Integrate Domino And Websphere Mq

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Integrate Domino and WebSphere MQ Message queues unite disparate systems Skill Level: Introductory George Brichacek ([email protected]) Product Marketing Manager IBM Software Group

30 Jul 2003 Companies today have business software on disparate systems. For example, the human resource system might be on a Sun Solaris server, a customer relationship management system might be on Windows, and financials might be on the mainframe. Companies have a need to connect these systems, and developing the middleware to connect these systems is expensive. WebSphere MQ can connect all your business software to form one efficient enterprise. All this integration is based on two actions: putting messages on queues and reading them off of queues. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to perform these tasks using a Domino database and the Java platform. These simple examples will open a wide vista of integration options to you.

Section 1. Introduction What is this tutorial about? Collaboration enables individuals to access information, expertise, and resources regardless of time or geography. Lotus Domino provides you with the means to realize this collaboration. The WebSphere MQ products enable programs to communicate with one another across a network of dissimilar components -- processors, operating systems,

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subsystems, and communication protocols -- using a consistent application programming interface. This tutorial discusses how you can integrate Lotus Domino with WebSphere MQ using LotusScript and the Java platform. We'll set up two forms in Lotus Domino for use by a Lotus Notes client -- one to put a message to, and the other to get a message from, WebSphere MQ. Then we'll set up two more forms for the Web to do the same thing. We could have created just two forms -- one for the Notes client and the other for the browser client -- but by proceeding in this way, we'll see two different ways to use the Java platform within Domino. Finally, we'll set up a Domino Java scheduled agent that will execute every hour to see if there are any messages on a particular queue. Companies today have business software on disparate systems. For example, the human resources system might be on a Sun Solaris server, a customer relationship management system might be on Microsoft Windows, and financials might be on a mainframe. Companies have a need to connect these systems, and developing the middleware to connect these systems is expensive. WebSphere MQ can connect all your business software to form one efficient enterprise. WebSphere MQ minimizes time taken to integrate applications on different systems, so your company can respond quickly to new market strategies. While the examples we're using here may seem simple, many of WebSphere MQ's integration functions are based on two actions: putting messages on queues and reading them off of queues. Once you've learned a few simple ways to achieve these tasks with Domino, a wide vista of integration options is open to you.

Who should take this tutorial? This tutorial will be useful for developers who are working in an environment where Lotus Domino and WebSphere MQ are deployed, and who would like to know how to integrate these two products. Also, this tutorial will be useful for developers who are using the LotusScript extension for MQSeries (MQLSX) today. MQLSX is not supported in the Lotus Domino 6 environment, and since support for MQLSX will end on December 31, 2004, it is recommended that any new solutions be written in the Java language within the Domino 6 environment. After completing this tutorial, you should know how to integrate Lotus Domino and WebSphere MQ using LotusScript and the Java language.

Required software For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll be using Lotus Domino 6 and WebSphere MQ

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5.3, which, at the time of writing, are the most current releases of those products. For more information on the system requirements for running these applications, see the documentation that accompanies them. This tutorial guides you through the use of a Lotus Domino database that uses the WebSphere MQ Java set of classes to put and get messages. You'll need a Lotus Domino version 6 server, Domino Designer version 6, and a Lotus Notes version 6 client. The Domino database will put a message and get the message from a WebSphere MQ queue. You'll also need a WebSphere MQ version 5.3 server installed. If the WebSphere MQ server is not installed on the same machine as the Lotus Domino server, you need to install the WebSphere MQ client on the same machine as the Lotus Domino server. You can download trial versions of the required Lotus software at no charge. All of this software is accompanied by installation instructions. WebSphere MQ has available downloadable packages of code and documentation, called SupportPacs, which complement the entire family of WebSphere MQ products. The majority of SupportPacs are available at no charge. Others can be purchased as fee-based services from IBM. To test your WebSphere MQ installation, refer to the WebSphere MQ installation verification section of this tutorial.

Section 2. WebSphere MQ: An overview Renaming MQSeries MQSeries is taking on a new name -- WebSphere MQ. WebSphere is IBM's brand for e-business which includes many individual products and offerings. Rebranding the MQSeries name with the WebSphere software platform signals a better-integrated e-business software platform. The MQSeries family of products will continue to grow and develop in the way that has already made it the industry standard for integration.

Introduction to message queuing The WebSphere MQ products enable developers to write application programs to communicate with other application programs without knowing anything about where that other program is. Applications don't have to know anything about what system Integrate Domino and WebSphere MQ © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved.

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potential partner applications are on, what platform they're on, what language they're written in, or what communication protocol they need to use in order to communicate. Applications designed and written using this interface are known as message queuing applications, as they use the messaging and queuing. What exactly does this mean? • Programs that use messaging communicate by sending each other data in messages rather than calling each other directly. • In queuing systems, messages are placed on queues in storage, allowing programs to run independently of one another, at different speeds and times, in different locations, and without being logically connected. Message queuing has been around the computer industry for several years. Electronic mail is prime example of message queuing. Without queuing, when you sent an e-mail, every node would need to be available to forward the message, and the addressee would need to be logged on and ready to accept the message. With message queuing, messages are stored and then forwarded when the next system is available to forward the message. At the final destination, the message is stored in an inbox until the addressee is ready to read it. WebSphere MQ is middleware software for message queuing applications. There is so much to this product that we will not be able to cover all of what it can do here. Instead, we'll focus on how you can put a message on a queue from Lotus Domino, and then how you get a message from a queue using Lotus Domino. There are several application programming languages you can use to put and get messages from queues using the WebSphere MQ Message Queue Interface (MQI): C, C++, COBOL, Assembler, RPG, PL/I, Visual Basic, and the Java language. We'll focus on the Java language in this tutorial. There is another interface, called the Application Messaging Interface (AMI), that you can use with WebSphere MQ. AMI provides a simple interface that application programmers can use without needing to understand all the functions available in MQI. The functions that are required in a particular installation are defined by a system administrator, using services and policies. We will not discuss AMI in this tutorial, just MQI.

