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41/2009 41/2009


פü−ÖÖÓú: 09/10/2009 DATE: 09/10/2009


The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


INTRODUCTION In view of the recent amendment made in the Patents Act, 1970 by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 effective from 01st January 2005, the Official Journal of The Patent Office is required to be published under the Statute. This Journal is being published on weekly basis on every Friday covering the various proceedings on Patents as required according to the provision of Section 145 of the Patents Act 1970. All the enquiries on this Official Journal and other information as required by the public should be addressed to the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks. Suggestions and comments are requested from all quarters so that the content can be enriched.

(P H Kurian) Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks 9th October, 2009

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009
















































The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


THE PATENT OFFICE KOLKATA, 09/10/2009 Address of the Patent Offices/Jurisdictions The following are addresses of all the Patent Offices located at different places having their Territorial Jurisdiction on a Zonal basis as shown below:1

Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, Near Antop Hill Post Office,S.M.Road,Antop Hill, Mumbai – 400 037


Phone: (91)(22) 24123311, Fax : (91)(22) 24123322 E-mail: [email protected]


The Patent Office, Government of India, Intellectual Property Rights Building, G.S.T. Road, Guindy, Chennai – 600 032. Phone: (91)(44) 2250 2081-84 Fax : (91)(44) 2250 2066 E-mail: [email protected]  The States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and the Union Territories of Puducherry and Lakshadweep.

The Patent Office, Government of India, Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, Near Antop Hill Post Office,S.M.Road,Antop Hill, Mumbai – 400 037 Phone: (91)(22) 24137701 Fax: (91)(22) 24130387 E-mail: [email protected]  The States of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Goa and Chhattisgarh and the Union Territories of Daman and Diu & Dadra and Nagar Haveli


The Patent Office (Head Office), Government of India, Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, CP-2, Sector –V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata- 700 091 Phone: (91)(33) 2367 1943/44/45/46/87 Fax: (91)(33) 2367 1988 E-Mail: [email protected]

 Rest of India 3

The Patent Office, Government of India, Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, Plot No. 32., Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075 Phone: (91)(11) 2808 1921 – 25 Fax: (91)(11) 2808 1920 & 2808 1940 E.mail: [email protected]  The States of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Delhi and the Union Territory of Chandigarh.

Website: All applications, notices, statements or other documents or any fees required by the Patents Act, 1970 and The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 or by the Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006 will be received only at the appropriate offices of the Patent Office. Fees: The Fees may either be paid in cash or may be sent by Bank Draft or Cheques payable to the Controller of Patents drawn on a scheduled Bank at the place where the appropriate office is situated. The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


¯Öê™ëü™ü úÖµÖÖÔ»ÖµÖ úÖê»ÖúÖŸÖÖ, פü−ÖÖÓ 09/10/2009 úÖµÖÖÔ»ÖµÖÖë êú &Öê¡ÖÖ׬ÖúÖ¸ü êú ¯ÖŸÖê 1



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¯Öê™ëü™ü †×¬Ö×−ÖµÖ´Ö, 1970 ŸÖ£ÖÖ ¯Öê™ëü™ü (ÃÖÓ¿ÖÖê¬Ö−Ö) †×¬Ö×−ÖµÖ´Ö, 2005 †£Ö¾ÖÖ ¯Öê™ëü™ü (ÃÖÓ¿ÖÖê¬Ö−Ö) ×−ÖµÖ´Ö, 2006 «üÖ¸üÖ ¾ÖÖÓ×”ûŸÖ ÃÖ³Öß †Ö¾Öê¤ü−Ö, ÃÖæ“Ö−ÖÖ‹Ñ, ×¾Ö¾Ö¸üSÖ µÖÖ †−µÖ ¤üßÖÖ¾Öê•Ö µÖÖ úÖê‡Ô ¿Öã»ú ¯Öê™ëü™ü úÖµÖÖÔ»ÖµÖ êú êú¾Ö»Ö ˆ¯ÖµÖãŒŸÖ úÖµÖÖÔ»ÖµÖ ´Öë þÖßéúŸÖ ÆüÖë Öê … ¿Öã»ú: ¿Öã»ú µÖÖ ŸÖÖê −Öú¤ü ºþ¯Ö ´Öë µÖÖ "Controller of Patents" êú −ÖÖ´Ö ´Öë ¤êüµÖ ²Öïú ›ÒüÖ°™ü µÖÖ “Öêú êú «üÖ¸üÖ ³Öê•Öß •ÖÖ ÃÖúŸÖß Æîü •ÖÖê ˆÃÖß Ã£ÖÖ−Ö êú ×úÃÖß †−ÖãÃÖæ×“ÖŸÖ ²Öïú ´Öë ¯ÖϤü¢Ö ÆüÖê •ÖÆüÖÑ ˆ¯ÖµÖãŒŸÖ úÖµÖÖÔ»ÖµÖ ÛÃ£ÖŸÖ Æïü… The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


SPECIAL NOTICE 18 Months publication as required under Section 11A of the Patents Act, 1970 as amended by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005.

Notice is hereby given that any person at any time before the grant of Patent may give representation by way of opposition to the Controller of Patents at appropriate office on the ground and in a manner specified under section 25(1) of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 read with Rule 55 of the Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006. Notice is also given that if any interested person requests for copies of the complete specification, drawing and abstract of any application already published, the photocopy of the same can be supplied by the Patent Office as per the jurisdiction on payment of prescribed fees of Rs.4/- per page. If any further details are required to be obtained, the same can be provided by the respective Patent Offices on request.


The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


Special Notice Under the new provision of the Patents Act, 1970 as amended by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 and Rules there under, Publication of the matter relating to Patents in the Official Gazette of India Part III, Section 2 has been discontinued and instead “The Official Journal of the Patent Office” is being published containing all the activities of The Patent Office such as publication of all the patent applications after 18th months , grant of patents & all other information in respect of the proceedings as required under the provisions of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 and Rules thereunder on weekly basis on every Friday. The Journal is uploaded in the website every Friday. So Paper form and CD-ROM form of the Journal are discontinued from 01/01/2009.


Every effort is being taken to publish all the patent applications under section 11(A) of the Patents Act. However, if duplication of publication of any application is found, then earlier date of publication will be taken for the purpose of provisional protection for applicant and Patent Office will grant Patent not before six months from the date of second publication, provided that there is there is no third party representation.

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


Early Publication: The following patent applications have been published under section 11A (2) of The Patents (Amendment) Act 2005 and rule 24A of The Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006. Any person may file representation by way of opposition to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office against the grant of the patent in the prescribed manner under section 25(1) of the Patents (Amendment) Act 2005 read with the rule 55 of The Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006: (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION

(21) Application No.1102/MUM/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/04/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : INDEPENDENT GROUNDLESS CAR-PARKING (51) International classification :E04H6/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)GILANI M.E. (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :SHOPLINE NO.8, NEW LABOUR (33) Name of priority country :NA CAMP, SASMIRA ROAD, WORLI, MUMBAI-400030. (86) International Application No :NA Maharashtra India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No : NA 1) GILANI M.E. (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This particular invention relates to groundless & Independent car parking system using concept of electro hydraulic mechanics. By using the system, the ear is parked at an altitude above a car already parked on the road without moving or touching it and can come down on ground without touching cars already parked on the ground & can be driven away.

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1697/MUM/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A UNIQUE PROCESS FOR RECOVERY OF LOW VISCOUS-LOW SULPHUR-HIGH POUR POINTFUEL OIL BY COVERTING WASTED TYRES (51) International classification :B07B4/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)B. S. HYDROCARBONS PVT LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :303, KANE PLAZA, MIND SPACE, (33) Name of priority country :NA OFF LINK ROAD, MALAD (WEST), MUMBAI-400064, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :N/A 1)B SHRIRAM IYER (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)VISHWANATHAN RAMAKRISHNAN Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a method and process for the recovery of Low viscous /low sulphur fuel oil, carbon black and fuel gas conversion of wasted tyres or similar polymeric material by pyrolysis. Discarded tyre is shredded into smaller cubes, after the removal of bead wire, steel wire, and nylon chord. The shredded pieces undergo further size reduction through set of pulverizers cost effectively wher the power consumption per ton of waste tyre is only 30 kilo watts per hour. Once the size is brought out to 30 mesh size through a unique pneumatic conveying system and passed on to a specially manufactured Finned Jacketed, Screw Conveyors. The heat energy required for the pyrolysis reaction is supplied by a hot air generator fuelled by the non-condensable gases evolving from the pyrolysis reaction.

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


Publication After 18 Months : The following Patent Applications have been published under Section 11A (3) of The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005. Any Person may file representation by way of opposition to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office against the grant of the patent in the prescribed manner under section 25(1) of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 read with the rule 55 of The Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006: (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION

(21) Application No.1171/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/03/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BLOOD PROCESSING SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR COLLECTING PLASMA FREE OR ESSENTIALLY FREE OF CELLULAR BLOOD COMPONENTS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

:B01D 33/15 (71)Name of Applicant : :10/279,765 1)BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC. :24/10/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE BAXTER PARKWAY, :U.S.A. DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015, U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/033297 (72)Name of Inventor : :21/10/2003 1)KYUNGYOON MIN :WO 2004/037066 2)JULIE MORIARITY :NA :NA :NA :NA

(57) Abstract : Blood separation systems and methods introduce blood into an annular separation channel between a low-G wall and a high-G wall while rotating the separation channel about an axis, for separation of the blood into blood components. The annular separation channel has an annular boundary wall. The systems and methods direct a first blood component into a constricted channel along the Iqw-G wall. The systems and methods remove the first blood component through a first path that communicates with the separation channel through an opening that adjoins the constricted channel adjacent the low-G wall. The systems and methods direct a second blood component along a surface that extends generally in an axial direction along the high-G wall toward the annular boundary wall. The systems and methods collect the second blood component through a second path that communicates with the separation channel through an opening that adjoins the surface adjacent the high-G wall axially spaced from the annular boundary wall.

No. of Pages : 122 No. of Claims : 37

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1173/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/03/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MOUNTING ASSEMBLY FOR AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE, SUCH AS A MODEM" (71)Name of Applicant : :F16M 13/02 :02447195.5 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A. :11/10/2002 Address of Applicant :46 QUAI ALPHONSE LE GALLO, F92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT, FRANCE. :EPO :PCT/EP03/50701 (72)Name of Inventor : :11/10/2002 1)GEERT VAN DEN BOSSCHE : 2)STAN CLAVES (87) International Publication No WO/2004/033953 3)KURT VANDENBERGH (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Mounting assembly for an electronic device, such as a modem The invention concerns a mounting assembly for releasably mounting a housing of an electronic device (1) on a surface such as a wall or a piece of furniture, comprising receiving means (14 - 17) to be arranged on said surface, and engaging means (2) to be arranged on the housing for engaging with said receiving means, wherein said receiving means cooperate with at least one ventilation recess (4) of the housing to lock said housing on the mounting assembly. The invention also concerns a corresponding electronic device and a method for fabricating a mounting assembly. Figure 1 (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date

No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1254/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/06/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR PRODUCING (METH) ACROLEIN OR (METH) ACRYLIC ACID" (51) International classification :C07C 47/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2001-379526 1)MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :13/12/2001 Address of Applicant :33-8 SHIBA 5-CHOME, MINATOKU, TOKYO 100-0014, JAPAN. (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2002/12912 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/12/2002 1)YASUYUKI SAKAKURA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/050069 2)SHUHEI YADA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HIROCHIKA HOSAKA :NA Number 4)YOSHIRO SUZUKI :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for producing (meth) acrolein or (meth)acrylic acid which comprises feeding a starting material for (meth)acrolein or (meth)acrylic acid to an oxidation reactor together with a molecularˆ’oxygen ˆ’containing gas which has been mixed with a diluent gas and compressed with a compressor to conduct a catalytic vapor’phase oxidation, feeding the gas resulting from the reaction to an absorption column to bring it into contact with water, recovering an aqueous solution of (meth)acrolein or (meth)acrylic acid through the bottom of the absorption column, and using as the diluent gas all or part of the discharge gas recovered through the top of the absorption column, wherein the temperature of the mixed gas at the intake of the compressor is regulated so as to be higher than the dew point of the gas. Thus, the compressor can be prevented from being clogged or damaged.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1396/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLYMERIC MICROPARTICULATES FOR SUSTAINED RELEASE OF DRUG AND THEIR PREPARATION METHODS" (51) International classification :A61K 9/52 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10-2002-0070317 1)AMOREPACIFIC CORPORATION Address of Applicant :181, HANKANG-RO 2-KA, (32) Priority Date :13/11/2002 YONGSAN-KU, 140-777 SEOUL KOREA Republic of Korea (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea (86) International Application No :PCT/KR2003/002437 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :12/11/2003 1)LEE HYEOK (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/043441 2)PARK HAM YONG (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)YANG JEONG HWA :NA Number 4)KIM JUNG JU :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to polymeric Microparticulates for sustained release of drug and to the process for the preparation thereof. The process of the present invention for preparing polymeric Microparticulates based on microcoagulation phenomenon of water-soluble polymer not only improves loading amount of drug but also minimizes initial burst of drug of drug, thereby providing polymeric Microparticulates enabling sustained and prolonged release of drug.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1397/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A STORAGE DEVICE FOR SEALED PACKAGES" (51) International classification :B65D 83/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :09/364,240 1)THE GILLETTE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :29/07/1999 Address of Applicant :PRUDENTIAL TOWER BUILDING (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02199, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US00/20068 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :24/07/2000 1)CHARLES BRIDGHAM WORRICK, III (87) International Publication No :WO 01/09007 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :IN/PCT/2001/01205/DEL Filed on :27/12/2001 (57) Abstract : A storage device, e.g., for a shaving razor and replacement cartridges, including a base member having at least one storage compartment, an done or more sealed packages that are each located in a respective storage compartment The sealed package contains a shaving cartridge including a plastic housing and a plurality of blades. Each compartment provides a retention force, e.g., by opposed members, to retain a respective package within the compartment with a retention force that is less than a peeling force needed to initiate peeling of a cover layer sealably connected to the stored package. The cover has shaving razor engagement structure for carrying a razor on an external surface of the cover.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.150/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/01/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : DISPOSABLE INTESTINAL INTUBATOR WITH DRAIN AND IRRIGATOR (51) International classification :A61M 1/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :P-02-117 1)MATASOV SERGEY (32) Priority Date :21/06/2002 Address of Applicant :RANKA DAMBIS 7/1-55, RIGA, LV 1048, LATVIA Latvia (33) Name of priority country :Latvia :PCT/IB2003/002316 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/06/2003 1)MATASOV SERGEY (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/000091 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention is intended for secure emptying of organism’s cavities, particularly for colon decompression. The secure emptying of cavity is ensured by a hose (19) with punctures, placed in drain (17). The liquid, feeding into hose, realizes drain"s recanalization, irrigates its holes and dilutes cavity contents. Transportation of drain into colon is ensured by synergy of two intubation forces. The vanguard force is generated by fluid pressure which everts invaginator, the rearguard (extraanal) - by "cylinder-piston" unit with a cuff. The hollow units piston acts as pneumatic carriage, but cuff is periodically joining with invaginator with drain or their intractor (20). Evacuation of contents is ensured by influx-and-extract method. The sequential connection of intractor and drain ensures not only intubation, but also contents" evacuation through both ends of drain

No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1501/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MODEL 3D CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION PROGRAM INTERFACE" (51) International classification :G06T 15/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/838,936 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :03/05/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US04/024369 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/07/2004 1)GREG D. SCHECHTER (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/111939 2)GREGORY D. SWEDBERG (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JOSEPH S. BEDA :NA Number 4)ADAM M. SMITH :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A computer data structure applied to computer program objects in a tree hierarchy for rendering three-dimensional (3D) models, the data structure comprising: an object tree hierarchy for rendering a 3D scene;a root object in the tree hierarchy collecting the objects for the 3D scene;one or more group objects in the tree hierarchy collecting other group objects and leaf objects and having transforms operating on collected objects of the group object; leaf objects in the tree hierarchy, leaf objects comprising a light object in the tree hierarchy defining the illumination to be used in rendering a 3D model in the 3D scene; and one or more draw 3D objects defining operations drawing a 3D model in the 3D scene.

No. of Pages : 64 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1502/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MODULAR DOCUMENT FORMAT"

(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION :G06F 17/21 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, :10/836,326 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, USA. :30/04/2004 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.S.A. 1)ANDREY SHUR :PCT/US04/024444 2)JERRY DUNIETZ :29/07/2004 3)OLIVER FOEHR : WO/2005/111830 4)DANIEL EMERSON 5)MIKE HILLBERG :NA 6)YOUNG GAH KIM :NA 7)JOSH POLLOCK :NA 8)SARJANA SHETH :NA 9)DAVID ORNSTEIN 10)JEAN PAOLI 11)BRIAN JONES,

(57) Abstract : A method comprising:creating a package that defines a document, wherein the document includes a plurality of parts that make up the document, wherein each of the plurality of parts has an associated name and an associated content type; and providing a plurality of drivers associated with the package, wherein the plurality of drivers are also associated with different document formats, and wherein the plurality of drivers allow multiple applications to access the package regardless of a document format associated with each of the multiple applications.

No. of Pages : 158 No. of Claims : 34

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1568/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MESSAGE SETTINGS SELECTION" (51) International classification :G06F 9/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/419,103 1)RESEARCH IN MOTION LIMITED (32) Priority Date :18/10/2002 Address of Applicant :295 PHILLIP STREET, WATERLOO, ONTARIO N2L 3W8, CANADA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2003/001583 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/10/2003 1)ADAMS NEIL P (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/036419 2)BROWN MICHAEL S (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)LITTLE HERBERT A :NA Number 4)SCIAN ANTHONY F :NA Filing Date 5)BROWN MICHAAEL K (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method of selecting messaging settings on a messaging client are provided. A display configured to operate in conjunction with the messaging client displays a compose screen that includes a message portion and a messaging settings portion when an outgoing message is to be composed on the messaging client. Messaging settings selected to control message characteristics of the outgoing message are displayed in the messaging settings portion of the compose screen.

No. of Pages : 50 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1421/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : CARDIAC STIMULATION SYSTEM AND METHOD (51) International classification :A61N 1/362 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/426,840 1)THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF (32) Priority Date :16/11/2002 CALIFORNIA Address of Applicant :OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/034729 TRANSFER, 1111 FRANKLIN STREET, 11TH FLOOR, (86) International Application No Filing Date :31/10/2003 OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94607-5200, U.S.A. (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/045709 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)LEE, RANDALL, J :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A cardiac stimulation assembly includes an energy (46) source coupled to an energy emitter (50) that extends from a delivery member (30) into a region of tissue in the heart. An array of the emitters (50) are adapted to extend from a delivery assembly and into unique locations along the region of tissue, such as by use of extendable, pre-shaped needles. A volume of conductive agent (18) is delivered into the region and enhances stimulation of the region with the energy emitter (50). The agent may be an injectable preparation of living cells that express production of connexin, e.g. connexin 43, and may be genetically modified to over-express such production. The agent may include a nonliving material, such as conductive polymer of metal or combination thereof. The combination of energy emitters (50) and conductive agent (18) enhances stimulation of the region. Delivering the stimulation assembly and conductive agent into the interventricular septum allows for improved biventricular septal pacing.

No. of Pages : 103 No. of Claims : 123

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1504/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR A USER INTERFACE DIRECTED TO DISCOVERING AND PUBLISHING PRESENCE INFORMATION ON A NETWORK" (51) International classification :G06F 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/837,349 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (32) Priority Date :01/05/2004 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/024367 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :29/07/2004 1)PEYMAN OREIZY (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/11779 2)KEVIN R. MOORE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MARCUS S.H. HARVEY :NA Number 4)SEAN BLAGSVEDT :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A computer-implemented method for a user interface directed to discovering and publishing presence information on a network, comprising: determining whether a local user is present on the network; determining whether a nearby user is present on the network; instantiating a portion of the user interface for peripheral and unobtrusive notification of the presence of the local user and the presence of the nearby user on the network; and displaying the presence of the local user and the presence of the nearby user in the portion of the user interface when the local user is determined to be present on the network.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1505/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "INTEGRATED MESSAGING USER INTERFACE WITH MESSAGE-BASED LOGGING" (51) International classification :G06F 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/835,829 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :30/04/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, USA. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US04/024706 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/07/2004 1) BRYAN T. STARBUCK (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/112409 2) DEANA R. FULLER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3) MARTIJN E. VAN TILBURG :NA Number 4) MARK ANTHONY MCCABE :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Mechanisms for organizing messages across different message types. This may be accomplished by using a single integrated user interface (201) in which messages across a variety of different message types (211, 212, 213) are represented in a common way. For example, the user experience of placing a telephone call is standardized, regardless of the actual telephone technology (Cell Phone (212), VoIP (213), or POTS (211)) used to conduct the telephone conversation. Also, in addition to a general log that includes the overall list of messages, each message also has a separate, message-based log, thereby allowing for more flexible querying and organization of the messages regardless of the message type.

No. of Pages : 31 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1538/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RARE EARTH METALS AS OXIDATIVE DEHYDROGENATION CATALYSTS" (51) International classification :B01J 23/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/266,405 1)CONOCOPHILLIPS COMPANY (32) Priority Date :08/10/2002 Address of Applicant :600 NORTH DAIRY ASHFORD, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77079, USA. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/031210 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/10/2003 1)ZHEN CHEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/033089 2)JOE D. ALLISON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SRIRAM RAMANI :NA Number 4)LISA M. CARMICHAEL BUDIN :NA Filing Date 5)SHANG Y. CHEN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)STEVE R. MCDONALD Filing Date :NA 7)ANNE GAFFNEY (57) Abstract : Catalysts and methods useful for the production of olefins from alkanes via oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) are disclosed. The ODH catalysts include a base metal selected from the group consisting of lanthanide metals, their oxides, and combinations thereof. The base metal is more preferably selected from the group consisting of samarium, cerium, praseodymium, terbium, their corresponding oxides and combinations thereof. The base metal loading is preferably between about 0.5 and about 20 weight percent and more preferably between about 2 and about 10 weight percent. Optionally, the ODH catalysts are further comprised of a Group VIII promoter metal present at trace levels. The Group VTA promoter metal is preferably platinum, palladium or a combination thereof and is preferably present at a promoter metal loading of between about 0.005 and about 0.1 weight percent. Optionally, the ODH catalyst is supported on a refractory support.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1150/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/03/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A SYSTEM FOR SENSING LEVEL CHANGE IN VEHICLES" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

:B60G 17/015 (71)Name of Applicant : :20024604 1)KONGSBERG AUTOMOTIVE ASA :25/09/2002 Address of Applicant :P.O. BOX 62, N-3602, KONGSBERG, NORWAY. :Norway :PCT/NO2003/000324 (72)Name of Inventor : :24/09/2003 1)BJORKGARD, SVEN :WO 2004/028839 :NA :NA :NA :NA

(57) Abstract : A system for sensing relative position between chassis (5a, 5b) and axle (3) on a vehicle, which vehicle is provided with a so-called Vrod (1) mounted between the chassis (5a, 5b) and the axle (3) where the pointed end of the V is connected by a ball joint (2) to the axle (3) of the vehicle and the opposite ends (1a, 1b) of the V-rod (1) are connected to the chassis (5a, 5b) of the vehicle, which ball joint (2) comprises a partly ball-shaped body (8) permanently fixed to the axle or the v-rod, encircled by a complementarily shaped collar (9) arranged round the whole or parts of the ball-shaped body (8) which ball joint (2) is covered by a cap or housing. The system is characterised in that on the ball (8) or in connection with the housing in the ball joint there are mounted a sensor (6) and an identification area (7) which is detected by the sensor (6) respectively, which identification area (7) is provided with information for registering position in at least one direction and that the sensor (6) registers the position of the identification area (7) in at least one direction.

No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1404/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PNEUMATIC RUN-FLAT TIRE" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date

:B60C 17/00 (71)Name of Applicant : :NA 1)THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY :NA Address of Applicant :1144 EAST MARKET STREET, :NA AKRON, OHIO 44316-0001, U.S.A. :PCT/US04/12255 (72)Name of Inventor : :22/04/2002 1)MICHAEL SPIRO MARKOFF : 2)DAVID CHARLES POLING (87) International Publication No WO/2005/113260 3)SAMUEL PATRICK LANDERS (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A tire having at least a first bead, the seal of which has a generatrix whose axiallv inner end lies on a circle of diameter greater than the diameter of the circle on which Ihc axiallv outer end is located, and a radial carcass reinforcement winding within each bead around at least one heel reinforcement element, passing from the inside to the outside to form an upturn, the meridian profile of the carcass reinforcement, when the tire is mounted on its operating rim and intlaled to the recommended pressure, having a constant direction of curvature in the first bead and a sidewall extending it radially, and having a tangent TT to the point of tangency T of the carcass reinforcement profile with the annular element of the tirst bead which forms with the axis of rotation an angle Φ; which is open towards the outside and is greater than 45°. wherein, viewed in meridian section, at least the sidewall extending the first bead comprises a reinforcing profiled element having, viewed in section, substantially the form of a crescent, one of the axiallv inner or outer faces of the crescent-shaped profiled element follows the profile of Ihe carcass reinforcement, and the trace of the face of the crescent-shaped profiled element opposite the face of such profiled element closest to the carcass reinforcement has a single direction of curvature.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1617/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONSTRUCTING DIGITAL CERTIFICATES" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No

:G06F 17/60 (71)Name of Applicant : :09/945,913 1)INTEL CORPORATION :04/09/2001 Address of Applicant :2200 MISSION COLLEGE :U.S.A. BOULEVARD, SANTA CLARA CALIFORNIA 95052, USA. :PCT/US02/26843 (72)Name of Inventor : :22/08/2002 1)RAMANATHAN RAMANATHAN : WO/2003/021860

(61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method comprising: writing a party"s authenticating information and a first digital certificate issuing authority"s authenticating information in an electronic document; signing the electronic document to obtain a once signed electronic document; and transmitting the once signed electronic document to a second digital cenificate issuing authority to obtain a twice signed electronic document.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1810/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

:A61P 11/00 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA


(57) Abstract : The present invention generally relates to muscarinic receptor antagonists, which are useful, among other uses, for the treatment of various diseases of the respiratory, urinary and gastrointestinal systems mediated through muscarinic receptors. The invention also relates to the process for the prepration of disclosed compounds, pharmaceutical compositions containing the disclosed compounds, and the methods for treating diseases mediated through muscarinic receptors.

No. of Pages : 64 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1169/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/03/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FUEL REFORMER" (51) International classification :B01J (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/269,481 1)FUELCELL ENERGY, INC. (32) Priority Date :11/10/2002 Address of Applicant :3 GREAT PASTURE ROAD, DANBURY, CONNECTICUT 06813, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/023917 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :31/07/2003 1)SCOTT BLANCHET (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/033080 2)LAWRENCE NOVACCO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A fuel reformer having an enclosure with an inlet port and an outlet port. A plate assembly for supporting catalyst is disposed in the enclosure. A compliant baffle is also disposed in the enclosure and cooperates with the plate assembly to establish a path for the flow of fuel gas through the reformer from the inlet port to the outlet port. The baffle and plate assembly also segment the enclosure into an inlet section communicating with the inlet port, an outlet section communicating with the outlet port and a turn section connecting the inlet and outlet sections. The baffle is further arranged to direct the flow of gas to a predetermined area of the turn section and the catalyst is disposed such that the reformer is devoid of catalyst in the inlet section to a point in the turn section and includes catalyst from that point in the turn section through the return section, the catalyst varying in amount in a predetermined manner in at least the return section.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 33

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.133/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/01/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A ROTARY SCALE" (51) International classification :G01D 05/347 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0216487.9 1)RENISHAW PLC (32) Priority Date :16/07/2002 Address of Applicant :NEW MILLS, WOTTON-UNDEREDGE, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL12 8JR, ENGLAND U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/003101 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/07/2003 1)DAVID ROBERTS MCMURTRY (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/008079 2)JAMES REYNOLDS HENSHAW (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ALEXANDER DAVID SCOTT ELLIN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A rotary ring for use in scale reading apparatus, comprises a flexible ring (10) which has scale markings (14) provided on a surface thereof. The rotary ring is mounted onto a machine part (22) by providing the machine part with a region of increased diameter (26) and stretching or shrinking the flexible rotary scale (10) over said region of increased diameter. The manufacturing tolerance of the rotary scale or differential e.g. thermal expansion is thus taken up by stretching or shrinking it into place. The region of increased diameter may comprise an annular protrusion or an O-ring, for

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1436/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PREPARATION OF TRIAZOSPIRO COMPOUNDS" (51) International classification :A61K 31/438 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/419,305 1)EURO-CELTIQUE, S.A (32) Priority Date :17/10/2002 Address of Applicant :122, BOULEVARD DE LA PETRUSSE, LUXEMBOURG (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/032591 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/10/2003 1)GHARAGOZLOO, PARVIS (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/034983 2)LEE, GARY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GOEHRING, R.,RICHARD :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to processes for producing triazospiro compounds having the formula (IV): wherein A, B.C.R, Rl, and W are as defined herein.

No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1748/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASTIC CONTAINER WITH LAMINATED SEALING FILM" (51) International classification :B65D 77/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/364,243 1)THE GILLETTE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :29/07/1999 Address of Applicant :PRUDENTIAL TOWER BUILDING, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02199, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US00/19880 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :24/07/2000 1)JOHN D. PETRICCA (87) International Publication No :WO 01/09001 2)ARTHUR FEEHAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JAMES LARRY WEBB :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :IN/PCT/2001,01207/DEL Filed on :27/12/2001 (57) Abstract : A sealed package for an article of personal use. The package includes a plastic container that defines a storage region and has a sealing surface (22) around an entrance to the region. The package also includes a plastic, multi-layer laminate film (14) sealed to the sealing surface of the container. The film is removable away from the sealing surface in one piece and has deadfold characteristics.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 48

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1816/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR A SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION SERVICE" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/737,726 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :15/12/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US04/023965 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/07/2004 1)JASON ROBERTS (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/060387 2)MAZHAR MOHAMMED (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WALTER WITTEL :NA Number 4)MARC SHEPARD :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention is directed to a system and method for managing software updates. More specifically, the present invention is directed to a system and method for facilitating the selection and implementation of software updates while minimizing the bandwidth and processing resources required to select and implement the software updates. In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, a software update service controls access to software updates stored on servers. In accordance with another aspect, the software update service synchronizes with client machines to identify applicable updates.

No. of Pages : 60 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1817/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SERVICE DISCOVERY AND PUBLICATION" (51) International classification :G06F 13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/696,653 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :24/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/023547 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/07/2004 1)ANDREW D. MILLIGAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/045563 2)CHARLES R. REEVES (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JEFFREY B. PARHAM :NA Number 4)GOPAL KRISHNA R. KAKIVAYA :NA Filing Date 5)LAWRENCE A. BUERK (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)ANGELA MILLS Filing Date :NA 7)RICHARD L. HASHA (57) Abstract : A system and methods for service discovery and publication are disclosed. Application programs write requests for service discovery, publication, and subscription to a service discovery application programming interface. The service discovery application programming interface invokes one or more lower-level protocols to satisfy the discovery, publication and/or subscription request. Service information retrieved from lower-layer protocols is formatted into a consistent data model and returned to the client application. In addition, service information may be stored in a persistent data store managed by a discovery persistence service communicatively connected to the service discovery API,

No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1101/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/03/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CHAIN GROWTH REACTION PROCESS" (51) International classification :C07C 2/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :09/921,695 1)BP CHEMICALS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :06/08/2001 Address of Applicant :BRITANNIC HOUSE, 1 FINSBURY (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. CIRCUS, LONDON EC2M 7BA, ENGLAND. U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB02/03096 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :05/07/2002 1)GEORGE JOHAN PETER BRITOVSEK (87) International Publication No :WO 03/014046 2)STEVEN ALAN COHEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)VERNON CHARLES GIBSON Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :117/DELNP/2004 Filed on :16/01/2004 (57) Abstract : A process is disclosed for the preparation of zinc alkyl chain growth products via a catalysed chain growth reaction of an alpha-olefin on a zinc alkyl, wherein the chain growth catalyst system employs a group 3-10 transition metal, or a group 3 main group metal, or a lanthanide or actinide complex, and optionally a suitable activator. The products can be further converted into alpha-olefins by olefin displacement of the grown alkyls as alpha-olefins from the zinc alkyl chain growth product, or into primary alcohols, by oxidation of the resulting zinc alkyl chain growth product to form alkoxide compounds, followed by hydrolysis of the alkoxides.

No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.113/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/01/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR THE REMOVAL OF ANIONIC IMPURITIES FROM CAUSTIC ALUMINATE SOLUTIONS" (51) International classification :C01F 7/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PR 4370 1)WORSLEY ALUMINA PTY.LTD Address of Applicant :P.O.BOX 344, GASTALDO ROAD, (32) Priority Date :11/04/2001 COLLIE, WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6225, AUSTRALIA (33) Name of priority country :Australia (86) International Application No :PCT/AU2002/00459 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/04/2002 1)STEVEN PHILIP ROSENBERG (87) International Publication No :WO 2002/083564 2)WAYNE TICHBON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ALEX RICHMOND ABOAGYE :NA Number 4)CATHERINE ANNE HEATH :NA Filing Date 5)DARREL JAMES WILSON (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for removing anionic impurities from a caustic aluminate solution having aqueous tetrahydroxy aluminate ions is described. A caustic aluminate solution is obtained such that anionic impurities are partially or substantially substituted into tetrahydroxy aluminate ions to form substituted aluminate ions. A suitable calcium compound, such as quicklime, is reacted in a conventional slaker (10) with a slaking solution, for example water, and stored in an agitated storage tank (12). The resulting slurry is pumped to a reaction vessel (14) where it is reacted with a caustic aluminate solution under appropriate conditions such that the calcium compound is converted into tricalcium aluminate (TCA) precipitate. Upon reaction substituted aluminate ions are substantially incorporated within the TCA precipitate to form a substituted TCA precipitate enabling the anionic impurities to be removed from the solution via the substituted TCA precipitate for disposal or recovery. The caustic aluminate liquor may be optionally fortified with an anionic impurity by mixing it in a mixing tank (16) with the anionic impurity.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1189/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/03/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A SWING CRADLE" (51) International classification :A47D 7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :20-2003-0002587 1)GI HONG KO (32) Priority Date :27/01/2003 Address of Applicant :294-23 SUGI DONG, SUGLPO SI, JAEJU DO, KOREA. Republic of Korea (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea :PCT/KR2004/000061 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/01/2004 1)GI HONG KO (87) International Publication No : WO/2004/066788 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed is a swing cradle that includes a crib assembly support bars (21,22; 28, 29) provided in the form of a general rectagle, four collars (7,13,26,27) provided at the corners of the four bottom support bars, and left and right side connecting beams (19, 20) for connecting the top end portions of the four collars, and a crib assembly being coupled with the crib assembly support frame by use of bolts (6,14), the crib assembly being in a left and right swing motion as a driving motor (11) is activated.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 1

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1527/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "HIGH YIELD HETEROLOGOUS EXPRESSION CELL LINES FOR EXPRESSION OR GENE PRODUCTS WITH HUMAN GLYCOSYLATION PATTERN" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country

:C12N 15/09 (71)Name of Applicant : :02022194.1 1)PROBIOGEN AG :04/10/2002 Address of Applicant :GOETHESTR, 54, 13086 BERLIN, :EUROPEAN GERMANY. UNION (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/EP2003/011027 1)VOLKER SANDIG :06/10/2003 2)KARSTEN WINKLER :WO 2004/031383 3)UWE MARX 4)TOBLAS WEMELINGER :NA :NA

(86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : 1. A process for preparing a cell capable of stable high yield expression of a target gene product having an essentially human glycosylation pattern, which method comprises: (a)selecting a human cell or human hybrid cell (starting cell) capable of stable high yield expression of a starting gene product being non-essential to the starting cell; (b)screening for the locus of the starting gene product within the genome of the starting cell; (cl) replacing the gene coding for the starting gene product with a first functional DNA sequence containing one or more recombinase recognition sites (RRS) to obtain a functionalized precursor cell; and (d) integrating a second functional DNA sequence containing a DNA sequence coding for the target gene product into the functionalized precursor cell obtained in step (cl) by use of a recombinase recognizing the RRSs Incorporated with the first functional sequence, or (c2) directly replacing the gene coding for the starting gene product with a functional DNA sequence containing a DNA sequence coding for the target gene product.

No. of Pages : 59 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1682/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CELL ADHESION RESISTING SURFACES" (51) International classification :H05H 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/259,797 1)BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :30/09/2002 Address of Applicant :1, BECTON DRIVE FRANKLIN LAKES NJ 07417-1880 U.S.A.. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/030479 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/09/2003 1)LIEBMANN-VINSON, ANDREA (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/031266 2)CLARKE, RICHARD P. (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)XU, RUILING :NA Number 4)HEIDARAN, MOHAMMAD, A. :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A coated surface that resists cell adhesion comprising hyaluronic acid directly bound to a plasma-treated polymer surface. A process for producing the coated surface is disclosed as are further modifications of the hyaluronic acid by attaching ligand-binding polypeptides (antibodies or antibody binding proteins).

No. of Pages : 53 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.172/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/01/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR GSM AUTHENTICATION DURING WLAN ROAMING" (51) International classification :H04L 12/28 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/CH2002/000452 1)TOGEWA HOLDING AG (32) Priority Date :16/08/2002 Address of Applicant :NUSSBAUMSTRASSE 25, 3000 (33) Name of priority country :PCT BERN 32, SWITZERLAND . (86) International Application No :PCT/CH2002/000452 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/08/2002 1)TONI STADELMANN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/017564 2)MICHAEL KAUZ (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method for automatic roaming between heterogeneous WLANs and/or GSM/GPRS/UMTS networks. According to said method, for authentication purposes a mobile IP node (20) requests access to the WLAN at an access point (21, 22). Upon receiving a request from the access server (23), the mobile IP node (20) transmits an IMSI that is stored on a SIM card (201) of the mobile IP node (20) to said access server (23). Based on said IMSI and with the aid of information stored in a SIM user database (34), the logic IP data channel of the WLAN is supplemented in a user specific manner with corresponding GSM data for signal and data channels of a GSM network and the authentication of the IP nodes (20) is carried out in an HLR (37) and/or (37) a GSM network.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1770/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "S PHOTOSENSITIZING AGENT AND A PROCESS FOR PREPARING THE SAME" (51) International classification :A61K 41/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0121023.6 1)PCI BIOTECH AS (32) Priority Date :30/08/2001 Address of Applicant :HOFFSVEIEN 48, N-0377 OSLO, (33) Name of priority country :U.K. NORWAY. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB02/03973 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :30/08/2002 1)GRETA RIMINGTON (87) International Publication No :WO 03/020309 2)CLAUDE RIMINGTON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KRISTIAN BERG :NA Number 4)DIEM TRAN :NA Filing Date 5)KRISTIAN SELBO (62) Divisional to Application Number :00440/DELNP/2004 Filed on :24/02/2004 (57) Abstract : The present invention provides photosensitizing agents obtained by reducing a single double bond in the porphyrin macrocycle of a sulphonated meso-tetraphenylporphyrin, preferably a disulphonated meso-tetraphenylporphyrin such as TPPS2a. The resulting sulphonated meso-tetraphenyl chlorins include compounds of formula (I) (wherein X is -SO3H; n, p, q and r are each independently 0 or 1; and the sum of n, p, q and r is an integer from 1 to 4, preferably at least 2, e.g. 2 or 4) isomers and isomer mixtures thereof. The compounds of the invention and their pharmaceutically acceptable salts find particular use as photosensitizing agents in the photochemical internalization of molecules and in photodynamic therapy.

No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1804/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "GENETIC PRODUCTS DIFFERENTIALLY EXPRESSED IN TUMORS AND THE USE THEREOF" (51) International classification :C12N 15/11 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :103 54 601.0 1)GANYMED PHARMACEUTICALS AG (32) Priority Date :22/11/2002 Address of Applicant :FREILIGRATHSTR. 12, 55131 MAINZ (DE). Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/013091 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/11/2003 1)SAHIN, UGUR (87) International Publication No : WO/2004/047863 2)TURECI, OZLEM (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KOSLOWSKI, MICHAEL :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to the identification of genetic products expressed in association with tumors and to coding nucleic acids for said products. Said invention also relates to the therapy and diagnosis of disease in which the genetic products are aberrantly expressed in association with tumors, proteins, polypeptides and peptides which are expressed in association with tumors, and to the nucleic coding acids for said polypeptides, peptides and proteins.

No. of Pages : 155 No. of Claims : 98

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1813/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TRANSFERRING COMPUTER-READABLE OBJECTS ACROSS A REMOTE BOUNDARY" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/759,737 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :16/01/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, USA. (86) International Application No :PCT/US04/023935 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :23/07/2004 1)JEFFREY P. SNOVER (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/074409 2)RAJESH CHANDRASHEKARAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SHANKARA SHASTRY M.C. :NA Number 4)HITESH RAIGANDHI :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method for securely transferring computer-readable objects across a remote boundary is provided. The method decomposes any type of object into a hierarchy of sub-components based on a list of known object types. Each sub-component either corresponds to a known object type or an unknown object type. The unknown object types may be decomposed further into known object types at another level in the hierarchy. The known objects in the hierarchy are serialized into a package that is transmitted to a remote entity. The remote entity reconstructs the hierarchy. For any of the known object types, the remote entity instantiates an object of the known object type and populates the object with information transmitted in the package. The decomposition may be limited by specifying a level for the hierarchy, specifying a number that limits the known objects that are serialized, or specifying the properties within the object to serialize.

No. of Pages : 62 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1815/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ADMINISTRATIVE TOOL ENVIRONMENT" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/693,785 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :24/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, USA. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US04/023730 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/07/2004 1)JEFFREY P. SNOVER (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/045568 2)DARYL W. WRAY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JAMES W. TRUHER III :NA Number 4)BRUCE G. PAYETTE :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In an administrative tool environment, user input is supplied to an administrative tool framework for processing. The administrative tool framework maps user input to cmdlet objects. The cmdlet objects describe a grammar for parsing the user input and input objects to obtain expected input parameters. The input objects are emitted by one cmdlet and are available as input to another cmdlet. The input objects maybe any precisely parseable input, such as NET objects, plain strings, XML documents, and the like. The cmdlets may operate within the same process. Alternatively, one cmdlet may operate locally while another cmdlet operates remotely. The cmdlets may be provided by the administrative tool framework or may be provided by third party developers. The User input may be supplied to the framework via a host cmdlet.

No. of Pages : 103 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1847/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REAL TIME MESSAGING HAVING IMAGE SHARING FEATURE" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/733,763 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :12/12/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/024692 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/07/2004 1)KEVIN NEIL KIRN (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/062158 2)GREGORY ALAN MARKS (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and related methods permit a group of two or more users to initiate a realtime message session online, and invite participants to transmit and share digital images and other media to a common viewer tool seen by all. The messaging session may be conducted via a message server which mediates the exchange of typed, spoken or other messages back and forth amongst participants. One or more users may assume control of the commonly displayed images, for instance in a slideshow or other viewer tool. Users can discuss the displayed images or other media in realtime. The participants may each view, save, store, print or otherwise use or manipulate the copy of the image or images as presented to them. Session control of the set of displayed images may be passed from one user to another on a voluntary basis, using for example a control token or other mechanism. In embodiments shared control may be used. Outof-order rendering and other optimizations may enhance the response time to participating viewers.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 39

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1848/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MEDIA-ENABLED MESSAGING HAVING PUBLISH-AND-SEND FEATURE" (51) International classification :G06F 13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/728,086 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (32) Priority Date :05/12/2003 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/024964 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :30/07/2004 1)KEVIN NEIL KIRN (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/060392 2)STEVEN GARY FRANK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MARK A. NIKIEL :NA Number 4)TANUJA JOSHI :NA Filing Date 5)BRIAN ROBERT CODY (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)KURT ALAN WEBER Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and related techniques manage the adding of digital images or other media to email messages using a comparatively straightforward insert-and-send scheme. A user may choose to insert or embed comparatively low-resolution v ersions o f i mages o r other media automatically published to a media server into an email message. The recipient of that media-enabled message may receive and view the email text message along with the low-resolution images in typical fashion using an email or other client. The recipient may choose to view one or more of the embedded images in greater resolution by linking or activating those images, for instance by moving a cursor and clicking into the selected image or other object. Activating the image or other media object from within the email pane may seamlessly transport the user to the media server"s Web page to view a larger-resolution version of that image, for instance using a media player. Video, audio and other media may likewise be inserted into messages. The sender may therefore share a variety of images, audio, video or other media with selected recipients without loading the recipient"s email or other client with increased download times or storage requirements.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1653/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TOOTHBRUSH" (51) International classification :A46B 9/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/423,254 1)COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :01/11/2002 Address of Applicant :300 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK NY 10022 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/034589 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/10/2003 1)HOHLBEIN DOUGLAS J (87) International Publication No :WO2004/041023 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A toothbrush (10) with a flexible head (14) is disclosed. At least the head (14) of the toothbrush (10) may be manufactured by inmolded technology. A blend of thermoplastic elastomer and polypropylene is used to impart added flexibility to the head (14). That flexibility is further enhanced by the tapered profile of the head (14). Cleaning elements (20) may be secured in place during manufacture using in-molded techniques or staples (26).

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1657/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PHARMACEUTICAL IDENTIFICATION" (51) International classification :A61M (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/422,567 1)EURO-CELTIQUE S.A. (32) Priority Date :31/10/2002 Address of Applicant :122, BOULEVARD DE LA PETRUSSE, L-2230, LUXEMBOURG. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/034634 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :31/10/2003 1)SHERYL, E. SIEGEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/041328 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed are methods for making a pharmaceutical product, container or pharmaceutical packaging system with a scent to establish the identify and/or source of the pharmaceutical.

No. of Pages : 41 No. of Claims : 35

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1838/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR THE PRESENTATION OF ITEMS STORED ON A COMPUTER (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :G06F 7/00 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION :10/691,886 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, :23/10/2003 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/US2004/024630 1)TIMOTHY P. MCKEE :30/07/2004 2)DAVID GEORGE DE VORCHIK :WO 2005/045585 3)DAVID JOEL SHELDON :NA 4)CHRIS J.GUZAK :NA 5)JASON FERGUS MOORE 6)KEREM B. KARATAL :NA 7)GIAMPIERO SIERRA :NA 8)LEONARD J. PETERSON

(57) Abstract : A system and method for presenting a plurality of items of multiple types to a user. A universal data store is provided which contains a plurality of items. A portion of the items contain metadata stored in accordance with an item decoration schema. A shell presents items with corresponding metadata with an item decoration view and items without the metadata with a default display view. A shell display view is utilized to display a set of heterogeneous items and an explorer display view is provided to display items.

No. of Pages : 49 No. of Claims : 41

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1839/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "INTEGRATED TELEPHONE CALL AND CONTEXT NOTIFICATION MECHANISM" (51) International classification :H04M 15/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/835,823 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :30/04/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/024605 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/07/2004 1)BRYAN T. STARBUCK (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/112421 2)DEANA R. FULLER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MARTIJN E. VAN TILBURG :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A mechanism for placing a telephone call (241) while at the same time communicating context (244) (e.g., subject, importance and/or nature) of the telephone call. The caller uses a mechanism on a user interface (400) to instruct a caller computing system (210) to place a telephone call to a callee computing system. Using the same user interface (400), the caller also identifies some contextual information (402) for the telephone call such as, for example, the subject, importance and/or nature of the telephone call. The caller computing system then constructs a call invitation data structure (242) that includes both an invitation (243) to the callee to engage in a telephone conversation and the user-entered identification of the context (244) of the telephone call. Upon receiving the call invitation data structure (242), the callee computing system (220) reads the identification of the context (244) of the telephone call, and then takes appropriate action based on the context (244) for the telephone call.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1840/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :G06F 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION :10/646,632 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, :21/08/2003 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/024437 1)SCOTT E. DART :29/07/2004 2)BRADLEY P. GIBSON : WO/2005/024550 3)CHRISTOPHER A. EVANS 4)PAUL S. HELLYAR :NA 5)ALEXANDER VASCHILLO :NA 6)JOHN C. PLATT :NA 7)STEVE C. GLENNER :NA 8)NATHANIEL H. BALLOU 9)J. PATRICK THOMPSON

(57) Abstract : In an Item-based system, Images (e.g., JPEG, TIFF, bitmap, and so on) are treated as core platform objects ("Image Items" or, more simply, "Images") and exist in an "Image Schema" that provides an extensible representation of an Image in the system that is, the characteristics of an Image and how that Image relates to other Items (including but not limited to other Images) in the system. To this end, the Image Schema defines the properties, behaviors, and relationships for Images in the system, and the Schema also enforces rules about Images, for example, what data specific Images must contain, what data specific Images may optionally contain, how specific Images can be extended, and so on and so forth.

No. of Pages : 140 No. of Claims : 40

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1726/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ANTI-TUMOR COMBINATIONS COMPRISING PROTEINS AND CHEMOTHERAPEUTICS" (51) International classification :A61K 38/17 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :MI2002A002307 1)ZETESIS S.P.A (32) Priority Date :30/10/2002 Address of Applicant :VIA FILODRAMMATICI, 10, I20122, MILANO, ITALY (33) Name of priority country :Italy (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/011912 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/10/2003 1)BARTORELLI, ALBERTO (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/039393 2)CONCAS, DANIELA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ARCHAI CHIRRA, ADALBERTO :NA Number 4)MOR, CARLO :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Pharmaceutical compositions containing: a. goat liver perchloric extract containing the protein UK 114, b. cyclophosphamide; c. doxorubicin or other anthracyclins; d. 5-fluorouracil, in the form of combination for the simultaneous, separated or sequential use in chemotherapy.

No. of Pages : 6 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1842/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : A three-dimensional (3D) view of a data collection based on an attribute is disclosed. A timeline is provided for displaying files and folders. The timeline may include a focal group that displays detailed information about its contents to me user. Remaining items on the timeline are displayed in less detail and may be positioned to appear further away from the user. A histogram may be provided as part of the view to allow the user to more easily navigate the timeline to find a desired file or folder.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 43

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1843/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :G06F 3/12 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION :10/837,043 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, :30/04/2004 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/US2004/023372 1)JERRY DUNIETZ :22/07/2004 2)CHARLES P. JAZDZEWSKI :WO 2005/111848 3)DAVID ORNSTEIN 4)ROB RELYEA :NA 5)OLIVER H. FOEHR :NA 6)MICHAEL J. HILLBERG :NA 7)JOSEPH D. TERNASKY :NA 8)ROBERT A. LITTLE 9)CHRISTOPHER L. ANDERSON

(57) Abstract : Modular content framework and document format methods and systems are described. The described framework and format define a set of building blocks for composing, packaging, distributing, and rendering document-centered content. These building blocks define a platform-independent framework for document formats that enable software and hardware systems to generate, exchange, and display documents reliably and consistently. The framework and format have been designed in a flexible and extensible fashion. In addition to this general framework and format, a particular format, known as the reach package format, is defined using the general framework. The reach package format is a format for storing paginated documents. The contents of a reach package can be displayed or printed with full fidelity among devices and applications in a wide range of environments and across a wide range of scenarios.

No. of Pages : 142 No. of Claims : 38

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1844/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMPOSTING DESKTOP WINDOW MANAGER" (51) International classification :G06F 9/46 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/691,450 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :23/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052 U.S.A.. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/018940 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/10/2003 1)SCOTT HANGGIE (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/045736 2)VICTOR TAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GERARDO BERMUDEZ :NA Number 4)GREGORY D. SWEDBERG :NA Filing Date 5)MARK R. LIGAMERI (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)GREG S. MELANDER Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and system for rendering a desktop on a computer using a composited desktop model operating system are disclosed. A composited desktop window manager, upon receiving content information from application programs, draws the window to a buffer memory for future reference, and takes advantage of advanced graphics hardware and visual effects to render windows based on content on which they are drawn. The windows may also be rendered based on environment variables including virtual light sources. The frame portion of each window may be generated by pixel shading a bitmap having the appearance of frosted glass based on the content of the desktop on top of which the frame is displayed. Legacy support is provided so that the operating system can draw and render windows generated by legacy applications to look consistent with non-legacy application windows.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 48

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1845/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROTOCOL FOR REMOTE VISUAL COMPOSITION" (51) International classification :G06F 13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/692,371 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :23/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/024012 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/07/2004 1)PAUL C.DAVID (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/046102 2)ORESTE DORIN UNGUREANU (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GREGORY D. SWEDBERG :NA Number 4)DONALD B. CURTIS :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and protocol to create and control compositions on a remote device is disclosed. The protocol allows servers and other devices to take advantage of processing capabilities of remote devices to render compositions on the remote devices, thereby increasing server scalability and leveraging the remote device processing capabilities. The protocol provides high-level command packets to communicate resource command packets and control packets to the remote device with the payload having the information needed to process the commands.

No. of Pages : 47 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1699/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "THERAPEUTIC COMPOSITIONS" (51) International classification :A61K 9/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/421,888 1)POLYMERIX CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :28/10/2002 Address of Applicant :10 KNIGHTSBRIDGE ROAD, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08854, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/034183 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/10/2003 1)GIROUX KAREN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/039355 2)BUTZ ROBERT F (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides new formulations of injectable particles (e.g. microspheres) useful for intra-articular (i.a.) injection. The formulations are made of biocompatible polymers that biodegrade to generate NSAIDs, ad are useful for treating inflamed joints, thus providing safe, long-lasting relief of joint pain and swelling. In one embodiment, the present invention provides an injectable particle, comprising a biodegradable polymer comprising an agent selected from the group consisting of an NSAID, a COX-2 inhibitor, an anesthetic and a narcotic analgesic.

No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 66

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1820/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "REMOTE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION USING COMMAND LINE ENVIRONMENT" (51) International classification :G06F 19/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/759,738 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :16/01/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/023467 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/07/2004 1)DARYL W. WRAY (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/074408 2)JEFFREY P. SNOVER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)RAJESH CHANDRASCHEKARAN :NA Number 4)SHANKARA SHASTRY M.C :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A command line environment is configured to receive a command line that implicates a plurality of remote nodes. The command line environment is configured to establish a session, which may be persistent, to each implicated remote node, and to initiate execution of the remote command on those nodes. The session may be assigned to a variable, and the remote execution may be performed concurrently. Results of the remote execution are received and may be aggregated into an array. The command line environment may distribute the task of establishing sessions to other systems to improve performance.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 32

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1821/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MECHANISM FOR PROVIDING DATA DRIVEN COMMVEN COMMAND LINE OUTPUT" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/693,589 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :24/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, USA. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US04/023959 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/07/2004 1)JEFFREY P. SNOVER (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/045570 2)KENNETH M. HANSEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MARCO CHEIROTI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present mechanism provides a data driven command line output within an environment that supports a pipeline of object-based commands. Each object-based command inputs a parseable object for processing and outputs another parseable object for subsequent command processing. The mechanism is operative to direct formatting and subsequent processing of the commands based on a type of the incoming parseable object. Format information is obtained for the type, such as shape, properties to display, and the like. The format information may be specified within an XML-based document. The mechanism utilizes one or more output processing commands, such as format commands, markup commands, convert commands, transform commands, and out commands. These output processing commands may be arranged within the pipeline in various ways to achieve the desired output results.

No. of Pages : 100 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1822/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SCALABEL SYNCHRONOUS AND ASYNCHRONOUS PROCESSING OF MONITORING RULES" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/693,072 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :24/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US04/024134 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/07/2004 1)DOUGLAS R. BECK (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/045739 2)STEVEN J. MENZIES (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)RAYMOND W. MCCOLLUM :NA Number 4)RADU R. PALANCA :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A rules runtime engine for scheduling and concurrently processing of rules. The engine efficiently runs a large number of rules in a parallel fashion. This is accomplished by authoring rules in a rule definition language, passing these rules through the translator for communication to the runtime engine and, scheduling and concurrently processing the translated instructions using the runtime engine. The engine also receives configuration data that instantiates the instructions thus, giving form to a living set of rules.

No. of Pages : 56 No. of Claims : 40

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1852/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : The present invention extends to methods, systems, computer program products, and data structures for efficiently storing and accessing electronic messages. Generally, electronic messages are created and transformed in accordance with an electronic message schema hierarchy (150). Electronic messages can be created according to a general message schema (152) that defines a format for data fields that are common to all types of electronic messages (e.g. electronic mail, instant message, fax message). Electromc messages can also be extended according to message extension schemas that define formats for adding protocol specific (161) and/or or application specific (166) data fields to an electronic message. Data fields added in accordance with message extension schemas can differ between electronic messages types. Having some commonly defined fields and other differently defined fields promotes efficient storage and access of electronic messages, while also facilitating message compatibility with existing message protocols and message applications.

No. of Pages : 93 No. of Claims : 47

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1448/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR MITIGATING COMPRESSOR FOULING IN A COMPRESSOR SYSTEM" (51) International classification :C07C 7/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/280,368 1)EXXONMOBIL CHEMICAL PATENTS INC. Address of Applicant :5200 BAYWAY DRIVE, BAYTOWN, (32) Priority Date :28/10/2002 TEXAS 77520-5200, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/028720 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :12/09/2003 1)KEITH H. KUECHLER (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/040039 2)DAVID R. LUMGAIR, JR (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)NICOLAS P. COUTE :NA Number 4)PAUL N. CHISHOLM :NA Filing Date 5)COR F. VAN EGMOND (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention is to a process for removing contaminants from a compressor and/or compressor intercooler in a methanol to olefin separation system. The process comprises compressing an effluent in a compressor having an inlet and an outlet and a compressor surface, the compressing occurring under conditions effective to form a contaminant on the compressor surface. A contaminantremoval medium is injected into the compressor or intercooler and the contaminant-removal medium contacts the contaminant under conditions effective to remove the contaminant from the compressor or intercooler inner surface thereby forming a mobile contaminant. The mobile contaminant is then removed from the compressor or intercooler.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1509/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SINGLE USE SYRINGE AND PLUNGER ROD LOCKING DEVICE THEREFOR" (51) International classification :A617/5/50 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/254,264 1)BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :25/09/2002 Address of Applicant :1, BECTON DRIVE FRANKLIN LAKES NJ 07417-1880 USA. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/029724 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/09/2003 1)KOSINSKI, ANTHONY, J. (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/028605 2)FLEISCHER, GENE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)CALUCHO MARCOS :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A single use syringe (20) and a plunger rod locking device (60) for such a syringe are provided. The locking device and plunger rod (30) include features that cause the plunger rod to be locked with respect to the syringe barrel (22) upon completion of an injection strocke. A cutting member (87) is provided at the distal end of the locking device. The cutting member will penetrate, and thereby disable the stopper (44) affixed to the plunger rod in an attempt to retract the plunger rod following the injection stroke. The locking device includes barbs (76) for engaging the syringe barrel.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1604/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/04/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESSES FOR PREPARING 7-CARBOXY SUBSTITUTED STEROIDS" (51) International classification :C07J 21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/424,102 1)PHARMACIA & UPJOHN COMPANY LLC (32) Priority Date :06/11/2002 Address of Applicant :301 HENRIETTA STREET, KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 49001, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/007285 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/03/2003 1)PETER G. M. WUTS (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/043987 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Certain 7-carboxy substituted steroids, for example eplerenone, are well known for their aldosterone antagonist activity and are thus useful in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the circulatory system. U.S. Patent Nos. 4,559,332 and 5,981,744 and International Publication W098/25948 describe a number of methods for the preparation of eplerenone and related compounds. However, the advent of new and expanded clinical uses for eplerenone create a need for improved processes for the manufacture of this and other related steroids. A major obstacle to the efficient synthesis of eplerenone and related steroid compounds is the introduction of a carboxy group at C-7. The current syntheses involve the use of toxic cyanide reagents for the introduction of a C-7 carboxyl group.

No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 40

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.163/DELNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/01/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COATING OF INORGANIC PIGMENTS WITH ALDEHYDE OR KETONE RESINS" (51) International classification :C09C 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)INXEL TRADEMARK & PATENTS SAGL, (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :VIALE CFARLO CATTANEO 1, CH6901, LUGANO, SWITZERLAND (33) Name of priority country :NA :PCT/IT2006/000588 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/07/2006 1)ACHILLE BARDELLI (87) International Publication No :WO 2008/012848 2)GIORGIO RIBALDONE (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Coating of inorganic pigments with aldehyde or ketone resins and at least one dispersant, comprising a chemical compound consisting of particles of solid organic and inorganic substances, both defined as pigments, in that they are substances which absorb a fraction of the light and reflect the complementary part thereof, coated with aldehyde or ketone resins. The latter are deposited on the surface of the pigment by means of a process which envisages melting of the resin, consequent wetting and coating of the entire surface of the pigment with the resin in the melted state, the consequent cooling and subsequent step of atomization by mearts of mechanical systems operating in temperature conditions lower than 10°C, by means of cryogenic pro...

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 32

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1830/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MODEL-BASED MANAGEMENT OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND DISTRIBUTED APPLICATIONS" (51) International classification :G06F 9/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10,692,216 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (32) Priority Date :23/10/2003 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/022378 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :12/07/2004 1)RAYMOND W. MCCOLLUM (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/045559 2)RADU R. PALANCA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JORG T. PFENNING :NA Number 4)ALEXANDER M. SUTTON :NA Filing Date 5)MARK R. BROWN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Model-based application management arehitecture. A developer can describe an Application or service in terms of its constituent components. Desired states can be described in terms of functionality, configuration, security, and performance. The description is employed at application installation to configure management services, which services help to ensure availability of the application through automatic management actions, such as configuration management, problem detection, diagnosis, and recovery.

No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 40

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1853/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR NAME RESOLUTION" (51) International classification :G06F 17/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/693,516 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :23/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/024341 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/07/2004 1)MURLI SATAGOPAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/045741 2)KIM CAMERON (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In accordance with various aspects, the present invention relates to accessing and publishing documents between two computer systems or nodes that are connected together in a network environment. The system and method for name resolution stores an identity information document containing a user-friendly handle signifying identity, such as an email address, and a machine location, such as an IP address, for the publishing computer system where the documents are stored. Next, the system and method intercepts an initial request for access to documents when the initial request includes a user-friendly handle and replaces the user-friendly handle with the machine location, so that network users may easily access these documents through knowledge only of the user-friendly handle.

No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 42

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1854/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "USER INTERFACE ACCORDED TO TIERED OBJECT-RELATED TRUST DECISIONS" (51) International classification :G06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/779,925 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :17/02/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/023630 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/07/2004 1)AARON SAUVE (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/081665 2)CRAIG HALLY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)LI-HSIN HUANG :NA Number 4)TONY SCHREINER :NA Filing Date 5)JEFFREY DAVIS (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)TOM PIPINICH Filing Date :NA 7)JONATHAN GASS (57) Abstract : Adware and viruses are examples of objects that may be embedded in a webpage or linked to a webpage. When such an object is detected to be associated with a webpage loading on a browser, an analysis may be performed to determine a trust level for the object. The object may be blocked in accordance with the trust level. A prompt may be displayed to advise a user that the object is being blocked, provide a description of the object, and to provide an opportunity to interactively accept or decline activation of an action for the object.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1855/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION :G06F Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, :10/837,041 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. :30/04/2004 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.S.A. 1)DAVID ORNSTEIN :PCT/US2004/023958 2)ANDREY SHUR :23/07/2004 3)MICHAEL J. HILLBERG : WO/2005/111778 4)BRIAN M. JONES 5)DANIEL F. EMERSON :NA 6)JERRY DUNIETZ :NA 7)OLIVER H. FOEHR :NA 8)BRUCE ALLAN MACKENZIE :NA 9)JEAN D. PAOLI 10)JOSH POLLOCK 11)SARJANA SHETH

(57) Abstract : Modular content framework and document format methods and systems are described The described framework and format define a set of building blocks for composing, packaging, distributing, and rendering document-centered content, These building blocks define a platform-independent framework for document formats that enable software and hardware systems to generate, exchange, and display documents reliably and consistently The framework and format have been designed in a flexible and extensible fashion In addition to this general framework and format, a particular format, known as the reach package format, is defined using the general framework The reach package format is a format for storing paginated documents The contents of a reach package can be displayed or printed with full fidelity among devices and applications in a wide range of environments and across a wide range of scenarios.

No. of Pages : 155 No. of Claims : 41

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1856/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR THE PRESENTATION OF ITEMS TO A USER WITH A CONTEXTUAL PRESENTATION" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :G06F 1/00 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION :10/691,885 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, :23/10/2003 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/US2004/024635 1)TIMOTHY P. MCKEE :30/07/2004 2)DAVID GEORGE DE VORCHIK :WO 2005/045586 3)DAVID JOEL SHELDON :NA 4)CHRIS J.GUZAK :NA 5)JASON FERGUS MOORE 6)KEREM B. KARATAL :NA 7)GIAMPIERO SIERRA :NA 8)LEONARD J. PETERSON

(57) Abstract : A system and method for presenting a plurality of items to a user with a contextual display. A computer system is provided which includes a data store. At least a portion of the items in the data store include one or more field entries. An explorer interacts with the data store, selects items having one or more desired field entries, and displays the selected items according to an explorer display schema. An application may select the items from the data store and may interact with a shell browser to present the selected items. A method for establishing an explorer for presenting items in a data store to a user.

No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 44

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1857/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A MULTIPLE-MODE WINDOW PRESENTATION SYSTEM AND PROCESS" (51) International classification :G06F 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/693,678 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :24/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/025051 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/07/2004 1)PAUL GUSMORINO (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/046202 2)JENNY LAM (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MARK LIGAMERI :NA Number 4)GREG MELANDER :NA Filing Date 5)KAM VEDBRAT (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and process for managing the presentation of windows on the display screen of a computing device is presented. This is a multiple-mode window presentation system and process that displays one or more of the peripheral GUI elements typically displayed on the display screen in addition to a window (402), such as the frame (404) and title bar (406) of the window and any task bar (408) or side bar (602), in a first appearance mode when the window is maximized. However, when the window is displayed in a less-thanmaximized size, one or more of the peripheral GUI elements are displayed in a second appearance mode which is substantially different from the first. The second appearance mode is designed to attract the attention of a user to the peripheral GUI elements, while the first mode is designed to avoid distracting the user from the content of the maximized window.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1834/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MECHANISM FOR OBTAINING AND APPLYING CONSTRAINTS TO CONSTRUCTS WITHIN AN INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENT" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/693,396 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (32) Priority Date :24/10/2003 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/023365 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :22/07/2004 1)JEFFREY P. SNOVER (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/045561 2)JAMES W. TRUHER III (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KAUSHIK PUSHPAVANAM :NA Number 4)SUBRAMANIAN VISWANATHAN :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present mechanism obtains constraints within an interactive environment, associates these constraints.with constructs, and then applies these constraints to the constructs when encountering the constructs. The constraints may be saved in metadata associated with the respective construct. The constraints may specify a data type for the construct, a predicate directive, a documentation directive, a parsing directive, a data generation directive, a data validation directive, or an object processing and encoding directive. The constraints are extendable to support other directives. The mechanism allows interactive users to easily specify constraints interactively.

No. of Pages : 99 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1835/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR VIRTUAL FOLDER AND ITEM SHARING INCLUDING UTILIZATION OF STATIC AND DYNAMIC LISTS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :G06F 17/30 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION :10/691,841 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, :23/10/2003 REDMOND WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/US2004/025548 1)MOHAMMED SAMJI :27/07/2004 2)DAVID G. DE VORCHIK :WO 2005/04559 3)RAM RAMASUBRAMANIAN :NA 4)CHRIS J. GUZAK :NA 5)TIMOTHY P. MCKEE 6)NATHANIAL H. BALLOU :NA 7)BALAN S. RAMAN :NA 8)SARAH SCHROCK

(57) Abstract : A system and method for virtual folder and item sharing including utilization of static and dynamic lists. Static and dynamic lists may be created as types of virtual folders. Virtual folders expose regular files and folders to users in different views based on their metadata instead of the actual physical underlying file system structure on the disk. A static list consists of a folder of items that are in a specific order, while a dynamic list gathers a set of items based on a scope and a set of criteria. When a list is shared, the actual list is left in place on the sharer"s machine or server, while permission is granted to the sharee to remotely access the list and the referenced items. If the list is changed by adding or removing items, these items are also automatically re-permissioned to allow or disallow the sharee to have access to the items. A sharer may also choose to share individual items, such as documents, contacts, and e-mails. To begin the sharing process, a user selects the items that are to be shared. The user then selects the sharees who the items are to be shared with, and the permissions that are to be assigned to the sharees. When items are to be shared, they are left in place on the sharer"s machine, while the system ensures that the permissions are set, and any security issues are handled so that the sharees are able to access the items. In addition, the details of the sharing transactions may be tracked and recorded for later review. The sharer may also have the system send a link to the sharee for directly accessing the shared items from the sharer"s machine. The sharee may also be able to query the sharer"s machine to see what the sharer has shared out with the sharee.

No. of Pages : 118 No. of Claims : 90

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1836/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "INFORMATION PICKER" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/692,257 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :23/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/024637 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/07/2004 1)MELISSA W. DUNN (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/045587 2)JONATHAN D. PERLOW (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)VIVIEN PARK :NA Number 4)KIM CAMERON :NA Filing Date 5)JOHN-ANTHONY OWENS (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A user is able to informatively control how contact information is provided to one or more applications through the use of a persona interface object (210), corresponding personas (220) and contact information, and an information picker interface (300). The persona interface (210) identifies available personas (220), each persona (220) having different contact information. The user can select a persona (220) to use in response to an applications request for information. The personas (220) can be modified and developed through the information picker interface (300), which can also be used to inform the user about what information is being requested and how it will be used.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 41

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1875/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COUPLING DEVICE" (51) International classification :H01 F 27/24 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :20025268 1)MAGTECH AS (32) Priority Date :01/11/2002 Address of Applicant :POSTBOKS 462, N-1502 MOSS, NORWAY. (33) Name of priority country :Norway :PCT/NO2003/000365 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :31/10/2003 1)STRAND, FRANK (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/040598 2)RINGDAL, JAN OTTO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HAUGS, ESPEN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to an end piece for magnetic coupling of core parts to a closed path for magnetic flux, characterized in that it comprises at least an abutment surface for abutment against the core parts and a magnetic path part, where the path part is composed of several approximately parallel, wire-shaped bodies and the abutment surface is composed of the end surfaces of the wire-shaped bodies. The invention also relates to a method for manufacturing the end piece.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1825/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A WEB SERVICE FOR REMOTE APPLICATION DISCOVERY" (51) International classification :G06F 15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/721,514 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :24/11/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/023607 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/07/2004 1)TAD DENNIS BROCKWAY (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/057324 2)ROBERT K. LEITMAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Systems and methods of a Web service for remote terminal service application discovery are described. In one aspect, a Web service in an Intranet is provided. The Web service is coupled to a public network. The Web service facilitates remote client computer discovery over the public network of information corresponding to application(s) deployed on the Intranet. The remote client computer is external to the Intranet. The application(s) are configured for terminal server based access for a user of the remote client computer.

No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1826/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR TRANSACTED FILE OPERATIONS OVER A NETWORK" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/693,658 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :14/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A.. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/023642 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/07/2004 1)PRADEEP JNANA MADHAVARAPU (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/045738 2)SHISHIR PARDIKAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BALAN SETHU RAMAN :NA Number 4)SURENDRA VERMA :NA Filing Date 5)JON CARGILLE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)JACOB LACOUTURE Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system to perform transacted remote file operations over a network includes a client and a server. The client and server each include a transaction manager (TM) and a file system (FS). The client also includes a redirector (RDR), while the server includes a server application (SRV). The RDR receives a request for a remote transacted file operation. In response, the RDR retrieves the transaction from the request. The RDR may use the TM to marshall the transaction for transmission to the server. The RDR sends the transaction to the server over the network. The SRV component receives the transaction, which the TM and FS of the server then use to perform the file operation. The server then returns the file operation result to the client via the network.

No. of Pages : 86 No. of Claims : 39

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1827/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYNCHRONIZED GRAPHIC AND REGION DATA FOR GRAPHICS REMOTING SYSTEMS" (51) International classification :G06F 17/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/691,836 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :23/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/023638 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/07/2004 1)IVAN LEICHTLING (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/045737 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method, comprising;synchronously gathering region data for displaying a region of a server desktop remotely on a client display, wherein the region data describe a shape and a position of the region;synchronously gathering graphics data for the region, wherein the graphics data describe visual content of the region; and sending the region data and the graphics data to a client while maintaining synehronicity between the region data and the graphics data.

