Ingles Basico

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  • Pages: 94

PROPOSITO DE LA ASIGNATURA Practicar el idioma Inglés como lengua extranjera en la realización de funciones interactivas y transactivas elementales mediante el intercambio de información en situaciones de la vida cotidiana. Realizar la lectura de textos escritos en Inglés, escuchar, entender pequeños diálogos hablados en el libro, participar en conversaciones donde se pueda mencionar datos personales y los de otra persona a través del desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades comunicativas (producción oral, escrita, comprensión lectora y auditiva), con actitudes de interés, respeto y responsabilidad en todo momento.



The main purpose is to practice English as a second language for the fulfillment of elemental interactive functions by means of the interchange of information in daily life. To read documents written in English, listen and understand the short dialogues from the book, participate in conversations where the student can mention personal information and understand the personal information of the native speaker through the development of the four communication skills (speaking, writing and listening and reading comprehension), with a respectful, responsible and interested attitude towards the person at all times.


La Asignatura del idioma Inglés (Lengua Adicional al español) dentro del campo de Lenguaje y Comunicación, del Componente de Formación Media, abarca del primer al cuarto cuatrimestre. La importancia del estudio del idioma Inglés como una segunda lengua hoy en día tiene cada vez mayor trascendencia debido, a la información que se obtiene en este idioma en libros, revistas especializadas, documentales, en la internet, pero sobre todo por que es catalogado como el idioma de los negocios en el mundo, y con el mayor número de hablantes. El idioma Inglés como medio de comunicación internacional responde a la necesidad que tiene el estudiante en su formación dentro del bachillerato de contar con herramientas que le permitan integrarse de manera armónica, útil y productiva a la nueva sociedad del conocimiento. Actualmente, el Instituto de Formación Profesional de Policías del Estado, con el propósito de responder de manera pertinente, eficaz y eficiente en mejorar la calidad de la educación de los policías en el nivel medio, propone la adopción de enfoques de enseñanza centrados en el aprendizaje; donde las formas de enseñanza consideren al estudiante como sujeto activo, centro del proceso formativo y constructor de su propio aprendizaje. El enfoque comunicativo funcional para la enseñanza de la asignatura, tiene como objetivo principal el desarrollo y mejora de las cuatro habilidades comunicativas (producción oral, producción escrita, comprensión auditiva y comprensión de la lectura); a fin de centrar la enseñanza en el estudiante partiendo de sus experiencias previas y su entorno. La comunicación es vista como un proceso en el que se negocia el significado, mediante la interacción entre el emisor y el receptor. El uso del idioma Inglés en la modalidad a distancia, permitirá al estudiante conocer su funcionamiento para utilizarlo adecuadamente en situaciones de comunicación real, identificar y usar diferentes funciones comunicativas (preguntar, explicar, describir, etcétera), identificar y utilizar distintos registros (formal, familiar, informal, entre otros) y penetrar también en la dimensión cultural (conocer costumbres y valores). Los contenidos para este curso están divididos en cuatro temas de interés general que tienen lugar en las relaciones interpersonales básicas, contenidos temáticos, funcionales, lingüísticos (en sus diferentes categorías) y culturales. Las unidades temáticas que conforman este programa de estudio son:

MÓDULO I: Planes hacia el Futuro. MÓDULO II: Acciones en el Pasado. 4

MÓDULO III: Dime: ¿Qué Hiciste Ayer? Uso del ING en Tiempo Pasado Progresivo. MÓDULO IV: Un Mal Día!


The English subject (as an additional language to Spanish), inside the language and communication field of the mid-education component, covers from the first to the fourth semester. The importance of studying English as a second language has nowadays more significance because of all the information received from this language by books, specialized magazines, documentaries and Internet, but most of all because it is labeled as the business language world wide and with the most number of speakers. English language, as a way of international communication responds to the need that the student has in his development inside Preparatory and to have tools that would allow him to fit in the new society of knowledge in a useful and productive way. At present day, the Institute for professional training for the State police Department, with the purpose of responding in an efficient and appropriate way to improve the quality of the police education in mid-levels, proposes the adoption of teaching focuses centered on apprenticeship, where the teaching methods consider the student as an active subject, central part of the training process and an architect of his own learning. The functional communication focus for the apprenticeship of the subject has as its main goal the development and improvement of the four communication skills (oral, writing, reading and listening comprehension) to center the learning process in the student starting from his previous experiences and his environment. Communication is seen as a process in which the meaning is negotiated through the interaction between the transmitter and the receiver. The use of the English language in the distant category, will allow the student to know his operation to use it adequately in real-time communication situations, identify and use different communication functions (ask, explain, describe, etc.), identify and use various titles (formal, informal, familiar, among others) and penetrate in the cultural dimension (the knowledge of customs and values). The contents for this course are divided in four general interest themes that have place in basic interpersonal relationships, thematic, functional, linguistic (in its different assets) and cultural contents. The thematic units that shape this study program are:

Module I: Plans to the future 6

Module II: actions in the past Module III: Tell me: what did you do yesterday? Module IV: A bad day!



El inglés ha pasado de ser el idioma de los Estados Unidos a ser el lenguaje comercial y de negocios en todo el mundo. Millones de personas alrededor del planeta ocupan el inglés todos los días para múltiples funciones, ya sea para estudio, para cerrar un trato importante, para darse a entender en otro país o hasta para entretenerse. El inglés nos rodea en cualquier lugar que vayamos, y lo vemos hacia donde volvamos la vista. Este último punto es el más importante para describir la necesidad de que nuestro cuerpo policial tenga conocimientos de este idioma. Vivimos en un mundo constantemente bombardeado por este lenguaje, y en un país donde un pilar fundamental de la economía es el turismo extranjero. El comprender a una persona que no habla nuestro idioma para poder brindarle un servicio eficaz, rápido y respetuoso debe ser prioridad para generar un ambiente de confianza, estabilidad y seguridad para nuestros visitantes. Por medio de este libro se pretende capacitar al agente de policía y alentarlo a que utilice esta muy importante herramienta para su vida no sólo laboral sino también en su ámbito personal. Las competencias que desarrollará el alumno en este curso serán:

MÓDULO I: Planes hacia el Futuro: Expresar actividades que piensa realizar en el futuro, mediante el uso de la forma Verbal going to. Expresar preguntas con Yes/ no questions y Wh – questions. Confirmar su planeas a través de la expresión oral y escrita. Intercambiar información acerca del tiempo y lugar donde piensa realizar determinada actividad, para retomar la forma verbal going to.

MÓDULO II: Acciones en el Pasado: Describir eventos del pasado relacionados con su contexto: escuela, familia, casa, etc, con el uso del tiempo pasado de los verbos en su forma regular e irregular. Intercambiar información acerca de actividades realizadas en el pasado, con apertura y cooperación. Describir lugares y eventos que ocurrieron en el pasado, mostrará actitudes de interés y disposición.

MÓDULO III: Dime: ¿Qué Hiciste Ayer? Uso del ING en Tiempo Pasado Progresivo: Proporcionar información acerca de acciones que se realizaban en un periodo en el pasado, mediante el uso del tiempo pasado progresivo (continuo). 8

Describir información acerca de acciones que terceras personas realizaron en el pasado con actitudes de respeto en todo momento. Relatar dos o más acciones que estaban realizándose simultáneamente en el pasado. MÓDULO IV: Un Mal Día!: Describir dos acciones que se estaban realizando simultáneamente en el pasado, usando el pasado progresivo ( continuo) y el conector while. Revisión del pasado simple de verbosregulares e irregulares. Contraste entre el pasado simple y la Conjugación del gerundio con auxiliar en pasado. Uso de when para unir una oración en pasado simple y otra con gerundio y auxiliar en pasado.



1. Concéntrese en la ejercitación oral y escrita que va a comenzar a realizar una vez que llegue el tiempo de estudiar la materia y tenga a la mano todo el material: Libro, diccionario y cuaderno de anotaciones.

2. Abra su libro de texto en la lección correspondiente y realice una revisión rápida de las palabras que no comprenda, anótelas en su cuaderno y busque el significado de las mismas, anotándolas también en su cuaderno para referencias futuras.

3. Trate de asociar los dibujos con el texto del libro e igualmente a imaginar la situación presentada en cada lección, ya sea de oraciones, diálogos y conversaciones.

4. Recuerde hacer apuntes en su cuaderno de las partes más importantes de cada lección, ya sea una regla gramatical o palabras para ampliar el vocabulario.

5. Por cada ejercicio, una vez que usted sepa la respuesta que corresponde a cada caso, escríbala en el libro de texto. Recuerde investigar en su libro si desconoce la respuesta correcta y revisar continua y oportunamente los diferentes apuntes que realice durante la lección para facilitar su comprensión de la misma.

6. Los espacios en blanco en los ejercicios deberá completarlos de acuerdo con la clase de ejercicio que se trate.

7. Lea atentamente las instrucciones antes de comenzar a responder los ejercicios y asegúrese de repasar sus notas y su libro cuando tenga dudas sobre algún punto en particular.