WebSphere MQ and the Java language There are two ways of writing Java applications that communicate with WebSphere MQ:

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WebSphere MQ classes for the Java language. A Java program written in this way consists of a set of WebSphere MQ objects; you act upon those objects by calling methods on them. For example, the queue manager is represented by an object of class MQQueueManager. You disconnect from the queue manager by calling the disconnect() method on that class, like so:

// declare an object of type queue manager MQQueueManager queueManager=new MQQueueManager(); ... // do something... ... // disconnect from the queue manager queueManager.disconnect();


WebSphere MQ classes for the Java Message Service (WebSphere MQ JMS). The Java Message Service (JMS) defines a generic view of a message-passing service. The generic JMS model is based around the following interfaces, which are defined in Sun's javax.jms package: • Connection: Provides access to the underlying transport, and is used to create Sessions. • Session: Provides a context for producing and consuming messages, including the methods used to create MessageProducers and MessageConsumers. • MessageProducer: Used to send messages. • MessageConsumer: Used to receive messages.

This tutorial focuses on the WebSphere MQ classes for the Java language. The WebSphere MQ classes for JMS use a JNDI namespace for their administered objects, which is the expected operation of JMS client applications. Setting up a JNDI-based repository is relatively complex, and hence is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

WebSphere MQ messages Messages are data sent from one program to another. A message consists of two parts, the message descriptor and the application data, as illustrated below.

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When a message is exchanged, the receiving program needs to know the layout of the data. For example, suppose the message describes a person. The first 12 bytes of the message could be the first name, the next 24 bytes could be the last name, the next 30 bytes could be the first address line, the next 30 bytes could be the second address line, and we could continue on from there. The receiving program would know all this in advance and parse the message to extract the various parts of the person message. On the other hand, the message could be an order number, and the sending program might like to know more about the order. The sending program would send the message and get a reply message back with all the information about that order. There are several questions you need to answer at the design stage that will affect the way you create messages. • What type of message should I use? Are you designing a simple application in which you can send a message and then take no further action? Or are you asking for a reply to a question? Do you want your request and reply messages to be synchronous? This implies that you set a timeout period for the reply to answer your request, and, if you do not receive the reply within that period, your application treats the exchange as an error. Or would you prefer to work asynchronously, so that your processes do not have to depend upon the occurrence of specific events, such as common timing signals? • Should I assign different priorities to some of the messages I create? You can assign a priority value to each message, and define the queue so that it maintains its messages in order of their priority. If you do this, when another program retrieves a message from the queue, it always gets the message with the highest priority. If the queue does not maintain its messages in priority order, a program that retrieves messages from the queue will retrieve them in the order in which they were added to the queue. Programs can also select a message using the identifier that the queue manager assigned when the message was put on the queue. Alternatively, you can generate your own identifiers for each of your messages. • Will my messages be discarded when the queue manager restarts? When restarted, the queue manager preserves all persistent messages,

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recovering them when necessary from the WebSphere MQ log files. Nonpersistent messages and temporary dynamic queues are not preserved. Any messages that you do not want discarded must be defined as persistent when they are created. • Do I want to give information about myself to the recipient of my messages? Normally, the queue manager sets the user ID, but suitably authorized applications can also set this field, so that you can include your own user ID and other information that the receiving program can use for accounting or security purposes. • Will the message be a string, number, or something else? The layout of the message must be understood by both the sending program and the receiving program. The sending program will construct the message and the receiving program must deconstruct the message in the same way it was built.

Types of messages You can create several different types of messages. These are four of the most common: • Datagram: You should use a datagram when you do not require a reply from the application that receives the message. • Request: You should use a request message when you want a reply from the application that receives the message. • Reply: You should use a reply message when you reply to another message. • Report: Report messages inform applications about events such as the occurrence of an error when processing a message. They can be generated at any time, and they may arrive on a queue when your application is not expecting them. Report messages can be generated by: • A queue manager • A message channel agent (if the agent cannot deliver the message, for instance) • An application (if the application cannot use the data in the message, for instance) For more information about messages, refer to the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide, which is available on the WebSphere MQ CD-ROM. The documentation is also available online in HTML and PDF formats after installing WebSphere MQ.

