Individual Work Plan

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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region ______ Division of _____________ District of ________________ INDIVIDUAL WORK PLAN PERFORMANCE OUTPUT INDICATOR I. INSTRUCTION PLANNED ACTUAL COMPETENCE A. Lesson Planning and Delivery (40 %) 1. Formulates/adopts objective of 1. Objectives/adopted in __________, _______, 1. The objectives formulated are specific, lesson plan. _______, ________ should have been specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. timely. 2. Select / prepares and utilizes 2. Instructional Materials, selected prepared and 2. Instructional materials such as charts, instructional materials/ teaching utilized should have been adequate, congruent, maps, worksheet, ect. selected prepared aids. appropriate, relevant and made of indigenous and utilized are adequate, congruent, materials. appropriate, relevant and made of indigenous materials. 4. Uses Teaching Methods and Strategies

3. teaching Methods and strategies should have 3. Varied teaching methods such as been suitable to learning abilities of pupils, exposition, discussion, lecture and provide opportunity for greater participation, strategies such as games, group activities, varied and appropriate, maximized utilization of were provided. These methods/strategies available audio visual materials and generate gave opportunity to student-teacher, interaction. student learner interaction. B. Lesson Delivery / Presentation (15 % ) 1. Relates new lesson with previous 1. New lesson related to previous knowledge 1. Drills/review of past lesson and informal knowledge / skills /skills should have been done through drills, assessment were done to relate new review and informal assessment. lesson with previous knowledge/skills. 2. Provides appropriate motivation 2. Provide appropriate motivation through the use 2. Motivation used were appropriate with of appropriate audio visual/instruction the used of varied instructional materials materials, varied learning activities, sustains asked question for students participation interest of learners. and activity to sustain student’s interest.

TARGET DATE REMARKS PLANNED June to March 31 , 2009 June to March 31, 2009

June to March 31 , 2009

June to March 31 , 2009 June to March 31 , 2009


3. Presents and develops lessons as planned

3. Lesson developed and presented should have been: a. According to objectives b. Using appropriate strategies c. Utilizing varied teaching materials b. by relating previous lessons to present subject matter. e. according to the needs of the class

3. The lesson presented and developed from the objectives formulated used appropriate strategies and instructional materials and relating past to present lessons.

June to March 31 , 2009

4. Convey Ideas Clearly

4. Ideas should have been clearly conveyed when: a. language vocabulary within the level of the students should have been used. b. difficult vocabulary should have been unlocked before the lesson proper. c. varied examples and strategies should have been used. d. students should have been able to use knowledge learned in other situations.

4. The ideas were clearly conveyed with the used of language/vocabulary were unlocked. Used of varied examples and strategies. Students were responsive to questions asked and used knowledge in other situation.

June to March 31, 2009

5. Utilizes the art of questioning to develop higher level of thinking

5. Questions used should have been:

5. The questions asked to learners were intended to develop their higher level of thinking.

June to March 31, 2009

6. Ensures students participation

6. Student participation should have been ensured when: a. there was and interactive involvement of learners. b. Conclusions of the lesson was student generated; c. Teacher acted as facilitators of learning: d. Teacher-student interaction was generated. e. Individual or group learning was mobilized.

6. The students were given the opportunity to participate in the class discussion by giving them a democratic way of learning. Mobilizes individual and /or group learning.

June to March 31, 2009

a. Clear and simple b. Focus on application. Synthesis/ generalization; c. Related to previous and present lessons d. Teacher-student interaction was generated. e. Directed towards the attainment of objectives

A. Management of time and Learning Environment (5%) 1. Maintains classroom conducive 1. Clean and orderly classroom should have been to learning maintained ( most of the time)

