Instructions For Faculty Form E5_ay0910

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 5
Instructions for Filling-out Faculty Form E5 (CHED e-Form E5)


The HEIs are encouraged to use the MS Excel format in accomplishing the faculty form. It is highly recommended that HEI should keep a copy of this form for the next data collection period.


Please type the complete Name of your Institution (no abbreviation please), and Region at the space provided, and the assigned Unique Institutional Identifier inside the box.


Please type the current Academic Year (AY) inside the box for this data collection period. Example: 2009/10.


Kindly follow the format or template in entering the requested information and double check your entries before you submit the accomplished Form stored in diskette to the concerned CHED Regional Office.


Please use one row for each faculty or teaching staff in higher education programs for data entry.


For Educational Credential Earned column, input the degree program (both in baccalaureate and graduate level) attained by the faculty. Please do not use any abbreviation. If the faculty has earned master's or doctorate units, kindly put them under the Column of the master's or doctorate indicating the number of units taken.


Please enter the name of the staff who accomplished this form, his designation and the date it was accomplished and in like manner, the name of the official that certified the correctness of entries at the space provided.

Definition of Terms: Primary Teaching Discipline (FACDIS) - For the faculty members, i.e. employees whose primary job is teaching, this element will capture the primary discipline of the subjects the faculty member usually teaches. For instance, using the Discipline Code, FACDISC is 140102 for faculty whose subjects are grouped in Secondary Education.


J025 IF THE EMPLOYEE FULL-TIME, FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME IN THE HEI FULL_PART To answer: is the employee full-time, half-time, or part-time in the HEI? FOR THE NON-TEACHING EMPLOYEE, • Full-time means a 40-hour week. • If the no. of hours is fixed at 20 hours per week, the employee is half-time. • If there is no fixed commitment for 40 hours or 20 hours, the employee is classified part-time. For instance, if a Physician is “on call” or renders clinic hours for 2 hours per day, classification is part-time. FOR THE FACULTY OR TEACHING EMPLOYEE, • full-time means the faculty member is required to teach or account for the normal (i.e. minimum) full-time faculty

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load, typically set at 18 units (or whatever it is in the HEI). The faculty member has to account for this full load. If the faculty member is required to teach or account for exactly half the normal load, then the faculty is half-time. Indeed, so long as there is a fixed minimum load which is less than the full-time (say 9 units per sem), the faculty member will be classified as “half-time”. The crucial condition is that there is a fixed minimum load which the faculty has to account for. If the faculty member has no fixed minimum load, then the faculty member will be classified part-time. The quintessential part-time faculty member is the lecturer because the lecturer has no pre-determined minimum load. The lecturer may teach or may not depending on his own availability and the need for his services. “To account for 18 units” means the faculty is allowed to meet the 18 unit normal load with a combination of actual teaching, administrative duties, research or some other officiallyrecognized duty. Teaching Fellows, Associates or Assistants will be counted separately. A professor emeritus will counted as “part-time faculty” because there is no fixed minimum load. If the faculty member has no fixed minimum load but has been teaching an average of at least 18 units in the previous four (4) consecutive semesters, the faculty member will be classified “full-time”. This counting rule is only for the purposes of the RCDEM and the rule cannot or should not be invoked by any person to demand some privileges or compensation from the HEI.

CODING 1 2 3 4 5


The person is a “full-time” employee of the HEI. The person is a “half-time” employee of the HEI. Student employee such as Student Assistant or Graduate Assistant. Teaching Fellow, Associate or Assistant. None of the above and therefore “part-time”. This includes: lecturers (all ranks), adjunct or affiliate faculty, visiting professors, professors emeriti, Physicians “on call”, lawyers or accountants “on retainer basis”, etc. Not known or not indicated.

WHAT IS THE FACULTY MEMBER’S PRIMARY FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION? What is the primary field of specialization of the faculty member? If this question is left open-ended, the response could be anything written down by the faculty member. The response can only be recorded in a computer as text data. This means it cannot be analyzed. It would then be impossible to categorize the faculty members in an HEI into a few disciplines, let alone classify all the faculty members in the Philippines. If the HEI or CHED wants to analyze the responses from 200 faculty members in an HEI or the 50,000 (or 100,000) faculty members in the Philippines, the response must be limited to a prespecified menu of specializations. For this data element, CHED, the 6-digit Discipline Code

shall be used. The point is that responses have to be chosen from a prescribed menu. The response should not be open-ended. SEE DISCIPLINE CODE IN EXCEL FORMAT. PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE EARNED BY THE EMPLOYEE ELEMENT NUMBER NAME OF ELEMENT SHORT NAME PURPOSE

J221 PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE EARNED BY THE EMPLOYEE LICENSURE To capture the professional licensure (e.g. CPA, Bar, etc.) earned by the employee. To permit statistical tabulations and cross-tabulations with other variables such as discipline. This element captures whether the employee has earned professional qualification by passing a Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) board exam, the bar or the equivalent in other jurisdictions.