8. Pronuncie las oraciones y los diálogos mientras los lee. 10

9. Cada vez que tenga una duda deténgase y repita esa parte tantas veces sea necesario.

10. Si desea saber si va aprendiendo bien en cada lección, auto examínese al finalizar la misma y compare sus respuestas con el libro de texto. Puede utilizar el diccionario.

11. Practique con otras personas a medida que va aprendiendo. Establezca

diálogos con escenas similares a las presentadas en el libro y repítalos hasta que esté seguro de haberlo hecho bien.

12. Si encuentra una palabra en un ejercicio que no comprende o no recuerda, recuerde revisar su cuaderno de anotaciones o su diccionario.

13. Intente una vez por semana ver una película en inglés con subtítulos en inglés (lo cual puede hacer rentando un DVD y seleccionar en “idiomas” Inglés y en “subtítulos” Inglés) y anotar cuando menos 10 palabras que no comprendió en su cuaderno de anotaciones para así buscar su significado posteriormente. Recuerde que una parte fundamental del aprendizaje es aumentar el vocabulario de manera constante. Utilice todas las ventajas que tiene a su alcance para incrementar sus conocimientos.

14. Este libro maneja la pronunciación latinizada de las palabras entre paréntesis y la palabra remarcada en rojo. Asegúrese de repetir las palabras hasta estar seguro de comprender la forma correcta de pronunciarla.



WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO TO? ¿A dónde te gustaría ir?


Mother’s house Casa de mamá (Moders jáus)

Mountains Montañas (Máuntens)

Countryside El campo (Cóntrisaid)

Beach La playa (Biich)

The Woods El bosque (De wúuds)

The Jungle La selva (De LLongol)

Canyon Cañón (Cánion)

The city La ciudad (De cíti)

A theater Un teatro (A thiéirer)

FUTURO SIMPLE SIMPLE FUTURE *El futuro simple tiene dos formas diferentes en inglés: “will” (uil) y “going to” (going tu). Y aunque algunas veces pueden intercambiarse para su uso, generalmente 14

expresan dos significados diferentes. Ambos, “will” y “going to”se refieren a un tiempo específico en el futuro.

WILL WILL *Will se usa siempre antes del verbo. *Will no tiene traducción literal al español. Es el auxiliar de futuro, por lo que su traducción más aproximada es la terminación “-rá/ré”. [will+verbo] Ejemplos: Forma afirmativa: You will help him later (Iú uil jelp jim léirer) Tú le ayudarás a él después. She will go to her mother’s house next week. (Shí uíl gout u jer moders jáus nekst uík) Ella irá a la casa de su madre la próxima semana. I will study for my exam tomorrow. (Ai uíl stodi for mai eksam tumorrou) Yo estudiaré para mi exámen mañana. *Nótese que, cuando usamos “will”, los verbos en tercera persona no llevan “s” al final.

Forma Interrogativa:


*Para realizar una pregunta utilizando “will” se sigue la misma regla de la pregunta que el verbo “to be”, es decir, se intercambia will con el sujeto y se coloca un signo de interrogación al final. Marina will go to Chiapa de Corzo tomorrow Will Marina go to Chiapa de Corzo tomorrow? *Cuando respondemos una pregunta con “will”, contestamos con will. Ejemplo: Yes, I will. I will study this week. *Cuando usamos la forma negativa “won’t (contracción de will not)”, el auxiliar “will” se coloca en el mismo lugar que “will” Ejemplos: He won’t come to the party. (Jí uont com tu de pary) El no vendrá a la fiesta. We won’t work on Monday. (uí uont uork on mondei) Nosotros no trabbajermos el lunes. I won’t go to the movies. (Ai uont gout u de múvis) Yo no iré al cine. *Nótese que, cuando usamos “won’t” el verbo no lleva “s” al final cuando usamos terceras personas.

*La forma contraida de “will” es “’ll” Pronombre Contracción Pronunciación + “will” 16

I will



You will



He will



She will



It will



We will



They will



GOING TO GOING TO *”Going to” se puede utilizar de la misma forma que “will”, y aunque su significado es distinto, se utiliza como homófono de “will”. *”Going to” significa “ir a”. [am/is/are+going to+verb] Ejemplos: You are going to meet Jane tonight. (iú ar going tu míit LLein tunáit) Tú vas a conocer a Jane esta noche. He is going to play tennis. (Jí is going tu plei tennis) El va a jugar Tennis. They are going to drive the patrol car. (Dei ar going tu dráive de patrol carr) Ellos van a manejar la patrulla.

*Para realizar preguntas usando “Going to”, se intercambia el verbo “to be” con el sujeto, justo como las preguntas con el verbo “to be” en presente simple. Roxy is going to go to school 17

Is Roxy going to go to school? *Las respuestas con “going to” son exactamente igual que con el verbo “to be” en presente simple. Yes, she is. She is going to school. No, she isn’t. She is going to work. *La forma negativa de “going to” maneja el verbo “to be” en su forma negativa. Laura isn’t going to come to Chiapas. (Laura isent going tu com tu Chiapas) Laura no va a venir a Chiapas. You aren’t going to buy a house. (iú aren’t going tu bái a jaus) Tú no vas a comprar una casa.

Reading. Lea el siguiente texto. Mary: Hello Tina! Tina: Hello Mary! How are you? Mary: I’m fine, thank you. I’m going to buy a house. Tina: Really? That’s nice! Where are you going to buy it? Mary: I don’t know yet… I want to buy it near my mother’s house. Tina: Do you have enough money to buy a house? Mary: Yes, I do. I have enough money to buy a big and nice house. Tina: Let’s go and find a house!

PREGUNTAS YES/NO YES/NO QUESTIONS. *Las preguntas “Yes/No” toan su nombre de las respuestas que se brindan cuando se usan, es decir que sólo pueden responderse con sí o no. Las usamos para preguntar por un dato específico. 18

Ejemplos: Are you Policarpio? Yes, I am. I am Policarpio. Do you work in the Supermaket? No, I don’t. I work in the police department. *Nótese que estas preguntas son las que hemos visto a lo largo de este curso. PREGUNTAS “WH” WH QUESTIONS. *Las preguntas “WH” se les conoce así porque todas incluyen estas dos letras. Las preguntas “wh” se utilizan para preguntar cosas específicas. *Siempre se ponen al principio de la pregunta. What (uát): Se utiliza para conocer condiciones o características de un sujeto. Significa qué. Ejemplo: What does he do? (¿Uát dos ji du?) ¿Qué hace él?/ ¿A qué se dedica? He works in the Police department. (Ji works in de polis department) El trabaja en el departamento de policía. Which (uích): Se utiliza cuando se tiene en mente, o delante de uno, más de un objeto o persona para elegir. Significa cuál o qué. *La principal diferencia entre what y which es precisamente que what se usa únicamente una persona u objeto y which para elegir uno entre varios. Ejemplo: Which car do you like better? (¿uích car du iu láik bérer?) ¿Qué carro e gusta más?/¿Cuál carro te gusta más? I like the red one. (Ai láik de red uan) 19

Me gusta el rojo. When (uén): Se usa para preguntar por un tiempo en específico. Significa Cuándo. Ejemplo When is the party? (¿Uén is de parti?) ¿Cuándo es la fiesta? It is on Friday. Es el Viernes. Why (uái): se usa para preguntar la razón de una acción o condición. Significa Por qué. Why are you angry? (¿uái ar iu angri? ) ¿Por qué estás enojado? Because I argued with my wife. (Bicós I arguiud with mai waif). Porque discutí con mi esposa. *”Why” siempre se contesta con “Because” (significa porque), debido a que explica la razón de su acción o condición.

*Who (jú): “Who” se usa para preguntar por una persona en específico. Significa quién. Ejemplo: Who is Policarpio? (Jú is Policarpio?) ¿Quién es Policarpio? He is the man over there. (Ji is de man ouver derr) 20

Es el hombre de allá. *How (Jáu): Se usa para peguntar por el estado físico, mental, sentimental, laboral, etc y también para preguntar procedimientos para ser o hacer algo. Significa Cómo. Ejemplos: How are you? ¿Cómo estás? I am fine, thank you. Estoy bien, gracias. How do you get to the Marimba Park? (¿Jáu du iu guet to de Marimba Park?) ¿Cómo llegas al Parque de la Marimba? Go up all Central Avenue. It is on the left side. (Gou op ol Central áveniu. It is on de left said) Sube por toda la Avenida Central. Está del lado izquierdo. Where (uér): Se usa para preguntar por un lugar en específico. Significa Dónde. Ejemplos: Where is the IFPPE? (¿uér is de IFPPE?) ¿Dónde está el IFPPE? It is on Libramiento Sur in Tuxtla Gutierrez. (It is on Libramiento Sur in Tuxtla Gutiérrez) Está en el Libramiento Sur en Tuxtla Gutiérrez.


