) Explain the structure of Intelligent Agent that keep the track of the world ? (b) Give the depth first search algorithm and state its advantages and disadvantages.


(a) Describe the Hill Climbing Algorithm. What are the problems in Hill Climbing Algorithms ? Suggest methods to overcome them. [10] (b) What Knowledge Representation ? Explain the construction of knowledge Based Agents. [10]


(a) Represent the following sentences in first order logic. [10] 1. Not all students take History and Biology. 2. Only one student failed both History and Biology. 3. There is a barber who shaves all men in town who do not shave themselves. 4. Well, I like sandy and I do not like sandy 5. One more out burst like that and you will be in contempt of court. (b) Explain General Ontology with reference to measures, composite objects, events, times, intervals with suitable examples. [10]


(a) Explain the Backward Chaining Algorithm with suitable example. [10] (b) From “Horse are animals”, it follows that “The head of the horse is the head of an animal.” Demonstrate that this inference is valid by carrying out the following steps : [10] 1. Translate the premise and the conclusion into the language of first order logic. Use three predicates Head Of(h,x), Horse(x), and Animal(x) 2. Negate the conclusion, and convert the premise and the negated conclusion into conjunctive normal form. 3. Use resolution to show that the conclusion follows from the premise.


Write detailed note on the following (any three) 1. Acting Logically 2. Neural Network and Multilevel Feed– forward Network. 3. Natural Language Processing 4. Game Playing.

[10] [10]



Intelligent Systems − May 2005 Time : 3 Hrs.] N.B.:

[Marks : 100

(1) Question No.1 is compulsory. (2) Answer any four questions out of the remaining six questions


The law say that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations. The country Nono, an enemy of America, has some missiles, and all of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West, who is American. [20] (a) Represent these facts in the first order logic. (b) By applying inference rules prove that Colonel West is criminal (c) By applying Generalized modus ponens prove that Colonel West is criminal.


(a) Illustrate the Forward Chain algorithm by using the crime problem of QUE1. (b) Explain the structure of Intelligent Agent that keep the track of the world ?


(a) For a game with which you are familiar, describe how an agent can be defined with condition action rules, sub goals and action utility rules instead of by minimax search. [10] (b) Prove that A* search algorithm is complete and optimal among all search algorithms. [10]


(a) Describe the Hill Climbing Algorithm. What are the problems in Hill Climbing Algorithms ? Suggest methods to overcome them. [10] (b) Explain Genetic algorithm and evolutionary programming. [10]


(a) Represent the following sentences in first order logic. (i) Not all students take History and Biology. (ii) Only one student failed both History and Biology. (iii) There is a barber who shaves all men in town who do not shave themselves. (iv) Well, I like sandy and I do not like sandy. (v) One more out burst like that and you will be in contempt of court.


[10] [10]


University Question Papers

(b) Give the Alpha − Beta search algorithm in detail and explain it with suitable example.



(a) How can you build a knowledge for the medical diagnosis system ? Assume required data and specify clearly. [10] (b) From “Horse are animals”, it follows that “The head of the horse is the head of an animal.” Demonstrate that this inference is valid by carrying out the following steps : [10] (i) Translate the premise and the conclusion into the language of first order logic. Use three predicates HeadOf (h, x), Horse(x) and Animal (x) (ii) Negate the conclusion, and convert the premise and the negated conclusion into conjunctive normal form. (iii) Use resolution to show that the conclusion follows from the premise.


Write detailed note on the following (Any Two) (a) Natural language processing (b) Types of communicating agents (c) Learning in neural networks.



Intelligent Systems − December 2005 Time : 3 Hrs.] N.B.:

[Marks : 100

(1) Question No.1 is compulsory. (2) Answer any four questions out of the remaining six questions.


Design the expert system for software testing. Clearly obtain the domain knowledge, production rules, forward chaining inference and learning and design it. [20]


(a) Explain a complete utility based agent with suitable block diagram. Write the pseudo code program for it. [10] (b) Describe the environment simulator programs with performance measure that can be used as test beds for agent programs. [10]


(a) Describe the Hill Climbing Algorithm. What are the problems in Hill Climbing Algorithms? Suggest methods to overcome them. [10] (b) Describe the Genetic algorithm. We have initial population of 4 individuals represented by 000110010111, 111010101100, 0011101001, 111011011100 having individual scores 8, 6, 6, 5 respectively. Apply fitness function, selection, and crossover on this population. Apply the mutation for the population of next generation. [10]


(a) Define minimax, alpha−beta pruning with suitable example. Give the Alpha−beta search algorithm. (b) Represent the following sentences in first order logic. 1. Jemes’s father is married to kind Johan’s mother 2. For all x and all y, if x is the parent of y then y is the child of x 3. There is someone who is loved by every one. 4. There is no one who does not like Ice Cream. 5. Spot has at least two sisters.