CODING 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

The particular kind of qualification would be noted. If two or more professional designations have been earned, record the one that corresponds to the person's primary teaching discipline or their occupation. Do not confuse with EMPLQUAL or HIGHESTDEG. 2-digit code. PRC in Accountancy or the equivalent from another jurisdiction PRC in Aeronautical engineering or the equivalent from another jurisdiction PRC in Agricultural Engineering or the equivalent from another jurisdiction PRC in Agriculture or the equivalent from another jurisdiction PRC in Architecture or the equivalent from another jurisdiction PRC in Chemical Engineering or the equivalent from another jurisdiction PRC in Chemistry or the equivalent PRC in Civil Engineering or the equivalent PRC in Criminology or the equivalent PRC in Customs Brokerage or the equivalent PRC in Dentistry or the equivalent PRC in Electrical Engineering or the equivalent PRC in Electronics & Communication Engineering or the equivalent PRC in Environmental Planning or the equivalent PRC in Fisheries Technology or the equivalent PRC in Forestry or the equivalent PRC in Geodetic Engineering or the equivalent PRC in Geology or the equivalent PRC in Interior Design or the equivalent PRC in Landscape Architecture or the equivalent Supreme Court Bar Examinations or the equivalent PRC in Librarian or the equivalent PRC in LET-Elementary or the equivalent PRC in LET-Secondary or the equivalent PRC in Marine Deck Office or the equivalent PRC in Marine Engine Officer or the equivalent PRC in Master Plumber or the equivalent PRC in Mechanical Engineering or the equivalent PRC in Medical Technology or the equivalent PRC in Physician or the equivalent

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PRC in Metallurgical Engineering or the equivalent PRC in Midwifery or the equivalent PRC in Mining Engineering or the equivalent PRC in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering or the equivalent PRC in Nursing or the Equivalent PRC in Nutrition & Dietetics or the equivalent PRC in Occupational Therapy or the equivalent PRC in Optometry or the equivalent PRC in Pharmacy or the equivalent PRC in Physical Therapy or the equivalent PRC in Radiological Technology or the equivalent PRC in Sanitary Engineering or the equivalent PRC in Social Work or the equivalent PRC in Sugar Technology or the equivalent PRC in Veterinary medicine or the equivalent

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PRC in X-Ray Technology or the equivalent PRC or Civil Service (prior to 1995) in Teacher Education No licensure earned. No record or not known

Tenure of Employment - This classifies the employee into permanent, probationary, casual or contractual. Permanent means the faculty cannot be fired except for a cause, otherwise the employment is defined for a fixed duration only or is "at the pleasure" of some executive. Code: 1 - Permanent 2 – Probationary 3 - Casual 4 – Contractual

CLASSIFYING THE FACULTY INTO GENERIC RANKS In the SUCs, the position titles for the faculty include Roman numerals as in “ Assistant Professor IV” as opposed to “Assistant Professor I”. If the Roman numerals are factored in, there could be as many as 30 different faculty position titles. However, it would be simpler if faculty ranks could be grouped together into just “the generic ranks” without the encumbrance of Roman numerals. The data element FACRANK is an attempt in this simplification. ELEMENT NUMBER NAME OF ELEMENT SHORT NAME PURPOSE DEFINITION

J023 GENERIC FACULTY RANK OF EMPLOYEE FACRANK To simplify or standardize faculty ranks into just the major categories, ignoring the Roman or Arabic numerals which designate “steps” within the same rank. The “generic faculty rank” as coded below. This element will ignore Arabic or Roman numerals, will put Asst Prof 1,2,3,4,5,6 all together under “Assistant Professor”. Ignore the prefixes: Exchange, Visiting, Adjunct, Affiliate, and the suffix Emeritus. Thus, Visiting, Adjunct or Affiliate Asst Prof will be coded along with all other Asst Prof.

CODING 09 10 11 12 13 14 20 30 40 50 90

A person will be classified into one and only one of the following categories. 2-digit code. Teaching Fellow or Teaching Associate Teacher, Master Teacher Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Professorial Lecturer Professor Emeritus Visiting Professor (whatever the actual rank) Adjunct or affiliate faculty (regardless of whether adjunct asst prof or adjunct associate prof or adjunct professor, etc.) Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor (including University Professor) Others

Teaching Load - This refers to the actual teaching load of a faculty in the current semester/trimester. If faculty is in study leave but has equivalent load, please indicate also the teaching load. Code: 00 - No teaching load 10 - 1.0 - 6.0 units per semester 20 - 7.0 - 12.0 units per semester 30 - 13.0 - 18.0 units per semester 40 - 19.0 - 24.0 units per semester 50 - more than 24 units per semester 99 - Not known. Subjects Taught - This refers to all the subjects being taught by the faculty in that particular semester. Please do not use abbreviations. Annual Salary - This refers to the actual annual basic salary of the faculty. Assign one code for each faculty within the range of his/her annual basic salary. Code: 1 - 60,000 below 2 - 60,000 - 69,999 3 - 70,000 - 79,999 5 - 90,000 - 99,999 6 - 100,000 - 149,999 7 - 150,000 - 249,999 8 - 250,000 - 499,999 9 - 500,000 - UP

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