PREGUNTAS “WH” USANDO “DID” *Las preguntas “wh” pueden combinarse con “did”(El pasado de “do”) para preguntar por cosas específicas que sucedieron en el pasado. 22

Ejemplos: What did you do yesterday? (¿uát did iú dú iésterdey?) ¿Qué hiciste ayer? When did she pay the rent? (¿uén did shí pei de rent?) ¿Cuándo pagó ella la renta? Where did they learn english? (¿uér did iú lern ínglish?) ¿Dónde aprendieron ellos ingles? Who did you meet at the party? (¿Jú did iú miit at de pari?) ¿A quién conociste en la fiesta? How did you do that? (¿Jáu did iú dú dat?) ¿Cómo hiciste eso? *Nótese que “did” tiene la misma función que “do” y sigue las mismas reglas. La única diferencia entre ellos es que “did” se usa para expresar situaciones en el pasado.


Lea el siguiente texto. Observe las palabras en negritas. I was born in Seattle, Washington on the 19th of April in 1961. Seattle is in the State of Washington in the United States. That was many years ago... Now, I live in Leghorn in Italy. I work at the British School. I sometimes go to a movie on the weekend. I meet my friends at the movie theater at 8 o'clock or later. In the summer, usually in August, I go home to visit my family in America. My family and I go to the beach and relax in the sun in the morning and in the afternoon! In the evening, we often eat at a restaurant with our friends. Sometimes, we go to a bar at night


Lo usamos en meses - in May estaciones - in winter Países - in Greece nombres de ciudades o pueblos - in New York horas del día - in the morning, afternoon or evening a excepcion de: at night!


Para días en específico - on Friday, on New Year's Day, on April the 19th American English - "on the weekend OR on weekends"


Para horas específicas - at 7 o'clock, at 6.15 at night Lugares específicos de lugar - at school British English - "at the weekend OR at weekends"


Se usa “to” con verbos que muestran movimiento, tales como “go”(ir) o “come” (venir) He goes to school. She returned to the store. They are coming to the party tonight.

VERBOS REGULARES E IRREGULARES. REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS. *Como bien sabemos, existen dos tipos principales de verbos:


El verbo de condición: Aquellos que denotan la condición o localización del sujeto. Verbo “to be” Los verbos de acción: Los que denotan la acción que realiza el verbo. Todos los verbos que no son el verbo “to be”. *Estos verbos, a su vez son parte de dos grupos más grandes de verbos: Los verbos regulares: Aquellos verbos que su terminación en pasado y pasado participio es “-ed” Los verbos irregulares: Aquellos verbos que su terminación en pasado y pasado participio NO es “-ed”. *Absolutamente todos los verbos pertenecen a cualquiera de estos dos grupos principales de verbos. VERB TENSES *En inglés existen 3 tiempos para los verbos. Present (present) Past(past) Past participle(past párticipol) *El presente es el verbo sin “s”. Lo ocupamos para oraciones que contengan a la 1°, 2° y 4° personas, para preguntas con “do” y “does”, negaciones con “don’t” “doesn’t”, para preguntas con “did” y negaciones con “didn’t”, al igual que preguntas con “have” y oraciones con “can”, juto con sus preuntas y negaciones con “can’t”.

Ejemplos: Run: correr Walk: caminar 25

Talk: hablar Watch: observar Listen: Escuchar

*El pasado es el que utilizamos para acciones o condiciones pasadas. Ejemplos: Talked: Habló Ran: Corrió Watched: observó Saw: Miró Jumped: Brincó *El pasado participio lo utilizamos cuando va acompañado de otro verbo y no hablamos de presente continuo (-ing). El participio en español son las terminaciones “-ado” “-ido”. *Normalmente usamos el pasado participio para oraciones en presente y pasado perfecto, en los cuales se acompaña por “have”.

Ejemplos: Begun (Bigón): Empezado. Been (Biin): Sido (de ser) Flown (Flóun): Volado


VERBOS REGULARES REGULAR VERBS *Los verbos regulares son todos aquellos verbos que en su terminación para pasado y pasado participio se coloca “-ed”. Ejemplos: Presente I walk by the street. Yo camino por la calle. Pasado I walked by the street. (Ai wokd bai de stríit) Yo caminé por la calle. Pasado participio I have walked by the street Yo he caminado por la calle.

LAS TRES REGLAS DE PRONUNCIACION DE LOS VERBOS REGULARES. *”-ed” se pronuncia de tres diferentes formas: /ED/




PRIMERA REGLA: Pronunciación /ED/ *Cuando el último sonido de una forma simple de un verbo (presente) es una “t” o una “d”, -“ed” se pronuncia /ED/. Ejemplos: Repeat (Ripít)----------------Repeat-ed (Ripíred) Need(níid)---------------------Need-ed (Níided) Invite (Inváit)------------------Invit-ed (Inváited) Sound (Sáund)----------------Sound-ed (Sáunded) Rent (rent)---------------------Rent-ed. (rented)

SEGUNDA REGLA: Pronunciación /T/ *Cuando el ultimo sonido de una forma simple de un verbo (presente) es “p”, ”k”, ”f”, ”s” , ”ss”, ”x”, “sh”, o “ch”, la “-ed” se pronuncia /T/. Ejemplos: Help (Jelp)---------------Helped (Jelpt) Watch (Uach)-----------Watched (Uacht) Finish (Fínish)----------Finished (Fínisht) Work (Uork)-------------Worked (Uorkt) Fix (Fiks)-----------------Fixed (Fixt)

TERCERA REGLA: Pronunciación /D/ *En todos los demás casos, “-ed” se pronuncia /D/ Ejemplos: 28

Call (col)-------------Called (Cold) Play (Plei)-----------Played (Pléid) Open (óupen)------Opened (óupend) Love (Lov)-----------Loved (Lovd) Borrow (Bórrou)---Borrowed (Bórroud)

VERBOS IRREGULARES IRREGULAR VERBS *Los verbos irregulares son aquellos que no terminan en “-ed” cuando se conjuga en pasado o pasado participio. *Existen tres reglas de los verbos irregulares: PRIMERA REGLA: Igual-igual-igual. *Esta regla estipula que los tres verbos, sin importar en qué tiempo estén conjugados se escriben y se dicen igual. 29

Ejemplos: Presente


Pasado participio

Cut (Cot)

Cut (cot)

Cut (cot)

Put (Put)

Put (Put)

Put (put)

Let (Let)

Let (Let)

Let (let)

SEGUNDA REGLA: Dos Iguales, uno diferente. *Esta regla estipula que uno de los verbos de las tres conjugaciones es diferente a los otros dos, los cuales se escriben y se pronuncian igual. Ejemplos: Presente


Pasado Participio

Feel (Fíil)


Felt (felt)

Hear (jíer)

Heard (Jerd)

Heard (Jerd)

Have (jav)

Had (Jad)

Had (Jad)

TERCERA REGLA: Todos diferentes. *La tercera regal estipula que los tres verbos se escriben y se pronuncian diferente. Ejemplos: Presente


Pasado participio

Freeze (Fríiz)

Froze (Fróuz)

Frozen (Fróuzen)

Know (nóu)

Knew (Niú)

Known (nóun) 30

Ride (Ráid)

Rode (Róud)

Ridden (Ríden)

*Recuerde siempre consultar y estudiar su lista de verbos al final de este libro.

QUÉ HICISTE EN TUS VACACIONES PASADAS? WHAT DID YOU DO IN YOUR LAST VACATION? Reading. Lea el siguiente texto. James: Hello Mary! Mary: Hi James! How are you? James: I’m very happy. I went to Chiapas on my last vacation. I had a wonderful time! 31

Mary: Really? What did you do there? James: First we arrived at the airport. It’s very modern and beautiful. After we got out of the plane we went to Tuxtla Gutierrez and registered in the hotel. The receptionist asked us if it was our first time in Chiapas and we said “yes”, so he gave us a room with a beautiful view of the entire city. You could also see the magnificent Sumidero Canyon. We went downtown and bought a lot of things and ate in Las Pichachas. Chiapas has a wonderful Cuisine. I ate a dish called “pepita con tasajo”. It was delicious. My wife ate a dish called “tamal de hierba santa” and she loved it. Mary: Woow! So Chiapas is nice, right? James: Yes, it is! But the most impressive thing we did in Chiapas was visiting Palenque, Bonampak and Yaxchilan. Beautiful and powerful pyramids of one of the most advanced cultures in history of mankind: the Mayans. Mary: And did you do anything else? James: yes! We went to Montebello lakes. It the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Each Lake has a different color! Mary: I’ll go to Chiapas next vacation. I want to see it for myself!

EXPRESIONES DE TIEMPO. TIME EXPRESSIONS. *Las expresiones de tiempo se usan para especificar cuando la acción se realiza. Las expresiones más utilizadas son: Presente simple. Every _____ day Week Month Year Todos los días, semanas, meses, años. 32

On ________ Mondays. Weekends. Weekdays. Ejemplos: I work everyday (Ai uork evridei) Yo trabajo todos los días. You go to the movies every week. (Iú gou tu de muvis evri uík) Tú vas al cine todas las semanas.

Pasado simple: yesterday

last night week month etc.


the last time (The last táim) La última vez. the first time (The ferst táim) La primera vez. ago a day two weeks etc.

earlier today this week etc.

Ejemplos: The Last time I played basketball I broke my wrist (De last táim ai pleid basquetbol ai bróuk mai rist) La última vez que jugué Basquetbol me rompí la muñeca. I went to my mom’s house earlier today. (Ai uent to mai moms jáuse erlier tudei) Fuí a la casa de mi mamá hay temrpano. *Nótese que cuando se usa every, on, last , ago y earlier estas van siempre al final de la oración. Cuando usamos the first time y the last time siempre las usamos al principio.