No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 27

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1859/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MEDIA INTEGRATION LAYER"

(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : A media integration layer including an application programming interface (API) and an object model allows program code developers to interface in a consistent manner with a scene graph data structure in order to output graphics. Via the interfaces, program code adds child visuals to other visuals to build up a hierarchical scene graph, writes Instruction Lists such as geometry data, image data, animation data and other data for output, and may specify transform, clipping and opacity properties on visuals. The media integration layer and API enable programmers to accomplish composition effects within their applications in a straightforward manner, while leveraging the graphics processing unit in a manner that does not adversely impact normal application performance. A multiple-level system includes the ability to combine different media types (such as 2D, 3D, Video, Audio, text and imaging) and animate them smoothly and seamlessly.

No. of Pages : 362 No. of Claims : 67

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2028/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "4-OXO-1-(3-SUBSTITUTED PHENYL-1, 4-DIHYDRO-1, 8-NAPHTHYRIDINE-3-C ARBOXAMIDE PHOSPHODIESTERASE-4 INHIBITORS" (51) International classification :C07D 471/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/428,611 1)MERCK FROSST CANADA & CO. Address of Applicant :16711 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY (32) Priority Date :22/11/2002 KIRKLAND, QUEBEC H9H 3L1, CANADA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/CA2003/001800 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/11/2003 1)DUBE, DANIEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/048374 2)GALLANT, MICHEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)LACOMBE, PATRICK :NA Number 4)ASPIOTIS, RENEE :NA Filing Date 5)DUBE, LAURENCE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)GIRARD, YVES Filing Date :NA 7)MACDONALD, DWIGHT (57) Abstract : Compounds represented by Formula (I):or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, are phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitors useful in the treatment of asthma and inflammation and useful for the enhancement of cognition.

No. of Pages : 113 No. of Claims : 32

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1841/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR A USER INTERFACE THAT PROVIDES CONTACT-BASED SHARING OF RESOURCES" (51) International classification :G06F 17/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/837,132 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (32) Priority Date :01/05/2004 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/024366 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :29/07/2004 1)SEAN BLAGSVEDT (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/111849 2)ANDREW BYBEE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PEYMAN OREIZY :NA Number 4)KEVIN R. MOORE :NA Filing Date 5)AMAR S. GANDHI (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)MARCUS S.H. HARVEY Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A centralized user interface provides for sharing resources between a user and a contact that the user interface is centered around. When the user opens the view of the contact record, the user is provided with a section corresponding to resources shared by the user with the contact and another section for resources shared by the contact with the user. Accordingly, a user accesses a single location for sharing resources rather than managing multiple folders or multiple communication between the user and the contact.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1885/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FAST DISSOLVING FILMS FOR ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF DRUGS" (51) International classification :A61K 9/70 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/437,137 1)SARNOFF CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :30/12/2002 Address of Applicant :201 WASHINGTON ROAD, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08543, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/041073 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/12/2003 1)DAVID R. FRIEND (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/060298 2)AARON W. LEVINE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KERRIE L. ZIEGLER :NA Number 4)EMMANUEL MANNA :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A dosage unit comprises a substrate comprising a first polymer; a deposit, including an active ingredient; and a cover layer comprising a second polymer, wherein the cover layer covers the deposit and is joined to the first surface of the substrate by a bond that encircles the deposit and wherein at least one of the first and second polymers is a graft co-polymer. The dosage unit wherein said first and second polymers may be the same, and also the graft co-polymer may be a polyvinyl alcohol-polyethylene glycol graft co-polymer. Also disclosed is a dosage unit wherein the deposit is formed on the substrate by electrostatic dry drug deposition. The dosage unit may also include a polymer that is a graft co-polymer; and an active ingredient, and the graft co-polymer may be polyvinyl alcoholpolyethylene glycol.

No. of Pages : 7 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1924/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RAILROAD FREIGHT CAR TRUCK SUSPENSION YAW STABILIZER" (51) International classification :B61F 5/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/496,838 1)J-RINE COMPANY, INC. (32) Priority Date :21/08/2003 Address of Applicant :160 DUDALA WAY, LOUDON, TENNESSEE 37774, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/012869 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/04/2004 1)BULLOCK, ROBERT, LEE (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/025961 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Yaw stabilization means (51, 52) provides a light-weight means for increasing the linear yaw stiffness levels between the side frame (22, 24) and bolster (38) to provide the proper inter-axle shear stiffness without affecting the compliancy required of the vertical suspension system. This invention, which fails to increase the unsprung weight of a railroad car truck assembly (20) noticeably, may be retrofitted to existing freight car trucks in service or incorporated into newly manufactured trucks. Moreover, it does so without the need for damping wedges to increase interaxle shear stiffness and allow the wedges to function optimally for control of vertical vibrations.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1961/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR ASSEMBLING ARRAYS OF FUNCTIONAL ELEMENTS TO SUBSTRATES" (51) International classification :H01L 21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/417,447 1)AVINERI OFER Address of Applicant :P.O.B 52518, 95555 TEL AVIV, (32) Priority Date :10/10/2002 ISRAEL. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/IL2003/000821 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/10/2003 1)AVINERI OFER (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/034441 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Method for handling microstructures, which comprises arranging them into one-dimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional arrays, and displacing them as such. The one-dimensional arrays are constituted by lines which may be straight or curved or constituted of different connected sections and the two-dimensional arrays are constituted by matrices. The microstructures may be liquid crystal display pixels; light-emitting diode display pixels; organic light emitting diode pixels; solar cell elements; electromagnetic signal detectors; plasma display pixels; integrated circuits. They can also be generated in wafers at regular distances from one another so as to form a matrix .The part itself could be shaped in the special form in order to fit the holes of a support or substrate to which they are to be connected.

No. of Pages : 51 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1992/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : ALUMINIUM TITANUM ALLOY WITH (51) International classification :C22C 21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :99/09,335 1)CENTRE STEPHANDIS DE RECHERCHES (32) Priority Date :19/07/1999 MECANIQUES HYDROMECANIQUE ET FROTTEMENT Address of Applicant :RUE BENOIT-FOURNEYRON, (33) Name of priority country :France ZONE INDUSTRIELLE SUD, 42160 ANDREZIEUX(86) International Application No :PCT/FR2000/02074 BOUTHEON, FRANCE Filing Date :19/07/2000 (87) International Publication No :WO 2001/06026 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)MICHAEL MARTIN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :IN/PCT/2001,00225/DEL Filed on :19/03/2001 (57) Abstract : The invention concerns a metal alloy based on aluminium and titanium whereof the aluminium content ranges between 80 and 90 atoms per hundred and the titanium content ranges between 10 and 20 atoms per hundred. The invention is characterised in that it is microcrystalline and outside thermodynamic equilibrium, said alloy being thereby resistant to oxidation and corrosion and having at the same time remarkable adhesion to polymer materials. The invention also concerns a reflecting coating of said metal alloy, preferably of thickness ranging between 0.01 and 3 g(m)m, covered with a protective film, preferably in polymer material. The invention further concerns a special mirror having specular reflectivity not less than about 65 %, good resistance to corrosion and oxidation comprising a substrate, preferably in polymer material supporting the inventive reflecting coating. The invention finally concerns parts comprising such a mirror, such as motor vehicle rear-view mirrors.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1846/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD, AND API FOR PROGRESSIVE INSTALLING A SOFTWARE APPLICATION" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/692,323 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (32) Priority Date :23/10/2003 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, USA. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/023546 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/07/2004 1)MARK A. ALCAZAR (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/045562 2)MICHAEL DUNN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ADRIAAN W. CANTER :NA Number 4)VENKATA RAM PRASAD TAMMANA :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Described is a mechanism for enabling an application operating as a web application to transition to a client-side application without impacting a user"s interaction with the application. The progressive installation transitions through three states: a start-up state, a demand state, and an install state. During the start-up state, a subset of components associated with the application is downloaded and stored in a local data store. The subset is sufficient to allow execution of the application in a manner similar to a web application. During the demand state, additional resources associated with the application are downloaded. Transitioning from the demand state to the installed state occurs without impacting a user"s interaction with the application. The transition may occur autonomously based on the number of additional resources stored in the local data store or upon an external trigger.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1879/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING REA MODEL BASED SECURITY" (51) International classification :A61M 5/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/815,052 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :31/03/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/023629 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/07/2004 1)JESPER KIEHN (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/009520 2)PAVEL HRUBY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GEIR OLSEN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method (900) of providing Resource-Event-Agent (REA) model based security includes identifying (905) an association (515) between a first object (505) and a second object (510), where the first object is the Agent type and the second object is any REA object. Then, an association Class (520) is created (910) for the association between the first object (505) and the second object (510). The association class, for example called a Security Policy Association Class, defines security between the first object and the second object.

No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1946/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SOLUBLE NOTCH-BASED SUBSTRATES FOR GAMMA SECRETASE AND METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR USING SAME" (51) International classification :C12N 15/62 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/429,206 1)PHARMACIA & UPJOHN COMPANY LLC Address of Applicant :301 HENRIETTA STREET, (32) Priority Date :26/11/2002 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 49001, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2003/005233 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :17/11/2003 1)KENNETH BRUCE RANK (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/048578 2)SATISH KUMAR SHARMA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention is directed to novel soluble substrates for ϝ-secretase. More particularly, the invention provides a soluble fusion polypeptide with a Notch segment containing the ϝ -secretase-dependent cleavage sites (gammad; and ϵ) fused to a NusA protein. Methods and compositions for making and using such a fusion protein are disclosed.

No. of Pages : 59 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1947/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONSOLIDATED AIR CARGO MANAGEMENT SYSTME" (51) International classification :B65G 57/03 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-378146 1)HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD (32) Priority Date :26/12/2002 Address of Applicant :1-1, MINAMI-AOYAMA 2-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 107-8556, JAPAN. (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/16230 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/12/2003 1)KOUJI IMANISHI (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/058608 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : To carry out the loading work of mixed cargos without requiring skill and easily and positively, and further reduce a per-piece transportation cost of less-than-carload-lot cargo. An air mixed cargo control system comprising a shipper A terminal (10), shipper B terminal (20) and shipper C terminal (30) having the function of transmitting cargo data about a plurality of small-lot cargos, an air cargo handling agent server (40) connected with these terminals over networks and having the function of extracting a small-lot cargo matching the specified carrying capacity of a pallet (70) based on respective elements of cargo data, and a database (46) storing basic data showing the type of a pallet (70), and carrying weight, outer-dimension-specified specified carrying capacity and unit fare by airline.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2256/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "OPTICAL FIBER RIBBON" (51) International classification :G02B 6/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-154148 1)SUMITOMO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, LTD (32) Priority Date :28/05/2002 Address of Applicant :5-33, KITAHAMA 4-CHOME, CHUOKU, OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA 541-0041, JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/06701 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/05/2003 1)KAORU OKUNO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100495 2)TOMOYUKI HATTORI (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An optical fiber tape core (1), wherein four optical fiber wires (10), (20), (30), and (40) are arranged parallel with each other on a plane, the peripheral surfaces of these four optical fiber wires are partly covered with tape material (51) but the remaining is not covered with the tape material, first areas covered with the tape material (51) and second areas not covered with the tape material are present alternately along the longitudinal direction of the optical fiber wires or the optical fiber wires are covered with the tape material through the entire lengths, and the glass parts of the optical fiber wires are 8 μm or less in mode field diameter at a wavelength of 1.55 μm by the definition of Petermann-I and 1.26 μm or less in cable cut off wavelength.

No. of Pages : 76 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1849/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TIERED OBJECT-RELATED TRUST DECISIONS" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/780,144 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :17/02/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, USA. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/023639 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/07/2004 1)AARON SAUVE (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/081666 2)LI-HSIN HUANG (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)TONY SCHREINER :NA Number 4)JEFFREY DAVIS :NA Filing Date 5)TOM PIPINICH (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)JONATHAN GASS Filing Date :NA 7)J. CRAIG HALLY (57) Abstract : Adware and viruses are examples of objects that may be embedded in a web page or linked to a web page. When such an object is detected to be associated with a web page loading on a browser, an analysis may be performed to determine a trust level for the object. The object is suppressed based on the trust level. A prompt is displayed to advise a user that the object has been suppressed, and to provide an opportunity to interactively accept or decline activation of an action for the object.

No. of Pages : 50 No. of Claims : 66

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1851/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ADAPTIVE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT" (51) International classification :G06F 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/715,765 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :18/11/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/024580 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/07/2004 1)ROBERT E. SINCLAIR II (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/057327 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and system for adapting a computing device in response to changes in an environment surrounding the computing device, or in response to the user"s stated preferences. The computing device includes one or more sensors that sense the environment. A changed characteristic of the environment is detected. A determination is made as to one or more settings to change in response to the changed characteristic. Then one or more of the settings are changed to cause the computing device to interact with the user in a different mode. A mode may include which inputs, outputs, and/or processes are used to communicate with the user. A mode may also include how an application formats output or receives input.

No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 44

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1954/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "USE OF MOXONIDINE FOR POSTMYOCARDIAL INFARCTION TREATMENT" (51) International classification :A61K 31/506 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :199 03 780.9 1)SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICALS GMBH (32) Priority Date :01/02/1999 Address of Applicant :HANS-BOCKLER-ALLEE 20, D(33) Name of priority country :Germany 30173 HANNOVER, GERMANY (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2000/00655 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :28/01/2000 1)REGINA GERTRUIDA SCHOEMAKER (87) International Publication No :WO 2000/45820 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :IN/PCT/2001,00767/DEL Filed on :28/08/2001 (57) Abstract : The invention relates to the use of moxonidine and the physiologically compatible acid additional salts thereof for producing pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of myocardial infarction damages of the myocardium. Moxonidine and pharmaceutical preparations which contain physiologically compatible acid additional salts of moxonidine are suitable for use in acute myocardial infarction treatment and/or postmyocardial infarction treatment.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2011/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : TWO-STAGE PROJECTION ARCHITECTURE (51) International classification :H04N 9/31 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/430,996 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :04/12/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, F-92648 BOULOGNE, FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/038011 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/11/2003 1)DRAZIC, VALTER (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/051995 2)SARAYEDDINE, KHALED (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HALL, ESTILL, THONE, JR :NA Number 4)O'DONNELL, EUGENE, MURPHY :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A two-stage light projection system is provided for projecting an image comprising a matrix of light pixels having modulated luminance. A first imager is configured to modulate a light band on a pixel-by-pixel basis proportional to gray scale values provided for each pixel of the image to provide a first output matrix. A second imager is positioned and configured to receive the first output matrix and modulate the individual modulated pixels of light from the first imager on a pixel-by-pixel basis proportional to a second gray scale value provided for each pixel. A relay lens system having a single-gauss lens set and a mirror positioned at the system stop focuses the modulated light output from the first imager on a pixel-by-pixel basis onto the corresponding pixels of the second imager.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2242/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RECORDING MEDIUM, METHOD OF CONFIGURING CONTROL INFORMATION THEREOF, RECORDING AND/OR REPRODUCING METHOD USING THE SAME, AND APPRATUS THEREOF" (51) International classification :G11B 7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2003-45824 1)L.G ELECTRONICS INC. (32) Priority Date :07/07/2003 Address of Applicant :20, YOIDO-DONG, (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea YOUNGDUNGPO-GU, SEOUL, KOREA Republic of Korea (86) International Application No :PCT/KR2004/1574 (72)Name of Inventor : :29/06/2004 Filing Date 1)JIN-YONG KIM (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/004135 2)SANG WOON SUH (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of recording disc control information in a recordable optical disc including at least one recording layer is provided. Writing speed information and per writing speed write strategy are included in disc control information. The specified disc control information can be uniformly applied to efficiently cope with the record/playback of the optical disc. In configuring disc control information within a management area of an optical disc, the method includes recording a plurality of recording speed informations and a plurality of write strategies respectively associated with corresponding recording speeds within the disc control information wherein one of the recording speed informations is a basic recoding speed information.

No. of Pages : 78 No. of Claims : 59

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1903/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM, METHOD AND STORAGE MEDIUM FOR PROVIDING A MULTIMEDIA CONTENTS SERVICE BASED ON USER'S PREFERENCES" (51) International classification :G06F 17/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10-2002-0062709 1)RESEARCH AND INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :15/10/2002 GROUP (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea Address of Applicant :103-6 MUNJI-DONG, YUSEONG-GU, (86) International Application No :PCT/KR2003/002139 305-732 DAEJEON, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Filing Date :15/10/2003 2)KOREAN BROADCASTING SYSTEM (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/036448 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)KIM, MUNCHURL :NA Number 2)KIM, KYEONGSOO :NA Filing Date 3)KIM, JONG NAM (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 4)LEE, BEOM GOO Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A multimedia contents service system transforms original contents based on selected user preferences chosen by a user or automatic preferences generated from accumulated statistics on user"s contents consumption. The system transmits the transformed contents to the user and provides services which perform rendering or storing according to user preferences. Therefore, the system provides contents transformed according to user"s interests to thereby increase user"s convenience (universal multimedia access) and satisfy a variety of user"s demands.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 54

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2008/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A METHOD FOR EXTRACTION OF VARIABLE BIT-LENGTH DATA FROM A DATA BUFFER" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :09/948,333 1)INTEL CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :06/09/2001 Address of Applicant :2200 MISSION COLLEGE (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. BOULEVARD, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95052, U.S.A. :PCT/US2002/27725 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/08/2002 1)WILLIAM MACY, JR (87) International Publication No :WO 03/023600 2)MATTHEW HOLLIMAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ERIC DEBES :NA Number 4)YEN-KUANG CHEN :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :00605/DELNP/2004 Filed on :10/03/2004 (57) Abstract : An apparatus and method for extracting and loading data to/from a buffer are described. The method includes the selection of data from a data buffer in response to execution of a data access instruction. The data buffer includes a plurality of data storage devices, one or more of which initially contain the selected data. Accordingly, the plurality of data storage devices form a single address space that is addressable at a bit- level. When the selected data spans from a source data storage device to a next data storage device of the data buffer, a portion of the selected data from source data storage device is concatenated with a remaining portion of the selected data from the next data storage device to form the selected data as a contiguous unit. Finally, once the selected data is formed, the selected data is stored within a destination data storage device.

No. of Pages : 55 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2234/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MATERIALS PROCESSING METHOD AND APPARATUS" (51) International classification :C22B 34/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0128816.6 1)CAMBRIDGE ENTERPRISE LIMITED (32) Priority Date :01/12/2001 Address of Applicant :THE OLD SCHOOLS, TRINITY LANE, CAMBRIDGE CB2 1TS, GREAT BRITAIN U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2002/05414 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/12/2002 1)FRAY DEREK JOHN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/048399 2)COPCUT ROBERT CHARLES (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A solid material (M1X) (6) comprising a solid solution of a non-metal species (X) in a metal or semi-metal (M1) or a compound between the non-metal species and the metal or semi-metal is immersed in a molten salt (M2Y) (4). A cathodic potential is applied to the material to remove a portion of the non-metal species by electro-deoxidation. As this reaction proceeds it becomes less efficient and so to remove the non-metal species at lower concentrations a source of a reactive metal (M3) (8) is immersed in the molten salt and is electronically connected to the material, either by electronic conduction through the salt or through an external circuit. Reactions occur at the material, where the non-metal species dissolves in the salt, and at the reactive metal, which reacts with the nonmetal species dissolved in the salt to form a reaction product more stable than a compound between the non-metal species and the metal or semi-metal (M1). The non-metal species is thus removed from the solid material.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 31

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2259/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CARBONYLATION OF VINYL ESTER" (51) International classification :C07C 67/347 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0228018.8 1)LUCITE INTERNATIONAL UK LIMITED (32) Priority Date :30/11/2002 Address of Applicant :QUEENS GATE, 15-17 QUEENS TERRACE, SOUTHAMPTON, HAMPSHIRE SO14 3BP, (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/004679 GREAT BRITAIN U.K. (86) International Application No Filing Date :31/10/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/050599 1)EASTHAM, GRAHAM, RONALD (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)RUCKLIDGE, ADAM, JOHN :NA Number 3)COLE-HAMILTON, DAVID :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to the carbonylation of an ester, specifically vinyl acetate. The process comprises the carbonylation of vinyl acetate comprising reacting vinyl acetate with carbon monoxide in the presence of a source of hydroxyl groups and of a catalyst system, the catalyst system obtainable by combining: (c) a metal of Group VIII B or a compound thereof: and (d) a bidentate phosphine of general formula (I) A process for the production of a lactate ester or acid of formula II comprising the steps of carbonylating vinyl acetate with carbon monoxide in the presence of a source of hydroxyl groups and of a catalyst system is also described. A process for the production of 3-hydroxy propanoate ester or acid of formula (III) comprising the steps of: carbonylating vinyl acetate with carbon monoxide in the presence of a source of hydroxyl groups and of a catalyst system also forms an aspect of the invention.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1871/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "REMEDY FOR OVERACTIVE BLADDER COMPRISING ACETIC ACID ANILIDE DERIVATIVE AS THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT" (51) International classification :A61K 31/426 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-323792 1)ASTELLAS PHARMA INC. (32) Priority Date :07/11/2002 Address of Applicant :3-11, NIHONBASHI-HONCHO 2(33) Name of priority country :Japan CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO 103-8411, JAPAN. (86) International Application No :PCT/JP03/014065 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :04/11/2003 1)TOSHIYUKI TAKASU (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/041276 2)SHUICHI SATO (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)MASASHI UKAI Filing Date :NA 4)TATSUYA MARUYAMA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : (R)-2-(2-aminothiazol-4-yl)-4" -[2-[(2-hydroxy-2-phenylethyl)amino]ethyl]acetic acid anilide or its salt shows a potent bladder relaxation effect in "isolated rat bladder smooth muscle relaxation test", dose-dependently lowers the contraction frequency of rhythmic bladder contractions in "rat rhythmic bladder contraction measurement test" and, moreover, prolongs the urination intervals in "urination functions measurement test on cyclophosphamide-induced overactive bladder model rat". Owing to these effects, the above compound is useful as a remedy for ovaractive bladder.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2003/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF 3,3,A,6,6A-TETRAHYDRO-2H-CYCLOPENTAN[B]FURAN-2ONE (51) International classification :C07C 235/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/435,991 1)PHARMACIA & UPJOHN COMPANY LLC Address of Applicant :301 HENRIETTA STREET, (32) Priority Date :23/12/2002 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 49001,U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2003/005978 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/12/2003 1)KEVIN EDWARD HENEGAR (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/056749 2)MATEUSZ CEBULA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a process for the synthesis of 3,3a,6,6a-tetrahydo-2H-cyclopentan[b]furan-2-one.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 4

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2178/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "VEHICLE FLOOR PRODUCTION SYSTEM" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country

:B60R13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : :10-20081)HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY 0031400 Address of Applicant :231 YANGJAE-DONG, SEOCHO-KU, :03/04/2008 SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA. :Republic (72)Name of Inventor : of Korea 1)JEONG IN HO :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : In one aspect, the present invention provides a vehicle floor production system, in which a carrier is moved through a loop formed by a return line provided at the top of the system and a welding line provided at the bottom, and the carrier is horizontally moved by the frictional force of a horizontal movement driving means. Preferred systems can reduce the manufacturing cost and required installation area.

No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2253/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DISPOSAL OF WASTE FLUIDS" (51) International classification :F03D 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/354,382 1)WADER, LLC (32) Priority Date :04/02/2002 Address of Applicant :1076 SKYLINE DRIVE, LAGUNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92651, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/03242 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/02/2003 1)WARREN FINLEY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/067082 2)EDWARD PSCHEIDT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ANTHONY T. JONES :NA Number 4)GEOFFREY E. DOLBEAR :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A device and method for disposal of waste fluid comprises directing the waste fluid having a first osmotic energy potential from a source (25) through a feed tube (20) into a larger mixing chamber (42) located in a body of water having a second osmotic energy potential. Thereafter, water is introduced from the body of water into the mixing chamber. Mixing occurs within the mixing chamber between the waste fluid and water from the body of water to form a waste fluid/water mixture, the mixing being driven at least in part by osmotic energy potential difference between the waste fluid and the water in the body of water. The chamber has sufficient length to facilitate substantial mixing of the waste fluid with water from the body of water. The waste fluid/water mixture is allowed to flow into the body of water from an opening in the chamber (50).

No. of Pages : 41 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2291/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "HYDRAULIC ROTARY-PERCUSSIVE HAMMER DRILL" (51) International classification :B25D 17/24 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/03402 1)MONTABERT S.A (32) Priority Date :19/03/2002 Address of Applicant :203 ROUTE DE GRENOBLE, F-69800 SAINT PRIEST, FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/FR2003/00859 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/03/2003 1)JEAN-SYLVAIN COMARMOND (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078107 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a hydraulic rotary-percussive hammer drill (1) comprising a body (2) containing an alternating impact piston (4) which slides due to the effect of a main hydraulic feed circuit (22), said main circuit also being intended to cause an essentially annular stop piston (5) to slide in a cavity (3) of the body. The aforementioned stop piston comprises (i) a front face which is in contact with a shank (7) and which is intended to position said shank at a pre-determined distance from the impact piston and (ii) a rear face opposite a rear wall of the cavity. The invention is characterised in that, when the main circuit is stopped, an external hydraulic feed circuit (23) can introduce a pressurised fluid between the rear face of the stop piston and the rear wall of the cavity, such as to maintain a space between same. The inventive hammer drill is suitable for drilling installations.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1818/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MECHANISM FOR PROVIDING EXGTENDED FUNCTIONALITY TO COMMAND LINE INSTRUCTIONS." (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/693,409 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :24/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US04/023608 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :22/07/2004 1)JEFFREY P. SNOVER (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/045565 2)JAMES W. TRUHER III (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present mechanism allows commands entered on a command line in a command line operating environment the ability to execute in a first execution mode or an alternate execution mode. The command is executed in the alternate execution mode if the command includes an instruction to execute in the alternate execution mode. The alternate execution mode is provided by the operating environment and provides extended functionality to the command. The alternate execution mode may visually display results of executing the command, visually display simulated results of executing the command, prompt for verification before executing the command, may perform a security check to determine whether a user requesting the execution has sufficient privileges to execute the command, and the like.

No. of Pages : 100 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1819/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MECHANISM FOR ANALYZING PARTIALLY UNRESOLVED INPUT" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/693,659 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :24/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US04/023614 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/07/2004 1)JEFFREY P. SNOVER (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/045566 2)JAMES W. TRUHER III (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KAUSHIK PUSHPAVANAM :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present mechanism provides various capabilities for resolving strings within a command string. The present mechanism operates within an interactive operating environment by receiving a plurality of strings. For any string this is partially resolved, the mechanism initiates analysis for completely resolving the string. The mechanisms support wildcarding, property sets, relations, conversions, property paths, extended types, data type coercing, and the like.

No. of Pages : 100 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2245/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POWERED TOOTHBRUSH" (51) International classification :A61C 17/34 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/066,459 1)COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :31/01/2002 Address of Applicant :300 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10022, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/02811 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :30/01/2003 1)ELIAV EYAL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/063723 2)AHN KYOUNGEUN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GATZEMEYER JOHN J :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A powered toothbrush refill head combines a typical round oscillating or primary tuft block which oscillates in a rotational manner with a secondary tuft block. The secondary tuft block may be oscillated in a rotational manner or may oscillate linearly back and forth in the same direction as the handle of the toothbrush. The secondary tuft block could be in the form of a pair of side by side plates mounted on the head adjacent to the round oscillating block. The invention could also be practice where the secondary tuft block is in the form of a plurality of sets of rows of bristles mounted for back and forth movement in a direction perpendicular to the handle. The secondary tuft block is connected to the primary tuft block by means of a drive transmitting connection.

No. of Pages : 51 No. of Claims : 45

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1930/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : NOVEL HETEROCYCLIC ANALOGS OF DIPHENYLETHYLENE COMPOUNDS (51) International classification :C07D 277/34 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/265,902 1)THERACOS, INC. (32) Priority Date :08/10/2002 Address of Applicant :525 DEL REY AVENUE, SUITE A, SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA 94085, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/031803 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :08/10/2003 1)NEOGI, PARTHA (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/033438 2)DEY, DEBENDRANATH (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MEDICHERLA, SATYANARAYANA :NA Number 4)NAG, BISHWAJI :NA Filing Date 5)LEE, ARTHUR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Novel diphenylethylene compounds and derivatives thereof containing thiazolidinedione or oxazolidinedione moieties are provided which are effective in lowering blood glucose level, serum insulin, triglyceride and free fatty acid levels in animal models of Type II diabetes. The compounds are disclosed as useful for a variety of treatments including the treatment of inflammation, inflammatory and immunological diseases, insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, cancer and multiple sclerosis.

No. of Pages : 129 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2300/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SATELLITE TELEVISION SYSTEM GROUND STATION HAVING WIDEBAND MULTICHANNEL LNB CONVERTER/TRANSMITTER ARCHITECTURE WITH CONTROLLED UPLINK TRANSMISSION" (51) International classification :H04N 7/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/084,773 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :26/02/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/05557 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :24/02/2003 1)KNUTSON, PAUL, GOTHARD (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/073765 2)RAMASWAMY, KUMAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MUTERSPAUGH, MAX, WARD :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A satellite television ground system, particularly for a make or break satellite television signal system, includes an outdoor unit and an indoor unit that are in communication with each other via a single coaxial cable and an optional separate single conductor for power. The satellite television ground system is operative to measure and reverse frequency conversion errors utilizing DSP techniques, allowing for more precise generation and transmission of uplink signals from the satellite television ground system. Control data for the system is sent via a low data rate connection on a power cable thereof, or by a narrowband signaling channel via a coax cable. The system also utilizes a single reference oscillator to drive the various frequency synthesizers and the like. The satellite television ground system utilizes related oscillators for the uplink and downlink sections. Carrier frequency offset in the downlink is measured in a carrier tracking loop part of a television signal demodulator. The carrier frequency offset of the downlink is utilized to synthesize various frequency signals for the uplink and downlink sections to correct frequency errors. For the uplink section, the carrier frequency offset of the downlink is reversed in the uplink. If the uplink is on a different frequency, the measured offset of the system master oscillator can be scaled by different synthesizer ratios.

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2301/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : POLYTRIMETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE RESINS WITH IMPROVED PROPERTIES (51) International classification :C08G 63/183 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02006746.8 1)ZIMMER GMBH (32) Priority Date :23/03/2002 Address of Applicant :BORSIGALLEE 1, 60388 FRANKFURT AM MAIN (DE) Germany (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/EP2003/01712 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/02/2003 1)SEIDEL, ECKHARD (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080702 2)GEMMEL, BERND (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HELDMANN, KARL-HEINZ :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A composition comprising Polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT) with a reduced emission of acrolein is obtained by contacting Polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT) resin with an effective amount of a melt unstable, organic nitrogen-containing stabilizing compound. Such PTT resin has an acrolein formation rate at 280° C of less than 15 ppm/minute. Preferably the residual acrolein content of the PTT resin is less than 5 ppm. Preferred additive compounds include amines, amino acids, amidines, urea and other Ncompounds. The additive compounds are added to the polymer in molten state and/or to the resin, which is then processed to fibers, filaments, non-wovens, films and/or mouldings.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2302/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : POLYTRIMETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE RESINS WITH IMPROVED PROPERTIES (51) International classification :C08G 63/183 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02006746.8 1)ZIMMER AG (32) Priority Date :23/03/2002 Address of Applicant :LURGIALLEE 5 60295 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/EP2003/01707 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/02/2003 1)SEIDEL, ECKHARD (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080701 2)GEMMEL, BERND (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HELDMANN, KARL-HEINZ :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A composition comprising Polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT) with a reduced emission of acrolein is obtained by contacting Polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT) resin with an effective amount of a melt stable, organic stabilizing compound. Such PTT resin has an acrolein formation rate at 280 °C of less than 15 ppm/minute. Preferably the residual acrolein content of the PTT resin is less than 10 ppm. The additive organic stabilizing compounds are free from nitrogen atoms. Preferred additive compounds include polyfunctional alkohols, alcoholates, aromatic carboxylic acid anhydrides, carboxylic acids and salts of carboxylic acids. The additive compounds are added to the polymer in molten state and/or to the resin, which is then processed to fibers, filaments, non-wovens, films and/or mouldings.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2293/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DECOPPERING AGENT" (51) International classification :C06B 23/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0200366.3 1)EURENCO BOFORS AKTIEBOLAG (32) Priority Date :08/02/2002 Address of Applicant :S-691 86 KARLSKOGA, SWEDEN (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00028 1)SVEN-ERIC JOHANSSON (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/01/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/066544 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : There is provided a decoppering agent that is incorporated into the propellant to remove copper from the rifling of the internal bore of a gun barrel. The decoppering agent consists essentially of a lead-free pulverized additive mixed together with the other propellant compounds. We have found that a mixture of tin and bismuth is a very good decoppering agent. Especially in the ratio 42% Sn/58%Bi, the melting point for this combination is 138 degree C. Much lower than each of the components. It can be all kinds of suitable tin and bismuth compounds. The bismuth and tin either vaporizes or liquefies when the propellant is ignited and either embrittles or dissolves the copper deposits facilitating removal.

No. of Pages : 5 No. of Claims : 3

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2294/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "USE OF ETHOXYLATED FATTY ACIDS AS SMOOTHING AGENTS FOR SYNTHETIC AND NATURAL FIBRES" (51) International classification :D06M 13/224 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 04 808.8 1)COGNIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH & CO.KG Address of Applicant :HENKELSTRASSE 67, 40589, (32) Priority Date :06/02/2002 DUSSELDORF, GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/00816 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :28/01/2003 1)BECKER, WOLFGANG (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/066958 2)MATHIS, RAYMOND (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BENDER, HOLGER :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to the use of compounds of formula (I) R-COO(CH2CH2O)nH (I) wherein R represents a linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated, alkyl or aikylene radical comprising between 5 and 21 C atoms, and n is a number between 0.5 and 1.5, as smoothing agents for synthetic and natural fibres, preferably for wool fibres.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2306/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "5-HT2B RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract :

:A61K 31/425 (71)Name of Applicant : :0203413.0 1)PHARMAGENE LABORATORIES LIMITED :13/02/2002 Address of Applicant :2 ORCHARD ROAD, ROYSTON, HERTFORDSHIRE SG8 5HD, U.K. :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/00567 (72)Name of Inventor : :11/02/2003 1)OXFORD, ALEXANDER WILLIAM :WO 2003/068227 2)BORMAN, RICHARD ANTHONY 3)COLEMAN, ROBERT ALEXANDER :NA 4)CLARK, KENNETH LYLE :NA :NA :NA

The present invention concerns compounds of formula (I): wherein R1 is selected from the group consisting of H, and optionally substituted C 1−6 alkyl, C 3−7 cycloalkyl, C 3−7 cycloalkyl−C 1−4 alkyl, and phenyl−C 1−4 alkyl;R2 and R3 are either: (i) independently selected from H, R, R', SO2R, C(=O)R, (CH2)nNR5R6, where n is from 1 to 4 and R5 and R6 are independently selected from H and R, where R is optionally substituted C 1−4 alkyl group, and R' is an optionally substituted phenyl− C 1−4 alkyl group, or (ii) together with the nitrogen atom to which they are attached, form an optionally substituted C 5−7 heterocyclic group; R4 is an optionally substituted C 9−14 aryl group; their use as pharmaceuticals, in particular for treating conditions alleviated by antagonism of a 5−HT 2B receptor.

No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2310/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR TREATING A FLUID" (51) International classification :B01D 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02251178.6 1)SHELL INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH (32) Priority Date :21/02/2002 MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V Address of Applicant :CAREL VAN BYLANDTLAAN 30, (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/01829 NL-2596 HR THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS Filing Date :21/02/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/070348 1)DAVIES GRAHAM ARTHUR (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)NOOIJEN JOHANNES LAMBERTUS :NA Number 3)ZIA JALAL HUNAIN :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An apparatus for treating a fluid, comprising at least one treating zone (2), and a fluid inlet (3) and separation device disposed therein for introducing a separated mixture of liquid and gas into the treating zone (2). The fluid inlet (3) device comprises a series of coaxially disposed circumferential vanes (9Aa-9E), wherein each circumferential vane curvedly extends between an intercepting part having a substantially axially directed leading edge and a deflecting part having a substantially radially outwardly extending trailing edge, and wherein the central axis (A) of the inlet device (3) extends parallel or coaxial with an upwardly extending axis of the treating zone (2). The invention further relates to a fluid inlet device (3), to a use of the fluid inlet device, and to a method for treating a fluid.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2311/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SECURE DEVICE" (51) International classification :G06F 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-068097 1)PANASONIC CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :13/03/2002 Address of Applicant :1006 OAZAKADOMA, KADOMASHI, OSAKA, JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/02698 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/03/2003 1)MATSUZAKI NATSUME (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/077083 2)SAKUSHIMA KAZUO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)TATEBAYASHI MAKOTO :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A secure device that can store programs therein for performing the programs, including:a low-protection level storage unit;a highprotection level storage unit;a program acquiring unit that acquires a program and corresponding additional information, the additional information used for determining a storage destination of the acquired program:an additional information analyzing unit that stores the acquired program in one of the low-protection level storage unit and the high-protection level storage unit, according to additional information;an area searching unit;a protection level judging unit; anda program storing unit.

No. of Pages : 65 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2296/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS, REACTOR AND SYSTEM FOR PREPARING A BISPHENOL" (51) International classification :C07C 39/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :09/683,898 1)GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (32) Priority Date :28/02/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE RIVER ROAD, SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 12345, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/02589 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/01/2003 1)KISSINGER GAYLORD MICHAEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074457 2)KO ALLEN WAI-YEE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SZILLAT MICHAEL D :NA Number 4)CARVILL BRIAN T :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method lor producing bisphcnol includes introducing a phenol and a ketone inlo a fixed, supported catalytic bed (14) reactor (10) system (50) in a downflow mode, reacting the phenol and the ketone to form a reaction mixture, and recovering the bisphcnol isomer from the reaction mixture. The preferred bisphenol isomer is bisphcnol A, or p.p" -bisphcnol A, produced from the reaction of phenol and acetone. The reactor (10) for producing the bisphcnol A from the reaction of phenol and acetone includes an ion exchange resin catalyst disposed in a bed (14) and packing randomly distributed throughout the ion exchange resin catalyst to improve heat transfer efficiency and reduce compression of the catalyst bed.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2297/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "INTRADERMAL INJECTOR" (51) International classification :A61M (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/355,926 1)ANTARES PHARMA, INC. (32) Priority Date :11/02/2002 Address of Applicant :161 CHESHIRE LANE, SUITE 100, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55441, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/03917 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/02/2003 1)SADOWSKI, PETER, L (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/068290 2)LESCH, PAUL, R.,JR (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BREMSETH, DAVID :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An injection device that comprises a chamber configured for containing a substance to be injected and a needle operatively associated with the chamber and having a length sufficient to deliver the substance to an intradermal injection site. A collar surrounds the needle, defining a collar cavity. The collar also has a peripheral forward skin-contacting surface that surrounds and is radically spaced from the needle and injection site by an area that is sufficiently large to allow a patient"s skin to move into the collar cavity to properly position the needle for intradermal delivery of the substance to the injection site to allow spread of the injected substance under the skin while inhibiting or preventing backpressure within the skin from forcing the substance out through the injection site.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 31

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2299/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PRODUCTION OF METALLURGICAL COKE" (51) International classification :C10B 49/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 0374 1)COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL (32) Priority Date :07/02/2002 RESEARCH ORGANISATION Address of Applicant :LIMESTONE AVENUE, CAMPBELL, (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00129 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY 2612, AUSTRALIA (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :07/02/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/066776 1)CLARK, KEITH, NORMAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process and plant for producing metallurgical coke is disclosed. The process comprises rapidly drying coal particles in an inert atmosphere, and maintaining the particles, once dry, in an inert atmosphere. The dried particles are then compressed into a briquette without addition of a binder. The briquette is heated to a temperature between 1000°C and 1400°C for a period of between 1 and 5 hours to produce metallurgical coke.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2317/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FE-BASED AMORPHOUS METAL ALLOY HAVING A LINEAR BH LOOP" (51) International classification :C23C 45/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/071,990 1)METGLAS, INC. (32) Priority Date :08/02/2002 Address of Applicant :440 ALLIED DRIVE, CONWAY, SC 29526, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/003101 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/02/2003 1)RONALD J. MARTIS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/066925 2)RYUSUKE HASEGAWA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A metallic glass alloy ribbon consists essentially of about 70 to 87 atom percent iron. Up to about 20 atom percent of the iron is replaced by cobalt and up to about 3 atom percent of the iron is replaced by nickel, manganese, vanadium, titanium or molybdenum. About 13-30 atom percent of the element balance comprises a member selected from the group consisting of boron, silicon and carbon. The alloy is heat-treated at a sufficient temperature to achieve stress relief. A magnetic field applied during the heat-treatment causes the magnetization to point away from the ribbon"s predetermined easy magnetization direction. The metallic glass exhibits linear DC BH loops with low ac losses. As such they are especially well suited for use in current/voltage transformers.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2318/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FILTER CIRCUIT HAVING AN FE-BASED CORE" (51) International classification :H03H (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/071,368 1)METGLAS, INC. (32) Priority Date :08/02/2002 Address of Applicant :440 ALLIED DRIVE, CONWAY, SC 29526, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/03093 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/02/2003 1)RYUSUKE HASEGAWA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/067756 2)SESHU V. TATIKOLA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)RONALD J. MARTIS :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A filter circuit is used to select frequency bands of digital and analog signals over communications channels in a DSL communications system. The filter circuit includes an inductor having a core that consists essentially of a Fe-base amorphous metal alloy. Advantageously, the filter circuit provides as good or better performance than a filter circuit using a Co-base core; but is much less expensive. As such, it provides a low cost, high efficiency solution to communications applications, such as DSL communications systems, and the like.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2312/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "OXA-AND THIADIAZOLES AND THEIR USE AS METALLOPROTEINASE INHIBITORS" (51) International classification :C07D 271/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0204159.8 1)VERNALIS (OXFORD) LTD (32) Priority Date :22/02/2002 Address of Applicant :PATENTS GRANTA PARK, ABINGTON, CAMBRIDGE CB1 6GB, U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/00741 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/02/2002 1)AYSCOUGH ANDREW PAUL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/070711 2)DAVIES STEPHEN JOHN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PAIN GILLES :NA Number 4)GILLON JEAN-YVES :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Compounds formula (IA) or (IB), wherein W represents HO(C=O)’, HONH(C=O) or H(C=O)N(OH) ˆ’; X represents ˆ’O ˆ’ or ˆ’S ˆ’; and R1, R2, and R3 are as defined in the description and claims, are inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases, in particular MMP9 and/or MMP12.

No. of Pages : 81 No. of Claims : 44

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2314/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : The invention relates to methods for producing aerosol/ resonance cavities (bubbles), controlling physico-chemical processes in a heterophase medium (media) and can be used for the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries and also at home for medicine and devices producing combustible mixtures for internal combustion engines (for example, in the nozzle of a diesel engine). The inventive method for producing aerosol/ resonance cavities (bubbles) consists in selecting the characteristics of the macrostructure of a produced aerosol / resonance cavities (bubbles) and exposing a dispersed fluid medium to the action of ultrasonic oscillations in a standing-wave mode. The parameters of said ultrasonic oscillations for forming a fine aerosol / resonance cavities (bubbles) are modified until a resonance spectre is obtained, said parameters are maintained on a resonance frequency of the selected macrostructure which is regenerated afterwards. The inventive method makes it possible to improve the efficiency of the structurisation of a reaction medium during physico-chemical processes.

No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 4

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2315/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CRYSTALLINE ALUMINOSILICATE ZEOLITIC COMPOSITION: UZM-9" (51) International classification :C01B 39/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/074,612 1)UOP LLC (32) Priority Date :12/02/2002 Address of Applicant :25 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, DES PLAINES, ILLINOIS 60017-5017, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/04155 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/02/2003 1)JRIME GILBERTO MOSCOSO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/068679 2)GREGORY JOHN LEWIS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JANA LYNN GISSELQUIST :NA Number 4)MARK AMMON MILLER :NA Filing Date 5)LISA MARIE ROHDE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Applicants have synthesized an aluminosilicate zeolite identified as UZM-9. This zeolite has the LTA topology and has an empirical formula of: Mmn+Rrp +Al1-xExSiyOz where M is an alkali or alkaline earth metal ion, R is at least two organic ions, at least one of which has an organic group with at least two carbon atoms and E can be gallium, iron, boron and mixtures thereof. The Si/Al ratio can range from greater than 3.5 to 6.0

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2334/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYNERGISTIC INSECTICIDE MIXTURES" (51) International classification :A01N 51/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 07 241.8 1)BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG (32) Priority Date :21/02/2002 Address of Applicant :ALFRED-NOBEL-STRASSE 50, 40789 MONHEIM, GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/01281 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/02/2003 1)WOLFRAM ANDERSCH (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/070001 2)CHRISTOPH ERDELEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PETER JESCHKE :NA Number 4)THOMAS BRETSCHNEIDER :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to insecticide mixtures, containing a compound of formula (I) and at least one additional known active ingredient from the family that includes abamectin, emamectin and emamectin benzoates, methiocarb, Ã-cyfluthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin and indoxacarb. The invention also relates to the use of said mixtures for pest control.

No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2354/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "1-PHENYL-2-HETEROARYL-SUBSTITUTED BENZIMIDAZOLE DERIVATIVES, THEIR USE TO PREPARE DRUGS FOR TREATMENT DRUGS FOR TREATMENT OF IMMUNOLOGICAL DISEASES" (51) International classification :C07D 401/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 07 844.0 1)SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Address of Applicant :MULLERSTRASSE 178, 13353 (32) Priority Date :15/02/2002 BERLIN, GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/00462 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :17/01/2003 1)THORSTEN BLUME (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/068766 2)WOLFGANG HALFBRODT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JOACHIM KUHNKE :NA Number 4)URSULA MONNING :NA Filing Date 5)BERND ELGER (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)HERBERT SCHNEIDER Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to the novel benzimidazole derivatives of formula (I), to the production and use thereof in the treatment and prophylaxis of diseases that are associated with microglial activation, and of T-cell mediated immunological diseases. The invention also relates to the pharmaceutical preparations that contain the novel benzimidazole derivatives.

No. of Pages : 51 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2355/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SILICONATED PHENYL AMIDES DERIVATIVES USEFUL AS MICROBIOCIDE" (51) International classification :C07F 7/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0207253.6 1)SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS, AG (32) Priority Date :27/03/2002 Address of Applicant :SCHWARZWALDALLEE 215, 4058 BASEL, SWITZERLAND (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/IB2003/01110 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/03/2003 1)JOSEF EHRENFREUND (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080628 2)PIERRE JOSEPH MARCEL JUNG (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HANS TOBLER :NA Number 4)HARALD WALTER :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A fungicidal compound of formula (1): where Het is a 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic ring containing one to three heteroatoms, each independently selected from oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur, the ring being substituted by groups R7, R8 and R9; R1 is hydrogen, optionally substituted (C1-4)alkylC(=O),optionally substituted (C1-4)alkylC(=O)O, optionally substituted (C1-4)alkoxy(C1-4)alkyl, optionally substituted allyl, optionally substituted propargyl or optionally substituted allenyl; R2, R3, R4 and R5 are each, independently, hydrogen, halogen, optionally substituted (C1-4)alkoxy(C1-4)alkoxy or optionally substituted (C1-4)alkoxy(C14)alkyl; R6 is an organic group containing three to thirteen carbon atoms and at least one silicon atom and, optionally, one to three heteroatoms, each independently selected from oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur, and is optionally substituted by one to four independently selected halogen atoms; R7, R8 and R9 are each, independently, hydrogen, halogen, C1-3alkyl, C1-3haloalkyl, C13alkoxy(C1-3)alkyl or cyano, where at least one of R7, R8 and R9 is not hydrogen; and X is O or S; or an N-oxide thereof; and when present, each optional substituent on alkyl moieties, allyl, propargyl and allenyl is, independently, selected.from halogen, hydroxy, cyano, methoxycarbonyl, ethoxycarbonyl, methoxy, ethoxy, methylsulfonyl, ethylsulfonyl, diflouromethoxy, trifluoromethoxy and trifluorothiomethoxy.

No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2029/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF PREPARING INHIBITORS OF PHOSPHODIESTERASE-4" (51) International classification :C07D 471/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/428,315 1)MERCK & CO.,INC (32) Priority Date :22/11/2002 Address of Applicant :126 EAST, LINCOLN AVENUE, RAHWAY, NJ 07065-0907, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/036806 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/11/2003 1)ALBANEZE-WALKER, JENNIFER (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/048377 2)MURRY, JERRY ANTHONY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SOHEILI, ARASH :NA Number 4)SPRINGFIELD, SHAWN, A :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In one aspect, the present invention is directed to a one pot method of preparing intermediates of Formula (V), which are useful in making inhibitors of phosphodiesterase-4. The present invention is also directed to a method of preparing phosphodiesterase inhibitors comprising the Formula (IX, IXa).

No. of Pages : 140 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2383/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR OBTAINING AN OPTICAL LENS AND DEVICE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION THEREOF" (51) International classification :B29D 11/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/03380 1)ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL [COMPAGNIE (32) Priority Date :19/03/2002 GENERALE D'OPTIQUE] (33) Name of priority country :France Address of Applicant :147, RUE DE PARIS, F-94420 (86) International Application No :PCT/FR2003/00846 CHARENTON LE PONT, FRANCE Filing Date :17/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078144 1)JEAN-MARC TRIDON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)PASCAL SOAVE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The method comprises the use of a closed mould consisting of two shells (2,3) and an annular joint (4), said joint comprising a hole (19) for filling the mould cavity with a polymerizable material, the introduction of said material occurring after a stage in which an external mechanical effort is exerted in order to bring the shells (2,3) together and before a stage in which said effort is relaxed. In the joint (4), the filling hole (19) comprises two sections. A first section extends from the moulding cavity to the second section which is wider. The device comprises means (34-40) for exerting an external effort in order to bring the shells (2,3) together and means for introducing the polymerizable material into the moulding cavity.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 55

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2398/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLYETHERIMIDE COMPOSITION, METHOD AND ARTICLE" (51) International classification :C08L 79/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :09/683,805 1)GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (32) Priority Date :19/02/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE RIVER ROAD, SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 12345, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/02245 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/01/2003 1)BROWN STERLING BRUCE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/070828 2)DAVID JENNIFER L (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GALLUCCI ROBERT RUSSELL :NA Number 4)JIN YIMIN :NA Filing Date 5)LINDWAY MARTIN J (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A composition useful in the manufacturing of plastic cookware includes a polyetherimide resin and an acidic additive selected from the group consisting of aliphatic carboxylic acids having a vapor pressure less than one atmosphere at 300°C, aromatic carboxylic acids having a vapor pressure less than one atmosphere at 300°C, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing acidic additives. In one embodiment, the composition further comprises an additional resin, such as a polyester resin. The acidic additive is effective in improving the mold release and increasing the melt flow of the composition. Articles including the composition and a method for preparing the composition are also described.

No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 51

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2412/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COLONIC RELEASE COMPOSITION" (51) International classification :A61K 9/50 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0203421.3 1)ALIZYME THERAPEUTICS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :13/02/2002 Address of Applicant :GRANTA PARK, GREAT ABINGTON, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, CB1 6GX, U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/00651 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/02/2003 1)PALMER, RICHAR, MICHAEL, JOHN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/068196 2)NEWTON, MIKE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BASIT, ABDUL :NA Number 4)BLOOR, JOHN :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an improved controlled (preferably delayed) release formulation for delivery of prednisolone sodium metasulphobenzoate. The formulation comprises prednisolone sodium metasulphobenzoate surrounded by a coating comprising glassy amylose, ethyl cellulose and dibutyl sebacate, wherein the ratio of amylose to ethyl cellulose is from (1:3.5) to (1:4.5) and wherein the amylose is corn or maize amylose.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2415/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MULTIPLE BARRIER FILTER APPARATUS" (51) International classification :B01D 36/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/361,454 1)KINETICO INCORPORATED (32) Priority Date :04/03/2002 Address of Applicant :10845 KINSMAN ROAD, NEWBURY, OHIO 44065, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/06419 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/03/2003 1)BROWN, KEITH (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/076044 2)PETERSON, PAUL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PARK, STUART :NA Number 4)KINDEL RON :NA Filing Date 5)SKLAR, ERIC (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)MILLER, JOHN Filing Date :NA 7)WEIGHT, KEN (57) Abstract : A filter apparatus is provided which includes a first filter membrane element (40a), and a second bacterial filter membrane element. The first viral filter element (40a) is capable of treating water at a first second flow rate and is adapted to remove contaminants which are larger than a first size, while the second bacterial filter element (40b) is capable of treating water at a secon, higher flow rate and is adapted to remove contaminants which are larger than a second contaminant size. The first and second filter elements (40a), (40b) may be commonly housed within a sealed housing. An accumulating vessel (60) is placed in fluid communication with an outlet of the first filter element (40a) and an outlet of the second filter element (40b). The filter apparatus includes a duck bill type check valve (75) made of an antimicrobial material intermediate the second filter element (40b) and a dispensing faucet (70).

No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 86

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2302/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : FLEXIBLE CONTAINER WITH A FLEXIBLE PORT AND METHOD FOR MAKING THE SAME (51) International classification :A61M 5/32 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/660,815 1)B. BRAUN MEDICAL, INC. (32) Priority Date :12/09/2003 Address of Applicant :824 TWELFTH AVENUE, BETHLEHEM, PA 18018-0027, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/31013 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/09/2003 1)YOUNG, HARVEY, THEODORE (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/035032 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A flexible container is disclosed incorporating flexible front and rear sheets and one or more container ports disposed in between the sheets. The one or more container ports each has a pliable attachment flange and an integrally molded nozzle. The pliable attachment flange has a first configuration whereby the attachment flange collapses to enable heat sealing the attachment flange to the sheets and thereafter substantially recovers its shape to provide a fluid pathway with the port. Various terminal ports, terminal caps, and rubber septums may be useable with the one or more container ports.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 40

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2409/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PARENTERAL, INTRAVENOUS, AND ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF OXAZOLIDINONES FOR TREATING DIABETIC FOOT INFECTIONS" (51) International classification :A61K 31/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/369,104 1)PHARMACIA & UPJOHN COMPANY LLC Address of Applicant :301 HENRIETTA STREET, (32) Priority Date :29/03/2002 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 49001, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/08882 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/03/2003 1)CARL NORDEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084534 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of treating a diabetic foot infection in a mammal includes oral, parenteral, or intravenous administration of a pharmaceutical formulation containing an orally, parenterally, or intravenously-effective amount, respectively of an oxazolidinone.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 52

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2411/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A MODULAR DRINKING VESSEL AND METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH A VESSEL" (51) International classification :A61J 7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 0106 1)AUSTRALIAN CONSULTING AND TRAINING PTY (32) Priority Date :22/01/2002 LTD Address of Applicant :8A ANGAS STREET, KENT TOWN, (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00085 SOUTH AUSTRALIA 6067, AUSTRALIA (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/01/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/ 061549 1)PIETROBON, DINO, LINO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A drinking vessel (62) adapted to hold a plurality of fluids having a base (82) and a curved rear wall (72), a plurality of containers (64, 66, 68, 70) stacked in a staggered configuration and each container attached to the sides of the rear wall to define a gap (74) between the rear wall and each of the containers, there also being a gap between the front of each container and the one immediately below it to enable the pouring of fluid into the lower container, while the gap between the containers and the rear wall allows for the pouring of the fluid from the containers along the rear wall when the vessel is tilted to the rear.

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2427/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ABSORPTION ENHANCING AGENT" (51) International classification :A61K 47/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :6283 1)LYFJATHROUN HF (32) Priority Date :25/02/2002 Address of Applicant :VATNAGARDAR 16-18, IS-104 REYKJAVIK, ICELAND Ice Land (33) Name of priority country :Ice Land :PCT/IS2003/00010 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/02/2003 1)SVEINBJORN GIZURARSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003 070280 2)SIGRIOUS OLAFSDOTTIR (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JAKOB LINDAL KRISTINSSON :NA Number 4)KOLBRUN HRAFNKELSDOTTIR :NA Filing Date 5)DAVID RURIK OLAFSSON (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)ODDUR INGOLFSSON Filing Date :NA 7)ELLEN RUTH INGIMUNDARDOTTIR (57) Abstract : One or more mono- or diglyceride having the formula: (Fomula I); wherein R1, R2. And R3 are selected from the group consisting of from C6 to C26 fatty acids, PEG polymers and hydrogen, provided that at least one R1, R2 and R3 is a C6-C26 fatty acid residue and at least one of R1, R2 and R3 is a PEG polymer residue for use as an absorption enhancing agent.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 42

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2428/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING ONE OR MORE STEROIDS, ONE OR MORE TETRAHYDROFOLATE COMPONENTS AND VITAMIN B12" (51) International classification :A61K 31/714 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02075695.3 1)SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Address of Applicant :MULLERSTRASSE 178, D-13353 (32) Priority Date :21/12/2002 BERLIN, GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/NL2002/00741 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :15/11/2002 1)HERMAN JAN TIJMEN COELINGH BENNINK (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/070255 2)COELINGH BENNINK (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention is concerned with a kit for use in a hormonal contraceptive method or hormone replacement therapy in mammalian females, said kit comprising at least 10 oral dosage units containing at least 1 µg of one or more steroids selected from the group consisting of estrogens and progestogens; at least 0.1 mg of one or more tetrahydrofolate components selected from the group consisting of (6S)-tetrahydrofolic acid, 5-methyl-(6S)-tetrahydrofolic acid, 5-formyl-(6S)-tetrahydrofolic acid, 10-formyl-(6R)tetrahydrofolic acid, 5,10-methylene-(6R)-tetrahydrofolic acid, 5,10-methenyl-(6R)-tetrahydrofolic acid, 5 formimino-(6S)tetrahydrofolic acid, pharmaceutically acceptable salts of these tetrahydrofolic acids and glutamyl derivatives of these tetrahydrofolic acids; and at least 0.1 mg vitamin B 12. Other aspects of the present invention relate to a hormonal contraceptive method and a method of hormone replacement therapy comprising the at least once daily oral administration of one or more steroid containing dosage units to a mammalian female, wherein the dosage units additionally contain at least 0.1 mg of one or more of the aforementioned tetrahydrofolate components and at least 0.1 mg vitamin B 12.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2319/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DIGITAL METHOD OF IMAGE DISPLAY AND DIGITAL DISPLAY DEVICE" (51) International classification :G09G 3/34 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/02515 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :26/02/2002 Address of Applicant :46 QUAI A.LE GALLO, F-92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT, FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/EP2003/01580 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/02/2003 1)DIDIER DOYEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/073407 2)JONATHAN KERVEC (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)THIERRY BOREL :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides a solution for reducing the bit rate of the image memory which stores the binary images displayed on a digital display device. At least one binary image 16c is stored per group of at least two pixels of like binary value. Means duplicate the pixels of the image stored per group of pixels during display on a digital display element.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2320/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CURRENT TRANSFORMER HAVING AN AMORPHOUS FE-BASED CORE" (51) International classification :H01F 27/25 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/071,682 1)METGLAS, INC. (32) Priority Date :08/02/2002 Address of Applicant :440 ALLIED DRIVE, CONWAY, SC 29526, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/03092 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/02/2003 1)RONALD J. MARTIS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/067615 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A magnetic core has a toroidal configuration, formed by winding an iron-based amorphous metal ribbon. Thereafter the core is heattreated to achieve a linear B-H characteristic. Advantageously, the linear B-H characteristic does not change with the level of magnetic fields applied and the frequency utilized With such properties, the core is especially suited for use in a current transformer.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2494/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PREPARATION OF ALKYLAROMATIC HYDROCARBONS AND ALKYLARYL SULFONATES" (51) International classification :C07C 2/66 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/369,232 1)EXXONMOBIL CHEMICAL PATENTS, INC. (32) Priority Date :29/03/2002 Address of Applicant :5200 BAYWAY DRIVE, BAYTOWN, TEXAS 77520-5200, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09517 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/03/2003 1)CAROLYN B. DUNCAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082782 2)DAVID W. TURNER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JANE CHI-YA CHENG :NA Number 4)CHARLES M. YARBROUGH :NA Filing Date 5)RAMZI Y. SALEH (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)JAMES L. PROPP Filing Date :NA 7)RAPHAEL F. CAERS (57) Abstract : In a process for preparing an alkylaromatic hydrocarbon composition an olefinic hydrocarbon mixture and an aromatic compound are contacted under alkylation conditions with an aromatic alkylation catalyst selected from a homogeneous acid catalyst and heterogeneous acid catalyst comprising a molecular sieve having an X-ray diffraction pattern including d-spacing maxima at 12.4±0.25, 6.9±0.15, 3.57±0.07 and 3.42±0.07 Angstroms. The olefinic hydrocarbon mixture comprises at least 5wt% by weight of mono-olefin oligomers of the empirical formula: wherein n is greater than or equal to 10, the mono-olefin oligomers comprising at least 20 percent by weight of olefins having at least 12 carbon atoms, and the olefins having at least 12 carbon atoms having an average of from 0.8 to 2.0 C1-C3 alkyl branches per carbon chain. Sulfonation of the alkylaromatic hydrocarbon product produces an alkylaryl sulfonate mixture that exhibits advantageous properties, such as biodegradability and hard and cold water performance.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 31

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2495/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NONWOVEN FABRIC HAVING LOW ION CONTENT AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME" (51) International classification :D04H 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/108,807 1)MILLIKEN & COMPANY Address of Applicant :920 MILLIKEN ROAD, (32) Priority Date :28/03/2002 SPARTANBURG, SC 29303, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/08462 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/03/2003 1)ARCHER E. D. BOOKER, JR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/083196 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a nonwoven fabric having a relatively low level of ionic contaminates which is achieved by exposing the fabric to a deionized water wash, preferably, in-line with the nonwoven production process, thereby eliminating, or at least reducing, the need for an expensive and time consuming cleanroom laundering. The fabric is primarily comprised of continuous filament fibers and may be manufactured into such end-use products as cleaning wipes and protective clothing for cleanrooms and surface coating operations, such as automotive paintrooms. Also encompassed within this invention is a method for producing a nonwoven fabric having a relatively low level of ionic contaminates.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 59

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2496/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR" (51) International classification :F15B 15/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :376/02 1)PROSPECTIVE CONCEPTS AG (32) Priority Date :04/03/2002 Address of Applicant :RIETSTRASSE 50, CH-8702 ZOLLIKON, SWITZERLAND (33) Name of priority country :Switzerland :PCT/CH2003/00110 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/02/2003 1)LASZLO KEREKES (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074885 2)TINA MOOR (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The pneumatic actuator of the invention is constructed from a plate (1) that is for example level and is secured in a reference system (9). On the one side of the plate (1), a first web (2) of a highly resistant and poorly extensible woven textile is secured such as by gluing alongside several strips (3). A second web (4), which is preferably made from the same material, is applied to the first web (2) and connected to the first web (2) along the strips (3). Between the strips (3), bladders (7) made of an elastic plastic material are inserted in the loose portions of the first and the second web (2, 4), said bladders being closed on both sides and comprising one valve (8) each. The bladders (7) can be pressurized with compressed gas through said valves (8). This causes the second web (4) to arch, the thus generated forces effecting onto the plate (1) a bending moment that causes the latter to laterally bend away. (Fig. la)

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2257/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A SYSTEM FOR FOR PROVIDING DATABASE SECURITY" (51) International classification :G06F 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :09/955,246 1)INTEL CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :17/09/2001 Address of Applicant :2200 MISSION COLLEGE (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. BOULEVARD, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95052, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US02/25315 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :08/08/2002 1)RICHARD MANGOLD (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/025720 2)CURTIS JUTZI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)AJIT JOSHI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :000644/DELNP/2004 Filed on :15/03/2004 (57) Abstract : This invention concerns a system (100) comprising: a server computer (110); a first transmission medium (130) coupled to the server computer; and a client computer (120) coupled to the first transmission medium, having: a log (326) to store billing entries; and a security component (324) having exclusive access to the log to enter the billing entries into the log and to secure the log.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2490/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COUPLING LOW MOLECULAR SUBSTANCES TO A MODIFIED POLYSACCHARIDE" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :A61K 47/48 1)FRESENIUS KABI DEUTSCHLAND GMBH :102 09 822.0 Address of Applicant :ELSE-KORNER-STRASSE 1, 61352 :06/03/2002 BAD HOMBURG, GERMANY :Germany (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/EP2003/02084 1)JURGEN HEMBERGER :28/02/2003 2)MICHELE ORLANDO :WO 2003/074088 3)KLAUS SOMMERMEYER :NA 4)KATHARINA LUTTERBECK :NA 5)WOLFRAM EICHNER 6)CORNELIUS JUNGHEINRICH :NA 7)SVEN FRIE :NA 8)ROLAND SCHARPF

(57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method for coupling low-molecular substances to a starch-derived modified polysaccharide. The binding interaction between the modified polysaccharide and the low-molecular substance is based on a covalent bond which is the result of a coupling reaction between the terminal aldehyde group or a functional group of the modified polysaccharide molecule resulting from the chemical reaction of this aldehyde group and a functional group of the low-molecular substance which reacts with this aldehyde group or with the resulting functional group of the polysaccharide molecule. The bond directly resulting from the coupling reaction can be optionally modified by a further reaction to the aforementioned covalent bond. The invention further relates to pharmaceutical compositions that comprise conjugates formed in this coupling process and to the use of said conjugates and compositions for the prophylaxis or therapy of the human or animal body.

No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 36

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2491/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MISSILE HAVING DEPLOYMENT MECHANISM FOR STOWABLE FINS" (51) International classification :F42B 10/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/102,032 1)RAYTHEON COMPANY (32) Priority Date :19/03/2002 Address of Applicant :870 WINTER STREET, WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS 02451-1449, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/07931 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/03/2003 1)RUDOLPH ADOLPH EISENTRAUT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081165 2)MARTIN ALLEN KEBSCHULL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JOHN CHRISTOPHER PARINE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A missile (10) having a deployment mechanism (14) that automatically pivots and rotates a fin (12) from a stowed orientation to a deployed orientation. The deployment mechanism (14) includes a spring (38) that provides a biasing forces that urges the fin (12) to move quickly, simply and reliably from the stowed orientation to the deployed orientation.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2492/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BOOT MECHANISM FOR COMPLEX PROJECTILE BASE SURVIVAL" (51) International classification :F42B 10/38 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/095,208 1)RAYTHEON COMPANY (32) Priority Date :11/03/2002 Address of Applicant :870 WINTER STREET, WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS 02451-1449, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/02874 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :31/01/2003 1)STEPHEN E. BENNETT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078918 2)CHRIS E. GESWENDER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KEVIN R. GREENWOOD :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A projectile (10) with extensible fins (24) is designed to be lightweight by removing materia] unnecessary to structural strength and filling the resulting voids with a non-metallic filler material (26). Although particularly suited where the extensible fins (24) are mounted behind the obturator (22) and that are therefore subjected to turbulent, destructive shock waves when the projectile is accelerated down the gun barrel, the method and apparatus can be used elsewhere as well. The filler material (26) may be high temperature grease, an epoxy, a silicone or other similar materials. The filler material (26) may be designed to fall away as soon as the projectile (10) exits the gun barrel, or it may be permanently adhered to the material of the projectile. The filler may be surrounded by a frangible boot (66, 66") to protect the filler during storage, shipment and loading into the gun.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2493/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PHOSPHINOMETALLOCENYLAMIDES AS NOVEL LIGANDS FOR ASYMMETRIC CATALYSIS" (51) International classification :C07F 17/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/105,516 1)EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY Address of Applicant :100 NORTH EASTMAN ROAD, (32) Priority Date :25/03/2002 KINGSPORT, TENNESSEE 37660, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/09003 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :24/03/2003 1)NEIL WARREN BOAZ (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082885 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed are novel phosphinometallocenylamides that are useful as ligands for asymmetric catalysis. The novel ligands, which are readily modifiable, contain both a phosphine and an amide functionality linked by a metallocene backbone. In addition, the novel compounds are phosphine-amides derived from a phosphine-amine, rather than a phosphine-carboxylic acid. Further, described herein are both processes to make the novel ligands as well as processes that employ such ligands in a catalytically active composition comprising one or more phosphinometallocenylamide compounds in complex association with one or more Group VIb or Group VIII metals to provide chiral products. Further, we describe exemplary catalyst complexes incorporating the novel ligands.

No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2281/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ADVOCATING TYRES AND FOR CALCULATING ON SITE INFLATION PRESSURES OF THE SAID TYRES FOR A CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE" (51) International classification :B60C 23/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/03272 1)SOCIETE DE TECHNOLOGIE MICHELIN Address of Applicant :23, RUE BRESCHET, F-63000 (32) Priority Date :13/02/2002 CLERMONT-FERRAND, FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :France (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/002347 2)MICHELIN RECHERCHE ET TECHNIQUE S.A Filing Date :07/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/076215 1)CHRISTIAN CHAMPEAU (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method and system of recommending tyres and calculating on site the inflation pressures of said tyres for a vehicle used for civil engineering purposes. According to the invention, the vehicle, tyre and use condition data are used to calculate an on site estimate of the load of the bucket of the vehicle and to select the suitable type of tyres and the inflation pressures thereof.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2285/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF AN ALKENYL CARBOXYLATE OR AN ALKYL CARBOXYLATE" (51) International classification :C07C 53/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0205014.4 1)BP CHEMICALS LIMITED Address of Applicant :CHERTSEY ROAD, SUNBURY ON (32) Priority Date :04/03/2002 THAMES, MIDDLESEX TW16 7BP, ENGLAND U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2003/00619 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :12/02/2003 1)ROBERT WILLIAM CLARKE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074465 2)ROBERT CROLL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ANDREW RICHARD LUCY :NA Number 4)BRUCE LEO WILLIAMS :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Acetic acid and/or vinyl acetate are produced by an integrated process which comprises the steps: (a) contacting in a first reaction zone a gaseous feedstock comprising ethylene and/or ethane and optionally steam with a molecular oxygen-containing gas in the presence of a catalyst active for the oxidation of ethylene to acetic acid and/or ethane to acetic acid and ethylene to produce a first product stream comprising acetic acid, water and ethylene (either as unreacted ethylene and/or as co-produced ethylene) and optionally also ethane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and/or nitrogen; (b) contacting in a second reaction zone in the presence or absence of additional ethylene and/or acetic acid at least a portion of the first gaseous product stream comprising at least acetic acid and ethylene and optionally also one or more of water, ethane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and/or nitrogen with a molecular oxygen-containing gas in the presence of a catalyst active for the production of vinyl acetate to produce a second product stream comprising vinyl acetate, water, acetic acid and optionally ethylene; (c) separating the product stream from step (b) by distillation into an overhead azeotrope fraction comprising vinyl acetate and water and a base fraction comprising acetic acid; (d) either (i) recovering acetic acid from the base fraction separated in step (c) and optionally recycling the azeotrope fraction separated in step (c) after partial or complete separation of the water therefrom to step (c), or (ii) recovering vinyl acetate from the azeotrope fraction separated in step (c) and optionally recycling the base fraction separated in step (c) to step (b), or (iii) recovering acetic acid from the base fraction separated in step (c) and recovering vinyl acetate from the overhead azeotrope fraction recovered in step (c).

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 36

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2529/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A POLYMER LAYER OF A FLEXIBLE OFFSHORE PIPE AND A FLEXIBLE UNBONDED OFFSHORE PIPE (51) International classification :B29C 47/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PA 2002 00434 1)NKT FLEXIBLES I/S Address of Applicant :PRIORPARKEN 510, DK-2605 (32) Priority Date :20/03/2002 BRØNDY, DENMARK (33) Name of priority country :Denmark (86) International Application No :PCT/DK2003/00191 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :20/03/2004 1)PROCIDA, INGER-MARGRETHE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078134 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a process for the production of a polymer layer of a flexible unbonded offshore pipe. The process comprises the steps of shaping a polymer material by extrusion into or onto a supporting unit in an extrusion station and cross-linking said extruded polymer material, said polymer material comprising a polyethylene and a peroxide for providing a cross-linking of the polymer material. The peroxide has an activation temperature substantially above the temperature of the polymer material during the extrusion thereof. The crosslinking of the extruded polymer material is carried out by exposing the extruded polymer material to electromagnetic waves, selected from the group consisting of infrared radiation and microwave. The invention also relates to a flexible unbonded offshore pipe comprising such polymer layer.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 38

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2437/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FLUID PUMPING AND DROPLET DEPOSITION APPARATUS" (51) International classification :B41J (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0204010.3 1)XAAR TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (32) Priority Date :20/02/2002 Address of Applicant :SCIENCE PARK, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0XR, GREAT BRITAIN U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/00739 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/02/2003 1)TEMPLE, STEPHEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/070467 2)HARVEY, ROBERT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ZMOOD, RONALD :NA Number 4)LOWE, ROBERT, JONATHAN :NA Filing Date 5)DRURY, PAUL, RAYMOND (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In fluid pumping apparatus suitable for use in drop on demand ink jet printing, a resiliently deformable chamber wall is acted upon to create acoustic waves, which in turn cause a fluid flow in a chamber outlet. The resiliently deformable chamber wall preferably comprises both rigid and flexible portions. In an alternative arrangement a channel wall is provided with a region moveable in an actuation direction. An electromagnetic actuator operates under the principle of flux modulation. The invention is preferably of planar construction, manufactured using MEMS techniques.

