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INFORMATION YOU CAN USE PeopleSoft Enterprise Partner Relationship Management

Extend enterprise reach. Streamline operations. Optimize partner profitability.

INFORMATION YOU CAN USE Do you rely on partners as an extension of your enterprise? Can you provide your partners with the kinds of access, tools, and support that make your partner program stand out from the competition? Are your partners tightly integrated into your company’s business processes? At a time when businesses need to maximize every resource available to them, building strong partner relationships and effective channel strategies have become even more mission critical. A wellplanned, well-executed partner strategy can mean the difference between success and failure in the marketplace, especially when products are becoming more and more commoditized. True differentiation is built on unparalleled service and delivering a consistently high-quality, end-to-end customer experience. With Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Partner Relationship Management, you’re well positioned to fully capitalize on your partner network, enabling you to increase revenues through all sales channels, improve customer satisfaction, and decrease operating expenses—all at the same time.


Extend Enterprise Reach to Increase Revenues Through a well-defined partner relationship management strategy, you incorporate your partners into critical business processes, removing organizational barriers and facilitating collaboration. In the process, you provide partners with the opportunity to effectively deliver value to your customers, drive sales, and extend the reach of your enterprise across geographies, products, and customer segments. This capability is especially important for companies that are focused on achieving more with fewer internal resources. Oracle’s PeopleSoft solution program has integrated partner relationship management capabilities into every part of the CRM process, including marketing, sales, commerce, and service. This tight integration makes it possible for you and your partners to share CRM features, functionality, and transactions, including customers, leads, orders, business logic, and more. Moreover, because you’re sharing consistent business processes across both direct and indirect channels, you’re able to deliver reliably successful service across your customer value chain.

What Is A Good Partner?

Who you choose to call a partner—and why—varies greatly from industry to industry, and even between organizations. In truth, there is no common definition. Instead, partners are typically grouped into three broad categories: channel partners, alliance partners, and service fulfillment partners. Channel partners sell products and services on behalf of the brand owner to other businesses or customers. They may resell the product “as is,” or they may add value to the product by enhancing it or embedding it into their own products and complementary services. They also go by a number of different names—for example, in financial services and insurance, channel partners are brokers or agents; in retail and distribution, they are often called dealers or wholesalers. Alliance partners, on the other hand, do not actually sell a product to an end customer but are key influencers during the sales cycle. A common example of this type is a high technology company that uses systems integrators as alliance partners to explain solutions and assess implementation costs. Finally, service fulfillment partners enter the picture once the sale is made. They are used for content delivery, order fulfillment, or outsourcing repair, maintenance, or service on a product once it is installed or provisioned. Regardless of the type of partner your organization interacts with, the integrated modules within the PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management solution will enable you to extend your channel reach, streamline operations, and optimize partner profitability.


PeopleSoft Enterprise Partner Relationship Management

“ By 2010, 65 percent of revenue for Global 2000 enterprises will be driven or influenced by indirect demand-network partners.” Robert De Sisto, Gartner, May 2004

Accelerate and Facilitate Communication

Good partners are in high demand, and they know it. One of the best ways to ensure that you acquire and maintain the best partners is to communicate with them early, and often. PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management accelerates and facilitates highly effective, relevant communication and flow of information between you and your partners via an intuitive, web-based portal that has easy administration and personalization features. Based on Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal technology, PeopleSoft Enterprise Partner Portal provides an easy-to-use means of delivering information and tools to your partners, such as real-time product and pricing information. Without training, partners can access all the critical information they need to do business with you, as well as with your joint customers. Partner Portal consolidates transactions, such as quotes and orders, with other internal and external web content to provide a one-stop gateway for your partners to do business with you.

Make It Easy To Do Business With You

Partners choose to work with companies that implement best practices, maintain rich and useful partner portals, and provide proven sales and marketing resources that work. With a strong emphasis on ease of use, PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management makes it possible for you to offer all the above. We make it easy for partners to conduct business with you and, in the process, show them that you’re committed to their success.

Create Competitive Advantage

PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management delivers a systematic approach to monitoring partner effectiveness and actively managing a portfolio of partner relationships. It enables you to create and implement a world-class partner network that increases market share, extends your distribution network, and delivers immediate, sustainable advantages over your competition. Much like a financial portfolio, the highest returns from your investment in a “partner portfolio” are achieved through well-informed, thoughtful, and active management. PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management provides a number of tools that allow you to create joint business plans, set overall targets, and view aggregate performance for both individual partner companies and multiple partners in definable hierarchical segments. Armed with real-time information and insights, you’re able to make the best business decisions with confidence—whether it’s terminating unprofitable relationships or cultivating deeper relationships with star performers.


Manage Partner Strategies and Optimize Partner Program Profitability With PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management, all of your partner channels become highly visible across your organization. We enable you to seamlessly integrate your partners into your enterprise business systems and processes, unlike other partner management solutions. As a result, you’re able to share valuable information with and from partners in a number of areas, including pricing, inventory, leads, and more.

Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Partner Relationship Management solution has integrated partner relationship management capabilities into every part of the CRM process, including marketing, sales, commerce, and service.

