Information Technology Design Brief

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,110
  • Pages: 8
Information Technology Design Brief This document provides local authority commissioners who are seeking to review upgrade or replace all or part of their Information Technology with a model design brief. The brief has been developed to help local authorities respond to the challenges and opportunities of a changing social, policy, technological and economic environment. These changes can be briefly summarised as; • • • •

The ongoing and rapid development of IT technology The increasing level IT literacy of the general public The policy drive to redefine the relationship between individuals and the local authority The policy desire to improve performance management by a shift from measuring activity to capturing outcomes and experiences • The pressing need for increased efficiency The brief describes to IT providers the new and changing requirements that local authority social care departments have of their IT infrastructure, and is written in such a way that it can be taken and amended locally to suit the particular requirements of each commissioning authority. The design brief starts by setting out a set of principles that should underpin IT infrastructure and goes onto define the user requirements in key areas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Supporting Practice (Self Directed Support & Case Management) Performance Management Information Finance and Budget Management Commissioning & Strategic Planning Efficiency & effectiveness (reduced transaction) General issues Technical Capacity

Each of these key areas is set out as set requirements that are described in terms of the systems functionality, expressed as things the system can do for different stake holders. These requirements provide developers with a set of challenges and problems to be solved. By shaping the brief in this way it is hoped that IT developers might offer their own unique approaches and solutions. The intention being to enable the creation of a new IT infrastructure, one that is shaped around the needs of its users. Commissioning authorities adopting and adapting the design brief might also use the document as a framework against which to measure the relative merits of various IT systems. This may be helpful when reviewing existing systems or when evaluating proposed new systems being offered by IT developers. The brief continues to emerge and it will be updated regularly overtime. So far the work has been produced through a collaborative process including the views and experience of • Local authority staff (practitioners, managers commissioners, IT specialists) • IT developers already providing IT systems to local authorities • People who have used services and their families

The brief is forward looking describes a ‘to be’ IT system that reaches far beyond the capacity of most existing systems and challenges local authorities and IT developers to work towards developing an IT infrastructure fit for a ‘transformed’ social care system.

Design Principles Citizenship

The system enables the local authority to provide an excellent standard of service and help it promote the well being and active citizenship of local people. Respecting the rights, dignity, and well being of both local people and staff using the system.


By default the system is open, meaning people whose personal information is stored on the system a have, as a matter of course, ready access to that information. They can ensure it is up to date and accurate. Withholding of sensitive information is possible by exception only.


Access to the system is wide spread for both staff and local people. The system features plain language, an intuitive graphic user interface, a flexible and configurable interface. The interface provides equal access for people with disabilities.


The system is configurable and flexible; it enables and promotes innovation and change within the organisation and community it serves.


The system is D.P.A. compliant. Information is secure and respected. Access to info is managed and controlled appropriately; information is shared appropriately with data subject.

Outward looking

The system is outward looking, and reaches beyond the organisational boundary of the local authority. The system provides a way for the local authority to inform and interact with local people and local agencies.

Self Directed Person Centred

The system provides a way for local; people who need support and their families to direct their own support, in partnership with the local authority.

Cost effective

The system reduces transaction costs and supports efficient working.


The system has capacity to grow and change over time responding to the changing demands placed on the local authority. The system can draw in new developments in technology and respond to the growth of IT literacy of local community.

1) Supporting Practice (Self Directed Support & Case Management) Information, Advice and Signposting User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority


Referral and Initial Assessment User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority


Demographic and Personal Details Resource Allocation User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority


Financial Assessment User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority Specialist Assessments/ advice User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority



Support Planning User Functionality Public Local Gazetteer, Other Council delivered services Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority Managing an Individual Budget User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority


Putting a Support Plan into Action User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority Monitoring User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority Review User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority




Online Collaboration User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority


Work flow Management User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority


Safeguarding Adults User Functionality Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority

2) Performance Management Information Operational management information User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority


Statutory returns User Functionality Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority Outcomes monitoring User Functionality Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority Business Intelligence User Functionality Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner

Local Authority

3) Finance and Budget Management Debtors User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority


Supplier Payments User Functionality Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority Budget Management User Functionality Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority

4) Commissioning & Strategic Planning Communication & information sharing User Functionality Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority

User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority


5) Efficiency & effectiveness (reduced transaction) Desktop and mobile device environment User Functionality Public Practitioner Flexible and mobile working, On line help and knowledge base, Office productivity tools ,Software as a service Manager Management Information Commissioner Local Authority Interfaces to external systems, Health/PCT, Local Authority Finance, Network environment, Server environment,

User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority User Public Practitioner Manager Commissioner Local Authority



6. General issues Technical Capacity Data Quality Customisation Electronic Document Management System Security (managed level of access) Accessibility User management system Council web site or customer portal

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