Infinite Dance Book 6 - Psalms

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  • Words: 1,508
  • Pages: 11
THE INFINITE DANCE Scriptures According to a Woman By Gay N. Blanchard THE BOOK OF PSALMS


Tune me, oh Lord, as a violin, a flute, a mellow horn, that I may play Thy music clear and true. Tighten the strings of my desire to vibrate with Thy will. Blow through the convolutions of my soul a cleansing breath a strong resounding breath to hold secure the true pitch of my resolve. And gently turn the thin fragile reed of my compassion to blend, harmonize, communicate joyously! Tune me as a violin, a flute, a mellow horn, and use then, Lord, my notes to sing Thy song.

© Copyright 2008 Gay N. Blanchard


Where is the word to reach another heart? Oh, where the phrase to link your understanding with my thought? Words on words, carefully chosen words . . . lest you hear not my true intent or read mistaken inflections into the yearnings I would have you feel. And still I cannot be sure. Is there a way to oneness in our thought? Or must I despair your ever really knowing what is in my heart?

There is one word; the word that was in the beginning, “And the Word was God.” God can weld our thoughts in sameness and melt our understanding into one clear stream. If we are both in tune with God we’ll know together, Truth.

© Copyright 2008 Gay N. Blanchard


To love a little is to know a little joy – to know lighthearted laughter, easy fun, somersaulting into wonder and a deeper love. Then golden, happy hours, the world expands and captures rapture in its carefree hands. More singing, and in beauty more delight, more keen awareness of each flower . . . But the night brings loneliness more too, and fear and longing. Oh then the heart is vulnerable to pain. Still greater love has forged a welcome chain that links the senses to that loved one, and makes his ecstasy or grief your own.

Love, love – thy paradox has lifted me at last to understand Gethsemane.

© Copyright 2008 Gay N. Blanchard


Somewhere close enough to call you are hurting with a terrible, anguished pain. But you do not call. Only your pain calls. It cries across the chasm where you have separated yourself and vibrates through my being as if it were my own pain. Love makes it my pain. I would hold you in the comfort of my arms. I would heal you with the wholeness of my love. Why can’t you come to love? Why do you have to hurt alone? Why must I love alone?

Dear God, Is this how we turn away from Your love, when You would heal us . . . because we cannot believe in such love? Do You also love alone? Oh God, forgive our lack of faith! We come to You, running! Receive and heal us God of Love!

© Copyright 2008 Gay N. Blanchard


Intrigued by an edge of light on a dark cloud, I watched its radiations spread slivering the silver sky with white ‘til a red disc slipped beneath the shroud to hypnotize and blind my eyes.

Seeing on the edge of fear a hint of light, and numbly gazing ‘til its searching rays came near and lit the dim horizons of my bleak despair, I saw Thy dazzling grace slip quietly to view, and fell upon my knees in wonder, blinded by the pure love in Thy face.

© Copyright 2008 Gay N. Blanchard



In remembrance of Thy love, oh Lord, all bread is holy bread of life to me. Each sip of wine becomes a vein of light flowing into my being, part of Thee.

Always remembering Thee transcends mere thought, perpetuates a pulse, a rhythmed breath, a vital source of infinite energy embracing life – denying death.

© Copyright 2008 Gay N. Blanchard


I love Thee, Oh Lord, with all my heart, with all my heart, mind, strength and soul. My heart’s remotest feelings and its most intense – from the fringes of yearning through every vibration to yearning’s core, and the beginning and ending of all hopes – are given to Thee, in love. And Lord, I love Thee with all my mind. Reason, knowledge, truth – remembrance, thought, vision – past, present and future concentrate and radiate to Thee. And all my strength, Lord, is expended in love for Thee. The energy that moves me to wind-blown running or quiet rocking or that turns me to serve, shimmers and waits on Thy altar. All my soul’s song is sung for Thee, my Lord. My will is Thine. Thou alone may walk through all the rooms of my temple and be home.