*El pasado progresivo nos permite saber qué realizaba el sujeto en un punto específico del pasado.

*El pasado progresivo ocupa dos verbos: Un verbo “to be” en pasado (Was/Were) y otro verbo (Puede ser otro verbo “to be” o un verbo de acción) que tenga terminación “-ing”. *La terminación “-ing” en español es “-ando” “-endo” e “iendo”. Ejemplos: Was walking (uás uóking) Estaba caminando Was being (uás bíing) Estabas siendo Were jumping (Uér llomping) Estaban brincando. Were thinking (uér thínking) Estábamos pensando *Recuerde que was/were se usa dependiendo del pronombre o sustantivo que tengamos en el sujeto. *Veamos unas oraciones usando el pasado progresivo:

I was working yesterday. (Ai uás uorking iésterdei) Yo estaba trabajando ayer.


You were sitting on the chair. (Iú uér siting on de cher) Tú estabas sentándote en la silla. He was arresting a thief. (Jí uás arresting a thíf) El estaba arrestando a un ladrón. She was talking with her boss. (Shí uás toking uíth jer bos) Ella estaba platicando con su jefe. It was playing with the boy. (It uás pleing uíth de boi) Eso estaba jugando con el niño. We were taking an exam. (Uí uer téiking an exam) Nosotros estábamos tomando un exámen. They were using the computer (Dey uér iúsing de compiúrer) Ellos estaban usando la computadora. FORMA INTERROGATIVA INTERROGATIVE FORM *Al tener el verbo “to be”, la forma interrogativa del pasado progresivo sigue la misma regla que la regla de interrogación del verbo “to be”. I was running in the park Was I running in the park? *Las repuestas para esta prregunta se contestan de la misma forma que cuando contestamos con el verbo “to be”. Was I running in the park? Yes, I was. I was running in the park. No, I wasn’t. I was running in the school. 38

*Nótese que utilizamos una contracción de was not: wasn’t (uásent). La contracción para were not es weren’t (uérent). NEGACIÓN EN PASADO PROGRESIVO. NEGATIVE IN PAST PROGRESSIVE. *Para negar en pasado progresivo utilizamos los negativos del verbo “to be” y mantenemos el segundo verbo con “-ing” Ejemplos: I wasn’t studying for my exam. (Ai uásent stodiing for mai exám) Yo no estaba estudiando para mi exámen. We weren’t working yesterday. (Uí uérent uorking iésterdei) Nosotros no estábamos trabajndo ayer. *Recuerde que para colocar Wasn’t se debe tener cualquier de los pornombres “I”, “he” “she”o “it” o un sustantivo en el sujeto que sea singular. Para usar Weren’t se debe tener cualquiera de los pronombres “We”, “you” o “they” o un sustantivo en el sujeto que sea plural.




*También se utiliza el pasado progresivo para indicar que una acción o condición en el pasado fue interrumpida por otra. En este tipo de oraciones generalmente las acciones que interrumpen son cortas. *Para poder realizar este tipo de oraciones utilizamos los auxiliares “when” y “while” (uáil) el cual significa “mientras”. Ejemplos: I was watching TV when she called. (Ai uás uáching Ti Ví uen shí cold) Yo estaba viendo la tele cuando ella llamó. When the pone rang, she was writing a letter (Uen de fóun rrang, shí uás gruáiting a lerer) Cuando el teléfono sonó, ella estaba escribiendo una carta. You weren’t listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off. (Iú uérent lísening tu mí uen ai told iú tu térn di óuven of) Tú no me estabas escuchándome cuando te dije que apagaras el horno. While John was sleeping, someone stole his car. (Uáil LLón uás slíiping, somuan stóul jis car) Mientras John estaba durmiendo, alguien se robó su coche.



1.1 PLANES *USO DE WILL Complete las oraciones con “will” utilizando el verbo en paréntesis.

1.I’m a Little hungry. I think ______________________something to eat. (buy) 2.It’s too late to call Tom now. I _____________________him in the morning. (call) 3.It’s a bit cold in the room. I_______________________the heat then. (Turn on) 4. Marian doen’t have any milk. She ____________________get some. (go) 5.Did you write a letter to jack? I forgot! I _________________it tonight. (Write)

*GOING TO Complete las oraciones con “going to” utilizando los verbos en paréntesis. 1. A: I've got a terrible headache. B: Do you? Wait here and I (get) you some aspirin. 2. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B: I (wash) the car.



A: I've decided to repaint this room. B: Oh, you have? What color (you/paint) it? 4. A: Look! There's smoke coming out of that house. It's on fire! B: Oh no! I (call) the fire department right away. 5. A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it? B: No, it looks as if it (fall) down. 6. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping? B: Yes, I am. I (buy) something for dinner. 7. A: I can't figure out how to use this camera. B: It's easy. I (show) you. 8. A: What would you like to have: coffee or tea? B: I (have) coffee, please.



A: Has George decided what to do when he finishes school? B: Oh yes. Everything is settled. He (take) a vacation for a few weeks, and then he (start) a computer programming course. *YES/ NO QUESTIONS *Responda las siguientes preguntas. Utiilice su propia información.

1.Is your name Policarpio?

2.Are you married?

3.Is your wife/husband or girlfriend/Boyfriend handsome/pretty?

4.Will you finish this book?

5.Did you buy shoes last week?

6.Do you buy Chocolates?

7.Has your mother been in Ocosingo?

*WH QUESTIONS Responda las siguientes preguntas. Utilice su propia información. 1.What is your name?

2.How old are you? 44

3.Where do you work?

4.How much do you earn?

5.What time is it?

6.When is your birthday?

7.How are you today?

8.Which is your address?

9.How many children do you have?

10.Where were you born?

1.2. PLANS *Escriba 10 oraciones de cosas que tiene planeadas hacer para la próxima semana. Recuede utilizar “will” y “Going to”.

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 45

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

1.3.MY AGENDA. *Lea el siguiente texto y responda las preguntas. “I usually get up at five am and I work on the computer until six. I leave home at twenty to seven so I can take the bus at 7 o’clock. It takes me twenty minutes to walk to the bus stop from my house. My bus takes about an hour to get there but it stops right in front of my office! I get off work around five o’clock, then we eat dinner around six-thirty and my wife and I play with the kids around eight. My wife and I often watch T.V. or talk until ten o’clock, then she reads while I work and sometimes I stay up until early hours in the mornings and I normally finish at one or two on the morning or so. It is hard work, but I enjoy my job! But my wife has the toughest job. She takes the kids to school, then to piano lessons, she buys groceries, she works in the garden, and she has to clean the house! I should help her more! 1. What time does the man get up? A. at 5:00 a.m. B. at 6:00 a.m. C. at 7:00 a.m. 2. What time does he get to work? A. at 7:00 a.m. B. at 8:00 a.m. C. at 9:00 a.m. 3. What does he do with his family around 6:30 p.m.? A. They read books together. B. They play games. C. They eat dinner. 4. What do the man and his wife do after the kids go to bed? A. They watch TV. 46

B. They clean the house. C. They listen to music. 5. What is one thing the man does NOT say about his wife? A. She has to take the their children to school. B. She helps the kids with their homework. C. She goes shopping for food.

2.1 EL PASADO FIN DE SEMANA. *Enlace las preguntas con sus respectivas respuestas. Who did you go shoping with last week?

About three hours.

How long did it take your brother to drive to Dallas?

The Blue Mustang.

Which car did you decide to buy?

My brother gave me a ride.

What did your parents do on their vacations?

They went to Chicago.

What kind of shoes did Hellen Buy yesterday?

At North Star Mall

When did your friends get back to Canada?

At 7:30

Where did Susan buy her new clothes?


How did you get to school? This morning?

Last weekend.

What time did you and your sister get up?

With my friend, Leticia.

*PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE *Llene los espacios en blanco con las preposiciones correctas. We live ____ London. Would you like to go ___ the cinema tonight? 47

No, thanks. I was ___ the cinema yesterday. We are going ____ Holiday next week. There is a bridge ______the river. ____ my wall there are some postcards. Who is the person ____ this picture? Come ____ the living room, we want to watch T.V. Munich is 530 meters _______ sea level.


When did Cheryl and Jane take a train to Barcelona? Cheryl and Jane _________ a train to Barcelona last week.


How many beautiful poems did William Shakespeare write? Shakespeare __________ a lot of beautiful poems.

When did Sonia play the guitar? Sonia __________ the guitar yesterday afternoon.

Where did David and Ted live last year? David and Ted ________ in a house in Stratford.


Where did you work in January? I ___________ in a laboratory.

When did the accident happen? The accident______________ last night.

What did Stewart buy before Dinner? He ____________ a coke.


What did Luis and Marta visit last summer? Luis and Marta ________________Rome.

What did Pamela wear at the party? Pamela ____________ an Armani Dress.

What did Betty study this afternoon? Betty _______________ Biology. 2.2 ¿QUE HICISTE LAS VACACIONES PASADAS?