1. Maintained clean and orderly classroom all the time.

2. Maintains classroom conductive 2. Classroom conductive to learning should have 2. Maintain classroom conducive to to learning been maintained : learning all the time. a. Desk/chairs/table were arranged according to the activity; b. Appropriate learning materials were displayed in the corresponding subject area corner. c. Books/ magazines/apparatus and related learning materials were accessible anytime. d. Clean and orderly classroom e. Discipline and proper behavior of students were observed. 3. Finishes lesson according to the 3. Lesson should have been finished according to 3. The lessons were finished according to desired outcomes within the the desired outcomes within the allotted time the budgeted work per grading period allotted time. B. Technical Assistance (for Master Teachers only (15% ) 1. Provides assistance to teachers 1. Assistance provided to improve teaching in improving their teaching competence of teachers should have included competence the following: a. Development of lesson plan; b. Selection of appropriate subject matter: c. Selection of appropriate teaching; d. Formulation of Questions; and e. Construction of assessment tool (formative/summative) 2. Prepares prototype instructional material for use.

Should have prepared the following: a. Improvised equipment/apparatus b. At least two (2) samples of obtained lesson plans with corresponding teaching devices summative test items with table of specification

1. Provided the following assistance to new teachers. a. Development of lesson b. Selection of appropriate subject matter; c. Selection of appropriate teaching; d. Formulation of Question; and e. Construction of assessment tool

Prepared the following:

June to March 31 , 2009 June to March 31, 2009


Individual differences

8. Show mastery of the subject matter

C. Assessment (10 %) 1. Diagnoses of learners need

2. Evaluates Learning Outcomes

3. Assess lesson to determine desired outcomes within the given time

7. Individual difference should have been addressed when: a. Teaching aids/ materials used were according to the level of the students b. Differentiated activities were provided: c. Activities/exercises were suited to the learners ability; d. Language used is clear and simple; e. Remedial teaching was conducted.

7. The students individual differences were addressed through the use of teaching materials, activities/exercises suited to the level of learners, the used of clear and simple language and remedial teaching was also conducted.

June to March 31, 2009

8. The mastery of the subject matter should have been; a. Varied example use; b. Varying levels of questions were asked; c. Provided students with varied activities d. used varied materials and strategies with case e. supplements knowledge from textbooks

8. The mastery of the subject matter included the use of varied activities like games, outdoor lessons, ect. Asked thought provoking question.

June to March 31, 2009

1. Learning needs should have been diagnoses by 1. The learner’s needs were diagnosed in using: the form of questionnaire on their a. Questionnaire on the background of the learner background. b. Anecdotal records c. Previous years academic records Anecdotal records, previous and the d. Pre-test result of the pre-test were also used. e. Analysis of the generated from a to d 2. Learning Outcomes show have been evaluated 2. Conducted evaluation of learning through: outcomes through: a. Summative tests ________ summative test/ quizzes b. Formative tests ________ formative test c. Informal assessment ________ recitation d. Recitation ________ periodical test e. On the spot question test 3. At least 85% passed the summative test 3. 85% passed the summative test c. Sets of exercises/ charts/pictures/ poster d. Supplementary teaching device for teachers e. A sample of assessment instrument

Beginning of the School Year

4. Assist in the conduct of in service training/conferences 5. Learner’s Achievement (20%) for teachers, 10% for Master Teacher

4. Should have assisted in the conduct of in service training/conferences

4. Prepared training design session guides, training matrix, evaluation instruments on new trends and developments. 5. Should have improves achievement level in the 5. Improve achievement level from ____ % post-test ______ % to % ______ over pre-test. to ______% over pre-test.

D. School, Home and Community Involvement (5%) 1. Organizes and maintains 1. Functional Homeroom PTCA should have functional homeroom PTCA been organized and maintained: a. As venue to report student progress periodically;

1. A functional HRPTCA was organized and maintained through this association, parents were informed of their children’s progress periodically; there was link between the school and community. School policies/plans/programs accomplishments were disseminated; Parents were able to identify area where they can help upgrading instructions; harmonious relationship between home and school was established.

June to March 31, 2009

2. Homeroom PTCA meetings should have been conduct to report learner’s progress in two months. 3. policies/plans/ accomplishments should have been disseminated to 18%-100% of the students, parents and other stakeholders.