© Copyright 2008 Gay N. Blanchard


Wait. Wait. The sky is still dark. He’ll come with the moon soon. Wait. The moon’s almost there. The clouds’ iridescence its entrance prepare. He surely will come when the orb of its light softens night. Wait. Wait. The earth’s jagged peaks slip slowly away as the golden disc lifts making night shadows play. He promised to come in the full moon’s light some night. Wait. The slow-rising, languid moon bathes in soft clouds, donning, discarding the elegant shrouds. Ethereal angel-song shimmers near. An essence of presence vibrates the air. It surely must be HE. Wait. Wait. The long night grows longer, its promises die. Further and smaller the moon studs the sky. But calendars have oh, many a full moon. Patience. Sing patience’ interminable tune. He’ll come on some silver celestial date. Wait.

© Copyright 2008 Gay N. Blanchard

PSALM 9 Dear God, Lord of my heart’s longing, Hear! Oh hear and answer this, my last prayer, the end of all the words my being can find strength to utter. Hear the anguished cry of my last burning desire, and accept, I beg Thee, this last offering of my I AM. By some miracle of Thy vast unfathomable power let me pay the price, whatever price Thy will demands, to let LOVE ABIDE for all Thy children. Cut out my heart and let it beat eternally the stark rhythm of loneliness, if that must be, to justify Eve’s choice. Burn my body on the altar of Law’s vengeance with Hell’s eternal burnings if only such a price can lift the curse of man’s perversions. Take my soul’s ashes, and cast them, crying eternal pain, to the four winds, a sacrifice for Love. But oh! please my God, BE! Be for all humanity the God of Love I see. Let every scattered, broken fragment of love’s hungry yearning to be filled find a haven for its need. Let no heart cry alone. Bring from the deep resources of Thy infinite caring the perfect joy to fill each heart’s empty spaces with a forever song of gladness and fulfillment. Let me be loneliness, if loneliness must be. But, oh, beloved Lord, my God of Love, let Thy Pure Love BE! © Copyright 2008 Gay N. Blanchard

PSALM 10 Look, you mortals! See the testimony of Christ! You who have eyes to see, see LIGHT! Silver translucence of a dragonfly darting into sunset’s cloud-pink changing sky. Dew-glittered fields of daffodils, or dew on just one. White birds wheeling into the sun, suddenly soaring light and wheeling away, suddenly gone. Oh stay! Turn again birds, and catch the light that lifts and sings and hold’s Christ’s radiance in your wings. Turn Mankind! Let your eye mirror LIGHT prismed reflections of His Love.

Listen! Hark! You mortals! Hear the testimony of Christ! You who have ears to hear, hear TRUTH. Mother’s song children’s laughter, father’s prayer, people’s voices everywhere ringing with the Word of cheer, “Jesus Christ – the Truth, the Light!” Hear all nature’s harmony in the incessant summer song the crickets sing, sharpened to a wail the end of fall and silenced in the silence of the snow. Who has ears to hear will come to know that God speaks in the silence of the heart, and he will listen, and will hear the better part.

© Copyright 2008 Gay N. Blanchard

Feel, you mortals! Feel the testimony of Christ! You who have hearts to understand feel LOVE! Kneel humbly at Christ’s feet, offering in sacrifice your pride from a heart broken with need. Feel Christ’s healing hands in blessing on your head. Feel Him pour forgiveness through your being, and then pure power. Feel your self-knowledge quicken to a sure awareness of your wholeness.

Turn, you mortals! Turn to Light to Truth to Infinite Love to Jesus Christ! Turn – And play on your newly-born instrument of Love a joy-song! Praise to the Lord! Praise Him with a breath of Love that sweeps clean the Earth, that rises with lightning’s electric “Hallelujah!” with the rainbow-billowing clouds’ “Amen!” in the wide sky of Heaven. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord of Love!

© Copyright 2008 Gay N. Blanchard

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