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Application data in the message The receiving program needs to know the layout of the application data in the message; therefore, the sending program needs to conform to that layout or things can get messy. The application data in the message can be in any format. As described in our previous example, the data could represent a person, i.e., first name, last name, address, etc. The data could be one long string, or it could include integers, decimals, floats, and so on. The most important thing is that both programs -- the put program and the get program -- need to know the layout of the data in the message. There are several methods to ensure this. The simplest is documenting and standardizing on message layouts for your system ahead of time. That way, when applications are developed, they adhere to the standard message layout. In our Java language example later in this tutorial, we'll use a string for the application data in the message. To build a new message that may contain a string, an integer, or a decimal, you create a new instance of the MQMessage class, and use the writeXXX() methods to put data into the message buffer. The following Java code creates a message and puts it onto a queue. You first create the message, then put any type of data into the message buffer in the order you want. For example, you write the age first with the writeInt() method, then you write the string name with the writeUTF() method. This is just one example; there are several other writeXXX() methods that you could use. // Build a new message containing my age followed by my name. MQMessage myMessage = new MQMessage(); myMessage.writeInt(48); myMessage.writeUTF("George Brichacek"); // Use the default put message options... MQPutMessageOptions pmo = new MQPutMessageOptions(); // put the message! queue.put(myMessage,pmo);

The following example will get the message from the queue. // Get a message from the queue MQMessage theMessage = new MQMessage(); MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions(); queue.get(theMessage,gmo); // Extract the message data int age = theMessage.readInt(); String name = theMessage.readUTF();

For more information about writing application data in a message, refer to the Integrate Domino and WebSphere MQ Page 8 of 39

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WebSphere MQ Using Java book, which is available on the WebSphere MQ CD-ROM. The documentation is also available online in HTML and PDF formats after installing WebSphere MQ.

WebSphere MQ queues A WebSphere MQ queue is a named object on which applications can put messages, and from which applications can get messages. Messages are stored on a queue, so if the putting application expects a reply to its message, it is free to do other work while waiting for that reply. Applications access a queue by using the Message Queue Interface (MQI). Before a message can be put on a queue, the queue must have already been created. A queue is owned by a queue manager, and that queue manager can own many queues. However, each queue must have a name that is unique among queues managed by a single queue manager. Before using a queue, you must open it in your application program, specifying what you want to do with it. For example, you can open a queue: • For browsing messages only (not retrieving them) • For retrieving messages (either sharing the access with other programs, or with exclusive access) • For putting messages on the queue • For inquiring about the attributes of the queue • For setting the attributes of the queue

Types of queues WebSphere MQ supports several types of queues: • Local and remote queues. A queue is known to a program as local if it is owned by the queue manager to which the program is connected. The queue is known as remote if it is owned by a different queue manager. The important difference between these two types of queue is that you can get messages only from local queues. (You can put messages on both local and remote queues.) • Shared queues (only available on WebSphere MQ for z/OS). A shared queue is a type of local queue whose messages can be accessed by one or more queue managers that are in a queue-sharing group.

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• Alias queues. To your program, an alias queue appears to be a queue, but it is really a WebSphere MQ object that you can use to access another queue. This means that more than one program can work with the same queue, each program accessing it under a different name. • Model and dynamic queues. A model queue is a template of a queue definition used only when you want to create a dynamic local queue. You can create a local queue dynamically from your application program, naming the model queue you wish to use as the template for the queue attributes. • Cluster queues. A cluster queue is a queue that is hosted by a cluster queue manager and made available to other queue managers in the cluster. For more information about queues, refer to the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide, which is available on the WebSphere MQ CD-ROM. The documentation is also available online in HTML and PDF formats after installing WebSphere MQ.

Section 3. WebSphere MQ installation verification Servers and client installation Before going any further, you should test your installation of WebSphere MQ. There are several ways to install the software, but there are two typical setups: 1.

Lotus Domino and the WebSphere MQ client are on the same box, and the WebSphere MQ server is on another box.


Lotus Domino server and the WebSphere MQ server are on the same box. With this setup, the WebSphere MQ client code is already installed with the WebSphere MQ server.

The following two illustrations highlight these installations. For our purposes, it doesn't matter which way you install the servers; this tutorial and the sample code will work either way. Client/server -- two boxes

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Two servers -- one box

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Test the installation Use the following procedures to configure your queue manager to accept incoming connection requests from a client. (These procedures are for the Windows platform. Refer to the documentation for other platforms.) 1.

If your queue manager is not started, start it by using the strmqm command.


Type the following command to start the runmqsc program:

runmqsc [QMNAME]


Define a sample channel called JAVA.CHANNEL by issuing the following command:



If a listener has not already been started, start a listener program with the following commands:

runmqlsr -t tcp [-m QMNAME] -p 1414

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Change to your WebSphere MQ samples directory (by default it is C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\tools\Java\base) and type:

java MQIVP

The next panel provides the information you'll need when you run the MQIVP program, and the results you should expect from it.

Verification results The installation verification program requires some input. The prompts are: • Please enter the IP address of the MQ server -- Enter either the IP address or the hostname of the machine where your queue manager is installed. • Please enter the port to connect to -- Enter the default port, 1414. • Please enter the server connection channel name -- Enter JAVA.CHANNEL, which we created in the previous panel, or enter an existing channel you've already created. • Please enter the queue manager name -- Enter the queue manager name. The program connects to your queue manager, puts a message on a queue, gets the message from the queue, and then disconnects. You should see a message indicating that the MQ transport is functioning correctly, which should look something like this:

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Now that you have WebSphere MQ installed, you're ready to write Domino code that takes advantages of its features.