*Complete las oraciones en pasado usando el verbo en paréntesis.

The tiger ___________(stop) to drink from the pool before going on.


We _____________(plan) to drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco on Christmas day. Muhammad Ali _____________(be) the best boxer of all time. Mrs. Daniels _______________(hurried) downstairs to greet her guests. The child quickly _______________(hop) into bed when his mother entered the bedroom. Because of the storm, they ______________(stay) overnight in the hotel. He _____________(Pray) that no one would see him there. He ______________(hope) his son would settle down and get married.

EXPRESIONES DE TIEMPO. *Seleccione la oración correcta.

1. We went to the cinema yesterday.






We went yesterday to the cinema. Both sentences are correct. We often go to the cinema. We go often to the cinema. Both sentences are correct. Next Tuesday I will go to the cinema. I will go to the cinema next Tuesday. Both sentences are correct. They never go to the cinema. They go to the cinema never. Both sentences are correct. She goes every Sunday to the cinema. She goes to the cinema every Sunday. Both sentences are correct. I seldom am at the cinema. I am seldom at the cinema. Both sentences are correct.


7. I don't go to the cinema every week.

I don't go every week to the cinema. Both sentences are correct. 8. Francis does not always go to the cinema. Francis does not go to the cinema always. Both sentences are correct. 9. Do frequently you go to the cinema? Do you frequently go to the cinema? Both sentences are correct. 10. My friends didn't go to the cinema on Friday. On Friday my friends didn't go to the cinema. Both sentences are correct.

PAST PROGRESSIVE *Coloque los verbos en pasado progresivo.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

When I phoned my friends, they (play) monopoly. Yesterday at six I (prepare) dinner. The kids (play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain. I (practise) the guitar when he came home. We (not / cycle) all day. While Aaron (work) in his room, his friends (swim) in the pool. I tried to tell them the truth but they (listen / not) . What (you / do) yesterday? Most of the time we (sit) in the park.

*Utilice las palabras para realizar preguntas. Rachel/feed/the cat

The children/paint/the picture ______________________________________________________________ 53

Clark/repair/his computer

Hazel/swim/in the pool

Lucas/have/a shower

Jason and Aaron/run/down the street

Betty/do/her homework

Cindy and James/make/dinner

Rebecca/watch/Star trek

Anita and Linda/sit/in the kitchen

*Realice oraciones negativas en pasado progresivo con las palabras. Sarah and Luke/not/work

Mister Miller/not/teach/ chemistry

Barry/not/drive/ a car




Taylor and Bob/not/cycle/home

Annie/not/clean/the table

Benjamin/not/write/an E-mail

Jane/not/exercise/ in the gym

Robert/not/buy/fly flowers



1.2 PLANES *USO DE WILL Complete las oraciones con “will” utilizando el verbo en paréntesis.

1.I’m a Little hungry. I think I will buy something to eat. (buy) 2.It’s too late to call Tom now. I will call him in the morning. (call) 3.It’s a bit cold in the room. I will turn on the heat then. (Turn on) 4. Marian doen’t have any milk. She will go get some. (go) 5.Did you write a letter to jack? I forgot! I will write it tonight. (Write)

*GOING TO Complete las oraciones con “going to” utilizando los verbos en paréntesis. 1.

A: I've got a terrible headache. B: Do you? Wait here and I (get) you some aspirin. 2. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B: I (wash) the car. 3. A: I've decided to repaint this room. B: Oh, you have? What color (you/paint) it?


4. A: Look! There's smoke coming out of that house. It's on fire! B: Oh no! I (call) the fire department right away. 5. A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it? B: No, it looks as if it (fall) down. 6. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping? B: Yes, I am. I (buy) something for dinner. 7. A: I can't figure out how to use this camera. B: It's easy. I (show) you. 8. A: What would you like to have: coffee or tea? B: I (have) coffee, please. 9. A: Has George decided what to do when he finishes school? B: Oh yes. Everything is settled. He (take) a vacation for a few weeks, and then he (start) a computer programming course. *YES/ NO QUESTIONS *Responda las siguientes preguntas. Utilice su propia información. 57

Las respuestas varían.

1.Is your name Policarpio? Yes, it is. My name is Policarpio No, it isn’t. My name is ___________

2.Are you married? Yes, I am. I am married. No I’m not. I’m single.

3.Is your wife/husband or girlfriend/Boyfriend handsome/pretty? Yes, she/he is. She/he is handsome/Pretty. No, She/he isn’t. She/he isn’t pretty.

4.Will you finish this book? Yes, I will. I will finish this book. No, I won’t. I won’t finish this book.

5.Did you buy shoes last week? Yes, I did. I bought shoes last week No, I didn’t. I didn’t buy shoes last week.

6.Do you buy Chocolates? Yes, I do. I buy chocolates. 58

No, I don’t. I don’t buy chocolates.

7.Has your mother been in Ocosingo? Yes, she has. She has been in Ocosingo. No, she hasn’t. She has’t been in Ocosingo.

*WH QUESTIONS Responda las siguientes preguntas. Utilice su propia información. Las resppuestas varían. 1.What is your name?

My name is ______________.

2.How old are you?

I am _______ years old.

3.Where do you work?

I work in the police department.

4.How much do you earn?

I earn __________ pesos. 59

5.What time is it?

It’s __________.

6.When is your birthday?

My birthday is on ____________.

7.How are you today?

I’m fine, thank you.

8.Which is your address?

My address is ______________________.

9.How many children do you have?

I have _________ children.

10.Where were you born?

I was born in _____________. 60

1.2. PLANS *Escriba 10 oraciones de cosas que tiene planeadas hacer para la próxima semana. Recuerde utilizar “will” y “Going to”. LAS RESPUESTAS VARIAN. RECUERDE UTILIZAR WILL Y GOING TO ANTES DE LA ACCION QUE PRETENDE USTED REALIZAR. 1.3.MY AGENDA. *Lea el siguiente texto y responda las preguntas. “I usually get up at five am and I work on the computer until six. I leave home at twenty to seven so I can take the bus at 7 o’clock. It takes me twenty minutes to walk to the bus stop from my house. My bus takes about an hour to get there but it stops right in front of my office! I get off work around five o’clock, then we eat dinner around six-thirty and my wife and I play with the kids around eight. My wife and I often watch T.V. or talk until ten o’clock, then she reads while I work and sometimes I stay up until early hours in the mornings and I normally finish at one or two on the morning or so. It is hard work, but I enjoy my job! But my wife has the toughest job. She takes the kids to school, then to piano lessons, she buys groceries, she works in the garden, and she has to clean the house! I should help her more! 1. What time does the man get up? A. at 5:00 a.m. B. at 6:00 a.m. C. at 7:00 a.m. 2. What time does he get to work? A. at 7:00 a.m. B. at 8:00 a.m. C. at 9:00 a.m. 3. What does he do with his family around 6:30 p.m.? A. They read books together. B. They play games. C. They eat dinner. 4. What do the man and his wife do after the kids go to bed? A. They watch TV. B. They clean the house. C. They listen to music. 5. What is one thing the man does NOT say about his wife? A. She has to take the their children to school. 61

B. She helps the kids with their homework. C. She goes shopping for food. 2.1 EL PASADO FIN DE SEMANA. *Enlace las preguntas con sus respectivas respuestas. Who did you go shoping with last week?

About three hours.

How long did it take your brother to drive to Dallas?

The Blue Mustang.

Which car did you decide to buy?

My brother gave me a ride.

What did your parents do on their vacations?

They went to Chicago.

What kind of shoes did Hellen Buy yesterday?

At North Star Mall

When did your friends get back to Canada?

At 7:30

Where did Susan buy her new clothes?


How did you get to school? This morning?

Last weekend.

What time did you and your sister get up?

With my friend, Leticia.

*PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE *Llene los espacios en blanco con las preposiciones correctas. We live in London. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? No, thanks. I was at the cinema yesterday. We are going on Holiday next week. 62

There is a bridge above the river. On my wall there are some postcards. Who is the person in this picture? Come to the living room, we want to watch T.V. Munich is 530 meters above sea level.



When did Cheryl and Jane take a train to Barcelona? Cheryl and Jane took a train to Barcelona last week.

How many beautiful poems did William Shakespeare write? Shakespeare wrote a lot of beautiful poems.

When did Sonia play the guitar? Sonia played the guitar yesterday afternoon.


Where did David and Ted live last year? David and Ted lived in a house in Stratford.

Where did you work in January? I worked in a laboratory.

When did the accident happen? The accident happened last night.


What did Stewart buy before Dinner? He bought a coke.

What did Luis and Marta visit last summer? Luis and Marta visited Rome.

What did Pamela wear at the party? Pamela wore an Armani Dress.

What did Betty study this afternoon? 66


*Complete las oraciones en pasado usando el verbo en paréntesis.

The tiger stopped(stop) to drink from the pool before going on. We planed(plan) to drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco on Christmas day. Muhammad Ali was(be) the best boxer of all time. Mrs. Daniels hurried (hurry) downstairs to greet her guests. The child quickly hopped(hop) into bed when his mother entered the bedroom. Because of the storm, they stayed(stay) overnight in the hotel. He prayed(Pray) that no one would see him there. He hoped(hope) his son would settle down and get married.