No. of Pages : 77 No. of Claims : 102

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2438/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FLOATING SEMI-SUBMERSIBLE OIL PRODUCTION, STORAGE AND OFFLOADING ARRANGEMENT" (51) International classification :B63B 35/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0203997.2 1)PS COMTEK LIMITED Address of Applicant :12, PLUMTREE COURT, LONDON, (32) Priority Date :20/02/2002 EC4A 4HT, U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2003/00585 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :11/02/2003 1)KERON, NEIL ALEXANDER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/070562 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An arrangement for the storage of marketable quantities of crude oil at a semi-submersible floating production vessel. The storage is achieved by hanging a segmented reinforced concrete tank (2) to the underside of the semi-submersible vessel. The semi-submersible vessel can be an existing semi-submersible drilling rig. By maintaining the mass of the tank and contents slightly greater than the displacement of the tank and by arranging the centre of gravity of the tank below its centre of buoyancy, the metacentric height of the semi-submersible vessel is approved. The storage arrangement for the oil provides the necessary maintenance of mass by either storing approximately 4/5 of the oil in oil-over-water chambers and approximately 1/5 in gas-over-oil chambers or by using a gasover-oil-over-water arrangement in all the chambers. The piping arrangements minimize the free surface of liquids in the tank. The design ensures the internal pressure in the tank can be less than the external pressure which minimizes required reinforcement. The design provides a net positive suction head to oil export pumps located above the storage tank in a location which allows easy maintenance. The design allows all pumps, valves and instrumentation necessary for handling ballast water to be maintained within the hull of the semi-submersible where they can be easily maintained. The design allows all the valves, pumps and instrumentation necessary for handling oil to be in locations where they can be easily maintained.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 31

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2511/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR UPDATING ELECTRONIC LABEL DISPLAYS" (51) International classification :G06F 3/147 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/359,985 1)PRICER AB (32) Priority Date :28/02/2002 Address of Applicant :BERGKALLAVAGEN 20-22, S-192 79 SOLLENTUNA, SWEDEN (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/SE2003/00336 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/02/2003 1)PAR ROSANDER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/073261 2)LARS ANDERSSON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BJORN NILSSON :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An electronic label, which is wirelessly connected to a product information updating system, said label comprising at least one display (3; 11,13,15) adapted to display product information.According to the invention the display (3; 11,13,15) has a transparent or semitransparent backside and is adapted to be lit up from behind.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2512/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR PRODUCING3-HYDROXY-2-METHYLBENZOIC ACID" (51) International classification :C07C 51/31 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 12 885.5 1)BAYER CHEMICALS AG (32) Priority Date :22/03/2002 Address of Applicant :51368 LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/02415 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/03/2003 1)FRIEDRICH MULLER-HAUCK (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080542 2)JOHANNES SCHERER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GERHARD SCHROEDER :NA Number 4)HORST BEHRE :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method for producing 3-hydroxy-2-methylbenzoic acid or solutions containing salts of 3-hydroxy-2methylbenzoic acid, with naphthalene as the starting substance. Said method essentially comprises the following steps: sulfonation, reaction with alkalis at high temperatures and the expedient preparation of the resultant reaction mixture.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 27

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2513/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MODIFIED VACCINIA VIRUS ANKARA FOR THE VACCINATION OF NEONATES" (51) International classification :A61K 39/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PA 2002 00590 1)BAVARIAN NORDIC A/S (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :BOEGESKOVVEJ 9, DK-3490 KVISTGAARD, DENMARK (33) Name of priority country :Denmark :PCT/EP2003/03994 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/04/2003 1)PAUL CHAPLIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088994 2)MARK SUTER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MATHIAS ACKERMANN :NA Number 4)MARCO FRANCHINI :NA Filing Date 5)SABINE VOLLSTEDT (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)HANS PETER HEFTI Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concern the use of a virus for the preparation of a medicament for the vaccination or treatment of a neonatal or prenatal animal, including a human, wherein the virus is capable of infecting the cells of the neonatal or prenatal animal, including a human, but not capable of being replicated to infectious progeny virus in the neonatal or prenatal animal, including a human. The virus is preferably a Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara. In particular, the invention concerns the vaccination of neonates against infections with viruses belonging the same virus group than the virus used for vaccination. Moreover, the invention concerns the vaccination of neonates against antigens selected from foreign antigens and tumour antigens, wherein the tumour antigen and/or the foreign antigen are different from the antigens associated with the virus. The invention further concerns the use of viruses as defined above to increase the level of factors which activate dendritic cells or their precursor cells and/or to increase the number of dendritic cells or their precursor cells and/or to increase the production and/or cellular content of an interferon (IFN) or IL-12.

No. of Pages : 64 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2503/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SECURITY ELEMENTS FOR DATA CARRIER" (51) International classification :G06K 19/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02405203.7 1)KBA-GIORI S.A (32) Priority Date :15/03/2002 Address of Applicant :4, RUE DE LA PAIX, 1003 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/IB2003/00831 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :06/03/2003 1)GIORI FAUSTO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/079283 2)BEAUMONT OLIVIER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MOREAU VINCENT :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a security element for a data carrier, such as banknotes, securities, checks, credit cards, ID cards and similar documents. A substrate comprises a first layer of material and at least a first opaque layer (3) of material covering partially or totally the first layer of material. The first layer has at least two adjacent zones (1,2) of a different color. The element further comprises a pattern (4) formed by a partial engraving of said opaque layer (3). The pattern (4) extends at least partially on each of said zones (1,2) so that the pattern (4) comprises adjacent parts of different color in perfect register apparent through said opaque layer (3).

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2504/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "HIGH PRESSURE HIGH TEMPERATURE GROWTH OF CRYSTALLINE GROUP III METAL NIDRIDES" (51) International classification :C30B 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/063,164 1)GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Address of Applicant :ONE RIVER ROAD, (32) Priority Date :27/03/2002 SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 12345, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/05114 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/02/2003 1)D'EVELYN MARK PHILIP (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/083187 2)WEBB STEVEN WILLIAM (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)VAGARALI SURESH SHANKARAPPA :NA Number 4)KADIOGLU YAVUZ :NA Filing Date 5)PARK DONG-SIL (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)CHEN ZHENG Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of forming at least one single crystal of a Group III metal nitride. The method includes the steps of: providing a flux material 106 and a source material 102 comprising at least one Group III metal selected from the group consisting of aluminum, indium, and gallium, to a reaction vessel 100; sealing the reaction vessel 100; heating the reaction vessel 100 to a predetermined temperature and applying a predetermined pressure to the vessel. The pressure is sufficient to suppress decomposition of the Group III metal nitride at the temperature. Group III metal nitrides, as well as electronic devices having a Group III metal nitride substrate formed by the method are also disclosed.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 60

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2506/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS FOR MARKING A VEHICLE USING A LASTER BEAM" (51) International classification :B23K 26/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02251416.0 1)RETAINAGROUP LIMITED (32) Priority Date :28/02/2002 Address of Applicant :134/136, BUCKINGHAM PALACE ROAD, LONDON SW1 9SA, U.K. (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/GB2003/000726 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/02/2003 1)BELL, JOHN, THOMAS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/072297 2)HART, GEOFFREY, FRANCIS (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a method and apparatus for marking vehicles using a laser. In order to allow any part of the vehicle to be marked using a simple, strong laser beam delivery conduit, the laser is mounted on a structure (101) which extends over a vehicle station (102). The structure defines at least three laser mounting positions and preferably four laser mounting positions (A, B, C, D) spaced apart from one another in two dimensions for mounting at least one laser apparatus (107). The laser apparatus (107) comprises a laser emitter (108) for producing a laser beam adapted to mark a part of the vehicle and laser beam delivery means (110) for delivering a laser beam from the laser emitter (108) to a selectable point of the vehicle station (102). The laser apparatus (107) is movable between at least two and preferably all four of the laser mounting positions (A, B, C, and D).

No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2540/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "EXTENDED RELEASE FORMULATION OF DIVALPROEX SODIUM" (51) International classification :A61K 9/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/IB2003/02173 1)RANBAXY LABORATORIES LIMITED (32) Priority Date :06/06/2003 Address of Applicant :19, NEHRU PLACE, NEW DELHI(33) Name of priority country :PCT 110 019, INDIA (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2003/02173 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :06/06/2003 1)PRATIK KUMAR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/103635 2)GIRISH KUMAR JAIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ASHOK RAMPAL :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an extended release pharmaceutical composition comprising valproic acid, a phar-maceutically acceptable salt, ester, or amide thereof or divalproex sodium.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 71

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2541/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FAT BINDING USING INTER-POLYMER COMPLEX OF GLUCOSAMINE AND POLYACRYLIC ACID" (51) International classification :C08G 63/48 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/IB2003/00845 1)RANBAXY LABORATORIES LIMITED (32) Priority Date :07/03/2003 Address of Applicant :19, NEHRU PLACE, NEW DELHI(33) Name of priority country :PCT 110 019, INDIA (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2003/00845 (72)Name of Inventor : :07/03/2003 Filing Date 1)GOUR MUKHERJI (87) International Publication No : WO/2003/097714 2)CLIVE WILSON (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of reducing fat absorption in mammals includes orally administering to the mammals an effective amount of an interpolymer complex formed between a polymeric glucosamine or its derivative and a polyacrylic acid or its derivative. The interpolymeric composition can be in the form of a pharmaceutical composition that is capable of binding fat. The inter-polymer complex may be co-administering with one or more compounds selected from statins, IBAT inhibitors, MTP inhibitors, cholesterol absorption antagonists, phytosterols, stanols, CETP inhibitors, fibric acid derivatives, and antihypertensive agents

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2507/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PRODUCTION OF DIHYDRONEPETALACTONE BY HYDROGENATION OF NEPETALACTONE" (51) International classification :C07D 311/94 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/369,470 1)E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, (32) Priority Date :03/04/2002 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/10072 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :02/04/2003 1)LEO E. MANZER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084946 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a process for hydrogenating nepetalactone, utilizing a metal catalyst that is optionally supported, to yield dihydronepetalactone. A suite of supported catalytic metals lead to rapid hydrogenation and high selectivity for dihydronepetalactone.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2508/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PIPETTE TIP CONTAINER" (51) International classification :B65D 8/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :P.351910 1)GILSON S.A.S (32) Priority Date :29/01/2002 Address of Applicant :19, AVENUE DES ENTREPRENEURS, 95400 VILLIERS LE BEL, FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :Poland :PCT/PL2003/00007 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/01/2003 1)WOJELECH SARNA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/064271 2)ANDRZEJ JANKOWSKI (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Pipetic tip container comprises a base for setting a tray (19) with tips (21) and a cover being a may feeder (2), wherein two opposite elastic side walls of the feeds (2) have on their inner side wedge-shaped projection (31,32) for the may (19) with tips (21).

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2510/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONTAINER, ESPECIALLY RETURNABLE CONTAINER, WITH COLLAPSIBLE SIDE WALLS" (51) International classification :B65D 6/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 08 846.2 1)SCHOELLER WAVIN SYSTEMS SERVICES GMBH (32) Priority Date :01/03/2002 Address of Applicant :ZUGSPITZSTRASSE 15, 82049 PULLACH, GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/02076 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/02/2003 1)CHRISTIAN BARTH (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074376 2)RICHARD KELLERER (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In a container, especially a returnable container, equipped with collapsible side walls the snap interlock in the corner region is in each case constituted by a pressure lever that can be pressed inwards and interacts with a locking catch situated on the side wall adjacent at the given edge.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2547/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMPROVEMENTS IN AND RELATING TO ELECTRODE MOUNTING APPARATUS" (51) International classification :B03C 3/70 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0204927.8 1)PER-TEC LIMITED (32) Priority Date :01/03/2002 Address of Applicant :MANCHESTER SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER, (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/00873 SIMON BUILDING, OXFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER M13 (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/03/2003 9PL, U.K. (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074184 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)KUKLA, PETER :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : There is disclosed mounting apparatus for an electrode, the mounting apparatus comprising a body (2) with means (4) for mounting an electrode (6), whereby in use the body (2) is partly about the electrode (6) and the electrode (6) projects from the body (2), the apparatus further comprising at least one external protrusion (12) on the body (2).

No. of Pages : 50 No. of Claims : 53

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2552/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BIOLOGICAL FLUID SAMPLING APPARATUS" (51) International classification :A61B 19/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/364,314 1)BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC. (32) Priority Date :14/03/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE BAXTER PARKWAY, DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/07945 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/03/2003 1)JEAN-MARIE MATHIAS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078964 2)GEORGES RONDEAU (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GRANT A. PETERSON :NA Number 4)ARMANDO BOMBINO :NA Filing Date 5)MICHEL JOIE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A sampling apparatus is disclosed that includes a sample container (30) and a sample device receiver (40) in communication with tubing (14) connected to the container (30). The receiver (40) is adapted to receive a sampling device (100) for withdrawing a fluid sample from the tubing (14) and may be directly attached to a connector (32) located between segments of the tubing (14).

No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2558/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CRYSTALLINE POLYMORPHIC FORM OF IRINOTECAN HYDROCHLORIDE" (51) International classification :C07D 491/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/360,684 1)PHARMACIA ITALIA S.P.A (32) Priority Date :01/03/2002 Address of Applicant :VIA ROBERT KOCH 1.2, I-20152 MILAN, ITALY (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/EP2003/01948 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/02/2003 1)ROMUALDO FORINO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074527 2)NATALE BARBUGIAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MASSIMO ZAMPIERI :NA Number 4)ATTILIO TOMASI :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a novel crystalline polymorphic form of irinolecan hydrochloride. A process lor preparing this novel polymorphic form, pharmaceutical compositions comprising it as an active ingredient and the use of the same and it pharmaceutical compositions as a therapeutic agent is also within the scope of the present invention.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2559/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ANTIPARASITIC ARTEMISININ DERIVATIVES [ENDOPEROXIDES]" (51) International classification :C07D 493/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02005233.8 1)BAYER BUSINESS SERVICES GMBH (32) Priority Date :08/03/2002 Address of Applicant :D-51368 LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY. (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/01839 1)RICHARD K. HAYNES Filing Date :24/02/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/076446 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to certain novel C-10 substituted derivatives of artemisinin, aprocess for their preparation, their use in the treatment and/or prophylaxis of diseases caused by infection with a parasite and pharmaceutical compositions containing such C-10 substituted derivatives.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2559/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR SUPPORTING INHERITANCE FOR USER-DEFINED TYPES" (51) International classification :G06F 17/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/775,282 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :10/02/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/24442 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/07/2004 1)SEZGIN BEYSIM (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/081668 2)DENIS Y. ALTUDOV (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JOSE A. BLAKELEY :NA Number 4)RAMACHANDRAN VENKATESH :NA Filing Date 5)WEI YU (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Various embodiments of the present invention are directed to a database with an extensible type system for at least one user-defined type that comprises information for describing its structure as well as information for describing an inheritance relationship between itself and another user-defined type (either a subtype or a supertype/base type). For certain embodiments, the user-defined type is defined in something other than Sequential Query Language (SQL) statement such as, for example, a Common Language Runtime (CLR) statement, a statement in C, C++, and C# ("C-sharp"), and/or a visual basic statement. In any event, several embodiments are further directed to a system wherein the database is aware of the inheritance relationship between two user-defined types by an explicit registration of the userdefined types with said database.

No. of Pages : 37 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2358/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING FOULING TENDENCY BY REFINERY FEED STOCKS" (51) International classification :C25B (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/363,439 1)EXXONMOBIL RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING (32) Priority Date :12/03/2002 COMPANY (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. Address of Applicant :1545 ROUTE 22 EAST, P.O.BOX 900, (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/06555 ANNANDALE, NEW JERSEY 08801-0900, U.S.A. Filing Date :04/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078693 1)SIMON R. KELEMEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)MICHAEL SISKIN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method for determining the fouling tendency of refinery feed stocks using a solid block nub (1) with a deposit surface (6). A gas and feed stock is directed to the deposit surface (6) on the nub (1). The nub (1) is heated using a coil heater (2). The heated nub (1) in turn heats the air/feed stock simulating a refinery condition on the deposit surface (6). The nub (1) is weighed before and after the simulation, with the change in weight representing the fouling deposits from the feed stock.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2359/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN VARIOUS W-LAN STANDARDS" (51) International classification :H04L 12/28 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/363,326 1)TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL) (32) Priority Date :08/03/2002 Address of Applicant :S-126 25 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/SE2003/00395 1)GUNNAR RYDNELL (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/03/2003 2)JAN LINDSKOG (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/077476 3)STEFAN ROMMER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 4)PER-ERIK JOHANSSON :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of performing selective filtering, a network comprising a station, an AP and a PAC, whereby synchronisation between the AP and the PAC is performed in order to allow filtering of messages in at least the AP or in the PAC has been provided. An AP is moreover provided being able to perform both legacy and 802.11i association and authentication, whereby if a 802.11i station is encountered, filtering is performed until a 802.11i association and authentication is successful, and if a legacy station is encountered allowing the station to initiate login procedure with a PAC, if the station is not authenticated by the PAC, filtering messages to the station in question.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2360/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF RECOMBINANT GLYCOSYLATED PROTEINS IN A PROKARYOTIC HOST" (51) International classification :C12N 9/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :394/02 1)EIDGENOSSISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE (32) Priority Date :07/03/2002 ZURICH (33) Name of priority country :Switzerland Address of Applicant :RAMISTRASSE 101, CH-8092 (86) International Application No :PCT/CH2003/00153 ZURICH, SWITZERLAND Filing Date :05/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074687 1)MARKUS AEBI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)MICHAEL WACKER :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and a method for the production of recombinant N-glycosylated target proteins. The system comprises a prokaryotic organism (e.g. Escherichia coli) into which is introduced a genetic information encoding for a metabolic apparatus capable of carrying out the requested N-glycosylation of the target protein. Said prokaryotic organism also contains the genetic information required for the expression of one or more recombinant target proteins. The metabolic apparatus preferably comprises specific glycosyltransferases for the assembly of the oligosaccharide on a lipid carrier and an OTase that covalently links this oligosaccharide to specific residues of the desired protein.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2572/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ENERGY AND DATA RETENTION IN A GUIDED PROJECTILE" (51) International classification :F42C 17/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/158,741 1)RAYTHEON COMPANY Address of Applicant :870 WINTER STREET, WALTHAM, (32) Priority Date :30/05/2002 MASSACHUSETTS 02451-1449, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/17023 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :30/05/2003 1)TOVAN L. ADAMS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/102493 2)ERIC C. MAUGANS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)NORMAN LANGE W.,JR :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Energy (110) and mission data (108) for a guided projectile are transferred from a projectile setter (102) over an inductive interface (118). The projectile may include energy storage element (114) to store the energy and a data storage element (112) to store the mission data. Precision GPS clock circuitry (316) of the projectile may receive power from a capacitive energy storage (304) element during projectile loading until a flight battery (320) is activated. In one embodiment, the capacitive energy storage element (304) includes at least one super capacitor (322) and a gun-hardened capacitor (324). The clock circuitry (316) may receive power from the gun-hardened capacitor (324) if the super capacitor (322) fails during the launching operation. The capacitive energy storage element (304) may include one-way energy transfer elements (326) coupled between the super capacitor (322) and the gun-hardened capacitor (324). A regulator (312) may be coupled to an output of the capacitive storage element (304) to regulate an input voltage to the clock circuitry (316).

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2532/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR PROMOTING LIPID MOBILIZATION, GLYCOGEN MOBILIZATION, OR BOTH, IN HUMANS" (51) International classification :A61K 38/03 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/072,419 1)BLM GROUP Address of Applicant :1003 ORIENTE AVENUE, (32) Priority Date :07/02/2002 WILMINGTON, DE 19807-2260, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/03800 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :07/02/2003 1)BERNICE Z. SCHACTER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/066080 2)LEE P. SCHACTER (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides methods of using polypeptide compounds based on the structures of insect peptides of the adipokinetic hormone family in humans for a variety of purposes, including mobilization of lipids and glycogen, inhibition of protein, lipid, and RNA synthesis, and enhancement of muscle contractility. The compositions and methods described in the application are useful, for example, for modulating human body weight, inducing weight loss, and alleviating glycogen storage disorders. The invention also includes screening methods for identifying other compounds having similar activities in humans.

No. of Pages : 72 No. of Claims : 83

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2567/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR A CONSISTENCY CHECK OF A DATABASE BACKUP" (51) International classification :G06F 12/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/814,459 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :31/03/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/24434 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/07/2004 1)PAUL S. RANDAL (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/103955 2)MICHAEL JAMES ZWILLING (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for performing a consistency check on a database backup of a database is performed without requiring a full recovery of the original database from the database backup. Instead, a database view may be used as a smaller storage requirement tool for providing a transaction-consistent view of portions of an existing full database backup. The database view, in combination with the database backup and transaction log, contains all the information necessary to perform a consistency check on the database backup without a full reconstitution of the original database from the database backup. The consistency check may be run on the database view along with the database backup to verify the integrity of the full database backup to add improved reliability to a database recovery scheme.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 35

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2574/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CHARGING IN A COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK" (51) International classification :H04L 12/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0207258.5 1)TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL) (32) Priority Date :27/02/2002 Address of Applicant :S-16483 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/EP2003/03144 1)HANS AHLBACK (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/03/2003 2)HARRI HAKALA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081843 3)LEENA MATTILA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of charging a subscriber for using GPRS services provided by a mobile communications network. The method comprises including in PDP activation messages sent from a UE used by the subscriber to a GGSN of the network, a flag indicating whether the PDP context is to be used for signalling data or user data. This flag is examined within the network or at a node external to the network, and if the flag indicates that the PDP context is to be used for carrying signalling data, a first charging regime is applied to the subscriber for establishing and using the context, and if the flag indicates that the PDP context is to be used for carrying user data, a different charging regime is applied to the subscriber for establishing and/or using the context. The flag may be distributed by the GGSN to other network nodes for inclusion in charging messages.

No. of Pages : 9 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2575/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMPROVED VANE DESIGN FOR USE IN VARIABLE GEOMETRY TURBOCHARGER" (51) International classification :F02B 37/24 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/360,727 1)HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. (32) Priority Date :01/03/2002 Address of Applicant :101 COLUMBIA ROAD, P.O.BOX 2245, MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY 07960, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/06091 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/02/2003 1)STEVEN DON ARNOLD (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074850 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Improved vanes of this invention arc constructed for use within a variable geometry turbocharger assembly. Each vane comprises an inner airfoil surface oriented adjacent a turbine wheel, and an outer airfoil surface oriented opposite the inner airfoil surface. The inner and outer airfoil surfaces define a vane airfoil thickness. Each vane includes a leading edge positioned along a first inner and outer airfoil surface junction, a trailing edge positioned along a second inner and outer surface junction, a hole disposed within a first axial vane surface substantially parallel to an outer nozzle wall for receiving a respective post therein, and an actuation tab extending from a second axial vane surface opposite from the first vane surface. A key feature of improved vanes of this invention is that they have an airfoil thickness that is a reather than 016 times a length of the vanp as measured between the vane.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2560/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEMS AND METHOD FOR FRAGMENT-BASED SERIALIZATION" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/821,687 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :09/04/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/24539 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/07/2004 1)F. SONER TEREK (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/103937 2)AJAY KALHAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)NAGAVAMSI PONNEKANTI :NA Number 4)SRIKUMAR RANGARAJAN :NA Filing Date 5)MICHAEL J. ZWILLING (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and system for fragment-based serialization places one or more object members in fragments. Fragments may comprise a header and a payload. A header can provide useful information about the fragment, such as an indication of fragment type and an indication of fragment length. A payload may comprise one or more members of an object. Primitive members may be stored in a Binary Fragment with a record format payload. LOB and FS members may be stored in fragments that have a Value Type field for setting forth additional properties of the fragment. Collections may be stored in a series of fragments, a first fragment to indicate a start of a collection, one or more second fragments to serialize collection elements, and a Terminator Fragment to indicate the end of a collection. Fragment-serialized objects minimize storage overhead while providing fast instantiation and low-cost location and updating.

No. of Pages : 51 No. of Claims : 37

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2581/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NEMATICIDAL FATTY ACID AND FATTY ACID ESTER RELATED COMPOUNDS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :A61K 31/21 1)DIVERGENCE, INC. :10/090,527 Address of Applicant :NIDUS CENTER, 893 N. WARSON :04/03/2002 ROAD, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63141, U.S.A. :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/US2003/06525 1)DERYCK J. WILLIAMS :04/03/2003 2)ANDREW P. KLOEK :WO 2003/075656 3)MICHELLE COUTU HRESKO :NA 4)BARRY J. SHORTT :NA 5)JENNIFER A. DAVILA-APONTE 6)JOHN D. BRADLEY :NA 7)JAMES P. MCCARTER :NA 8)MERRY B. MCLAIRD

(57) Abstract : Certain fatty acids and related compounds useful in the control nematodes that infest plants or the situs of plants are described. Nematodes that parasitize animals can also be controlled using the methods and compounds of this invention.

No. of Pages : 68 No. of Claims : 84

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2582/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DEVICE FOR DIGITAL DISPLAY OF A VIDEO IMAGE" (51) International classification :G09G 3/34 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/03807 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :25/03/2002 Address of Applicant :46 QUAI A.LE GALLO, F-92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT, FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/EP2003/02408 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/03/2003 1)DIDIER DOYEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081566 2)THIERRY BOREL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JONATHAN KERVEC :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a device for digital display of a video image using time-division modulation. This device is intended to display a video image during a video frame comprising a plurality of consecutive subfields distributed within at least two separate identical time segments. According to the invention, the pixels of the video image change state at most once during each time segment and the video image to be displayed is saved in the image memory in the form of information identifying, for each subfield, the pixels changing state. FIG.5

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2583/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "REINFORCED SOIL STRUCTURE AND METHOD FOR CONSTRUCTING IT" (51) International classification :E02D 29/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :03/11937 1)TERRE ARMEE INTERNATIONALE (32) Priority Date :13/10/2003 Address of Applicant :1 BIS RUE DU PETIT CLAMART, 78140 VELIZY, FRANCE. (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/EP2004/011335 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/10/2004 1)MORIZOT JEAN-CLAUDE (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/040506 2)FREITAG NICOLAS (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The reinforced soil structure comprises a fill, a facing (3) placed along a front face of the structure, main reinforcement strips (2) disconnected from the facing and extending in a reinforced zone of the fill situated behind the front face, and secondary elements (6) connected to the facing and extending in a zone of the fill which exhibits, with the reinforced zone, a common part (z™) where loads are transmitted between the main reinforcement strips and the secondary elements by the material of the fill.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2584/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RAIL SLEEPER AND BALLAST-FREE TRACK STRUCTURE" (51) International classification :E01B 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002/1735 1)HIGHFLYER INVESTMENTS & TRADING 6 (PTY) (32) Priority Date :01/03/2002 LIMITED Address of Applicant :16 CENTRAL ST.HOUGHTON, 2198 (33) Name of priority country :South Africa :PCT/ZA2003/00010 SOUTH AFRICA (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/01/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074790 1)BRAITHWAITE, ERROL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : According to one aspect of the invention there is provided a prefabricated rail sleeper [ 10] suitable for use in erecting a track structure [30]. The rail sleeper [10] comprises an elongate body portion [12] for supporting rails [14), the body portion (12] including a top surface [12.1], a bottom face [12.2] and at least two side laces [12.3], and terminating at least at one end thereof in a transition joint formation [16] dimensioned matingly to engage a complimcntarily dimensioned transition joint formation [16] of an adjacent rail sleeper [10] in use so as to form a substantially continuous track structure. The sleeper [10] also includes a series of block formations [20], each of which is at least partially outwardly flared and extending beyond the side faces [12.3] of the body portion [ 12] so as to increase shear interlock of the sleeper [ 10] with the track bed to reduce longitudinal creep: as well as a series of transverse drainage ducts [26] extending underneath the rail sleeper [10] for allowing rainwater drainage between different side faces [I2.3] of the body portion [12] and away from the rail sleeper. The invention extends to a ballast-free track structure [30] comprising at least two rail sleepers [10] according to the invention wherein the sleepers ate located in spaced parallel orientation on a ballast-free track bed so as to define a centre drain [32] between the sleepers; and including a mesh [34] located between the sleepers [10] for reinforcing the centre drain [32].

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 42

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(21) Application No.2058/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/05/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "KIT FOR RADIOLABELING PROTEINS WITH YTTRIUM-90" (51) International classification :C07K 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :09/259,338 1)IDEC PHARMACEUTICALS CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :01/03/1999 Address of Applicant :11011 TORREYANA ROAD, SAN (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DIEGO, CA 92121, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US00/05078 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :29/02/2000 1)CHINN, PAUL (87) International Publication No :WO 00/52031 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :IN/PCT/2001/00812/DEL Filed on :12/09/2001 (57) Abstract : Methods and kits for radiolabeling proteins and peptides with radiolytic isotopes, particularly yttrium-90, are disclosed, whereby sufficient purity, specific activity and binding affinity are achieved such that the radiolabeled protein may be direclty administered to a patient without further column purification. Such kits and methods will be particularly useful in bringing radioimmunotherapy to the hospital and outpatient setting for the treatment of cancer

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2589/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MODIFIED FLUORINATED NUCLEOSIDE ANALOGUES" (51) International classification :A61K 35/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/357,411 1)PHARMASSET LTD (32) Priority Date :14/02/2002 Address of Applicant :THE FINANCIAL SERVICES CENTER, SUITE 111, BISHOP'S COURT HILL, ST.MICHAEL, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/04379 BARBADOS, WEST INDIES (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :13/02/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/068162 1)STUYVER, LIEVEN, J (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)SHI, JUNXING :NA Number 3)WATANABE, KYOICHI, A :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention is a compound, composition, use for and a method of treating Flaviviridae (Hepacivirus, Flavirius, Pestivirus) infections, including BVDC and HCV, or abnormal cellular proliferation, including malignant tumors, in a host including animals, and especially humans, using a Ã-D or à -L nucleoside of general formula (1)-(XX), or their pharmaceutically acceptable salt or produrg thereof.

No. of Pages : 233 No. of Claims : 49

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2590/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ANTI-INFARCTION MOLECULES" (51) International classification :A61K 35/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/354,678 1)VICTOR TECHNOLOGIES, NINC (32) Priority Date :06/02/2002 Address of Applicant :2300 NW CORPORATE BLVD.,SUITE 123, BOCA RATON, FL 33432, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/03614 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :05/02/2003 1)SKINNER, JAMES, E (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/065997 2)ANCHIN, JERRY,M (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed are compositions and methods for treating ischemia and molecules related to hibernation states

No. of Pages : 154 No. of Claims : 128

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2591/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SUBSTITUTED CHROMAN DERIVATIVES HAVING CYTOCHROME P450RAI INHIBITORY ACTIVITY" (51) International classification :C07D 311/58 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/100,638 1)ALLERGAN, INC. Address of Applicant :2525 DUPONT DRIVE, IRVINE, CA (32) Priority Date :19/03/2002 92612, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/07612 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :11/03/2003 1)JAYASREE VASUDEVAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080594 2)LIMING WANG (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)XIAOXIA LIU :NA Number 4)KWOK-YIN TSANG :NA Filing Date 5)YANG-DAR YUAN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)ROSHANTHA A. CHANDRARATNA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Compounds of the formula (I), where the variables are defined in the specification have cytochrome P450RAI-I and P450RAI-2 inhibitory activity, and are suitable for treatment of mammals with conditions which are treatable with retinoids, or which are controlled by or responsive to the organism's native retinoic acid. Formulations containing the compounds of the invention can also be coadministered with retinoids and/or Vitamin A to enhance or prolong the effects of medications containing retinoids, Vitamin A, or of the organism's native retinoic acid.

No. of Pages : 88 No. of Claims : 89

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2592/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "STABLE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING FACTOR VIII" (51) International classification :A61K 38/37 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0207092.8 1)SOCIETE DE CONSEILS DE RECHERCHES ET (32) Priority Date :26/03/2002 D'APPLICATIONS SCIENTIFIQUES (S.C.R.A.S) Address of Applicant :42, RUE DU DOCTEUR BLANCHE, (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01297 F-75016 PARIS, FRANCE (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080108 1)MARY WHITE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)PAUL WEBB :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a stable solid pharmaceutical composition comprising factor VIII. Such a composition is devoid of amino acids and comprises: (a) factor VIE; (b) a surfactant; (c) calcium chloride; (d) sucrose; (e) sodium chloride; (f) trisodium citrate; and (g) a buffer devoid of amino acids; and has a pH from 6 to 8 prior to lyophilisation and after reconstitution in water for injection. The invention also relates to the liquid pharmaceutical composition obtainable after dilution of said stable solid pharmaceutical composition with sterile water optionally containing sodium chloride.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2593/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A METHOD OF PREPARING A BIOCIDE COMPRISING STABILIZED HYPOCHLORITE AND A BROMIDE ION SOURCE AND A METHOD OF CONTROLLING MICROBIAL FOULING USING THE SAME" (51) International classification :A01N 25/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10-2002-0011639 1)ACCU-LAB CO.,LTD Address of Applicant :8TH FLOOR, K.F.T.A BUILDING, (32) Priority Date :05/03/2002 (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea 142 WOOMYON-DONG, SEOCHO-GU, SEOUL 137-140, (86) International Application No :PCT/KR2003/00423 KOREA Republic of Korea Filing Date :05/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/073848 1)SANG-HEA SHIM (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)CHUNG-SOO KIM :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of preparing a biocide, comprising the steps of; (a) preparing stabilized alkali ox alkaline earth metal hypochlorite having a pH at least 11 by mixing a chlorine oxidant including alkali or alkaline earth metal hypochlorite with a stabilizer selected from the group consisting of acid amide derivatives of carbonic acids, carboxylic acids, amino acids, and sulfuric acids in an alkali solution; (b) preparing a bromide ion source; and (c) adding the bromide ion source prepared in step (b) into the stabilized alkali or alkaline earth metal hypochlorite prepared in step (a).

No. of Pages : 50 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2577/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "USE A BIODEGRADABLE MICROSHEPERES WHICH RELEASE AN ANTICANCER AGENT, FOR TREATING GLIOBLASMA" (51) International classification :A61K 9/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :99/06,207 1)LABORATOIRES DES PRODUITS ETHIQUES (32) Priority Date :17/05/1999 ETHYPHARM (33) Name of priority country :France Address of Applicant :21 RUE SAINT-MATHIEU, 78550 (86) International Application No :PCT/FR2000/01315 HOUDAN, FRANCE Filing Date : 17.05.2000 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2000/69413 1)NATHALIE FAISANT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)JEAN-PIERRE BENOIT :NA Number 3)PHILIPPE MENEI :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :IN/PCT/2001,01059/DEL Filed on :16/11/2001 (57) Abstract : The invention relate to the use of biodegradable microspheres that release a radiosensitizing anticancer agent for producing a medicament to be used simultaneously with, separately from, or spread over time with a radiotherapy, for treating glioblastoma. The use of said biodegradable microspheres according to the invention results in a patient survival time of least 90 weeks, a therapeutically effective concentration being maintained in the parenchymatous area throughout this time. The microspheres use preferably contain 5fluorouracile coated with poly(d-l-lactic acid-co-glycolic acid). The microspheres are implanted in the walls of the operation site following the exeresis of the tumor, by intratissular injection. The radiotherapy targeting the tumorous mass is dosed at 60 Gy over approximately 6 weeks. The invention also relates to a method for producing the biodegradable microspheres by emulsion-extraction, and to a suspension containing the biodegradable microspheres obtained using this method.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2578/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "(2-((2-ALKOXY)-PHENYL)-CYCLOPENT-1-ENYL) AROMATIC CARBO AND HETEROCYCLIC ACID AND DERIVATIVES" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : Compounds of formula (I) or a pharmacentically acceptable derivative thereof: (I) wherein A, R1, R2, Rx, R8, R9 and n are as defined in the specification, a process for the preparation of such compounds, pharmaceutical compositions comprising such compounds and the use of such compounds in medicine.

No. of Pages : 176 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2602/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ASH REACTIVATION" (51) International classification :B01J 20/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/073,063 1)TRASS, OLEV (32) Priority Date :12/02/2002 Address of Applicant :4 CONRAD AVENUE, TORONTO, ONTARIO M6G 3G5, CANADA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2003/00193 2)GANDOLFI, EDUARDO (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/02/2003 3)ANTHONY, EDWARD JOHN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/068384 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)TRASS, OLEV :NA Number 2)GANDOLFI, EDUARDO :NA Filing Date 3)ANTHONY, EDWARD JOHN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Sulphur control in fluidized bed combustion systems often involves adding a source of calcium to the combustor so that the calcium may combine with the sulphur. Ash resulting from such combustion often contains a significant amount of calcium which does not combine with the sulphur compounds. This invention teaches a method of reactivating that ash by grinding the ash in a positive transport grinding mill with water. The grinder causes the ash to simultaneously undergo grinding and hydration to convert the calcium to calcium hydroxide. Advantageously drying agents are added to the ground hydrated ash after grinding to facilitate the formation of acceptably crumbly pellets thereby increasing the amount of calcium available to react with the sulphur. A particularly advantages aspect of the invention involves the use of wet coal slurries which are otherwise waste products as the source of water to be ground with the ash. The coal content of the slurry then forms additional fuel for the combustion process. This converts a formerly waste product into a valuable, usable resource.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2602/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR THROUGH THICKNESS INFILTRATION WITH MOLTEN RESIN" (51) International classification :B29C 70/48 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/316,615 1)HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. Address of Applicant :101 COLUMBIA ROAD, (32) Priority Date :11/12/2002 MORRISTOWN, P.O.BOX 2245, MORRISTOWN, NEW (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/039581 JERSEY 07960, U.S.A. Filing Date :11/12/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004 /052629 1)MARK, L. LAFOREST (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)BARRY P. SOOS :NA Number 3)CHRISTOPHER S. WAHLERS :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Molding apparatus for rapid transfer of molten resin or pitch in an infiltration molding process. The apparatus includes e.g. an extruder (4) for melting and conveying a resin or pitch and a mold (10) arranged so that resin or pitch is conveyed to a mold insert cavity (19) within the mold. The mold insert contains an internal protrusion such as an outside diameter ring (20) for effecting a pressure gradient and flow of the resin or pitch from one side (ID) of the mold insert cavity toward an opposite side (OD) of the mold insert cavity. The mold insert also contains an internal protrusion such as a locating ring (25) for positioning a porous body (1, 18) within the mold insert cavity in a position that brings about unidirectional flow of the molten resin or pitch through the porous body. Also, a rapid resin or pitch infiltration molding process that includes injecting a high melting point, high viscosity, molten resin or pitch into the mold to effect a unidirectional impregnation of a heated preform via a pressure gradient in the mold.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2535/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SECURED STORAGE METHOD OF ENCRYPTED DATA ON A PERSONAL DIGITAL RECORDER" (51) International classification :H04N 5/913 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0456/02 1)NAGRAVISION SA (32) Priority Date :15/03/2002 Address of Applicant :22, ROUTE DE GENEVE, CH-1033 (33) Name of priority country :Switzerland CHESEAUX-SUR-LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2003/00916 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :13/06/2003 1)CORINNE LE BUHAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/079683 2)PATRICK BERTHOLET (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MARCO SASSELLI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The objective of the present invention is to propose a storage method in a decoder (STB) of an event encrypted by control words (CW) that guarantees the access to this event at whichever moment, even if certain keys of the system have changed for security reasons. This objective is achieved by a storage method of an event encrypted by control words (CW) in a reception and decryption unit connected to a security unit (SC), said control words (CW) and the necessary rights being contained in management messages (ECM, EMM) encrypted by system keys (TK, RK), characterised in that it consists in storing the encrypted event as well as the control messages (ECM) in the storage unit, and in storing in the storage unit the system keys (SK) encrypted by a predefined local key stored in the security unit (SC).

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2601/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR AUTOMATIC DATABASE OR FILE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/837,932 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (32) Priority Date :03/05/2004 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/024565 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :29/07/2004 1)ARTEM A. OKS (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/111867 2)HANUMANTHA R. KODAVALLA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MARTIN J. SLEEMAN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates generally to database and file system management and, more particularly, to automatic database and file system maintenance and repair to ensure data reliability. Various aspects of the present invention relate to responding and correcting data corruptions at a data page level (482) for all data page types, as well as to recovery (including rebuild or restore operations) for various scenarios including, without limitation, index page corruptions (488), clustered and non-clustered, data page corruptions (492), and page corruptions in the log file (496).

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2608/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SEPARATOR FOR SECONDARY ELECTRICAL ACCUMULATORS WITH GAS RECOMBINATION" (51) International classification :H01M 2/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :90 901 1)AMER-SIL S.A Address of Applicant :ZONE INDUSTRIELLE, 8287 (32) Priority Date :20/03/2002 KEHLEN. LUXEMBOURG. (33) Name of priority country :Luxembourg (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/50072 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/03/2003 1)LAMBERT, URBAIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/079465 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An absorbent battery separator comprising a substantially homogeneous blend of a thermoplastic polymer and of at least one inert filler, characterized in that the inert filler is being chosen from the group consisting of pyrogenic silica, precipitated silica, titanium dioxide, magnesium carbonate, magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide, or mixtures thereof and, in that the separator has having a volume porosity of at least 75% and an extraction pore size of greater than 2 microns

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2618/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NON-PEPTIDE GNRH ANTAGONISTS" (51) International classification :C07D 215/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0206219.9 1)FERRING BV (32) Priority Date :15/03/2002 Address of Applicant :POLARISAVENUE 144, 2132 JX HOOFDDORP, THE NETHERLANDS (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01042 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/03/2003 1)ROE MICHAEL BRYAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078398 2)BATT ANDRZEJ ROMAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)EVANS DAVID MICHAEL :NA Number 4)PITT GARY ROBERT WILLIAM :NA Filing Date 5)ROOKER DAVID PHILIP (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Compounds according to general formula 1, wherein A1 - A3 are selected from A5 and A6 where A5 is either =CR13- or =N- and A6 is -NR14-, -O- or -S-; A4 is either a covalent bond or A5, provided that when A4 is a covalent bond one of A1 - A3 must be A6 and the other two must be A5 and when A4 is A5 then all of A1 - A3 must be A5; R1 is selected from H, NHY1 and COY2, in which case R2 is H, or R1 and R2 may both be methyl or together represent =O; R3, R4 and R5 are each independently selected from H and lower alkyl groups; R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11 and R12 are each independently selected from H, lower alkyl groups, NH2, halogens (F, CI and Br) O-alkyl, CH2NM2 and CF3; R13 is selected from H, F, CI Br, NO2, NH2, OH, Me, Et, OMe, NMe2 and CF3; R14 is selected from H, methyl and ethyl; W is selected from =CH- and =N-; X is selected from CH2, O, S, S02, NH and N-lower alkyl; Y1 is selected from CO-lower alkyl, CO(CH2)bY3, CO(CH2)bCOY3 and CO(CH2)bNHCOY3, where b is 1-3; Y2 is selected from OR15, NR16R17 and NH(CH2)cCOY3, where c is 1-3; Y3 is selected from OR15 and NR16R17; R15 is selected from H, lower alkyl and (CH2)aR16, where a is 0-4; R16 and R17 are each independently selected from H, lower alkyl and (CH2)aR16 or together are (CH2)2-Z-(CH2)2-; R18 is OH a phenyl group or an aromatic heterocycle selected from pyridyl, pyrimidinyl, pyrazinyl, furyl, thienyl, pyrrolyl, imidazolyl, pyrazolyl, oxazolyl, isoxazolyl, thiazolyl, isothiazolyl, triazolyl, oxadiazolyl and thiadiazolyl, each of which may optionally have a lower alkyl group substituent; and Z is selected from O, CH2, S, SO2, NH and N-lower alkyl, are new. They are useful in the treatment of breast and prostate cancer, endometriosis and benign prostate hyperplasia, in the regulation of fertility, and in in vitro fertilisation.

No. of Pages : 47 No. of Claims : 41

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2572/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEMS AND METHOD FOR A SNAPSHOT QUERY DURING DATABASE RECOVERY" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No

:G06F (71)Name of Applicant : :10/812,188 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION :29/03/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, :U.S.A. REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. :PCT/US04/24540 (72)Name of Inventor : :29/07/2004 1)WEI XIAO : WO/2005/103880

(61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of performing a snapshot query in a database undergoing recovery allows access to the database during rollback or undo operations (Figure 2). The method includes allowing the query to detect whether a redo lock is present on a data item and if so, waiting until subsequent rollback operations release the lock. If another user has placed an exclusive lock on a data item of the database (240), the query may continue by reading a version of the data item form the version store (230). In an embodiment where a mirror database is used for recovery, the constant redo operations have an associated version store. Upon failover to the mirror database, queries may begin during the undo phase of recovery by allowing a query to read the version store of redo operations.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2573/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONTROLLED RELEASE DOSAGE FORMS" (51) International classification :A61K 9/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/361,821 1)TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. (32) Priority Date :04/03/2002 Address of Applicant :5 BASEL STREET, P.O.BOX 3190, PETAH TIQVA 49131, ISRAEL (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/06591 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/03/2003 1)ITZHAK LERNER E (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/075893 2)VERED ROSENBERGER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)OFER AQUA :NA Number 4)MOSHE FLASHNER-BARAK :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A zero-order release pharmaceutical dosage form for oral administration to a patient comprising a core tablet sheathed in an annular body of compressed powder or granular material is provided. A preferred embodiment of the zero-order release pharmaceutical dosage form is a solid pharmaceutical dosage form which reduces contact of the active ingredient in solid form with the mucosa lining the gastrointestinal tract, which is particularly advantageous for delivering an ulcerative drug. A process for making the zero-order release pharmaceutical dosage form are also provided.

No. of Pages : 57 No. of Claims : 39

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2623/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : We have developed DNA and viral vectors that can be used, alone or in combination, as a vaccine against one HIV clade, subtype, or recombinant form of HIV or against multiple HIV clades, subtypes, or recombinant forms. Moreover, the vectors can encode a variety of antigens, which may be obtained from one clade or from two or more different clades, and the antigens selected and/or the manner in which the vectors are formulated (e.g., mixed) can be manipulated to generate a protective immune response against a variety of clades (e.g., the clades to which a patient is most likely to be exposed; with the proportions of the components of the vaccine tailored to the event of the patient™s to a particular clade or clades)

No. of Pages : 133 No. of Claims : 50

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2624/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AVIAN CELL LINES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF USEFUL SUBSTANCES" (51) International classification :C12N 5/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/02945 1)VIVALIS (32) Priority Date :08/03/2002 Address of Applicant :LIEUDIT LA CORBIERE, 49450 ROUSSAY, FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :Finland :PCT/FR2003/00735 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/03/2003 1)BERTRAND PAIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/076601 2)FABIENNE GUEHENNEUX (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a method for producing avian cell lines, comprising gradual or complete withdrawal of growth factors, serum and/or feeder lawn so that the established lines are adherent or nonadherent cells capable of proliferating indefinitely in a basic culture medium. The invention also relates to the cells derived from such lines which are particularly useful for the production of substances of interest.

No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 43

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2626/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF DIAMINODIPHENYLMETHANE AND ITS HIGHER HOMOLOGUES" (51) International classification :C07C 209/78 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02007141.1 1)HUNTSMAN INTERNATIONAL LLC (32) Priority Date :28/03/2002 Address of Applicant :500 HUNTSMAN WAY, SALT LAKE (33) Name of priority country :EPO CITY, UT 84108, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/03084 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/03/2003 1)ASCUNCION PABLO BOTELLA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082803 2)JORIS KAREL PETER BOSMAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)CHRISTOPHER JOHN MITCHELL :NA Number 4)AVELINO CORMA :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of preparing diaminodiphenylmethane and higher homologues thereof from aniline and formaldehyde in the presence of heterogeneous solid acid catalysts selected from (a) delaminated zeolites and/or (b) metal silicate catalysts having an ordered mesoporous pore structure.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 4

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2548/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AUDIO DATA DELETION AND SILENCING DURING TRICK MODE REPLAY" (51) International classification :H04N 5/783 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/086,984 1)M/S.THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :01/03/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/05468 2)SCHULTZ, MARK, ALAN (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/02/2003 3)SCHMIDT, ROBERT, WARREN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/075563 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)BLAIR, RONALD, LYNN :NA Number 2)LIN, SHU :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concerns a method and apparatus for audio program playback during fast forward playback video trick modes. A storage medium (102) reader can be configured to read coded digital data from a storage medium such as a DVD. The coded digital data can be a video presentation having correspondingly formatted video and audio frames. An audio processor (122) can insert silence frames in a selected block of the audio frames and portions of the audio frames can be deleted to compensate for video trick mode playback. Resulting audio frames can be concatenated to create IX audio for various video trick modes playback.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2549/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TRICK MODE AUDIO PLAYBACK" (51) International classification :G10L 21/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/086,650 1)M/S.THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :01/03/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A. LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/04975 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/02/2003 1)BLAIR, RONALD, LYNN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/075262 2)SCHULTZ, MARK, ALAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for playing a digital audio recording at a speed other than IX, the method comprises retrieving stored digital audio information (205) represented in a plurality of audio frames. A portion of the plurality of audio frames are ranked (215) according to an energy content in the portion of audio frames. Audio frames having least energy content in accordance with the ranking are deleted (230) from the portion of the plurality of audio frames. Remaining ones of the portion of audio frames following deletion are selected (235) to form an audio trick mode playback signal.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2550/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "GATED SILENCE REMOVAL DURING VIDEO TRICK MODES" (51) International classification :H04N 5/91 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/087,183 1)M/S.THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :01/03/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A. LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/04974 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/02/2003 1)BLAIR, RONALD, LYNN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/075566 2)SCHULTZ, MARK, ALAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SCHMIDT, ROBERT, WARREN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concerns a method and apparatus for playing an audio track during a faster than IX speed video trick mode playback of a video presentation. The method begins with the step of retrieving from a storage medium (306) information for producing at least a video portion and a corresponding audio portion of a presentation. The audio portion of the presentation, like most audio sound tracks, includes periods of relative silence (212). For example, these may occur between words or between dramatic pauses in the dialogue. Audio gating (308) is used to selectively gate the audio portion of the presentation to remove at least a portion of the periods of relative silence (312). Finally, a remaining part of the audio portion of the presentation is concatenated (310) for playback to remove any gaps after the portion of the periods of relative silence have been removed.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2551/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AUDIO FREQUENCY SCALING DURING VIDEO MODES UTILIZING DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING" (51) International classification :H04N 5/91 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/086,649 1)M/S.THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :01/03/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/04917 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/02/2003 1)BLAIR, RONALD, LYNN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/075565 2)SCHULTZ, MARK, ALAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SCHMIDT, ROBERT, WARREN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concerns a method and apparatus for audio track playback during fast forward playback video trick modes. A storage medium reader (100) is provided for reading digital data from a storage medium such as a DVD (300) (102). The digital data represents a video presentation and a corresponding audio programming. A decoder (182) decodes from a portion of the digital data comprising the audio programming a plurality of digital audio samples (345) corresponding to a selected portion of the video presentation. Subsequently, a digital signal processor (186) can convert the audio samples to their corresponding frequency domain equivalents (330) and scale the frequency and amplitude of a playback audio frequency (335) associated with the audio samples in accordance with trick mode video playback.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2627/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR INTEGRATING INSTANT MESSAGING IN A MULTIMEDIA ENVIRONMENT" (51) International classification :G06F 15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/917,502 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (32) Priority Date :13/08/2004 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/034767 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/10/2004 1)DAVID R. FULMER (87) International Publication No :WO 2006/022769 2)IAN H. TODD (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KRISHNA RAVIKUMAR :NA Number 4)MARK D. MACKENZIE :NA Filing Date 5)SHERI L. LAMONT (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)TIM REGAN Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method are provided for combining an instant messaging experience with a primary media experience in a multimedia system. The method includes providing an instant messaging user interface component and displaying the instant messaging user interface component as an overlay on a screen displaying the primary media experience simultaneously with the primary media experience. The displayed instant messaging user interface component occupies a non-central portion of a screen displaying the primary media experience such that both the primary media experience and the instant messaging user interface component are visible to the user. The user interface instant messaging component may include a conversation window having a text entry section and a conversation. The instant messaging user interface enables user access with a remote control device.

No. of Pages : 45 No. of Claims : 38

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2594/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMPOSITE CORE NONLINEAR REACTOR AND INDUCTION INCOMING CIRCUIT" (51) International classification :H01F 38/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-076798 1)DAIFUKU CO.,LTD (32) Priority Date :19/03/2002 Address of Applicant :2-11, MITEJIMA 3-CHOME, NISHIYODOGAWA-KU, OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA 555-0012, JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/03095 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/03/2003 1)SHUZO NISHINO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/079379 2)KOJI TURU (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Acomposite core nonlinear reactor comprising a first core member made of a high-magnetic-permeability material and forming a continuous annular magnetic path; a second core member made of a high-magnetic-permeability material and forming an annular magnetic path locally broken by an interstice; a magnetic shielding plate made of a low-magnetic-permeability material having high electric conductivity and high heat conductivity, the magnetic shielding plate being integrally sandwiched between the first core member and the second core member; and a coil, wherein the annular magnetic path of the first core member and the annular magnetic path of the second core member are juxtaposed sandwiching the magnetic shielding plate, the coil being wound such that the coil commonly crosses consecutively both of the annular magnetic path.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2595/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RULES FRAMEWORK FOR DEFINITION AND EXECUTION OF END-USER RULES LOGIC" (51) International classification :G06F 9/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/567,153 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :30/04/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/025060 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/07/2004 1)PRAVEEN SESHADRI (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/111851 2)HOLLY KNIGHT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ROBERT H. GERBER :NA Number 4)STEPHEN E. DOSSICK :NA Filing Date 5)VINCENT H. CURLEY (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A rules-based software architecture (100) that provides the infrastructure for the definition and execution of end-user rules logic. This enables end-user automation of data in a unified storage platform using simple IF-THEN rules. The architecture includes a monitoring component (102) that tracks items associated with the data, and a rules component (104) interfaces to the rules component, and employs metadata associated with the tracked items to provide for automated handling of a subset of the items. The system further provides for defining virtual collections and items in the system using content based logic. The system further comprises one or more trigger components (110) that sets items and collections of items dynamically active as a function of trigger logic. Additional components can include a constraint component (106) for imposing constraint logic on items, and a decision component (108) that supports enabling application customization logic at decision points.

No. of Pages : 84 No. of Claims : 41

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2635/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION" (51) International classification :E02D 29/055 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 0960 1)PAUL BLAZEVIC (32) Priority Date :07/03/2002 Address of Applicant :35 BRITANNIC CRESCENT, SOVEREIGN ISLAND, QUEENSLAND 4216, AUSTRALIA (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00274 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/03/2003 1)PAUL BLAZEVIC (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074796 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of construction includes positioning at least one support member (2) in the ground, forming a foundation (4) substantially adjacent the at least one support member, excavating ground beneath the foundation to a prescribed depth below the surface (5) temporarily forming cavities or voids (8) and supporting, bridges (10) beneath the foundations, excavating the supporting bridges and dropping the formed foundation to the prescribed depth. Structures such as walls (12) may be constructed on the foundations prior to dropping the foundations and bracing members (22) may be used to prevent deflection of the walls.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2638/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR COMBUSTING COKE DURING REGENERATION OF A CATALYST" (51) International classification :C10B 21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/368,066 1)SHELL INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH (32) Priority Date :27/03/2002 MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V Address of Applicant :CAREL VAN BYLANDTLAAN 30, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/EP2003/03244 NL-2596 HR THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080766 1)DRIKX, JACOBUS MATHIAS HENDRIKUS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)HIGGINS, RICHARD JOSEPH :NA Number 3)SAMSON RENE :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention pertains to a process for combusting coke of a coke-containing FCC catalyst in a regeneration unit of a FCC unit comprising the introduction of oxygen-containing gas through a gas-transport unit into the regeneration unit and combusting the coke by means of an oxygen-containing gas, characterized in that the oxygen-containing gas is cooled in a cooling unit before it is brought in contact with the coke-containing FCC catalyst. The invention further relates to an apparatus for performing said process.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2642/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FIRE RESISTANT CONDUIT INSERT FOR OPTICAL FIBER CABLE" (51) International classification :G02B 6/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/109,384 1)MILLIKEN & COMPANY (32) Priority Date :28/03/2002 Address of Applicant :920 MILLIKEN ROAD, SPARTANBURG, SC 29303, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/08607 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :20/03/2003 1)DAVID D. MORRIS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/083547 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A flexible fire resistant innerduct structure (10) is configured to contain a cable within a conduit (12). The innerduct structure (10) includes a pair of adjacent strip-shaped layers of flexible material (16, 18, 20,22) that are joined along their longitudinal edges (25) to define a channel (14) through which the cable can extend longitudinally through the innerduct structure (10) between the layers. The adjacent layers have differing widths between their longitudinal edges (25), whereby the wider layer bulges away from the narrower layer to impart an open configuration to the channel (14). Other features of the innerduct structure (10) relate to the material of which it is formed. Such features include the structure of the material, such as a woven structure, and further include properties such as melting point, tensile strength, fire resistance, elongation, coefficient of friction, crimp resistances and compression recovery.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2626/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEMS FOR UNIFYING HETEROGENEOUS MULTIMEDIA TUNERS" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/918,010 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :13/08/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US04/034806 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/10/2004 1)PETER J. POTREBIC (87) International Publication No : WO/2006/022772 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system for unifying heterogeneous multimedia tuners is described. The system is capable of producing a unified channel lineup and coordinating multiple diverse tuners to perform multimedia tasks associated with the unified lineup. In one implementation, tuner allocation policy allows behind-the-scenes tuner assignment and on-the-fly tuner swapping so that the user experience is seamless, access quality is continuously optimized, and tuners with the most bandwidth are kept available.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 48

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2648/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INDICATING THE PRESENCE OF A WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK BY DETECTING ENERGY FLUCTUATIONS" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/365,347 1)M/S.THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :18/03/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/07732 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :12/03/2003 1)GILBERT, PHILIPPE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081383 2)LITWIN, LOUIS, ROBERT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WANG, CHARLES, CHUANMING :NA Number 4)RAMASWAMY, KUMAR :NA Filing Date 5)KNUTSON, PAUL, GOTHARD (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)GAO, WEN Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and apparatus for detecting the presence of a wireless local area network (WLAN) (104) detects at least one energy fluctuation in a radio frequency (RF) signal propagating in a WLAN frequency band and indicates the presence of a WLAN (104) in response to the detection of the at least one energy fluctuation.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2650/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AMINO-SUBSTITUTED SULFONANILIDES AND DERIVATIVES THEREOF FOR TREATING PROLIFERATIVE DISORDERS" (51) International classification :A61K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/360,710 1)TEMPLE UNIVERSITY-OF THE COMMONWEALTH (32) Priority Date :28/02/2002 SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. Address of Applicant :BROAD STREET AND (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/06358 MONTGOMERY AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA, Filing Date :28/02/2003 PENNSYLVANIA 19122, U.S.A. (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/072063 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)E. PREMKUMAR REDDY :NA Number 2)M.V. RAMANA REDDY :NA Filing Date 3)STANLEY C. BELL (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Compounds useful as antiproliferative agents, including, for example, anticancer agents, are provided according to formula (I): wherein:Ar, X, X1, g, R and R3 are as defined herein.

No. of Pages : 102 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2652/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/11/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS FOR PURIFYING EXHAUST GAS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country

:F01N3/035 (71)Name of Applicant : :10-20081)HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY 0029862 Address of Applicant :231, YANGJAE-DONG, SEOCHO:31/03/2008 KU, SEOUL 137-938, REPUBLIC OF KOREA :Republic (72)Name of Inventor : of Korea 1)KIM CHANG DAE :NA 2)LEE JIN HA :NA 3)CHO JI HO :NA 4)JOO KI HYUNG :NA 5)CHOUNG JIN WOO :NA :NA :NA

(86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : An apparatus for purifying exhaust gas may include a CPF device primarily oxidizing hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide in the exhaust gas by using a first DOC, and trapping and regenerating particulate material (PM), a DOC device mounted downstream of the CPF device, secondarily oxidizing the HC and the CO in the primarily oxidized exhaust gas by using a second DOC, and oxidizing nitrogen monoxide into nitrogen dioxide by using the second DOC, a nozzle mounted downstream of the DOC device, and dosing a reducing agent to the exhaust gas secondarily oxidized by the DOC device, and a selective catalytic reduction device mounted downstream of the nozzle, and reducing nitrogen oxide in the exhaust gas into nitrogen gas) by using the NO2 generated in the DOC device and the reducing agent.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2652/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AMINO-(SUBSTITUTED (E)-2, 6-DIALKOXYSTYRYL 4-SUBSTITUTED BENZYLSULFONES FOR TREATING PROLIFERATIVE DISORDERS" (51) International classification :A61K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/360,697 1)TEMPLE UNIVERSITY-OF THE COMMONWEALTH (32) Priority Date :28/02/2002 SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. Address of Applicant :BROAD STREET MONTGOMERY (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/06357 AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19122, U.S.A. Filing Date :28/02/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/072062 1)E. PREMKUMAR REDDY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)M. V. RAMANA REDDY :NA Number 3)STANLEY C.BELL :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Compounds useful as antiproliferative agents, including, for example, anticancer agents, are provided according to formula I: wherein: X, X1, X2, Ra, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, g, M, y, a, b, d, e, V, W, Z and Q are as defined herein.

No. of Pages : 137 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2654/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TYPE PATH INDEXING" (51) International classification :G06F 17/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/692,350 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :23/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/024734 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/07/2004 1)CONOR J. CUNNINGHAM (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/045590 2)RAMACHANDRAN VENKATESH (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ERIC N. HANSON :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Efficient hierarchical searching is based on object type (500, 510, 520, 530). By pre-computing additional information and storing it in a fast-lookup structure, it is possible to quickly identify objects (900) that satisfy an object (900) retrieval request. Furthermore, it is also possible to use this technique to avoid object (900) hydration for operations in the store. Moreover, it is possible to leverage database statistical structures such as histograms (920) to estimate the number of qualifying objects without having to examine each object (900).

No. of Pages : 41 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2603/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR OPERATING LOYALTY PROGRAMS" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/079,927 1)FIRST DATA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :19/02/2002 Address of Applicant :12500 EAST BELFORD AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80112-5939, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/04719 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/02/2003 1)GEORGE, COLLEEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/071389 2)CAWTHORNE, JOHN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A loyalty system that may be integrated with a financial infrastructure is provided. Such a financial infrastructure may accommodate transactions involving participants in the loyalty program as well as transactions that do not involve participants in the loyalty program. When a transaction is initiated by a customer at a merchant, regardless of who are the parties to the transaction, it is intercepted by a loyalty switch, which determines whether the customer and merchant are participants in the loyalty program. The switch transmits the transaction instruction to the financial infrastructure so that authorization may be received. If it is determined that the customer and merchant are participants in the loyalty program, the loyalty switch also executes a loyalty process that conforms with the criteria of the loyalty program.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2604/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ADAPTER FRAMEWORK FOR LINE-OF-BUSINESS APPLICATION INTEGRATION" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/559,052 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :02/04/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/024617 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/07/2004 1)DONALD M. FARMER (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/103956 2)KAMAL S. HATHI (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a framework to facilitate interoperability and interactions with a plurality of line-of-business (LOB) applications. In particular, maps are populated with application or system design information such as semantic and technical data. The maps are subsequently employed by the framework to enable users to interact with common and consistent semantic terminologies over a common and consistent implementation technology. Consequently, users and/or client data applications are able interact effortlessly with semantically meaningful data from a plurality of heterogeneous LOB sources

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 40

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2605/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF A SYNCHRONIZATION SCHEMAS FOR UNITS OF INFORMATION MANAGEABLE BY A HARDWARE/SOFTWARE INTERFACE SYSTEM" (51) International classification :G06F 7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/US03/26144 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (32) Priority Date :21/08/2003 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/024287 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :29/07/2004 1)ASHISH SHAH (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/024626 2)LEV NOVIK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)IRENA HUDIS :NA Number 4)TOMAS TALIUS :NA Filing Date 5)J. PATRICK THOMPSON (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Several embodiments of the present invention comprise a storage platform that provides a synchronization service that (i) allows multiple instances of the storage platform (each with its own data store) to synchronize parts of their content according to a flexible set of rules, and (ii) provides an infrastructure for third parties to synchronize the data store of the storage platform of the present invention with with other data sources that implement proprietary protocols. In various embodiments, storage-platform-to-storageplatform synchronization occurs among a group of participating "replicas." For example, it may be desirable to provide synchronization between the data store of the storage platform with another remote data store under the control of another instance of the storage platform, perhaps running on a different computer system.

No. of Pages : 150 No. of Claims : 27

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2606/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR TREATING A MAMMAL BY ADMINISTRATION OF A COMPOUND HAVING THE ABILITY TO RELEASE CO, COMPOUNDS HAVING THE ABILITY TO RELEASE CO AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS THEREOF" (51) International classification :A61K 31/7048 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/353,233 1)ALFAMA-INVESTIGACAO E DESENVOLVIMENTO (32) Priority Date :04/02/2002 DE PRODUTOS FARMACEUTICOS LDA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. Address of Applicant :BET, AVEDIDA DA REPUBLICA, :PCT/IB2003/000932 2781-901, OEIRAS, PORTUGAL (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/02/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/066067 1)HAAS WERNER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)ROMAO CARLOS :NA Number 3)ROYO BEATRIZ :NA Filing Date 4)FERNANDES ANA CRISTINA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)GONCALVES ISABEL Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Several classes of in vivo carbon monoxide-releasing compounds are useful for the treatment and/or prevention of diseases, such as chronic inflammatory, e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, and of diseases with a strong inflammatory component, such as atherosclerosis, stroke, coronary disease, and Alzheimers disease. The in vivo carbon monoxide-releasing compounds can be attached to known drug vectors and/or known anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin.

No. of Pages : 77 No. of Claims : 32

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2659/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PREPARATION OF POLYIMIDE POLYMERS" (51) International classification :C08G 73/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/063,093 1)SABIC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS IP B.V. (32) Priority Date :19/03/2002 Address of Applicant :PLASTICSLAAN 1, 4612 PX BERGEN OP ZOOM, THE NETHERLANDS (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/06720 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :05/03/2003 1)LINDWAY MARTIN JOHN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080709 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the preparation of a reactive friable polyimide powder comprises dissolving an aromatic dianhydride and an organic diamine in a high-boiling, aprotic organic solvent to form a reaction solution; heating the reaction solution under imidization conditions to form an insoluble reactive polyimide and to effect substantially complete distillation of the water of reaction out of the reaction solution; and separating the insoluble reactive polyimide from the reaction solution to form a reactive friable polyimide powder.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 29

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2656/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SEPARATION PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR REMOVAL OF PARTICULATE MATERIAL FROM FLASH ZONE GAS OIL" (51) International classification :C10G 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/121,897 1)CONOCOPHILLIPS COMPANY Address of Applicant :600 NORTH DAIRY ASHFORD, (32) Priority Date :11/04/2002 HOUSTON, TEXAS TX 77079, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/11245 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)ANNESLEY, SHARON A (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/087267 2)HUGHES, GARY C (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SANDARUSI, JAMAL ALLYE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process and apparatus for removing particulate material from a flash zone gas oil stream produced in a delayed coking unit. The process and apparatus of the invention e4mploy cyclonic separation to remove particulate material from the flash zone gas oil stream. The stream can then be further processed, for example by passing the stream to a fixed bed catalytic hydroprocessing unit and then to a fluidized bed catalytic cracking unit, or to other processing units, thereby enhancing the value of the flash zone gas stream.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 53

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2672/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DEVICE AND METHOD FOR CONNECTING WIRE" (51) International classification :H01R 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/073,858 1)DECORP AMERICAS, INC (32) Priority Date :14/02/2002 Address of Applicant :214 MOLLY WALTON DRIVE, HENDERSONVILLE, TN 37075, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/04372 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/02/2003 1)ROBERT J. SEXTON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/069732 2)ABRAHAM EASTMAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DAVID MURRAY :NA Number 4)BRENT MYERS :NA Filing Date 5)TERRY OQUIN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A device for connecting wire includes a conductive rod having a first slot for inserting a conductor of a wire, and an insulating sleeve covering a portion of the conductive rod, the insulating sleeve having a second slot through which the conductor contacts the conductive rod.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 33

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2672/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SERVER ARCHITECTURE FOR NETWORK RESOURCE INFORMATION ROUTING" (51) International classification :G06F 15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/742,570 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :19/12/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/23978 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :23/07/2004 1)MARK J. ENCARNACION (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/067429 2)JASON FLAKS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JAI SRINIVASAN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A media server in a Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) network includes a resource sharing service to govern the distribution of media resource information to rendering devices. The media server includes: a media service module operating in a clamped down user context (e.g., a local service user context) and configured to share resource information over the network; a supplemental module operating in a local system user context and configured to assist the media service module in sharing resource information over the network; and a control panel module" operating in a logged on user context and configured to interact with a user via a user interface display. The local system user context provides a higher level of access to media server resources compared to the clamped down user context. The media server also provides fast user switching (FUS) functionality that allows multiple users to have respective instances of the control panel module pending at the same time. Further, the media server includes a mechanism to prevent rogue applications from masquerading as the control panel module and thereby gaining unauthorized access to the media service module.

No. of Pages : 136 No. of Claims : 46

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2673/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM FOR PERMISSION-BASED COMMUNICATION AND EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION" (51) International classification :G06F 17/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 0632 1)PUREPROFILE.COM INC (32) Priority Date :19/02/2002 Address of Applicant :SUITE 2, LEVEL 7, 12 CASTLEEREAGH STREET, SYDNEY NSW 2000, (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00203 AUSTRALIA . (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/02/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/071446 1)CHAN, PAUL, AUGUSTINE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)SWAAB, FREDRICK :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and system for permission-based communication and exchange of information by means of a neutral and unified database in which consumers remain anonymous. The method involves receiving and storing consumer information corresponding to a number of individual consumers via a consumer information receiver, the consumer information including both consumer-identifying information and consumer profile information for each consumer. The method also involves receiving a profile information search request which specifies at least one consumer profile criterion. The method also involves searching the consumer database to identify selected records which match the consumer profile criterion in order to obtain a search result. The method also involves providing the search result to the requestor via a search result provider, and wherein the search result does not include any consumer-identifying information.

No. of Pages : 170 No. of Claims : 119

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2673/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROTECTED MEDIA PATH AND REFUSAL RESPONSE ENABLER" (51) International classification :G06F 12/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/513,831 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :23/10/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/24433 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/07/2004 1)GEOFFREY DUNBAR (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/045581 2)CHENGYUN CHU (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JAMES M. ALKOVE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In a protected media path for delivering content from a source to a sink, a source authority (SOTA) on behalf of the source decides with regard to a policy corresponding to the content that a particular type of action with the content is to be refused, and provides a particular enabler to an application. The provided enabler includes information and methods necessary for the application to obtain data necessary to respond to the refusal. The application receives the enabler at an interface thereof and the interface applies a common interaction procedure to run the enabler to obtain the data necessary to respond to the refusal.

