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  • Pages: 25
Insects A Pictionary

A for Ant 

Ants are one of the most common insects in the world. Ants are a very organized species. They always live in colonies. The head of the colony is always a female ant and it is called the queen ant. The male ants are called workers or soldier ants. They are sometimes also called as drones.

B for Buckeye Butterfly 

The buckeye is a medium-sized butterfly with two large multicolored eyespots on hindwings and one large eyespot on forewings. The background color of the buckeye is mostly brown. Male buckeyes perch during the day on low plants or bare ground to watch for females. They fly often to patrol their territory or to chase other flying insects. The buckeye is often seen perching on protruding branches or resting on bare ground. Females lay eggs one at a time on leaf buds or on upperside of host plant leaves.

C for Cicadas 

The cicada is related to the harvest fly. Some cicada's live underground for seventeen years. The cicada grows up to three inches. Cicadas suck juice from tree roots when they are larva. Once the female cicada comes above ground, she mates. Then she lays her eggs and dies The cicada can lay four hundred to six hundred eggs. A cicada can chirp so loud you can hear it from half a mile away. A male cicada abdomen has two drum like sound chambers.

D for DragonFly 

It is characterized by large multifaceted eyes, two pairs of strong, transparent wings, and an elongated body. Dragonflies typically eat mosquitoes and other small insects. They are therefore valued as predators, since they help control populations of harmful insects. Dragonflies are usually found around lakes, ponds, streams. Dragonflies do not bite or sting humans.

E for Earwigs 

The name originates from the superstition that earwigs crawl into the ears of sleeping persons and bore into the brain. Although earwigs appear somewhat dangerous due to their forceps, they are practically harmless to man. They may be winged or wingless. Only a few are good fliers. The body terminates in a pair of claw like structures. They are called pincers and are used in capturing prey and mating.

F for FireFly 

"Firefly" is the common name for the nocturnal (night-time) luminous (glowing) insects belonging to the beetle family . Some people call them "lightning bugs". Female fireflies lay their eggs in the soil. The eggs hatch about four weeks later into larvae. The larvae sometimes glow, and are commonly known as "glowworms". Firefly eggs are also reported to glow. It is believed that some adult fireflies do not eat. Other kinds feed on pollen and nectar.

G for Grass Hopper 

Grasshoppers exist in a variety of colors! In many places around the world, grasshoppers are eaten as a good source of protein! In the movie A Bug's Life, the heroes are the members of an ant colony, and the lead villain and his henchmen are grasshoppers. The lead villain is then eaten by a bird.

H for Honey Bee 

Honey bees (or honeybees) are insects that store honey and they construct their nests out of beeswax Honey is made when the nectar and sweet deposits from plants and trees are gathered, modified and stored in the honeycomb by honey bees. Bees collect pollen in the pollen basket and carry it back to the hive. In the hive, pollen is used as a protein source necessary during brood-rearing. All honey bees live in colonies where the worker bees will sting intruders as a form of defense. Worker bees of a certain age will secrete beeswax. They use the wax to form the walls and caps of the comb.

I for Io Moth 

The Io moth, named for a character in Greek mythology, has a very obvious black eyespot on each hindwing. Males are golden yellow in color, but females are more brown. Both have one big black to bluish eyespot with some white in the center, on each hindwing, a defense mechanism meant to frighten off potential predators. Both sexes are attracted to lights and fly. The number of male io moths is more than the number of female moths.

J for Japanese Beetle 

The Japanese beetle is brilliantly colored, oval, and less than half an inch long. Wing colors are coppery with fine lines that run the length of its wing cases, and the body is a beautiful metallic green. The five tufts of white hairs projecting from under the wing covers on each side and the two patches of white hairs at the tip of the abdomen are the distinguishing characteristics. Adults feed in the daytime from early June to Labor Day. They devour leaves as well as flowers. Leaf tissue is eaten between the veins so that the foliage looks somewhat like lace.