EXPRESIONES DE TIEMPO. *Seleccione la oración correcta.


1. We went to the cinema yesterday.

We went yesterday to the cinema. Both sentences are correct. 2. We often go to the cinema. We go often to the cinema. Both sentences are correct. 3. Next Tuesday I will go to the cinema. I will go to the cinema next Tuesday. Both sentences are correct. 4. They never go to the cinema. They go to the cinema never. Both sentences are correct. 5. She goes every Sunday to the cinema. She goes to the cinema every Sunday. Both sentences are correct. 6. I seldom am at the cinema. I am seldom at the cinema. Both sentences are correct. 7. I don't go to the cinema every week. I don't go every week to the cinema. Both sentences are correct. 8. Francis does not always go to the cinema. Francis does not go to the cinema always. Both sentences are correct. 9. Do frequently you go to the cinema? Do you frequently go to the cinema? Both sentences are correct. 10. My friends didn't go to the cinema on Friday. On Friday my friends didn't go to the cinema. Both sentences are correct. PAST PROGRESSIVE *Coloque los verbos en pasado progresivo.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

When I phoned my friends, they (play) monopoly. Yesterday at six I (prepare) dinner. The kids (play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain. I (practice) the guitar when he came home. We (not / cycle) all day. While Aaron (work) in his room, his friends (swim) in the pool. I tried to tell them the truth but they (listen / not) . What (you / do) yesterday? Most of the time we (sit) in the park. 68

*Utilice las palabras para realizar preguntas. Rachel/feed/the cat Was Rachel feeding the cat? The children/paint/the picture Were the children painting the picture? Clark/repair/his computer Was Clark repairing his computer? Hazel/swim/in the pool Was Hazel swimming in the pool? Lucas/have/a shower Was Lucas having a shower? Jason and Aaron/run/down the street Were Jason and Aaron running down the street? Betty/do/her homework Was betty doing her homework Cindy and James/make/dinner Were Cindy and Rebecca making dinner? Rebecca/watch/Star trek Was Rebecca watching Star Trek? Anita and Linda/sit/in the kitchen 69

Were Anita and Linda sitting in the kitchen?

*Realice oraciones negativas en pasado progresivo con las palabras. Sarah and Luke/not/work Sarah and Luke weren’t working. Mister Miller/not/teach/ chemistry Mister miller wasn’t teaching chemistry. Barry/not/drive/ a car Barry wasn’t driving a car. Mandy/not/have/lunch Mandy wasn’t having lunch. Albert/not/play/tennis Albert wasn’t playing tennis. Taylor and Bob/not/cycle/home Taylor and Bobby weren’t cycling home. Annie/not/clean/the table Annie wasn’t cleaning the table. Benjamin/not/write/an E-mail Benjamin easn’t writing an E-mail. Jane/not/exercise/ in the gym Jane wasn’t exercicing in the gym 70

Robert/not/buy/ flowers Robert wasn’t buying flowers.

Verb dictionary Regular English Verbs Starting with "a" accept = aceptar add = añadir admire = admirar admit = admitir advise = avisar afford = permitirse agree = acordar alert = alertar allow = permitir amuse = divertir analyse = analizar announce = anunciar annoy = molestar answer = responder apologise = disculparse appear = aparecer appreciate = apreciar approve = aprobar argue = discutir arrange = organizar arrest = arrestar arrive = llegar ask = preguntar attack = atacar attempt = intentar algo attend = atender a 71

attract = atraer avoid = evitar Regular English Verbs Starting with "b" bake = hornear beg = suplicar behave = comportarse belong = pertenecer bless = bendecir blind = cegar blink = parpadear boast = alardear boil = cocer bomb = bombardear book = reservar bore = aburrir borrow = tomar prestado bounce = botar brake = frenar breathe = respirar brush = cepillar burn = quemar bury = enterrar Regular English Verbs Starting with "c" calculate = calcular call = llamar camp = acampar care = preocuparse carry = llevar cause = causar challenge = desafiar change = cambiar charge = cobrar chase = perseguir cheat = engañar, estafar check = comprobar cheer = vitorear, aclamar chew = masticar chop = cortar claim = reclamar clap = aplaudir clean = limpiar clear = despejar clip = sujetar 72

close = cerrar coach = entrenar collect = coleccionar colour = colorear communicate = comunicar compare = comparar compete = competir complain = quejarse complete = completar concentrate = concentrar concern = concernir, preocupar confess = confesar confuse = confundir connect = conectar consider = considerar consist = consistir contain = contener continue = continuar copy = copiar correct = corregir cough = toser count = contar cover = cubrir crack = romper, partir crash = estrellar, chocar cross = cruzar cry = llorar cure = curar cycle = ir en bicicleta Regular English Verbs Starting with "d" damage = dañar dance = bailar deceive = engañar decide = decidir decorate = decorar delay = retrasar delight = encantar deliver = repartir depend = depender describe = describir deserve = merecer destroy = destruir detect = detectar develop = desarrollar disagree = no concordar 73

disappear = desaparecer discover = descubrir dislike = no gustar divide = dividir double = doblar doubt = dudar dream = soñar dry = secar

Regular English Verbs Starting with "e" earn = ganar educate = educar employ = emplear empty = vaciar encourage = animar, fomentar end = terminar enjoy = disfrutar entertain = entretener escape = escapar examine = examinar excite = emocionar, excitar excuse = perdonar exercise = hacer ejercicio exist = existir expand = ampliar expect = esperar explain = explicar Regular English Verbs Starting with "f" fail = suspender, fracasar fear = temer file = archivar fill = rellenar fire = despedir, disparar fit = sentar bien, caber fix = arreglar, fijar flood = inundarse flow = fluir follow = seguir force = forzar form = formar 74

frame = enmarcar frighten = asustar fry = freír Regular English Verbs Starting with "g" glue = pegar, encolar greet = saludar grip = agarrar guarantee = garantizar guard = guardar guess = adivinar guide = guiar Regular English Verbs Starting with "h" handle = manejar hang = colgar happen = ocurrir, suceder harm = dañar hate = odiar heat = calentar help = ayudar hunt = cazar hurry = apresurar Regular English Verbs Starting with "i" identify = identificar ignore = ignorar imagine = imaginar impress = impresionar improve = mejorar include = incluir increase = aumentar influence = influenciar inform = informar inject = inyectar injure = herir instruct = instruir intend = pretender interest = interesar interfere = interferir, entrometerse interrupt = interrumpir introduce = presentar, introducir invent = inventar 75

invite = invitar irritate = irritar Regular English Verbs Starting with "j" jail = encarcelar jam = atascar jog = hacer footing join = unir joke = bromear judge = juzgar juggle = hacer juegos malabares jump = saltar Regular English Verbs Starting with "k" kick = dar patadas kill = matar kiss = besar knock = golpear Regular English Verbs Starting with "l" label = etiquetar land = aterrizar last = durar, conservarse laugh = reír launch = lanzar, emprender learn = aprender level = allanar license = autorizar lick = lamer lie = mentir like = gustar list = enumerar listen = escuchar live = vivir lock = cerrar con llave look = mirar love = amar Regular English Verbs Starting with "m" manage = dirigir mark = marcar, calificar marry = casarse match = coincidir 76

measure = medir memorise = memorizar mend = arreglar miss = perder, echar de menos mix = mezclar moan = quejarse move = mover, mudarse multiply = multiplicar murder = asesinar Regular English Verbs Starting with "n" name = nombrar need = necesitar note = notar, anotar, apuntar notice = darse cuenta de number = numerar

Regular English Verbs Starting with "o" obey = obedecer object = objetar observe = observar obtain = obtener occur = ocurrir offend = ofender offer = ofrecer open = abrir order = pedir, encargar, ordenar owe = deber algo own = poseer Regular English Verbs Starting with "p" pack = empaquetar paint = pintar park = aparcar part = abrir, separarse pass = pasar paste = pegar pause = hacer una pausa perform = realizar, actuar permit = permitir phone = telefonear pick = coger 77

pinch = pellizcar place = colocar, poner plan = planear plant = plantar play = jugar, tocar un instrumento point = señalar con el dedo possess = poseer post = mandar por correo pour = chorrear practise = practicar pray = rezar, orar precede = preceder prefer = preferir prepare = preparar present = presentar preserve = conservar press = apretar, prensar pretend = fingir, simular prevent = prevenir print = imprimir produce = producir program = programar promise = prometer protect = proteger provide = proveer pull = tirar punch = dar un puñetazo puncture = pinchar punish = castigar push = empujar Regular English Verbs Starting with "q" question = cuestionar queue = hacer cola Regular English Verbs Starting with "r" race = competir con rain = llover raise = levantar reach = alcanzar realise = darse cuenta de receive = recibir recognise = reconocer record = grabar reduce = reducir 78