Section 4. Lotus Domino and WebSphere MQ Support issues The majority of organizations integrating Lotus Domino and WebSphere MQ today are using the MQSeries Link for LotusScript. This product supports Domino R4 and R5, and MQSeries 5.2 and WebSphere MQ 5.3. (Note that in the transition from version 5.2 to 5.3 of this software, IBM integrated MQSeries into its WebSphere offerings, which is the reason for the name change.) The MQSeries Link for LotusScript (MQLSX) will not be supported in the Domino 6 environment, and its end-of-service date is December 31, 2004. Furthermore, you will no longer be able to download MQLSX after January 2, 2004. As you move forward with Lotus Domino 6 and WebSphere MQ 5.3, it is recommended that you write any new solutions in the Java language. The question now is: How do we move from MQLSX to the Java platform? Hopefully this tutorial will provide some guidance.

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Java runtime environments When integrating Lotus Domino and WebSphere MQ, be aware of the Java runtime environment. Lotus Domino 5 supports Java v1.1.8, and WebSphere MQ 5.3 requires Java 2 v1.3. So, if you are planning on using WebSphere MQ 5.3, you need to use Lotus Domino 6. If you have Lotus Domino 5 or 6, you can still use earlier versions of WebSphere MQ (5.1 or 5.2), but these versions do not include the necessary MQ Java classes. You need to install the SupportPac MA88: MQSeries classes for Java and MQSeries classes for Java Message Service. For more information about SupportPacs, visit WebSphere MQ SupportPacs.

Lotus Domino 6 and LotusScript to Java One possible solution to integrate Lotus Domino and WebSphere MQ is to use a new feature in Lotus Domino 6 called LotusScript to Java (LS2J). It allows LotusScript to access Java classes. Developers can access Java in LotusScript programs as a set of predefined LotusScript objects. This set of objects allows LotusScript to use existing Java classes that are available in script libraries or found using the classpath. The Java classes we'll use in this tutorial put a message on a queue and get a message from a queue. Using LS2J with Lotus Domino 6 allows developers to take advantage of all the LotusScript front-end and back-end classes, instead of a writing a solution entirely in the Java language, which provides access only to the back-end classes. We'll provide three examples in this tutorial: one for the Lotus Notes client, one for the browser client, and the last is a scheduled agent to get a message off of a queue. The first example uses LS2J and the second uses a Lotus Domino agent written entirely in the Java language. These first two examples put a message on a queue and get a message from a queue. The third example is a scheduled agent that will only get a message off of a queue. This last example is written entirely in Java code, too.

Section 5. Lotus Notes client example Java library Integrate Domino and WebSphere MQ Page 14 of 39

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The first example is for the Lotus Notes client. In this panel, we'll highlight the design of the sample database that we'll be accessing with the client. (You can download the complete database from Resources.) The first part of the database we will discuss is the Java code used to put a message on a queue and to get a message from a queue. With Lotus Domino Designer 6, you have the capability to create Java libraries, just like you've been able to create LotusScript libraries in the past. You should be able to use the sample database with no modifications, but there are some setup steps you'll need to walk through for Lotus Notes and Domino to work properly. First, you'll need to edit the Java user classes parameter in the Notes.ini file. You need to add the following line to the Notes.ini file: JavaUserClasses=C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib;C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\; C:\WebSphereMQ\tools\java\base\;C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\connector.jar; C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\jta.jar;C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\providerutil.jar; C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\;C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\ldap.jar; C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\jndi.jar;C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\jms.jar; C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\fscontext.jar;

These Java user classes need to be added to the Lotus Notes client file and the Lotus Domino server file. For this example, we've assumed that WebSphere MQ is installed at C:\WebSphereMQ\; obviously, you'll need to change this to match your environment. Download the sample database and move it to your Domino 6 server. Open the Domino Designer 6 client and the sample database. Expand Shared Code and Script Libraries, then select DominoMQC. You'll notice two Java programs: • • These are standalone Java applications; we'll look at them in more detail later in this section. You can copy them from the Java library, save them as Java applications, compile them, and then execute them. This is a good test to try out the Java code, connectivity, and the put and the get of a message. In this section, we'll use a Notes front end to access these applications. First, however, we'll take a look a potential error that might cause you problems.

Unsatisfied link error At this point, you may encounter an error running LS2J. The error message indicates that the program could not find a file named mqjbnd05.dll, even though this file is in

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the Java path, as illustrated below.

The problem is with the Java runtime environment. Lotus Domino 6 supports Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition 1.3.1 and java.exe is located in c:\lotus\domino\jvm\bin. Make sure you are using this executable. There is a workaround. Copy mqjbnd05.dll to the Lotus Domino binary directory (by default, this directory is C:\Lotus\Domino).

The put form The put form for Notes is simple. It has seven fields and a button. The first six fields are the input to the Java putMessage() method, and the last is a field for errors.