No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2584/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A TOPICAL NANOPARTICULATE SPIRONOLACTONE FORMULATION" (51) International classification :A61K 9/51 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/GB2002/005680 1)JAGOTEC AG (32) Priority Date :13/12/2002 Address of Applicant :EPTINGERSTRASSE 51, CH-4132 (33) Name of priority country :PCT MUTTENZ, SWITZERLAND. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2002/005680 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :13/12/2002 1)GUY VERGNAULT (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/054549 2)PASCAL GRENIER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)NHAMIAS, ALAIN :NA Number 4)DIETER SCHERER :NA Filing Date 5)BECK, PETRA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)PATRICIA CANCADE Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a topical nanoparticulate spironolactone formulation comprising nanoparticles having a mean diameter, measured by photon correlation spectroscopy, in the range of from about 300nm to about 900nm. The nanoparticles are incorporated into a crystalline network system comprising a dispersion of solid crystals of polar lipids, said lipids exposing their hydrophilic side outwards and their hydrophobic side inwards towards the spironolactone nanoparticles.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2587/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR MIXING SPECIMENS IN VIALS" (51) International classification :B01F 7/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/330,092 1)MONOGEN, INC (32) Priority Date :19/10/2001 Address of Applicant :1033, BUTTERFIELD ROAD, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. VERNON HILLS, ILLINOIS 60061-1360, U.S.A. :PCT/US02/33460 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/10/2002 1)MAYER, WILLIAM JOHN (87) International Publication No :WO 03/4036 (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :49/DELNP/2004 Filed on :06/01/2004 (57) Abstract : Method and apparatus for mixing a specimen (e.g., a biological fluid specimen) in an upstanding container having an internal mixer with a cavity defined by an upstanding annular wall. The annular wall of the mixer is engaged by a movable holder, which is elevated along with the engaged mixer sufficiently to prevent contact of the mixer with the container during mixing. The mixer is then moved to mix the specimen. The holder, which may include an expanding collet that fits within the cavity of the mixer, preferably rotates the mixer to stir the specimen. When mixing is complete, the holder is disengaged from the mixer. A controller coordinates all actions of the holder.

No. of Pages : 102 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2668/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MONOCYCLIC AROYLPYRIDINONES AS ANTIINFLAMMATORY AGENTS" (51) International classification :C07D 213/73 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0206019.2 1)BAYER HEALTHCARE AG (32) Priority Date :14/03/2002 Address of Applicant :D-51368 LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/02154 1)CRISTINA ALONSO-ALIJA (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/03/2003 2)MARTIN MICHELS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/0764051 3)HARTMUT SCHIROK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 4)KARL-HEINZ SCHLEMMER :NA Number 5)JOHN BELL :NA Filing Date 6)MARY F. FITZGERALD (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 7)SARA DODD Filing Date :NA 8)ANDREW GILL (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to monocyclic aroylpyridinones, processes for their preparation, and their use in medicaments, especially for the treatment of COPD: (formula I).

No. of Pages : 192 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2669/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NALTREXONE HYDROCHLORIDE COMPOSITIONS" (51) International classification :A61K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/364,521 1)EURO-CELTIQUE S.A (32) Priority Date :14/03/2002 Address of Applicant :122, BOULEVARD DE LA PETRUSSE, L-2330, LUXEMBOURG (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/07932 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/03/2003 1)OSHLACK, BENJAMIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/077867 2)HUANG, HUA-PIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GOLIBER, PHILIP :NA Number 4)MANNION, RICHARD :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to compositions and methods of stabilizing naltrexone hydrochloride.

No. of Pages : 65 No. of Claims : 62

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2671/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RESOLUTION OF CHIRAL COMPOUNDS USING AMINOCYCLOPENTADIENYL RUTHENIUM CATALYSTS" (51) International classification :C07C 67/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002/13832 1)POSTECH FOUNDATION Address of Applicant :SAN 31, HYOJA-DONG, NAM-GU, (32) Priority Date :14/03/2002 (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea POHANG, KYUNGSANGBUK-DO 790-784, KOREA Republic (86) International Application No :PCT/KR2002/00926 of Korea Filing Date :17/05/2002 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/076384 1)JAIWOOK PARK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)MAHN-JOO KIM :NA Number 3)JUN HO CHOI :NA Filing Date 4)YANGSOO AHN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A chiral compound, particularly a chiral secondary alcohol, can be efficiently resolved under a mild condition by acylation with an alkenyl acetate in the presence of a novel aminocyclopentadienyl ruthenium complex, an enzyme catalyst, and a base.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2678/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PRODUCTION LINE BOOT SECTOR LOCK" (51) International classification :G06F 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/366,319 1)M/S.THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :20/03/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/08354 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/03/2003 1)PITSCH, ROBERT, ALAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/079753 2)CURTIS, JOHN, JOSEPH, III (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Hacking of a class of Set-Top Boxes known as Integrated Receiver-Decoders (IRDs) used to receive satellite broadcasts for display on television sets is prevented by use of connections to the reprogramming enable pin of a flash memory. If a user attempts to reprogram the boot sector of the flash memory in order to obtain free services via piracy, the set-top box is destroyed. The invention relates to the design and manufacture of IRDs that are resistant to hacking via unauthorized reprogramming.

No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2680/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RECTIFIER UTILIZING A GRUNDED ANTENNA" (51) International classification :H02J 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/097,846 1)CELIS SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :13/03/2002 Address of Applicant :5475 MARK DABLING BOULEVARD, SUITE 102, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80918(33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/007474 3847, U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/079524 1)DEVILBISS ALAN D (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)DERBENWICK, GARY E :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A rectifier generates a rectified output and a dc power output. The rectifier has an antenna element, a tuning capacitor, a coupling capacitor, first and second rectifying diodes, and a storage capacitor. The antenna element and the tuning capacitor are coupled in parallel and grounded at one terminal. The first rectifying diode is grounded at its anode terminal and the storage capacitor is grounded at one terminal. The coupling capacitor is coupled between the ungrounded terminal of the antenna element and the cathode terminal of the first rectifying diode. The anode terminal of the second rectifying diode is coupled to the cathode terminal of the first rectifying diode. The cathode terminal of the second rectifying diode is coupled to the ungrounded terminal of the storage capacitor. The rectified output is generated between the rectifying diodes. The dc power output is generated between the second rectifying diode and the storage capacitor.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 45

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2645/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MINIMIZING METAL TOXICITY DURING ELECTROPORATION ENHANCED DELIVERY OF POLYNUCLEOTIDES" (51) International classification :C12N 13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/367,876 1)GENETRONICS, INC. Address of Applicant :11199-A SORRENTO VALLEY (32) Priority Date :25/03/2002 ROAD, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92064, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/09031 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/03/2003 1)DIETMAR P. RUBUSSAY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/083037 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of decreasing toxic metallic contaminants derived from a metallic electrode inserted in tissue, or cells suspended in a medium, undergoing treatment by electroporation, wherein said electroporation is carried out using electrodes within said tissue or within said medium comprising: a) contacting said tissue or medium with electrodes selected from the group consisting of gold electrodes, gold plated electrodes, and gold alloy electrodes; and b) charging said electrodes with an electric pulse capable of electroporating said tissue or cells.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2701/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHODS AND COMPOUNDS FOR PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF ELEVATED INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE AND RELATED CONDITIONS" (51) International classification :C07K 14/47 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/367,513 1)THERATECHNOLOGIES INC Address of Applicant :2310, BOULEVARD ALFRED(32) Priority Date :27/03/2002 NOBEL, SAINT-LAURENT, QUEBEC H4S 2A4, CANADA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/CA2003/00444 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/03/2003 1)KRISHNA G. PERI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080659 2)SERGE MOFFETT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DANIEL ABRAN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A GPCR-like protein is described, as well as inhibitory/antagonistic compounds and compositions comprising such inhibitors/antagonists of the protein. Such compounds may be used for treating elevated intraocular pressure and conditions associated with elevated intraocular pressure, such as glaucoma.

No. of Pages : 77 No. of Claims : 34

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2702/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BROADSPECTRUM SUBSTITUTED BENZIMIDAZOLE SULFONAMIDE HIV PROTEASE INHIBITORS" (51) International classification :C07D 235/32 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02075999.9 1)TIBOTEC PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Address of Applicant :EASTGATE VILLAGE, EASTGATE, (32) Priority Date :12/03/2002 LITTLE ISLAND, CO CORK, IRELAND (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/50057 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :12/03/2003 1)DOMINIQUE LOUIS NESTOR GHISLAIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/076413 SURLERAUX (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)PIET TOM BERT PAUL WIGERINCK :NA Number 3)MARIEKE CHRISTIANE JOHANNA VOETS :NA Filing Date 4)SANDRINE MARIE HELENE VENDEVILLE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)HERMAN AUGUSTINUS DE KOCK Filing Date :NA 6)BERNHARD JOANNA BERNARD VERGOUWEN (57) Abstract : The present invention concerns the compounds having the formula (I), wherein N-oxides, salts, stereoisomers forms, racemic mixtures, prodrugs, esters and metabolites thereof, wherein R7 and R8 each are H, optionally substituted C1-6alkyl, C2.6alkenyl, C37cycloalkyl, aryl, Het1,Het2,R1 may also be a radical of formula (R11aR11b)NC(R10a,R10b)CR9-lis 0, 1 or 2; R2 is H or C1-6alkyl; L is -C(=O)-, -O-C(=O)-, -NR8-C(=O)-, -O-C1-6alkanediyl-C(=O)-, -NR8-C1-6alkanediyl-C(=O)-, -S(=O)2-, -O-S(=O);-, -NR8S(=O)2 ; R3 is C1-6alky!, aryl, C3-7cycloalkyl, C3-7cycloalkylC1-4alkyl, or arylC1-4alkyl; R4 is H, C1-4alkylOC(=O), carboxyl, amino C(=O), mono-or di(C1-4alkyl) amino C (=O), C3-7cycloalkyl, C2-6alkenyl, C2-6alkynyl or optionally substituted C1-6alkyl; A is C1-6alkanediyl, -C(=O)-, -C(=S)-, -S(=O)2-, C1-6alkancdiyl-C(=O)-, C1-6 alkancdiyl-C(=S)- or C1-6alkancdiyl-S(=O)2-; R5 is H, OH, C1-6alkyl, Het1C1-6alkyl, Het2C1-6 alkyl, optionally substituted amlno-C1-6alkyl; R6, is C1-6alkylO, Het1, HetxO, Het2, Hel2O, aryl, arylO, C1-6 alkyloxycarbonylamino or amino; and in case -A- is other than C1-6alkanediyl then R6 may also be C16alkyl, Het1C1-4alkyl, HetlOC1-4alkyl, Het2C1-4alkyl, Het2OC1-4aIkyl, arylC1-4alkyl alylOC1-4alkyl or aminoC1-4alkyl; whereby each of the amino groups in the definition of R6 may optionally be substituted; R5 and -A-R6 taken together with the nitrogen atom to which they are attached may also form Het1 or Het2, R12, is H, - NH-, -NR5AR6, - C1-6alkyl or alkyl-W-R14 wherein said alkyl is optionally substituted with halogen, hydroxy, aryl, heteroaryl, Het1-, Het2, or amino wherein said amino is optionally mono- or d;substituted with C1-4alkyl and R13 is H, C1-6-alkyl, optionally substituted by aryl, Het1, Het2, hydroxy, halogen, amino whereby the amino group may be optionally be mono- or di-substituted with C1-4alkyl.

No. of Pages : 67 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2705/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR TREATING CARBONACEOUS MATERIALS" (51) International classification :C10L 9/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 0911 1)KARALEE RESEARCH PTY LTD (32) Priority Date :05/03/2002 Address of Applicant :2 GIBRAN PLACE, ST IVES, NEW SOUTH WALES 2075 AUSTRALIA . (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00258 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :05/03/2003 1)LLOYD, ROBERT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074639 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Process for reducing the amount of sulfur-containing impurities in carbonaceous materials are described. One process comprises contacting the materials with an aqueous solution of hydrofluorosilicic acid in the absence of hydrogen fluoride under conditions wherein at least some of the sulfur-containing impurities react with the hydrofluorosilicic acid to form reaction products and separating the reaction products from the carbonaceous materials. Another process comprises contacting the materials with an aqueous solution of hydrofluorosilicic acid in the absence of hydrogen fluoride under conditions wherein at least some of the sulfur-containing impurities react with the hydrofluorosilicic acid to form reaction products, separating the reaction products and the hydrofluorosilicic acid from the carbonaceous materials and subsequently treating the carbonaceous materials with a fluorine acid solution which comprises an aqueous solution of hydrofluorosilicic acid and hydrogen fluoride. A further process comprises treating the carbonaceous materials with a fluorine acid solution which comprises an aqueous solution of hydrofluorosilicic acid and hydrogen fluoride, separating the carbonaceous materials from the aqueous solution of hydrofluorosilicic acid and hydrogen fluoride, and then contacting the carbonaceous materials with an organic solvent capable of dissolving elemental sulfur.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2619/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SKIN IMPEDANCE MATCHED BIOPOTENTIAL ELECTRODE" (51) International classification :A61B 5/0408 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2,379,268 1)BRUN DEL RE RICCARDO (32) Priority Date :26/03/2002 Address of Applicant :21 PARK STREET, 2ND FLOOR, SUITE B, AYLMER, QUEBEC, CANANDA J9H 4J6 Canada (33) Name of priority country :Canada :PCT/CA2003/00426 2)KOLPIN HAS (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/03/2003 3)BATKIN IZMAIL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/079897 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)BRUN DEL RE RICCARDO :NA Number 2)KOLPIN HANS :NA Filing Date 3)BATKIN IZMAIL (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A bio-electrode for detecting heart signals and the like comprises a dry electrode surface having an elevated resistivity to reduce the effect of polarization noise. The electrode is combined with a circuit having an external discharge resistor across which an output signal is obtained wherein the discharge resistor has a value which reduces the lime constant of polarization noise to less than one second.

No. of Pages : 51 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2689/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF PREOPANCEDIOL" (51) International classification :C07D 317/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0228907.1 1)SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH (32) Priority Date :20/12/2002 MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V Address of Applicant :CAREL VAN BYLANDTLAAN 30, (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/EP03/051076 2596 HR THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS. (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/12/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/056793 1)VON HEBEL KLAAS LAMBERTUS (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)LANGE JEAN-PAUL Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Process for the preparation of 1,2-propanediol from propylene oxide, which process comprises: (a) contacting propylene oxide with carbon dioxide in the presence of a homogeneous phosphorus containing catalyst to obtain propylene carbonate, (b) optionally removing at least part of the carbon dioxide, (c) adding water and/or an alcohol to the reaction product containing propylene carbonate and phosphorus containing catalyst and contacting the mixture with a heterogeneous catalyst to obtain 1,2-propanediol in combination with dialkylcarbonate and/or carbon dioxide, and (d) separating 1,2-propanediol from the reaction product obtained.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2690/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MANUFACTURING COAXIAL CABLE WITH COMPOSITE INNER CONDUCTOR" (51) International classification :H01B 13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/324,830 1)COMMSCOPE, INC. Address of Applicant :1100 COMMSCOPE PLACE, SE, (32) Priority Date :20/12/2002 P.O.BOX 1729, HICKORY, NC 28603-1729, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/040497 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/12/2003 1)ADAMS SCOTT M (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/040497 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of making a coaxial cable includes forming a conductive tube and setting a settable material therein to define an inner conductor. Forming may include advancing a conductive strip and bending it into a tube having a longitudinal seam. The settable material may be dispensed onto the conductive strip continuously with the forming. Alternately, the settable material may be dispensed onto the conductive strip prior to advancing. The dispensing may use a puller cord as the settable material or carrying some or all of the settable material. The method may further include forming a dielectric layer surrounding the inner conductor, and forming an outer conductor surrounding the dielectric layer.

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2698/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMBINATION OF A CDK INHIBITOR AND 5-FU FOR THE TREATMENT OF CANCER" (51) International classification :A61K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0206203.2 1)CYCLACEL LIMITED (32) Priority Date :15/03/2002 Address of Applicant :12 ST.JAMES'S SQUARE, LONDON SW1Y 4RB, U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01076 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/03/2003 1)SIMON RICHARD GREEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/077999 2)IAN NEIL FLEMING (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ROSEMARY GEORGINA CLARKE :NA Number 4)STEVEN JAMES MCCLUE :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A first aspect of the invention relates to a combination comprising a CDK inhibitor and 5-FU, or a prodrug thereof. A second aspect of the invention relates to a pharmaceutical product comprising a CDK inhibitor and 5-FU, or a prodrug thereof, as a combined preparation for simultaneous, sequential or separate use in therapy. A third aspect of the invention relates to a method of treating a proliferative disorder, said method comprising simultaneously, sequentially or separately administering a CDK inhibitor and 5-FU, or a prodrug thereof, to a subject.

No. of Pages : 41 No. of Claims : 34

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2699/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASTIC CONTAINERS WITH HOMOGENEOUS WALL THICKNESS" (51) International classification :B29C 49/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 13 230.5 1)BAYER MATERIALSCIENCE AG (32) Priority Date :25/03/2002 Address of Applicant :D-51368 LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/02900 1)KLAUS HORN (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/07/2002 2)RALF HUFEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080317 3)MARKUS KRIETER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 4)DIRK-JACQUES DIJKSTRA :NA Number 5)JENS HEPPERLE :NA Filing Date 6)HELMUT MUNSTEDT (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to plastic containers with a homogeneous wall thickness. The present invention also relates to the production of these containers.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2723/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DYNAMIC WIRELESS RESOURCE UTILIZATION" (51) International classification :H04L 12/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/375,854 1)RAYTHEON COMPANY (32) Priority Date :25/04/2002 Address of Applicant :870 WINTER STREET, WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS 02451, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12717 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/04/2003 1)SHEKAR A. RAO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092231 2)ROBERTO BEREZDIVIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ALLAN R. TOPP :NA Number 4)MARK D. LEVEDAHL :NA Filing Date 5)ROBERT J. BREINIG (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In one embodiment, a method for dynamic wireless resource utilization includes monitoring a wireless communication resource; generating wireless communication resource data; using the wireless communication resource data, predicting the occurrence of one or more holes in a future time period; generating hole prediction data; using the hole prediction data, synthesizing one or more wireless communication channels from the one or more predicted holes; generating channel synthesis data; receiving data reflecting feedback from a previous wireless communication attempt and data reflecting a network condition; according to the received data and the channel synthesis data, selecting a particular wireless communication channel from the one or more synthesized wireless communication channels; generating wireless communication channel selection data; using the wireless communication channel selection data, instructing a radio unit to communicate using the selected wireless communication channel; and instructing the radio unit to discontinue use of the selected wireless communication channel after the communication has been completed.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 37

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2661/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR PRODUCING α-METHYL-Ã-KETOESTER" (51) International classification :C07C 67/32 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-202214 1)MEIJI SEIKA KAISHA, LTD (32) Priority Date :11/07/2002 Address of Applicant :4-16, KYOBASHI 2-CHOME, CHUOKU, TOKYO-TO, JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/008847 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/07/2003 1)TOSHIO NISHIZUKA (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/007420 2)HIROSHI KURIHARA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for efficiently producing an α-methyl-keto ester from a -keto ester as a starting material without using any toxic reagent or highly severe conditions. The process comprises dissolving pellet-form paraformaldehyde in a liquid mixture of a Ã-keto ester and acetic anhydride, adding a hydrous lower alcohol, and conducting hydrolysis in a hydrogen atmosphere with the aid of a palladiumcarbon catalyst.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2663/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SOY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE WITH LOW NON-DIGESTIBLE OLIGOSACCHARIDES AND PROCESS FOR ITS PRODUCTION" (51) International classification :A23J 1/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/364,167 1)SOLAE, LLC Address of Applicant :1034 DANFORTH DRIVE, LOUIS, (32) Priority Date :13/02/2002 MO 63102, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/07744 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :12/01/2003 1)NAVPREET SINGH (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/077671 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A soy protein concentrate having desirable flavor and functional properties, which is low in non-digestible oligosaccharides. The soy protein concentrate is substantially free of galactinol, a component which is present in soybeans which are developed to have a low non-digestible oligosaccharide content The soy protein concentrate is also rich in isoflavones and also has a high Chymotrypsin Inhibitor ("CI") content The method for manufacturing the soy protein concentrate uses an enzyme such as a glycosidase enzyme, and retains the natural level of isoflavones occurring in soybeans.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2663/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TEXT INPUT WINDOW WITH AUTO-GROWTH" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/704,127 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :10/11/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/19111 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/07/2004 1)ERNEST L. PENNINGTON, II (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/048014 2)ADRIAN JAMES GARSIDE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JEFFREY WEST PETTIROSS :NA Number 4)SHAWNA JULIE DAVIS :NA Filing Date 5)TOBIASZ ALEXANDER ZIELINSKI (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A user input panel (202)dynamically expands to accommodate user input (102), such as handwritten or keyboard input. Expansion may occur in one or two out of four possible directions, depending upon the language to be written or typed. For example, when writing English words, the input panel may expand to the right (402) as the user writes and then downward (403) when the input panel has fully expanded rightward.

No. of Pages : 49 No. of Claims : 32

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2664/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEMS AND METTHODS FOR FINE GRAINED ACCESS CONTROL OF DATA STORED IN RELATIONAL DATABASES" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date

:G06F (71)Name of Applicant : :60/557,239 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION :29/03/2004 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, :U.S.A. REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. :PCT/US04/24194 (72)Name of Inventor : :28/07/2004 1)TANMOY DUTTA :WO 2)CONOR CUNNINGHAM (87) International Publication No 2005/045574 3)STEFANO STEFANI (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 4)GIRISH CHANDER Filing Date :NA 5)ERIC N. HANSON (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and process for ensuring the smooth flow of electronic ink (1203) is described. Dynamic rendering (1201) is give priority over other event handlers. Priority may be the use of one or more queues (1205, 1206) to order when events occur and may be performing dynamic rendering (1201) prior to other steps.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2665/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PRESSURE SWING ADSORPTION" (51) International classification :B01D 53/047 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/370,702 1)H2GEN INNOVATIONS INC. (32) Priority Date :09/04/2002 Address of Applicant :4740 EISENHOWER AVENUE, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22304-4807, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09204 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/04/2003 1)FRANKLIN LOMAX D., JR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086587 2)MICHAEL S. STREEKS (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A pressure swing adsorption system including a pressure vessel (20) having an opening and a valve manifold (10) including a body having a first cavity fluidly connected to the opening. The body further includes a passage (4) and a channel (2), such that the passage (4) connects the channel (2) to the cavity (1). Valve manifold (10) further includes a valve (31) provided within the passage (4). The valve (31) is configured to selectively permit and restrict flow between the channel (2) and the cavity (1) via the passage (4).

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 57

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2665/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BOXED AND LINED INPUT PANEL." (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No

:G06F (71)Name of Applicant : :10/704,121 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION :10/11/2003 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, :U.S.A. REDMOND, WASHINGTON 95052, U.S.A. :PCT/US04/24191 (72)Name of Inventor : :28/07/2004 1)TETSUO SETO : 2)TAKANOBU MURAYAMA WO/2005/048166

(61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and apparatus for receiving strokes of electronic ink in more than one language is provided. An input device is used to enter at least one stroke of electronic ink into a processing device. The processing device stores a language indication associated with the electronic ink, such that the language indication provides a way to associate a handwriting recognizer with the ink. The user may change the language or recognizer associated with the ink by flipping over a pen and using another tip of the pen or may use another pen or other input device. Aspects of the described system and method accommodate various optional interfaces to associate a pen tip or click of a button to one or more languages. Other aspects of the system and method include language switching of a displayed software keyboard when a pen input device is within a predetermined distance from a display.

No. of Pages : 55 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2630/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/06/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROMOTION AND DEMOTION TECHNIQUES TO FACILITATE FILE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT BETWEEN OBJECT SYSTEMS" (51) International classification :G06F 17/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/693,090 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (32) Priority Date :23/10/2003 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/24295 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/07/2004 1)PRASANNA V. KRISHNAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/045575 2)SAMBAVI MUTHUKRISHNAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SAMEET H. AGARWAL :NA Number 4)BALAN SETHU RAMAN :NA Filing Date 5)MICHAEL E. DEEM (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a system and methodology to facilitate interoperability and compatibility between disparate data systems. In one aspect, a file transformation system is provided having at least one file associated with one or more unstructured properties. A file property handler manipulates the unstructured properties in accordance with one or more structured properties associated with a structured object store environment. If an unstructured file is to be operated in the context of a structured object store environment, a promotion operation is performed to update unstructured properties in the file with structured properties suitable for operation in the structured object store environment. If a promoted item were to be manipulated in the structured object store environment, a demotion operation or reverse transformation is performed to update properties in the file.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 31

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2727/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "REDUCTION OF METAL OXIDES IN AN ELECTROLYTIC CELL" (51) International classification :C25C 3/28 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1071 1)BHP BILLITON INNOVATION PTY LTD (32) Priority Date :13/03/2002 Address of Applicant :600 BOURKE STREET, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA 3000, AUSTRALIA (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00306 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/03/2003 1)STREZOV, LES (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/076690 2)RATCHEV, IVAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)OSBORN STEVE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of reducing a metal oxide, such as titania in a solid state in an electrolytic cell is disclosed. The electrolytic cell includes an anode, a cathode, and a molten electrolyte. The electrolyte includes cations of a metal that is capable of chemically reducing the metal oxide. The metal oxide in a solid state is immersed in the electrolyte. The method includes a step of operating the cell at a potential that is above a potential at which cations of the metal that is capable of chemically reducing the metal oxide deposit as the metal on the cathode, whereby the metal chemically reduces the metal oxide.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2728/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MINIMISING CARBON TRANSFER IN AN ELECTROLYTIC CELL" (51) International classification :C25C 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1170 1)BHP BILLITON INNOVATION PTY LTD (32) Priority Date :13/03/2002 Address of Applicant :600 BOURKE STREET, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA 3000, AUSTRALIA (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00305 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/03/2003 1)STREZOV, LES (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/076692 2)RATCHEV, IVAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)OSBORN, STEVE :NA Number 4)BLIZNYUKOV, SERGEY, ALEXANDER :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An electrolytic cell for reducing a metal oxide, such as titania, in a solid state is disclosed. The electrolytic cell includes an anode formed from carbon and a cathode formed at least in part from the metal oxide. The electrolytic cell also includes a membrane that is permeable to oxygen anions and is impermeable to carbon in ionic and nonionic forms positioned between the cathode and the anode to thereby prevent migration of carbon to the cathode.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2736/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMMUNICATION APPARATUS" (51) International classification :H04L 9/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-97241 1)NTI, INC (32) Priority Date :29/03/2002 Address of Applicant :2291-1, NAKAMURA-CHO, YOKKAICHI-SHI, MIE 512-8044, JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/03653 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/03/2003 1)NAKAMURA, TAKATOSHI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084126 2)YOKOTA, AKIHIRO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A communication device, communication system, communication method, encryption device, information processing device, information processing system, information processing method, and service providing method in which data is encrypted for communication with a communication destination. When communicating data with a communication destination, data is converted by a function or a protocol common to the communication destination and according to the communication with the communication destination, a function or a protocol executed in conversion means is updated.

No. of Pages : 138 No. of Claims : 42

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2737/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM METHOD AND PRODUCT FOR MANAGING DATA TRANSFERS IN A NETWORK" (51) International classification :G06F 13/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/132,456 1)INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE (32) Priority Date :25/04/2002 CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ARMONK, NEW YORK 10504, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/GB2003/01416 U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :01/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/091888 1)BEUKEMA BRUCE LEROY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)GREGG, THOMAS ANTHONY :NA Number 3)NEAL DANNY MARVIN :NA Filing Date 4)RECIO RENATO JOHN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method, system, and product in a data processing system for managing data transmitted from a first end node to a second end node included in the data processing system. A logical connection is established between the first end node and the second end node prior to transmitting data between the end nodes. An instance number is associated with the logical connection and included in each packet transmitted between end nodes while this connection remains. The number remains constant during this connection, but is altered, such as by incrementing it, each time a logical connection between these end nodes is reestablished. Each packet is associated with a particular instance of the logical connection and when it is received, the number may be used to determine whether the packet is a stale packet transmitted during a previous logical connection between these end nodes.

No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2711/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "10-(3-CYCLOPROPYLAMINOMETHYL-1-PYRROLIDINYL)PYRIDOBENZOXAZINE CARBOXYLIC ACID DERIVATIVES EFFECTIVE AGAINST DRUG-RESISTANT BACTERIA" (51) International classification :C07D 498/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-074783 1)KYORIN PHARMACEUTICAL CO.,LTD (32) Priority Date :18/03/2002 Address of Applicant :5, KANDA SURUGADAI 2-CHOME, (33) Name of priority country :Japan CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 101-8311, JAPAN (86) International Application No :PCT/JP2003/02967 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :13/03/2003 1)ASAHINA YOSHIKAZU (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078439 2)TAKEI MASAYA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A compound represented by the general formula (I): (I) wherein R1 represents methyl, fluoromethyl, methoxymethyl, acetoxymethyl, hydroxymethyl, or methylene; R2 represents hydrogen, C1-3 alkyl, or a pharmaceutically acceptable ester group of a cation and a prodrug; R3 represents hydrogen or halogeno; R4 represents hydrogen, C1-3 alkyl, fluoromethyl, trifluoromethyl, or fluorine; and R5 represents hydrogen or fluorine. It has excellent antibacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria, in particular, resistant bacteria such as MRSA, PRSP, and VRE.

No. of Pages : 98 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2755/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR PREPARING ALKYL 2, 2-DICHLORO-OR DIBROMOPHENYLACETATES" (51) International classification :C07C 67/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :A 523/2002 1)DSM FINE CHEMICALS AUSTRIA NFG GMBH & CO (32) Priority Date :04/04/2002 KG Address of Applicant :ST.PETER-STRASSE 25, A-4021 (33) Name of priority country :Austria :PCT/EP2003/02407 LINZ, AUSTRIA (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084918 1)SYLVIA KRICH (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)BERNHARD HOLUB :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to an improved method for producing 2,2-dichloro or dibromo-phenyl alkyl acetates of formula (1), in which X represents Cl or Br, n represents a whole number from 1 to 5, R represents hydrogen, C1-C8 alkyl, aryl, heteroaryl, C1-C8 alkoxy, aryloxy or halogen and R1 represents C1-C8 alkyl. According to said method, a 2,2-dichloro- or dibromo-phenylacetonitrile of formula (II) is reacted in 0.8 to 2 mol water per mol nitrile of formula (II), 1 to 8 mol alcohol of formula R1OH (III) per mol nitrile of formula (II) and in the presence of 1 to 3 mol HCl or HBr per mol nitrile of formula (II), optionally in the presence of a solvent that is inert in the reaction conditions, to form the corresponding 2,2-dichloro- or dibromo-phenyl alkyl acetates of formula (I), whereby the reaction temperature in the first phase lies between 30 and 60 °C and in the second phase between 60 and 100 °C. Once the reaction has taken place, the reaction mixture is cooled to between 20 and 40 °C, diluted with water and the 2,2-dichloro- or dibromo-phenyl alkyl acetate of formula (I) is isolated.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2771/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SIGNAL RECEIVER FOR RECEIVING SIMULTANEOUSLY A PLURALITY OF BROADCAST SIGNALS" (51) International classification :H04N 5/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/366,506 1)M/S.THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :21/03/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/08365 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/03/2003 1)MCNEELY, DAVID, LOWELL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081906 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A multi-channel signal receiver (100) enables, among other things, a plurality of frequency channels to be simultaneously tuned so that broadcast channel programs included within the frequency channels may be simultaneously accessed. According to an exemplary embodiment, the multi-channel signal receiver (100) includes a signal source (10, 20, 30, 40) operative to generate digital information representing a plurality of broadcast channel programs. Signal processing circuitry (50, 60, 70, 80, 90) including a filter bank is coupled to the signal source, and is operative to simultaneously provide base band signals corresponding to the plurality of broadcast channel programs.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2772/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "REAL TIME ANSWERPRINT TIMING SYSTEM AND METHOD" (51) International classification :G03B 21/32 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/115,657 1)M/S TECHNICOLOR INC. (32) Priority Date :03/04/2002 Address of Applicant :4050 LANKERSHIM BOULEVARD, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA 91608, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/10119 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :01/04/2003 1)REYNOLDS, TIMOTHY, G (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/085452 2)RATTRAY, HAROLD, L (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and system for color correcting and completing answerprints in preparation for making final copies of motion pictures for distribution. A light system is provided in which colors of the light projected through a film (22) toward a viewing screen (24) can be individually and incrementally adjusted as desired for use by a color "Timer" who is an individual that selects color corrections on a scene-by-scene basis until a suitable look is achieved. Color correction is performed in real time while watching the film scene projected on the screen. The color adjustments are stored and subsequently used to control a motion picture film printer when printing a corrected version of scenes of the film.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2685/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "WIDE BANDWITH AC-DC POWER CONVERTER (51) International classification :H02M 7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS1183 1)RECTIFIER TECHNOLOGIES PACIFIC PTY LTD (32) Priority Date :18/03/2002 Address of Applicant :18 JOSEPH STREET, BLACKBURN NORTH, VICTORIA 3130, AUSTRALIA (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00325 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/03/2003 1)ROBERT SHEEHY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/079529 2)NIGEL, MACHIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JURIEN, DEKTER :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides a wide bandwidth power converter. In one application the invention is useful for AC to DC power conversion from a polyphase power supply with high line impedances and includes a single stage low bandwidth AC to DC power converter providing a DC output and, a filter means for the DC output including a bidirectional shunt active filter having an energy storage element and circuitry for wide bandwidth control of fluctuations at the DC output, arising from line borne or load induced disturbances, by transferring energy to or from the energy storage element. The transferred energy is low level relative to the magnitude of the AC to DC converter output energy enabling the size of the energy storage element to be minimised.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2688/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONTAINER FOR SUPPLYING MOLTEN METAL AND SAFETY DEVICE" (51) International classification :B22D 41/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-37509 1)HOEI SHOKAI CO.,LTD (32) Priority Date :14/02/2002 Address of Applicant :66 TERAIKE, TSUTSUMI-CHO, TOYOTA-SHI, AICHI, 473-0932, JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/01510 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/02/2003 1)HITOSHI MIZUNO (87) International Publication No : WO/2003/068433 2)KOUJI IYODA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)TSUYOSHI ABE :NA Number 4)NARUMI ICHIKAWA :NA Filing Date 5)KAZUNORI SUZUKI (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)KENJI NOGUCHI Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A molten metal supplying container, comprising a container capable of storing a molten metal and loading the molten metal to the inside thereof or supplying the molten metal to the outside thereof by controlling a difference in pressure between inside and outside of the container, a passage allowing the inside and outside of the container to communicate with each other to have the molten metal flow therethrough, a lid disposed to cover the first opening having a second opening with a diameter smaller than the first opening and a hatch provided at the second opening capable of being opened and closed, having a passage communicating inside and outside the container. The passage is used, for example, to control inner pressure of the container and to insert the electrode for detecting the surface level of the molten metal.

No. of Pages : 69 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2752/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING AXES OF INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY" (51) International classification :G05B 19/414 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :VI2002A000054 1)QEM S.R.L. (32) Priority Date :22/03/2002 Address of Applicant :S.S. 11, KM 339, LOCALITA SIGNOLO, I-36054 MONTEBELLO VICENTINO [VICENZA], (33) Name of priority country :Italy :PCT/EP2002/11742 ITALY (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/10/2002 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081355 1)ADRIANO CAZZAVILLAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)DARIO ZATTON :NA Number 3)PIETRO MAGNABOSCO :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An integrated system for controlling the axes (A1, A2) of industrial machinery, in which said axes (A1, A2) are actuated by actuator means (AN, AZ, AZ1, AZ2), which apply a force so as to determine a displacement in space; at least one motor (M) and at least one transducer (T) suitable for converting physical magnitudes into electrical signals which can be used by a control logic unit (LC) and/or by the aforementioned actuator means, in order to carry out the effect of the motion commands given by the motor (M) to each of said axes (A1, A2). In particular, each motor (M) is connected to at least one interface (DMA1, DMA2) for connection to an actuator device (AMU) and said interface (DMA1, DMA2) foresees means suitable for supplying or not supplying energy to the motor (M) according to that which is requested by said actuator device (AMU) and means for the management and selection (LSA) of each axis (A1, A2).

No. of Pages : 50 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2754/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SEAL MATERIAL FOR A DISPENSING APPARATUS" (51) International classification :C09K 3/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0206354.3 1)BESPAK PLC (32) Priority Date :18/03/2002 Address of Applicant :BERGEN WAY, NORTH LYNN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, KING'S LYNN, NORFOLK PE30 2JJ, (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01123 U.K. (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078538 1)DALJIT S. OHBI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)SALLY BEKEN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A seal for a valve for use in a pharmaceutical dispensing device, which seal is formed from an elastomeric composition comprising:(a) an isobutylene polymer or co-polymer thereof; (b) a cross-linking agent for the isobutylene polymer or co-polymer thereof; and (c) an accelerator for the cross-linking agent, wherein the accelerator includes a polysulphide compound derived from a substituted dithiocarbonic acid or derivative thereof.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 36

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2762/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS, APPARATUS, MEDIA AND SIGNALS FOR CONTROLLING OPERATING CONDITIONS OF A HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE TO OPTIMIZE OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF THE VEHICLE" (51) International classification :B60K 6/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/097,297 1)AZURE DYNAMICS INC. Address of Applicant :3900 NORTH FRASER WAY (32) Priority Date :15/03/2002 BURNABY, BRITISH COLUMBIA V5J 5H6 CANADA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/CA2003/00358 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :14/03/2003 1)GOSSELIN, ROBERT, MICHAEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078190 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Process, apparatus, media and signals are disclosed for controlling a supply of power from an electric generator in a hybrid electric vehicle having a prime mover supplying mechanical energy to the generator. The process carried out by the apparatus and defined by codes on the media and in codes in the signals involves locating, from among a plurality of sets of vehicle operating conditions associated with a requested generator power value, an optimal set of operating conditions that optimizes operating characteristics of the vehicle and producing signals for controlling the prime mover and the generator to operate the vehicle at the optimal set of operating conditions, to supply power at the requested generator power value. The present invention also provides a way of producing vehicle performance records for use in producing signals for controlling the prime mover and the generator to achieve the optimized operating characteristics.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 65

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2725/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ELECTRON FIELD EMITTER AND COMPOSITIONS RELATED THERETO" (51) International classification :H01J 1/304 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/375,206 1)E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :24/04/2002 Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12892 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/04/2003 1)LAP-TAK ANDREW CHENG (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092030 2)DAVID HERBERT ROACH (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention provides compositions of matter that contain an electron emitting substance and an expansion material. The expansion material may, for example, be an intercalation compound. When a film is formed from the composition, expansion of the expansion material typically causes rupturing or fracturing of the film. No further treatment of the surface of the film is typically required after expansion of the expansion material to obtain good emission properties. A surface formed from such a fractured film acts as an efficient electron field emitter and thus is useful in vacuum microelectronic devices.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2782/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR WEB-PHONE SERVICE IN DSL" (51) International classification :H04L 12/66 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10-2002-0014916 1)KT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :20/03/2002 Address of Applicant :206, JUNGJA-DONG, PUNDANG(33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea KU, SUNGNAM-SHI, KYOUNGKI-DO 463-711, REPUBLIC :PCT/KR2002/02481 OF KOREA (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/12/2002 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/079621 1)KOO, BON-CHUL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Apparatus and Method for Web-Phone Service in DSL is provided. The DSL web-phone service apparatus includes memory means for saving and managing ID number of terminal; transmitting means for on the internet phone service access request of a terminal, retrieving ID number of access-requested terminal from the memory means, transmitting the ID number of a access-requested terminal to IP control means, receiving from the IP control means IP allocated to the access-requested terminal and transmitting the IP allocated to the access-requested terminal to the terminal; IP control means for receiving the ID number of the access-requested terminal from the transmitting means, determining whether IP is allocated to the access-requested terminal, and control IP allocation means to allocate available IP to the access-requested terminal; which does not have IP. The available IP ;being ATM Poll number corresponding to the ID number of the access-requested terminal; and IP; allocation means for allocating available IP to the access requested terminal which does not have IP and reporting the allocated IP to the IP control means.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2797/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A SYSTEM, AN ARRANGEMENT AND A METHOD RELATING TO IP-ADDRESSING" (51) International classification :H04L 12/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0200939-7 1)TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (32) Priority Date :26/03/2002 Address of Applicant :S-126 25 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00487 1)HANS RONNEKE (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/03/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081856 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a communication system comprising a number of end user stations (hosts) connected over access networks and routing arrangements. The system supports a IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) addressing scheme, wherein the end user stations are connected to the routing arrangements over links, and sending of routed advertisements from router arrangements to end user stations (hosts) being implemented to support provisioning of IPv6 addresses for the end user station. Router advertisements (RAs) from a routing arrangement to an end user station are sent with a controllable and variable frequency during an initial phase. During said initial phase, the frequency is higher at the beginning and lower at the end.

No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 38

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2798/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMBINATION COMPRISING A CDK INHIBITOR AND DOXORUBICIN" (51) International classification :A61K 45/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0207228.8 1)CYCLACEL LIMITED (32) Priority Date :27/03/2002 Address of Applicant :12 ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, LONDON SW1Y 4RB, U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01282 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/03/2003 1)ROGER NEIL SLEIGH (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082337 2)ANTON BERNS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HELEN MARY COLEY :NA Number 4)SCOTT LYON :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A first aspect of the invention relates to a combination comprising a CDK inhibitor and doxorubicin. A second aspect of the invention relates to a pharmaceutical product comprising a CDK inhibitor and doxorubicin as a combined preparation for simultaneous, sequential or separate use in therapy. A third aspect of the invention relates to a method of treating a proliferative disorder, said method comprising simultaneously, sequentially or separately administering a CDK inhibitor and doxorubicin to a subject.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 31

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2790/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MEMORY STORAGE DEVICE WITH HEATING ELEMENT" (51) International classification :G11C 11/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/128,838 1)INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES (32) Priority Date :23/04/2002 CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ARMONK, NEW YORK 10504, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2002/36816 U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/11/2002 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092014 1)ABRAHAM DAVID WILLIAM (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)TROUILLOUD PHILIP OUIS :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A memory storage device is provided that includes a storage cell having a changeable magnetic region. The changeable magnetic region includes a material having a magnetization state that is responsive to a change in temperature. The memory storage device also includes a heating element. The heating element is proximate to the storage cell for selectively changing the temperature of the changeable magnetic region of said storage cell. By heating the storage cell via the heating element, as opposed to heating the storage cell by directly applying current thereto, more flexibility is provided in the manufacture of the storage cells.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2802/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SUSTAINED RELEASE FORMULATION OF TRAMADOL" (51) International classification :A61K 9/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02076130.0 1)CILAG AG (32) Priority Date :22/03/2002 Address of Applicant :HOCHSTRASSE 207, CH-8205 SCHAFFHAUSEN, SWITZERLAND (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/EP2003/03050 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/03/2003 1)REZA EIVASKHANI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080031 2)CHRISTIAN BRAUN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)STEFAN MERKLE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: This invention relates to sustained release oral dosage forms comprising tramadol or a salt thereof dispersed in a matrix, wherein said matrix comprises xanthan gum.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2811/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASTIC BARRIER CLOSURE AND METHOD OF FABRICATION" (51) International classification :B65D 41/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/371,885 1)E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :11/04/2002 Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11096 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)TIMOTHY T. SCHENCK (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086890 2)ANTONIO J.F.TOPA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a plastic barrier closure (or cap) for bottles and the like that has (1) a body having a top wall, a side wall, a securing means and a seal that has at least one concentric sealing member extending from the top wall, and (2) a barrier incorporated into the top wall. The barrier layer may be incorporated into the top wall by (1) depositing a melted mass of barrier polymer in the pre-molded cap body and then molding it into place by mechanical means or (2) forming a barrier layer from the barrier polymer and inserting it into a pre-molded cap body.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2812/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "LUMINESCENCE SENSING SYSTEM FOR WELDING" (51) International classification :B23K 9/09 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/368,052 1)PRAXAIR TECHNOLOGY, INC. (32) Priority Date :27/03/2002 Address of Applicant :39 OLD RIDGEBURY ROAD, DANBURY, CONNECTICUT 06810-5113, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09762 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/03/2003 1)HELIO CORDEIRO DE MIRANDA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082508 2)VALTAIR A. FERRARESI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)AMERICO SCOTTI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and apparatus can adaptively control a pulsed power arc welding process. A trainable system can recognize an empirical transfer mode from a signal emitted during an arc welding pulse and determine a pulsed power parameter set to produce a modified transfer mode in a subsequent pulse, by controlling a power source the parameter set

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2813/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TWO-DIMENSIONAL IONISING PARTICLE DETECTOR" (51) International classification :G01T (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/03749 1)COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE (32) Priority Date :26/03/2002 Address of Applicant :31/33, RUE DE LA FEDERATION, F75752 PARIS 15EME, FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/FR2003/00919 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/03/2003 1)LAURENT DISDIER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081279 2)ALEXANDRE FEDOTOFF (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a two-dimensional ionising particle detector comprising a matrix of detecting fibres, each detecting fibre forming a pixel of the detector. One detecting fibre comprises a glass capillary which is filled with liquid scintillator having a chemical composition which is selected such that the mean free path of primary scintillation photons is negligible compared to the diameter of the capillary (d). The invention is suitable, for example, for the imaging of particles with high resolution power.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2817/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "THERMO-SIPHON METHOD FOR PROVIDING REFRIGERATION" (51) International classification :F25D 17/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/107,787 1)PRAXAIR TECHNOLOGY, INC. (32) Priority Date :28/03/2002 Address of Applicant :39 OLD RIDGEBURY ROAD, DANBURY, CONNECTICUT 06810-5113, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2002/33716 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/10/2002 1)DANTE PATRICK BONAQUIST (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/083391 2)JOHN FREDRIC BILLINGHAM (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JALAL ZIA :NA Number 4)NANCY JEAN LYNCH :NA Filing Date 5)BAYRAM ARMAN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method wherein refrigeration is generated, preferably using a pulse tube cryocooler (100) or refrigerator, to produce cold working gas which is used to liquefy coupling fluid circulating (24, 18) between a coupling fluid liquid reservoir (21) and a refrigeration load (26), such as superconductivity equipment, using thermo-siphon effects to provide refrigeration to the refrigeration load.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2748/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ETHYLENE OXIDE CATALYST" (51) International classification :B01J 23/50 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/118,192 1)SCIENTIFIC DESIGN COMPANY, INC. (32) Priority Date :08/04/2002 Address of Applicant :49 INDUSTRIAL AVENUE, LITTLE FERRY 07643-1901 NEW JERSEY, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09794 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :01/04/2003 1)NABIL RIZKALLA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086624 2)ERROL BORNN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)CHARLES ZULAUF :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invenlion relates to an ethylene oxide catalyst comprised of silver deposited on an alumina carrier which has been treated to remove at least 25 % of the surface sodium ions and replace the removed sodium ions with up to 10 ppm of lithium ions and to the preparation thereof.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2749/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SEPARATION OF GASES AND SOLIDS USING A CYCLONE" (51) International classification :B04C 5/081 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02358004.6 1)O&D TRADING LIMITED (32) Priority Date :19/03/2002 Address of Applicant :CHERTSEY ROAD, SUNBURY ON THAMES, MIDDLESEX TW16 7BP, U.K. (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/GB2003/01072 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/03/2003 1)VINCE REILING (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080253 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Cyclone design comprising an inlet device having an inlet height (Hi) and an inlet width (Wi), a gas outlet pipe having a pipe diameter (Di) and a pipe penetration (P), a barrel having an upper barrel diameter (Db) and a barrel length (Lb), said barrel comprising a cylindrical volume on top of a conical volume, a solids outlet pipe (O), an inlet gas velocity (Ug, i) and an inlet gas flow (Q), characterised in that the ratio of the inlet gas flow to the square of the upper barrel diameter (Q / Db2) is higher than 0.5 , preferably higher than 0.7 , and lower than 1.5 , preferably lower than 1.2 (m/s) and in that the barrel length to diameter ratio (Lb/Db) is higher than 3, preferably higher than 3.5, and lower than 6, preferably lower than 4.5.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2826/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A FLUIDIZED BED BOILER FURNACE COMPRISING TWO HEARTHS SEPARATED BY A DIVIDER" (51) International classification :F23B 31/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/03698 1)ALSTOM TECHNOLOGY LTD Address of Applicant :BROWN BOVERI STRASSE 7, 5400 (32) Priority Date :25/03/2002 BADEN, SWITZERLAND (33) Name of priority country :France (86) International Application No :PCT/FR2003/00715 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :06/03/2003 1)CHRISTIAN ENAULT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081128 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The fluidized bed boiler furnace having two hearths (2, 3) separated by a divider (1) in the bottom portion of the furnace comprises one or more panels (6) of heat exchange tubes each disposed vertically above the divider of the furnace and perpendicularly to the longitudinal direction (A) of said hearths.

No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2828/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DISTRIBUTING DATA" (51) International classification :G06F 17/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,812 1)COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE COMPUTER ASSOCIATES PLAZA, ISLANDIA, NEW YORK 11749, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12284 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/04/2003 1)EL-BEIK ADEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090125 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and system of distributing data is provided. A system for data distributing data may include an update unit adapted to receive data from a remote data supplier, a catalog system adapted to send selected data to a remote user and an administration unit which received administration information from an administrator, wherein the reception of data from the data supplier and the sending of selected data to the user by the catalog unit is controlled based on the administration information. Data suppliers may register to provide data in advance and the supplied registration information may be used to authenticate the data supplier prior to receiving data from the data supplier. Users may also register to use the system and the user registration information they provide may be used to authenticate a user prior to sending data to the user. The system may be embodied as a group of web services which are linked together to perform the data distribution function. The system may communicate with the data suppliers, users and an administrator via the network using XML messages, for example.

No. of Pages : 41 No. of Claims : 46

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2830/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETECTING MALICICOUS CODE" (51) International classification :G06F 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/372,283 1)COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC (32) Priority Date :13/04/2002 Address of Applicant :COMPUTER ASSOCIATES PLAZA, ISLANDIA, NEW YORK 11749, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/11246 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)ITSHAK CARMONA (87) International Publication No : WO/2003/090050 2)TARAS MALIVANCHUK (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of detecting malicious code in computer readable code includes performing an initial determination to determine whether a first portion of the computer readable code may potentially havemalicious code and if it is determined that the computer readable code potentially has malicious code, performing another determi nation to determine whether a second portion not including the first portion of the computer readable code has malicious code.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2773/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BROWSER WITH SETTING SAVING FEATURE" (51) International classification :G06F 17/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/370,522 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :05/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/10057 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/04/2003 1)KENDALL, SCOTT, ALLAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088083 2)THOMPSON, WANDA, GREEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A web browser is configured to store format preferences associated with favorite and historical URLs so that upon receiving a request for such a URL, a web page is fetched and displayed with the associated stored format preferences. The invention is especially useful with displays of less than optimum resolution such as television screens, cell phones, and personal data assistants where a user may have different preferred formats for different web sites.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2774/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR THE POWER MANAGEMENT OF OPERATIVELY CONNECTED MODULAR DEVICES" (51) International classification :H01M 10/46 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/103,348 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :21/03/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/08620 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/03/2003 1)KHATRI, NIZAM, ISSA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081711 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A modular electronic system is provided wherein a first device (20) is powerable by a first rechargeable battery (22). A connector (32) operationally connects the first device (20) to a second device (28) powerable by a second rechargeable battery (30). A charge control circuit (26) is included in the first device (20) for determining the condition of charge of the first rechargeable battery (22) and determining the condition of charge of the second battery (30). The charge control circuit (26) includes means for charging the battery with the lower condition of charge with the higher condition of charge. In this way, by sharing power resources, the cooperative operational life of the devices (20, 28) can be increased.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2820/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A CONNECTOR FOR OPTIC FIBRES" (51) International classification :G02B 6/38 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/358,392 1)LE BERGER DU SAVOIR INC. (32) Priority Date :22/02/2002 Address of Applicant :255 RACINE STREET EAST, SUITE 600, P.O.BOX 5420, CHICOUTIMI, QUEBEC G7H 6J6, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2003/00232 CANADA (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/02/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/071328 1)DEMISSY, DANIEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)WEYNANT, ERIC :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention is directed to a connector (10) for connecting optic fibres (12, 13). The connector has a longitudinally extending body (14). The body has a first end and a second end. The body has a pass-through conduit (20) extending from the first end to the second end. The body is divided into a plurality of fingers (22, 26) formed by slots (28) that extend longitudinally at each of the first and second ends and many be circumferentially offset from each other by any angel. The connector may be made from material that has a shape memory.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 4

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2822/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POWERED TOOTHBRUSH WITH VIBRATING SECTION" (51) International classification :A46B 13/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/107,093 1)COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :26/03/2002 Address of Applicant :300 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10022, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09165 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/03/2003 1)FATTORI JOSEPH EDWARD (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082050 2)MOSKOVICH ROBERT (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The head of a toothbrush includes a tuft block having bristles wherein the tuft block is moved in a direction parallel to the outer surface of the head. A second tuft block having bristles is a vibrating section which is moved in and out in a direction perpendicular to the outer surface of the head. If desired, the head may also include a fixed section with fixed bristles. The movement of the first tuft block may be an oscillating rotational movement.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2823/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POWERED TOOTHBRUSH WITH ROTATING SECTIONS" (51) International classification :A46B 13/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/107,092 1)COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :26/03/2002 Address of Applicant :300 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10022, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09116 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/03/2003 1)GATZEMEYER JOHN J (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082049 2)MINTEL THOMAS (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The head of a toothbrush includes a first tuft block having bristles and a second tuft block having bristles. The first and second tuft blocks are mounted for counter-rotational or counter-rotational oscillating movement in a direction parallel to the outer surface of the head. The toothbrush head also includes a third section having bristles extending outwardly from the head to provide an extended field of bristles to support an elongated ribbon of toothpaste and for enhanced cleaning.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2824/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DETECTING AND COUNTERING MALICIOUS CODE IN ENTERPRISE NETWORKS" (51) International classification :H04L 29/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,135 1)COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. (32) Priority Date :17/04/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE COMPUTER PLAZA, ISLANDIA, NEW YORK 11749, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11824 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)YARON KIDRON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090426 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method for detecting and countering malicious code in an enterprise network are provided. A pattern recognition processor monitors local operations on a plurality of local machines connected through an enterprise network, to detect irregular local behavior patterns. An alert may be generated after an irregularity in behavior pattern on a local machine is detected. Irregular behavior alerts from a plurality of local machines are analyzed. If similar alerts are received from at least a threshold number of local machines over a corresponding period of time, one or more countermeasure operations are selected based on the analysis of the irregular behavior alerts. The selected countermeasure operations are communicated to the local machines and performed by the local machines.

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2730/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHODS OF SUPPLYING ENERGY TO AN ENERGY BUS IN A HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE, AND APPARATUSES, MEDIA AND SIGNALS FOR THE SAME" (51) International classification :B60L 11/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/084,331 1)AZURE DYNAMICS INC. Address of Applicant :3900 NORTH FRASER WAY, (32) Priority Date :28/02/2002 BURNABY, BRITISH COLUMBIA V5J 5H6, CANADA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/CA2003/00269 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :26/02/2003 1)BOUCHON, NICOLAS, LOUIS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/072389 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods, apparatuses, media and signals for supplying energy to an energy bus in communication with an energy generating device and with a regenerative braking system in a hybrid electric vehicle are disclosed. One such method includes controlling power supplied by the energy generating device to the energy bus, in response to a braking signal indicative of user brake actuation. Another such method involves controlling energy contributions onto the energy bus from the energy generating device and from the regenerative braking system respectively, to prevent the contributions from exceeding a desired total energy contribution. The energy generating device may include an auxiliary power unit, such as fuel cell, or a generator coupled to a prime mover such as an internal combustion engine, for example.

No. of Pages : 62 No. of Claims : 105

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2733/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR PRODUCING 2, 3, 6-TRIALKYL-8-FLUORO-4-QUINOLINE DERIVATIVES" (51) International classification :C07D 215/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-202213 1)MEIJI SEIKA KAISHA, LTD (32) Priority Date :11/07/2002 Address of Applicant :4-16, KYOBASHI 2-CHOME, CHUOKU, TOKYO-TO, JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/008848 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/07/2003 1)TOSHIO NISHIZUKA (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/007460 2)KAZUMI YAMAMOTO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed is an industrial production process of 2,3,6-trialkyl-8-fluoro-4-quinoline derivatives which are useful as agricultural chemicals. In this process, 2,3,6-trialkyl-8-fluoro-4-quinoline derivatives can be produced in a good yield with high efficiency by selectively alkylating the 4-position of 2-fluoroaniline as a starting compound and conducting one-pot synthesis utilizing improved Conrad-Limpach synthesis.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2734/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROCESSING FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS USING MULTIPAYMENT PREFERENCES" (51) International classification :G06F 17/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/370,244 1)EXXONMOBIL RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING (32) Priority Date :08/04/2002 COMPANY (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. Address of Applicant :1545 ROUTE 22 EAST, P.O.BOX 900, (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/10577 ANNANDALE, NEW JERSEY 08801-0900, U.S.A. Filing Date :07/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088078 1)JOSEPH A. GIORDANO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)JACK B. MURRAY, JR :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates generally to retail transactions (Fig. 1) and, more particularly, to retail transaction systems and methods employing consumer preferences applicable to the transaction for goods and services (12). Methods, systems and processes are provided in which a customer is identified and associated with a customer profile and/or a method of payment corresponding to the customer (16). The customer profile may comprise customer preferences with regard to at least one method of payment (16). Based on the customer profile and/or other preference or transaction criteria, a preferred method of payment may be determined for a specific transaction (14). The provided methods, systems and processes may be used merely to identify a customer or in combination with transaction payment (e.g., payment for goods, services, or other financial transaction). The methods, systems and processes may also be used in combination with a loyalty program with a specific merchant or an association of merchants participating in a combined customer loyalty program (15).

No. of Pages : 93 No. of Claims : 38

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2846/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DIAGONALLY LAYERED MULTI-ANTENNA TRANSMISSION FOR FREQUENCY SELECTIVE CHANNELS" (51) International classification :H04L 1/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201103-9 1)TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON [PUBL] Address of Applicant :S-164 83 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (32) Priority Date :11/04/2002 (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country :Sweden (86) International Application No :PCT/SE2003/00458 1)TOBIAS TYNDERFELDT Filing Date :19/03/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088552 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and a system are disclosed for avoiding inter-layer inter-symbol interference. Diagonally layered multi-antenna transmissions are utilised by the proposed method and system. Known symbols are inserted at the borders between different layers to avoid inter-layer inter-symbol interference. The system relies on an improved method to transmit multiple data-streams (layers). The invention describes a method for transmitting data-streams over multiple antennas in an effective and smart way when having frequency selective channels. By utilising a system using the present method problems with inter-layer inter-symbol interference between different data-streams can be avoided when changing transmit antenna for the data-streams. The invention utilises that a diagonal layered multi-antenna transmission will not create inter-symbol interference, ISI, between different layers.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2834/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PERIPHERAL FOR PRINTING AND CUTTING SHEETS OF PATER USING A LOW POWER LASER SOURCE" (51) International classification :B41J 2/01 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0300911 1)COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE Address of Applicant :31/33, RUE DE LA FEDERATION, F(32) Priority Date :28/01/2003 75752 PARIS 15EME, FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :France (86) International Application No :PCT/FR2004/050020 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/01/2004 1)OLIVIER ACHER (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/069542 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a peripheral device comprising means for printing a sheet of paper, means for cutting said piece of paper and means for receiving instructions. According to the invention, the printing means comprise: a first print head (4) which ejects ink in order to print the text or drawings onto the sheet of paper (3) in accordance with the instructions received; a second ink-ejection print head (1) which ejects ink in accordance with the instructions received; ink, known as absorbent ink, which can penetrate deeply into the paper, said absorbent ink being disposed at the areas to be cut; and cutting means comprising a low-power laser (2) which emits a laser beam at a wavelength that is absorbed by the areas that have been inked with the absorbent ink (7), the power of the laser being sufficient such as to cut the sheet of paper at the inked areas and/or to remove part of the paper. The invention also relates to a computer system comprising the aforementioned device and to a method of creating documents or paper objects using said computer system.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 29

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2835/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR MODIFYING A KERNEL MODULE TO RUN ON MULTIPLE KERNEL VERSIONS" (51) International classification :G06F 9/445 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,120 1)COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. Address of Applicant :ONE COMPUTER ASSOCIATES (32) Priority Date :17/04/2002 PLAZA, ISLANDIA, NEW YORK 11749, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/12202 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :17/04/2003 1)THOMAS HANDAL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090077 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and an apparatus for adapting for a kernel on a target system a compiled kernel module corresponding to another kernel version which is different from the kernel on the target system are provided. A kernel analyzer extracts from the kernel on the target system an error check measure and a kernel version identification. A module adaptation component inserts in the compiled kernel module an error check parameter corresponding to the error check measure extracted by the kernel analyzer from the kernel on the target system, and replaces a version identification in the compiled kernel module with the kernel version identification extracted by the kernel analyzer from the kernel on the target system.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2836/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AUTOMATIC SYNCHRONOUS TUNING OF NARROWBAND RECEIVERS OF A WIRELESS LOCATION SYSTEM FOR VOICE/TRAFFIC CHANNEL TRACKING" (51) International classification :G01S 3/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/106,089 1)TRUEPOSITION, INC. Address of Applicant :780 FIFTH AVENUE, KING OF (32) Priority Date :25/03/2002 PRUSSIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19406, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/08896 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/03/2003 1)ROBERT J. ANDERSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084079 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In a wireless location system, narrowband (10-2) receivers are used in a mode, known as automatic sequential tuning, in which the receivers are tuned sequentially and in unison to a plurality of predefined RF channels. Signal transmissions in these channels are digitally recorded and used in location processing. A location record or report is generated to identify an estimated location of one or more wireless transmitters. The identity of the located transmitter(s) is determined by matching the location record to data indicating which wireless transmitters were in use at a time corresponding to the location record, and which cell sites and RF channels were used by each wireless transmitter. This method is especially suited for voice or traffic channel tracking of wireless mobile transmitters, such as cellular telephones.

No. of Pages : 50 No. of Claims : 39

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2851/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR SYMBOL TIMING RECOVERY" (51) International classification :H03L 7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/122,712 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :12/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/10720 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :08/04/2003 1)EDDE, GABRIEL, ALFRED (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088493 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A symbol timing recovery detector (200) receives a sample stream, representing an input signal having successive symbol times sampled at successive sample times. The sample stream includes samples representing successive symbols alternating with samples representing transitions between surrounding symbol representative samples. The detector (200) includes a first circuit which determines a transition value from a transition representative sample and surrounding symbol representative samples. A second circuit determines the slope between the surrounding symbol representative samples. A third circuit generates a signal representing the phase error between the sample times and the symbol times of the input signal from the slope and the transition value.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2800/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESSES FOR SYNTHESIS OF CYCLIC AND LINEAR POLYAMINE CHELATORS CONTAINING N-MONO-SUBSTITUTED COORDINATING ARMS" (51) International classification :C07F 9/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/US2002/07776 1)CHELATOR, LLC Address of Applicant :3205 NORTHWOOD DRIVE, (32) Priority Date :14/03/2002 BUILDING 5, CONCORD, CA 94520, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :PCT (86) International Application No :PCT/US2002/07776 (72)Name of Inventor : :14/03/2002 Filing Date 1)HARRY S. WINCHELL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078443 2)ROSA L. CYJON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JOSEPH Y. KLEIN :NA Number 4)ELLIOT D. SIMHON :NA Filing Date 5)OFER KLEIN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)HAIM ZAKLAD Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Polyamines containing at least two nitrogen atoms monosubstituted with pendant arms capable of coordinating metal cations, or with precursors of such pendant arms, all nitrogen atoms of the polyamines except two being fully substituted and the remaining two bearing one H atom each, are cyclized by reaction with a bridging agent that contains two sites that each beara reactive group capable of undergoing a nucleophilic attack by one of the two N-H groups on the polyamine. Unlike the prior art, cyclization occurs in preference over polymerization of the polyamine, even in reaction mixtures in which the polyamine is at high concentration. A process is also disclosed whereby linear polyamines in which the terminal amine groups are primary amines are substituted with methylenephosphonate ester groups, with one such substituent on each nitrogen atom of the polyamine. The process involves the use of a trialkyl or triaryl phosphite, and unlike the prior art, monosubstitutions at all nitrogen atoms are achieved in preference over disubstitutions at the terminal primary amines. Finally, a novel class of N,N",N"-tris(methylenephosphonate or methylephosphonic acid-substituted)-1,4,7-triazaheptanes are disclosed as new compositions of matter.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2861/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AN INSTANT LOG-IN METHOD FOR AUTHENTICATING A USER AND SETTLING BILLS BY USING TWO DIFFERENT COMMUNICATION CHANNELS AND A SYSTEM THEREOF" (51) International classification :H04L 9/32 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10-2002-0017577 1)HAN MIN-GYU Address of Applicant :NO.301, YESEO VILLU, 22-58, (32) Priority Date :30/03/2002 (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea SANGDO-DONG, DONGJAK-KU, SEOUL 156-030, (86) International Application No :PCT/KR2003/00629 REPUBLIC OF KOREA Filing Date :31/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084127 1)HAN MIN-GYU (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a method and system for authenticating a user who wants to use a certain service and settling bills for use of the service at a web site on the Internet. A method for authenticating a user who wants to use a certain service provided by a system through a first communication channel according to a embodiment of the present invention, comprising the steps of: receiving an access request from a first terminal of the user through the first communication channel; receiving an address or number of a second terminal of the user through the first communication channel; transferring data for user identification, including a user identification code, to the second terminal of the user through a second communication channel; receiving a user confirmation response, including the user identification code, from the second terminal of the user through the second communication channel; determining whether the user identification code transferred to the second terminal is identical to the user identification code received from the second terminal; generating a user authentication code if it is determined that both the user identification codes are identical to each other; and transferring the user authentication code to the first terminal of the user through the first communication channel.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2862/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "HOMOGENTISATE PRENYL TRANSFERASE ("HPT") NUCLEIC ACIDS AND POLYPEPTIDES AND USES THEREOF" (51) International classification :C07K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/365,202 1)MONSANTO TECHNOLOGY, LLC Address of Applicant :MAILZONE E2NA, 800 (32) Priority Date :19/03/2002 (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. N.LINDBERGH BOULEVARD, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63167, (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/08468 U.S.A. Filing Date :18/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080647 1)VALENTIN HENRY E (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)VENKATESH TYAMAGONDLU V :NA Number 3)KARUNANANDAA BALASULOJINI :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention is in the field of plant genetics and biochemistry. More specifically, the present invention relates to genes and polypeptides associated with the tocopherol biosynthesis pathway, namely those encoding homogentisate prenyl transferase activity, and uses thereof.

No. of Pages : 142 No. of Claims : 67

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2865/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "LIGHT EMITTING DEVICE INCLUDING SEMICONDUCTOR NANOCRYSTALS" (51) International classification :H05B 33/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/368,130 1)MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (32) Priority Date :29/03/2002 Address of Applicant :77 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09619 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/09/2004 1)VLADIMIR BULOVIC (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084292 2)SETH A. COE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WING-KEUNG WOO :NA Number 4)MOUNGI G. BAWENDI :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A light emitting device includes a semiconductor nanocrystal in a layer. The layer can be a non-polylmeric layer.