reflect = reflejar refuse = rechazar regret = lamentarse reject = rechazar relax = relajarse release = soltar rely = contar con remain = permanecer remember = recordar remind = recordar a alguien remove = eliminar repair = reparar repeat = repetir replace = sustituir reply = responder, contestar report = informar reproduce = reproducir request = solicitar, pedir rescue = rescatar retire = jubilarse, retirarse return = devolver rob = robar, atracar Regular English Verbs Starting with "s" satisfy = satisfacer save = salvar, guardar scare = asustar scratch = arañar scream = gritar search = buscar, registrar separate = separar serve = servir share = compartir shave = afeitarse ski = esquiar smile = sonreír smoke = fumar sound = sonar start = empezar stay = quedarse, alojarse stop = parar suffer = sufrir suggest = sugerir suit = favorecer supply = suministrar support = sostener, apoyar 79

suppose = suponer surprise = sorprender suspect = sospechar suspend = suspender switch = cambiar de, intercambiar Regular English Verbs Starting with "t" talk = hablar taste = probar terrify = aterrorizar test = examinar thank = agradecer touch = tocar trace = calcar trade = cambiar algo, comercializar train = entrenar transport = transportar trap = atrapar travel = viajar treat = tratar trouble = molestar trust = confiar en try = intentar turn = girar Regular English Verbs Starting with "u" undress = desvestir unfasten = desabrochar unite = unir, unificar unlock = abrir con llave unpack = desempaquetar untidy = desordenar use = usar Regular English Verbs Starting with "v" vanish = desparecer visit = visitar Regular English Verbs Starting with "w" wait = esperar walk = caminar want = querer wash = lavar 80

waste = malgastar watch = mirar, vigilar water = regar wave = agitar weigh = pesar welcome = recibir bien whistle = silbar wish = desear wonder = preguntarse work = trabajar worry = preocupar Regular English Verbs Starting with "x" x-ray = radiografiar

Regular English Verbs Starting with "y" yawn = bostezar yell = vociferar Regular English Verbs Starting with "z" zip = cerrar con cremallera zoom = pasar zumbando

Irregular Verb List Irregular English Verbs Starting with "a" abide = soportar, aguantar alight = posarse arise = surgir awake = despertar/se Irregular English Verbs Starting with "b" be = ser, estar bear = llevar beat = pegar, golpear become = llegar a ser befall = acontecer, acaecer beget = engendrar begin = empezar 81

behold = contemplar bend = doblar bereave = despojar beseech = rogar beset = asediar bestride = sentarse como a caballo bet = apostar betake = ir bid = ofrecer, pujar bid = invitar a alguien bind = atar bite = morder, picar bleed = sangrar blow = soplar break =romper breed = criar, procrear bring = traer broadcast = emitir build = construir burn = quemar burst = reventar bust = fastidiar buy = comprar Irregular English Verbs Starting with "c" cast = lanzar catch = coger, atrapar chide = reprender choose = elegir cleave = hendir, partir cling = agarrarse clothe = vestir come = venir cost = costar creep = deslizarse cut = cortar Irregular English Verbs Starting with "d" dare = atreverse deal = repartir, dar deepfreeze = ultracongelar dig = cavar dive = bucear, tirarse al agua do = hacer draw = dibujar 82

dream = soñar drink = beber drive = conducir dwell = habitar Irregular English Verbs Starting with "e" eat = comer Irregular English Verbs Starting with "f" fall = caer feed = alimentar feel = sentir fight = pelear find = encontrar flee = huir de fling = arrojar fly = volar forbear = retenerse forbid = prohibir forecast = predecir foresee = prever foretell = predecir forget = olvidar forgive = perdonar forgo = renunciar forsake = abandonar forswear = perjurar, repudiar freeze = congelar frostbite = congelar Irregular English Verbs Starting with "g" gainsay = impugnar get = conseguir, obtener give = dar go = ir grind = moler grow = crecer, cultivar Irregular English Verbs Starting with "h" hamstring = incapacitar handwrite = escribir a mano hang = colgar have = tener, haber 83

hear = oír heave = tirar de, arrastrar hew = tallar hide = esconder hit = golpear hold = sostener hurt = herir Irregular English Verbs Starting with "i" inlay = embutir, incrustar input = introducir inset = insertar

Irregular English Verbs Starting with "k" keep = guardar, mantener kneel = arrodillarse knit = tejer know = saber, conocer Irregular English Verbs Starting with "l" lay = colocar, poner lead = encabezar, conducir lean = inclinarse leap = saltar learn = aprender leave = dejar, salir lend = prestar let = alquilar, dejar, permitir lie = tumbarse, echarse light = encender lose = perder Irregular English Verbs Starting with "m" make = hacer, fabricar mean = significar meet = conocer, reunirse con melt = derretir miscast = distribuir mal los papeles misdeal = repartir mal misgive = sugerir duda o miedo a mishear = oír mal 84

mislay = extraviar mislead = engañar misspell = escribir mal misspend = malgastar mistake = confundirse misunderstand = entender mal mow = cortar, segar Irregular English Verbs Starting with "o" offset = compensar outbid = pujar más alto outdo = mejorar, aventajar outfight = ganar en una pelea outgrow = crecer más que outrun = correr más que outshine = brillar más que overbear = subyugar overcast = nublarse overcome = superar overdo = exagerar, pasarse overeat = comer demasiado overfeed = sobrealimentar overhang = cernirse sobre overhear = oír por casualidad override = sobrepasar overrun = arrasar, invadir oversee = supervisar overshoot = disparar más largo oversleep = quedarse dormido overtake = adelantar overthrow = derrocar Irregular English Verbs Starting with "p" partake = participar pay = pagar plead = rogar preset = programar prove = probar, demostrar put = poner

Irregular English Verbs Starting with "q" 85

quit = dejar, abandonar Irregular English Verbs Starting with "r" read = leer rebind = volver a encadenar rebuild = reconstruir recast = forjar de nuevo redo = volver a hacer relay = retransmitir remake = hacer una nueva versión de rend = rasgar, desgarrar repay = devolver, pagar reread = releer rerun = volver a estrenar reset = reinicializar restring = volver a poner la cuerda a la guitarra retell = volver a contar rethink = considerar rewind = rebobinar rewrite = volver a escribir rid = librarse de ride = montar en / a ring = llamar rise = elevarse run = correr

Irregular English Verbs Starting with "s" saw = serrar say = decir see = ver seek = solicitar, buscar sell = vender send = enviar set = establecer sew = coser shake = agitar shave = afeitarse shear = esquilar shed = deshacerse de shine = brillar shit = cagar shoe = herrar shoot = disparar 86

show = mostrar shred = hacer trizas shrink = encoger shrive = exculpar, excusar shut = cerrar sing = cantar sink = hundirse sit = sentarse slay = asesinar, matar sleep = dormir slide = deslizar sling = colgar slink = escabullirse slit = abrir, cortar smell = oler smite = golpear fuertemente sneak = pasar a escondidas sow = sembrar speak = hablar speed = conducir con exceso de velocidad spell = deletrear spend = gastar, pasar spill = derramar líquidos spin = girar, centrifugar spit = escupir split = desgarrar spoil = estropear, mimar spread = extender spring = saltar stand = estar de pie steal = robar stick = pegar, atrancarse sting = picar stink = apestar strew = esparcir stride = andar a zancadas strike = golpear, pegar string = dar falsas esperanzas strip = desnudar strive = luchar por algo sublet = subarrendar sunburn = quemarse por el sol swear = jurar, decir tacos sweat = sudar sweep = barrer swell = hincharse 87

swim = nadar swing = balancear Irregular English Verbs Starting with "t" take = coger, tomar teach = enseñar tear = rasgar, romper telecast = transmitir por televisión tell = contar think = pensar thrive = prosperar throw = lanzar, arrojar thrust = hundir tread = andar Irregular English Verbs Starting with "u" unbend = relajarse unbind = desatar, desvendar underbid = ofrecer precio más bajo undergo = sufrir understand = comprender undertake = asumir, emprender underwrite = asegurar undo = deshacer unfreeze = descongelar unmake = deshacer unwind = desenvolver uphold = sostener upset = disgustar Irregular English Verbs Starting with "v" vex = molestar Irregular English Verbs Starting with "w" wake = despertar waylay = acechar wear = vestir, llevar puesto weave = tejer wed = desposar weep = derramar, llorar 88

wet = mojar, humedecer win = ganar wind = dar cuerda a withdraw = sacar withhold = retener, negar withstand = resistir, aguantar wring = estrujar, escurrir write = escribir

IRREGULAR VERB LIST Abide Abode/Abided Abode/Abided/Abidden Abides Abiding Alight Alit/Alighted Alit/Alighted Alights Alighting Arise Arose Arisen Arises Arising 89

