journal of undergraduate research
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Now in its fourth year, the Journal of Undergraduate Research is a peerreviewed scholarly publication that collects, reviews, and distributes outstanding academic research and writing produced by undergraduates in the College of Arts and Letters. The Journal is the primary vehicle through which student scholarship is distributed outside the classroom. We believe that the quality of research among Arts and Letters students is deserving of a wide audience: consequentially, the Journal endeavors to reveal that work, and therefore promote further achievement in undergraduate research and writing. The Journal’s 20-member editorial board, comprising a diverse array of students from the College, has reviewed 80 papers from nearly every department in Arts and Letters. The four that are published here, and the three more that appear in the online edition of the Journal, particularly highlight the original and outstanding research completed in the College. For the editors, the papers selected demonstrate the determined pursuit of knowledge that is at the core of a liberal arts education. It is our hope that the Journal readership has a similar response.
journal of undergraduate research
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Political Science, Peace Studies ’08 English ’08 Theology, Computer Applications ’08 Theology, English ’08 American Studies ’09 Political Science, Economics ’09 Political Science, Peace Studies ’10 English, Japanese ’08 Psychology, Theology, Philosophy ’10 Philosophy, Medieval Studies ’08 History, Classics ’08 Economics, Italian ’09 Political Science, Hesburgh Program in Public Service ’08 English, Art History ’08 English, Journalism, Ethics and Democracy ’09 Political Science, History ’09 Art History, French ’08 Anthropology, Psychology ’08 Political Science, German ’09 Psychology, Computer Applications ’08
journal of undergraduate research
The Journal of Undergraduate Research editorial board expresses its gratitude for the dedication and guidance of Vicki Toumayan, Assistant Dean in the College of Arts and Letters. Associate Dean Stuart Greene guarantees ongoing support from the College, which enables our student board to create a thoroughly professional publication. We thank Desiree Zamora for her assistance in re-designing the Journal’s website and overall technical advice. The Journal draws its material exclusively from undergraduate research, and we are sincerely thankful to all students who submitted their work for consideration. The number of papers we reviewed suggests that Arts and Letters undergraduates see merit in having their research published in the Journal. Most importantly, it is the Journal’s readership that makes this publication possible.