No. of Pages : 45 No. of Claims : 86

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2837/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POWER SUPPLY FOR A SATELLITE RECEIVER" (51) International classification :H04B 1/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/370,016 1)M/S.THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :03/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/10283 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/04/2003 1)FITZPATRICK, JOHN, JAMES (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/085850 2)LELEY, SURESH, VISHWANATM (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BOWYER, ANDREW, ERIC :NA Number 4)CURTIS, III, JOHN, JOSEPH :NA Filing Date 5)PITSCH, ROBERT, ALAN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A power supply (10) for a satellite receiver system includes a dual input supply voltage arrangement (200). When a higher output v oltage is selected, a source of a lower supply input voltage is coupled to an input, main current conducting terminal of a series pass transistor (Q1). On the other hand, when a lower output voltage is selected, a source of a lower supply input voltage is coupled to the input main current conducting terminal of the series pass transistor. A comparator (22) senses a magnitude of an output voltage (16) produced by the series pass transistor. When, as a result of an over current condition, the output voltage is lower than a reference threshold level (22a), any selection of the higher output voltage is automatically over-ridden and the source of the lower supply input voltage, instead, is coupled to the input main current conducting terminal of the series pass transistor.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2873/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TOBACCO HAVING REDUCED NICOTINE AND NITROSAMINES" (51) International classification :A01N 43/46 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/371,635 1)M/S VECTOR TOBACCO LTD (32) Priority Date :09/04/2002 Address of Applicant :CLARENDON HOUSE, 2 CHURCH STREET, HAMILTON, HMCX BERMUDA Bermuda (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/10734 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/04/2003 1)CONKLING, MARK, A (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086076 2)LI, YAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Aspects of the present invention concern tobacco having reduced nicotine and nitrosamines, which is used to manufacture consumer tobacco products, and methods to produce such tobacco. More specifically, embodiments include methods to reduce nicotine and nitrosamines in tobacco crops by applying auxin, auxin analogs, and jasmonate antagonists during the cultivation of such tobacco crops. Tobacco generated using said methods and consumer tobacco products obtained therefrom are also embodiments.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2874/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DATA STORAGE DEVICE" (51) International classification :G11C 19/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0028092.5 1)EASTGATE INVESTMENTS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :27/03/2002 Address of Applicant :CEDAR HOUSE, 41 CEDAR AVENUE, P.O.BOX HM 1179, HAMILTON HM-EX (33) Name of priority country :U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2003/01266 BERMUDA Filing Date :25/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/083874 1)COWBURN, RUSSELL, PAUL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A data storage device for storing digital information in a readable form is described made up of one or more memory elements, each memory element comprising a planar magnetic conduit capable of sustaining and propagating a magnetic domain wall formed into a continuous propagation track. Each continuous track is provided with at least one and preferably a large number of inversion nodes whereat the magnetisation direction of a domain wall propagating along the conduit under action of a suitable applied field, such as a rotating magnetic field, is changed.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2875/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MODULAR FIXTURE SYSTEM" (51) International classification :B23K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/372,995 1)HEALY, MICHAEL, J (32) Priority Date :24/02/2003 Address of Applicant :6631 JOHN R. TROY, MI 48085, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/005551 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/02/2004 1)HEALY, MICHAEL, J (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/076112 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A modular fixture (10) or holding mechanism that includes modular portions (30, 70, 62, 22, 90) to be interconnected according to a plurality of combinations to provide a plurality of positioning orientations. A one of plurality of a first modular portion and one of a plurality of a second modular portion can be selectively positioned relative to one another to provide for a plurality of selected holding positions. Different selected modular portions may be selected to provide different holding positions.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 38

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2876/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR THE ISOLATION OF HIGH PURITY CRYSTALLINE CITALOPRAM BASE" (51) International classification :C07D 307/87 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02252047.2 1)JUBILANT ORGANOSYS LTD (32) Priority Date :21/03/2002 Address of Applicant :1-A, SECTOR 16-A INSTITUTIONAL AREA, NOIDA, UP 201301, INDIA (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/IB2003/01641 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/03/2003 1)BABU, AMBATI, NARAHARI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080590 2)GOUD, VUDDAMARI, SRINIVAS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GAONKAR, SANTOSH, LAXMAN :NA Number 4)THOMAS, SAJI :NA Filing Date 5)MANJUNATHA, SULUR, G (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)KULKARNI, ASHOK, KRISHNA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method is provided for the isolation of high purity crystalline citalopram (1-[3-dimethylamino)propyl]-1-(4-fluorophenyl )-1 ,3dihydro- 5-isobenzofurancarbonitrile) base directly from the alkylation reaction mixture of 5-cyanophthalane with N,Ndimethylaminopropylchloride in a polar aprotic solvent using a strong base. The method comprises: (a) diluting the reaction mixture with ice cold water and extracting the resulting mixture with a water-immiscible organic solvent; (b) re-extracting the waterimmiscible organic solvent extract with an aqueous acid; (c) diluting the aqueous acid extract with a substantially equal volume of a water miscible organic solvent, based on the volume of water in the aqueous acid extract; (d) adjusting the pH to basic with an inorganic base to precipitate free crystalline base, and (e) further isolating the precipitated free crystalline base by filtration.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2847/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "WIRELESS EXTENSION ARRANGEMENT FOR A COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM" (51) International classification :H04B 1/38 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 0754 1)INTERAX INTERACTIVE TELEVISION SOLUTIONS (32) Priority Date :26/02/2002 PTY LTD Address of Applicant :7 SATINWOOD DRIVE, RAINBOW (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00236 BEACH, QUEENSLAND 4581, AUSTRALIA (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/02/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/073632 1)SCOTT ANTHONY ELMS (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Provided is a wireless extension arrangement (10) for a communications system having a telephone network (30). The arrangement (10) comprises one or more first transceiver units, (14) each said first transceiver unit having a state supervision means (70,71,73) and being associated with at least one communications apparatus (60), and a second transceiver unit (16) arranged for wireless communication with the or each said first transceiver unit (14). The supervision means (70,71,73) is arranged to generate a dial tone when an associated communications apparatus (60) is in an off hook state, and a ring tone when receiving a ring control signal from said second transceiver unit (16). The second transceiver unit (16) is adapted for connection to at least one remote communications terminal accessible over the telephone network (60). The first transceiver unit(s) (14) and the second transceiver unit (16) are arranged to transfer first communications signals between said at least one communications apparatus and said at least one remote communications terminal through said wireless communication and over the telephone network (30).The arrangement (10) further includes at least one communications signal source from which second communications signals are transmitted over a communications network such as a television network for reception by any of the at least one communications apparatus.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 25

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(21) Application No.2848/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMPACT-MODIFIED POLYMER COMPOSITION" (51) International classification :C08L 69/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 14 431.6 1)BAYER MATERIALSCIENCE AG (32) Priority Date :26/03/2002 Address of Applicant :D-51368 LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/02683 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/03/2003 1)ANDREAS SEIDEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080727 2)THOMAS ECKEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to graft polymer-modified polycarbonate compositions containing phosphonate of formula (I) and calcined talc, wherein R1, R2, R3 and R4 independently represent optionally halogenated C1 to C8-alkyl, optionally C5 to C6-cycloalkyl, C6 to C20-aryl or C7 to C12-aralkyl substituted with alkyl; n is equal to 0 or 1 independently from one another; q is equal 0.8 to 30 and X can contain a mononuclear or multinuclear aromatic radical with 6 to 30 C atoms or a linear or branched aliphatic radical with 2 to 30 C atoms, which can be OH-modified and can contain up to 8 ether bonds.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2889/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "EXTENDED LIP WICKET SLIDER DELI BAG" (51) International classification :B65D 33/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/107,694 1)PLIANT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :27/03/2002 Address of Applicant :1475 WOODFIELD ROAD, SUITE 700, SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS 60173, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09264 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/03/2003 1)KEITH, DAVID, W (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082693 2)EDELMAN, PAUL, F (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A flexible reclosable container (20) with a header strip (70), fastener elements (32, 34), and a slider (48). The header strip (70) preferably extends from the mouth of the bag, and includes a line of weakness for easy tear off of the bag. The slider (48) and profiles (32, 34) are arranged such that the mouth of the bag is substantially open.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2900/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CERTIFICATE BASED AUTHENTICATION AUTHORIZATION ACCOUNTING SCHEME FOR LOOSE COUPLING INTERWORKING" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/376,100 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :26/04/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/07574 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :13/03/2003 1)ZHANG, JUNBIAO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/091858 2)WANG, CHARLES, CHUANMING (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)LI, JUN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for Authentication Authorization and Accounting (AAA) in an interworking between first and second networks that do not belong in the same administrative domain, using certificate based transactions. In the method according to the invention, the second network sends a public key (310) to the first network, and a certificate (315) to a mobile device. The certificate includes information regarding the subscription level of the mobile device and is signed with a private key of the second network. Upon detection of the first network the mobile device transmits the certificate and the first network authenticates (325, 330) the certificate (315) using the public and private keys of the second network, and authorizes access to the network in response. The first network then sends a session key (340) encrypted with a public key of the mobile device. The mobile device decrypts (345) the session key with a private key and access (350) the first network using the session key. In this manner, interworking is implemented without requiring the deployment of a special interworking function to bridge between the two different types of networks.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 36

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2776/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : PET FOOD COMPOSITION FOR SKIN PHOTOPROTECTION (51) International classification :A23L 1/03 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02075702.7 1)SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A (32) Priority Date :21/02/2003 Address of Applicant :P.O.BOX 353, CH-1800 VEVEY SWITZERLAND (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/EP2003/01687 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/02/2003 1)BRETON, LIONEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/070019 2)BUREAU-FRANZ, ISABELLE (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An ingestable composition for the photoprotection of the skin of pets which comprises a photoprotecting effective amount of i) at least one probiotic lactic acid bacterium or a culture supernatant thereof, and ii) at least one yeast and/or a carotenoid or derivative, included into an ingestable carrier.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2777/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A PHOTOPROTECTIVE ORALLY ADMINISTRABLE COMPOSITION FOR SKIN (51) International classification :A61K 35/72 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02075701.9 1)SOCIETE DES PARODUITS NESTLE S.A (32) Priority Date :21/02/2002 Address of Applicant :P.O.BOX 353, CH-1800 VEVEY SWITZERLAND (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/EP2003/01686 2)L'OREAL (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/02/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/070260 1)BRETON, LIONEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)BUREAU-FRANZ, ISABELLE :NA Number 3)GUENICHE, AUDREY :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An orally administrable composition for the photoprotection of the skin which comprises a photoprotecting effective amount of i) at least one probiotic lactic acid bacterium or a culture supernatant thereof, and ii) at least one yeast, included into an orally acceptable carrier.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2879/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RAILWAY RAIL FASTENING CLIP" (51) International classification :E01B 9/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0209867.1 1)PANDROL LIMITED (32) Priority Date :30/04/2002 Address of Applicant :63 STATION ROAD, ADDLESTONE, SURREY KT15 2AR, UK. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01480 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/04/2003 1)MARSHALL, BARRY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093580 2)SOMERSET, MARTIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In a resilient railway rail fastening clip (9) comprising firstly a substantially straight first portion (1), then a bent second portion (2), then a substantially straight third portion (3) the axis of which makes an angle substantially more than 45° with the axis of the first portion (1), the two axes lying in the same plane as one another, then a fourth portion (4) which is a reverse bend, then a fifth portion (5), then a sixth portion (6) which is another reverse bend and finally a seventh portion (7), the first portion (1) is formed so as to comprise a region (1B) having a generally cylindrical surface extending along its entire length and a longitudinally-extending part (1A) having a surface which is less convex than the generally cylindrical surface region (1B) of the first portion (1). At least part of the second portion (2) and at least part of the third portion (3) are preferably manufactured with substantially flat surfaces (2A, 3A) on respective lateral regions thereof which contact the rail when the clip (9) is in use.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2891/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR PREVENTING ASBESTOS FROM FREEING AIRBORNE PARTICLES" (51) International classification :A62D 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/376,925 1)BOUCHARD, LUC (32) Priority Date :22/04/2002 Address of Applicant :24A, FRASER STREET C.P.46060 LEVIS (QUEBEC) G6V 8S3, CANADA Canada (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2003/00555 2)VOISINE, LISETTE (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089066 1)BOUCHARD, LUC (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)VOISINE, LISETTE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The method for preventing asbestos from freeing airborne particles comprises sequentially heating and the asbestos in the following surrounding temperatures values and maintaining the asbestos in these surrounding temperature values until the asbestos changes to the following corresponding colors: a) between 125°F (52°C) and 175°F (79°C) until the asbestos changes to a uniform pale russet-red color; b) between 225°F (107°C) and 275°F (135°C) until the asbestos changes to a uniform dark russet-red color; c) between 325°F (163°C) and 375°F (191°C) until the asbestos changes to a uniform dark orange color; d) between 425°F (218°C) and 475°F (246°C) until the asbestos changes to a uniform red color; e) between 525°F (274°C) and 575°F (302°C) until the asbestos changes to a uniform grey color; and f) between 625°F (329°C) and 675°F (357°C) until the asbestos changes to a uniform opaque white color. Once all the asbestos has reached an opaque white color, the surrounding temperature is decreased to an ambient temperature.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2892/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "HDTV TRELLIS DECODER ARCHITECTURE" (51) International classification :H04L 5/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/372,971 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :16/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A. LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/009862 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :01/04/2003 1)MARKMAN, IVONETE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090451 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A trellis decoding system (1) for use in processing a High Definition Television signal. The trellis decoding system includes a traceback unit (33) that identifies a sequence of antecedent trellis states in accordance with a state transition trellis. A branch metric computer (2) includes eight discrete subunits (3), one for each possible trellis state. Each subunit (3) generates two output bits (14, 15) indicative of the two trellis branches exiting the trellis state represente by that particular subunit (3). An add-compare-select unit (8) includes eight discrete subunits (23), each associated with a particular trellis state. Each subunit (23) includes as an input two bits (28, 29) received from the branch metric computer (2) and as an output two bits (6, 31). Bit 31 is chosen from 28 and 29. Bit 6 is chosen from the branch metric information (26, 27) input to each subunit (23). A traceback control and memory unit (33) includes an N to 1 multiplier (49) which receives as an input the output bits (6, 31) from the add-compare-select unit (8). The present system offers a hardware reduction from prior art.

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2818/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SURGICAL IMPLANT" (51) International classification :A61F 2/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :202 05 016.5 1)MATHYS MEDIZINALTECHNIK AG (32) Priority Date :30/03/2002 Address of Applicant :GUTERSTRASSE 5, CH-2544 BETTLACH, SWITZERLAND (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/CH2003/00020 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/01/2003 1)SYNTHES GMBH6 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082160 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a surgical implant (1) in the form of an intervertebral implant comprising several cavities (2) for receiving bone substitute material of completely synthetic origin. The advantages of the invention are that there is no longer the risk of infection with the choice of a bone substitute material of natural origin and that in addition, the physical characteristics of a synthetic bone substitute material are not exposed to fluctuations (porosity, pore size, resistance to mechanical pressure).

No. of Pages : 9 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2908/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLYMERISATION CATALYST" (51) International classification :C08F 10/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0209317.7 1)BP CHEMICALS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :24/04/2002 Address of Applicant :CHERTSEY ROAD, SUNBURY ON THAMES, MIDDLESEX TW16 7BP, ENGLAND U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01723 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/04/2003 1)SIMON GREEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/091292 2)HOYT C. GRIFFIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BRIAN STEPHEN KIMBERLEY :NA Number 4)PETER JAMES MADDOX :NA Filing Date 5)ROGER UHRHAMMER (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A catalyst for polymerising 1-olefins, comprising (a) a tetradentate ligand I and II as illustrated in the specification wherein; D and D" are phosphorus or nitrogen; Q and Q are bridging groups forming part of a ring; B is a bridging group between D and D"; Rl and R9 are each independently a polar group or phenyl, naphthyl, anthryl, phenanthryl, triptycyl or a heteroaromatic ring; R5 to R8 are selected from hydrogen, halogen, hydrocarbyl, heterohydrocarbyl, NR"2, PR"2, OR", SR" or SiR"3 where each R" is independently selected from hydrogen, halogen, hydrocarbyl, heterohydrocarbyl, and any adjacent groups may be joined together to form a ring; in the case I, A and A" are independently OH, 0-, SH, S-, NR"H, R""N-, PR"H or R"P-; and in the case II A and A" are independently NH, N-, PH or P-, where R" is defined as for groups R5 to R9 above; and R5 and R5", R6 and R6", or R7 and R8 may be joined together to form a ring; (b) a source of Group 3 to 10 transition metal or a lanthanide metal and optionally (c) an activator. Also claimed are transition metal complexes of the ligands and a process for (co)polymerising 1-olefins.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2913/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ANALOGOUS COMPOUNDS OF STROBILURINES AND THEIR USE AS ACARICIDES AND INSECTICIDES" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :C07C 69/734 1)ISAGRO RICERCA S.R.L :MI2002A000814 Address of Applicant :VIA FELICE CASATI, 20, I-20124 :17/04/2002 MILAN, ITALY :Italy (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/EP2003/03784 1)ISABELLA VENTURINI :11/04/2003 2)FRANCO BETTARINI :WO 2003/087032 3)PAOLO CASTORO :NA 4)ALESSANDRO CIAPESSONI :NA 5)MARILENA GUSMEROLI 6)GIAVANNI MEAZZA :NA 7)DOMENICO PORTOSO :NA 8)CHIARA SARGIOTTO

(57) Abstract : Compounds are described, having general formula (I) and their use as acaricides, insecticides and/or fungicides.

No. of Pages : 55 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2920/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROTECTION AGAINST OXIDATION OF PARTS MADE OF COMPOSITE MATERIAL" (51) International classification :C03C 6/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :03 04410 1)SNECMA PROPULSION SOLIDE (32) Priority Date :09/04/2002 Address of Applicant :LES CINQ CHEMINS, 33187 LE HAILLAN, FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/FR2003/01114 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/04/2003 1)THEBAULT, JACQUES (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084899 2)DISS, PASCAL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)LAXAGUE, MICHAEL :NA Number 4)LAVASSERIE, ERIC :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A piece for protection has applied thereto a composition comprising a mixture of boride powder constituted for the most part of TiB2, at least one vitreous refractory oxide powder constituted for the most part by a mixture of borosilicate glass, and a binder containing a ceramic-precursor resin. The resin is cured and is subsequently transformed into a ceramic by heat treatment or during first exposure of the coated part to high temperatures.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2948/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FUSION PROTEIN OF HIV REGULATORY/ACCESSORY PROTEINS" (51) International classification :C07K 14/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PA 2002 00754 1)BAVARIAN NORDIC A/S (32) Priority Date :16/05/2002 Address of Applicant :BØGESKOVVEJ 9, DK-3490 KVISTGAARD, DENMARK (33) Name of priority country :Denmark :PCT/EP2003/05039 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/09/2004 1)PAUL HOWLEY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097675 2)SONJA LEYRER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)EVA FELDER :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to fusion proteins comprising the amino acid sequence of at least four HIV proteins selected from Vif, Vpr, Vpu, Rev, Tat and Nef or derivatives of the amino acid sequence of one or more of said proteins, wherein the fusion protein is not processed to individual HIV proteins having the natural N and C termini. The invention further concerns nucleic acids encoding said proteins, vectors comprising said nucleic acids, and methods for producing said proteins. The fusion protein, nucleic acids and vectors are usable as vaccines for the at least partial prophylaxis against HIV infections.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2866/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ASSEMBLY OF A TAPPING KEG WITH A NECK AND A CONNECTING DEVICE AND PARTS THEREFOR" (51) International classification :B67D 1/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :1020202 1)HEINEKEN TECHNICAL SERVICES B.V (32) Priority Date :19/03/2002 Address of Applicant :2E WETERINGPLANTSOEN 21, 1017 (33) Name of priority country :Netherlands ZD AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS (86) International Application No :PCT/NL2003/00205 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/03/2003 1)GUIDO PETRUS JOHANNES VAN DER KLAAUW (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078297 2)BART JAN BAX (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An assembly (1) of a tapping keg (2) with neck (5) and a connecting device (15) for placement on said neck (5), wherein in the neck at least one valve (20, 22) is provided and wherein the connecting device (15) is provided with pressure means for pressing the at least one valve open, wherein the neck is provided with an outwardly reaching flange (8) with a top surface (14) and an inclined bottom surface (9), wherein the inclined bottom surface (9) is inclined with respect to the top surface (14) and has at least a substantially planar central part (9A), wherein the connecting device has a substantially horse shoe-shaped connecting element (16), provided with a slot (18) by way of which the connecting element (16) is slidable over the flange (8), wherein the side of the slot facing the bottom surface (46) during use comprises a lower surface (19) which is inclined at an angle which is at least virtually equal to the angle of inclination of the inclined bottom surface (9) and, in coupled condition, abuts at least against the planar central part (9A) of the inclined bottom surface (9).

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2870/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR THE ANONYMOUS AUTHENTICATION OF A DATA TRANSMITTER" (51) International classification :H04L 29/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/04840 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :12/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46 QUAI A.LE GALLO, F-92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT, FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/FR2003/01169 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/04/2003 1)ERIC DIEHL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088612 2)JEAN-PIERRE ANDREAUX (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ALAIN DURAND :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method whereby it can be checked whether data received by a receiver (2) has been sent by a transmitter (1, 3) authorised by a trusted third party, the transmitter and the receiver being connected to a digital network. An identifier (IdEvent) is associated with the data sent by the transmitter and, on receipt of the data by the receiver (2), the receiver generates a random number (C) and diffuses the same on the network. The transmitter that receives said random number calculates a response (R) by applying a first function (G) to the random number (C) and to the identifier (IdEvent), and sends said response (R) to the receiver which verifies the response received by applying a second function (H) to the response received, the random number (C) and the identifier (IdEvent). The first function (G) is delivered first to the transmitter by the trusted third party, and the second function (H) is a function for checking the result of the first function which is delivered first to the receiver by the trusted third party.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2872/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ION EXCHANGE COMPOSITE MATERIAL BASED ON PROTON CONDUCTIVE SILICA PARTICLES DISPERSED IN A POLYMER MATRIX" (51) International classification :H01M 8/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/367,771 1)SIM COMPOSITES INC. Address of Applicant :1200, AVE ST-JEAN-BAPTISTE, (32) Priority Date :28/03/2002 #114, QUEBEC G2E 5E8, CANADA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/CA2003/00435 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :26/03/2003 1)MARC ST-ARNAUD (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/083985 2)PHILIPPE BEBIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The composite material comprises acid functionalized silica dispersed in a polymer matrix that is based on poly(aromatic ether ketones), or poly(benzoyl phenylene), or derivatives thereof. The composite material is characterized by good water retention capabilities due to the acidic functions and the hydrophilicity of the silica particles. Moreover, a good impermeability to gas and liquid fuels commonly used in fuel cell technology, like hydrogen gas or methanol solution, is also obtained due to the presence of silica particles. Good mechanical properties of the composite material let the material to be formed easily in thin film or membrane form. In that form, the composite material is usable for proton exchange membrane for fuel cells, for drying or humidifying membrane for gas or solvent conditioning, or as acid catalytic membrane.

No. of Pages : 53 No. of Claims : 49

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2955/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FUEL GEL" (51) International classification :C12N 15/863 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PA 2002 00753 1)BAVARIAN NORDIC A/S (32) Priority Date :16/05/2002 Address of Applicant :BOGESKOVVEJ 9, DK-3490 KVISTGAARD, DENMARK (33) Name of priority country :Denmark :PCT/EP2003/05047 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/05/2003 1)PAUL HOWLEY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097846 2)SONJA LEYRER (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a recombinant poxvirus vector capable of expressing two or more homologous, foreign sequences, which derive from different variants of a microorganism, and which have a homology of 50% or above. The invention further relates to a method for preparing such recombinant poxvirus and the use of such recombinant poxvirus as medicament or vaccine. Additionally, a method for affecting preferably inducing , an immune response in a living animal, including a human, is provided.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2901/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PERSONAL VIDEO RECORDER" (51) International classification :G11B 19/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/370,439 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :05/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/10018 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/04/2003 1)KENDALL, SCOTT, ALLAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088238 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A video playback apparatus receives a control signal from a remote control device having a multipurpose key and assigns alternative functions to the received signal depending on the duration of time the control signal is received. For example, the remote may have a combination skip-forward multipurpose key which when pressed for less than a predetermined period such as one second, causes the video playback apparatus to invoke its skip mode, and when pressed for more than the predetermined period causes the video playback apparatus to invoke its forward, fast forward, or super fast forward mode, depending on the duration of time the key is pressed beyond invocation of the forward mode.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2903/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "EQUALIZER/FORWARD ERROR CORRECTION AUTOMATIC MODE SELECTOR" (51) International classification :H04J 3/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,205 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :17/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11207 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)PARK, JEONGSOON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090389 2)HEO, SEO, WEON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MARKMAN, IVONETE :NA Number 4)GELFAND, SAUL, BRIAN :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An apparatus for automatically selecting one of a standard decision directed (dd) mode and a soft dd mode in a decision feedback equalizer (DFE) for receiving a data signal includes an equalizer (30) utilizing forward error correction (FEC) for providing first and second output signals corresponding to a DFE automatic switching mode and a soft automatic switching mode, respectively, and a comparator (36) for comparing byte error rates (ByER) of the first and second output signals for selecting as a superior mode that mode associated with a lower ByER and outputting the output signal with the lower ByER. A lock detector (30) provides a lock signal derived from the DFE output signal with the lower ByER and a mode switch (38) selectively places the DFE outputs in one of the dd modes or a blind mode, depending on the lock signal.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2961/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AUTOMATIC NEURAL-NET MODEL GENERATION AND MAINTENANCE" (51) International classification :G06N 3/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,780 1)COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE COMPUTER ASSOCIATES PLAZA, ISLANDIA, NEW YORK 11749, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11713 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)ZHUO MENG (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090163 2)YOH-HAN PAO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Method of incrementally forming and adaptively updating a neural net model are provided. A function approximation node is incrementally added to the neural net model. Function parameters for the function approximation node are determined and function parameters of other nodes in the neural network model are updated, by using the function parameters of the other nodes prior to addition of the function approximation node to the neural network model.

No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 29

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2962/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR MANAGING THE RIGHTS OF AN ENCRYPTED CONTENT STORED ON A PERSONAL DIGITAL RECORDER" (51) International classification :H04N 7/167 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0664/02 1)NAGRAVISION SA (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :22, ROUTE DE GENEVE, CH-1033 (33) Name of priority country :Switzerland CHESEAUX-SUR-LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2003/01514 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)MARCO SASSELLI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090465 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The aim of the invention is to provide a method for storing an event which is encrypted by control words (CW) guaranteeing access to said event at any moment, even if certain modifications occur in the designation of the identifiers of said events between the moment of storage and the moment of visualization.This is achieved by means of a method for storing such an event in a receiving and decrypting unit (STB) connected to a security unit (SC), said control words (CW) and the required rights being contained in control messages (ECM). The inventive method is characterized in that it comprises the following steps: the encrypted event is stored, along with the control messages (ECM), on the storage unit; the control messages (ECM) are transmitted to the security unit (SC); verification occurs as to whether the access rights to said event are contained in the security unit (SC), if this is the case, a receipt (Q) is provided for all or part of the control message (ECM) by means of a secret key (K) which is contained in the security unit (SC) and is proper to each security unit; said receipt (Q) is stored on the storage unit.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 3

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2857/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONTROL OF REFRACTORY WEAR" (51) International classification :F27D 21/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1027 1)XSTRATA QUEENSLAND LIMITED (32) Priority Date :12/03/2002 Address of Applicant :RIVERSIDE CENTRE, LEVEL 9, 123 EAGLE STREET, BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND 4000, (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00295 AUSTRALIA (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/076858 1)EDWARDS, JAMES SCOTT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)TUPPURAINEN, JORMA :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Controlling the wear rate of refractory (102) within a furnace (100) by measuring the temperature (104) of the refractory layer (102), measuring the viscosity of a melt (106) and adjusting the melt temperature to an optimum set point temperature determined by a predefined relationship between the temperature of the refractory and the viscosity of the melt wherein, the optimum set point temperature is a minimum temperature that will sustain a desired rate at which the melt (106) is tapped from the furnace (100).

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 35

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2858/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING POTENTIALLY HARMFUL SIGNALS IN A SIGNAL ARRANGED TO CONVEY SPEECH" (51) International classification :G10L 21/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1029 1)HEARWORKS PTY.LTD Address of Applicant :384 ALBERT STREET, EAST (32) Priority Date :13/03/2002 MELBOURNE, VICTORIA 3002, AUSTRALIA (33) Name of priority country :Australia (86) International Application No :PCT/AU2003/00301 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :13/03/2003 1)FISHER, MICHAEL JOHN AMIEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/077236 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and system for controlling potentially harmful signals in a signal arranged to convey speech is described. The method includes the steps of establishing characteristics of the signal when it is conveying speech; monitoring the signal; and controlling the signal relative to the established characteristics.

No. of Pages : 47 No. of Claims : 43

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2965/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR MULTICAST OVER WIRELESS NETWORKS" (51) International classification :H04L 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/125,253 1)ERICSSON INC. (32) Priority Date :18/04/2002 Address of Applicant :6300 LEGACY, PLANO, TEXAS 75024, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/08604 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :20/03/2003 1)ALI KHAYRALLAH (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090398 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Multicast data in a wireless network is encoded with FEC codes where K information symbols are encoded into N transmission symbols, N > K, where K-N represents redundancy, such that reception and decoding of any K+A transmission symbols is sufficient to recover the K information symbols, where A is small relative to K. The level of redundancy may be selected to provide adequate performance to a mobile terminal at the edge of a cell, or to the mobile terminal reporting the lowest quality link. Upon handoff, a mobile terminal may be directed to an ongoing multicast in the new cell of the same information, or alternatively the new cell may transmit only the multicast packets the mobile terminal has not received. Different time segments of the information may be separately encoded, or the same information encoded with different level of redundancy, and the encoded data transmitted on different wireless channels.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 32

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2969/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COATING COMPOSITION COMPRISING COLLOIDAL SILICA AND GLOSSY INK JET RECORDING SHEETS PREPARED THEREFROM" (51) International classification :B41M 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/365,616 1)W.R. GRACE & CO.-CONN Address of Applicant :7500 GRACE DRIVE, COLUMBIA, (32) Priority Date :19/03/2002 MARYLAND 21044, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/08563 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/03/2003 1)DANIEL RAY FRUGE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080358 2)DEMETRIUS MICHOS (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A coating composition comprising relatively low alkali cationic colloidal silicas and ink jet recording sheets prepared from such coatings is described. The coating comprises binder and cationic colloidal silica preferably having an average particle size in the range of about 1 to about 300 nanometers and which has a solids to alkali metal ratio of at least the sum of AW(-0.013SSA+9), AW being the atomic weight of alkali metal present in the colloidal silica and SSA being the specific surface area of the silica. It has been discovered that if the alkali metal, e.g., sodium, content of colloidal silica is reduced, coatings prepared from such colloidal silica and applied to conventional ink jet recording sheet supports provide a specular gloss of at least 30 at 60 °C., even at a relatively high silica solids to binder solids ratio of 1:1 or greater.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2983/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CLEANING COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING DICHLOROETHYLENE AND SIX CARBON ALKOXY SUBSTITUTED PERFLUORO COMPOUNDS" (51) International classification :C11D (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/164,308 1)KYZEN CORPORATION Address of Applicant :430 HARDING INDUSTRIAL DRIVE, (32) Priority Date :07/06/2002 (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. NASHVILLE, TN 37211, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/18089 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :07/06/2002 1)KYLE DOYEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/104365 2)MICHAEL BIXENMAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Chemical solvating, degreasing, stripping and cleaning agents. The agents are cleaning and solvating mixtures of dichloroethylene and alkoxy-substituted perfluoro compounds that contain six carbon atoms, with optionally highly fluorinated materials to retard flammability and/or other enhancement agents that improve and enhance the properties of the composition to accomplish its desired cleaning or solvating task. These other agents are one or more of the following materials: alcohols, esters, ethers, cyclic ethers, ketones, alkanes, aromatics, amines, siloxanes terpenes, dibasic esters, glycol ethers, pyrollidones, or low- or non-ozone depleting halogenated hydrocarbons. These mixtures are useful in a variety of solvating, vapor degreasing, photoresistant stripping, adhesive removal, aerosol, cold cleaning, and solvent cleaning applications including defluxing, dry-cleaning, degreasing, particle removal, metal and textile cleaning.

No. of Pages : 62 No. of Claims : 34

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2893/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MECHANISM FOR A WIRELESS DEVICE TO RELINQUISH ITS NETWORK MASTER STATUS BASED ON ITS POWER RESERVE" (51) International classification :H04Q 7/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/123,591 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A. LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :16/04/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/09316 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/03/2003 1)LITWIN, LOUIS, ROBERT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090487 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Relinquishing a network master device status in accordance with a device power reserve level includes a system (430) having a network master device (432) for monitoring its own power reserve level and relinquishing its network master status for that of network slave status whensuch level is below a threshold value, and one or more network slave devices (434, 436, 438) where each such device is in signal communication with the network master device (432) for monitoring its own power reserve level and relinquishing its network slave status for that of network master status when such level is above at least one of the threshold value and the power reserve level of the master.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2894/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHODS OF DIAGNOSING LIVER FIBROSIS" (51) International classification :C12Q 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/087,188 1)PROMETHEUS LABORATORIES, INC (32) Priority Date :28/02/2002 Address of Applicant :5739 PACIFIC CENTER BOULEVARD, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-4203 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/06038 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/02/2003 1)ROSE, STEVEN, L (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/073822 2)OH, ESTHER, H (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WALSH, MICHAEL, J :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a method of diagnosing the presence or severity of liver fibrosis in an individual by detecting &agr;2macroglobulin (&agr;2-MG) in sample from the individual; detecting hyaluronic acid (HA) in a sample from the individual; detecting tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) in a sample from the individual; and diagnosing the presence or severity of liver fibrosis in the individual based on the presence or level of &agr;-MG, HA and TIMP-1.

No. of Pages : 125 No. of Claims : 74

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2895/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS TO SAMPLE DRILL HOLE CUTTINGS" (51) International classification :E21B (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/112,496 1)HARRISON R. COOPER SYSTEMS, INC (32) Priority Date :28/03/2002 Address of Applicant :106 WEST 200 NORTH, BOUNTIFUL, UT 84010, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09843 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/03/2003 1)WILLIAMS SCOTT R (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/083249 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A sample collection system for collecting a drill cuttings sample (66) from a hole (63) being drilled during its drilling includes a stem collector (50) surrounding the drill pipe (60). Pressurized air injected into the hole (63) through the drill pipe (60) forms an airentrained drill cuttings stream (65) which travels up the drill hole (65) during drilling and which is directed by the stem collector (50) into a conduit (93) which directs stream (65) to a sampling device (51). Sampling device (51) samples drill cuttings stream (65) and creates a stream of sample cuttings which is directed to a diffuser (52) which separates the cuttings sample (66) from the air stream. The cuttings sample (66) passes into a sample collection chute (134) from which it or portions thereof may be transferred into a sample container or bag. Stem collector (50) seals against the ground (66) surrounding the hole (63) being drilled to direct substantially all drill cuttings to sampling device (51), thus substantially eliminating loss of fines prior to sampling and thus helps form a substantially representative sample. The sampling system can be mounted under the drill deck (55) of a drilling rig.

No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2971/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AUTOMATIC MODEL MAINTENANCE THROUGH LOCAL NETS" (51) International classification :G06F 17/60 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,780 1)COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE COMPUTER ASSOCIATES PLAZA, ISLANDIA, NEW YORK 11749, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11829 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/04/2003 1)ZHUO MENG (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090140 2)YOH-HAN PAO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BAOFU DUAN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A model maintenance method is provided. If accuracy of prediction by current model through consultation with new data is determined to be below a predetermined threshold, a compound model is formed by supplementing the current model with a local net trained with new data.

No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 29

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2985/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR CONTINUOUS MEASUREMENT OF FLUX OF GASES IN THE LUNGS DURING BREATHING" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

:A61M 16/00 :2,379,353 :28/03/2002 :Canada :PCT/CA2003/00399 :21/03/2003 :WO 2003/082390 :NA :NA :NA :NA


(57) Abstract : A method of calculating the flux of any gas(x) in a CBC circuit for a ventilated or a spontaneous breathing subject, for example said gas(x) being & semi; a) an anesthetic such as but limited to ; i)N2O & semi; ii) sevoflurane ; iii) isoflurane & semi; iv) halothane & semi; v) desflurame & semi; or the like b) Oxygen & semi; c) Carbon dioxide & semi; or the like utilizing the following relationships & semi; Flux of gas(x) = SGF (FSX - FEX) wherein SGF = Source of gas flow into the breathing circuit (CBC circuit) in liters-&-sol;minute as read from the gas flow meter as set by the anesthesiologist ; FSX = Fractional concentration of gas X in the source gas (which is set by the anesthesiologist) & semi; FEX = Fractional concentration of gas X in the end expired gas as determined by a portable gas analyzer, or the like.

No. of Pages : 65 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2998/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A METHOD AND DEVICE AT AN OZONE GENERATOR UNIT" (51) International classification :C01B 13/11 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201026-2 1)VATRELLA AB (32) Priority Date :05/04/2002 Address of Applicant :HANSELLISGATAN 6, 654 50 UPPSALA, SWEDEN (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00552 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/04/2003 1)JAN ARLEMARK (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086966 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In a closed ozone generator unit (2) oxygen gas is transformed into ozone gas by means of alternating current, the oxygen gas being substantially pressurized before entry into the unit (2). The unit is exposed to an external pressure substantially equal to or higher than the pressure of the oxygen gas.

No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3006/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TOPICAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING PROANTHOCYANIDINS FOR THE TREATMENT OF DERMATITIS" (51) International classification :A61K 35/78 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :MI2002A000756 1)SINCLAIR PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Address of Applicant :BOROUGH ROAD, GODALMING, (32) Priority Date :09/04/2002 SURREY GU7 2AB U.K. (33) Name of priority country :Italy (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/03329 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :31/03/2003 1)MASTRODONATO, MARCO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084553 2)CIATTINI, ROBERTO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Pharmaceutical compositions for the topical administration, comprising as active ingredients proanthocyanidins alone or combined with glycyrrhetinic acid, telmesteine, alpha-bisabolol or other components having complementary activity, in admixture with a suitable carrier, useful for the treatment of avariety of pathologies such as atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, radiation dermatitis, psoriasis, xerosis and atopia as well as for the treatment of mucosae inflammatory conditions.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3010/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : STABILISING CGMP IN AQUEOUS FORMULATION (51) International classification :A61K 7/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02004880.7 1)SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A (32) Priority Date :04/03/2002 Address of Applicant :P.O.BOX 353, CH-1800 VEVEY SWITZERLAND (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/00411 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/01/2003 1)BRAUN, MARCEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/074017 2)ERDMANN, PETER (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a method of stabilizing caseinoglycomacropeptide (cGMP) in aqueous formulations and reducing an off ’flavor formation. In particular, the present invention comprises a formulation, having a pH below about 6 and/or comprising a hydrophobic resin and/or an offˆ’flavor masking substance and/or agents blocking functional groups in the caseinoglycomacropeptide.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3011/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR PREPARING OLIGONUCLEOTIDES" (51) International classification :C08F 8/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0209539.6 1)AVECIA LIMITED (32) Priority Date :26/04/2002 Address of Applicant :HEXAGON HOUSE, BLACKLEY, MANCHESTER M9 8ZS, ENGLAND U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01795 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/04/2003 1)DAVID JOHN MOODY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/091267 2)DONALD ALFRED WELLINGS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PAUL MCCORMAC :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the preparation of an oligonucleotide is provided. The process comprises the assembly of an oligonucleotide attached to a solid support, wherein the solid support is prepared by a process comprising polymerisation of a monomer which comprises a protected hydroxypolyC2-4 alkyleneoxy chain attached to a polymerisable unit wherein the protected hydroxypolyC2-4 alkyleneoxy chain contains from 2 to 10 C2-4 alkyleneoxy groups and wherein the hydroxypolyC2-4 alkyleneoxy chain is protected with an acidlabile protecting group, preferably an optionally substituted trityl group.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3012/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MONOMERS CONTAINING POLYOXYALKYLENES AND POLYMER SUPPORTS THEREFROM" (51) International classification :C08G 65/332 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0209539.6 1)AVECIA LIMITED Address of Applicant :HEXAGON HOUSE, BLACKLEY, (32) Priority Date :26/04/2002 MANCHESTER M9 8ZS, ENGLAND U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2003/001774 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/04/2003 1)DAVID JOHN MOODY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/091311 2)DONALD ALFRED WELLINGS (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A polymer support is provided which comprises protected hydroxypolyC2-4 alkyleneoxy chains attached to a cross-linked polymer wherein the protected hydroxypolyC2-4 alkyleneoxy chain contains from 2 to 10 C2-4 alkyleneoxy groups and wherein the hydroxypolyC2-4 alkyleneoxy chains are protected with an acid labile group. The acid labile protecting group is preferably a poly-aryl methane protecting group. A monomer and process for the preparation of said support are also provided.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2959/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "EXPRESSION OF GENES IN MODIFIED VACCINIA VIRUS ANKARA BY USING THE COWPOX ATI PROMOTER" (51) International classification :C12N 15/86 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PA 2002 00754 1)BAVARIAN NORDIC A/S Address of Applicant :BØGESKOVVEJ 9, DK-3490 (32) Priority Date :16/05/2002 KVISTGAARD, DENMARK (33) Name of priority country :Denmark (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/05046 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :14/05/2003 1)PAUL HOWLEY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097844 2)SONJA LEYRER (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concerns recombinant Modified vaccinia virus Ankara comprising in the viral genome an expression cassette comprising the cowpox ATI promoter or a derivative thereof and a coding sequence, wherein the expression of the coding sequence is regulated by said promoter. The virus may be useful as a vaccine or as part of a pharmaceutical composition.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3002/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SIMULTANEOUS NATIONWIDE UPDATE OF DATABASE INFORMATION ON MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS DEVICES" (51) International classification :H04Q 7/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/121,404 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :12/04/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/09308 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/03/2003 1)LITWIN, LOUIS, ROBERT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088689 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method for supporting updates of database contact information to mobile communications devicesincludes a system having a dat entry computer for compiling database contact information for a group of mobilecommunications devices, a service provider computer server in signal communication with the data entry computer for uploading the database contact information into the service provider computer server and fordownloading the database contact information substantially simultaneouly to the group of mobile communications devices, and a mobile communications device in signal communication with the service provider computer server for receiving the database contact information and for updating its own global logical database.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3003/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "HETEROCYCLIC AMIDE DERIVATIVES FOR THE TREATMENT OF DIABETES AND OTHER DISEASES" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :A61K 31/427 1)INCYTE SAN DIEGO INCORPORATED :60/362,702 Address of Applicant :3160 PORTER DRIVE, PALO ALTO, :08/03/2002 CA 94304, U.S.A :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/US2003/06784 1)PFAHL MAGNUS :07/03/2003 2)TACHDJIAN CATHERINE :WO 2003/075924 3)AL-SHAMMA HUSSIEN A :NA 4)GIACHINO ANDREA FANJUL :NA 5) JAKUBOWICZ-JAILLARDON KARINE 6)GUO JIANHUA :NA 7)BOUDJELAL MOHAMED :NA 8)ZAPF JAMES W

(57) Abstract : The present invention relates to certain substituted heterocycles of Formula (200), wherein B, H, I, J and K together with the Ar5 form a ring containing at least one amide residue, and W, X, Y and Z together form a 2,4-thiazolidinedione, 2-thioxothia-zolidine-4-one, 2,4-imidazoiidinedione or 2-thioxo-imidazolidine-4-one residue; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. The compounds are useful in the treatment of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, and related disorders of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, including atherosclerosis. The compounds are also useful for treating diseases of uncontrolled proliferation, such as cancers in general, including breast cancer.

No. of Pages : 119 No. of Claims : 61

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3004/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CARD EDGE COAXIAL CONNECTOR" (51) International classification :H01R 13/646 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/114,897 1)ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :02/04/2002 Address of Applicant :13625 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55344-2252, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09064 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/03/2003 1)KEREKES, JAMES (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/085786 2)KHEMAKHEM, M'HAMED ANIS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)LOVAASEN, ERIC L :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An adapter having a housing, a ground clip and an adapter subassembly all located in the housing. The adapter subassembly includes a proximal portion that can be coupled to a coaxial connector and a distal portion that can be coupled to a printed circuit board. A central conductor in the form of an elongated shaft that runs through the subassembly and has a ball contact end for contacting a conductor located on a printed circuit board and the elongated shaft is tapered in a region near the ball contact.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 23

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(21) Application No.2674/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AMINOCYCLOPENTADIENYL RUTHENIUM COMPLEXES AND PREPARATION THEREOF" (51) International classification :C07F 15/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002/13809 1)POSTECH FOUNDATION (32) Priority Date :14/03/2002 Address of Applicant :SAN 31, HYOJA-DONG, NAM-GU, (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea POHANG, KYUNGSANGBUK-DO 790-784, KOREA Republic :PCT/KR2002/00925 of Korea (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/05/2002 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/076449 1)JAIWOOK PARK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)MAHN-JOO KIM :NA Number 3)JUN HO CHOI :NA Filing Date 4)YANGSOO AHN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Novel aminocyclopentadienyl ruthenium complex is useful as a catalyst in the racemization of a chiral compound.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 14

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(21) Application No.2676/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : MOUNTING ARRANGEMENT FOR A REFRIGERATOR FAN (51) International classification :F25D 17/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PI 0201397-5 1)MULTIBRAS S.A ELETRODOMESTICOS (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :AVENIDA DAS NACOES UNIDAS, 12995-32° ANDAR 04578-000-SAO PAULO-SP BRAZIL Brazil (33) Name of priority country :Brazil :PCT/BR2003/00059 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/04/2003 1)SCHMID, ALEXANDRE, CURY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089858 2)CARGNIN, ANDRIANO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PEREIRA, ALEXSANDRO, JOSE :NA Number 4)RODRIGUES JUNIOR, ROGERIO :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A mounting arrangement for a refrigerator fan, comprising an electric motor (11) to whose shaft is affixed a propeller (12) with an axial flow passing through a refrigerated air outlet (4b) provided through an internal divisional wall (6) of the refrigerator; a support frame (2 0) having a marginal portion (21) external to the contour of rotation of the propeller (12) and incorporating a central hub (22) in which is affixed the electric motor (11) ; a flexible support (30) in the form of an annular flange presenting an outer portion (31), which is peripherally and removably affixed to the internal divisional wall (6) , along the contour of the refrigerated air outlet (4b), an inner portion (32) provided with a central opening (3 5) and with retaining means (36), which are removably locked to the marginal portion (21) of the support frame (2 0) in a condition in which said marginal portion (21) is axially aligned with the central opening (35) of the flexible support (30); and an annular membrane portion (33) interconnecting the outer portion (31) and the inner portion (32), in order to allow for small relative axial and radial displacements therebetween.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 10

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(21) Application No.2677/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INDICATING THE PRESENCE OF A WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK BY DETECTING SIGNATURE SEQUENCES" (51) International classification :H04L (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/365,345 1)M/S.THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :18/03/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/06764 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :05/03/2003 1)RAMASWAMY, KUMAR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081827 2)LITWIN, LOUIS, ROBERT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KNUTSON, PAUL, GOTHARD :NA Number 4)GAO, WEN :NA Filing Date 5)WANG, CHARLES, CHUANMING (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and apparatus for detecting the presence of a wireless local area network (WLAN) (104) detects at least one signature sequence in a radio frequency (RF) signal associated with a WLAN (104). The present invention indicates the presence of a WLAN (104) in response to the detection of the at least one signature sequence in the RF signal.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3036/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR SYNCHRONIZATION OF AUDIO AND VIDEO STREAMS" (51) International classification :H04J 3/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/374,269 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/011630 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)WANG, CHARLES, CHUANMING (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090443 2)AUST, ANDREAS, MATTHAIS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MODY, SACHIN, SATISH :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed is a method and apparatus for reducing the audio-visual synchronization problems (e.g. - "lip sync" problems) in corresponding audio and video streams by adapting a statistical distribution of temporal errors (510) to create a new statistical distribution of temporal errors (520). The new statistical distribution of temporal errors (520) being substantially within an acceptable synchronization tolerance window (410) which is less offensive to a viewer/listener.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 20

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(21) Application No.3037/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK (WLAN) AS A PUBLIC LAND MOBILE NETWORK FOR WLAN/TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM INTERWORKING" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,197 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :17/04/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/11450 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :14/04/2003 1)VERMA,SHAILY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090013 2)WANG, CHARLES, CHUANMING (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)RAMASWAMY, KUMAR :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A telecommunications system includes a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN 12) for providing wireless service to users, and a wireless local area network (WLAN 14) functioning outside the said PLMN as a separate PLMN. An inter-PLMN backbone (18) interfaces the WLAN to the PLMN, and an interworking function is coupled to the WLAN (14) to provide seamless interactions between the PLMN (12) and the WLAN to increase available service bandwidth provided for users of the PLMN.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3038/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD, APPARATUS AND SYSTEM FOR SUPPORTING MULTIPLE COLLABORATIVE SESSIONS IN A BI-DIRECTIONAL COMMUNICATION DEVICE" (51) International classification :H04L 9/32 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/372,913 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :16/04/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/11239 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)BROERMAN, KEITH, ROBERT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090405 2)SHU, LINMEI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WANG, LIANGZHONG :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method, apparatus (120) and system (100) for supporting multiple diagnostic sessions include receiving multiple diagnostic session requests, verifying identification information for each requester (110, 130), establishing a communications channel for each verified requester, and communicating the requested information to all of the verified requesters via the established communications channels.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2990/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR OPTIMIZING CELL-NEIGBBOR LISTS" (51) International classification :H04Q 7/38 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/370,476 1)TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON [PUBL] (32) Priority Date :05/04/2002 Address of Applicant :TELEFONPLAN, S-164 83 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Sweden (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/IB2003/01245 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/04/2005 1)RAFAEL CELEDON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086001 2)ALI SHAH (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JULIO VELO :NA Number 4)DWIGHT INMAN :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A count is made of the number of mobile assisted handoff (MAHO) attempts between a service cell and a targeted cell. A count is also made of the number of times the targeted cell is considered a Best Candidate (BestCand) for handoff from the service cell. If the targeted cell is not included in the service cell™s neighbor list, a potential neighbor cell (PNC). Hysterisis is added to the targeted cell to prevent handoffs to the targeted cell. The MAHO and BestCand counts are determined and if the counts meet or exceed predetermined threshold values the targeted cell is added to the list. If the targeted cell is on the neighbor list, no hysterisis is added. If the count data does not meet or exceed the threshold values, the target is removed from the list.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2993/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR PRODUCING D-GLUCURONIC ACID" (51) International classification :C07H 7/033 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)OBSCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI (32) Priority Date :NA OTVETSTVENNOCTIYU "MACFERON" Address of Applicant :U.BOLSHAYA GRUZINSKAYA, 14(33) Name of priority country :NA :PCT/RU2002/00542 1, MOSCOW, 123242, RUSSIA Russia (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/12/2002 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082886 1)MAKSIM LVOVICH BELJANIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)EVGENIY DANILOVICH GOLDBERG :NA Number 3)ALEXANDR MICHAILOVICH DYGAI :NA Filing Date 4)VIKTOR DMITRIEVICH FILIMONOV (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)VENIAMIN ABRAMOVICH KHAZANOV Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to methods for producing D-glucuronic acid. Said D-glucuronic acid (GA) and the derivatives thereof (lactone, salts, amides etc.) are represented in the form of highly active biological compounds which are largely used for medicine and pharmaceutical chemistry in order to synthesise modified medicinal preparations and also in the form of food additives, cosmetics etc. The principal aim of said invention is to develop an environmentally safe method for producing D-glucuronic acid which exhibits extended functional capabilities. The inventive method for producing glucuronic acid consists in heating the salts of 1.2-Oisopropylidene-D-glucuronic acid in an aqueous solution in the presence of acid agents in the form of sulfoacid cation exchange resins.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2996/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR MANAGING THE RIGHTS OF AN ENCRYPTED CONTENT STORED ON A PERSONAL DIGITAL RECORDER" (51) International classification :H04N 7/167 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0664/02 1)NAGRAVISION S.A (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :22, ROUTE DE GENEVE, CH-1033 (33) Name of priority country :Switzerland CHESEAUX-SUR-LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Switzerland (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2003/01514 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)MARCO SASSELLI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090465 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The aim of the invention is to provide a method for storing an event which is encrypted by control words (CW) guaranteeing access to said event at any moment, even if certain modifications occur in the designation of the identifiers of said events between the moment of storage and the moment of visualization.This is achieved by means of a method for storing such an event in a receiving and decrypting unit (STB) connected to a security unit (SC), said control words (CW) and the required rights being contained in control messages (ECM). The inventive method is characterized in that it comprises the following steps: the encrypted event is stored, along with the control messages (ECM), on the storage unit; the control messages (ECM) are transmitted to the security unit (SC); verification occurs as to whether the access rights to said event are contained in the security unit (SC), if this is the case, a receipt (Q) is provided for all or part of the control message (ECM) by means of a secret key (K) which is contained in the security unit (SC) and is proper to each security unit; said receipt (Q) is stored on the storage unit.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 3

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2997/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "INDUCTION FURNACE FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE OPERATION" (51) International classification :F27D 7/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/115,694 1)UCAR CARBON COMPANY, INC (32) Priority Date :04/04/2002 Address of Applicant :12900 SNOW ROAD, PARMA, OH 44130, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/10416 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :03/04/2003 1)DOUGLAS J. MILLER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/087689 2)WERNER H. RUOFF (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ALLAN W. INTERMILL :NA Number 4)THOMAS R. THOMAN :NA Filing Date 5)RICHARD L. SHAO (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)STEPHEN L. STRONG Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An induction furnace capable of operation at temperatures of over 3100°C has a cooling assembly (60), which is selectively mounted to an upper end of the furnace wall (76). The cooling assembly includes a dome (62), which is actively cooled by cooling water coils (68). During the cool down portion of a furnace run, cooling initially proceeds naturally, by conduction of heat away from the hot zone through a furnace insulation layer (58). Once the temperature within the furnace hot zone (20) reaches about 1500°C, a lifting mechanism (80), mounted to the dome, raises a cap (16) of the furnace slightly, allowing hot gases from the hot zone to mix with cooler gas in the dome. This speeds up cooling of the hot zone, reducing cool-down times significantly, without the need for encumbering the furnace itself with valves or other complex cooling mechanisms which have to be replaced periodically. The life of a graphite furnace susceptor (10) at the high operating temperature is increased by surrounding the susceptor with a barrier layer (40) of flexible graphite, which inhibits evaporation of the graphite. Additionally, witness disks (154), placed within the susceptor, provide an accurate temperature profile of the hot zone.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2949/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING WATER-SOLUBLE PRODRUGS OF PROPOFOL AND METHODS OF ADMINISTERING SAME" (51) International classification :A61K 31/66 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/370,213 1)GUILFORD PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Address of Applicant :6611 TRIBUTARY STREET, (32) Priority Date :08/04/2002 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21224, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/10540 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :08/04/2003 1)PEGGY WINGARD (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086413 2)ERIC S. BURAK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)EKATERINA GIBIANSKI :NA Number 4)JAMES J. VORNOV :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention is directed to pharmaceutical compositions containing water-soluble prodrugs of propofol and methods of administering the prodrug. In one aspect, a method of inducing and/or maintaining a generalized anesthetic state comprises administering by parenteral infusion a prodrug of propofol in an amount sufficient to cause and/or maintain loss of consciousness. In another aspect, a prodrug of propofol is administered for producing a sedated state in a subject.

No. of Pages : 49 No. of Claims : 35

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2951/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMAGE CONTENT REGION RECONFIGURATION DATA MESSAGES AND METHODS THEREFOR" (51) International classification :G08G 5/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/EP2003/04187 1)MOTOROLA, INC Address of Applicant :1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, (32) Priority Date :18/04/2003 SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS 60196, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :PCT (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/04187 (72)Name of Inventor : :18/04/2003 Filing Date 1)OUELID ABDESSELEM (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094517 2)BRUNO CENDON-MARTIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PRADEEP GARANI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A data message including a region definition and in some embodiments a region shape attribute specifying a region shape corresponding to at least one region defined in the data message. In some embodiments, the data message includes a link type attribute, and a link origin attribute specifying a link origin. The link type attribute specifies a link shape extending from the link origin to a corresponding region. The data message enables displaying of first image information within a first region (610) and second image information within a second region (620), wherein the second region may relate may relate to the first region with a link shape (630).

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 18

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(21) Application No.2952/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMAGE CONTENT RECONFIGURATION FOR DIFFERENT DEVICE CAPABILITIES AND METHODS THEREFOR" (51) International classification :H04N 7/24 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02291139.0 1)MOTOROLA, INC Address of Applicant :1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, (32) Priority Date :06/05/2002 SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS 60196, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/04186 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :18/04/2003 1)OUELID ABDESSELEM (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094516 2)BRUNO CENDON-MARTIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PRADEEP GARANI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A data message, for example a synchronized multimedia integration language (SMIL) message or an extensible markup language (XML) based message, including image content and image content reconfiguration information that limits the extent to which the image content may be reconfigured (320) for display (330). Examples of the image content reconfigureation information, include height and width dimension limitations, image aspect ratio limitations, content rotation information, image content positioning information, image content cropping information image content resolution information.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 34

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2953/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/12/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RAIL-TYPE GROUNDING TERMINAL STRUCTURE" (51) International classification :E04H 17/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :097100482 1)WU, CHIH-YUAN (32) Priority Date :01/04/2008 Address of Applicant :8F, NO.66, ZHONGZHENG RD., XINZHUANG CITY, TAIPEI COUNTY 242, TAIWAN (R.O.C) (33) Name of priority country :Taiwan Taiwan (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA 1)WU, CHIH-YUAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)HSU, BIAO-HUANG Filing Date :NA 3)LEE, CHIEN-HSIN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A rail-type grounding terminal structure composed of a metal grounding member and an insulating housing. The grounding member has better operation elasticity and can be easily tightly connected with a grounding rail. The grounding member includes a metal insertion leg mountable on a leaf spring mount, a bow section connected with the metal insertion leg and a first end and a second end respectively outward extending from the bow section and latched on a grounding rail. The metal insertion leg has a slightly outward deflected head end and a neck wall formed thereunder. When the metal insertion leg is mounted on the leaf spring mount, the leaf spring mount exerts a reaction force to urge the grounding member to t ightly attach to lower side of the housing. Therefore, a gap is defined between the grounding member and the housing for a serviceman to separate the grounding member from the rail or connect the grounding member with the rai1.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2953/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A PROCESS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR MAKING OPTICAL FIBER GELS" (51) International classification :C08J 3/075 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/369,008 1)THE LUBRIZOL CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :01/04/2002 Address of Applicant :29400 LAKELAND BOULEVARD, WICKLIFFE, OH 44092-2298, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/08912 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/03/2003 1)SAURABH S. LAWATE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/085036 2)ROBERT A. SILVERSTEIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JOHN C. TOLFA :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process of forming a gel for gel packed transmission cable comprising the steps of dissolving a high molecular weight polymer in oil and thereafter through the use of a rotor and stator mixer effectively incorporating a colloidal silica(s) into the polymer in oil composition. Compositions made from this process having optimized viscosity are also claimed.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3018/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BUSINESS ANALYSIS TOOL" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/091,140 1)3-D BUSINESS TOOLS, LLC (32) Priority Date :06/03/2002 Address of Applicant :4272 DANT BOULEVARD, RENO, NEVADA 89509, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/06275 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :06/03/2002 1)ROBERT S. BLOCK (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/077058 2)JONATHAN LAU (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DEBBIE BLOCK :NA Number 4)DAVID BLOCK :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the invention, a single automated accounting and business analysis system is employed to acquire, organize, record, analyze and plan all the relevant financial and non-financial business metrics required by a company's management, suppliers, creditors, shareholders, regulators, etc. This includes all the internally generated metrics and external metrics such as data related to the economy, a particular industry, weather conditions, etc.

No. of Pages : 65 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3052/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROJECTILE SEALING ARRANGEMENT" (51) International classification :F42B 5/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1828 1)METAL STORM LIMITED (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :LEVEL 34, 345 QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND 4000, AUSTRALIA Australia (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00318 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/03/2003 1)RAMON JOHN BAMBACH (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089871 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A projectile sealing arrangement for a barrel assembly of a weapon wherein a plurality of projectile assemblies (10) are axially disposed in abutting relationship within a barrel (20), each projectile assembly (10) including a body (11) associated with a discrete propellant charge (15); said sealing arrangement comprising rearward opening (13) communicating with cavity (14) provided in said projectile assembly (10) for retaining the discrete propellant charge (15) and a forward portion (16) of an abutting projectile arranged for operative sealing engagement with a complementary portion (17) of the rearward opening (13). The sealing arrangement suitably includes surface portions of complementary shapes such that, during application of a compressive load (L) to abutting projectile assemblies (10), discrete propellant charge (15) is sealed within the cavity (14).There is also disclosed and claimed a chain of individual projectiles connected head to tail by complementary spigot and socket members.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 64

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(21) Application No.3058/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYMBOL TIMING SEARCH ALGORITHM" (51) International classification :H04L 7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/374,031 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11627 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)LIU, WEIXIAO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090399 2)BOUILLET, AARON, REEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MAYER, MATTHEW, THOMAS :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system is described for establishing timing synchronism between a local receiver symbol clock and and a transmitter symbol clock. A prescribed number of offset values are calculated for desired symbol timing range, The offset values being grouped substantially symmetrically about a central offset value. Each of the preselected offset values are tested to see if symbol timing recovery (STR) lock can be achieved by starting at the central offset value and gradually moving away from such value (606, 608, 610 and 614). Finally, two timing detection algorithms are used and switched between the two algorithms is carried out as desired to maximize the possibility of STR lock (604).

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3059/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PACKET ERROR SIGNAL GENERATOR" (51) International classification :H04N (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,203 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :17/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11001 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/04/2003 1)BOUILLET, AARON, REEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090440 2)MAYER, MATTHEW, THOMAS (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A software packet error for a High Definition Television (HDTV) receiver (fig. 2, 12). A data packet error signal (17) is transferred from a forward error correcting Reed-Solomon decoder (44) to a transport processor (60). In response to a segment sync signal (20), the transport processor generates an error signal (31) which appears on a programmable output pin (30). The software packet error signal (31) is synchronized with the outgoing data packet signal (32) such that each data packet (35) is bracketed or framed by its associating packet error signal (33). Precession of the start of the data packets forwarded on the transport bus (48) relative to the start of the data packets appearing at the output (45) of the decoder (44) occurs as a result of a training packet generated for every 312 data packets. The precession is reset at the beginning of every field and is predictable across the duration of a field with sufficient accuracy to make the software packet error mechanism feasible.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2877/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR PREPARING TRAMADOL HYDROCHLORIDE AND/OR TRAMADOL MOMOHYDRATE" (51) International classification :C07C 213/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02252046.4 1)JUBILANT ORGANOSYS LTD Address of Applicant :1-A, SECTOR 16-A INSTITUTIONAL (32) Priority Date :20/03/2002 (33) Name of priority country :EPO AREA, NOIDA, UP 201301, INDIA Uttar Pradesh India (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2003/001503 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :20/03/2003 1)ANSARI, SHAHID, AKHTAR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078380 2)KULKARNI, ASHOK, KRISHNA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)RAVIKUMAR, BHADRAVATHI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process is described for the preparation of (RR,SS˜2-dimethylaminomethyl-1-(3-methoxyphenyl) cyclohexanol hydrochloride (hereinafter "tramadol hydrochloride"), which process comprises reacting a mixture of (RR,SS)- and (RS,SR)-2dimethylaminomethyl-l-(3-methoxyphenyl) cyclohexanol with HCI in the presence of a catalytic amount of water. The process can be carried out in the absence of 1,4-dioxane or other category 1 carcinogenic solvent, and in one step, providing commercial advantages of simplicity, safety and purity. Tramadolhydrochloride is a known non-narcotic analgesic.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3073/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NOVEL PYRAZOLO [4,3-D]PYRIMIDINES, PROCESSES FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND METHODS FOR THERAPY" (51) International classification :C07D 487/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02007163.5 1)USTAV EXPERIMENTALNI BOTANIKY AV CR (32) Priority Date :28/03/2002 (INSTITUTE OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY ACADEMY (33) Name of priority country :EPO OF SCIENCES OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC) (86) International Application No Address of Applicant :ROZVOJOVA 135, 160 00 PRAHA 6, :PCT/EP2003/03207 Filing Date :27/03/2003 THE CZECH REPUBLIC Czech Republic (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082872 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)MORAVCOVA, DANIELA :NA Number 2)HAVLICEK, LIBOR :NA Filing Date 3)KRYSTOF, VLADIMIR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 4)LENOBEL, RENE Filing Date :NA 5)STRNAD, MIROSLAV (57) Abstract : The invention relates to 3-, 5-, 7-trisubstituted pyrazolo[4,3-d]pyrimidines represented by the general formula (I), and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, wherein, R3 is an optionally substituted alkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloheteroalkyl, cycloalkyl alkyl, aryl or alkylaryl group; R5 is halogen, -NHNH2, -NHOH, NHCONH2, guanylo (NH-C(NH)NH2) an optionally substituted C1C6 alkyl, alkenyl, alkinyl, C3-C15 cycloalkyl, Rf (C3-C15 cycloalkyl), heterocycle, heteroalkyl, aryl, heteroaryl, arylalkyl, cycloheteroalkyl, cycloheteroalkyl alkyl, heteroarylalkyl group, the group -C(O)-Ra, -C(O)NRbRc - SO3Rd, or -NHC(O)Re, wherein Ra and Rf are an optionally substituted C1-C6 alkyl, alkenyl, or alkinyl group, Rb, Rc and Rd are independently selected from the group consisting of H, optionally substituted C1-C6 alkyl, alkenyl, or alkinyl group, and Re is a hydroxy, amino, alkoxy, alkylamino, optionally substituted C1-C6 alkyl, alkenyl or alkinyl group; or the group -X-R5", wherein X is -NH-, -O-, -S- or -N(alkyl)- and R5" is hydrogen, an optionally substituted C1-C6 alkyl, alkenyl, alkinyl, C3-C15 cycloalkyl, Rf(C3-C15 cycloalkyl), aryl, heterocycle, hetero C1-C6 alkyl, arylalkyl, heteroaryl, cycloheteroalkyl, cycloheteroalkyl alkyl, or heteroarylalkyl group, the group -C(O)-Ra, C(O)NRbRc, -SO3Rd, or -NHC(O)Re, wherein Ra, Rb, Rc, Rd, Re and Rf have the above meaning, and R7 is halogen, -NHNH2, NHOH, NHCONH2, guanylo (NH-C(NH)NH2) or the group -X-R7, wherein X has the above meaning and the meaning of R7, is as defined for R5".

No. of Pages : 152 No. of Claims : 32

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3088/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHODS FOR TREATING TWEAK-RELATED CONDITIONS" (51) International classification :A61K 39/395 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/371,611 1)BIOGEN, INC (32) Priority Date :09/04/2002 Address of Applicant :14 CAMBRIDGE CENTER, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02142, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11350 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/04/2003 1)LINDA BURKLY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086311 2)ANIELA JAKUBOWSKI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)TIMOTHY ZHENG :NA Number 4)KYUNGMIN HAHM :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides methods and agents for the treatment of TWEAK-related conditions, including cardiac, liver, kidney, lung, adipose, skeletal, muscle, neuronal, bone and cartilage conditions. The invention also provides methods for identifying TWEAK agonists or antagonists for the treatment of TWEAK-related conditions. Additionally, the invention provides transgenic animals that express an exogenous DNA encoding a TWEAK polypeptide, or fragments, analogs, or muteins thereof, and methods for using such animals to identify TWEAK agonists or antagonists. The invention further provides methods for diagnosing a disease based on TWEAK expression. The invention also provides methods for affecting cellular differentiation of progenitor cells using TWEAK polypeptides, agonists, or antagonists.

No. of Pages : 107 No. of Claims : 53

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3089/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM TO ENABLE A TELECOM OPERATOR PROVIDE FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS SERVICES AND METHODS FOR IMPLEMENTING SUCH TRANSACTIONS (51) International classification :H04M 11/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/CN2002/00301 1)PAYCOOL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Address of Applicant :16F STANDARD CHARTERED (32) Priority Date :28/04/2002 BUILDING, 4-4 A DES VOEUX ROAD CENTRAL, HONG (33) Name of priority country :PCT (86) International Application No :PCT/CN2002/00301 KONG, CHINA China :28/04/2002 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094491 1)BARTHELEMY, SERGE (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a system, enabling subscribers of a wireless Telecom Operator to execute financial transactions with a mobile phone, or an electronic device which can be connected to the wireless communication network, characterised in that a subscriber has one or several Financial Transaction Accounts open and managed by the Telecom Operator, which can receive monetary deposits, and on which debit and credit operations can be executed. The system is composed of a Transaction Processing Platform, which is installed on the computers of the Telecom Operator, is connected to the wireless communication network, is interfaced with other elements of the Telecom Operator, manages the Financial Transactions Accounts, verifies/executes financial transactions sent by the subscribers, and executes other tasks like confirmations of transactions, account statement preparation, reporting, etc... The system is also composed of a client software that runs on the Mobile Phone of the subscriber or his connectable electronic device or on the Subscriber Identify Module (SIM for GSM, UIM for CDMA, USIM for 3G UMTS, etc ) which is inserted in the mobile phone or connectable electronic device. Such client software enables the subscriber to prepare, validate and send through the wireless communication network, transactions orders to the Transaction Processing Platform.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 59

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3039/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "EVAPORATIVE COOLERS" (51) International classification :F24F 13/28 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1529 1)COOKE, ROGER, LAURENCE (32) Priority Date :04/04/2002 Address of Applicant :392 ST KILDA STREET, BRIGHTON, VICTORIA, 3186, AUSTRALIA Australia (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00387 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/03/2003 1)COOKE, ROGER, LAURENCE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/085328 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An evaporative cooler has a housing (2) mounted within the roof space (4) of a pitched roof with the housing inlet, which mounts evaporative cooling pads (6), lying at or adjacent to the plane of the roof. This construction avoids the unsightly protrusion normally associated with roof-mounted evaporative coolers.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3085/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR ADAPTIVE RATE CONTROL" (51) International classification :H04L 12/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201172-4 1)TERRAPLAY SYSTEMS AB (32) Priority Date :18/04/2000 Address of Applicant :SOLNA STRANDVAG 96, S-171 54 SOLNA, SWEDEN Sweden (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00587 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/04/2003 1)ROLAND KARLSSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088602 2)MAGNUS JANDEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention aims at enabling adaptive rate control, ARC, in a packet switched network, the ARC also being adapted to the requirements of a specific application. According to the invention an arrangement for adaptive rate control of a connection between a sender and a receiver in a packet switched data network comprises: A generic control means for performing adaptive rate control according to a generic algorithm, said arrangement being characterized by At least one application specific control means, said application-specific control means being arranged to control the function of the generic control means in de-pendence of the characteristics of the application.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3087/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SOLICITING PROPOSALS FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES" (51) International classification :G06F 17/60 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/370,937 1)TOPCODER, INC Address of Applicant :703 HEBRON AVENUE, (32) Priority Date :08/04/2002 GLASTONBURY, CT 06033, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/10537 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :07/04/2003 1)JOHN M. HUGHES (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088119 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a method and apparatus for developing software. In one embodiment, a method for facilitating the distributed development of software components includes providing a skill rating for software developers, communicating specifications for a software component to a subset of the developers, receiving submissions from the developers, scoring the submissions, and selecting one submission to be included in a software repository. In another embodiment, a method for compensating a software developer includes soliciting software developers for the submission of computer software components, receiving software components in response to the solicitation from the developers, evaluating the received software components, selecting one or more of the submissions for potential distribution to the public, and allotting the proceeds from the distribution to the developers.

No. of Pages : 62 No. of Claims : 41

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3094/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT PAYMENT" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/109,559 1)FIRST DATA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :27/03/2002 Address of Applicant :12500 EAST BELFORD AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80112-5939, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09926 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/03/2003 1)KARAS, PETER M (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/083624 2)WILBER, RICHARD G (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BAUMGART, MARK D :NA Number 4)TRUJILLO, CHRIS :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : According to the invention, a method for purchasing a negotiable instrument from an online payment system by a payor to compensate a payee in relation to a listing on a vending site is disclosed. In one step, a payment currency and/or a drawee bank nationality is selected for the online payment system to use when issuing the payment instrument. Payment information is received from the payor and comprises at least two of: a payee identifier, a payee name, a payee, and a payment amount. A money handler associated with the payor is debited for at least the payment amount. The payment instrument payable to the payee name for the payment amount is generated. That payment instrument is based on at least one of the payment currency and the drawee bank nationality. The payment currency is different from a currency used by the money handler. The payment instrument is delivered to the payee.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3095/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DIVERSITY SCHEME FOR ERROR CONTROL CODING IN A SYSTEM WITH PRIORITIZED DATA" (51) International classification :H03M 13/35 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/374,030 1)M/S.THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/11957 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/04/2003 1)LITWIN, LOUIS, ROBERT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090363 2)RAMASWAMY, KUMAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : There is provided a method of diversity error control coding for a system having variable-length packets that carry prioritized data. High priority packets (330) in a data sequence are replicated to form virtual replications (340). Parity symbols (310) are generated from the data sequence and from the virtual replications, and tag information is generated that indicates a number of the virtual replications used to generate the parity symbols, for subsequent transmission of only the data sequence, the parity symbols, and the tag information to reconstruct the data sequence.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2986/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR GENERATION OF CHECKABLE FORGERY-PROOF DOCUMENTS AND VALUE TRANSFER CENTER" (51) International classification :H04L 9/32 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 11 265.7 1)DEUTSCHE POST AG Address of Applicant :CHARLES-DE-GAULLE-STR.20, (32) Priority Date :13/03/2002 53113, BONN, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/DE2003/00760 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/03/2003 1)MEYER, BERND (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/079609 2)LANG, JURGEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method and a device for the generation of checkable forgery-proof documents with an externally supplied cryptographic module, whereby the checking of authenticity of the document is carried out without using key information belonging to the cryptographic module. According to the invention, the method and the device are characterised in that the cryptographic module is supplied with two types of data, even on supply from a communication partner which is cryptographically not trustworthy, which either remain in the cryptographic module or are attached to the document. The information remaining in the cryptographic module is used to secure the document information by means of a check value and the information transferred into the document serves to verify the securing of the document by the cryptographic module during a check of the authenticity of the document at a checkpoint.

No. of Pages : 31 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2988/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "REFRIGERATED MERCHANDISER WITH FOUL-RESISTANT CONDENSER" (51) International classification :F25B 39/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/376,486 1)CARRIER COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION, INC (32) Priority Date :30/04/2002 Address of Applicant :1245 CORPORATE BOULEVARD, SUITE 401, AURORA, ILLINOIS 60504, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12468 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/04/2003 1)UPTON RONALD D (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093738 2)BRANCHEAU HARRY A (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)REESE ROBERT J :NA Number 4)DADDIS EUGENE DUANE JR :NA Filing Date 5)ROBERTS TIMOTHY J (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A refrigerated cold beverage merchandiser (10) includes an enclosure defining an insulated, refrigerated display cabinet (25) and a compartment (30) heat insulated therefrom wherein a compressor (40) a condenser (50) and a condenser fan (60) are disposed. The condenser (50) is formed by a plurality of in-line tube banks (52). Each tube bank (52) is a serpentine tube formed a plurality of unfinned, straight tube segments (54) extending in parallel rows (55) between a pair of spaced, opposed end plates (58) and elbow turns (56) connecting neighboring straight tube segments (56) in a conventional manner. Each successive tube bank (52) is arranged with the other tube banks so that respective parallel tube rows (55) are disposed in-line from the front to the rear of the condenser (50) or with each successive tube bank being offset in a slightly staggered arrangement.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3123/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MORE EFFICIENT AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION BASED ON A LARGE NUMBER OF CHEAP HUMIDITY SENSORS AND AUTOMATIC FAUCETS" (51) International classification :A01G (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :148586 1)MAYER, YARON (32) Priority Date :10/03/2002 Address of Applicant :21 AHAD HAAM STREET, (33) Name of priority country :Israel JERUSALEM 92151, ISRAEL Israel (86) International Application No :PCT/IL2003/00195 2)BAUR, AI Filing Date :10/03/2003 3)GADASSI, HAIM (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/075637 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)MAYER, YARON :NA Number 2)BAUR, AI :NA Filing Date 3)GADASSI, HAIM (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The most efficient water irrigation systems today for gardens and/or fields typically use dripping systems that release drops of water at certain distance intervals for example for about 30-60 minutes per day (for example every 30-100 cm of the pipe there is dropper that releases typically 2 litters of water per hour) and are typically controlled by timers that start or stop the water in the main pipes. However, although this is in general more efficient than systems that do not use droppers, this can still be far from optimal since it does not take into account different needs for each area, depending for example on the individual needs of each plant, heterogeneity of soil type, different amount of Sun or shade in each part of the garden or field, different number of plants in each area, etc. In other words, irrigation systems based on pipes with droppers, typically controlled only with a timer, which are the most common form of irrigation used today, suffer from one very basic weakness, which is that they have no feedback, so they are in essence working blindly. On the other hand, normal humidity sensors and automatic faucets are expensive, and also many of the known methods for humidity sensing suffer from various limitations, such as for example limited range of response, sensitivity to changes in the salinity of the ground, sensitivity to changes in temperature of the ground, etc. The present invention tries to solve the above problems by providing much cheaper humidity sensors that are still quite reliable and also much cheaper automatic faucets, so that preferably each plant or (preferably small) group of plants can be automatically watered by an individual set of moisture sensor and automatic faucet. The attainment of cheap automatic faucets is preferably done by using at the end nodes of the system low water pressure, so that much less force is needed to open and close the local waterway, and then either using much simpler electrical valves that do not require engines, or circumventing the need for electrical valves altogether, by using mechanical sensors that control a mechanical valve or directly exert pressure on a flexible pipe, as explained below. Another possible variation, instead of mechanical sensors and valves, is to use some chemical control that takes advantage of the behavioral tendency of the water itself, such as for example using a preferably synthetic material that tends to behave like a normal root preferably at the edge of each side channel, so that the "root" counter-balances the water supply and reaches equilibrium with it when the soil becomes wet enough, based preferably on asymmetric capillary materials.