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Now let's look at the code behind this form. What follows is the LotusScript code that will invoke the Java putMessage() method, which puts a message on a queue. In the Options section, it's important to include the Use statement; this is where the Java code is located. The Uselsx statement is required to use LS2J; it's the LotusScript extension that allows LotusScript to execute Java methods. The Declarations section initializes the objects. The Click routine sets the objects and gets the values from the form and invokes the Java putMessage() method. (Options) Use "DominoMQC" Uselsx "*javacon" (Declarations) 'New LotusScript classes that access Java Dim mySession As JavaSession Dim myClass As JavaClass Dim myObject As JavaObject Dim port As Integer Dim ws As NotesUIWorkSpace

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Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument Sub Click(Source As Button) 'Initialize a Java session Set mySession = New JavaSession() 'Initialize a Java class Set myClass = mySession.GetClass("MQPutC") 'Initialize a Java object Set myObject = myClass.CreateObject Set ws = New NotesUIWorkspace Set uidoc = ws.currentDocument hostName = uidoc.FieldGetText("hostName") port = Cint( uidoc.FieldGetText("port") ) channel = uidoc.FieldGetText("channel") mqManager = uidoc.FieldGetText("mqManager") mqQname = uidoc.FieldGetText("mqQname") message = uidoc.FieldGetText("message") 'Invoke the Java method returnStatus = myObject.putMessage( hostName, port, channel, mqManager, _ mqQname, message ) If Isempty( returnStatus ) Then Call uidoc.FieldSetText( "Errors", "MQ Put Message Successful" ) Else Call uidoc.FieldSetText( "Errors", returnStatus ) End If End Sub The following is the Java code used to put a message on a queue. This is the code that our put form from the previous panel is accessing. For more information about the Java code, refer to the Java agent code explained section. import*; public class MQPutC { public MQPutC() { } public static void main(String args[]){ try { String hostName = "gfbrich"; int port = 1414; String channel = "JAVA.CHANNEL"; String mqManager = "QM_gfbrich"; String mqQname = "SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE"; String message = "This is my first message"; String returnStatus = putMessage(hostName, port, channel, mqManager, mqQname, message); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static String putMessage(String hostName, int port, String channel, String mqManager, String mqQname, String message) throws Exception {

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String returnStatus = null; try { MQEnvironment.hostname = hostName; = channel; MQEnvironment.port = port;, MQC.TRANSPORT_MQSERIES); MQQueueManager qMgr = new MQQueueManager(mqManager); int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT | MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING ; MQQueue qName = qMgr.accessQueue(mqQname, openOptions, null, null, null); MQMessage mqMsg = new MQMessage(); mqMsg.format = MQC.MQFMT_NONE; mqMsg.writeUTF(message); MQPutMessageOptions pmo = new MQPutMessageOptions(); qName.put(mqMsg,pmo); qName.close(); qMgr.disconnect(); } catch (MQException ex) { returnStatus = "A WebSphere MQ error occurred : Completion code " + ex.completionCode + " Reason code " + ex.reasonCode; return returnStatus; } catch ( ex) { returnStatus = "An error occurred whilst writing to the message buffer: " + ex; return returnStatus; } return returnStatus; } }

The putMessage() method is the most important part of the program. As we saw, this is the method we call from LotusScript in the Domino database. The input parameters are: • hostName: The host name of the WebSphere MQ server • port: The listener port of the WebSphere MQ server • channel: The channel name of the WebSphere MQ server • mqManager: The name of the WebSphere MQ server • mqQname: The name of the queue to put the message on • message: The actual message to put on the queue

The get form The get form is a simple one, too. It has six fields and a button. The first five fields are the input to the Java getMessage() method and the last is a field for the message.

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Now let's look at the code behind the form. The following listing is the LotusScript code to get a message from a queue. It invokes the Java getMessage() method. Again, remember that it's important to include the Use statement, and that the Uselsx statement is required to use LS2J. The Click routine here sets the objects and gets the values from the form and invokes the Java getMessage() method. (Options) Use "DominoMQC" Uselsx "*javacon" (Declarations) 'New LotusScript classes that access Java Dim mySession As JavaSession Dim myClass As JavaClass Dim myObject As JavaObject Dim port As Integer Dim ws As NotesUIWorkSpace Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument Sub Click(Source As Button)

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'Initialize a Java session Set mySession = New JavaSession() 'Initialize a Java class Set myClass = mySession.GetClass("MQGetC") 'Initialize a Java object Set myObject = myClass.CreateObject Set ws = New NotesUIWorkspace Set uidoc = ws.currentDocument hostName = uidoc.FieldGetText("hostName") port = Cint( uidoc.FieldGetText("port") ) channel = uidoc.FieldGetText("channel") mqManager = uidoc.FieldGetText("mqManager") mqQname = uidoc.FieldGetText("mqQname") 'Invoke the Java method message = myObject.getMessage( hostName, port, channel, mqManager, _ mqQname ) Call uidoc.FieldSetText( "message", message ) End Sub The following is the Java code used to get a message off of a queue. This is the code that our get form from the previous panel is accessing. For more information about the Java code, refer to the Java agent code explained section. import*; public class MQGetC { public MQGetC() { } public static void main(String args[]){ try { String hostName = "gfbrich"; int port = 1414; String channel = "JAVA.CHANNEL"; String qManager = "QM_gfbrich"; String mqQname = "SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE"; String retrievedMessage = getMessage(hostName, port, channel, qManager, mqQname); System.out.println("Message = " + retrievedMessage); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getMessage(String hostName, int port, String channel, String mqManager, String mqQname) throws Exception { String msgText = new String(); try { MQEnvironment.hostname = hostName; MQEnvironment.port = port; = channel;, MQC.TRANSPORT_MQSERIES); MQQueueManager qMgr = new MQQueueManager(mqManager); int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF | MQC.MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING; MQQueue qName = qMgr.accessQueue(mqQname, openOptions, null, null, null);