[10] [10]


(a) What are the five steps in knowledge engineering. Apply these steps on the following figure.



1 x1



2 A2





The circuit purports to be a one − bit full adder, where the first two inputs are the two bits to be added, and the third input is a carry bit. The first output is the sum, and the second output is a carry bit for the next adder. The goal is to provide an analysis that determines. If the circuit is a fact an adder, and that can answer questions about the value of current flow at various points in the circuit. (b) Explain Natural language processing with suitable examples. [10] 6.

(a) Explain the commonly used programming features of AI programming language PROLOG of LISP. [10] (b) Would it be rational for an agent to hold the three beliefs P(A) = 0.4, P(B) = 0.3 and P ( A ∨ B ) = 0.5. Justify your answer. How can you represent knowledge in an uncertain domain ?



Vidyalankar : BE − IS


Write detailed note on the following : (any two) (a) Planning (b) Learning from observations (c) Artificial Neural Network (d) Perception.



Intelligent Systems − May 2006 Time : 3 Hrs.] N.B.:

[Marks : 100

(1) Question No.1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four questions out of the remaining six questions.


What do you mean by Intelligent Agent, Explain Simple Reflex, Model based, Goal based, utility based and learning agent. State limitation of each and how it is overcome in another type agent. [20]


(a) How Best First Search will be applicable to 8-Puzzle game. (b) What do you mean by PEAS ? Explain properties of Task environment.


(a) Describe Hill Climbing Search Algorithm, What are problems faced by Hill Climbing Search ? Suggest method for each problem to overcome. [10] (b) Explain Alpha-Beta Pruning in Min-Max Search. Why it is suitable for Two player games. [10]


Consider following statements John likes all kinds of food Apples are food Chicken is food Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food Bill eats peanuts and still alive Sue eat everything Bill eats

[10] [10]

(a) Write algorithm to convert wff into cnf Translate above statement into formulas in predicate logic. (b) i) Convert formulas in clause from for given set of statements. ii) Prove “John likes peanuts” using resolution.

[10] [10]


(a) How planning problem is represented ? Explain with suitable example. [10] (b) Explain features of PROLOG & LISP, write any one program in either LISP or PROLOG. Why these languages are suitable for AI or IS ? [10]


(a) Explain Supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning with examples. [10] (b) Explain typical steps for Natural Language Processing for written sentence. State example in which NLP can be applied effectively. [10]


Write detail note on (any two) : (a) Expert system : Components and development (b) Learning with neural network (c) Intelligent Systems Applications



Intelligent Systems − November 2006 Time : 3 Hrs.] N.B.:

[Marks : 100

(1) Question No.1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four questions out of the remaining six questions.


Design the expert system for software testing. Clearly obtain the domain knowledge, Production rules forward chaining inference and learning and design it. [20]


(a) How will you differentiate between an Expert System and artificially intelligent System ? Explain in details the Medical Diagnostic System considering basic Building Blocks. [10] (b) Specify task environment for the Internet Book Shopping Agent and Part Picking Robot. [5] (c) Consider Vacuum Cleaner problem and Explain [5] (i) How is it rational? Which behavior will be irrational? (ii) Giving the success function explain performance measure.


(a) What do you mean by Knowledge Representation ? Explain the construction of knowledge based agents. [10] (b) Compare and Contrast BFS and DFS and explain the search strategy developed to overcome the drawback of both. [10]

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University Question Papers


(a) Define Minimax, Alpha Beta Pruning with suitable example. Give the Alpha Beta Search algorithm. (b) Explain Generic Algorithms and Evolutionary programming.


(a) How planning problem is represented? Explain with suitable example. [10] (b) Explain General Ontology with reference to measures, composite objects, events, times, intervals with suitable examples. [10]


(a) Explain Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning with examples. [10] (b) How can you build knowledge for the Troubleshooting of a PC? Assume required data and specify clearly. [10] Write detailed note on the following: (Any Two) [20] (i) Learning in Neural Networks (ii) Perception (iii) Natural Language Processing.