No. of Pages : 51 No. of Claims : 62

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3025/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "REGENERATIVE BRAKING SYSTEM FOR AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE" (51) International classification :H02P 3/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/093,717 1)VECTRIX CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :11/03/2002 Address of Applicant :11 TOURO STREET, SUITE 201, NEWPORT, RI 02840, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/06561 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :06/03/2003 1)HUGHES, PETER,S (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/078199 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A regenerative braking system for an electric vehicle having front and rear wheels, and includes a drive wheel, an actuating device, a regenerative braking control circuit (64)includes a potentiometer or transducer (40) a process sensor (66), and a microprocessor (118). The system applies a regenerative braking torque to the drive wheel when the rider commands regenerative braking, and the process sensors (66) signal a drive wheel velocity greater than zero. The present invention also relates to a throttle (22) for actuating regenerative braking and reversing feature.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3026/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CREATING AN IMAGE ON AN ARTICLE AND PRINTED ARTICLE" (51) International classification :B41J 3/407 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/369,798 1)MASONITE CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE NORTH DALE MABRY (32) Priority Date :03/04/2002 HIGHWAY, SUITE 950, TAMPA, FLORIDA 33609, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/10138 U.S.A. Filing Date :02/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084760 1)BAXTER WILLIAM RONALD STUART (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)EVE RICHARD WILLIAM :NA Number 3)LUETGERT KARINE :NA Filing Date 4)FELLIN SCOTT (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of printing an image on an object comprises the steps of: providing an object (10) having an exterior surface having a planar portion (26) and a channel (30) recessed from the planar portion (26); applying a first ground coat on the exterior surface; drying the first ground coat; and spraying droplets of ink on the dried ground coat to form an image, wherein the droplets are sprayed from an ink jet printhead (60) that is maintained at a constant distance from the plane of the planar portion (26) of the object.

No. of Pages : 67 No. of Claims : 75

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(21) Application No.3137/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SEU RESISTANT SRAM USING FEEDBACK MOSFET" (51) International classification :G11C 11/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/116, 296 1)HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2002 Address of Applicant :101 COLUMBIA ROAD, P.O.BOX 2245, MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY 07960, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/10270 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/04/2003 1)MICHAEL S. LIU (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/085673 2)SHANKAR P. SINHA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A random access memory cell has first and second inverters each having an input and an output. The input of the first inverter is coupled to the out put of the second inverter by Schottky-diode-free MOSFET. The incut of the second inverter is coupled to the output of the first inverter.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3138/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND COMPUTER FOR EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN" (51) International classification :G05B 13/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 16 558.0 1)BAYER TECHNOLOGY SERVICES GMBH (32) Priority Date :15/04/2002 Address of Applicant :D-51368 LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/03424 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/04/2003 1)ANDREAS SCHUPPERT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/087957 2)ARNE OHRENBERG (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method for experimental design comprising the following steps: A selection of at least one first experiment from an experiment range by a data-driven optimizer, B input of data for the first experiment that has been determined by experimentation, C use of a meta-layer for evaluating the experiment data, whereby the meta-layer contains a neuronal network and/or a hybrid model and/or a rigorous model and/or a data mining method, D input of the experiment data determined by experimentation for the first experiment into the data-driven optimizer, E influencing of the data-driven optimizer by the result of the evaluation, F selection of at least one second experiment from the experiment range by the data-driven optimizer.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3143/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MOISTENING NON-BIOLOGICAL MEDICAL IMPLANT MATERIAL" (51) International classification :A61C 8/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02012508.4 1)MTF MEDITECH FRANKEN GMBH Address of Applicant :FORTHER HAUPTSTRASSE 65, (32) Priority Date :04/06/2002 90542 ECKENTAL, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/05877 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :04/06/2003 1)IWATSCHENKO, PETER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/101334 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and a device for moistening a porous medical material (50) utilize evacuation of the material before moistening it with a liquid which is contained in a container (48) for communication with the material (50).

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3144/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "EMITTER TUBE FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM" (51) International classification :B05B 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002/2848 1)SILKBELL LIMITED (32) Priority Date :11/04/2002 Address of Applicant :29TH FLOOR, WING ON CENTRE, 111 CONNAUGHT ROAD CENTRAL, HONG KONG (33) Name of priority country :South Africa :PCT/ZA2003/00048 Hongkong(China) (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086642 1)THERON, CHRISTOFFEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides an emitter lube (10) for an irrigation system, the tube being of resiliently flexible material having a base inlet end adapted to be mounted and a free outlet end adapted to be un-mounted. the arrangement being such that, with liquid flowing at a sufficient rate through the emitter tube, hydraulic forces exerted by the (lowing liquid on the lube cause the outlet end continuously to move about, further having a base section (10a) and an end sec-lion (10b) downstream from the base section when the end section is of greater flexibility than the base section.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3090/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : The invention relates to mono- and bivalent (diabody) single-chain Fv-type (scFv) antibody fragments which are obtained using recombinant DNA techniques from the carcinoembryonic anti-antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibody (McA) CB/ior-CEA.1. The aforementioned McA has a high affinity for the CEA and is used in the diagnosis and monitoring of colorectal tumours in humans. As with the original McA, diabody and monovalent scFv fragments exhibit high affinities for the human CEA and recognise an epitope that is dependent on carbohydrate conservation. The diabody and monovalent scFv fragments have affinity constants for the CEA of (5.0 ± 0.4) x 109 L mol-1 and (2.8 ± 0.3) x 1010 L mol-1 respectively. The two aforementioned fragments do not display crossreactivity with normal human tissues and cells, except for the normal colonic mucosa where the CEA is occasionally present. Said fragments can be produced through expression in recombinant micro-organisms from the cloning of nucleic acid sequences that code for variable regions obtained from the hybridoma that is produced by the CB/ior-CEA.1 McA. As with the original McA, the diabody and the monovalent scFv have a capacity for the in vivo identification in rats of human CEA-producing cells which grow forming tumours. The monovalent scFv and diabody do not posses Fc domains and the molecular sizes of said monovalent scFv and diabody are 5 and 2.5 times, respectively, less than the rat McA. As a result, the aforementioned monovalent scFv and diabody can better penetrate tissues in vivo and are less immunogenic in humans.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3093/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "WORLDWIDE CASH VENDOR PAYMENT" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/109,559 1)FIRST DATA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :27/03/2002 Address of Applicant :12500 EAST BELFORD AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80112-5939, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/009928 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/03/2003 1)HANSEN, DAVID L (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/083625 2)BAUMGART, MARK D (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KARAS, PETER M :NA Number 4)WILBER, RICHARD,G :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : According to the invention, a method for paying for an item with an online payment system by a payor associated with a first currency to compensate a payee associated with a second currency is disclosed. In one step, a selection of the second currency for the online payment system to use when paying the payee is received. Payment information is also received from the payor or the payee and includes at least a payee identifier and a first payment amount. A money handler associated with the payor is used to provide at least the first payment amount. A conversion ratio between the first and second currencies is determined. A second payment amount is made available to the payee for pickup at a retail location. The first currency is different from the second currency. The second payment amount is related to the first payment amount.

No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 50

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3148/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MULTIFUNCTIONAL MOBILE PHONE FOR MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS AND REHABILITATION" (51) International classification :H04M 1/247 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1048 1)ERA CENTRE PTY LTD (32) Priority Date :12/03/2002 Address of Applicant :201 SPRING STREET, MELBOURNE, VIC 3000, AUSTRALIA (AU) Australia (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00278 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/03/2003 1)NOWOSIELSKI, JANUSZ (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/077511 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The multifunctional mobile phone performs the hearing and vision tests, through the built in or externally connected devices monitors, measures and collects data of body and environmental temperature, heart beating, lung respiration, cardiac and pulmonary auscultation, sugar level, blood pressure etc., takes body photo images for the clinical assessment, displays on screen and plays back through the acoustic output instructions to conduct the diagnostic test and rehabilitation treatments, stores and updates programs for the tests and treatments and communicates with the remote medical specialist using the mobile phone network.

No. of Pages : 81 No. of Claims : 55

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3149/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM FOR FRONTAL DISPLAY OF OBJECTS" (51) International classification :A47G (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,194 1)MICHAEL J. WHITE (32) Priority Date :16/04/2002 Address of Applicant :301 EAST WALL STREET, GRAPEVINE, TX 76051, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11674 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/04/2003 1)MICHAEL J. WHITE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088789 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, a hanger (102) comprises a main body (104) disposed in a first plane and a hook (106) coupled to the main body (104) such that the main body (104) and the hook (106) maintain a non-coplanar relationship.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3112/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SCRUBBING CLOSURE" (51) International classification :B05C 11/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/127,317 1)SEAQUIST CLOSURES FOREIGN, INC (32) Priority Date :22/04/2002 Address of Applicant :475 WEST TERRA COTTA, CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS 60014, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09817 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/04/2003 1)EDWARD J. MALONEY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088802 2)KELLY A. SMITH (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A dispensing closure (40) that has a cover (48) which is provided with a scrubbing structure (52) that includes protuberances (120). In a preferred embodiment, the scrubbing structure (52) is a resilient flexible material which has been molded on a generally rigid base (50). The base (50) is injection molded in an initial injection molding step from a first material, and the scrubbing structure (52) is injection molded in situ in a subsequent molding step from a second material onto said first material to become bonded thereto.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3161/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "WEB SERVICES BROKER" (51) International classification :G06F 15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/374,034 1)COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE COMPUTER ASSOCIATES PLAZA, ISLANDIA, NEW YORK 11749, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/012272 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/04/2003 1)IGOR SEDUKHIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/107197 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A web service broker method comprises providing an interface between an enterprise and at least one of a service client and a service provider, the service client discovering web services on a service registry and using corresponding web services from the service provider, communicating between the enterprise and the at least one of the service client and the service provider and performing at least one of a) converting information from/to the enterprise to a form appropriate for the at least one of the service client and the service provider and b) converting information from/to the at least one of the service client and the service provider to a form appropriate for the enterprise.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3162/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLYARYLETHERSULFONE COMPOSITIONS EXHIBITING REDUCED YELLOWNESS AND HIGH LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE PROPERTIES AND ARTICLES MADE THEREFROM" (51) International classification :C08L 81/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/372,079 1)SOLVAY ADVANCED POLYMERS, LLC Address of Applicant :4500 MCGINNIS FERRY ROAD, (32) Priority Date :15/04/2002 ALPHARETTA, GA 30005, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/11502 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)JAMAL M. EL-HIBRI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089520 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A polyarylethersulfone polymer composition comprising a polyarylethersulfone having reduced yellowness and high light transmittance is provided. The composition includes an organic phosphorous-containing compound and at least one of the following two additives: a colorant, and an optical brightener. The polyarylethersulfone composition of the present invention is used to form molded articles suitable for food and beverage service, medical components, and lighting components.

No. of Pages : 31 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3168/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "THERMAL SHOCK RESISTANT CASTING ELEMENT AND MANUFACTURING PROCESS THEREOF" (51) International classification :B22D 41/54 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/BE2003/00056 1)VESUVIUS CRUCIBLE COMPANY Address of Applicant :103 FOULK ROAD, SUITE 202, (32) Priority Date :28/03/2003 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19803, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :PCT (86) International Application No :PCT/BE2003/00056 (72)Name of Inventor : :28/03/2003 Filing Date 1)ERIC HANSE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082500 2)FRANCOIS DELVOYE (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention concerns an element for the casting of a liquid metal, comprising a base body made from a refractory material, said body comprising an outer surface and an inner surface defining a pouring channel for the casting of the liquid metal. This element is characterized in that at least a part of the element inner surface is coated with an insulating coating forming, at the metal liquid contact, a gas impermeable layer. Such an element has an excellent thermal shock resistance which permits its use without preheating. Then a layer reducing advantageously the gas permeability is formed.

No. of Pages : 7 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3169/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MACHINE ADAPTATION" (51) International classification :B23Q 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0209072.8 1)RENISHAW PLC (32) Priority Date :20/04/2002 Address of Applicant :NEW MILLS, WOTTON-UNDEREDGE, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL12 8JR, ENGLAND U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01677 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/04/2003 1)DAVID COLLINGWOOD (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089188 2)GRAHAM RICHARD FERGUSON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)TIMOTHY DONALD HAYTER :NA Number 4)TIM PRESTIDGE :NA Filing Date 5)HARWOOD CLIVE ESMOND RENTON (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)EDWARD STOTT Filing Date :NA 7)DAVID KENNETH THOMAS (57) Abstract : The invention relates to the transmission of power and/or data from/to stationary part of a machine tool (200) to/from an accessory (100) mounted in the spindle (210) of the machine tool (200). A first electri-cal link or interface la, provides electrical communication between the stationary part (200) and the spindle (210). and a second electrical link or Interface (3) is pro* vided electrically connected to the first electrical link at the accessory mounting area (230). The second link (3) is in the form of electrical contacts. The invention extends to an accessory shank (360) for mounting to the spindle (210) of the machine tool, and also to an accessory (100) eg. in the form of a measurement probe, connected to the said shank (360).

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3047/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "N3 ALKYLATED BENZIMIDAZOLE DERIVATIVES AS MEK INHIBITORS" (51) International classification :A61K 31/5377 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/364,164 1)ARRAY BIO PHARMA INC. (32) Priority Date :13/03/2002 Address of Applicant :3200 WALNUT STREET, BOULDER, CO 80301, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/07565 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/03/2003 1)WALLACE ELI M (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/077855 2)LYSSIKATOS JOSEPH P (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HURLEY BRIAN T :NA Number 4)MARLOW ALLISON L :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed are compounds of the formula (I) and pharmaceutically acceptable salts and prodrugs thereof, wherein W, t, R1, R2, R7, R9, R10, R11 and R12 are as defined in the specification. Such compounds are MEK inhibitors and useful in the treatment of hyperproliferative diseases, such as cancer and inflammation, in mammals. Also disclosed is a method of using such compounds in the treatment of hyperproliferative diseases in mammals, and pharmaceutical compositions containing such compounds.

No. of Pages : 69 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3049/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "HYDROCARBON SYNTHESIS PROCESS USING AN ALKALI PROMOTED IRON CATALYST" (51) International classification :C10G 2/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002/2986 1)SASOL TECHNOLOGY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (32) Priority Date :16/04/2002 Address of Applicant :1 STURDEE AVENUE, ROSEBANK, 2196 JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA South Africa (33) Name of priority country :South Africa :PCT/ZA2003/00051 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)BOTES, FREDERICK, GIDEON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/087265 2)BROMFIELD, TRACY, CAROLYN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a high temperature Fischer-Tropsch (HTFT) hydrocarbon synthesis process comprising the conversion of a feed of H2 and at least one carbon oxide to hydrocarbons containing at least 30% on a mass basis hydrocarbons with five or more carbon atoms (hereinafter referred to as C5+ compounds). The conversion is carried out in the presence of an alkali-promoted iron hydrocarbon synthesis catalyst, and the process is characterised therein that the reaction mixture formed during the conversion contains less than 0.02 mol alkali per 100g iron, and that the H2 : carbon oxide molar ratio in the feed of H2 and carbon oxide is at least 2.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3050/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MULTIPLE SCAN-PLANE ULTRASOUND IMAGING OF OBJECTS" (51) International classification :A61B 8/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/364,747 1)BJORN A.J. ANGELSEN (32) Priority Date :15/03/2002 Address of Applicant :BUGGES VEG 4B, N-7051 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY Norway (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/NO2003/00089 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/03/2003 1)BJORN A.J. ANGELSEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/077766 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of real time ultrasound imaging of an object in at least three two-dimensional scan planes that are rotated around a common axis, is given, together with designs of ultrasound transducer arrays that allows for such imaging. The method is also introduced into a monitoring situation of cardiac function where, combined with other measurements as for example the LV pressure, physiological parameters like ejection fraction and muscular fiber stress is calculated.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3051/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :C07D 215/04 1)SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT :102 15 316.7 Address of Applicant :MULLERSTRASSE 178, 13353 :02/04/2002 BERLIN, GERMANY Germany (72)Name of Inventor : :Germany :PCT/EP2003/03298 1)STEFAN JAROCH :29/03/2003 2)MANFRED LEHMANN :WO 2003/082827 3)NORBERT SCHMEES 4)MARKUS BERGER :NA 5)HARTMUT REHWINKEL :NA 6)KONRAD KROLIKIEWICZ :NA 7)WERNER SKUBALLA :NA 8)HEIKE SCHACKE 9)ARNDT SCHOTTELIUS

(57) Abstract : The invention relates to quinoline and isoquinoline derivatives of general formula (I), a method for the production thereof and the use thereof as anti-inflammatory agents

No. of Pages : 160 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3181/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONCATENATED EQUALIZER/TRELLIS DECODER ARCHITECTURE FOR AN HDTV RECEIVER" (51) International classification :H04N (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,008 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :16/04/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/10888 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :09/04/2003 1)HEO, SEO, WEON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090439 2)PARK, JEONGSOON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GELFAND, SAUL, BRIAN :NA Number 4)MARKMAN, IVONETE :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A concatenated equalizer/trellis decoding system for use in processing a High Definition Television signal. The re-encoded trellis decoder output (6), rather than the equalizer output (19), is used as an input to the feedback filter (8) of the decision feedback equalizer (4). Hard or soft decision trellis decoding may be applied. In order to account for the latency associated with trellis decoding and the presence of twelve interleaved decoders, feedback from the trellis decoder to the equalizer is performed by replicating the trellis decoder and equalizer hardware in a module (1) that can be cascaded in as many stages as needed to achieve the desired balance between complexity and performance. The present system offers an improvement of between 0.6 and 1.9 decibels. Cascading of two modules (1) is usually sufficient to achieve most of the potential performance improvement.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3182/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING DIGITAL RECORDING AND ASSOCIATED USER INTERFACES" (51) International classification :G11B 15/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :200202562-5 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :29/04/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :Singapore (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/11401 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :14/04/2003 1)LIEBHOLD, VALERIE, SACREZ (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094163 2)BARRON, STEVEN, ANTHONY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JONES, RICHARD, EARL :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for controlling recording in a digital recording apparatus enables users to create improved video recordings and also conserves memory space of the recording apparatus. According to an exemplary embodiment, the method includes steps of detecting a first user input during recording representing a command to stop recording, enabling display of a first predetermined message responsive to the first user input, receiving a second user input representing a response to the first predetermined message, and controlling the digital video recording apparatus to generate a single program recording and a single program listing for the single program recording in response to the second user input.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3145/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A ROCK BOLT" (51) International classification :F21D 21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :01/10206 1)ROCK MECHANICS TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (32) Priority Date :12/04/2002 Address of Applicant :BRETBY BUSINESS PARK, ASHBY ROAD, STANHOPE BRETBY, BURTON-ON-TRENT, (33) Name of priority country :South Africa :PCT/ZA2003/00050 STAFFORDSHIRE DE 15 0QD, GREAT BRITAIN U.K. (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/04/2003 2)BREDENKAMP, KAREL, FRANCOIS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/087538 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)ALTOUNYAN, PETER,FRANK, REINHOLD, :NA Number FARCROFT :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A rock bolt.(l) comprising an elongate body having torque limiting means at an outer end (3) of the body, the torque limiting means having at least one deformable pro-tusion (2) that deforms under a predetermined torque. There is provided for the deformation of the deformable prolusion (2) to prevent further rotation of the rock bolt (1) by a torque application apparatus. A further feature of the invention provides for the deformable prolusion (2) to be shaped to receive a complementary shaped chuck on a torque application apparatus to facilitate transferring torque to the rock boll (1). Further features of the invention provide for the deformable prolusion to be pro-tusions extending in an axial direction from an end surface of the rock holt (1).

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3174/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR GENERATING A SUBSTANTIALLY UNITERRUPTED CONNECTION OF THE PERIPHERAL WALL PORTIONS OF TWO ADJACENT TUBULAR SEGMENTS" (51) International classification :E04H 12/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/EP2003/03681 1)GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Address of Applicant :ONE RIVER ROAD, (32) Priority Date :09/04/2003 SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 12345, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :PCT (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/03681 (72)Name of Inventor : :09/04/2003 Filing Date 1)FUELLHAAS WOLFGANG (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/090263 2)LUHN HOLGER (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The method for generating a substantially uninterrupted connection of the peripheral wall portions of two adjacent tubular segments each provided with flanges having holes therein, of a tower, in particular for a wind energy turbine, comprises the steps of arranging a first tubular segment (18) and a second tubular segment (20) with said flanges (26,28) thereof facing each other and said holes (34,36) in said flanges (26,28) aligned with each other, connecting said tubular segments (18,20) by prefastening screws (38) extending through said aligned holes (34,36) in said flanges (26,28), forming into the side (50) of the tubular segments (18,20) opposite to the flanges (26,28) a notch (52) of a predetermined width at least at a location of said contacting flanges (26,28) where a gap (48) having a width greater than a minimum width exists, inserting into said notch (52) at least one insert part (60) having a width substantially equal to the width of said notch (52), and completely fastening said screws (38) connecting said flanges (26,28) of said tubular segments (18,20) providing a substantially uninterrupted connection of said peripheral wall portions (22,24) of said tubular segments (18,20) through said at least one insert part (60).

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3177/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "LIVE PICTURE PRESENTATION WHILE DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDING" (51) International classification :H04N 5/783 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/375,234 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :24/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12613 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/04/2003 1)JUNKERSFELD, PHILLIP, AARON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092280 2)SCHNEIDEWEND, DANIEL, RICHARD (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KENDALL, SCOTT, ALLAN :NA Number 4)KRAKORA, ROBERT, VINCENT :NA Filing Date 5)HORLANDER, THOMAS, EDWARD (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)GUTKNECHT, GARY, ROBERT Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and a system for performing trick mode features in a personal video recorder without introducing a channel change delay during normal viewing. The method includes the steps of recording a video source signal (202) and concurrently bypassing the video source signal (204) to a display device, without experiencing any buffering delay associated with the recording step (202). During trick mode operation the bypassing step can be automatically terminated and a recorded version of the video source signal can be substituted (208) and sent to the display. The bypassing step further can include substituting, without any buffering delay, an alternate video source signal (230) in response to a user selection of an alternate video source signal channel. A user notification can be generated to acknowledge receipt of a trick mode command (210). The user notification can be terminated once the step of substituting the recorded version of the video source signal has been completed.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3178/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TRANSITIVE AUTHENTICATION AUTHORIZATION ACCOUNTING IN INTERWORKING BETWEEN ACCESS NETWORKS" (51) International classification :H04L 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/376,160 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :26/04/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/07623 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :12/03/2003 1)ZHANG, JUNBIAO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092218 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and a system for allowing a user device (240) that has already been authenticated by a first communications network to gain access to a second communications network without undergoing authentication by the second communications network. The first communications network and the second communications network have a pre-established trust relationship there between. A packet is received from the user device (240) that includes a user device public key, by the second network via the first network (210). A session key is sent from the second network (220) to the user device (240), via the first network (210), when a source Internet Protocol (IP) address associated with the packet falls into a range allocated to the first network (210). The session key is encrypted with the user device public key. The user device decrypts the session key using a private key and uses the session key thereafter to access the second network (220). Further a mapping is generated to correlate the identity of the user device (240) with the session key such that usage data related to the user device (240) is generated by the second communications network and transmitted to the first communications network, which generates accounting information indicative of user device (240) access of the second communications network.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3124/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SUPERSONIC FLUID SEPARATION ENHANCED BY SPRAY INJECTION" (51) International classification :B01D 49/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02076688.7 1)SHELL INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH (32) Priority Date :29/04/2002 MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V Address of Applicant :CAREL VAN BYLANDTLAAN 30, (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/EP2003/04704 NL-2596 HR THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS Netherlands (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092858 1)BETTING MARCO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)TJEENK WILLINK CORNELIS ANTONIE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Separation of liquid and/or solid components from a multiphase fluid stream passing through a supersonic fluid separator is enhanced by injecting a surface active agent into the fluid stream passing through the separator. Preferably the spray is injected via an injection lube that has a positive or negative electrical potential, whereas one of the walls of the separator housing has an opposite electrical potential, so that the injected spray and any liquid droplets and/or particles formed around the injected nucler are induced to flow towards said electrically loaded wall.

No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3126/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "USE OF OSTEOPROTEGERIN FOR THE TREATMENT AND/OR PREVENTION OF FIBROTIC DISEASE" (51) International classification :A61K 38/17 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02100364.5 1)APPLIED RESEARCH SYSTEMS ARS HOLDING N.V (32) Priority Date :10/04/2002 Address of Applicant :PIETERMAAI 15, CURACAO, (33) Name of priority country :EPO NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Netherlands (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/50080 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :26/03/2003 1)POWER CHRISTINE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084560 2)PLATER-ZYBERK CHRISTINE (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to the use of osteoprotegerin for treatment and/or prevention of fibrotic diseases, in particular of scleroderma.

No. of Pages : 57 No. of Claims : 34

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3193/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPLICATION SHARING SECURITY" (51) International classification :G06F 15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/374,151 1)PLACEWARE, INC. (32) Priority Date :22/04/2002 Address of Applicant :295 NORTH BERNARDO, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA 94043, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12388 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/04/2003 1)DIANE BAEK (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090103 2)JEAN-LAURENT HUYNH (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method, apparatus and computer-readable medium for facilitating application sharing. A data processing network (100) includes a plurality of individual network, that include LANS (42 and 44). The invention further discloses a gateway server (58) that is coupled to computer (10) through communication links (48, 52, 56). In operation, a user selects at least on of a plurality of applications operating on a first computer to share with at least a second computer. The user then selects at least one of a plurality of security measures for preventing a user operating the second computer from performing at least one of a plurality of unauthorized operations. Next, the user initiates applications sharing on the first computer, wherein the user operating the second computer may access or observer an application running on the first computer, but may not perform any unauthorized operations on the first computer.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3194/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLYSULFONE COMPOSITIONS EXHIBITING VERY LOW COLOR AND HIGH LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE PROPERTIES AND ARTICLES MADE THEREFROM" (51) International classification :C08L 81/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/372,078 1)SOLVAY ADVANCED POLYMERS, LLC Address of Applicant :4500 MCGINNIS FERRY ROAD, (32) Priority Date :15/04/2002 ALPHARETTA, GA 30005, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/11501 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)M. JAMAL EL-HIBRI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089519 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A polysulfone composition is provided having a total luminous light transmittance of 84 % or greater when measured on 0.1 inch thick specimens using ASTM D-1003. The specimens also meet at least one of the following two conditions: 1) a yellowness index (YI) of less than about 5.0 as measured according to ASTM D-1925 on 0.1 inch thick specimens, or 2) a color factor (CF) of less than about 25, wherein CF is defined by the following equation: CF = 270[(x+y)sample- (x+y)air]/t, wherein x and y are chromaticity coordinates measured in transmittance mode and t is sample thickness in inches. Another polysulfone composition is provided comprising a polysulfone, an organic phosphorous-containing melt stabilizer, and at least one of the following additives: a blue to violet dye, and an organic optical brightener. The polysulfone composition of the present invention is used to form transparent molded articles such as ophthalmic lenses.

No. of Pages : 49 No. of Claims : 27

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3195/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMAGE SENSOR CIRCUIT AND METHOD" (51) International classification :H01L (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/116,336 1)MOTOROLA, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2002 Address of Applicant :1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS 60196, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/08238 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/03/2003 1)TARIK HAMMADOU (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/085699 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and an image sensor circuit (2) for providing a bit stream pulse modulated signal at a controlled bit rate. The image sensor circuit (2) has a two-dimensional array of pixel signal pulse frequency modulators (22) each having a photodiode (32) for converting incident light into a varying signal voltage and a frequency-to-digital converter which generates a pulse frequency modulated signal from the varying signal voltage. The circuit 2 also has a sampling unit (24) which samples the pulse frequency modulated signal to generate the bit stream pulse modulated signal at said controlled bit rate. An arithmetic unit (26) is coupled to an output of the sampling unit (24) for performing stochastic processing on the bit stream pulse modulated signal.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3170/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "GEAR TOOTH PROFILE" (51) International classification :B23F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/374,655 1)GENESIS PARTNERS, L.P. (32) Priority Date :22/04/2002 Address of Applicant :405 CAREDEAN DRIVE, HORSHAM, PA 19044, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/12170 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/04/2003 1)JOHN R. COLBOURNE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089174 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A gear and method for producing the gear The gear has a gear tooth profile conjugate to a gear basic cutter tooth-profile having an addendum with a convex portion having an addendum point proximal to a pitch line and a dedendum with a concave portion having a dedendum point proximal to the pitch line The convex portion is complementary with a corresponding portion of a mating gear basiccutter tooth profile dedendum The concave portion is complementary with a corresponding portion of the mating gear basic cutter tooth profile addendum A transition zone between the addendum point and the dedendum point has a predetermined width The gear basic cutter tooth profile has a predetermined half pitch rehef at the pitch line and continuity of profile and continuity of slope at the addendum point

No. of Pages : 31 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3203/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PHOSPHONATES AND DERIVATIVES THEREOF AS ENHANCERS OF THE ACTIVITY OF INSECTICIDES" (51) International classification :A01N 57/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0211924.6 1)SYNGENTA LIMITED Address of Applicant :EUROPEAN REGIONAL CENTRE, (32) Priority Date :23/05/2002 PRIESTLEY ROAD, SURREY RESEARCH PARK, (33) Name of priority country :U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2003/02210 GUILDFORD, SURREY GU2 7YH, ENGLAND U.K. Filing Date :22/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/099012 1)DAVID STOCK , CATHERINE JULIA PIPER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)JULIE LYNNE RAMSAY :NA Number 3)MARK STEVEN BIRCHMORE :NA Filing Date 4)PATRICK JOSEPH MULQUEEN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)RICHARD BRIAN PERRY Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An insecticidal composition having as an adjuvant a phosphonate or an alkoxylated derivative or dimer thereof. Preferred phosphonates are bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-2ethylhexylphosphonate, bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-octylphosphonate and bis-(butyl) butylphosphonate.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3207/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND APPARATUS FOR AUTHENTICATING TO A SYSTEM OR NETWORK" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/377,132 1)ROBERT ERYOU (32) Priority Date :30/04/2002 Address of Applicant :P.O. BOX 10191, APO, GEORGETOWN, GRAND CAYMAN ISLAND Cayman Island (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/IB2003/03301 2)CLOVIS NAJM (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093923 1)ROBERT ERYOU (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)CLOVIS NAJM :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A mobile biometric device, or biotoken and server are disclosed that permit biometric validation of a person that has initialized the biotoken and has communicated one or more codes generated by the biotoken to a server over either a secure or unsecure communications channel. The biotoken that includes a means for capturing biometric information, for hashing some portion of information, and for transmitting or displaying a code that is calculated using a clock value, a random number, a secure hash function and a counter. The server includes functions for initializing the biometric device, for storing key values responsive to initialization, and for validating codes that are provided responsive to future use of the biometric device following a request for validation. Additional functions and features are also disclosed for creating a secure, auditable and private application space on a device or machine, such as a computer or cell phone.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3208/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MICRO FLUIDIC STRUCTURES" (51) International classification :B01L 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201738-2 1)AMIC AB (32) Priority Date :07/06/2002 Address of Applicant :UPPSALA SCIENCE PARK, S-751 83 UPPSALA, SWEDEN Sweden (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00919 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/06/2003 1)PER OVE OHMAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/103835 2)IB MENDEL-HARTVIG (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a micro fluidic system comprising a substrate, and, provided on said substrate, at least one flow path interconnecting with functional means in which liquid samples can be treated by desired procedures. The flow paths are laid out to form a pattern for the transport of liquid samples to and from said functional means. These flow paths comprise a plurality of micro posts protruding upwards from said substrate, the spacing between the micro posts being small enough to induce a capillary action in a liquid sample applied anywhere within any of said flow paths, so as to force said liquid to move from where said liquid sample was applied.

No. of Pages : 31 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3213/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "UV-CURABLE COATING COMPOSITION AND COATED ARTICLES" (51) International classification :C09D 4/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-80289 1)M/S. BASF NOF COATINGS CO.,LTD (32) Priority Date :22/03/2002 Address of Applicant :296, SHIMOKURATA-CHO, TOTSUKA-KU, YOKOHAMS-SHI, KANAGAWA 244-0815 (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/03438 (JAPAN) Japan (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :20/03/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080745 1)TSUNODA, TAKESHI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)MITSUMUNE, SHINJI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An ultraviolet-curable coating composition obtained by blending (A) an at least tetrafunctional ultraviolet-curable (meth)acrylate which bears four or more (meth)acryloyl groups in the molecule and has a number-average molecular weight of 300 to 2,000 with (B) a lactone-modified polyhydric alcohol mono(meth)acrylate polymer which contains 20 to 60 % by mass of open-ring adducts of ϵ-caprolactone and has a hydroxyl number resulting from the modification with lactone of 100 to 180 mgKOH/g and/or a lactone-modified polyester resin which contains 10 to 50 % by mass of open-ring adducts of lactone and has a hydroxyl number of 50 to 180 mgKOH/g, (C) a non-yellowing polyisocyanate and/or an amino resin, (D) a light stabilizer and (E) a photopolymerization initiator at a mass ratio of (A)/[(B)+(C)] ranging from 10:90 to 50:50 and at a (B)/(C) mass ratio ranging from 90:10 to 20:80 in such a way as to give a cured coating film which has a Knoop hardness of 10 to 18 and a molecular weight of the crosslinked resin component between crosslinks ranging from 150 to 300. The composition can give coating film excellent in mar resistance, decorativeness, tight adhesion, and gasoline resistance at high productivity.

No. of Pages : 47 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3188/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "2,6-QUINOLINYL AND 2,6-NAPHTHYL DERIVATIVES, PROCESSES FOR PREPARING THEM AND THEIR USES AS VLA-4 INHIBITORS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :C07D 215/14 1)UCB S.A :02009746.5 Address of Applicant :ALLEE DE LA RECHERCHE, 60, B:30/04/2002 1070 BRUSELLES, BELGIUM Belgium :EPO (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/EP2003/03909 1)MARIE-AGNES LASSOIE :15/04/2003 2)LAURENT KNERR :WO 2003/093237 3)THIERRY DEMAUDE :NA 4)FRANCOISE DE LAVELEYE-DEFAIS :NA 5)THIERRY KOGEJ 6)LUC QUERE :NA 7)SYLVAIN ROUTIER :NA 8)GERALD GUILLAUMET

(57) Abstract : The present invention concerns 2,6-quinolinyl and 2,6-naphthyl derivatives of formula (I), processes for preparing them, pharmaceutical compositions containing them and their use as pharmaceuticals for the treatment of VLA-4 dependent inflammatory diseases such as for example asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, food allergy, psoriasis, urticaria, pruritus, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and atherosclerosis. Formula (I): wherein X is N or CH.

No. of Pages : 118 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3218/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A FORCE FEEDBACK TONOMETER" (51) International classification :A61B 3/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/367,767 1)ERIC TECHNOLOGIES CORP. (32) Priority Date :28/03/2002 Address of Applicant :NO.202, 1439-17TH AVENUE S.E.,CALGARY, ALBERTA T2G 1J9, CANADA Canada (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2003/00451 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/03/2003 1)CUZZANI, OSCAR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082086 2)BARKER, ANDREW, J (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JAMES, DONALD, E :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Apparatus and method for measuring intraocular pressure (IOP) comprising a vibrator (13) which transmits a vibrational energy into an eyeball (12) through the eyelid (11) and measures at least one of a force or phase response in the eyeball. The measurements are taken by placing the tonometer (10) against the eyelid to induce vibration in the underlying eyeball. A force transducer (16) coupled to the vibrator measures the response of the eyeball from which a vibrational impedance of the eye is determined. Intraocular pressure is then calculated based on the vibrational impedance. In a preferred use of the apparatus, the tonometer is calibrated against a known intraocular pressure measurement permitting the patient to take subsequent relative IOP measurements at home or otherwise outside a traditional medical setting without the need for anesthetic or fear of infection.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3219/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A NON-CONTACTING TONOMETER" (51) International classification :A61B 3/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/367,766 1)ERIC TECHNOLOGIES CORP. (32) Priority Date :28/03/2002 Address of Applicant :NO.202, 1439-17TH AVENUE S.E.,CALGARY, ALBERTA T2G 1J9, CANADA Canada (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2003/00452 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/03/2003 1)CUZZANI, OSCAR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/082087 2)BARKER, ANDREW, J (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JAMES, DONALD, E :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Apparatus and method for measuring Internal Ocular Pressure (IOP) comprises applying a perturbing vibration (2) into an eye (1) over a range of frequencies. A vibrational response of the surface of the eye is measured such as by using a laser velocimeter (6), said response including velocity and rate of change of the phase lag. Further, geometric properties such as volume of the eye are measured such as by using as a laser interferometer (13) to measure characteristics such as the eye"s axial length and cornea thickness. Use of multiple characteristics normalize the effect of an eye"s mechanical and geometric properties and thereby more accurately determine the IOP.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3220/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ELECTROOPTICAL DISPLAY WITH CHANGEABLE PICTURES" (51) International classification :G02F 1/01 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/105,886 1)VISSON IP, LLC (32) Priority Date :26/03/2002 Address of Applicant :15 EAST NORTH STREET, CITY OF DOVER, COUNTY OF KENT, DE 19901, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/IL2003/00164 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/03/2003 1)TOPELBERG, RAFAEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081323 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An electrooptical display (10) comprising an electrooptically active (EOA) element (13), a first electrode element (16) having a pattern of separated electrodes (18, 20, 22, 24), a second electrode element (14), and a picture element (26) having a pattern of picture parts (28, 30, 32, 34) which may be transparent, translucent, re-emitting, refractive or reflective. The pattern of the separated electrodes (18, 20, 22, 24) matches the pattern of picture parts (28, 30, 32, 34) in a predetermined way; for example, they may coincide, be nested, or overlap each other. The electrode elements(14, 16) and the EOA element (13) form a plurality of EOA zones (38). The patterned elements are changeable by detaching and attaching and thereby allow the display to show different images.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3223/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MANAGING NATIVE APPLICATION DATA" (51) International classification :G06F 13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,779 1)COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE COMPUTER ASSOCIATES PLAZA, ISLANDIA, NEW YORK 11749, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12322 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/04/2003 1)ZAITAO LI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090092 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and systems are disclosed for migrating data between a legacy application data repository and an enterprise database. One exemplary system includes a legacy application data repository (116A), an enterprise database (354), an export module (312) for exporting data from the repository (116A) in an enterprise application compatible format, and a check-in module (352) for updating the enterprise database (354) to reflect the exported data. The exemplary system further includes a check-out module (356) for extracting data from the enterprise database (354) and converting the extracted data to an enterprise application compatible format, and an import module (318) for updating the repository (116a) to reflect the checked-out data.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3183/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "EQUALIZER MODE SWITCH" (51) International classification :H03H 7/40 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,204 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :17/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A. LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11028 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/04/2003 1)HEO, SEO, WEON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090350 2)MARKMAN, IVONETE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PARK, JEONGSOON :NA Number 4)GELFAND, SAUL, BRIAN :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An apparatus for automatically selecting one of a standard decision directed (dd) mode and a soft dd mode in a decision feedback equalizer (DFE) for receiving a data signal comprises an equalizer for providing a DFE output signal and having a control input responsive to a control signal exhibiting a first value for selecting the standard dd mode and a second value for selecting the soft dd mode. The equalizer includes a lock detector (20) having an output for providing a lock signal indicative of equalizer convergence. The apparatus includes a mode selector (18) having an input coupled to the lock detector (20) output and having an output coupled to the control input for providing an output signal exhibiting one of the first and second values depending upon characteristics of the lock signal.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 29

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3225/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ALTITUDE DETERMINATION AND DISTRIBUTION IN CELLULAR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS" (51) International classification :H04Q 7/38 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/146,463 1)TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL) Address of Applicant :S-126 25 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (32) Priority Date :16/05/2002 Sweden (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/SE2003/00731 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KARL TORBJORN WIGREN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098257 2)TORBJORN WIGREN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ANDERS LUNDQVIST :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In the present invention, data of a digital altitude map (42) of a cell in a cellular communication system is compressed in a first node by defining a polygon (41) essentially representing the boundary of the cell. Each polygon corner (40) is defined by a point having two lateral coordinates and an associated altitude parameter. In this manner a set of at least three points is defined. This set of points constitutes a relatively limited amount of data, which easily can be transferred over an interface (38) to a second node. In the second node, the set of points is used as parameters for creating an altitude model (43). By using a pair of lateral coordinates (44) as input arguments of the model (43), an estimation of an associated altitude (45) can be derived.

No. of Pages : 45 No. of Claims : 63

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3227/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MANAGING WIRELESS DEVICES IN AN ENTERPRISE" (51) International classification :H04B 1/58 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,787 1)COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE COMPUTER ASSOCIATES PLAZA, ISLANDIA, NEW YORK 11749, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12321 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/04/2003 1)JOHAN VAN DE GROENENDAAL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090371 2)MICHAEL FRY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SANDEEP JAIN :NA Number 4)ANDRZEJ ZALEWSKI :NA Filing Date 5)RALF SABOROWSKI (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)DAVANUM SRINIVAS Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and systems are disclosed for managing wireless devices (310, 315, 320) in an enterprise. A first exemplary method manages the physical access point (325) of a wireless network in an enterprise. A second exemplary method manages the assets of wireless devices (310, 315, 320) in an enterprise. A third exemplary method enables virus detection within wireless devices (310, 315, 320). A fourth exemplary method manages wireless device data backup.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3242/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CRYSTALLIZATION SYSTEM UTILIZING ATOMIZATION" (51) International classification :B01D 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/376,414 1)BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMAPNY (32) Priority Date :29/04/2002 Address of Applicant :P.O.BOX 4000, ROUTE 206 AND PROVINCE LINE ROAD, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08543(33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12312 4000, U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092852 1)CHENKOU WEI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)OTUTE AKITI :NA Number 3)MARGARET M. GLEESON :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Crystallization of an organic pharmaceutical compound is achieved by atomization of one solution and introduction of the atomized solution into a vessel containing a second solution where the solutions are mixed to form a product. The process can be performed on non-reactive constituents such as a solution containing the compound to be crystallized dissolved in a solvent and an anti-solvent solution. Alternatively, the process can be performed on reactive constituents, such as solutions of solvents containing different reactive intermediates, under proper reactive conditions. The process may be practiced continuously or in batch mode. Atomizers of the non-pressure-driven ultrasonic type or of the ultrasonic or non-ultrasonic pressure-driven type can be utilized.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 46

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3253/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DISTRIBUTION DEVICE FOR A FLUID PRODUCT" (51) International classification :B05B 1100 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/04810 1)VALOIS S.A.S (32) Priority Date :17/04/2002 Address of Applicant :BOLTE POSTALE G, LE PRIEURE, F-27110 LE NEUBOURG, FRANCE France (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/FR2003/01143 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)CABARROQUE, XAVIER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086647 2)POULARD, FABIEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a distribution device for a fluid product, comprising a product reservoir (10), means for distribution (20) for selective distribution of product contained in the reservoir (10), a distribution head (30) with a distribution orifice (31) and an operating system (40) for manual operation of said distribution means (20). The device comprises a cover (50) which can be displaced from a rest position in which the above covers the distribution orifice (31) and prevents operation of the distribution means (20) and an in-use position in which the distribution orifice (31) is exposed and operation of the distribution means (20) is possible. Said cover (50) is non-detachable and independent of the operating system.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3067/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF ACETIC ACID" (51) International classification :C07C 51/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0211560.8 1)BP CHEMICALS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :20/05/2002 Address of Applicant :CHERTSEY ROAD, SUNBURY ON THAMES, MIDDLESEX TW16 7BP, UK U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01592 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/04/2003 1)MICHAEL JAMES MUSKETT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097567 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the production of acetic acid which comprises carbonylating methanol and/or a reactive derivative thereof in one or more reactors in a liquid reaction composition comprising iridium carbonylation catalyst, ruthenium promoter, methyl iodide cocatalyst, methyl acetate, acetic acid and water. The liquid reaction composition from the one or more reactors is passed to one or more flash separation stages to form (i) a vapour fraction comprising condensable components and a low pressure off-gas comprising carbon monoxide and (ii) a liquid fraction comprising iridium carbonylation catalyst, ruthenium promoter and acetic acid solvent. The condensable components are separated from the low pressure off-gas. The concentration of carbon monoxide in the low pressure offgas is maintained according to the formula: Y>mX+C wherein Y is the molar concentration of carbon monoxide in the low pressure off-gas, X is the concentration in ppm by weight of ruthenium in the liquid reaction composition, m is about 0.012 and C is about -8.7.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3260/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ELUTRIATED SLUICE" (51) International classification :B03B 5/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1728 1)EVANS DEAKIN PTY.LIMITED (32) Priority Date :12/04/2002 Address of Applicant :11 ELYSIUM ROAD, CARRARA, QUEENSLAND 4211, AUSTRALIA Australia (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00445 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/04/2003 1)KELSEY, CHRISTOPHER GEORGE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086635 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : There is provided a pinched sluice apparatus for classification of a feed particle mixture into two or more factions, including a pinched sluice (12) with a sloping floor (14) and a pair of convergent side walls (16) forming a sluice channel which changes in cross-section from being shallow and wide at the inlet end (18) to being deeper and narrow at the discharge end (20). Elutriation fluid is introduced through the floor (14) and is passed through the bed (24), while the sluice is reciprocated (38) to induce alternating up and down acceleration of the sluice channel relative to the settling force (22, 68), such that classification is achieved by alternating differential acceleration and hindered settling of particles in the bed. A centrifugal version of the device is also disclosed.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 38

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3261/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A SILICON BASED COLOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MICRODEVICE" (51) International classification :G02F 1/13 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02217356.0 1)KINOPTICS INC. (32) Priority Date :14/05/2002 Address of Applicant :ADD ROOM 2001, NO.439 DONG YUAN SI CUN, PU CHENG ROAD, PUDONG NEW AREA, (33) Name of priority country :China :PCT/CN2003/00348 SHANGHAI CHINA China (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096107 1)FAN BIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)JIANXIN SHAO :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention discloses a micro-color liquid crystal device on silicon (LCOS). The device is constructed of silicon-based chip, a metal mirror array, a bottom orientation layer, liquid crystal layer, top orientation layer, transparent conductive layer, glass substrate sequentially disposed and integrally packaged. There is disposed a micro color filter array between top orientation layer and glass substrate. A gap between two orientation layer is 0.5μm˜10μm. Pixels of the micro color filter array are corresponded to pixels of the metal mirror array. The metal mirror array is also acted as metal electrode being applied with a certain direct current or pulsed voltage. The device employs a square or honeycombed pixel unit structure. The invention achieves a single-chip color display design having advantages of simplified optical system, reduced volume and lowed cost, improving system reliability, removing image distortion and improving image quality.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 35

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3262/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A COLOR PROJECTION DISPLAY SYSTEM" (51) International classification :H04N 5/74 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :03141689.6 1)KINOPTICS INC. (32) Priority Date :18/07/2003 Address of Applicant :ADD ROOM 2001, NO.439 DONG YUAN SI CUN, PU CHENG ROAD, PUDONG NEW AREA, (33) Name of priority country :China :PCT/CN2004/000110 SHANGHAI, CHINA China (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/02/2004 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/008617 1)FAN BIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)JIANXIN SHAO :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides a colorful projection display device, which includes a group of polarizing and beam splitting prisms, two reflective LCOS(liquid crystal on silicon) display chips, and a projection objective. The two reflective LCOS display chips which have arrays of micro color separating filters , project respectively polarized lights with polarization directions perpendicular to each other to form image on the projection objective. When the images inputted into two display chips are corresponding to different visual angles, the colorful projection display device can show three-dimensional images. In contrast, when images inputted into the two display chips are same, the colorful projection display device can show planar images. Switch between three-dimensional and planar displaying can be carried out in the colorful projection display device by controlling the image information inputted into the display chips.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 40

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3231/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR SCALE MANUFACTURING A SERIES OF SHOE SHAPES DISTRIBUTED ON A SERIES OF SIZES STARTING FROM A BASE SHAPE AND SHOE SHAPE SO OBTAINED" (51) International classification :A43D 1/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02425246.2 1)CISCAL S.P.A Address of Applicant :VIA DELLA MECCANICA, 29, I(32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 37139 VERONA, ITALY Italy (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/04115 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :22/04/2003 1)CREMASCHI ARMIDO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088778 2)MERIGO FLAVIO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a new method for developing a series of shoe lasts starting from a base shoe last provided in a basic footwear size. The method comprises the following steps: - measuring the spatial coordinates (XB, YB, ZB) of points on the base shoe last (2) of basic footwear size using gauges (15) associated with a first computer means (10) on which CAD programs are run; - obtaining, from the spatial coordinates (XB, YB, ZB) of points on the base shoe last (2) of basic footwear size, spatial coordinates (Xn, Yn, Zn) of points on at least another shoe last in the series, by using predetermined calculation formulae entered to said computer means, the so-called grading step; - feeding an NC tool machine with said spatial coordinates (Xn, Yn, Zn) of points on at least another shoe last in the series for the manufacturing thereof; - using the information contained in the memory, physically installed in each shoe last or accessible by means of its code, to design the footwear component parts and properly assembling them at the production stage.

No. of Pages : 45 No. of Claims : 32

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3235/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PHOTO-CROSSLINKABLE MULTI-COATING SYSTEM HAVING IMPROVED GAS-BARRIER PROPERTIES" (51) International classification :C08F 8/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :TO2002A000362 1)PLASTLAC S.R.L Address of Applicant :C.SO LAMARMORA, 6, I-15100 (32) Priority Date :30/04/2002 ALESSANDRIA, ITALY Italy (33) Name of priority country :Italy (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/04118 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :22/04/2003 1)GIANNI MIRONE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093329 2)ROBERTA PESCE (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a multi-coating system with gas-barrier properties which is able to undergo photo-crosslinking by means of UV radiation and is particularly suitable for the external protection of containers made of thermoplastic polymers, such as bottles made of PET. The system comprises a solution that is able to undergo photo-crosslinking by means of exposure to UV radiation and a composition that is able to undergo photo-crosslinking by means of exposure to UV radiation, where said photocrosslinkable solution comprises a substance photo-sensitive to UV radiation, and said photo-crosslinkable composition comprises mixtures of crosslinkable resins and photo-initiators.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3237/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM AND APPARATUS" (51) International classification :H02J 3/28 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201290-4 1)EMERSON NETWORK POWER ENERGY SYSTEMS (32) Priority Date :29/04/2002 AB Address of Applicant :S-141 82 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00700 Sweden (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094322 1)ANDERS HANSSON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)THOMAS SAHLSTROM :NA Number 3)JUN MA :NA Filing Date 4)MATTIAS ANDERSSON (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a switched mode power supply with programmable digital control and t o a power supply system comprising a plurality of switched mode power supplied. The input terminals and the output terminals of the switched mode power supply system are separated by an insulation barrier, and the switched mode power supply comprises a conversion stage having at least one switching element. The switching element of the conversion stage, as well as any switching elements of a possible preregulator, is digitally controlled by a programmable digital circuit. In one embodiment of the switched mode power supply, the programmable digital circuit is located on the primary side of the insulation barrier.

No. of Pages : 61 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3266/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TUBE BUNDLE APPARATUS FOR PROCESSING CORROSIVE FLUIDS" (51) International classification :B01D 19/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :MI02A001009 1)SNAMPROGETTI S.P.A (32) Priority Date :13/05/2002 Address of Applicant :VIALE DE GASPERI 16, I-20097 SAN DONATO MILANESE-MILAN, ITALY Italy (33) Name of priority country :Italy :PCT/EP2003/04949 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/05/2003 1)GIORGIO GANDOLFI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095060 2)GIUSEPPE MERELLI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ANDREA SCOTTO :NA Number 4)GIAN PIETRO TESTA :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Tube bundle apparatus for thermal exchange operations at high pressures and temperatures, under conditions of high aggressiveness of the process fluids, wherein the tube bundle comprises a series of tubes (4) whose internal wall is essentially constituted by a material selected from titanium, zirconium or an alloy of one of these, resistant to the aggression of said fluids, in which at least one of the access chambers to the tube bundle is DELIMITED by a wall comprising at least the following three metallic layers in succession: a) an external layer (21) suitable for tolerating the pressure load, subject to corrosion by contact with said highly aggressive process fluid; b) an intermediate layer (22) made of stainless steel; (c) an anticorrosive lining (23) in contact with said highly corrosive fluid, consisting of a material selected from titanium, zirconium or an alloy of one of these. Said apparatus is particularly used as exchanger/reactor, for example as a stripper, in the high pressure cycle of synthesis processes of urea.

No. of Pages : 60 No. of Claims : 41

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3254/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR INDICATING A FAULT CONDITION IN FUEL CELLS AND FUEL CELL COMPONENTS" (51) International classification :H02J (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/380,840 1)GREENLIGHT POWER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Address of Applicant :4242 PHILLIPS AVENUE, UNIT C. (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 BRITISH COLUMBIA V5A 2X2, CANADA Canada (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/CA2003/00720 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/05/2003 1)HARRINGTON, DAVID A (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098769 2)MERIDA DONIS, WALTER R (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An apparatus and methods for detecting and identifying faults in a fuel cell are disclosed. An impedance spectrum relating to the fuel cell is compared with fault criteria to identify fault conditions in the fuel cell. A time-varying current is drawn from the fuel cell at a selected frequency and the impedance of the fuel cell at the frequency is measured. This may optionally be repeated at a range of frequencies or at combinations of frequencies to provide an impedance spectrum across the range of frequencies. The fault criteria identify one or more fault conditions that may be identified by comparing the measured impedance spectrum to the fault conditions.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 55

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3256/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DISTRIBUTION DEVICE FOR FLUID PRODUCTS" (51) International classification :B05B 11/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/04810 1)VALOIS S.A.S (32) Priority Date :17/04/2002 Address of Applicant :BOLTE POSTALE GA, LE PRIEURE, F-27110 LE NEUBOURG, FRANCE France (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/FR2003/01140 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/03/2003 1)CABARROQUE, XAVIER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086644 2)POULARD, FABIEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a distribution device for liquid products or powders with a manual action, comprising a product reservoir (10), distribution means (20) for selective distribution of the product contained in the reservoir (10), a distribution head (30), with a distribution orifice (31) and an operating system (40) for manual operation of said distribution means (20). Said device comprises a non-detachable cover (50), which may be displaced between a rest position in which the above covers the distribution orifice (31) and prevents the operation of the distribution means (20) and an in-use position in which the distribution orifice (31) is exposed and which permits operation of the distribution means (20). The invention is characterised in that said cover (50) is part of the operating system (40), displacement of the cover (50) into the in-use position thereof triggering said distribution means (20).

No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 3

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3257/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DISTRIBUTION PUMP FOR A FLUID PRODUCT" (51) International classification :B05B 11/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/04808 1)VALOIS S.A.S (32) Priority Date :17/04/2002 Address of Applicant :BOLTE POSTALE G, LE PRIEURE, F-27110 NEUBOURG, FRANCE France (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/FR2003/01141 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)PETIT, LUDOVIC (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086645 2)THOMAS, KATIA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a distribution pump for a fluid product with a manual action, comprising a pump body (10) and a piston (50), running in a sealed manner with said pump body (10), between a rest position and a distribution position. The piston comprises at least one upper sealing lip (52), making a sealed contact with said pump body (10). The pump comprises a stop body (80), such as a ferrule, arranged on the upper edge of the pump body (10) and cooperating with said piston (50) to define the rest position thereof, characterised in that the upper lip (52) of the piston (50) comprises a first lip section (53) which cooperates in a sealed manner with the pump body (10) and a second lip section (54) cooperating in a sealed manner with said ferrule (80) in the rest position. Said first and second sections of the lips (53, 54) are approximately parallel and spaced radially one about the other.

No. of Pages : 9 No. of Claims : 1

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3198/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : COMPOSITION COMPRISING PHOSPHATE (51) International classification :A23L 2/39 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :20021369 1)ANDREAS SKULBERG (32) Priority Date :19/03/2002 Address of Applicant :LYSEHAGEN 12, N-0383 OSLO, NORWAY Norway (33) Name of priority country :Norway :PCT/NO2003/00094 2)FINN REIESTAD (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/03/2003 3)PER HAMRE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/077684 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)ANDREAS SKULBERG :NA Number 2)FINN REIESTAD :NA Filing Date 3)PER HAMRE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention concerns a composition comprising phosphate wherein phosphate, as the main active ingredient, corrects mammalian phosphate depletion and the use thereof. The composition may be in form of a powder, an infusion solution or a sports drink. Inlet of the sports drink or administration of the infusion solution to an athlete or an animal, or to a patient who suffers from a condition needing extra supply of phosphate is advantageous for the treatment or the prevention of a variety of conditions.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3272/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A METHOD FOR REPAIRING A PROTECTIVE LINING OF AN INDUSTRIAL REACTION OR TRANSPORT VESSEL" (51) International classification :F27D 21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 23 284 1)SPECIALTY MINERALS MICHIGAN INC. Address of Applicant :30600 TELEGRAPH ROAD, (32) Priority Date :24/05/2002 BINGHAM FARMS, MI 48025, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/05332 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/05/2003 1)BLISSENBACH, DIETER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100336 2)KIRCHHOFF, STEFAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)LAMM, ROLF :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a method for repairing a protective lining of an industrial reaction or transport vessel, such as a converter vessel, electric arc furnace, or ladle. The method comprises identifying combined areas of the lining having a thickness below a predetermined threshold value by means of a measuring device, which measuring device measures the residual thickness of the lining and a processing unit, which processing unit in a first step transforms the residual thickness data into binary data, by comparing the measured residual thickness data with the pre-determined threshold value for the thickness of the lining, and assigning the binary value "1" to areas of the lining having a thickness below the pre-determined threshold value, and the binary value "0" to areas of the lining having a thickness equal or higher than the pre-determined threshold value, or vice versa, in a second step combines isolated areas of the lining having a thickness below the predetermined threshold value into combined areas of the lining to which the binary value for areas of the lining having a thickness below the pre-determined threshold value is assigned, and in a third step computes the position and repair sequence of each of the combined areas and transfers these data to a repair device, and applying monolithic lining material onto the combined areas computed by the processing unit by means of a repair device.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3274/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "EXTRACTION OF UNMILLED PSYLLIUM" (51) International classification :C08B 37/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/381,972 1)THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :20/05/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE PROCTER & GAMBLE PLAZA, CINCINNATI, OH 45202, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/16012 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/05/2003 1)CIMILUCA, PAUL, ALFRED (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/099874 2)HECHT, JOHN, PHILIP (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KAJS, THERESA, MARIE :NA Number 4)MYATT, GRAHAM, JOHN :NA Filing Date 5)STAMPER, JASON, ALLEN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)STAUN, MICHAEL, ANTHONY Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods of fractionating unmilled psyllium seed husk to obtain a compressible, gel-forming polysaccharide with a reduced gelation rate and improved swell volume. The gel-forming fraction isolated by the present invention is useful for administration to humans to normalize bowel function, reduce human serum cholesterol levels, and regulate blood glucose levels. The gel-forming polysaccharide also exhibits reduced allergenicity as compared to psyllium seed husk.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3278/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RETRACTOR" (51) International classification :A61B 17/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1985 1)RESEARCH SURGICAL PTY LTD (32) Priority Date :26/04/2002 Address of Applicant :23 MICKLE STREET, TOORADIN, VICTORIA 3980, AUSTRALIA Australia (33) Name of priority country :Australia (86) International Application No :PCT/AU2003/00478 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :22/04/2003 1)ROYCE, ALISTAIR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090626 2)BERRY, DAVID (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HAMILTON, BRETT :NA Number 4)KERR, MICHAEL :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A retractor for use in surgery, has arms (2, 4) pivotal into a V-shaped configuration. Blades (16) are carried by the arms via mounting portions (16a) which can slide along the arms to provide adjustment in position with the blades being locked in that position simply by skewing the mounting portions on the arms.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3279/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COATING FORMULATIONS FOR LIMITED PLAY DATA STORAGE MEDIA" (51) International classification :C09D 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/374,353 1)GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (32) Priority Date :22/04/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE RIVER ROAD, SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 12345, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12419 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/04/2003 1)EZBIANSKY KARIN ANN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089528 2)OLSON DANIEL ROBERT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WISNUDEL MARC BRIAN :NA Number 4)LINDHOLM EDWARD P :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A coating formulation is provided which comprises at least one polyhydroxy compound; at least one carrier; and at least one reactive material.

No. of Pages : 47 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3264/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR AUTOMATICALLY CONTROLLING ACCESS BETWEEN A COMPUTER AND A COMMUNICATION NETWORK" (51) International classification :G06F 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201248-2 1)AB SNALLE Address of Applicant :P.O.BOX 3046, S-183 03 TABY, (32) Priority Date :22/04/2002 SWEDEN Sweden (33) Name of priority country :Sweden (86) International Application No :PCT/SE2003/00628 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/04/2003 1)GUNNAR LARSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090047 2)PETER FUKS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JORGEN APPELGREN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a device and method for increasing the security for a computer or server adapted for communication with a communication network, for example the Internet. The method for automatically controlling access between the computer and the communication network is arranges the access to be dependent on user activity. The user activity is determined by monitoring signal activity between the computer and at least one input/output device adapted for communication with the computer, and the user activity being defined as detection of signal activity between the computer and the input/output device. Access to the communication network is only allowed if user activity is occurring or has occurred in a predetermined time period.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3289/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF HANDLING PHONE COMMUNICATIONS AND RELATED EQUIPMENTS ON LANS SUPPORTING VOICE AND DATA TRANSMISSION IN AN INTEGRATED WAY" (51) International classification :H04L 29/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PI2002A000026 1)C.D.C. S.R.L. Address of Applicant :VIA TOSCO ROMAGNOLA, 63, I(32) Priority Date :30/04/2002 56012 FORNACETTE DI CALCINAIA ITALY Italy (33) Name of priority country :Italy (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2002/11739 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/10/2002 1)DIOMELLI, GIUSEPPE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094480 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : On a LAN which supports the transmission of data, including multimedial, and digitalized telephone communications, in an integrated way, a method of handling telephone communications and related equipments provides for the exclusive installation in the central processing unit, or network server, specific software dedicated to controling, monitoring and handling of telephone communications and related equipments. The method provides for the activation of said specific software using a standard Internet browser for sending commands and for the exchange of data on the network, through immediate interaction on bar type graphs (21) on the visualization means of the LAN peripheral computers. Said software enables the continuous visual monitoring of the status of the telephone communication in progress or other communications on arrival or on hold.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3290/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMPROVED THERMOELECTRIC POWER GENERATION SYSTEMS" (51) International classification :F25B 21/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/164,656 1)BSST, LLC (32) Priority Date :06/06/2002 Address of Applicant :5462 IRWINDALE AVENUE, IRWINDALE, CA 91706-2058 (US) U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/17834 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :06/06/2003 1)BELL, LON, E (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/104726 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An improved thermoelectric power generation system (100) utilizes rotary thermoelectric (135) configurations to improve and increase thermal power throughput. These systems are further enhanced by the use of hetrostructure thermoelectric materials, very thin plated materials, and deposited thermoelectric materials, which operate at substantially higher power densities than typical of the previous bulk materials. Several configurations are disclosed.

No. of Pages : 37 No. of Claims : 43

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3293/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COOPERATION OF CONCURRENT, DISTRIBUTED NETWORKS OF RESOURCES" (51) International classification :G06F 15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/379,864 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :10/05/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14440 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/05/2003 1)GREGORY L. MEREDITH (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096209 2)STEVE BJORG (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DAVID RICHTER :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A program (324, 320) that includes expressions written in a process-based language for representing protocol-based applications as processes is disclosed. A process kernel (320C, 306C, 304C, 308C) executes the expressions in the program. The expressions specify the interactions of processes by allowing a named organizational scheme of data written in a customizable, tag-based language (302, 304, 306, 308) to be exchanged as a process among processes that send and receive the named organizational scheme of data.

No. of Pages : 98 No. of Claims : 108

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3294/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BALLISTIC FABRIC LAMINATES" (51) International classification :B32B 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/126,202 1)HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :101 COLUMBIA ROAD, P.O.BOX 2245, MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY 07960, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12451 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/04/2003 1)ASHOK BHATNAGAR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089235 2)BIN C. TAN CHOK (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Woven fabric laminates having superior resistance to penetration by ballistic projectiles, assemblies thereof, and the method by which they are made. In one embodiment, among others, a laminate of the invention is comprised of a fabric woven from a high strength, high modulus yarn, a surface coating of a low modulus elastomer and a plastic film bonded to its elastomer-coated surface.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 27

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3060/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CHANNEL ACQUISITION PROCESSING FOR A TELEVISION RECEIVER" (51) International classification :H04N (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/374,029 1)M/S.THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/11448 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :14/04/2003 1)LIU, WEIXIAO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090441 2)BOUILLET, AARON, REEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MAYER, MATTHEW, THOMAS :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Channel acquisition in a digital television signal receiver is improved by determining the carrier tracking loop frequency offsets and the symbol timing recovery offsets for each channel in the television receiver. Offsets are stored in respective EEPROMs (CTL EEPROM, STR EEPROM) for each channel. When a channel is to be acquired in the TV receiver the tune command will be applied to the appropriate EEPROMs (CTL EEPROM, STR EEPROM) and the respective values are conveyed to the VSB demodulator (40) to start acquisition of the channel.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3062/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TOOTHBRUSH ASSEMBLY" (51) International classification :A46B 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/113,763 1)COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :01/04/2002 Address of Applicant :300 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10022, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/09529 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :31/03/2003 1)KEMP JAMES (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084363 2)SPROSTA AI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)TRAFICANT BRETT :NA Number 4)DAI TAU :NA Filing Date 5)JIMENEZ EDUARDO (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)PAK NANCY WON MEE Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A child"s toothbrush includes a handle in the form of a toy, such as a rocket or a vehicle, and contains a removable vehicle, figurine, other toy or sundry product therein, and wherein the toothbrush head may be detachable from the handle.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3066/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PHOTOCHROMIC COMPOSITIONS, PREPARATION THEREOF AND ARTICLES MADE THEREFROM OR COATED THEREWITH" (51) International classification :C08G 18/67 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/04778 1)CORNING INCORPORATED Address of Applicant :1 RIVERFRONT PLAZA, CORNING, (32) Priority Date :17/04/2002 NEW YORK 14831, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :France (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/11892 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)DAVID HENRY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089489 2)CECILE LECRIVAIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to novel cross-linkable or crosslinked photochromic compositions, articles made from or coated with the compositions and method of making the compositions. The compositions contain (i) at least one segmented or non-segmented polyurethane-type or polyurethane-urea-type linear polymer having at least one non-terminal moiety that comprises at least one unsaturated group; and (ii) an effective amount of at least one photochromic organic compound, advantageously selected from spiroxazines, chromenes, spiropyrans fulgides and fulgimides.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3302/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA CATALYST" (51) International classification :H05H 1/46 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/14123 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KUMAR SATYENDRA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096774 2)KUMAR DEVENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus are provided for igniting, modulating, and sustaining a plasma for various plasma processes and treatments. In one embodiment, a plasma is ignited by subjecting a gas in a multi-mode processing cavity to electromagnetic radiation having a frequency between about 1MHz and about 333 GHz in the presence of a plasma, which may be passive or active. A passive plasma catalyst may include, for example, any object capable of inducing a plasma by deforming a local electric field. An active plasma catalyst can include any particle or high energy wave packet capable of transferring a sufficient amount of energy to a gaseous atom or molecule to remove at least one electron from the gaseous atom or molecule, in the presence of electromagnetic radiation.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 52

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3303/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DATA STORE FOR KNOWLEDGE-BASED DATA MINING SYSTEM" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :G06F 17/30 1)INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE :10/142,673 CORPORATION :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :ARMONK, NEW YORK 10504, U.S.A :U.S.A. U.S.A. :PCT/GB2003/01800 (72)Name of Inventor : :28/04/2003 1)DENESUK MATHEW :WO 2003/096220 2)GRUHI DANIEL FREDERICK :NA 3)MCCURLEY KEVIN SNOW :NA 4)MEYER JOERG 5)RAJAGOPALAN SRIDHAR :NA 6)TOMKINS ANDREW :NA 7)ZIEN JASON YEONG

(57) Abstract : In a data mining system, data is gathered into a data store using, e.g., a Web crawler. The data is classified into entities and stored into underlying vertical and horizontal tables respectively representing miner outputs and entities that can be the subjects of indexing. Data miners use rules to process the entities and append respective keys to the entities representing characteristics of the entities as derived from rules embodied in the miners, with the keys being associated with the entities in the tables. With these keys, characteristics of entities as defined by disparate expert authors of the data miners are identified for use in responding to complex data requests from customers.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3284/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "HOLE PLUGS" (51) International classification :F16K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0211268.8 1)L & L PRODUCTS, INC. (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 Address of Applicant :159 MCLEAN DRIVE, ROMEO, MI 48065, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/IB2003/01762 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)MENDIBOURE, JEAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098080 2)UNDEREINER, JEAN-JACQUES (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Conical plugs (1) are provided which are foamable and may be placed in incompletely filled holes in structures to prevent corrosion over time; preferably the plugs are made of a foamable material which can be foamed in the e coat oven used in automobile manufacture.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3313/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RECORDING METHOD AND APPARATUS, AND RECORDING MEDIUM" (51) International classification :G11B 20/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :P2002-134747 1)BASF COATINGS JAPAN LTD (32) Priority Date :09/05/2002 Address of Applicant :296, SHIMOKURATA-CHO, TOTSUKA-KU, YOKOHAMA-SHI, KANAGAWA 244-0815 (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/05112 (JP) Japan (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :22/04/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096342 1)KENICHIRO ARIDOME (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)KATSUMI MATSUNO :NA Number 3)SHINGO YOSHIOKA :NA Filing Date 4)AKINOBU SUGINO (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In a ROW-type DVD-RW medium, a DVD video file is controlled by a temporary VMGI (TMP_VMGI) and an extended file such as a JPEG file other than the DVD video file is controlled by intermediate control information (TMP_EXTI). Furthermore, empty area control information (TMP_SBM) used by UDF or the like is added to the temporary VMGI (TMP_VMGI). Thus, a DVD video file and an extended file such as a JPEG file are mixed when recorded for controlling an empty area. Even when an extended file is deleted, it is possible to know an empty area by TMP_SBM. By finalization processing, it is possible to assure compatibility with a reproduction-dedicated optical disc.

No. of Pages : 68 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3314/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RECORDING METHOD, RECORDING APPARATUS AND RECORDING MEDIUM" (51) International classification :G11B 27/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :P2002-134045 1)SONY CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :09/05/2002 Address of Applicant :7-35, KITASHINAGAWA 6-CHOME, SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO 141-0001, JAPAN Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/05395 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/04/2003 1)KATSUMI MATSUNO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096346 2)AKINOBU SUGINO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KENICHIRO ARIDOME :NA Number 4)SHINGO YOSHIOKA :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A recording device capable of recording a still picture file in addition to a moving picture. Via extended file guide information, individual control information can be accessed. To this extended file guide information, an identification code CAT ID indicating the type of the corresponding extended file and information on the recording type of the control information CAT INFO TYPE are assigned.

No. of Pages : 87 No. of Claims : 29

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3317/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA-ASSISTED HEAT TREATMENT" (51) International classification :H05B 1/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14136 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KUMAR SATYENDRA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096749 2)KUMAR DEVENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DOUGHERTY MICHAEL L. SR :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus for plasma-assisted heat treatments are provided. The method can include initiating a heat treating plasma within a cavity (14) by subjecting a gas to electromagnetic radiation in the presence of a plasma catalyst (70), heating the object by exposing the object to the plasma, and maintaining exposure of the object to the plasma for a sufficient period of time to alter at least one material property of the object.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 39

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3318/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA ASSISTED ENHANCED COATING" (51) International classification :C23C 14/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14124 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KUMAR DEVENDRA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095699 2)KUMAR SATYENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus are provided for igniting, modulating, and sustaining a plasma (615) for coating objects (250). In one embodiment, a method of coating a surface of an object (250) includes forming a plasma (615) in a cavity (230) by subjecting a gas to electromagnetic radiation in the presence of a plasma catalyst (240) and adding at least one coating material (510) to the plasma (615) by energizing the material (510) with, for example, a laser (500). The material (510) is allowed to deposit on the surface of the object (250) to form a coating. Various types of plasma (240) catalysts are also provided.