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MQMessage retrievedMessage = new MQMessage(); MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions(); gmo.options = MQC.MQGMO_WAIT | MQC.MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING | MQC.MQGMO_NO_SYNCPOINT; gmo.waitInterval = 10000; qName.get(retrievedMessage,gmo); msgText = retrievedMessage.readUTF(); qName.close(); qMgr.disconnect(); } catch (MQException ex) { return "A WebSphere MQ error occurred : Completion code " + ex.completionCode + " Reason code " + ex.reasonCode; } catch ( ex) { return "An error occurred whilst writing to the message buffer: " + ex; } return msgText; } }

The getMessage() method is the most important part of the program. As we saw in the previous panel, this is the method we call from LotusScript in the Domino database. The input parameters are: • hostName: The host name of the WebSphere MQ server • port: The listener port of the WebSphere MQ server • channel: The channel name of the WebSphere MQ server • mqManager: The name of the WebSphere MQ server • mqQname: The name of the queue to get the message from Another feature of this application is noteworthy. As written, the program waits for 10 seconds for a message on the queue. The get message options value of MQC.MQGMO_WAIT indicates to wait and waitInterval indicates the time to wait, in milliseconds. If you don't want the program to wait the 10 seconds, remove the wait parameter and the interval from the code.

Section 6. Web browser example Java agents Our second example uses a Web browser for the client. There are two forms, one for the put message and the other for the get message. For each form, there is a corresponding Domino Java agent.

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For the Java agents to call WebSphere MQ, you need to update the Java user classes parameter in the Notes.ini file for the Domino server. Shut down the Domino server, add the following line, then restart the server.

JavaUserClasses=C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib;C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\; C:\WebSphereMQ\tools\java\base\;C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\connector.jar; C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\jta.jar;C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\providerutil.jar; C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\;C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\ldap.jar; C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\jndi.jar;C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\jms.jar; C:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib\fscontext.jar;

For this example, we've assumed that WebSphere MQ is installed at C:\WebSphereMQ\; obviously, you'll need to change this to match your environment.

MQPutC Web form The put message form for the Web has the same number of fields as the corresponding Notes client, but the Web form has a WebQuerySave event to execute an agent. The formula for this event is @Command([ToolsRunMacro]; "MQPutAgent"). The form also has a hidden field, SaveOptions, for which the default value is 0. This indicates not to save the document into the Domino database after the Submit button is pressed. If you want to save the document, remove the field or change the default value to 1.

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MQPutAgent Now let's examine the Domino Java agent that will retrieve the field values from the form and then put the message on the queue. The agent gets a handle to the document doc and issues a getItemValueString() to get the host name, channel, queue manager, queue, and message. It issues a getItemValueInteger() for the port, since the port is an integer value. The agent sets environment values for the host name, channel, and port. The agent creates a new queue manager, new message, and new message options objects. It accesses the queue name and, finally, puts the message on the queue. For more information about the Java code, refer to the Java agent code explained section. Here's the code:

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import*; import; import lotus.domino.*; public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase { public void NotesMain() { try { Session session = getSession(); AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext(); PrintWriter pw = getAgentOutput(); pw.println("Content-Type: text/html"); pw.println("DominoMQ"); pw.println(""); pw.println(""); pw.println(""); pw.println(""); pw.println("
"); pw.println("
"); pw.println("

DominoMQ Put

"); Document doc = agentContext.getDocumentContext(); String returnStatus = null; pw.println("

Host: " + doc.getItemValueString("hostName")); pw.println("

Channel: " + doc.getItemValueString("channel")); pw.println("

Port: " + doc.getItemValueInteger("port")); pw.println("

Message: " + doc.getItemValueString("message")); MQEnvironment.hostname = doc.getItemValueString("hostName"); =

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doc.getItemValueString("channel"); MQEnvironment.port = doc.getItemValueInteger("port");, MQC.TRANSPORT_MQSERIES); MQQueueManager qMgr = new MQQueueManager(doc.getItemValueString("mqManager")); int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF | MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT; MQQueue mqQ = qMgr.accessQueue(doc.getItemValueString("mqQname"),openOptions); MQMessage mqMsg = new MQMessage(); mqMsg.writeUTF(doc.getItemValueString("message")); MQPutMessageOptions pmo = new MQPutMessageOptions(); mqQ.put(mqMsg,pmo); mqQ.close(); qMgr.disconnect(); pw.println("

Message successfully put

"); pw.println(""); } catch(NotesException ne) { System.out.println("A Lotus Domino error occurred: " + + " " + ne.text); } catch (MQException ex) { System.out.println("A WebSphere MQ error occurred : Completion code " + ex.completionCode + " Reason code " + ex.reasonCode); } catch ( ex) { System.out.println("An error occurred writing to the message buffer: " + ex); }

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catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

MQGetC Web form The get message form for the Web has the same number of fields as the corresponding Notes client, but the Web form has a WebQuerySave event to execute an agent. The formula for this event is @Command([ToolsRunMacro]; "MQGetAgent"). The form also has a hidden field, SaveOptions, with a default value of 0. This indicates not to save the document into the Domino database after the Submit button is pressed. If you want to save the document, remove the field or change the default value to 1.