2. homeroom PTCA meetings were conducted every end of the grading period- in three months 3. Disseminated the policies/plans ect. 100% of the students, parents and others stakeholder.

June to March 31, 2009 June to March 31, 2009

4. active involvement and participation in community projects through: a. Initiation of project. b. Defining and operational objectives of the project. c. Delineating functions and roles; d. Identify resources; e. Monitoring and evaluation

4. Active involvement and participation and in civic organization s created a strong camaraderie with the stakeholders.

June to March 31, 2009

b. To serve as link between the school and community based project; c. As means to disseminates school; d. In order to indentify areas where parents cant help in upgrading instructions; and e. To establish and maintain harmony of relationship between the school and the home. 2. Conducts HPTCA meetings to report learner’s progress 3. Disseminates school policies/plans/program/accompli shments to schools clientele 4. Participates affectivity in community project as chairman, co-chairman/ member in the community project and civic organizations.

June to March 31, 2009

5. Encourages involvement of parents in the school programs and activities

5. Involvement of 75% of parents in school programs and activities have been encouraged.

IV. PUNCTUALITY AND ATTENDANCE (10%) Punctuality (5%) Should not incurred more than 4-6 times tardy /under time. Attendance (5%)

Should not incurred more than 4 times absent.

V. PROFESSIONALS AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTIC (20%) 1. Decisiveness 1. Act immediately on needs/request in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations and accepted norms of conduct and behavior (more often than not) 2. Honesty/Integrity 3. Dedication/Commitment 4. Initiative/Resources 5. Courtesy 6. Human Relations

2. Demonstrates truthfulness, candidness, uprightness and freedom from deceit (more often than not) 3. More often than not, renders services over and above the regular functions and even beyond regular time. 4. More often than not starts action on projects and performs task without being told and supervised. 5. More often than not shows polite, kind and thoughtful behavior toward the public manner of speech and actuations. 6. More often then not, Display concern for people work, office clientele and supervisorsubordinate relationship.

5. 85% of the parents were involved in school programs and activities like; - Nutrition Month - Brigada Eskwela - Foundation Day - Feeding Program

June to March 31, 2009

Incurred _________ times tardy

June to March 31, 2009 June to March 31, 2009

Incurred _______ times absent during the year.

1. Acted most of the time immediately on needs/requests in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations and accepted norms of conduct and behavior. 2. Always Demonstrates truthfulness, candidness, uprightness and freedom from deceit. 3. Most of the time rendered services over and above the regular functions and even regular time. 4. Most of the time started on projects and performs task without being told and supervised. 5. Most of the time showed polite, kind and thoughtful behavior toward the public manner of speech and actuations. 6. More often then not, Display concern for people work, office clientele and supervisor-subordinate relationship.

June to March 31, 2009 June to March 31, 2009 June to March 31, 2009 June to March 28, 2009 June to March 31, 2009 June to March 31, 2009

7. Leadership

7. Most of the time exercises the manner of guiding, influencing, motivating and developing confidence of subordinates to work as a team and accomplished tasked. Leading the organizational unit to achieve its goal and objectives enthusiastically.

8. Stress Tolerance

8. Often times displays stability of performance under pressure of opposition.

7. Often times exercised the manner of guiding, influencing, motivating and developing confidence of subordinates to work as a team and accomplished tasked. Leading the organizational unit to achieve its goal and objectives enthusiastically. 8. Displayed stability of performance under pressure of opposition most of the time.

9. Fairness Justice

9. Most of the time conforms to usual principles of law, just and unbiased.

9. Conformed to usual principles of law, just and unbiased most of the time.

10. Proper Attire Good Grooming

10. More often than not dresses in accordance with proper decorum and or prescribed rules and regulations and its neat in appearance.

10. Dressed in accordance with proper decorum and/or prescribed rules and its neat in appearance.

June to March 31, 2009

June to March 31, 2009 June to March 31, 2009 June to March 31, 2009

Prepared by: _______________________ Teacher

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