No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 46

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3319/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA ASSISTED SINTERING" (51) International classification :B22F 3/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14054 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KUMAR DEVENDRA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095130 2)KUMAR SATYENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)NA :NA Number 4)NA :NA Filing Date 5)NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and systems for plasma-assisted sintering are provided. The method can include initiating a sintering plasma within a cavity (12) by subjecting a gas to radiation in the presence of a plasma catalyst and exposing at least a portion of an object which can be a powdered material component to the plasma for a period of time sufficient to sinter at least a portion of the object.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 44

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3267/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF FORMING IRON HYDROXYPYRONE COMPOUNDS" (51) International classification :C09D 309/40 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0211500.4 1)VITRA PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :18/05/2002 Address of Applicant :"BALTROY", STICKLING GREEN, CLAVERING, SAFFRON WALDEN, ESSEX CB11 4QX, UK (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01956 U.K. (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097627 1)MICHAEL ARTHUR STOCKHAM (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of forming an iron hydroxypyrone compound comprising reacting an iron salt of a carboxylic acid and a hydroxypyrone in an aqueous solution at a pH greater than 7.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3269/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONTINUOUS DIGITAL RECORDING THOUGH CHANNEL CHANGES WITH USER SELECTABLE BUFFER ERASE" (51) International classification :H04N 5/76 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/375,135 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :24/04/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/12778 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :23/04/2003 1)KENDALL, SCOTT, ALLAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092278 2)JOHNSON, CAROLYNN, RAE (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and a system for maintaining user privacy in a device (100) that continuously buffers video programming responsive to changes in a user selected video channel. Video programming can be continuously recorded on a storage medium (148) and presented on a display device. Recording can continue uninterrupted during and subsequent to a user change of the selected video channel. Responsive to a user input, at least a portion of the video programming that has been stored on the storage medium (148) can be deleted. The user input can be a single command input such as an actuation of a control key. The selected portion of the video programming that is deleted can be controlled by a pre-determined number of actuations of the control key. All of the video programming also can be deleted from the data storage medium. An interactive erase menu can provide menu selections for various erasing options.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3270/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND DEVICE FOR THE CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION OF POLYAMIDE 6,6 AND COPOLYAMIDES THEREOF" (51) International classification :C08G 69/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 13 263.1 1)POLYMER ENGINEERING GMBH Address of Applicant :BREITSCHEIDSTRASSE 148, 07407 (32) Priority Date :25/03/2002 RUDOLSTADT, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/03091 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/03/2003 1)WILTZER, KARL-HEINZ (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/080707 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and device for the continuous production of copolyamide and polyamide, the starting materials for which comprise hexamethylenediamine adipate (nylon salt), water and, in the case of copolyamide, additionally lactam, comprise a first method step (2) which is carried out under pressure at a temperature between 180 and 280 °C. After the pass through the first method step, the prepolymer is subjected to a second method step (5), from which the evaporated water is removed or driven off by inert gas. The water evaporated off in the first method step (2) with the reaction components contained therein is fed to the at least one further method step (5) and the water is only driven off in said method step or subsequent method steps.

No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3271/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "INFLUENCE OF SURFACE GEOMETRY ON METAL PROPERTIES" (51) International classification :C25C (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/366,563 1)BOREALIS TECHNICAL LIMITED (32) Priority Date :22/03/2002 Address of Applicant :MONTGAU PAVILION 8-10, QUEENSWAY, GIBRALTAR Gibraltar (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/08907 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/03/2003 1)TAVKHELIDZE, AVTO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/083177 2)HARBRON, STUART (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The influence of surface geometry on metal properties is studied within the limit of the quantum theory of free electrons. It is shown that a metal surface can be modified with patterned indents to increase the Fermi energy level inside the metal, leading to decrease in electron work function. This effect would exist in any quantum system comprising fermions inside a potential energy box. Also disclosed is a method for making nanostructured surfaces having perpendicular features with sharp edges.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 57

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3323/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA-ASSISTED PROCESSING IN A MANUFACTURING LINE" (51) International classification :B23K 26/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14055 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)DOUGHERTY MICHAEL L. SR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096381 2)KUMAR DEVENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KUMAR SATYENDRA :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus are provided for plasma-assisted processing multiple work pieces in a manufacturing line. In one embodiment, the method can include placing the work pieces (320) in movable carriers, moving the carriers on a conveyor (310) into an irradiation zone, flowing a gas into the irradiation zone, igniting the gas in the irradiation zone to form a plasma (e.g., by subjecting the gas to electromagnetic radiation in the presence of a plasma catalyst), sustaining the plasma for a period of time sufficient to at least partially plasma process at least one of the work pieces (320) in the irradiation zone, and advancing the conveyor (310) to move the at least one plasma-processed work piece out of the irradiation zone. Various types of plasma catalysts are also provided.

No. of Pages : 51 No. of Claims : 67

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3214/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND DEVICE FOR INACTIVATING VIRUSES" (51) International classification :A61L 2/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :149,206 1)THE CUPRON CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :18/04/2002 Address of Applicant :C/O LAW OFFICE OF MR SYLAVAN JAKABOVICS, 18 EAST 41ST ST., NEW YORK, (33) Name of priority country :Israel :PCT/IL2003/00230 N.Y. 10017, U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :17/03/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086478 1)GABBAY JEFFREY (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides a device (2) for the inactivation of a virus comprising a housing (4) delimiting a fluid passageway, the passageway being provided with a filtering material (14) having ionic copper selected from the group consisting of Cu+ and Cu++ ions and combinations thereof incorporated therein.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3215/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POWERED TOOTHBRUSH HEAD" (51) International classification :A46B 13/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/121,261 1)COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :12/04/2002 Address of Applicant :300 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10022, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11103 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)FATTORI JOSEPH EDWARD (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086142 2)JANSSEN GERARDUS W.H (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GATZEMEYER JOHN J :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A toothbrush head containing a first oscillating or rotating bristle bearing section in combination with a static bristle bearing section fixedly mounted to said head, wherein there are at least two bristles located on said static section which are oriented at different angles to the face thereof.

No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3216/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMIDAZO [1,2-a]PYRAZIN-8-YLAMINES, METHOD OF MAKING AND METHOD OF USE THEREOF" (51) International classification :C07D 487/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/374,213 1)CELLULAR GENOMICS, INC. Address of Applicant :36 EAST INDUSTRIAL ROAD, (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 BRANFORD, CT 06405, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/12222 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/04/2003 1)DESIMONE ROBERT WALTER JR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089434 2)PIPPIN DOUGLAS A (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DARROW JAMES W :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A novel composition comprises a compound of Formula 1 the pharmaceutically acceptable salts, hydrates, solvates, crystal forms, diastereomers, prodrugs, or mixtures thereof. The composition is of particular utility in the treatment of kinase-implicated disorders.

No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 67

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3331/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ICE1, A REGULATOR OF COLD INDUCED TRANSCRIPTOME AND FREEZING TOLERANCE IN PLANTS" (51) International classification :C12N (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/377,469 1)THE ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS ON BEHALF (32) Priority Date :01/05/2002 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. Address of Applicant :P.O.BOX 210158, TUCSON, (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/12118 ARIZONA 85721-0158, U.S.A U.S.A. Filing Date :01/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093411 1)JIAN-KANG ZHU (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)VISWANATHAN CHINNUSAMY :NA Number 3)MASARU OHTA :NA Filing Date 4)SIDDHARTHA KANRAR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)BYEONG-HA LEE Filing Date :NA 6)MANU AGARWAL (57) Abstract : The present invention provides methods and compositions for improving cold acclimation of plants. More specifically, the present invention utilizes overexpression of ICE1 in plants and plant cells.

No. of Pages : 55 No. of Claims : 81

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3335/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A CATIONIC POLYMER COMPOSITION AND ITS USE IN CONDITIONING APPLICATIONS" (51) International classification :C08B 37/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/139,858 1)HERCULES INCORPORATED (32) Priority Date :06/05/2002 Address of Applicant :1313 NORTH MARKET STREET, HERCULES PLAZA, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19894(33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11271 0001, U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095497 1)PAQUITA ERAZO-MAJEWICZ (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)JASHAWANT J. MODI :NA Number 3)ZU-FENG XU :NA Filing Date 4)CHARLES R. WHEELER, JR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A composition of a cationic polygalactomannan or a derivative of cationic polygalactomannans is provided that has a mean average molecular weight (Mw) having a lower limit of 5,000 and an upper limit of 200,000 and has a light transmittance in a 10% aqueous solution of greater than 80% at a light wavelength of 600 nm and a protein content of less than 1.0% by weight of polysaccharide, and aldehyde functionality content of at least of 0.01 meq/gram. This composition is prepared in continuous or batch processes using either oxidizing reagents or combination of hydrolytic reagents and oxidizing reagents. This composition is used in personal care and household care products.

No. of Pages : 61 No. of Claims : 59

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3339/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POWERED TOOTHBRUSH" (51) International classification :A61C 17/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/128,617 1)COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :23/04/2002 Address of Applicant :300 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10022, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12558 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/04/2003 1)ELIAV EYAL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090639 2)GATZEMEYER JOHN J (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A powered toothbrush include a head containing a rotating or oscillating first bristle carrier and also containing a second bristle carrier movably connected to said head, which second bristle carrier may include elastomeric walls for enhanced cleaning and may include a weakened section to permit it to at least partially collapse during a brushing motion to couture to the teeth in use for enhanced cleaning.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 33

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.334/DEL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF DAMPING TOWER VIBRATIONS OF A WIND TURBINE AND CONTROL SYSTEM FOR WIND TURBINES" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country

:F03D7/04 (71)Name of Applicant : :EP08006746 1)SIEMENS AKTENGESELLSCHAFT :02/04/2008 Address of Applicant :WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 :EUROPEAN MÃœNCHEN, GERMANY Germany UNION (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)EGEDAL; PER :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : Method of Damping Tower Vibrations of a Wind Turbine and Control System for Wind Turbines A control system for use in a wind turbine (100) with rotor blades and a pitch actuator system comprises: - a pitch control unit (13) which is designed to establish a pitch reference signal representing a pitch to be set by the pitch actuator system; - a rotor speed input (1) designed for receiving a rotor speed signal representing the speed of the rotor; - a speed reference input (3) designed for receiving a speed reference signal for the rotor speed; - an inclination signal input (5) designed for receiving a signal representing an inclination of the tower; and - a pitch reference output (7) designed for outputting the pitch reference signal. It further comprises a modification unit (9) which is connected to the speed reference input (1) for receiving the speed reference signal and to the inclination signal input (5) for receiving the inclination signal. The modification unit (9) is designed to establish a modification signal on the basis of the inclination signal, to modify the speed reference signal by means of the modification signal, and to output a modified speed reference signal. The pitch control (13) unit is connected to the modification unit (9) to receive the rr.cdified speed reference signal and designed to establish the pitch reference value at least on the basis of the difference between the modified speed reference signal and the rotor speed signal. Figure 1

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 28

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(21) Application No.3320/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA ASSISTED DECRYSTALLIZATION" (51) International classification :H05H 1/46 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14039 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KUMAR SATYENDRA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096772 2)KUMAR DEVENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus are provided for igniting, modulating, and sustaining a plasma for at least partially decrystallizing a surface of an object. In one embodiment, a method is provided for decrystallizing a surface of an object by forming a plasma (such as by subjecting a gas to an amount of electromagnetic radiation, optionally in the presence of a plasma catalyst) and exposing the surface of the object to the plasma.

No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 48

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(21) Application No.3322/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA ASSISTED CARBURIZING" (51) International classification :B01J 19/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14052 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KUMAR DEVENDRA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095090 2)KUMAR SATYENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DOUGHERTY, MICHAEL L, SR :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method of carburizing a surface region of an object includes subjecting a gas to electromagnetic radiation, generated from a radiation source (52), in the presence of a plasma catalyst (70) to initiate a plasma containing carbon. The method also includes exposing the surface region of the object to the plasma for a period of time sufficient to transfer at least some of the carbon from the plasma to the object through the first surface region.

No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 50

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(21) Application No.3344/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONTENT IDENTIFICATION IN A DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER" (51) International classification :H04N 5/91 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/442,739 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :09/05/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14507 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :08/05/2003 1)ENGLE, JOSEPH, C (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096686 2)ODUTOLA, AKINYEMI (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concerns a method and apparatus for controlling a video-media recording device configured for automatically identifying and selectively skipping commercial message segments of a video signal. The method can include the steps of recording (206) the video signal on a digital recording medium (124) in a digital format; monitoring the video signal to detect an event start and an event end (208) corresponding to a beginning and an end of at least one commercial message; and selectively storing in a memory location (220) digital data identifying an event start information and an event end information. At least one of the event start information and the event end information can identify the location of the one or more commercial messages. The method can also include selectively skipping (312) in a playback mode the commercial portion of the video signal responsive to the digital data identifying the event start information and the event end information.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 20

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(21) Application No.3345/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DEMODULATOR USING DIGITAL CIRCUITRY" (51) International classification :H03D 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/133,924 1)CELIS SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :25/04/2002 Address of Applicant :5475 MARK DABLING BOULEVARD, SUITE 102, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80918(33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12806 3847, U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092151 1)DEVILBISS ALAN D (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A demodulator (3) converts a voltage input "VIN" to an output voltage. The demodulator (3) has a voltage-controlled oscillator (6), a counter (21), a holding apparatus (22). The VCO (6) generates a signal having a frequency proportional to the analog input voltage "VIN". The counter (21) counts each cycle of the signal generated by the VCO (6) and outputs a count signal representative of the cycle count. The holding apparatus (22) holds the count signal and generates a held count signal. The digital compare apparatus (23) compares the count signal and the held count signal and generates the digital output (42).

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3347/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT" (51) International classification :H05K 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/132,939 1)CELIS SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :26/04/2002 Address of Applicant :5475 MARK DABLING BOULEVARD, SUITE 102, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80918(33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12805 3847, U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092045 1)DERBENWICK GARY F (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)DEVILBISS ALAN D :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An electrical circuit is formed by forming and patterning a conductive layer on a substrate (1), forming and patterning a conductive layer on another substrate (40), depositing a dielectric layer (37) on at least a portion of one of conductive layers (3, 41), mounting an integrated (5) circuit (IC) between the substrates, coupling the IC to the conductive layers, and affixing the substrates together with the conductive layers between the substrates. These are either separate substrates or a unitary substrate. The IC is mounted either to a substrate, a conductive layer, or a dielectric layer. The IC is coupled to the conductive layers either directly or through openings formed in the dielectric layer. An interior conductive layer may be used to couple the IC to the conductive layers.

No. of Pages : 56 No. of Claims : 55

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3151/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PARASITE CONTROL IN ANIMALS" (51) International classification :A01N 43/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 16 737.0 1)BAYER HEALTHCARE AG (32) Priority Date :16/04/2002 Address of Applicant :D-51368 LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/03477 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/04/2003 1)ANDREAS TURBERG (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086075 2)OLAF HANSEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)VENKATA-RANGARAO KANIKANTI :NA Number 4)REINHOLD LOHR :NA Filing Date 5)DIRK MERTIN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)KIRKOR SIRINYAN Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to the systemic and non-system control of parasites in animals by means of phenyl ketoenol derivatives.

No. of Pages : 58 No. of Claims : 2

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3351/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BUSHING WITH ANTI-WALKOUT FEATURE" (51) International classification :F16B (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/135,873 1)THE BOLER COMPANY (32) Priority Date :30/04/2002 Address of Applicant :500 PARK BOULEVARD, ITASCA, ILLINOIS 60143, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/13218 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/04/2003 1)DANIEL R. ADEMA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093684 2)BRENT R. COLLYER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)CHRISTOPHER W. FORREST :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A bushing is shown to include a barpin (52) having an anti-walkout feature in the form of a flange (56) integrated therewith. The flange extends radially outwardly and circumferentially about the elongated body of the barpin.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3352/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DEVICE FOR CLOSING AN OPENING, PARTICULARLY A STREET MANHOLE" (51) International classification :E02D 29/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/06393 1)SAINT-GOBAIN PAM (32) Priority Date :25/05/2002 Address of Applicant :91, AVENUE DE LA LIBERATION, F-54000 NANCY, FRANCE France (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/FR2003/01509 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/05/2003 1)JEAN-CLAUDE HAUER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100179 2)JEAN-PAUL PIETRZAK (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a device for closing an opening, particularly a man hole. The inventive device comprises a frame (4) and a cover (6) which is articulated to the frame (4) around a first axis (X-X) by means of a hinge (14). The device also comprises a locking means (16) having a locked configuration, whereby the cover is held open in a first position, and an unlocked configuration, whereby said cover (6) is disposed in a second position in which it can be pivoted around the axis (X-X). The aforementioned hinge (14) is designed such that, while resting on the frame, the cover (6) can pivot around a second horizontal axis (Y-Y). Moreover, the cover is pivoted around said second axis (Y-Y) in order to move same between the two positions. The invention is suitable for cast iron man holes.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3353/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF CHANGES IN A CELLULAR MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETER" (51) International classification :G01N 33/48 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0211072.4 1)AMERSHAM BIOSCIENCES UK LIMITED Address of Applicant :AMERSHAM PLACE, LITTLE (32) Priority Date :15/05/2002 CHALFONT, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HP7 9NA, UK U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2003/01904 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)NICHOLAS THOMAS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098210 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed is method for measuring a change in a cellular morphological parameter, for example, the position and/or the shape of a cell. The method comprises labelling a population of cells with a marker substance which is in a non-detectable state, but which may be caused to become detectable by exposure to light of a suitable first wavelength. By exposing a sub-population of labelled cells to light of an appropriate first wavelength in a predetermined pattern, the sub-population of cells may be defined in which the area covered by the sub-population conforms to the pattern of illumination used. Subsequent examination of at least a portion of the population of cells using illuminating light of a second wavelength selected to be suitable for detection of the marker, will reveal patterns of distribution of the marker substance indicative of a change in said cellular morphological parameter. Also described and claimed is a method for screening for a test agent whose effect on the cellular morphological parameter is to be determined.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3357/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "GAS PREHEATER" (51) International classification :C23C 16/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/139,553 1)MESSIER-BUGATTI (32) Priority Date :06/05/2002 Address of Applicant :SOCIETE ANONYME, ZONE AERONAUTIQUE LOUIS BREGAUET, 78140 VELIZY (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/EP2003/05259 VILLACOUBLAY, FRANCE France (86) International Application No Filing Date :05/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093531 1)SION ERIC (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)BAUDRY, YVAN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A gas preheater for a CVI furnace designed for the densification of annular porous substrates (32)arranged in a plurality of vertical annular stacks of substrates, comprising: a sleeve (52) made of heat conductive material resting upon the bottom wall (14) of a susceptor (12,14) and delimiting a gas preheating chamber, with a gas inlet (56) opening in the gas preheating chamber; a heat exchange assembly (50) located in the gas preheating chamber; a gas distribution plate (60) resting upon the sleeve, covering the gas preheating chamber and provided with a plurality of passages (60a,60b) for preheated gas; a load supporting plate for supporting stacks of annular substrates and provided with a plurality of passages in communication with respective passages of the gas distribution plate and registration with internal volumes of respective stacks of annular substrates; and nozzles (62) inserted in passages communicating the gas preheating zone with the internal volumes of respective stacks of annular substrates for adjusting the flows of preheated gas respectively admitted in said internal volumes.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3340/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA-ASSISTED FORMATION OF CARBON STRUCTURES" (51) International classification :B01J 19/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14040 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KUMAR SATYENDRA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095089 2)KUMAR DEVENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus are provided for igniting, modulating, and sustaining a plasma for synthesizing carbon structures. In one embodiment, a method is provided for synthesizing a carbon structure including forming a plasma by subjecting a gas to electromagnetic radiation in the presence of a plasma catalyst and adding at least one carbonaceous material to the plasma to grow the carbon structures on a substrate. Various types of plasma catalysts are also provided.

No. of Pages : 49 No. of Claims : 55

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3341/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR TREATING OBESITY" (51) International classification :A61K 31/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/380,874 1)DUKE UNIVERSITY (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 Address of Applicant :OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, P.O.BOX 90083, DURHAM, NC 27708-0083 (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/15703 (US) U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097046 1)GADDE, KISHORE M (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)KRISHNAN, K.,RANGA R :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates, in general, to obesity, and, in particular, to a method of treating obesity and minimizing metabolic risk factors associated therewith using, for example, zonisamide or other weight-loss promoting anticonvulsant either alone or in combination with bupropion or other compound that enhances the activity of norepinephrine and/or dopamine via uptake inhibition or other mechanism.

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3372/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROL OF SPUTTER DEPOSITION PROCESS" (51) International classification :C23C 14/34 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/381,482 1)APPLIED FILMS CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 Address of Applicant :9586 I-25 FRONTAGE ROAD, LONGMONT, CO 80504, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/15302 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/05/2003 1)MICHAEL W. STOWELL, JR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097892 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and apparatus for sputter deposition in which both a pulsed DC power supply and an RF power supply apply power to the target in the sputter deposition equipment. The pulsed DC power supply provides an on cycle where power is applied to the target, and an off cycle, in which a reverse polarity is applied to the target. The application of the reverse polarity has the effect of removing any charge that may have built up on the surface of the target. This reduces the likelihood of arcing occurring on the surface of the target, which can degrade the quality of the film being deposited on the substrate. By applying RF power simultaneously with the pulsed DC power to the target, the ionization efficiency on the target surface is increased. This results in a greater amount of material being removed from the target surface more quickly.

No. of Pages : 45 No. of Claims : 64

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(21) Application No.3373/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF DETERMINING UNCERTAINTY ASSOCIATED WITH NOISE REDUCTION" (51) International classification :G10L 15/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/152,127 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :20/05/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/16032 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/05/2003 1)LI DENG (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100769 2)ALEJANDRO ACERO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JAMES G. DROPPO :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and apparatus are provided for determining uncertainty in noise reduction based on a parametric model of speech distortion. The method is first used to reduce noise in a noisy signal. In particular, noise is reduced (304) from a representation of a portion of a noisy signal to produce a representation of a cleaned signal by utilizing an acoustic environment model (413). The uncertainty associated with the noise reduction process is then computed. In one embodiment, the uncertainty of the noise reduction process is used, in conjunction with the noise-reduced signal, to decode (306) a pattern state.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3374/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CARBAMATE-SUBSTITUTED PYRAZOLOPYRIDINES" (51) International classification :C07D 471/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 20 570.1 1)BAYER HEALTHCARE AG (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :D-51368 LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/04304 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/04/2003 1)CRISTINA ALONSO-ALIJA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095451 2)ERWIN BISCHOFF (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KLAUS MUNTER :NA Number 4)JOHANNES-PETER STASCH :NA Filing Date 5)ELKE STAHL (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)STEFAN WEIGANG Filing Date :NA 7)ACHIM FEURER (57) Abstract : The invention relates to compounds of formula (I), wherein R1 represents -NR3C (=0) OR4, R2 represents hydrogen or NH2, R3 represents hydrogen or (C1-C4) alkyl and R4 represents (C1-C6) alkyl, which stimulate soluble guanylate cyclase and to their production and use as medicaments, in particular as medicaments for treating cardiovascular disease and/or sexual dysfunction.

No. of Pages : 50 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3324/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA-ASSISTED ENGINE EXHAUST TREATMENT" (51) International classification :F01N 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 4361, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14035 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)CHERIAN KURUVILLA A (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095807 2)KUMAR DEVENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KUMAR SATYENDRA :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus are provided for plasma-assisted engine exhaust treatment. In one embodiment, an engine exhaust treatment system includes at least one conduit with an inlet portion (215), an outlet portion (216), an intermediate portion (205), and at least one plasma cavity (210). The inlet portion is configured to connect to an engine block (510) and receive an exhaust gas. The outlet portion emits the exhaust gas after plasma treatment. The intermediate portion conveys the exhaust gas from the inlet portion to the outlet portion. In one embodiment, one or more plasma cavities (342, 344, 346) are located proximate to the inlet portion for treating the exhaust gas. The system also includes an electromagnetic radiation source (340) connected to the cavities for supplying radiation to the cavities, wherein the radiation has a frequency less than about 333 GHz. Exhaust gas treatments that use plasma catalysts (70, 170) are also provided.

No. of Pages : 47 No. of Claims : 62

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(21) Application No.3325/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA-ASSISTED DOPING" (51) International classification :C10G 15/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14130 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KUMAR SATYENDRA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095591 2)KUMAR DEVENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus are provided for igniting, modulating, and sustaining a plasma for various doping processes. In one embodiment, a substrate (250) can be doped by forming a plasma (610) in a cavity (285) by subjecting a gas to an amount of electromagnetic radiation in the presence of a plasma catalyst (240) and adding at least one dopant material to the plasma. The material is then allowed to penetrate into the substrate. Various active and passive catalysts are provided.

No. of Pages : 45 No. of Claims : 54

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3326/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA-ASSISTED ENGINE EXHAUST TREATMENT" (51) International classification :H054 1/46 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14037 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)CHERIAN KURUVILLA A (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096770 2)KUMAR DEVENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KUMAR SATYENDRA :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus are provided for igniting, modulating, and sustaining plasma (615) for various coating processes. In one embodiment, the surface of an object can be coated (247) by forming plasma in a cavity (230) with walls (232) by subjecting a gas to an amount of electromagnetic radiation power via electrode (270) and a voltage supply (275) in the presence of a plasma catalyst (240) in mount (245) and adding at least one coating material to the plasma. The material is allowed to deposit on the surface of the object (250) on mount (260) to form a coating (247). Various plasma catalysts are also provided.

No. of Pages : 47 No. of Claims : 59

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3327/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA-ASSISTED JOINING" (51) International classification :H05H 1/46 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14053 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KUMAR DEVENDRA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096773 2)KUMAR SATYENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus for plasma-assisted joining of one or more parts together are provided. The joining process may include, for example, placing at least first and second joining areas in proximity to one another in a cavity, forming a plasma in the cavity by subjecting a gas to electromagnetic radiation in the presence of a plasma catalyst, and sustaining the plasma at least until the first and second joining areas are joined. Plasma catalysts, and methods and apparatus for igniting, modulating, and sustaining a joining plasma, are provided. Additional cavity shapes, and methods and apparatus for selective plasma-joining, are also provided.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 57

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3381/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR POST MOLD COOLING OF PREFORM PIECES" (51) International classification :B29C 45/72 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/147,360 1)HUSKY INJECTION MOLDING SYSTEMS LTD (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 Address of Applicant :500 QUEEN STREET SOUTH, BOLTON, ONTARIO L7E 5S5, CANADA Canada (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2003/00414 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/03/2003 1)RICHARD M. UNTERLANDER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097326 2)WITOLD NETER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ZBIGNIEW ROMANSKI :NA Number 4)ROBIN A. ARNOTT :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Method and apparatus for cooling molded plastic pieces preferably includes a take out structure/step (13) configured to hold the plurality of plastic parts oriented such that closed ends thereof are disposed toward an inside of the take out structure (13) and open ends thereof are disposed toward an outside of the take out structure. A movement structure/step is configured to cause relative movement between the take out structure (13) and at least one of a first cooling station and a second cooling station. The first cooling station (20) includes a first cooling structure/step configured to provide a cooling fluid to an inside of the plurality of plastic parts through the open ends thereof. The second cooling station (22) includes a second cooling structure/step configured to provide a cooling fluid to an inside of the plurality of plastic parts through the open ends thereof.

No. of Pages : 82 No. of Claims : 77

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3366/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COOLED PUMP PULLEY" (51) International classification :F04D 29/58 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0213640.6 1)RICARDO UK LIMITED (32) Priority Date :13/06/2002 Address of Applicant :BRIDGE WORKS, SHOREHAM-BYSEA, WEST SUSSEX BN43 5FG, GREAT BRITAIN U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/02517 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/06/2003 1)GREENWOOD, DAVID, GARETH (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/106845 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A composite automotive pulley wheel and pump comprises a pulley wheel (2) and a pump (22). The pump comprises an impeller (20) carried on a rotary shaft (6), an inlet region (24) and an outlet region (26). The pulley is mounted on the shaft (6) and comprises a radially outwardly extending support (4) connected to an annular axially extending flange (10, 12), the outer surface of which is adapted to be engaged by a pulley belt. The flange (4) defines a cooling fluid passage (14) within it which extends in the circumferential direction and communicates at two circumferentially spaced positions with an inlet passage (16) and an outlet passage (18), respectively. The inlet and outlet passages (16, 18) extend through the support (4) and the shaft (6) and communicate with the outlet region (26) and the inlet region (24), respectively.

No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 2

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3368/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DIGITAL WATERMARKING OF DATA REPOSITORY" (51) International classification :G06F 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/147,741 1)INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE (32) Priority Date :15/05/2002 CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ARMONK, NEW YORK, 10504, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/GB2003/02065 U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098406 1)AGRAWAL RAKESH (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)KIERNAN GERALD GEORGE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and system for enhancing security in a database by establishing a bit pattern using secret information, the pattern establishing a watermark that can be detected in a copy (authorized or not) of the database only by using the secret information.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3371/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PHTHALAMIDE DERIVATIVE, AGRICULTURAL OR HORTICULTURAL INSECTICIDE, AND METHOD OF USE THEREOF" (51) International classification :C07C 381/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-130965 1)BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG (32) Priority Date :02/05/2002 Address of Applicant :ALFRED-NOBEL-STRASSE 50, (33) Name of priority country :Japan 40789 MONHEIM, GERMANY Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/JP2003/05579 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :01/05/2003 1)YOSHIHIRO MATSUZAKI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093228 2)MASAYUKI MORIMOTO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SHINSUKE FUJIOKA :NA Number 4)MASANORI TOHNISHI :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A phthalamide derivative represented by the general formula (I): (I) wherein R1 represents hydrogen, C1-6 alkyl, C1-6 alkyl substituted by C1-6 alkylthio, etc.; R2 and R3 may be the same or different and each represents hydrogen, C1-6 alkyl, C1-6 haloalkyl, etc.; X"s may be the same or different and each represents halogeno, nitro, etc.; Y"s may be the same or different and each represents halogeno, nitro, C1-6 alkyl, etc.; m is 0 to 2; and n is 0 to 3. An agricultural or horticultural insecticide containing the phthalamide derivative as an active ingredient has an excellent insecticidal effect even when used in a small active-ingredient amount.

No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 4

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3392/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "THERMOACOUSTIC DEVICE" (51) International classification :F25B 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/372,008 1)THE PENN STATE RESEARCH FOUNDATION (32) Priority Date :10/04/2002 Address of Applicant :304 OLD MAIN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PA 16802, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11369 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)SMITH, ROBERT, W.,M (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/087680 2)POESE, MATTHEW, E (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GARRETT, STEVEN, L :NA Number 4)WAKELAND, RAY, S :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A thermocoustic device (110) includes a housing (120) with a thermal core supported in the housing and having a first and a second surface. The thermal core includes a first heat exchanger (112) defining the first surface of the thermal core and a second heat exchanger (116) defining the second surface of the thermal core. A main chamber is in fluid communication with the first surface of the thermal core and a secondary multiplier chamber is in fluid communication with the second surface of the thermal core. A working volume (144) of a gaseous working fluid fills the main chamber, the multiplier chamber, and the thermal core at a pressure. An equilibrium pressure is defined as the pressure of the working volume of gaseous working fluids with the thermoacoustic device is in a non-operating mode.

No. of Pages : 68 No. of Claims : 61

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3394/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF CLOPIDOGREL" (51) International classification :C07D 495/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :MI2002A000933 1)DIPHARMA, S.P.A (32) Priority Date :03/05/2002 Address of Applicant :VIA XXIV MAGGIO, 40, I-33036 MERETO DI TOMBA, ITALY Italy (33) Name of priority country :Italy :PCT/EP2003/04179 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/04/2003 1)CASTALDI, GRAZIANO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093276 2)BARRECA, GIUSEPPE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BOLOGNA, ALBERTO :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the preparation of clopidogrel (1) by reaction of the N, N"-bis-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-[3,2-c]-thienopyridyl methane (12) with (r)-2-chlorophenylacetic acid derivatives for formula (13) in which X and R have the meanings as indicated in the disclosure.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3258/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR STORING AND RETRIEVING ITEMS" (51) International classification :G06F 17/60 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/367,207 1)VNH SYSTEMS PTY.LTD (32) Priority Date :26/03/2002 Address of Applicant :70 BERKELEY STREET, HAWTHORN VICTORIA 3122, AUSTRALIA Australia (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/AU2003/00355 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/03/2003 1)GOLDSCHLAGER, LESLIE MICHAEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/081487 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides a method and apparatus for storing and retrieving items, the method comprising: grouping the items into one or more groups of the items; recording the content of each of the groups; comparing a batch of one or more orders for the items with the recorded content of the groups in order to locate a matching group from the groups that matches the batch or orders; and retrieving the matching group in order to fill the batch of orders.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 31

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3259/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FLUID PRODUCT DISPENSING PUMP" (51) International classification :B05B 11/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/05251 1)VALOIS S.A.S (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 Address of Applicant :BOLTE POSTALE G, LE PRIEURE, F-27110 LE NEUBOURG, FRANCE France (33) Name of priority country :Finland :PCT/FR2003/01185 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/04/2003 1)PETIT, LUDOVIC (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089151 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a manually-actuated fluid product dispensing pump comprising a pump housing (10) and at least one piston (50, 55) which slides in a hermetic manner inside said pump body (10) between a rest position and a dispensing position. The inventive pump is characterised in that at least part of the pump housing takes the form of a truncated cone in order to modify the radial stresses exerted on said at least one piston (50, 55) between the rest and dispensing positions.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3388/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FORMING FABRIC COMPRISING FLAT SHAPED CONDUCTIVE MONOFILAMENT USED IN THE PRODUCTION OF NON-WOVEN FABRICS" (51) International classification :D21F 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/142,512 1)ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. Address of Applicant :1373 BROADWAY, ALBANY, NEW (32) Priority Date :09/05/2002 YORK 12204, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/12702 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :23/04/2003 1)MONNERIE, JEAN-LOUIS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095740 2)DEBYSER, PASCAL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In an apparatus for the production of a non-woven web, structure, or article using a spun-bonding process in combination with a forming fabric which is woven having flat CMD yarns, flat MD yarns or both with some or all of such yarns being conductive so as to dissipate static electricity.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3389/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD TO INCREASE BOND STRENGTH AND MINIMIZE NON-UNIFORMITIES OF WOVEN TWO-LAYER MULTIAXIAL FABRICS AND FABRIC PRODUCED ACCORDING TO SAME" (51) International classification :D21F 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/139,557 1)ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. Address of Applicant :1373 BROADWAY, ALBANY, NEW (32) Priority Date :06/05/2002 YORK 12204, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/12830 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :23/04/2003 1)MORIARTY, MICHAEL, G (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095741 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A papermaker"s fabric formed of a woven fabric strip (16). The fabric strip (16) has a width less than a width (W) of the papermaker"s fabric, a main portion (29) that is in form of a multi-layer weave, and two lateral edges (30, 32) that are in the form of the weaves having fewer layers than the main portion. The edges (30, 32) are formed such that when the fabric strip (16) is wound around in a continuous spiral fashion to form a papermaker"s fabric, the lateral edges (30, 32) overlap one another forming a spiral seam which has a number of layers equal to that of the main portion.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3390/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMPLIANT ENCLOSURE FOR THERMOACOUSTIC DEVICES" (51) International classification :F25B 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/372,008 1)THE PENN STATE RESEARCH FOUNDATION (32) Priority Date :10/04/2002 Address of Applicant :304 OLD MAIN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PA 16802, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11367 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)POESE, MATTHEW, E (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/087678 2)SMITH, ROBERT, W.,M (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WAKELAND, RAY, S :NA Number 4)GARRETT, STEVEN, L :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : According to one embodiment of the present invention, a thermoacoustic device (20) has a complaint enclosure which includes a rigid portion and a compliant portion. The device (20) has a thermal buffer tube (44) which extends through the thermally insulating (22) and the other thermal components (14-18). The complaint portion includes an oscillating member and a flexure seal with a pair of ends and a flexure body extending between the ends.

No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 38

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3402/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)BAYER HEALTHCARE AG :C07C 275/32 Address of Applicant :D-51368 LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY :02 10512.0 Germany :08/05/2002 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.K. 1)TAKESHI YURA :PCT/EP2003/04395 2)MUNETO MOGI :28/04/2003 3)KLAUS URBAHNS :WO 2003/095420 4)HIROSHI FUJISHIMA 5)TSUTOMU MASUDA :NA 6)TOSHIYA MORIWAKI :NA 7)NAGAHIRO YOSHIDA :NA 8)TOSHIO KOKUBO :NA 9)MASAHIRO SHIROO 10)YASUHIRO TSUKIMI 11)NORIYUKI YAMAMOTO

(57) Abstract : This invention relates to tetrahydro-naphthalene derivatives and salts thereof which is useful as an active ingredient of pharmaceutical preparations. The tetrahydro-naphthalene derivatives of the present invention have an excellent activity as VR1 antagonist and useful for the prophylaxis and treatment of diseases associated with VR1 activity, in particular for the treatment of urge urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, chronic pain, neuropathic pain, postoperative pain, rheumatoid arthritic pain, neuralgia, neuropathies, algesia, nerve injury, ischaemia, neurodegeneration, stroke, incontinence, inflammatory disorders such as asthma and COPD.

No. of Pages : 97 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3359/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)TOPOTARGET UK (LIMITED) :A61K 31/495 Address of Applicant :87 A MILTON PARK, ABINGDON, :60/369,337 OXFORDSHIRE OX14 4RY, (GB), UK U.K. :03/04/2002 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.S.A. 1)WATKINS, CLARE J :PCT/GB2003/01463 2)ROMERO-MARTIN, MARIA-ROSARIO :03/04/2003 3)RITCHIE, JAMES :WO 2003/082288 4)FINN, PAUL W :NA 5)KALVINSH, IVARS :NA 6)LOZA, EINARS 7)DIKOVSKA, KALRA :NA 8)STARCHENKOV, IGOR :NA 9)LOLYA, DAINA 10)GAILITE, VIJA

(57) Abstract : This invention pertains to certain carbamic acid compounds which inhibit HDAC (histone deacetylase) activity of the following formula:[Insert formula]wherein: Cy is independently a cyclyl group; Q1 is independently a covalent bond or cyclyl leader group; the piperazin-1,4-diyl group is optionally substituted; J1 is independently a covalent bond or -C(=O)- ; J2 is independently -C(=O)- or S(=O)2- ; Q2 is independently an acid leader group; wherein: Cy is independently: C3-20carbocyclyl, C3-20heterocyclyl, or C520aryl; and is optionally substituted; Q1 is independently: a covalent bond; C1-7alkylene; or C1-7alkylene-X-C1-7alkylene, -X-C17alkylene, or C1-7alkylene-X-, wherein X is -O- or -S-; and is optionally substituted; Q2 is independently: C4-8alkylene; and is optionally substituted; and has a backbone length of at least 4 atoms; or: Q2 is independently: C5-20arylene; C5-20arylene-C17alkylene; C1-7alkylene-C5-20arylene; or, C1-7alkylene-C5-20arylene-C1-7alkylene; and is optionally substituted; and has a backbone length of at least 4 atoms; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, solvate, amide, ester, ether, chemically protected form, or prodrug thereof. The present invention also pertains to pharmaceutical compositions comprising such compounds, and the use of such compounds and compositions, both in vitro and in vivo, to inhibit HDAC, and in the treatment of conditions mediated by HDAC, cancer, proliferative conditions, psoriasis, etc.

No. of Pages : 212 No. of Claims : 87

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3363/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CHROMA DEBLOCKING FILTER" (51) International classification :H04N (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/377,061 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :01/05/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11329 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/04/2003 1)GOMILA, CRISTINA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094497 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An encoder (100), decoder (200, 300), and corresponding method (400) are disclosed for deblocking pixel data processed with block transformations, the encoder including a conditional deblocking filter (140) for filtering only block transitions meeting chroma difference measure criteria; the decoder including a conditional deblocking filter (240, 340) for filtering only block transitions meeting chroma difference measure criteria; and the method for deblocking including receiving (412) chroma level signals for at least two pixels disposed on opposite sides of a block transition, computing (414) a distance measure between the chroma levels of the at least two pixels, comparing (416) the distance measure with at least one threshold, and conditionally filtering (422) adjacent pixels including the at least two pixels at the block transition in response to the comparison.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3365/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "GAME SYSTEM" (51) International classification :A63F 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1572 1)MAYONTEK CORPORATION PTY LTD (32) Priority Date :05/04/2002 Address of Applicant :FLAT 3, 614 INKERMAN ROAD, CAULFIELD NORTH, VICTORIA, 3161, AUSTRALIA (33) Name of priority country :Australia (86) International Application No :PCT/AU2003/00412 Australia Filing Date :04/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086559 1)SOKOLOV, GARY (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A game apparatus with: (a) an indicia selecting means including a rotatable wheel (1) having a plurality of selectable regions (20, 21, 22 etc), each region (20, 21, 22) associated with paying card indicia (31, 32, 33 respectively); (b) a means for randomly selecting a selectable region (20, 21, 22) of the wheel (1); (c) a wagering area (40) adapted for positioning wagers concerning the indicia (31, 32, 33) associated with the region (20, 21, 22) selected a single operation of the indicia selecting means. A method for operating the game system is also described.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3404/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR MANAGING ENTERPRISE ASSETS" (51) International classification :G06F 15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/389,539 1)COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. (32) Priority Date :18/06/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE COMPUTER ASSOCIATES PLAZA, ISLANDIA, NEW YORK 11749, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2002/031845 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/10/2002 1)ROBIN HUTCHINSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/107211 2)JOHN GIUBILEO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DARCI O'BRIEN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The disclosed method and system can be used to manage at least one asset (104) in an Enterprise (106), where the methods and systems include providing a first server, the first server configured to include at least one asset profile associated with the at least one asset (104), the first server controlled by the Enterprise, and receiving at the first server, in response to a request to a distinct second server (102), data associated with at least one vulnerability associated with the at least one asset (104), where the second server (102) is outside the control of the Enterprise (106).

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 33

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3384/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PYRAZOLECARBOXAMIDE INSECTICIDES" (51) International classification :C07D 231/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/388,244 1)E.I.DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :13/06/2002 Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/18609 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/06/2003 1)THOMAS MARTIN STEVENSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/106427 2)GEORGE PHILIP LAHM (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ROBERT JAMES PASTERIS :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention provides compounds of Formula (I), N-oxides and salts thereof wherein: A is O or S; B is a phenyl ring or a pyridine ring, each ring optionally substituted with 1 to 5 R; J is a pyrazole or a pyrrole heterocyclic ring system as defined herein; and; R1 is H; or C1-C6 alkyl, C2-C6 alkenyl, C2-C6 alkynyl or C3-C6 cycloalkyl each optionally substituted with one or more substituents selected from the group consisting of halogen, CN, NO2, hydroxy, C1-C4 alkoxy, C1-C4 alkylthio, C1-C4 alkylsulfinyl, C1-C4 alkylsulfonyl, C2-C4 alkoxycarbonyl, C1-C4 alkylamino, C2-C8 dialkylamino and C3-C6 cycloalkylamino.Also disclosed are methods for controlling at least one invertebrate pest comprising contacting the invertebrate pest or its environment with a biologically effective amount of at least one compound of Formula I, an N-oxide or a salt thereof (e.g., as a composition described herein). This invention also pertains to a composition comprising at least one compound of Formula I, an N-oxide or a salt thereof; and at least one additional component selected from the group consisting of a surfactant, a solid diluent and a liquid diluent.

No. of Pages : 88 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3385/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RODENTICIDAL BAIT SYSTEM" (51) International classification :A01N 25/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 20 271.0 1)BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG (32) Priority Date :07/05/2002 Address of Applicant :ALFRED-NOBEL-STR. 50, D-40789 MONHEIM, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/04250 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/04/2003 1)STEFAN ENDEPOLS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094612 2)THOMAS BOCKER (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to water-based rodenticidal gels which are not cured, remain attractive to harmful rodents for a longer period of time, the viscosity thereof remaining permanently adhesive to surfaces.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3414/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NOVEL PHOSPHOLIPASES AND USES THEREOF"

(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :C12N 9/20 1)DSM IP ASSETS B.V. :02100528.5 Address of Applicant :HET OVERLOON 1, 6411 TE :21/05/2002 HEERLEN, THE NETHERLANDS Netherlands :EPO (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/EP2003/05450 1)KAJ ALBERMANN :21/05/2003 2)WOLFRAM KEMMNER :WO 2003/097825 3)ERIK KIMPEL 4)DIETER MAIER :NA 5)FABIO SPREAFICO :NA 6)ALEXANDER STOCK :NA 7)CHRISTIAN WAGNER :NA 8)LEX DE BOER 9)ROELF BERNHARD MEIMA

(57) Abstract : The invention relates to a newly identified polynucleotide sequence comprising a gene that encodes a novel phospholipase isolated from Aspergillus niger. The invention features the full length nucleotide sequence of the novel gene, the cDNA sequence comprising the full length coding sequence of the novel phospholipase as well as the amino acid sequence of the full-length functional protein and functional equivalents thereof. The invention also relates to methods of using these enzymes in industrial processes and methods of diagnosing fungal infections. Also included in the invention are cells transformed with a polynucleotide according to the invention and cells wherein a phospholipase according to the invention is genetically modified to enhance or reduce its activity and/or level of expression.

No. of Pages : 58 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3417/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "6, 11 BICYCLIC ERYTHROMYCIN DERIVATIVES" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :A01N 43/04 1)ENANTA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. :NA Address of Applicant :500 ARSENAL STREET, :13/05/2002 WATERTOWN, MA 02472, U.S.A U.S.A. :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/US2003/14914 1)YAT SUN OR :13/05/2003 2)GUOQIANG WANG :WO 2003/095466 3)LY TAM PHAN :NA 4)DEQIANG NIU :NA 5)YAO-LING QUI 6)NHA HUU VO :NA 7)JUDSON FARMER :NA 8)YING HOU

(57) Abstract : The present invention discloses compounds of formula (I), or pharmaceutically acceptable salts, esters, or prodrugs thereof which exhibit antibacterial properties. The present invention further relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising the aforementioned compounds for administration to a subject in need of antibiotic treatment. The invention also relates to methods of treating a bacterial infection in a subject by administering a pharmaceutical composition comprising the compounds of the present invention. The invention further includes process by which to make the compounds of the present invention.

No. of Pages : 97 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3418/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR ADDING HEAT TO A REACTOR SYSTEM USED TO CONVERT OXYGENATES TO OLEFINS" (51) International classification :C07C 1/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/152,908 1)EXXONMOBIL CHEMICAL PATENTS INC Address of Applicant :5200 BAYWAY DRIVE, BAYTOWN, (32) Priority Date :22/05/2002 TEXAS 77520-5200, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/12723 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :24/04/2003 1)JAMES R. LATTNER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/099747 2)KEITH H. KUECHLER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)RICHARD WALTER :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a method for adding heat to a reactor system used to convert oxygenates to olefin, in which supplemental heat is added with a heating fuel, e.g., a torch oil, having low autoignition temperature, low sulfur, and low nitrogen content.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3375/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING INTELLIGENT ADVERTISEMENT PLACEMENT IN A MOTION PICTURE" (51) International classification :G09G (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/112,519 1)INDIVIDUAL NETWORK, LLC Address of Applicant :101 NORTH CLEMATIS STREET, (32) Priority Date :29/03/2002 SUITE #507, WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33401, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/09340 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/03/2003 1)DENIS KHOO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/085633 2)RAYMOND F. RATCLIFF, III (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a method and system for intelligently embedding advertisements or product placement versions into program content. An embodiment of the method includes a user entering personalized data (1010) receiving personalized data and the identity of a program content from a user over a computer network; determining which product placement version to deliver (1020) having attributes that approximately match the personalized data; editing the program content to include the selected product placement version; and transmitting the program content to the user over the computer network for user viewing of customized program (1030) An embodiment of the system includes a computer system for performing the above-described method.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 34

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3376/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR REDUCTION OF PERSISTENT, BIO-ACCUMULATIVE AND TOXIC POLLUTANTS IN CARBOCHLORINATION PROCESSES" (51) International classification :B01D 47/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/319,329 1)E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, (32) Priority Date :20/06/2002 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/019442 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/06/2003 1)STEPHEN W. TAYLOR (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/000439 2)JAMES B. DUNSON, JR (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a composition and a method for reducing the production of persistent bio-accumulative and toxic pollutants in solid carbonaceous reduction reactions in carbochlorination processes.

No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3377/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POST MOLD COOLING APPARATUS AND METHOD HAVING ROTATIONAL AND TRANSVERSE MOVEMENT" (51) International classification :B29C (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/147,360 1)HUSKY INJECTION MOLDING SYSTEMS LTD Address of Applicant :500 QUEEN STREET, BOLTON, (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 ONTARIO L7E 5S5, CANADA Canada (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/CA2003/00569 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :17/04/2003 1)RICHARD M. UNTERLANDER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097327 2)WITOLD NETER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ZBIGNIEW ROMANSKI :NA Number 4)ROBIN A. ARNOTT :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Post mold cooling apparatus (30) and method having transverse movement preferably includes structure and/or steps for cooling a plurality of plastic articles molded on a row of mold cores (70a, 70b). A post mold cooling device (30) is provided having (i) a first row of cooling tubes (44, 49) configured to hold a first plurality of the molded plastic articles, and (ii) a second row of cooling tubes (44, 49) configured to hold a second plurality of the molded plastic articles. A cooling station (42) is disposed adjacent the cooling device and is configured to provide a cooling fluid to an interior of both the first and second pluralities of molded articles inside the respective first and second rows of cooling tubes (44, 49). Movement structure is configured to (i) provide a rotational movement to cause the first and second pluralities of molded articles inside the respective first and second rows of cooling tubes (44, 49) to be presented to the cooling station, and (ii) provide a transverse, axial movement to alternately cause the first row of cooling tubes (44, 49) and then the second row of cooling tubes (44, 49) to be presented to the row of mold cores (70a, 70b).

No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 27

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3378/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "INSECTICIDAL AMIDES WITH NITROGEN-CONTAINING BENZO-FUSED BICYCLIC RING SYSTEMS" (51) International classification :A01N 47/38 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/387,640 1)E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, (32) Priority Date :11/06/2002 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/18610 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/06/2003 1)THOMAS MARTIN STEVENSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/103398 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed are compounds of Formula I and compounds of Formula II (including all geometric and stereoisomers), N-oxides thereof and salts thereof, certain compositions comprising the compounds of Formula I and/or the compounds of Formula II and certain uses of those compounds and compositions for controlling invertebrate pests INSERT FORMULA I AND II HERE whereinA, B, J, R1, R2, R3, R4, M, M1 and n are as defined in the disclosure.

No. of Pages : 142 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3425/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR ASSESSING BIOFILMS" (51) International classification :G01N 21/64 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0211068.2 1)GE HEALTHCARE UK LIMITED (32) Priority Date :14/05/2002 Address of Applicant :AMERSHAM PLACE, LITTLE CHALFONT, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HP7 9NA, ENGLAND (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01816 U.K. (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095995 1)IAN DAVID GOODYER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)RUDI WILLY ROGER LABARBE :NA Number 3)DIETRICH OTTO RUEHLMANN :NA Filing Date 4)SIMON LAURENCE JOHN STUBBS (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An automated method for measuring the development of a biofilm on a plurality of surfaces using a confocal imaging system including: a) a radiation source system for forming a beam of electromagnetic radiation comprising one or more wavelengths; b) an optical system for directing and focusing said beam onto one or more planes of the object; c) a detection system for detecting electromagnetic radiation emitted from the object and producing image data; and d) a scanning system for scanning the object in a plurality of planes with the electromagnetic radiation, the method comprising the steps of: i) growing said biofilm on said plurality of surfaces; ii) detecting the presence of one or more fluorescent moieties within the biofilm by scanning the biofilm with electromagnetic radiation in a plurality of planes to produce a plurality of images; and iii) analysing said images by means of a data processing system under the control of computer software to determine the structure of the biofilm.

No. of Pages : 72 No. of Claims : 66

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3395/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF BENAZEPRIL HYDROCHLORIDE" (51) International classification :A61K 31/55 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :MI2002A000934 1)DIPHARMA, S.P.A (32) Priority Date :03/05/2002 Address of Applicant :VIA XXIV MAGGIO, 40, I-33036 MERETO DI TOMBA, ITALY Italy (33) Name of priority country :Italy (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/04343 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/04/2003 1)CASTALDI, GRAZIANO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092698 2)RAZZETTI, GABRIELE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MANTEGAZZA, SIMONE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the preparation of benazepril hydrochloride (2) starting from the Michael adduct (14), obtained reacting compounds of formula (11) and (13), as defined in the disclosure.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3396/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF MODAFINIL" (51) International classification :C07C 315/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :MI2002A000991 1)DIPHARMA, S.P.A (32) Priority Date :10/05/2002 Address of Applicant :VIA XXIV MAGGIO, 40, I-33036 MERETO DI TOMBA, ITALY Italy (33) Name of priority country :Italy :PCT/EP2003/04229 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/04/2003 1)CASTALDI, GRAZIANO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095423 2)LUCCHINI, VITTORIO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)TARQUINI, ANTONIO :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the preparation of 2-[(diphenylmethyl)sulfinyl]acetamide (I) comprising the oxidation of sodium 2[(diphenylmethyl)sulfenyl]acetate to the corresponding sulfoxide and the derivatization of the latter to amide.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3397/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "STENT COATING DEVICE" (51) International classification :B05C 5/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/136,295 1)LABCOAT LTD (32) Priority Date :02/05/2002 Address of Applicant :GALWAY,TECHNOLOGY CENTER, MERVUE INDUSTRIAL, ESTATE, UNIT 27, GALWAY, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/IB2003/02270 CO.,GALWAY, IRELAND Ireland (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :01/05/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092909 1)AVRAHAM SHEKALIM (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)ASCHER SHMULEWITZ :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention is a method and device, which is suitable for use in an operating theater just prior to implantation, for selectively applying a medical coating to an implantable medical device (2), for example a stent. Disclosed is a device for use with a stent(2) deployed on a catheter balloon. The device is configured to apply a medical coating of a desired thickness to the surface of a stent (2) only. This is done by use of a drop-on-demand ink-jet (3a-3c) printing system in association with an optical scanning device (32a, 32b). The device is further configured so as to, if necessary, apply a plurality of layered coats, each layered coat being of a different coating material, and if appropriate, different thickness. The section of the housing in which the stent (2) is held during the coating procedure is detachable from the housing base. The detachable housing section may be easily cleaned and re-sterilized or simply disposed of.

No. of Pages : 41 No. of Claims : 52

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3398/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR PRODUCING METHYL-SUBSTITUTED AROMATIC COMPOUND" (51) International classification :C07C 1/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-136491 1)NEW JAPAN CHEMICAL CO..LTD (32) Priority Date :13/05/2002 Address of Applicant :13, YOSHIJIMA YAGURA-CHO, FUSHIMI-KU, KYOTO-SHI, KYOTO 612-8224, JAPAN Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/05861 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/05/2003 1)TAIICHIRO IWAMURA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095399 2)YOSHIHIRO KIHARA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KAZUHIRO HATTORI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for producing a methyl-substituted aromatic compound represented by General Formula (2): wherein X represents a substituent such as OH, halogen or alkyl, a is 1 to 5, b is 1 to 3, and Ar represents an aromatic residue, when a is 2 or greater, adjacent two X groups may be taken together to form a ring, the process comprising subjecting an aromatic compound represented by General Formula (1): wherein X, Ar, a, and b are as defined above, and Y represents hydroxymethyl, (C1-18 alkyl) oxycarbonyl, mono-or di (C1-18 alkyl) acetal or formyl, to a catalytic hydrogenolysis reaction in the presence of a zinc-based catalyst.

No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3399/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PULSE TRANSFORMER FOR TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING SIGNAL" (51) International classification :H01F 19/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-23326 1)DUNOTECH PLC (32) Priority Date :29/04/2002 Address of Applicant :66 WIGMORE STREET, LONDON (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea W1U 2HQ, ENGLAND U.K. :PCT/KR2002/01869 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/10/2002 1)MOON-YOUNG NO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094179 2)CHUNG-YOON RO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A pulse transformer for transmitting and receiving signal is disclosed. In order to manufacture a second coil into windings containing a condenser component, the pulse transformer for transmitting and receiving signal of the present invention comprises a first condenser electrode; a second condenser electrode, faced to the first condenser electrode; a dielectric or an insulator, positioned between the first and second condenser electrodes and joined to the first and second condenser electrodes; and first and second lead lines, each connected to the first and second condenser electrodes, for performing a function of power lines in order to transmit the signal or being connected to the power lines. According to the present invention, by employing a condenser component as the input and output portions of the transformer, signal attenuation and noise effect of the transmission lines can be deeply reduced by raising the internal impedance, when transmitting and receiving a pulse signal.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3406/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONTROL FIELD EVENT DETECTION IN A DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER" (51) International classification :H04N 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/143,570 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :09/05/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14642 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/05/2003 1)ENGLE, JOSEPH, C (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096679 2)ODUTOLA, AKINYEMI (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concerns a method and system for identifying commercial message segments of a video signal. A set of rules is applied for determining the occurrence of commercial messages with a higher degree of accuracy as compared to conventional methods. In general, method includes the steps of monitoring a digital bit stream (402) comprising the video signal, detecting a change in a control field (404) of the digital bit stream, and then selectively generating a commercial event notification (410) responsive to the detecting step. According to one aspect of the invention, a change in at least one of a video sequence header and a sequence display extension can be detected. Alternatively, or in addition to checking for a change in control field, the method can comprise the step of detecting a change in an informational parameter (408) of the video signal exclusive of the audio-visual content.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3432/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLY (TRIMETHYLENE DICARBOXYLATE) FIBERS, THEIR MANUFACTURE AND USE" (51) International classification :D01D 5/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/183,710 1)E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :27/06/2002 Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/019910 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/06/2003 1)JING CHUNG CHANG (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/003270 2)JOSEPH V. KURIAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SHEKHAR SUBRAMONEY :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for preparing poly(trimethylene dicarboxylate) multifilament yarns and monofilaments, comprising polystyrene as well as the yarns, and fabrics and carpets made with the yarns.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3437/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "OIL RECOVERY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP COMPOSITIONS" (51) International classification :B01J 20/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1612 1)DAVID CHARLES ROBINSON (32) Priority Date :08/04/2002 Address of Applicant :862, RAMSDEN SRIVE, ALBURY NSW 2640, AUSTRALIA Australia (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00404 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/04/2003 1)DAVID CHARLES ROBINSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086623 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to improvements in products and processes for cleaning up oil, chemical, or other hydrocarbon spills, and cleaning up the environment where such spills have occurred. In one aspect of the invention, there is provided an adsorbent polymeric composition which is oleophilic and capable of adsorption of other chemicals and hydrocarbons from both land and water, the adsorbent composition including polyethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer, catalyst, cross-linking agent, lubricant, blowing agent and a bulking agent. In a second aspect of the invention there is provided a method of manufacture of an adsorbent composition for use in retrieving and recycling oil, chemicals and hydrocarbons from land or water environments.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3447/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM FOR RATING CONSTRUCTED RESPONSES BASED ON CONCEPTS AND A MODEL ANSWER" (51) International classification :G09B 7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/125,440 1)EDUCATION TESTING SERVICE Address of Applicant :666 ROSEDALE ROAD, (32) Priority Date :19/04/2002 PRINCETON, NJ 08541, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/10676 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :18/04/2003 1)LEACOCK CLAUDIA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090181 2)CHODOROW MARTIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BOLGE ELEANOR :NA Number 4)WOLSKA MAGDALENA :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for grading constructed responses, said method comprising: converting a model answer into a model answer canonical representation; converting a constructed response into an answer canonical representation; comparing said model answer canonical representation and said answer canonical representation; and generating a score based on matches between said model answer canonical representation and said answer canonical representation.

No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3448/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "LACTOFERRIN IN THE TREATMENT OF MALIGNANT NEOPLASMS AND OTHER HYPERROLIFERATIVE DISEASES" (51) International classification :A61K 38/40 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/379,441 1)AGENNIX INCORPORATED Address of Applicant :8 GREENWAY PLAZA, SUITE 910, (32) Priority Date :10/05/2002 HOUSTON, TX 77046, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/14789 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :09/05/2003 1)VARADHACHARY, ATUL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/099323 2)BARSKY, RICK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PERICLE, FREDERICA :NA Number 4)PETRAK, KAREL :NA Filing Date 5)WANG, YENYUN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to methods of treating a hyperproliferative disease by administering a composition of lactoferrin alone or in combination with standard anti-cancer therapies.

No. of Pages : 50 No. of Claims : 101

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3452/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMPROVEMENTS IN FIBROUS SHEETS" (51) International classification :B31D (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0210680.5 1)DE LA RUE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (32) Priority Date :09/05/2002 Address of Applicant :DE LA RUE HOUSE, JAYS CLOSE VIABLES, BASINGSTOKE, HAMPSHIRE RG22 4BS, UK U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01971 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/05/2003 1)ANTHONY JAMES WATERS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095188 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention is directed to improvements in fibrous sheets, such as paper, incorporating an elongate impermeable element, to a method of making such paper and to documents made therefrom. The method comprises the steps of bringing an elongate flexible element into contact with a moving support surface, and depositing fibres onto the support surface to form a fibrous sheet which travels in a machine direction. The said support surface has spaced portions which prevent the substantial deposition of fibres at those portions and form windows at spaced locations in at least one surface of the sheet. The deposition of fibres is carried out in such a manner that as fibres are deposited onto the support surface the elongate element is incorporated in the sheet with regions of the element at least partially exposed at at least one surface of the sheet at said windows. At least a leading edge of the spaced portions is at an angle, in the plane of the sheet, which is not 90° to the machine direction.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3421/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CHILDREN'S COMPUTER BANKING GAME" (51) International classification :G06F (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/141,168 1)RESNICK, PAUL (32) Priority Date :07/05/2002 Address of Applicant :8484 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, SUITE 870, BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA 90211, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14254 U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :05/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096155 1)RESNICK, PAUL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An interactive educational money management method for use in an arrangement comprising at least one computer network (12) connecting at least one display device (14) to at least one information provider computer (18). The method having steps of: displaying a graphical user interface connected to an electronically accessible financial account having at least one game; establishing a system of authorization governing access and transfer of information to transactions to and from the graphical user interface as permitted by the system of authorization.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3422/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONTROL OF AIR CONDITIONING COOLING OR HEATING COIL" (51) International classification :F28F 9/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 2297 1)VICZENA GEORGE SANDOR (32) Priority Date :10/05/2002 Address of Applicant :UNIT 3 A-E, MARINA BAY CONDO, ADMIRAL COVE, BATU 5 JALAN PANTAI, 71050 PORT (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/IB2003/01767 DICKSON, NEGERI SEMBILAN, MALAYSIA Malaysia (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :07/05/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095925 1)VICZENA GEORGE SANDOR (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A fluid heat exchange device, comprising a header and a plurality of interconnecting circuits between an supply port and a return port, the interconnecting circuits being connected to the header by a corresponding plurality of connection ports at different locations along the header wherein the header includes a blocking control element inside the header, the blocking control element being positionally adjustable along the header to selectively block fluid flow from the supply port through the connection ports of the plurality of interconnecting circuits, thereby selectively controlling those interconnecting circuits of the plurality of interconnecting circuits which are subjected to fluid flow therethrough in dependency on the position of the blocking control element.

No. of Pages : 67 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3461/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROTON CONDUCTIVE CARBON MATERIAL" (51) International classification :H01M 4/58 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/382,801 1)COLUMBIAN CHEMICALS COMPANY (32) Priority Date :23/05/2002 Address of Applicant :1800 WEST OAK COMMONS COURT, MARIETTA, GA 30062, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/16654 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/05/2003 1)BOLLEPALLI SRINIVAS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100889 2)DOTSON ANDERSON O (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides methods for the incorporation of sulfonate functional groups onto the surface of particulate carbonaceous materials and provides several surface-modified carbonaceous material compositions resulting therefrom. The composition can further comprise a conducting polymer. The composition can further comprise a metal. Devices comprising the composition can be constructed including supported electrocatalysts, membrane electrode assemblies, and fuel cells. A method for preparing the composition comprises sulfonating particulate carbonaceous material. The method can further comprise metallizing the sulfonated carbonaceous material.

No. of Pages : 60 No. of Claims : 54

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3462/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONDUCTING POLYMER-GRAFTED CARBON MATERIAL FOR FUEL CELL APPLICATIONS" (51) International classification :C08K 3/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/382,666 1)COLUMBIAN CHEMICALS COMPANY (32) Priority Date :23/05/2002 Address of Applicant :1800 WEST OAK COMMONS COURT, MARIETTA, GA 30062, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/16319 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :23/05/2003 1)BOLLEPALLI SRINIVAS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100883 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A composition comprising particulate carbonaceous material (52) and a conducting polymer containing hetero atoms (54). The composition can further comprise a metal (56). Devices comprising the composition can be constructed including supported electrocatalysts, membrane electrode assemblies, and fuel cells wherein the fuel cells comprise an anode (20), a cathode (50), and a polymer exchange membrane (10). A method for preparing the composition comprises oxidatively polymerizing a monomer of a conducting polymer containing hetero atoms in the presence of a carbonaceous material. The method grafts the conducting polymer to the carbonaceous material. The method can further comprise metallizing the polymer-grafted carbonaceous material.

No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 51

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3478/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CHARACTERIZING MICROARRAY OUTPU DATA" (51) International classification :G01N 21/84 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/337,520 1)VIALOGY CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :03/05/2002 Address of Applicant :2400 LINCOLN AVENUE, ALTADENA CA 91001, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14182 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :05/05/2003 1)GULATI, SANDEEP (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093810 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The current invention discloses a novel spectral transformation technique for characterizing digitized intensity output patterns from microarrays. This method yields improved sensitivity with reduced false positives and false negatives. Current microarray methods are overly sensitive to the detection of a visible distinction between pixels associated with probes and pixels associated with background. In one embodiment, a technique is disclosed that comprises the steps of: extracting pixels associated with an object of interest and transforming such pixels from an intensity representation to a spectral representation. In some embodiments, the extraction is based on a tessellated logarithmic spiral extraction that may yield a pixel core with a sampling of both foreground and background pixels. This core may then be computationally rescaled by lOX-10,000X to enhance spatial resolution. Once the extracted pixels are represented in the spectral regime, convolution with resolution-enhancement kernels may be used to accentuate morphological features capturing platform specific phenomenology.

No. of Pages : 110 No. of Claims : 58

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3426/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLY (TRIMETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE) BICOMPONENT FIBERS" (51) International classification :D01F 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/287,975 1)E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :05/11/2002 Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/019916 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/03/2003 1)JING CHUNG CHANG (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/044286 2)JOSEPH V. KURIAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)RAY W. MILLER :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A side-by-side or eccentric sheath-core bicomponent fiber wherein each component comprises a different poly(trimethylene terephthalate) composition and wherein at least one of the compositions comprises styrene polymer dispersed throughout the poly(trimethylene terephthalate), and preparation and use thereof.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3427/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLYMERIC MICROEMULSIONS" (51) International classification :C08G 3/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/377,901 1)JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA N.V (32) Priority Date :03/05/2002 Address of Applicant :TURNHOUTSWEG 30, B-2340 BEERSE, BELGIUM Belgium (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/EP2003/04368 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/04/2003 1)ALBERTINA MARIA EDUARDA ARIEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093344 2)MARCUS ELI BREWSTER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ARUNA NATHAN :NA Number 4)JOEL ROSENBLATT :NA Filing Date 5)LOUISA MYRIAM OULD-OUALI (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)VERONIQUE PREAT Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides novel self-emulsifying diblock copolymers and novel self-emulsifying compositions comprising an active ingredient and a diblock copolymer characterized in that the diblock copolymer is liquid at a temperature below 50°C and the composition is non-aqueous and liquid at a temperature below 50°C.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 27

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3428/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A LARGE CAN FOR A BRUSHABLE COATING COMPOSITION WHICH IS CLOSEABLE BY A SCREW-THREAD LID" (51) International classification :B65D 51/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0210593.0 1)IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES PLC Address of Applicant :20 MANCHESTER SQUARE, (32) Priority Date :09/05/2002 LONDON W1U 3AN, ENGLAND U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/04842 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :02/05/2003 1)LOUISE HEATHER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095324 2)ALEXANDER JAMES PEACOP (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PETER BOOTH :NA Number 4)HENRIK VAN DE WAL :NA Filing Date 5)DOUGLAS JAMES BROADHURST SMITH (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A container (1) containing a coating composition the container comprising a container body (21) and a lid (7), the lid comprising a collar (11) and a disc (12), the container body having an opening provided with a screw-thread (5) cooperable with a screw-thread (6) on the collar and closeable by said lid characterised in that the disc is formed of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) which is sufficiently transparent to allow the coating composition to be visible therethrough.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3429/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLY (TRIMETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE) BICOMPONENT FIBER PROCESS" (51) International classification :D01D 5/088 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/436,082 1)E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :23/12/2002 Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/019914 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/06/2003 1)JING CHUNG CHANG (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/061169 2)RAY W. MILLER (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process of making side-by-side or eccentric sheath-core bicomponent fiber (6) wherein each component includes a different polytrimethylene terephthalate composition. Quench gas (1) enters a zone (2) below a spinneret face (3) (which spinneret face (3) is recessed above the top of the zone(2) by a distance (A)) through a plenum (4), past a hinged baffle (18) and through screens (5), resulting in substantially laminar flow across still-molten fibers (6). The fibers (6) leave the zone (2) through an exit (7) and finish can be applied by a finish roll (10).

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3430/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLY (TRIMETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE) FIBERS, THEIR MANUFACTURE AND USE" (51) International classification :B29C 47/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/193,498 1)E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :11/07/2002 Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/019915 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/06/2003 1)JING CHUNG CHANG (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/007171 2)JOSEPH V. KURIAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for preparing poly(trimethylene terephthalate) fibers comprising (a) providing a poly(trimethylene terephthalate) composition comprising about 0.05 to about 5 mole % tetramethylene terephthalate repeat units and (b) spinning the polymer composition to form fibers. Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) fiber comprising poly(trimethylene terephthalate) composition comprising about 0.05 to about 5 mole % tetramethylene terephthalate repeat units, as well as yarns, fabrics (e.g., woven, knitted, and nonwoven fabrics) and carpets. A poly(trimethylene terephthalate) composition comprising about 0.05 to about 5 mole % tetramethylene terephthalate repeat units.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3431/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DEVICE FOR PREPARING TEXTILES" (51) International classification :F26B 13/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 34 799.9 1)A. MONFORTS TEXTILMASCHINEN GMBH &CO (32) Priority Date :31/07/2002 Address of Applicant :SCHWALMSTRASSE 301, 41238 MONCHENGLADBACH, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/DE2003/002416 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/07/2003 1)KURT VAN WERSCH (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/017003 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a device for preparing textiles involving the drying and skewing of a textile web. To obviate the need for a separate skewing device, at least one group (17) of control rolls (10, 11) of a hotflue (5) that is used for drying, is mounted obliquely in relation to the central transport direction (2, 18) of the material web (1).