With us, you can also integrate all aspects of the partner lifecycle, including program definition, partner acquisition and engagement, and partner program management.

Enable the Enterprise to Track Performance

Coordinate visibility across all your revenue channels, based on centralized transactional data, and use the information to follow up on partners and track their individual performance. With us, you’re never left wondering which partners are delivering and which ones aren’t. In addition, a common data model between PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management and our award-winning Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM suite ensures that all partner operations are deeply integrated into your company’s customercentric processes. The Partner Relationship Management solution has been specifically designed so that customers, partners, leads, orders, and business processes share a common platform to ensure consistency and efficiency in collaborative operations. As a result, it doesn’t matter whether your customers interact with you through direct or indirect channels—you can be sure that they will receive consistently high levels of service from a fully informed and engaged sales force.

Access the Entire Partner Network

Most companies manage their partner networks by using outdated, inefficient, and manual processes, such as spread-sheets, email, and the telephone. Because automation is limited or non-existent, it is extremely difficult to track how much time or money is being spent, let alone the return on the investment. It is also difficult to identify and rank partners based on their performance and value to the company, so that they can receive appropriate levels of service and the right resources. As a result, many partner programs are actually loss leaders—but it doesn’t have to be that way. PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management, internal partner managers have a consolidated, easy-to-access view of the entire partner network. They can drill into individual partner profiles and see a 360-degree view of all partner interactions across the enterprise. They can view each partner’s transactions with your company, and with your joint customers, throughout the lifetime of the customer relationship.


PeopleSoft Enterprise Partner Relationship Management

The winning combination of visibility and automation provides you with a quick snapshot of each partner’s relative worth to your organization. With this information, you can segment your partners into portfolios, based on value and other attributes relevant to your business, and allocate your resources where they’ll earn the greatest return.

The Partner Lifecycle

Our partner lifecycle management encompasses four phases: •

Definition of partner strategy and programs, including program objectives and membership structures. Features like partner programs help you define and describe program details for various partner categories and participation levels

Partner recruitment and acquisition, with tools that include online application forms and dialog recruitment that capture all information in a single repository. This information is accessible in a comprehensive partner parole that provides a single, at-a-glance partner overview.

Engagement of partners in enterprise business processes, including marketing, sales, commerce, and service.

Management of the ongoing partner relationship, including reviewing and rewarding partner performance and determining which relationships should be invested in and which should be terminated.

Streamline Operations and Reduce Costs Traditionally, partner programs have been plagued with poor ROI. The most common reasons include poor user adoption, suboptimal partner performance and low productivity, lack of visibility into channel sales, and the time-consuming process of program administration. In addition, partner networks are typically managed with minimal resources. PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management reverses the trend. We maximize your return on investment by automating business processes and tracking all components of your partner program—which, ultimately, reduces the operational costs of managing your partner network. We provide a single repository for all partner sales and marketing activities, which allows you to keep a close watch on individual and overall performance. Like all of these solutions, Partner Relationship Management is designed to lower the total cost of ownership over the life of the solution by being easy to maintain, easy to deploy, and easy to extend.


Mitigating Risk

When you’re sharing customer and company information with partners, you can’t afford to make mistakes with valuable data assets. In fact, one of the top concerns for companies and their partners is the security of their respective data. Peoplesoft Partner Relationship Management includes a number of security enhancements that limit both risk and liability when partners are engaged in your business processes.

Internal partner managers have a consolidated, easy-to-access view of the entire partner network. They can drill into individual partner profiles and see a 360-degree view of all partner interactions across the enterprise.

These enhancements are based on Oracle’s PeopleSoft CRM Application Security Framework, which encompasses three key elements: who can access data, what they can see, and what they’re allowed to do with the data they can access. While leveraging the strengths and capabilities of the Oracle’s PeopleSoft Tools security architecture, PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM has enhanced this security layer to support the most complex Partner Relationship Management scenarios with features such as prompt security, function or action security within applications, and more configurable and dynamic row-level security. As a result, you can rest assured that account information, customer contacts, business plans, and leads aren’t shared with the wrong partner—and that partners don’t inadvertently gain access to confidential information about your company and its business processes.

Reduce Partner Administration

PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management is designed to reduce the time-consuming process of partner program administration through a number of features, including: •

A sophistic partner catalog management, and targeted communications.

A 360-degree view of each partner that enterprise users can access for a one-stop overview of associated transactions and interactions.

PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management also allows you to delegate user administration to individual partners, letting their administrators manage the maintenance and access of individual users. With high churn and constant change, distributing the management of partner users enables the enterprise to rapidly scale and deploy an effective partner relationship management solution.

Manage Your Partner Relationships

With a solid partner relationship management strategy, you’re able to facilitate collaboration between your enterprise and your partners. PeopleSoft Partner Relationship Management enables you to implement a comprehensive partner relationship management strategy that extends beyond planning, executing, and managing partner programs to fully engaging partners in all aspects of your business processes. Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Partner Relationship Management enables you to create a systematic approach to monitoring partner effectiveness and actively managing your entire portfolio of partner relationships. The results are a winning combination of higher revenue, greater customer satisfaction, and lower operating costs.


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