Awake Awoke Awoken Awakes Awaking Be Was/Were Been Is Being Bear Bore Born/Borne Bears Bearing Beat Beat Beaten Beats Beating Become Became Become Becomes Becoming Begin Began Begun Begins Beginning Behold Beheld Beheld Beholds Beholding Bend Bent Bent Bends Bending Bet Bet Bet Bets Betting Bid Bade Bidden Bids Bidding Bid Bid Bid Bids Bidding Bind Bound Bound Binds Binding Bite Bit Bitten Bites Biting Bleed Bled Bled Bleeds Bleeding Blow Blew Blown Blows Blowing Break Broke Broken Breaks Breaking Breed Bred Bred Breeds Breeding Bring Brought Brought Brings Bringing Broadcast Broadcast/Broadcasted Broadcast/Broadcasted Broadcasts Broadcasting Build Built Built Builds Building Burn Burnt/Burned Burnt/Burned Burns Burning Burst Burst Burst Bursts Bursting Bust Bust Bust Busts Busting Buy Bought Bought Buys Buying Cast Cast Cast Casts Casting Catch Caught Caught Catches Catching Choose Chose Chosen Chooses Choosing Clap Clapped/Clapt Clapped/Clapt Claps Clapping Cling Clung Clung Clings Clinging Clothe Clad/Clothed Clad/Clothed Clothes Clothing Come Came Come Comes Coming Cost Cost Cost Costs Costing Creep Crept Crept Creeps Creeping Cut Cut Cut Cuts Cutting Dare Dared/Durst Dared Dares Daring Deal Dealt Dealt Deals Dealing Dig Dug Dug Digs Digging Dive Dived/Dove Dived Dives Diving Do Did Done Does Doing Draw Drew Drawn Draws Drawing Dream Dreamt/Dreamed Dreamt/Dreamed Dreams Dreaming Drink Drank Drunk Drinks Drinking Drive Drove Driven Drives Driving 90

Dwell Dwelt Dwelt Dwells Dwelling Eat Ate Eaten Eats Eating Fall Fell Fallen Falls Falling Feed Fed Fed Feeds Feeding Feel Felt Felt Feels Feeling Fight Fought Fought Fights Fighting Find Found Found Finds Finding Fit Fit/Fitted Fit/Fitted Fits Fitting Flee Fled Fled Flees Fleeing Fling Flung Flung Flings Flinging Fly Flew Flown Flies Flying Forbid Forbade/Forbad Forbidden Forbids Forbidding Forecast Forecast/Forecasted Forecast/Forecasted Forecasts Forecasting Foresee Foresaw Foreseen Foresees Foreseeing Foretell Foretold Foretold Foretells Foretelling Forget Forgot Forgotten Forgets Foregetting Forgive Forgave Forgiven Forgives Forgiving Forsake Forsook Forsaken Forsakes Forsaking Freeze Froze Frozen Freezes Freezing Frostbite Frostbit Frostbitten Frostbites Frostbiting Get Got Got/Gotten Gets Getting Give Gave Given Gives Giving Go Went Gone/Been Goes Going Grind Ground Ground Grinds Grinding Grow Grew Grown Grows Growing Handwrite Handwrote Handwritten Handwrites Handwriting Hang Hung/Hanged Hung/Hanged Hangs Hanging Have Had Had Has Having Hear Heard Heard Hears Hearing Hide Hid Hidden Hides Hiding Hit Hit Hit Hits Hitting Hold Held Held Holds Holding Hurt Hurt Hurt Hurts Hurting Inlay Inlaid Inlaid Inlays Inlaying Input Input/Inputted Input/Inputted Inputs Inputting Interlay Interlaid Interlaid Interlays Interlaying Keep Kept Kept Keeps Keeping Kneel Knelt/Kneeled Knelt/Kneeled Kneels Kneeling Knit Knit/Knitted Knit/Knitted Knits Knitting Know Knew Known Knows Knowing Lay Laid Laid Lays laying Lead Led Led Leads Leading Lean Leant/Leaned Leant/Leaned Leans Leaning Leap Leapt/Leaped Leapt/Leaped Leaps Leaping 91

Learn Learnt/Learned Learnt/Learned Learns Learning Leave Left Left Leaves Leaving Lend Lent Lent Lends Lending Let Let Let Lets Letting Lie Lay Lain Lies Lying Light Lit Lit Lights Lighting Lose Lost Lost Loses Losing Make Made Made Makes Making Mean Meant Meant Means Meaning Meet Met Met Meets Meeting Melt Melted Molten/Melted Melts Melting Mislead Misled Misled Misleads Misleading Mistake Mistook Mistaken Mistake Mistaking Misunderstand Misunderstood Misunderstood Misunderstands Misunderstanding Miswed Miswed/Miswedded Miswed/Miswedded Misweds Miswedding Mow Mowed Mown Mows Mowing Overdraw Overdrew Overdrawn Overdraws Overdrawing Overhear Overheard Overheard Overhears Overhearing Overtake Overtook Overtaken Overtakes Overtaking Pay Paid Paid Pays Paying Preset Preset Preset Presets Presetting Prove Proved Proven/Proved Proves Proving Put Put Put Puts Putting Quit Quit Quit Quits Quitting Re-prove Re-proved Re-proven/Re-proved Re-proves Re-proving Read Read Read Reads Reading Rid Rid/Ridded Rid/Ridded Rids Ridding Ride Rode Ridden Rides Riding Ring Rang Rung Rings Ringing Rise Rose Risen Rises Rising Rive Rived Riven/Rived Rives Riving Run Ran Run Runs Running Saw Sawed Sawn/Sawed Saws Sawing Say Said Said Says Saying See Saw Seen Sees Seeing Seek Sought Sought Seeks Seeking Sell Sold Sold Sells Selling Send Sent Sent Sends Sending Set Set Set Sets Setting Sew Sewed Sewn/Sewed Sews Sewing Shake Shook Shaken Shakes Shaking Shave Shaved Shaven/Shaved Shaves Shaving Shear Shore/Sheared Shorn/Sheared Shears Shearing 92

Shed Shed Shed Sheds Shedding Shine Shone Shone Shines Shining Shoe Shod Shod Shoes Shoeing Shoot Shot Shot Shoots Shooting Show Showed Shown Shows Showing Shrink Shrank Shrunk Shrinks Shrinking Shut Shut Shut Shuts Shutting Sing Sang Sung Sings Singing Sink Sank Sunk Sinks Sinking Sit Sat Sat Sits Sitting Slay Slew Slain Slays Slaying Sleep Slept Slept Sleeps Sleeping Slide Slid Slid/Slidden Slides Sliding Sling Slung Slung Slings Slinging Slink Slunk Slunk Slinks Slinking Slit Slit Slit Slits Slitting Smell Smelt/Smelled Smelt/Smelled Smells Smelling Sneak Sneaked/Snuck Sneaked/Snuck Sneaks Sneaking Soothsay Soothsaid Soothsaid Soothsays Soothsaying Sow Sowed Sown Sows Sowing Speak Spoke Spoken Speaks Speaking Speed Sped/Speeded Sped/Speeded Speeds Speeding Spell Spelt/Spelled Spelt/Spelled Spells Spelling Spend Spent Spent Spends Spending Spill Spilt/Spilled Spilt/Spilled Spills Spilling Spin Span/Spun Spun Spins Spinning Spit Spat/Spit Spat/Spit Spits Spitting Split Split Split Splits Splitting Spoil Spoilt/Spoiled Spoilt/Spoiled Spoils Spoiling Spread Spread Spread Spreads Spreading Spring Sprang Sprung Springs Springing Stand Stood Stood Stands Standing Steal Stole Stolen Steals Stealing Stick Stuck Stuck Sticks Sticking Sting Stung Stung Stings Stinging Stink Stank Stunk Stinks Stinking Stride Strode/Strided Stridden Strides Striding Strike Struck Struck/Stricken Strikes Striking String Strung Strung Strings Stringing Strip Stript/Stripped Stript/Stripped Strips Stripping Strive Strove Striven Strives Striving Sublet Sublet Sublet Sublets Subletting Sunburn Sunburned/Sunburnt Sunburned/Sunburnt Sunburns Sunburning Swear Swore Sworn Swears Swearing 93

Sweat Sweat/Sweated Sweat/Sweated Sweats Sweating Sweep Swept/Sweeped Swept/Sweeped Sweeps Sweeping Swell Swelled Swollen Swells Swelling Swim Swam Swum Swims Swimming Swing Swung Swung Swings Swinging Take Took Taken Takes Taking Teach Taught Taught Teaches Teaching Tear Tore Torn Tears Tearing Tell Told Told Tells Telling Think Thought Thought Thinks Thinking Thrive Throve/Thrived Thriven/Thrived Thrives Thriving Throw Threw Thrown Throws Throwing Thrust Thrust Thrust Thrusts Thrusting Tread Trod Trodden Treads Treading Undergo Underwent Undergone Undergoes Undergoing Understand Understood Understood Understands Understanding Undertake Undertook Undertaken Undertakes Undertaking Upset Upset Upset Upsets Upsetting Vex Vext/Vexed Vext/Vexed Vexes Vexing Wake Woke Woken Wakes Waking Wear Wore Worn Wears Wearing Weave Wove Woven Weaves Weaving Wed Wed/Wedded Wed/Wedded Weds Wedding Weep Wept Wept Weeps Weeping Wend Wended/Went Wended/Went Wends Wending Wet Wet/Wetted Wet/Wetted Wets Wetting Win Won Won Wins Winning Wind Wound Wound Winds Winding Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Withdraws Withdrawing Withhold Withheld Withheld Withholds Withholding Withstand Withstood Withstood Withstands Withstanding Wring Wrung Wrung Wrings Wringing Write Wrote Written Writes Writing Zinc Zinced/Zincked Zinced/Zincked Zincs Zincking


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