Innovation Crafting

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 907
  • Pages: 41

“I cannot accept a pretense of science. I much prefer a sophisticated craft, focused on tricks, to a failed science looking for certainties” Nassim Nicholas Taleb


The Internet

Inter-disciplinary collaborations

High School Friendships

Complex system design diagram

Capillary network

“The ability to reduce everything to simple fundamental laws does not imply the ability to start from those laws and reconstruct the universe” Anderson, P.W., More is Different, Science, Vol. 177, No. 4047, Aug. 4, 1972, pp. 393-396.

“The older is not always a reliable model for the newer, the smaller for the larger, or the simpler for the more complex… Making something greater than any existing thing necessarily involves going beyond experience.” Henry Petroski, Pushing the Limits: New Adventures in Engineering

When Einstein was asked what was most helpful to him in developing the theory of relativity, he replied,

“Figuring out how to think about the problem.”

 Care

about the Premises more than the Theory

What you know is limited by what you can know today; What you don’t know today is what you will be forced to know tomorrow;

There are always limits to your Knowledge

What you should do is to create as many alternative futures as possible and also keep with you as many possible histories as possible. You don’t know which history is connected to which future – but one path is unfolding right now – you need to find out….

Work around the limits to your Knowledge

Burning your hand is a small price to pay for a good idea.

Accept wide variations within known parameters

• Interaction s among members of the groups





• Conversation. • Released from Vanity, inhibition, preconception • Treat others inputs as material to make with • So that New Ideas emerge

• Work of a group dedicated to collaboration • Create a whole greater than sum of its parts

Re-conceiving everything in response to what team sees as newly possible with each passing movement of rehearsal, as a result of each new thing tried

Sometimes one pays the most for the things one gets for nothing

The whole of science is nothing more than the refinement of everyday THINKING

Actors and other artists do their work for the sake of doing their work!

“Discovery” suggests there is a right choice waiting to be found

Successfully getting reliable innovation from knowledge workers requires a diligent faith in an impeccable process knowing that it will produce something of value before a firm deadline

Calls for collaboration without detailed/coercive direction  Passionate support and faith in their work De-stigmatizing mistakes and failures – Celebrating them as steps on the path to Innovation

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 

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The brain is a complex adaptive system. The brain is a social brain. The search for meaning is innate. The search for meaning occurs through patterning. Emotions are critical to patterning. Every brain simultaneously perceives and creates parts and wholes. Learning involves both focused attention and peripheral attention. Learning always involves conscious and unconscious processes. We have at least two ways of organizing memory. Learning is developmental. Complex learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by threat. Every brain is uniquely organized

3 Conditions for Learning Low Threat and High Challenge

Relaxed Alertness

Orchestrated Immersion

In Multiple, Complex, Authentic Experiences

Active Processing

Experiences processed as the basis of Meaning

"Optimizing the use of the human brain means using the brain’s infinite capacity to make connections–and understanding what conditions maximize this process." Three interactive and mutually supportive elements that should be present in order for complex learning to occur: An optimal state of mind that we call relaxed alertness, consisting of low threat and high challenge.  The orchestrated immersion of the learner in multiple, complex, authentic experience.  The regular, active processing of experience as the basis for making meaning. 

Chaotic Dumbness (High Threat, Low Challenge)  

Comply with this or else… Constant use of “Killer Phrases” to destroy new ideas

Automated Disjointedness (Delegation, Hands Off) Follow the process, don’t worry about anything Processes above people – Right processes Mandated will create results  “Skill Set” based work assignment  

Passive Analysis (Data Collection, Historical Data Analysis) Give me all the data that has been accumulated – I will analyze and give you Insights  Quantify – if you cant quantify you don’t really know?  We will do a Quarterly Analysis to provide you results 

From Chaotic Dumbness to Relaxed Alertness From Automated Disjointedness to Orchestrated Immersion

From Passive Analysis to Active Processing

We Love to Kill Ideas! Everyone of us. Especially if they are from Others!

Nurture and Grow Every IDEA

“William Daniel "Danny" Hillis is an American inventor, entrepreneur, and author. He co-founded Thinking Machines Corporation, a company that developed the Connection Machine, a parallel supercomputer designed by Hillis at MIT. He is also co-founder of the Long Now Foundation, Applied Minds, Metaweb, and author of The Pattern on the Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work.

1. Open Your Eyes – and Keep them Open 2. Open Your Heart – and Fall in Love with each Idea

3. Dream Dreams – and Grow with each Idea 4. Come Back to Earth 5. Just Do it – with open eyes, open heart, dreaming with feet on earth 2009 © Crafitti Consulting

[email protected]

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