Information On Chapters 6,7,8

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 6
War of 1812: British VS. Americans -Madison was the president on the American side. -The Americans were not prepared at all, even though Madison declared war -The British were strong willed and had a fierce army. -The British forgot their ladders which concluded them to have a set back. -2,000 British men were killed, with only 8 Americans dieing. -The American’s won and got land (THE TREATY OF GHENT ENDED THE WAR OF 1812) -President Andrew Jackson was the 7th president at the time the war ended Monroe Doctrine: -States non colonization split the spheres of Americans and Europeans, and non intervention. -Purposes of keeping the new world and the realm of Europe separate -President James Monroe-1823 started Monroe said "The American continents … are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers." American System: -A new form of federalism -Support for high tariff (taxes) to protect American industries and generate revenue (income) -High land prices -Preservation (protection) of the Bank of the United States to stabilize the currency and rein (restraint) in risky state and local banks -Improvements on the land such as building roads and canals: would be financed by the income and taxes.

-Portions of this system were there such as the high taxes (up until 1832) Adams-Onis treaty -signed on February 22nd, 1819 and enforced directly 2 years after that -Fixed the western boundary of the Louisiana Purchase -The Sabine River to Rio Rojo (River) Hudson River School: (1835-1870) -A place for painters -Thomas Cole (English Painter) -Frederick Edwin Church (Painter) 1826-1900 -Studied under Thomas Cole’s paintings Lancaster Turnpike (Started in 1792; Completed in 1795) -Stretched from Philadelphia to Lancaster -A long distanced road that helped with reaching the northwestern territory -Later replaced by a canal Lowell factories (Francis Cabot Lowell) -Employed Young women (ages of 15-35) -to increase efficiency, productivity and profit -Considered clean, lived in kept up owned boardinghouses -made machines Nat Turner (born in 1800) -Son of a plantation owner -believed that God had chosen him to get people out of slavery -executed on November 11, 1831 John Deere (Feb. 7 1804- May 17th 1886) -Invented the first successful steel plow in 1837 -Was a blacksmith and a manufacturer

2nd B.U.S (the 2nd bank of the United States) -chartered in 1816 -to stabilize the currency by the president James Madison -Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -Ended 1833, as Andrew Jackson ended it due to corruption and supposed fraud Election of 1824 -All candidates were Democratic-Republicans -John Adams, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, William Crawford. -Even though Jackson had most votes, Adams ended up getting it because Jackson was against the Bank of the United States which was in the American System John Marshall -A leader of the Federalist Party -Was secretary of state when John Adams was president -Marshall was on the Supreme Court justice for 3 decades -he established the right of power to strike down laws that violate the constitution Pledge of Allegiance -Francis Bellamy wrote it August 1892 Erie Canal (proposed in 1768 and completed in 1825) -from Lake Erie to the west of the Hudson River -Referred to “Clinton’s Big Ditch” -363 miles long Uncle Sam -named after Samuel Wilson -for the federalist Rush-Bagot Treaty

-An agreement between the U.S and Great Britain -to eliminate their navy from the Great Lakes, excepting small ships Shakers • not allowed to get married or have children •

Dorothea Dix -Helped with the mentally ill -Was a teacher and a social reformer Frederick Edwin Church -an American Painter that looked up to Thomas Cole’s painting ideas Louisiana Purchase:

Missouri Compromise: -this was to settle the differences between free states and slave states, 2000 slaves were living in Missouri Exposition and Protest (Calhoun) -1828 by John Calhoun -A protest against the tariff of 1828

-The document stated that if the tariff was not cancelled, South Carolina would break away, and states have the right to reject federal law -Calhoun thought it was “unconstitutional because it favored manufacturing over commerce and agriculture.” Gilbert Stuart: (1755-1828) -he was a painter that portrayed the noble men and women of the federal period -known as the “Father of American Portraiture” - He did his first painting of George Washington Wester-Ashburton Treaty: April 4th, 1842 (Daniel Webster) •

Boundaries: Clearly defined borders were drawn between Maine and New Brunswick, and also in the Great Lakes area; the United States received control of 7,015 square miles of the disputed territory and Britain, 5,012 square miles Extradition: Some movement was made toward addressing extradition (the legal process for returning fugitives to another jurisdiction) concerns between the two nations; this matter had become politically sensitive following the Caroline affair; a formal extradition treaty was concluded later African slave trade: The United States agreed to station ships off the African coast in an effort to detect Americans engaging in the slave trade; Webster rejected a request to allow boarding of American ships by the British Navy.

Knickerbocker School: Literature school Samuel Slater:

-Construction of the first successful textile mill -Fled to the United States after being in England Trail of tears: -The Cherokee Indians lost their land (East of the Mississippi River) due to the Indian Removal Policy. -They faced hunger, diseases, and exhaustion. Frederick Douglass: -Fought to end slavery -Fought for rights of others such as voting and other civil rights for the blacks

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