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MQGetAgent Now let's discuss the Domino Java agent that will retrieve the field values from the form and then get the message from the queue. The agent gets a handle to the document doc and issues a getItemValueString() to get the host name, channel, queue manager, queue, and message. It issues a getItemValueInteger() for the port, since the port is an integer value. The agent sets environment values for the host name, channel, and port. The agent creates a new queue manager, new message, and new message options objects. It accesses the queue name and finally gets the message from the queue. If there is still no message on the queue at that point, the get operation will wait for approximately 10 seconds for a message. If there is no message, a Completion Code of 2 and a Reason Code of 2033 will be printed to the Domino console. For more information about the Java code, refer to the Java agent code explained Integrate Domino and WebSphere MQ Page 28 of 39

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section. import*; import; import lotus.domino.*; public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase { public void NotesMain() { try { Session session = getSession(); AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext(); PrintWriter pw = getAgentOutput(); pw.println("Content-Type: text/html"); pw.println("DominoMQ"); pw.println(""); pw.println(""); pw.println(""); pw.println(""); pw.println("
"); pw.println("
"); pw.println("

DominoMQ Get

"); String msgText = new String(); Document doc = agentContext.getDocumentContext(); pw.println("

Host: " + doc.getItemValueString("hostName")); pw.println("

Channel: " + doc.getItemValueString("channel")); pw.println("

Port: " + doc.getItemValueInteger("port")); MQEnvironment.hostname = doc.getItemValueString("hostName");

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= doc.getItemValueString("channel"); MQEnvironment.port = doc.getItemValueInteger("port");, MQC.TRANSPORT_MQSERIES); MQQueueManager qMgr = new MQQueueManager(doc.getItemValueString("mqManager")); int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF | MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT; MQQueue mqQ = qMgr.accessQueue(doc.getItemValueString("mqQname"), openOptions); MQMessage retrievedMessage = new MQMessage(); MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions(); gmo.options = MQC.MQGMO_WAIT | MQC.MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING | MQC.MQGMO_NO_SYNCPOINT; gmo.waitInterval = 10000; mqQ.get(retrievedMessage,gmo); msgText = retrievedMessage.readUTF(); mqQ.close(); qMgr.disconnect(); pw.println("

Message: " + msgText + "

"); pw.println(""); } catch(NotesException ne) { System.out.println("A Lotus Domino error occurred: " + + " " + ne.text); } catch (MQException ex) { System.out.println("A WebSphere MQ error occurred : Completion code " + ex.completionCode + " Reason code " +

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ex.reasonCode); } catch ( ex) { System.out.println("An error occurred writing to the message buffer: " + ex); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

Section 7. Lotus Domino scheduled agent example Java code for the agent Now let's create a Domino scheduled agent that can carry out some of the functions of our earlier example applications on a timed basis, without human intervention. First, create a new agent in your Domino database. For Trigger, select On schedule. Then select the Schedule button, which pops up the Agent Schedule dialog box. For our example, we'll run the agent every hour. Select Java for the agent; the code follows. The program will remove messages from a queue and create a Domino document for each message. For more information about the Java code, refer to the Java agent code explained section. import*; import lotus.domino.*; public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase { public void NotesMain() { String hostname = "gfbrich"; String channel =

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"JAVA.CHANNEL"; Integer port = new Integer(1414); String mqManager = "QM_gfbrich"; String mqQname = "SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE"; String msgText = new String(); boolean forever = true; try { Session session = getSession(); AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext(); Database db = agentContext.getCurrentDatabase(); MQEnvironment.hostname = hostname; = channel; MQEnvironment.port = port.intValue();, MQC.TRANSPORT_MQSERIES); MQQueueManager qMgr = new MQQueueManager(mqManager); int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF | MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT; MQQueue mqQ = qMgr.accessQueue(mqQname, openOptions); MQMessage retrievedMessage = new MQMessage(); MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions(); gmo.options = MQC.MQGMO_WAIT | MQC.MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING | MQC.MQGMO_NO_SYNCPOINT; gmo.waitInterval = 10000; while (forever) { mqQ.get(retrievedMessage,gmo);

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msgText = retrievedMessage.readUTF(); retrievedMessage.messageId = null; retrievedMessage.correlationId = null; Document doc = db.createDocument(); doc.replaceItemValue("Form", "MQScheduledGetForm"); doc.replaceItemValue("hostName", hostname); doc.replaceItemValue("port", port); doc.replaceItemValue("channel", channel); doc.replaceItemValue("mqManager", mqManager); doc.replaceItemValue("mqQname", mqQname); doc.replaceItemValue("message", msgText); if ( System.out.println("Document created and saved"); else System.out.println("Something went wrong"); doc.recycle(); } mqQ.close(); qMgr.disconnect(); } catch(NotesException ne) { System.out.println("A Lotus Domino error occurred: " + + " " + ne.text); } catch (MQException ex) { if (ex.reasonCode == 2033) { //Queue is empty } else { System.out.println("A WebSphere MQ error occurred : Completion code " + ex.completionCode + " Reason code " + ex.reasonCode);

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} } catch ( ex) { System.out.println("An error occurred writing to the message buffer: " + ex); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

On the next panel, we'll look at this code in more detail.