K for Katydids 

Katydids get their name from the way their songs sound. Their antennae which may be two or three times the length of their body. These antennae are covered with sensory receptors that allow katydids to find their way around in the dark, when most of them are active. Few other groups in the insect world have as wide a range of survival tactics as katydids. Katydids do everything from posing as remarkably life-like leaves to mimicking other insects in their attempts to make it through the day without being eaten.

L for Lady bird 

Ladybirds are generally considered useful insects They feed on scale insects which are pests in gardens, agricultural fields, and orchards. Some people consider seeing them or having them land on one's body to be a sign of good luck to come, and that killing them is bad luck.

M for Mosquito 

The average life span of the female mosquito is 3 to 100 days; the male's is 10 to 20 days. Mosquito adults feed on flower nectar and juices of fruits for flight energy. The female requires a blood meal for egg development Female Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon-dioxide and will pierce the skin of people and other warm-blooded animals to suck blood, causing a painful swelling. They are carriers of the dangerous virus that causes malaria.

N for Nephila Clavata 

Nephila clavata, is a type of spider. It can be found throughout Japan,Taiwan and China. Due to the large size as well as the bright, unique colors of the species of the female Nephila, the spider is wellfavored in Japan. The web of female Nephila can reach one meter in width; the yellow threads appear rich gold in sunlight. The adult female individual has stripes of yellow and dark blur blue, and adds red around the spinneret.

O for Orb Weaver Spider 

The orb-weaver spiders are the builders of spiral wheel-shaped webs often found in gardens, fields and forests. Characteristically, the prey insect that blunders into the sticky lines is stunned by a quick bite and then wrapped in silk. If the prey is a venomous insect, such as a wasp, wrapping may precede biting.

P for Paper Wasp 

Taking a drink from the moisture that gathered on the surface of this tropical plant, this paper wasp builds clusters of hexagonal paper cells. Mixing masticated wood pulp with adhesive saliva, these paper nest cells act as larval nesting chambers for the young wasps. The Chinese inventor of paper was legend to have been inspired by observing these wasps chewing bark.

R for Red Pierrot 

The Red Pierrot is a small but striking butterfly found in South Asia. Red Pierrots, flying weakly around and perching on the Kalanchoe plant, are usually noticed by excited children in gardens due to their beautiful striking patterns and colours.

S for Stick Insect 

A stick insect looks just like a stick. Since it looks like a twig it is very difficult to find them. Many stick insects are easy to care for, and make good pets mainly the Indian stick insect.

T for Termites 

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A queen termite can lay thirty thousand eggs a day. Termites have been called the white ant. Like ants, termites live in colonies. The most common termite is the black mound termite. Each termite has there own job. The termites build their homes in the ground. There are twenty-one hundred species of termites. Some workers have no eyes. Common termite mounds can be up to 2 feet high!

V for Velvet Ant 

It's easy to see why this insect is called a velvet ant, but surprisingly, it's not an ant at all! This is a wingless female wasp. Its body shape is like that of an ant, so wingless females are often mistaken for large ants. Male velvet ants have wings, are usually bigger than the female, but are rarely seen by people. They are sometimes seen flying low to the ground looking for females to mate with.

W for Wasp 

Wasps are prolific caterpillar hunters. Paralyzed caterpillars are used as food for their young while they develop in sand burrows. Wasp females are dangerous just like their counterpart mosquitoes. The Females sting with their modified egg laying apparatus when they are ‘bug’-ged

X for Xysticus 

Xysticus is a type of crab spiders. Xysticus are the dark brown or reddish-brown crab spiders often encountered on weeds or trees. They have shorter, sturdier legs and more patterned abdomens. They move slowly, and tend to hunt by stationing themselves in a high-traffic area and grabbing whatever insect passes close enough.

Y for Yellow Crazy Ant 

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The yellow crazy ant is a species of ant introduced accidentally to northern Australia It is a pest. It is colloquially called "crazy" because of its erratic movements when disturbed, is one of the largest invasive ants species in the world. .

Z for Zebra Long Wing Butterfly 

The Zebra long wing butterfly, as it name indicates has long wings with zebra like stripes. They are most common in North America and certain parts of South America such as Venezuela They are the official butterfly of Florida (USA)

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