[10] [10]


Intelligent Systems − May 2007 Time : 3 Hrs.] N.B.:

[Marks : 100

(1) Question No.1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four questions out of the remaining questions.


(a) Compare and contrast BFS and DFS. Explain the technique to overcome the drawback of both. (b) Explain in detail perception.

[10] [10]


(a) Explain Generic Algo. and evolutionary programming. (b) Explain with suitable example planning.

[10] [10]


(a) Explain natural language processing in detail. (b) Explain learning in neural networks.

[10] [10]


(a) Explain the backward chaining algorithm with suitable example. [10] (b) Explain general Ontology with reference to measures, composite objects, events, times, intervals with suitable example. [10]


(a) Explain the structure of Intelligent Agent that keep the track of the world. (b) Give the depth first search Algorithm. State its applications advantages and disadvantages.

[10] [10]


(a) What is Al? Explain the components of Al with suitable example. (b) Explain Artificial Neutral Network.

[10] [10]


Write detailed note on the following :(a) Types of communicating agents (b) Forward chain algorithm with suitable example.



Intelligent Systems − November 2007 Time : 3 Hrs.] N.B.:

[Marks : 100

(1) Question No.1 is compulsory. ` (2) Attempt any four questions out of the remaining questions.


(a) What is AI ? Explain the components of AI with suitable example. (b) Describe the wumpus world according to the properties of task environments.


(a) Explain General Ontology with reference to measures, composite objects, events, times, intervals with suitable examples. [10] (b) How planning problem is represented ? Explain with suitable example. [10]


The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations. The country Nono, an enemy of America has some missile; all of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West, who is a American. Using first order logic proves that Colonel West is a Criminal. [20]


(a) What do you mean by intelligent agent ? Explain various types of intelligent agents. State limitation of each and how it is overcome in another type agent. [10] (b) Consider a 8-puzzle problem and a heuristic function given by taking a sum of the distance of the tiles that are in proper positions. Tiles in proper position have value equal to zero. Using the A* algorithm draw a solution tree for the 8-puzzle problem. [10]

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[10] [10]

Vidyalankar : BE − IS


(a) Explain Supervised, Unsupervised and reinforcement learning with examples. [10] (b) Describe Hill Climbing Search Algorithm, what are problems faced by Hill Climbing Search ? Suggest method for each problem to overcome. [10]


(a) Show by resolution refutation that each of the following is Tautology : (i) P ⇒ Q ⇒ ((R ∨ P ⇒ (P ∨ Q)) (ii) P ⇒ Q ⇒ (~Q ⇒ ~P) Explain Syntax and Semantics of Proportional logic with examples. (b) Explain Alpha-Beta Pruning in Min-Max search. Why it is suitable for two player games.


Write a notes on the following (any two) : (i) Game playing (ii) Natural Language Processing (iii) Multilayer feed forward Neural Network (iv) Expert System : Components and Development


[10] [20]


Intelligent Systems − May 2008 Time : 3 Hrs.] N.B.:

[Marks : 100

(1) Question No.1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four questions from the remaining six questions.


(a) What do you mean by PEAS? Explain the properties of task environment. (b) Explain various Methods of Knowledge representation with examples.

[10] [10]


(a) Explain General Ontology with reference to measures, composite objects, events, times, intervals with suitable examples. [10] (b) How planning problem is represented? Explain with suitable example. [10]


(a) Prove that A* search algorithm is complete and optimal among all search algorithms. (b) How planning problem is represented ? Explain with suitable example.


(a) Explain components and structure of an Expert system. [10] (b) Give the technical steps for designing and implementing the Medical Diagnosis System. Assume required data and specify same. [10]


(a) Draw and explain block diagram of General Learning Model and explain various factors affecting learning performance in details. [10] (b) What is AI? Explain the components of AI with suitable block diagram. [10]


The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations. The country Nono, an enemy of America has some missile; all of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West, who is an American. Using first order logic prove that colonel West is a criminal. [20]


Write a notes on the following (any two) :(a) Types of Communicating Agents (b) Perception (c) Natural Language Processing (d) Multilayered feed forward networks.

[10] [10]



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