Java agent code explained We'll highlight some of the agent code here. In the first part of the program, we initialize some variables. We use the class Integer for the port because this is what Domino requires for a numeric field. Later in the program, we use the intValue() method on the port object, which returns the primitive int value for use by the port environment value. The last value, forever, is used for a while loop to retrieve all messages on the queue. The code will loop forever until there are no more messages on the queue, which will throw an exception and exit the loop. String hostname = "gfbrich"; String channel = "JAVA.CHANNEL"; Integer port = new Integer(1414); String mqManager = "QM_gfbrich"; String mqQname = "SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE"; String msgText = new String(); boolean forever = true;

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The next three lines initialize the objects used for Domino. We start with a Session, and then AgentContext, which represents the agent environment of our program. Lastly, we get a handle to the current Domino database. Session session = getSession(); AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext(); Database db = agentContext.getCurrentDatabase();

To connect to the WebSphere MQ server, the client relies on environment variables to control the behavior of the connection. The variables are hostname, channel, and port. The port value must be an int value. There are two other variables, userId and password, if you need to use them. MQEnvironment.hostname = hostname; = channel; MQEnvironment.port = port.intValue();

We are now ready to connect to the queue manager. We create a new instance of the MQQueueManager class. MQQueueManager qMgr = new MQQueueManager(mqManager);

Next, we access the queue and create new message and message options objects. One of the options you should note here is MQGMO_WAIT. This option, along with the wait interval value, will have the program wait on a queue if there are no messages for the desired time in milliseconds. In our example, we'll wait 10 seconds for a message if the queue is empty. int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF | MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT; MQQueue mqQ = qMgr.accessQueue(mqQname, openOptions); MQMessage

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retrievedMessage = new MQMessage(); MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions(); gmo.options = MQC.MQGMO_WAIT | MQC.MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING | MQC.MQGMO_NO_SYNCPOINT; gmo.waitInterval = 10000;

The while loop will get all messages on the queue, one at a time. It's important to set the message and correlation IDs to null after each message is retrieved. The program will create a new document in the Domino database. The document will contain the host name, port, channel, queue manager, queue name, and the retrieved message. while (forever) { mqQ.get(retrievedMessage,gmo); msgText = retrievedMessage.readUTF(); retrievedMessage.messageId = null; retrievedMessage.correlationId = null; Document doc = db.createDocument(); doc.replaceItemValue("Form", "MQScheduledGetForm"); doc.replaceItemValue("hostName", hostname); doc.replaceItemValue("port", port); doc.replaceItemValue("channel", channel); doc.replaceItemValue("mqManager", mqManager); doc.replaceItemValue("mqQname", mqQname); doc.replaceItemValue("message", msgText); if ( System.out.println("Document created and saved"); else System.out.println("Something went wrong"); doc.recycle(); }

The last piece of code closes the queue, and disconnects from the queue manager.

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mqQ.close(); qMgr.disconnect();

Section 8. Wrap up Summary Lotus Domino enables individuals to access information, expertise, and resources regardless of time or geography. WebSphere MQ enables programs to communicate with one another across a network of unlike components -- processors, operating systems, subsystems, and communication protocols -- using a consistent application programming interface. Lotus Domino usually is not the only system in an enterprise. There are other systems on other platforms. These systems could be written in Visual Basic, C, COBOL, or the Java language, and you need to share data between Lotus Domino and these systems. WebSphere MQ is the middleware that will enable Lotus Domino to communicate with virtually any program on any platform you have in your enterprise. With Lotus Domino 6, integrating WebSphere MQ with your Domino database is fairly simple. You create a Java library to handle your WebSphere MQ requests -- a put and a get message, for instance. Then, through LotusScript to Java (LS2J), you can use that library and methods to pass the host name, channel, port, queue manager, queue name, and whatever other parameters you might have using LotusScript. Hopefully, this tutorial will help you integrate your Domino databases with WebSphere MQ. Also, if you are currently using the MQSeries Link for LotusScript (MQLSX), then this tutorial should help you move to a Java platform-based -- and supported -- solution.

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Resources Learn • Here are a few IBM redbooks on Domino, Domino Designer, and WebSphere MQ. • Domino Designer 6: A Developer's Handbook • What's new with IBM Lotus Domino 6 for iSeries • Upgrading to Lotus Notes and Domino 6 • Lotus Domino 6 for Linux • IBM Lotus Domino 6 for iSeries implementation • MQSeries primer • MQSeries publish/subscribe applications • The following books are available on the WebSphere MQ CD-ROM. • WebSphere MQ Using Java • WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide • WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference • WebSphere MQ Clients • Stay current with developerWorks technical events and Webcasts. Get products and technologies • Download the sample Lotus Domino database that accompanies this tutorial. • Build your next development project with IBM trial software, available for download directly from developerWorks. Discuss • Participate in the discussion forum for this content.

About the author George Brichacek George Brichacek is a product marketing manager with IBM Lotus Software, IBM Software Group, focused on application development and enterprise integration. He has presented and developed several memorable demos for the Lotus Masters

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Broadcast, as well as for customers and internal field enablement. He works with Lotus product management to bring the latest and greatest technologies on Lotus application development and enterprise integration to you. During his spare time, he developed and supported a Lotus Notes utility called CalPrint. George resides in the Chicago area. He can be reached at [email protected]

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