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 3

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3295/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ETTRINGITE BINDER FOR DENSE MORTAR, COMPRISING CALCIUM SULPHATES AND A MINERAL CALCIUM ALUMINATE COMPOUND" (51) International classification :C04B 7/32 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/05174 1)MLA Address of Applicant :8, RUE DES GRAVIERS, 92521 (32) Priority Date :24/04/2002 NEUILLY SUR SEINE CEDEX, FRANCE France (33) Name of priority country :France (86) International Application No :PCT/FR2003/01304 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :24/04/2003 1)LORIS AMATHIEU (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/091179 2)BRUNO TOUZO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to an ettringite binder for dense mortar, containing calcium sulphates and a mineral compound of calcium aluminates, said mineral compound of calcium aluminates comprising calcium C and aluminium A oxides which are soluble and combined in one or more crystallised and/or amorphous mineralogical phases, in proportions such that (i) the useful C/A molar ratio of the mineral compound of calcium aluminates is between 1.2 and 2.7 and (ii) the weight sum of the useful phases (C+A) represents at least 30 % of the total weight of the mineral compound.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3297/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DEVICE TO DELIVER POWDERY MEDICINE INTO NASAL CAVITY" (51) International classification :A61M 13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-138058 1)BIOACTIS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :14/05/2002 Address of Applicant :6F, TOHO TWIN TOWER BUILD, 52, YURAKU-CHO 1-CHOME, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100(33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/05924 0006, JAPAN Japan (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :13/05/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095008 1)TATSUO TSUTSUI (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A device for feeding chemical into a nasal cavity, wherein a one-way valve (33) installed in an air flow passage (31) in a capsule storably holding part (30) and having a valve opening pressure specified by a spring (34) is opened by an air pressure from a pump part (50), the end part (71) of the one-way valve does not interfere with a capsule input/output part (40) and the input/output operation of a capsule (K) when the one-way valve (33) is opened and, when the one-way valve (33) is opened by pressing the pump part (50) when the chemical is fed, comes into the capsule (K) to distribute the chemical in the capsule (K) so that a specified amount of the chemical including the chemical fallen to the one-way valve (33) can be surely fed to the nasal cavity of a user.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 1

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3298/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "LAYOUT FOR AUTOMOTIVE WINDOW ANTENNA" (51) International classification :H01Q (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/127,915 1)THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH (32) Priority Date :23/04/2002 FOUNDATION Address of Applicant :1960 KENNY ROAD, COLUMBUS, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12408 OH 43210-1036, U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/04/2003 2)CALEARO ANTENNE S.R.L (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092117 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)ERIC K. WALTON :NA Number 2)YASUTAKA HORIKI :NA Filing Date 3)MARTINO ROSIN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An improved wire pattern layout for a window antenna that takes into account the characteristics of radio frequency current flow (20) and the impact of a heater grid pattern. The wire pattern layout comprises a heating grid that is adapted to be in electrical communication with a DC power source. A plurality of antenna wires traverse the heating grid. The antenna wires are adapted to be in electrical communication with a feed (16) to a radio frequency device such as an AM radio, a FM radio, an AM/FM radio, a CB radio, a cellular phone, a global positioning system, or combinations thereof. The antenna wires may extend across the heating grid in substantially straight lines or in a step wise fashion. In addition, the antenna wires may change direction while traversing the heating grid. By taking into account the characteristics of the radio frequency current flow and the impact of a heater grid pattern, the improved design of the wire pattern layout provides enhanced directional gain and impedance characteristics.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 59

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3467/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM AND METHOD OF USING AN ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATICALLY DETERMINING A RISK INDICATOR VALUE" (51) International classification :G06F 17/60 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02010474.1 1)ACCENTURE GLOBAL SERVICES GMBH Address of Applicant :GESCHAFTSHAUS HERRENACKER (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 (33) Name of priority country :EPO 15, 8200 SCHAFFHAUSEN, SWITZERLAND Switzerland (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/03749 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)MICHAEL BUTTLER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096237 2)TEO JASIC (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An electronic data processing system for automatically determining a risk indicator value based on a number of risk parameters, for evaluating a risk involved with performing a transaction between a client and a transaction provider in said data processing system, the data processing system comprising: first input means (22) for inputting client input data relating to said client ; first data base means (18) for storing said client input data; computing means (26); output means (35) for outputting said risk indicator value; said first data base means (18) comprising data management means for assembling and storing said cli- ent input data in a predetermined number of client input data files in said first data base means; said computing means (26) comprising: first reading means (25) for reading client input data from at least one of said client input data files of said first data base means (18) into said computing means (26); first calculating means (28) for determining risk parameter values (x) for a number of predefined risk parameters from said client input data; evaluation means (28) for evaluating each risk parameter value using an associated evaluation function to determine an evaluation value of said risk parameter; comparator means (28) for comparing each evaluation value with at least one threshold value to deter- mine whether the associated risk parameter is critical, uncritical, or neutral for the risk involved with performing said transaction; second calculating means (30) for calculating a risk density for each non-neutral risk parameter; aggregating means (30) for aggregating the risk densities of non-neutral risk parameters of at least one redefined set of risk parameters to determine a common risk density of said set of risk parameters; third calculating means (30) for generating an overall risk probability, based on predetermined weights and partial risk probabilities for said sets of risk parameters; fourth calculating means (30) for calculating a net utilisation as the difference between an utilisation in said transaction and a value of collaterals available for said transaction at a certain point in time; and fifth calculating means (30) for calculating said risk indicator value as the product of said net utilisation and said overall risk probability.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3475/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM FOR PERMITTING CONTROL OF THE PURGING OF A NODE A BY THE SERVING RADIO NETWORK CONTROLLER" (51) International classification :H04Q 7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/379,838 1)INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Address of Applicant :3411 SILVERSIDE ROAD, (32) Priority Date :10/05/2002 CONCORD PLAZA, SUITE 105, HAGLEY BUILDING, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/14187 WILMINGTON, DE 19810, U.S.A U.S.A. Filing Date :07/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096712 1)TERRY, STEVEN, E (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)CHAO, YI-JU :NA Number 3)MILLER, JAMES, M :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system (Fig. 4) and method (50) which permit the RNC to control purging of data buffered in the Node B. The RNC monitors for a triggering event, which initiates the purging process. The RNC then informs the Node B of the need to purge data by transmitting a purge command (54), which prompts the Node B to delete at least a portion of buffered data. The purge command (54) can include instructions for the Node B to purge all data for a particular UE, data in one or several user priority transmission queues or in one or more logical channels in the Node B, depending upon the particular data purge triggering event realized in the RNC.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3476/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A DEVICE FOR A WIND POWER STATION PLACED IN DEEP WATER" (51) International classification :F03D 11/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :20022426 1)SWAY AS (32) Priority Date :22/05/2002 Address of Applicant :ØSTERVAG 25, N-4006 STAVANGER, NORWAY Norway (33) Name of priority country :Norway :PCT/NO2003/00161 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/05/2003 1)BORGEN, EYSTEIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098038 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A wind-driven power station mounted floating in deep water, comprising a machine house (8) including a generator (not s shown), regulating devices (not shown), rotor axle (9) and rotor blade (10), in which the machine house (8) is mounted at a tower (2) that mainly is floating in an upright position, and where the stability of the tower (2) is provided by means of ballast (5, 6) being placed in the lower part of the tower (2). The power station is kept in position and stabilized by means of anchor systems (12, 13, 14, 15, alternatively 16, 17, 18).

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3477/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ACTIVE INTERFEROMETRIC SIGNAL ANALYSIS IN SOFTWARE" (51) International classification :G06F 19/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/395,074 1)VIALOGY CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :09/07/2002 Address of Applicant :2400 LINCOLN AVENUE, ALTADENA, CA 91001, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/21525 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :05/05/2003 1)GULATI, SANDEEP (87) International Publication No : WO/2004/102456 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Techniques are provided for performing active interferometric signal analysis in software. The techniques exploit expressor functions designed to extract spectral invariants of events of interest associated with an arrayed platform device used to detect the signal pattern to be analyzed. Various techniques for generating expressor functions are also provided. Depending upon the implementation, the techniques provide for both detection and quantitation analysis by exploiting either constructive or destructive interferometric analysis using reverberant convergence to detect resonance events. The techniques achieve software emulation of wave-particle interactions and wave-wave interactions and can operate in either the frequency domain or the phase domain. The techniques may be used for analyzing static spatial systems, static data from arrayed measurement platforms, dynamical systems, spatio-temporal systems or plasma systems.

No. of Pages : 70 No. of Claims : 64

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3497/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ENABLING TRANSMISSION OF A WIRELESS RETURN CHANNEL SIGNAL IN A SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM" (51) International classification :H04Q (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/383,879 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :29/05/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/16740 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :28/05/2003 1)MCNEELY, DAVID, LOWELL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/103300 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : There is provided a method for enabling wireless reception of return channel signals in a satellite communications system (100) having at least one satellite (10) and a plurality of subscribers (12). A system time reference is transmitted to the plurality of subscribers (12) for establishing a precision frequency reference that is based on the system time reference. Return channel signals are wirelessly received from the plurality of subscribers (12) using a carrier frequency synthesized from the precision frequency reference established from the system time reference.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 34

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3498/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A SYSTEM FOR AND METHOD OF AUTHENTICATING ITEMS" (51) International classification :G07C 1/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1662 1)SHAW IP PTY. LTD (32) Priority Date :10/04/2002 Address of Applicant :C/O KENNERLYS, 14 VENTNOR AVENUE, WEST PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6005, (33) Name of priority country :Australia (86) International Application No :PCT/AU2003/00419 AUSTRALIA Australia Filing Date :09/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088155 1)SHAW, GRANT LANGLEY HOHEPA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system (10) is disclosed for authenticating an item (12), the item (12) being associated with an event or associated with one or more participants (70) in the event. The system (10) comprises first identification means (14) incorporated into an item (12) prior to an event, the first identification means (14) having an associated unique identifier, a database (22) for storing an item record including information indicative of the unique identifier and information indicative of the item (12), and detecting means (20) for authenticating that the item (12) has been used at the event by detecting the first identification means (14) and recognising the unique identifier during the event whilst the item (12) is being used. The arrangement is such that the item record is updated so as to include information indicative of the event in which the item (12) has been used when the item (12) has been detected by the detecting means (20). A corresponding method is also disclosed.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 73

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3403/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ADAPTER FOR COMMUNICATING OVER POWER LINE" (51) International classification :H04B 3/54 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002/23599 1)DUNOTECH PLC (32) Priority Date :30/04/2002 Address of Applicant :66 WIGMORE STREET, LONDON (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea W1U 2HQ, ENGLAND U.K. :PCT/KR2002/01731 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/09/2002 1)MOON-YOUNG NO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094382 2)CHUNG-YOON RO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An adapter for communicating over power line is disclosed. An adapter for communicating over power line of the present invention is comprised of a transmitting unit, comprising a power supply including a transformer, a plurality of rectifiers, and a smoother, an oscillator for oscillating a carrier frequency for signal transmission, a switching unit for switching in response to a signal transmitted from a modem, a first coil, positioned between the switching unit and the oscillator, for combining the carrier frequency and data transmitted from the switching unit and magnetizing the combined result; and a first pulse transformer comprising first and second condenser electrodes, which are induced electromagnetically by the first coil and separated mutually and electrically by means of dielectrics or insulators, including first and second lead lines respectively, each connected to the power lines for signal trransmission, and a receiving unit comprising a second pulse transformer having a reverse structure to the first pulse transformer, a filter for passing the carrier frequency of data among signals output from the second pulse transformer, and a data separating unit for separating transmission data between the filter and the modem.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 3

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3506/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : OVENABLE STACKABLE AND NESTABLE TRAYS AND INDUSTRIAL CATERING METHOD USING THESE TRAYS (51) International classification :B65D 21/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02076443.7 1)SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A Address of Applicant :P.O.BOX 353, CH-1800 VEVEY (32) Priority Date :12/04/2002 SWITZERLAND Switzerland (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/03595 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :03/04/2003 1)DUCHARME, CAMILLE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086882 2)INDEKEU, ERIK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GEENS, PATRIK :NA Number 4)NEUBOURG, WOUTER :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The method allow frozen cooked or pre-cooked food products to be packaged and transported from a manufacturing location to a catering location where they are reheated in stackable trays 20 for packaging, transport and reheating, which can be nested inside each other after use. The trays (20) are designed with sloped portions (26) and openings (31, 32, 36, 37 and 38) allowing said products to be uniformly reheated.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3516/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONTINUOUS METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MANUFACTURE OF UNIFORM SIZE FLAKE OR POWDER" (51) International classification :C01F 11/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/171,148 1)FUELCELL ENERGY, INC Address of Applicant :3 GREAT PASTURE ROAD, (32) Priority Date :13/06/2002 DANBURY, CT 06813-1305, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2002/41405 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :24/12/2002 1)THOMAS M. LUCAS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/106345 2)JOEL D. DOYON (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and apparatus for continuous fabrication of homogeneous thin flake or powder electrolyte material from inorganic salt, metallic or similar materials or from mixtures of such materials for use in Carbonate Fuel Cell ("CFC") power plants. Electrolyte precursor powders are fed to a continuous blender type mixer using precision metering equipment that controls material feed rates. The homogenous mixture of blended powders is then fed into a high temperature melting tank in which the mixture is melted, forming the desired molten eutectic composition. The liquid eutectic melt drips from the melting tank through ceramic or metallic nozzles and to splat-cools on a rotating, water-cooled metal cylinder to produce uniform size, thin flake material. The thin flake electrolyte material can be used as-is, or it may be further processed using continuous grinding and powder fabrication equipment.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 40

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3517/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BROADSPECTRUM SUBSTITUTED BENZISOXAZOLE SULFONAMIDE HIV PROTEASE INHIBITORS" (51) International classification :C07D 261/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02076957.6 1)TIBOTEC PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Address of Applicant :EASTGATE VILLAGE, EASTGATE, (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 LITTLE ISLAND, CO CORK, IRELAND Ireland (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/50173 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/05/2003 1)DOMINIQUE LOUIS NESTOR GHISLAIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097616 SURLERAUX (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)BERNHARD JOANNA BERNARD VERGOUWEN :NA Number 3)HERMAN AUGUSTINUS DE KOCK :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention concerns the compounds having the formula N-oxides, salts, stereoisomeric forms, racemic mixtures, prodrugs esters and metabolites thereof. It further relates to their use as broadspectrum HIV protease inhibitors, processes for their preparation as well as pharmaceutical compositions and diagnostic kits comprising them. It also concerns combinations thereof with another antiretroviral agent, and to their use in assays as reference compounds or as reagents.

No. of Pages : 51 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3479/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SULFONATED CONDUCTING POLYMER-GRAFTED CARBON MATERIAL FOR FUEL CELL APPLICATIONS" (51) International classification :C08K 3/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/382,665 1)COLUMBIAN CHEMICALS COMPANY Address of Applicant :1800 WEST OAK COMMONS (32) Priority Date :23/05/2002 COURT, MARIETTA, GA 30062, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/16320 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :23/05/2003 1)BOLLEPALLI SRINIVAS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100884 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A composition comprising particulate carbonaceous material and a sulfonated conducting polymer containing hetero atoms. The composition can further comprise a metal. Devices comprising the composition can be constructed including supported electrocatalysts, membrane electrode assemblies, and fuel cells. A method for preparing the composition comprises oxidatively polymerizing a monomer of a conducting polymer containing hetero atoms in the presence of a carbonaceous material and sulfonating the polymer or the monomer. The method grafts the sulfonated conducting polymer to the carbonaceous material. The method can further comprise metallizing the polymer-grafted carbonaceous material.

No. of Pages : 57 No. of Claims : 61

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3480/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SAFETY SHIELD FOR MEDICAL NEEDLES" (51) International classification :A61M 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/202,201 1)SPECIALIZED HEALTH PRODUCT, INC. (32) Priority Date :23/07/2002 Address of Applicant :585 WEST 500 SOUTH, SUITE 200, BOUNTIFUL, UTAH 84010-8321, U.S.A. U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/22093 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/07/2003 1)FERGUSON F. MARK (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/014464 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A medical needle shield apparatus (10) is provided which is slidably movable along a medical needle (16) from a proximal position where a distal end of the needle is exposed, to a distal position where the shield (10) protects the distal end of the needle (16). The medical needle shield apparatus (10) includes a binding member (18) having an aperture through which the needle (16) passes. The binding member (18) also has binding surfaces (22) for binding to a medical needle (16). The shield apparatus also includes a retainer (24) integral with the binding member (18)and in communication with the needle (16) for temporarily retaining the binding surfaces (22) in a non-binding position relative to the needle (16). The shield apparatus (10) also includes a positioning member (26) for positioning the binding surfaces (2) to secure the shield (10) to the needle (16) when a portion of the retainer(36) in contact with the needle (16) is advanced past the distal end of the needle (16).

No. of Pages : 49 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3483/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BALANCING MACHINE" (51) International classification :G01M 1/24 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 23 011.0 1)SCHENCK ROTEC GMBH (32) Priority Date :22/05/2002 Address of Applicant :LANDWEHRSTRASSE 55, D-64293 DARMSTADT, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/DE2003/01532 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/05/2003 1)MARTIN ROGALLA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098180 2)WERNER KISSEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JUERGEN MUENZEL :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a balancing machine for measuring and compensating balancing errors in rotors, comprising a sliding bearing (1) for rotational mounting of a balancing rotor (2) and a supply device for supplying a fluid to said sliding bearing (1). The sliding bearing (1) comprises a bearing shell (6) which has a hollow cylindrical bearing area wherein a rotor section having a cylindrical sliding surface is mounted. The shell (6) of the bearing is made of a hard ceramic material and the supply device is embodied such that it can supply minimal amounts of fluid.

No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3522/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND RADIO COMMUNICATION DEVICE FOR THE TRANSMISSION-EFFICIENT EDITING OF MULTIMEDIA NEWS" (51) International classification :H04L 29/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 221 56.1 1)SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Address of Applicant :WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 MUNCHEN, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/DE2003/01478 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :08/05/2003 1)SCHMIDT, ANDREAS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098894 2)TRAUBERG, MARKUS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)VAN NIEKERK, SABINE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In order to edit in a transmission-efficient manner multimedia news before sending or receiving said news, the existing user data volume (VOL) of a piece of multimedia news (MM) is determined prior to, during, and after putting together said piece of multimedia news (MM). At least one application reducing the original user data volume (VOL) of said piece of multimedia news (MM) is supplied and run in case a predefined user data volume threshold (SGx) or an upper price limit (SPx) is exceeded.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3524/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NOVEL ANTAGONISTS OF MCP PROTEINS" (51) International classification :C07K 14/52 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/371,442 1)APPLIED RESEARCH SYSTEMS ARS HOLDING N.V. (32) Priority Date :10/04/2002 Address of Applicant :PIETERMAAI 15, CURACAO, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Netherlands (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/EP2003/50097 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/04/2003 1)PROUDFOOT AMANDA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/084993 2)KOSCO-VILBOIS MARIE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HANDEL TRACY :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Novel antagonists of MCP proteins, in particular of MCP-1 protein, can be obtained by generating MCP mutants whose GAG binding site, located at the N- terminal of MCP proteins, is eliminated following non-conservative substitutions. Compounds prepared in accordance with the present invention can be used in the treatment or prevention of diseases related to an undesirable activity of MCP proteins such, such as inflammatory disease, autoimmune diseases, vascular diseases, and cancer.

No. of Pages : 62 No. of Claims : 31

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3454/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "THERAPEUTIC DRY POWDER PREPARATION" (51) International classification :A61M 15/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201125-2 1)MICRODRUG AG (32) Priority Date :12/04/2002 Address of Applicant :LANDWEG 1, CH-6052 HERGISWIL NW, SWITZERLAND Switzerland (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00540 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/04/2003 1)MATTIAS MYRMAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/086516 2)PER-GUNNAR NILSSON (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A therapeutic dry powder preparation and a method of administering such a preparation are disclosed for effectively de-aggregating and dispersing into air a dose of medication powder in an administration the dose to a user. The present dry powder preparation and method do not require other sources of energy besides the power of an inhalation effort by a user to produce a very high degree of deaggregation and efficient dispersal into air of the dry powder medication dose. Utilizing an effort of sucking air through a nozzle, the particles of the therapeutic powder dose, made available to the nozzle, are gradually de-aggregated and dispersed into a stream of air entering the nozzle. The gradual de-aggregation and dispersal is produced by an air-razor effect due to a relative motion introduced between the nozzle and the powder dose. The nozzle is generally positioned outside the powder area and not accessing the powder until the air stream into the nozzle, created by the suction, has passed a threshold flow velocity. Coincidental with the application of the suction the relative motion will begin such that the nozzle traverses the powder dose gradually. Shearing stress and inertia of the applied air-stream is so powerful that particles in the particle aggregates of the powder dose adjacent to the inlet of the moving nozzle are released, de-aggregated to a very high degree as well as dispersed and then subsequently entrained in the created air stream going through the nozzle to the inhaling user.

No. of Pages : 52 No. of Claims : 31

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3458/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RECORDING MEDIUM AND PRODUCING METHOD THEREOF, REPRODUCING METHOD AND REPRODUCING APPARATUS" (51) International classification :H04N 5/91 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2003-078376 1)SONY CORPORATION Address of Applicant :7-35, KITASHINAGAWA 6-CHOME, (32) Priority Date :20/03/2003 SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO 141-0001, JAPAN Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan (86) International Application No :PCT/JP2004/002630 2)SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT Filing Date :03/03/2004 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/084549 1)SATOSHI KITANI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)CHARLES DON EKLUND :NA Number 3)JUN YONEMITSU :NA Filing Date 4)KATSUMI MURAMATSU (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A list of video fingerprinting data is recorded in a nonvolatile memory (181). The video printing data is created by extracting the features of the latest video content provided on a digital video disc (160) or provided by a copyright management server authorized by a management organization (120). When a video content recorded on the digital video disc (160) are played back, the features are extracted in calculation (187) of fingerprinting data to obtain video fingerprinting data. If the data is included in the list, the playback is restricted in order to restrict unauthorized playback of the digital video disk (160) until the copyright manager permits.

No. of Pages : 109 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3532/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MULTI-LAYER FILM AND MEDICINE CONTAINER USING THE SAME" (51) International classification :B32B 27/32 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-143342 1)OTSUKA PHARMACEUTICAL FACTORY, INC (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 Address of Applicant :115, AZA-KUGUHARA, TATEIWA, MUYA-CHO, NARUTO-SHI, TOKUSHIMA 772-8601, JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/05808 Japan (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :09/05/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097355 1)MANABE, YUKI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)OKAMOTO, HIDESHI :NA Number 3)KAWAKAMI, KEIICHI :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed is a multi-layer film comprising: a surface layer having a thickness of 10 to 50 ƒÊm made of an ethylene-ƒ-olefin copolymer having a density of 0.935 to 0.950 g/cm3, a flexible layer having a thickness of 100 to 200 ƒÊm made of an ethyleneƒ-olefin copolymer having a density of 0.860 to 0.930 g/cm3, a barrier layer having a thickness of 10 to 80 ƒÊm made of a mixed resin containing 60 to 95% by weight of a cyclic olefin polymer and 5 to 40% by weight of an ethylene-ƒ-olefin copolymer having a density of 0.900 to 0.965 g/cm3, and a seal layer having a thickness of 5 to 80 ƒÊm made of an ethylene-ƒ-olefin copolymer having a density of 0.910 to 0.950 g/cm3. This multi-layer film is suited for use as a material for production of a medicine container 10 because it suppresses adsorption of a medicine by the barrier layer and is also superior in strength and flexibility.

No. of Pages : 37 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3541/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PHTHALAZINONE DERIVATIVES" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : A compound of formula (I); or an isomer, salt, solvate, chemically protected form, or prodrug thereof, wherein A and B together represent an optionally substituted, fused aromatic ring; RL is a C5-7 aryl group substituted in the meta position by the group R2, and optionally further substituted; wherein R2 is selected from formula (II) and formula (III); and its use as a pharmaceutical, in particular for the treatment of diseases ameliorated by inhibiting the activity of PARP.

No. of Pages : 127 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3518/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :C07D 333/42 1)CYCLACEL LIMITED :0215650.3 Address of Applicant :12 ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, LONDON :05/07/2002 SW1Y 4RB, UK U.K. :U.K. (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/GB2003/002923 1)SHUDONG WANG :07/07/2003 2)DARREN GIBSON :WO 2004/005278 3)KENNETH DUNCAN 4)KEVIN BAILEY :NA 5)MARK THOMAS :NA 6)DAVID MACCALLUM :NA 7)DANIELLA ZHELEVA :NA 8)NICHOLAS JOHN TURNER 9)PETER MARTIN FISCHER

(57) Abstract : The present invention relates to the use of bisarylsulfonamide compounds of formula (I) wherein W is a CI-5 branched or unbranched alkyl group or a C2-5 alkenyl group; nis0or1; R1 is H, a C, 1-8 branched or unbranched alkyl group, a C2-8 alkenyl group, or an aryl or aralkyl group; Ar1 is a substituted thienyl, furyl, pyrrolyl, imidazothiazolyl, thiazolyl, pyridyl or phenyl group; and Ar2 is a substituted phenyl, indolyl or benzoimidazolyl group; in the preparation of a medicament for treating proliferative disorders. Further aspects of the invention relate to compounds of formula (I), pharmaceutical compositions thereof, and an assay for determining binding to HDM2.

No. of Pages : 141 No. of Claims : 56

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3519/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMPACTED MENTHOL" (51) International classification :C09C 35/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 24 087.6 1)SYMRISE GMBH & CO.KG (32) Priority Date :31/05/2002 Address of Applicant :MUHLENFELDSTRASSE 1, D-37603 HOLZMINDEN, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/05452 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/05/2003 1)ALFRED KORBER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/101924 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to menthol pressed articles, to a method for the producing menthol pressed articles and to the use thereof.

No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3545/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMPROVED LOOSE-LEAF BINDER" (51) International classification :B42F 13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/123,000 1)JAMES S. CHIZMAR (32) Priority Date :15/04/2002 Address of Applicant :137 SULLIVAN STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10012, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/11900 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)JAMES S. CHIZMAR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089252 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A binder (1) for releasably retaining loose-leaves (72). The binder has a front cover (44) that lies flatly beneath its back cover (40) when the binder is open 360 degrees. The rings (46) of the binder can rotate around an edge of the flatly-folded cover to enable looseleaves to lie flat above and below the cover. The binder also has a skeleton (50) with a minimal cross-section spine (53) which may be partially or completely embedded in a cover and rotates in relation to parallel front and back covers when the binder is open 360 degrees. The front cover, middle cover (42) and back cover are connected in a way so that they do not interfere with the rotation of the rings. Mechanisms to open and close the rings of the skeleton to allow addition or removal of loose-leafs, and ring shapes to optimize or stabilize the capacity of the binder during operation are also disclosed.

No. of Pages : 165 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3560/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A DIRECT CELLULAR ENERGY DELIVERY SYSTEM" (51) International classification :A61K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/380,762 1)UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE RESEARCH (32) Priority Date :14/05/2002 FOUNDATION, INC. Address of Applicant :200 JOUETT HALL, ROOM 200, 2301 (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14865 SOUTH 3RD STREET, LOUISVILLE, KY 40292, U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096973 1)WILLIAM D. EHRINGER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)SUFAN CHIEN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A vesicle comprises ATP and a phospholipid which is a stable vesicle former. The vesicle has a fusion rate of at least 20 vesicle fusions/second.

No. of Pages : 71 No. of Claims : 47

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3563/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPLICATION OF LOADING LEDGES" (51) International classification :B65D 71/72 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201590-7 1)INTER IKEA SYSTEMS B.V (32) Priority Date :28/05/2002 Address of Applicant :1, OLOF PALMESTRAAT, NL-2616 DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS Netherlands (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00635 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/04/2003 1)ALLAN DICKNER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/099676 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system (10, 100, 110) for applying loading ledges (20) onto a unit load (30) positioned on supporting means (81, 82, 83, 84). The system comprises an application machine (10). The system also comprises means for separating the unit load from the supporting means in the vertical direction. The system also comprises means (50, 51, 52, 130, 140) for applying at least one loading ledge to at least two opposite, lower edges of the unit load when separated from the supporting means.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3566/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "OIL BODY ASSOCIATED PROTEIN COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF FOR REDUCING THE RISK OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE" (51) International classification :A01N 65/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/373,460 1)MONSANTO TECHNOLOGY LLC Address of Applicant :800 N. LINDBERGH BOULEVARD, (32) Priority Date :18/04/2002 ST. LOUIS, MO 63167, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/12009 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :17/04/2003 1)NEAL A. BRINGE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/088749 2)KANTHASAMY KARUNANANDAA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Compositions and methods for reducing hypercholesterolemia and, accordingly, the risk of cardiovascular disease, are provided. Such compositions may comprise isolated oil body associated proteins. Additionally provided are foodstuffs to which one or more oil body associated proteins have been added. The compositions employed in the invention may further comprise additive compounds, for example, a saponin, an isoflavone, a phospholipid, a carbohydrate substantially resistant to digestion, or a combination thereof. The methods and compositions of the invention may be used to lower cholesterol and other lipid levels in subjects to achieve a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease.

No. of Pages : 65 No. of Claims : 55

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3440/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TECHNIQUE FOR IP COMMUNICATION AMONG WIRELESS DEVICES" (51) International classification :H04J 15/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/144,878 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :14/05/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A. LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/015122 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/05/2003 1)BICHOT, GUILLAUME (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098857 2)VERMA,SHAILY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ZHANG, JUNBIAO :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) network (141) includes at least one, and preferably, a plurality of radio access networks (161-16m), each providing radio access to one or more mobile terminal users (121-12n). Associated with one or more of the access networks is a corresponding one of a plurality of Serving GPRS Service Nodes (SGSNs) (241-24m), each node serving to identify and authenticate a mobile terminal user. Advantageously, each SGSN also serves to cache IP packets from a sending mobile terminal user and to examine each packet to determine if the destination IP address corresponds to another mobile terminal user in the network. If so, then that SGSN routes the packet to the destination mobile terminal user. Otherwise, if the packet destination lies outside the network, the SGSN routes the packet to a gateway (32) for routing beyond the network

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3443/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RULES FOR A DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER" (51) International classification :H04N 5/76 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/143,571 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :09/05/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14641 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/05/2003 1)ENGLE, JOSEPH, C (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096684 2)ODUTOLA, AKINYEMI (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concerns a method and system for identifying commercial message segments of a video signal. A set of rules is applied for determining the occurrence of commercial messages with a higher degree of accuracy as compared to conventional methods. In general, method includes the steps of monitoring a digital bit stream (402) comprising the video signal, detecting a change in a control field (404) of the digital bit stream, and then selectively generating a commercial event notification (410) responsive to the detecting step. According to one aspect of the invention, a change in at least one of a video sequence header and a sequence display extension can be detected. Alternatively, or in addition to checking for a change in control field, the method can comprise the step of detecting a change in an informational parameter of the video signal exclusive of the audio-visual content.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 2

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3444/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MECHANICAL MANDREL TRIP" (51) International classification :B41F 17/48 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/200,817 1)SEQUA CAN MACHINERY, INC (32) Priority Date :22/07/2002 Address of Applicant :401 CENTRAL AVENUE, EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ 07073, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/015870 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/05/2003 1)DIDONATO, RUSSELL (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/009376 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An automated can decorating apparatus including a mechanical mandrel trip mechanism. The mechanical mandrel trip mechanism includes a trip lever mechanism having a trip cam follower disposed on an end of a trip arm which causes the movement of an associated mandrel away from a printing position, and a reset cam follower disposed on a reset arm which causes the mandrel to return to a printing position. Trip cam follower and reset cam follower engage cam surfaces on a trip cam plate and a reset cam plate, respectively, to cause the movement of their associated mandrel.

No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3445/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A COMPOUND FOR COMBATING URINARY TRACT DYSFUNCTION AND A FORMULATION THEREOF" (51) International classification :G01N 33/574 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02017313.4 1)MTM LABORATORIES AG (32) Priority Date :01/08/2002 Address of Applicant :IM NEUENHEIMER FELD 583, 69120 (33) Name of priority country :EPO HEIDELBERG, GERMANY Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/050354 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :31/07/2003 1)RIDDER, RUDIGER (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/013632 2)REICHERT, ANJA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)TRUNK-GEHMACHER, MARCUS :NA Number 4)RUDY, WOLFGANG :NA Filing Date 5)HERKERT, MATTHIAS (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)VON KNEBEL DOEBERITZ, MAGNUS Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention provides methods for improved diagnosis of medically relevant conditions by solution based biochemical testing procedures performed in solutions of test samples. The invention provides a method to substitute the cell based morphological information contained within the cytological and/or histological data of the test sample by molecular information obtainable from the solution, wherein the original test sample is dissolved and thus enables for accurate and reproducible assessment of medically relevant diagnosis from dissolved test samples. The method according to the invention comprises the steps of determining the levels of one or more disease markers associated with the condition to be diagnosed, determining the level of one or more normalization markers suitable to substitute the information related to morphological aspects of the sample, comparing and/or combining the data of the disease and normalization markers, and assessing diagnosis of a medically relevant condition.

No. of Pages : 56 No. of Claims : 51

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3304/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PLASMA-ASSISTED GAS PRODUCTION" (51) International classification :H01J 7/24 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,693 1)DANA CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :4500 DORR STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43615, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14134 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KUMAR SATYENDRA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096369 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus are provided for plasma-assisted gas production. In one embodiment, a gas, which includes at least one atomic or molecular species, can flow into a cavity (305). The gas can be subjected to electromagnetic radiation having a frequency less than about 333 GHz (optionally in the presence of a plasma catalyst) such that a plasma (310) forms in the cavity (305). A filter (315) capable of passing the atomic or molecular species, but preventing others from passing, can be in fluid communication with the cavity (305). In this way, the selected species can be extracted and collected, for storage or immediate use.

No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 59

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3308/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BLISTER PACKAGE" (51) International classification :B32B 27/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/375,389 1)HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. (32) Priority Date :25/04/2002 Address of Applicant :101 COLUMBIA ROAD, P.O.BOX 2245, MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY 07960, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/12620 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/04/2003 1)JOHN B. BLUM (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/091019 2)SANDRA E. LUCIANO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Blister package are provided which are formed from multilayered films having a lid-stock film which is heat sealed directly to a fluoropolymer film. A polymeric base layer is adhered to a fluoropolymer layer via a first intermediate adhesive tie layer; a support layer is adhered to the fluoropolymer layer via a second intermediate adhesive tie layer; and a metallic foil layer is adhered to the support layer via a third intermediate adhesive tie layer. The blister has a greatly improved moisture barrier over blister packages of the prior art.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 58

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3309/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/10/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "GAS SUPPLY SYSTEM" (51) International classification :A61M 16/01 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0211894.1 1)ART OF XEN LIMITED (32) Priority Date :23/05/2002 Address of Applicant :103A SWANSEA ROAD, LLANGYFELACH, SWANSEA SA5 7HX, GREAT BRITAIN (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/02237 U.K. (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/099364 1)JOHN DINGLEY (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and system for supplying gas to an external machine such as an anaesthetic machine in which gas is supplied to and exits from the machine (3) such that it forms part of a closed gas conduit loop (10) in which there is a variable volume reservoir (7) which adjusts and maintains pressure in the gas supply in the conduit (10) The variable volume reservoir (10) incorporates an excess pressure safety and an under pressure safety valve.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3571/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NOVEL CRYSTALLINE FORMS OF GATIFLOXACIN" (51) International classification :A61K 31/496 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/444,812 1)TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD (32) Priority Date :03/02/2002 Address of Applicant :5 BASEL STREET, P.O.BOX 3190, PETAH TIQVA 49131, ISRAEL Israel (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14811 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/05/2003 1)VALERIE NIDDAM-HILDESHEIM (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094919 2)SHLOMIT WIZEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GRETA STERIMBAUM :NA Number 4)EHUD AMIR :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Provided are novel crystalline forms of gatifloxacin denominated forms A, B, C, D, E1, F, G, H, I, and J, and methods for their preparation. Also provided are methods for making known crystalline forms of hatifloxacin, in particular forms omega and T2RP

No. of Pages : 80 No. of Claims : 131

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3574/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FOOD SUPPLEMENT" (51) International classification :A23L 1/302 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/03470 1)GARDIAN CIPLA (PTY) LTD (32) Priority Date :02/05/2002 Address of Applicant :ROSEN HEIGHTS, PASITA STREET, ROSEN PARK, BELLVILLE 7530, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH (33) Name of priority country :South Africa :PCT/ZA2003/00058 AFRICA South Africa (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :02/05/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092413 1)CARL FRANZ DE VOS ALBRECHT (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Food supplements are disclosed for supplementing the minerals, trace elements and phytochemicals in food. One form of the supplement comprises folic acid, lycopene and an extract of Aspalathus linearis (common name Red Bush) or Cyclopia intermedia (common name Honeybush) or a mixture of extracts of Aspalathus linearis and Cyclopia intermedia. Another form comprises lycopene and folic acid. The lycopene and folic acid are dispersed in canola oil.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3575/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A METHOD AND UNIT LOAD FOR DISTRIBUTING ARTICLES" (51) International classification :B65D 19/40 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201591-5 1)INTER IKEA SYSTEMS B.V (32) Priority Date :28/05/2002 Address of Applicant :1, OLOF PALMESTRAAT, NL-2616 DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS Netherlands (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00862 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/05/2003 1)ALLAN DICKNER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/099668 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In a method of distributing articles in a palletized form from a supplier (11) of the articles, these are placed at the supplier on two or more loading ledges (1) to form a unit load, which is transported to a receiver (13, 14) of the articles. Each loading ledge (1) comprises an L-shaped profile having projections (3) for supporting the unit load at a certain distance over its support.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3511/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR CRYSTALLIZING AT LEAST A PORTION OF A CRYSTALLIZABLE CONDENSATION HOMOPOLYMER TO FORM SOLID PARTICLES" (51) International classification :C08G 63/78 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/150,234 1)INVISTA TECHNOLOGIES S.A.R.L Address of Applicant :4417 LANCASTER PIKE, CRP (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 722/1032, WILMINGTON, DE 19805, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/15621 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/05/2003 1)VIVEK KAPUR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097715 2)GOVINDASAMY PARAMASIVAN RAJENDRAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KENNETH WAYNE LEFFEW :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for forming solid particles comprising the steps of: combining in molten form a major component of a crystallizable condensation homopolymer and a minor component of a non-crystallizable condensation polymer, wherein the crystallizable condensation homopolymer and the non-crystallizable condensation polymer each have a degree of polymerization of 10 to less than 48 prior to the combining; mixing the combined crystallizable condensation homopolymer and non-crystallizable condensation polymer in molten form to form a mixture that comprises 10 to 30 mol% of the non-crystallizable condensation polymer; forming the mixture into droplets; exposing the droplets to a thermal environment which results in the bulk of the droplet reaching within 15 seconds a temperature within ±10 °C of the temperature at which the maximum rate of crystallization of the crystallizable condensation homopolymer occurs; and crystallizing at least a portion of the crystallizable condensation homopolymer in the mixture to form solid particles.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3513/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR PERSONALIZATION OF SERIES AND APPLICATIONS IN TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORKS USING A USER PROFILE WEB PORTAL" (51) International classification :G06F 17/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/384,089 1)TELENOR ASA Address of Applicant :SNAROYVCIEN 30, N-1331 (32) Priority Date :31/05/2002 FORNEBU, NORWAY Norway (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/NO2003/00176 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :30/05/2003 1)VAN THANH DO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/102817 2)ANNE MARIE HARTVIGSEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and arrangement for personalization of services and applications in telecommunication networks are disclosed. The inventive solution means that a user is able to access his/hers services and applications from any terminal in any network. The following features are included in the inventive solution: All the user"s settings and preferences for all his services and applications are incorporated in a User profile. The User Profile is made available in the world-Wide-Web as an XML web service (12). The user is allowed to access and modify his/her profile via a User Profile Web Portal (10). Services and applications can access the user profile via a Web interface.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3514/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE COMPOSITIONS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : :A61K 1)FMC CORPORATION :60/380,398 Address of Applicant :1735 MARKET STREET, :14/05/2002 PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19103, U.S.A U.S.A. :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/US2003/15146 1)DOMINGO C. TUASON :14/05/2003 2)JOSE AMUNDARAIN :WO 2003/096976 3)GREGORY R. KRAWCZYK :NA 4)EDWARD SELINGER :NA 5)WILLIAM R. BLAKEMORE 6)JAMES J. MODLISZEWSKI :NA 7)JOSEPH LEE :NA 8)FRANK MESSICK

(57) Abstract : Ultra-fine microcrystalline cellulose compositions are disclosed which comprise co-attrited microcrystalline cellulose and a hydrocolloid. The compositions have a mean particle size of less than 10 microns. The compositions are prepared by subjecting a high solids mixture of microcrystalline cellulose and a hydrocolloid to high shear forces in the presence of an anti slip agent preferably an aqueoussolution of an inorganic salt. The compositions are especially useful in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic and industrial appications.

No. of Pages : 37 No. of Claims : 31

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3603/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF CONTINUOUS CASTING NON-ORIENTED ELECTRICAL STEEL STRIP" (51) International classification :C21D 8/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/378,743 1)AK PROPERTIES, INC. (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SECTION, 705 CURTIS STREET, MIDDLETOWN, OH 45043, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/05765 U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/02/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095684 1)JERRY W. SCHOEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)ROBERT COMSTOCK, JR :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Non-oriented electrical steels are widely used as the magnetic core material in a variety of electrical machinery and devices, particularly in motors where low core loss and high magnetic permeability in all directions of the strip are desired. The present invention relates to a method for producing a non-oriented electrical steel with low core loss and high magnetic permeability whereby the steel is produced from a steel melt which is cast as a thin strip or sheet, colled, hot rolled and/or cold rolled into a finished strip. The finished strip is further subjected to at least one annealing treatment wherein the magnetic properties are developed, making the steel strip of the present invention suitable for use in electrical machinery such as motors or transformers.

No. of Pages : 50 No. of Claims : 38

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3525/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ANTI-MICROBIAL AND OXIDATIVE CO-POLYMER" (51) International classification :C08G 73/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/256,297 1)AQUATIC TREATMENT SYSTEMS, INC. (32) Priority Date :18/12/2000 Address of Applicant :50 COLE PARKWAY, SCITUATE, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. MASSACHUSETTS 02066, U.S.A U.S.A. :PCT/US2001/49041 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/12/2001 1)SMITH, PAUL K (87) International Publication No :WO 2002/50164 2)BADGER, TIMOTHY J (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :01119/DELNP/2003 Filed on :17/07/2003 (57) Abstract : A water-insoluble polymeric oxidizing medium is contemplated that has a plurality of polymerized N-pyridinium vinylbenzyl triiodide or tribromide moieties whose pyridinium rings bear two sustituents, R1 and R2, that are independently a hydrido or a C1-C4 alkyl group, and correspond in structure to the formula (I), a process for preparing aseptic water and an apparatus useful for carrying out that process, both of which utilize a contemplated polymeric oxidizing medium are disclosed, as are processes for oxidizing trivalent arsenic or antimony to pentavalent arsenic or antimony and for removing arsenic from water. Alumina particles containing metaperiodate, iron or manganese are also disclosed that can be used to sorb pentavalent arsenic and antimony, as well as cobalt and mercury.

No. of Pages : 68 No. of Claims : 32

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3596/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHODS OF TREATING HEPATITIS" (51) International classification :A61K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/381,527 1)YALE UNIVERSITY (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 Address of Applicant :TWO WHITNEY AVENUE, NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT 06511, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/15263 2)UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH OF THE (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/05/2003 COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096977 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)LEO E. OTTERBEIN :NA Number 2)AUGUSTINE M.K. CHOI :NA Filing Date 3)BRIAN ZUCKERBRAUN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a method of treating hepatitis in a patient, which includes administering a pharmaceutical composition that includes carbon monoxide to the patient.

No. of Pages : 61 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3599/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NON-VIRAL GENE DELIVERY SYSTEM" (51) International classification :A61K 47/48 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002 2148 1)FMC BIOPOLYMER AS (32) Priority Date :03/05/2002 Address of Applicant :TOMTEGT.36, P.O.BOX 494BRAKEROYA, 3013 DRAMMEN, NORWAY Norway (33) Name of priority country :Norway :PCT/NO2003/00143 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/05/2003 1)PER ARTURSSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092739 2)BJORN ERIK CHRISTENSEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MAGNUS KOPING-HOGGARD :NA Number 4)KJELL MORTEN VARUM :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention concerns a composition comprising complexes of cationic chitosan oligomers derived from the cationic polysaccharide chitosan, wherein said cationic oligomers contain a weight fraction of less than 20% of oligomers with a Degree of Polymerization (DP)<10 in addition to a weight fraction of less than 20% with DP>50, and a nucleic acid. These compositions comprising well-defined cationic chitosan oligomers having a certain distribution of chain lengths, and nucleic acid are advantageous to achieve delivery of the nucleic acid into cells of a selected tissue, and to obtain in vivo expression of the desired molecules encoded for by the nucleic acid.

No. of Pages : 45 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3610/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FLOW FIELD PLATE GEOMETRIES" (51) International classification :H01M 8/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0214522.5 1)THE MORGAN CRUCIBLE COMPANY PLC (32) Priority Date :24/06/2002 Address of Applicant :MORGAN HOUSE, MADEIRA WALK, WINDSOR, BERKSHIRE SL4 1EP, GREAT BRITAIN (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/002621 U.K. (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/06/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/001874 1)TURPIN, MARK, CHRISTOPHER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)CHAPMAN, ALAN, ROBERT :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A flow field plate for a fuel cell or electrolyser comprises on at least one face an assembly of channels comprising one or more gas delivery channels, one or more gas removal channels, and a permeable wall separating same. The permeable wall may comprise a plurality of gas diffusion channels.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3612/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DIAGNOSIS OF HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA" (51) International classification :G01N 33/574 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/382,340 1)SUNNYBROOK AND WOMEN'S COLLEGE HEALTH (32) Priority Date :23/05/2002 SCIENCES CENTRE Address of Applicant :S-133, 2075 BAYVIEW AVENUE, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2003/00752 TORONTO, ONTARIO M4N 3M5, CANADA Canada (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100429 1)FILMUS, JORGE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)CAPURRO, MARIANA :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method is provided for screening a subject for hepatocellular carcinoma by determining the level of glypican-3 (GPC3) in a body fluid sample from the subject. A further method is provided for diagnosing hepatocellular carcinoma by detecting GPC3 in a liver tissue sample. Also provided are antibodies which bind specifically to GPC3.

No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 37

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3616/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : FLUID DISPENSING DEVICE WITH SELF-CLEANING NOZZLE AND CLEANING METHOD (51) International classification :B67D 1/07 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/133,126 1)SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A (32) Priority Date :26/04/2002 Address of Applicant :P.O.BOX 353, CH-1800 VEVEY SWITZERLAND Switzerland (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/03926 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :15/04/2003 1)CARHUFF, PETER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/091152 2)DICKINSON, EDWARD, L (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HARVEY, ANDREW, C :NA Number 4)KOLVEK, EDWARD, M :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a fluid or beverage dispensing device having self-cleaning dispensing nozzle. The device includes a body provided with a conduit having a first end to which a dispensing nozzle is connected, and a second end to which a fluid inlet line is intended to be connected. The device further includes a collector member that can move relative to the body between a first dispensing position in which the outlet of the nozzle is released from the collector member and a second cleaning position in which the collector member is placed in front of the nozzle outlet to collect any fluid that exits the outlet.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3551/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM FOR PLAYING A GAME" (51) International classification :A63F 13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0209865.5 1)WATERLEAF LIMITED (32) Priority Date :30/04/2002 Address of Applicant :1ST FLOOR, 28 VICTORIA STREET, DOUGLAS IM1 2LE ISLE OF MAN, BRITISH ISLES Isle of (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/IB2003/01583 Man (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/04/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093921 1)MARTIN MOSHAL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system (1) for playing a zero-sum game includes a gaming server (2) operable under program control to regulate the progress one or more instances of the zero-sum game such as multiplayer poker, and a number of portal websites (3a, 3b)on the World Wide Web of the Internet. The gaming server (2) is also accessible on World Wide Web and enables participation in the instance of the zero-sum game by a predetermined number of players. The gaming server (2) initiates further instances of the zero-sum game when all prior instances of the game have the predetermined plurality of participating players.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 86

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3630/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMPROVED CONTAINER" (51) International classification :B65D 25/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0211285.2 1)IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES PLC (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 Address of Applicant :20 MANCHESTER SQUARE, LONDON W1U 3AN, ENGLAND U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/EP2003/05218 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/05/2003 1)DAVID ANNETTS (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097471 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A container (1) which enables the contents of the container to be viewed in the environment in which they may be used, particularly useful as a paint can (1), a label for use in the production of such a can is also provided.

No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3633/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPLICATION OF ZIPPERS TO FILM MATERIAL" (51) International classification :B31B 19/40 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0211573.1 1)SUPREME PLASTICS HOLDINGS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :21/05/2002 Address of Applicant :SUPREME HOUSE, 300 REGENTS PARK ROAD, FINCHLEY, LONDON N3 2TL, UK U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2003/02158 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :20/05/2003 1)LEIGHTON, MURRAY, EDWARD, BRUCE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097341 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The apparatus applies a transverse zipper strip to a film (10) moving continuously in a direction (12). A continuous belt (18) is driven by sprocket wheels (16a, 16b) and carries upper seal bars (22a, 22b, 22c) which receive pre-cut lengths of zipper at station (3). The pre-cut lengths are attached to the film (10) by a lower seal bar (24) which moves towards the film (12) at position A when an upper seal bar carrying a zipper strip is located directly above the film. Sealing takes place as the upper and lower seal bars move at the same speed as the film (12) from position A to position B where the zipper is released from the upper seal bar (22c). The process then repeats for the next zipper strip length.

No. of Pages : 9 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3637/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ACCESS POINT INITIATED FORCED ROAMING BASED UPON BANDWIDTH" (51) International classification :H04L 12/28 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/180,768 1)INTERNATION BUSINESS MACHINE (32) Priority Date :26/06/2002 CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ARMONK, NEW YORK 10504, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/GB2003/002729 U.S.A. (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/06/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/004226 1)CROMER DARYL CARVIS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)JAKES PHILIP JOHN :NA Number 3)LOCKER HOWARD JEFFREY :NA Filing Date 4)WARD JAMES PETER (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Apparatus and method provides dynamic load balancing of network bandwidth between access points in an 802.11 wireless LAN. The access point generates and monitors average bandwidth utilization of client devices connected to said access point. The average bandwidth utilization for each client device is aggregated and selected clients are forced to roam to other access points if the aggregate bandwidth is equal or exceeds a threshold.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3654/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DISC -SHAPED RECORDING MEDIUM, DISC DRIVING DEVICE AND DISC PRODUCING METHOD" (51) International classification :G06K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :P2002-151185 1)SONY CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :24/05/2002 Address of Applicant :7-35 KITASHINAGAWA 6-CHOME, (33) Name of priority country :Japan SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO 141-0001, JAPAN Japan (86) International Application No :PCT/JP2003/06423 2)PANASONIC CORPORATION Filing Date :22/05/2003 3)KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100702 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)SHOEI KOBAYASHI :NA Number 2)SHIN-ICHI KADOWAKI :NA Filing Date 3)TAKASHI ISHIDA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 4)CORNELIS MARINUS SCHEP Filing Date :NA 5)HERMANUS JOHANNES BORG (57) Abstract : With the disc-shaped recording medium, or the disc manufacturing method according to the present invention, for both the singlelayer disc and the multi-layer disc, a recording layer L0, which is to be the first layer, is at the same distance, along the direction of disc thickness, from the surface of the cover layer CVLs on which falls the laser light. For the multi-layer disc, the second layer L1 and the following layer(s) are formed at the locations which are closer to the cover layer CVLs than the first layer L0. Management information may be recorded by mobbling grooves, each layermay have tert areas, defect information, a replacement area. Thus, it is possible to improve compatibility, reliability and accessibility between a single-layer disc and a multi-layer disc. The spherical aberration for the recording/reproducing light may be controlled with respect to the selected layer.

No. of Pages : 150 No. of Claims : 27

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3568/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A METHOD OF TRANSPORTING UNIT LOADS" (51) International classification :B65G 65/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201592-3 1)INTER IKEA SYSTEMS B.V (32) Priority Date :28/05/2002 Address of Applicant :1, OLOF PALMESTRAAT, NL-2616 DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS Netherlands (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00861 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/05/2003 1)ALLAN DICKNER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/099689 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Unit loads (1) can be transported on an area having a certain length and width, the area for example being the bottom of a standardized container or a loading compartment of a railway goods wagon. In order to improve the filling rate and to obviate damages to the transported goods, the respective lengths and widths of the unit loads to be transported are adjusted to together correspond to the length and width of the area. Further, each unit load is placed on two or more loading ledges (5), each ledge comprising an L-shaped profile having projections (7) for supporting the unit load at a certain distance over its support and being positioned at a lower edge of the unit load.

No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 2

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3627/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CATHETER TUBE" (51) International classification :A61L 29/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 20 409.8 1)REHAU AG + CO (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :RHENIUMHAUS 95111 REHAU, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/04516 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/04/2003 1)ANDREAS DOLLA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094989 2)UDO GOBEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a catheter tube for local anaesthetic with improved characteristics in terms of resistance to kinking, a higher degree of rigidity during application and reduced rigidity after application. According to the invention, said characteristics are achieved by designing the catheter tube as a layered composite tube, whereby the interior that faces the lumen consists of a polyamide layer and the exterior consists of a polyurethane layer. The layer thickness distribution of the polyamide inner layer to the polyurethane outer layer is preferably between 50: 50 and 70: 30. The inner and outer layers of the inventive catheter tube can be provided with one or more radiopaque strips.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3629/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RECOIL CONTROL DEVICE" (51) International classification :F41A 3/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :975/02 1)GAMMA RECHERCHES ET TECHNOLOGIES (32) Priority Date :07/06/2002 PATENTS S.A Address of Applicant :CHEMIN DE LA VUARPILLIERE 35 (33) Name of priority country :Switzerland :PCT/CH2003/00362 CH-1260 NYON SWITZERLAND Switzerland (86) International Application No Filing Date :06/06/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/104737 1)JAN HENRIK JEBSEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)KLAUS JENNY :NA Number 3)RENAUD KERBRAT :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention comprises an improved recoil control device comprising a bolt head (3) and an inertia block (2) for use in a variety of firearms. In one embodiment, the bolt head (3) and inertia block (2) are articulated so that the displacement of the bolt head (3) results in force components outside the firing axis of the barrel (1) of the firearm. The device can be incorporated into firearms of a variety of sizes and configurations to produce recoil reduction and/or weight reduction advantages. A first inertia block (2) receives a first momentum component perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the barrel, where as a second inertia block (2) receives a second momentum component perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the barrel, the first momentum component being substantially equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the second momentum component.

No. of Pages : 115 No. of Claims : 70

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3640/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ANTI-THEFT DEVICE" (51) International classification :E05B 73/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201683-0 1)MW SECURITY AB (32) Priority Date :04/06/2002 Address of Applicant :STURKOGATAN 9, SE-211 24 MALMO, SWEDEN Sweden (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/000902 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/06/2003 1)HOLMGREN, BERTIL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/102336 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An anti-theft device comprising a container formed by a box (10) and a lid (11) hinged together. A lock slide (15) inside the box can be displaced between a disengaged position and an engaged position. A flange (22) on the lid forms an L-shaped slot. A first limb (23A) of the slot is perpendicular to a free edge of the flange and opens in said edge to receive a projection on the lock slide in the disengaged position thereof. A second limb (23B) of the slot extends transversely of the first limb to receive the projection when the lock slide is in the engaged position. A latch mechanism (26,28) latching the lock slide in the engaged position can be actuated by means of a special tool to unlatch the lock slide and allow displacement thereof to the disengaged position.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3606/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A PROCESS FOR THE DEHYDROGENATION OF AN UNSATURATED HYDROCARBON" (51) International classification :C07C 5/333 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/391,268 1)SHELL INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH (32) Priority Date :25/06/2002 MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. Address of Applicant :CAREL VAN BYLANDTLAAN 30, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/020096 NL-2596 HR THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS Netherlands (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/06/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/000769 1)WAMBAUGH JAMES ALLEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the catalytic dehydrogenation of a first unsaturated hydrocarbon to form a second unsaturated hydrocarbon which has one olefinically unsaturated bond more than the first unsaturated hydrocarbon and otherwise an unchanged carbon skeleton, which process comprises: contacting in a first step a feed comprising the first unsaturated hydrocarbon with a first dehydrogenation catalyst having a temperature parameter T1 and a selectivity parameter S1, and contacting in a second step a reaction product of the first step comprising the first unsaturated hydrocarbon and the second unsaturated hydrocarbon with a second dehydrogenation catalyst having a temperature parameter T2 and a selectivity parameter S2, such that T1 < T2 and S1 < S2.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3663/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A BRASSIERE AND A METHOD OF MANUFACTURING TWO SEAMLESS CIRCULAR KNIT DOUBLE LAYER BRASSIERES FROM A SINGLE BLANK" (51) International classification :A41B 9/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/382,874 1)SARA LEE CORPORATION Address of Applicant :1000 EAST HANES MILL ROAD, (32) Priority Date :22/05/2002 WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CALIFORNIA 27105, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/16564 U.S.A. Filing Date :22/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/099045 1)MITCHELL, JOHN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)SPILLANE, ROBERT, T :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing a single knit tubular blank (10), and the resultant blank and products. The method provides two circular knit brassieres (60) each having first and second layers (16, 18), thereby minimizing the steps of the process of manufacturing.

No. of Pages : 31 No. of Claims : 33

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3666/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MAGNETIC CONDENSING SYSTEM FOR CRYOGENIC ENGINES" (51) International classification :F25B 19/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/151,537 1)MICHAEL ANDREW MINOVITCH (32) Priority Date :21/05/2002 Address of Applicant :2832 SAINT GEORGE STREET, APARTMENT 6, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90027, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/16063 U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100330 1)MICHAEL ANDREW MINOVITCH (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and apparatus is provided for generating an artificial heat sink below ambient temperature for a cryogenic condenser (32) by isothermally magnetizing a paramagnetic fluid and removing the magnetic field, thereby creating a temperature drop in the fluid by the magentocaloric effect. The heat of magnetization is converted into mechanical work by initially placing the fluid inside a sealed chamber (80) with a door (76) that opens to a conduit (70) leading into the bore of a superconducting solenoid (72). When the solenoid (72) is energized, it creates a strong axial magnetic field that exerts magnetic attractive forces on the fluid. When the fluid is released by opening the door (76), it is accelerated through the conduit (70) toward the superconducting solenoid where it becomes magnetized by the increasing strength of the magnetic field. By mounting a non-magnetic turbine (120) inside the conduit between the solenoid and the chamber, the kinetic energy of the accelerating flow stream, which is equal to the heat of magnetization, is converted into mechanical work, thereby achieving isothermal magnetization. By removing the magnetic field after the fluid enters the bore of the solenoid, a temperature reduction is achieved thereby enabling the fluid to absorb heat in a cryogenic condenser.

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3667/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FILTER DEVICE FOR MOLTEN STEEL FILTRATION" (51) International classification :B22C 9/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/EP2002/11626 1)CARBON APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY LTD. (32) Priority Date :17/10/2002 Address of Applicant :UNIT 2A, HIXON INDUSTRIAL (33) Name of priority country :PCT ESTATE, CHURCH LANE, STAFFORDSHIRE, (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2002/11626 STAFFORDSHIRE ST18 0YP, ENGLAND U.K. Filing Date :17/10/2002 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/101644 1)JUMA KASSIM (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a filter device for molten steel filtration and a process for the preparation thereof. The filter device( 1) comprising a bonded network of graphitized carbon for molten steel filtration characterized by the presence of at least two sieve plates (2,4) spaced apart to each other, in particular providing a reservoir chamber 7.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3668/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ORAL PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATION COMPRISING ION EXCHANGE RESINS WITH ACTIVE SUBSTANCE LOADING AND PSEUDOPLASTIC GEL-FORMER THICKENERS" (51) International classification :A61K 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 24 086.8 1)BAYER HEALTHCARE AG Address of Applicant :D-51368 LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY (32) Priority Date :31/05/2002 Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/05228 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/05/2003 1)DIRK MERTIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/101422 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to pharmaceutical preparations for oral administration, said preparations containing at least one active ingredient which is bound to an ion exchanger. The inventive preparations also contain an intrinsically viscous gelling agent as a thickening agent in order to improve their physical stability and acceptance, especially by animals.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3485/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BIOMEDICAL ADHESIVE" (51) International classification :C09J 171/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02011173.8 1)COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL (32) Priority Date :21/05/2002 RESEARCH ORGANISATION Address of Applicant :LIMESTONE AVENUE, CAMPBELL, (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/AU2003/00612 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY 2612, AUSTRALIA (86) International Application No Australia Filing Date :21/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097759 (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)TIMOTHY CHARLES HUGHES :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The biomedical adhesives of the invention provide a reactive surface to adhere or crosslink to tissue and may be used, for example, as ready-to-use corneal onlay in ophthalmic surgery. The invention provides a method for bonding a bulk material to a corresponding nucleophilic or electrophilic surface including attaching a multifunctionally activated bulk material compound to the bulk material and contacting a functional group of the compound with the surface under conditions permitting covalent linkage between the bulk material and the functional group.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 32

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3488/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ADDUCT OF TOPIRAMATE AND TRAMADOL HYDROCHLORIDE AND USES THEREOF" (51) International classification :A61K 31/35 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02077019.4 1)CILAG AG (32) Priority Date :23/05/2002 Address of Applicant :HOCHSTRASSE 201, CH-8205 SCHAFFHAUSEN, SWITZERLAND Switzerland (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/EP2003/05321 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/05/2003 1)RAINER NAEFF (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/099273 2)SONJA SPYCHER-HUBER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)THOMAS HUNZIKER :NA Number 4)GUENTER LAUFER :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a new pharmaceutically useful compound which is a stoichiometrically 1:1 adduct of tramadol hydrochloride and topiramate, and to the manufacture and use thereof.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3489/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SORPTIVE HEAT EXCHANGER AND RELATED COOLED SORPTION PROCESS" (51) International classification :F28D 20/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 20 631.7 1)MARIO GUALTIERO FRANCESCO MOTTA (32) Priority Date :10/05/2002 Address of Applicant :CORSO ITALIA 251, I-95127 CATANIA, ITALY Italy (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/05002 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/05/2003 1)MICHAEL KARL LOFFLER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095917 2)HANS MARTIN HENNING (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A sorptive heat exchanger (E), which presents a plurality of heat exchange channels (10) in thermal contact with respective sorption channels (11), where sorption material (12) is fixed on the internal surfaces of channels (11).

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3670/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CLAMPING ASSEMBLY" (51) International classification :B25B 5/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/392, 163 1)THE GLEASON WORKS (32) Priority Date :27/06/2002 Address of Applicant :1000 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, P O BOX 22970, ROCHESTER, NY 14692-2970, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/019451 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/06/2003 1)MICHAEL G. REGNA (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/002685 2)SEAN C. WOODYARD (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ERIC G. MUNDT :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An apparatus (2) for clamping a workpiece (22) in a machine. The apparatus comprises an inner nose portion (6) being rotatable about an axis of rotation and comprising a plurality of mounting surfaces (24, 26), and, an outer ring portion (4) rotatable about the axis of rotation and comprising at least one clamp (14) operable between, an unclamped position and a clamped position. In the unclamped position, the inner nose portion (6) is rotationally positionable about the axis relative to the clamp (14) such that a workpiece (22) positioned against the mounting surfaces (24, 26) may be oriented relative to the clamp to a position at which, with the clamp being operated to the clamped position, the workpiece is clamped against the mounting surfaces. The clamping results in a coupling of the inner nose portion (6) and the outer ring portion (4) whereby with a clamped workpiece, the inner nose portion and the outer ring portion are rotatable together and are positionable about the axis.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3675/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FIBER REINFORCED FILTER FOR MOLTEN METAL FILTRATION AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SUCH FILTERS" (51) International classification :B01D 39/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02012031.7 1)CARBON APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY LTD Address of Applicant :UNIT 2A, HIXON INDUSTRIAL, (32) Priority Date :31/05/2002 ESTATE, CHURCH LANE, STAFFORDSHIRE, (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/05538 STAFFORDSHIRE ST18 0YP, ENGLAND U.K. Filing Date :27/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/101584 1)JUMA KASSIM (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a fiber reinforced ceramic filter for molten metal filtration that comprises a bonded network of graphitized carbon and a method for producing such filters.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3676/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "INJECTION DEVICE AND PROCESS FOR THE INJECTION OF A FLUID" (51) International classification :B22D 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/BE2003/00097 1)VESUVIUS CRUCIBLE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :03/06/2003 Address of Applicant :103 FOULK ROAD, SUITE 202, (33) Name of priority country :PCT WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19803, U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/BE2003/00097 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :03/06/2003 1)CRAIG WILLOUGHBY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/103877 2)CAVAN MILLWARD (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to an injection device for the reliable introduction of a fluid into a metallurgical vessel having a refractory lining, the device being removably insertable in the lining; comprising a refractory first body (2) and a refractory second body (3) fittingly assembled, the first body (2) being made of a refractory material less permeable to the fluid than the material of the second body (3), the first and second bodies having each a surface (4, 5) adapted to contact molten metal; and having each fluid passages (6, 7) extending from fluid feeding means (8) to a surface (4, 5) adapted to contact molten metal, the relative flow resistance of the fluid passages (7) in the second body (4) being higher than that of the fluid passages (6) in the first body (2), the fluid passages (6) in the first body (2) being constituted of slots or bores. According to the invention, the fluid passages (6) in the first body (2) are independent from the fluid passages (7) in the second body (3). Such an injection device permits the reliable introduction of a fluid into a metallurgical vessel even when the injection device has already been used.

No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3617/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : SOYA CELL STRAINS WITH HIGH ISOFLAVONE CONTENT (51) International classification :C12N 5/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02009810.9 1)SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A (32) Priority Date :30/04/2002 Address of Applicant :P.O.BOX 353, CH-1800 VEVEY SWITZERLAND Switzerland (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/EP2003/03863 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/04/2003 1)FEDERICI, ERMANNO (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093456 2)TOUCHE, ANDRE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)COURTOIS, DIDIER :NA Number 4)PETIARD, VINCENT :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to soya cell cultures and soya cell strains producing a high amount of isoflavones and to a process for preparing an isolating isoflavone compounds in high yields. The present invention also pertains to soya plants regenerated from such cell strains and the use thereof for obtaining isoflavone compounds.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3619/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ENHANCING THE PAYLOAD CAPACITY, CARRIAGE EFFICIENCY, AND ADAPTIVE FLEXIBILITY OF EXTERNAL STORES MOUNTED ON AN AERIAL VEHICLE" (51) International classification :B64D (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :149786 1)PADAN NIR (32) Priority Date :21/05/2002 Address of Applicant :MOSHAV SADE YITZHAK, 38840 (33) Name of priority country :Israel SADE YITZHAK, ISRAEL Israel (86) International Application No :PCT/IL2002/00933 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/11/2002 1)PADAN NIR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097453 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method for the conversion of fuel tanks, detachably mountable on the exterior of an aerial vehicle, into high volume, high capacity, diverse functionality and aerodynamically efficient airborne stores is disclosed. A conventional external fuel drop (16) tank is modified such that the exterior shape of the tank (16) is substantially retained while the interior of the tank is suitable restructured to allow for the introduction of diverse airborne stores, associated airborne store mounting means, control and monitoring means and support means therein, which replace the fuel store. The airborne store is suitably interfaced to the stores control and management system of the aerial vehicle. The airborne store is integrated into a new external stores configuration The enhanced airborne store will have aerodynamic characteristics substantially similar to the original external fuel tank while its payload capacity is substantially improved.

No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.362/DEL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : 'MOULD AND METHOD FOR VACUUM ASSISTED RESIN TRANSFER MOULDING" (51) International classification :B22C 23/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :EP08006813 1)SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (32) Priority Date :03/04/2008 Address of Applicant :WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 (33) Name of priority country :EPO MUNCHEN GERMANY. Germany (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)BURCHARDT; CLAUS (87) International Publication No :NA 2)HURUP; ALLAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)NØRLEM; MICHAEL Filing Date :NA 4)OLESEN; BENDT (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)STIESDAL; HENRIK Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Mould and Method for Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Moulding A mould (21) for vacuum assisted resin transfer moulding of a fibre reinforced laminated structure is provided. The mould comprises: - at least a first mould part (2) and a second mould part (22) the first mould part (2) defining a negative impression of the laminated structure, being structurally stable and forming a support for fibre reinforcement layers (12) of the laminated structure, and the second mould part (22) being connectable to the first mould part (2) for closing the mould and defining together with the first mould part (2) an enclosed space which can be evacuated. The mould further comprises at least one flow duct (14, 16, 28, 30) for guiding a liquid polymer which is formed as a recess (14, 16) in the first mould part (2) and/or a recess (28, 30) in the second mould part (22) that is open towards the enclosed apace and extends along a section of the periphery of the first mould part (2) and/or the second mould part (22).

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3622/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "T CELL RECEPTOR CDR3 SEQUENCES AND METHODS FOR DETECTION" (51) International classification :A61K 39/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/386,287 1)BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (32) Priority Date :05/06/2002 Address of Applicant :ONE BAYLOR PLAZA, HOUSTON, TX 77030, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/17873 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :05/06/2003 1)JINGWU Z. ZHANG (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/104407 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates generally to the field of treating autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and others. Methods of treating and monitoring an autoimmune disease by utilizing T-cell receptors peptides are disclosed. Nucleic acid and peptide sequences of T-cell receptors found in a population of MS patients are also disclosed.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3691/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NEW FORMULATION FOR THE PARENTERAL APPLICATION OF CROBENETINE" (51) International classification :A61K 31/485 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 23 784.0 1)BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARMA GMBH & (32) Priority Date :29/05/2002 CO.KG Address of Applicant :55216 INGELHEIM AM RHEIN, (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/05400 GERMANY Germany (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/099280 1)BERND KRUSS (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a novel formulation containing crobenetine, or one of its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, for parenteral application.

No. of Pages : 9 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3656/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INTERNET PROTOCOL HEADERS COMPRESSION INITIALIZATION" (51) International classification :H04L 29/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/387,609 1)TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL) Address of Applicant :S-126 25 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (32) Priority Date :12/06/2002 Sweden (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/CA2003/00877 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :11/06/2003 1)GHYSLAIN PELLETIER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/107616 2)LILA MADOUR (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An Internet Protocol (IP) headers decompressor node, a method and an IP headers manager in an IP network for fast IP headers compression initialization is thereby provided. The invention teaches how to exchange IP packets between at least two nodes of the IP network for establishment of a session therebetween, to initialize, at a first one of the at least two nodes, a static portion of a decompression context prior to completion of the establishment of the session and to uncompress application related IP packets exchanged with a second of the at least two nodes. In an optional embodiment of the present invention, it is further taught how exchanging IP packets between at least two nodes of the IP network may further comprise extracting information from the IP packets at a first one of the at least two nodes of the IP network.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3657/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FILTER FOR MASS SPECTROMETER AND MASS FILTERS THEREFOR" (51) International classification :H01J 49/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0210930.4 1)THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC. (32) Priority Date :13/05/2002 Address of Applicant :81 WYMAN STREET, P.O.BOX 9046, WALTHAM, MA 02254-9046, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/02041 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/05/2003 1)PHILIP MARRIOTT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096376 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A mass filter apparatus for filtering a beam of ions is described. The apparatus comprises an ion beam source for emitting the beam, and first and second mass filter stages in series to receive the ion beam from the source. A vacuum system maintains at least the second filter stage at an operable pressure below 10-3 torr. The vacuum system is arranged to maintain both the first and second filter stages at substantially the same operating pressure. The first mass filter stage is arranged for transmitting only ions having a sub-range of mass to charge ratios which includes a selected mass to charge ratio. The second filter is arranged for transmitting only ions of the selected mass to charge ratio. Hence, the second mass filter can achieve high accuracy detection and is not subjected to the problems experienced in the prior art, such as build up of material on quadrupole rods which results in a distorted electric field close to the rods. The first mass filter acts as a coarse filter which typically transmits 1% of ions received from the ion source. Thus, the detection accuracy and lifetime of mass spectrometers embodying this invention are greatly improved.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3658/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RECORDING APPARATUS AND RECORDING METHOD" (51) International classification :H04N 5/92 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :P2002-132239 1)SONY CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :08/05/2002 Address of Applicant :7-35, KITASHINAGAWA 6-CHOME, SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO 141-0001, JAPAN Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/05394 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/04/2003 1)SHINGO YOSHIOKA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096687 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The recording position of managing information DK can be specified by a managing table TV recorded in the fixed area of an optical disk (2) to thereby switch the format of managing information DK recorded in combination with a file EF.

No. of Pages : 79 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3698/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR TRANSACTION PIPELINE DECOMPOSITION" (51) International classification :G06Q 30/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/177,817 1)INTERNATION BUSINESS MACHINE (32) Priority Date :20/06/2002 CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ARMONK, NEW YORK 10504, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/EP2003/009519 U.S.A. (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :13/05/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/001601 1)ALLEN RONALD C (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method, system, apparatus, and computer program product are presented for decomposing a transaction pipeline by capturing metric data about the completion of transactions within the transaction pipeline, such as an elapsed time that is required to complete a transaction at each stage of the transaction pipeline. A set of agents are among a set of servers that respond to transaction requests for resources. Two or more servers can be substantially logically grouped into a transaction pipeline in which an upstream server precedes a downstream server if the upstream server initiates a subsequent transaction to the downstream server so as to complete a previous transaction at the upstream server. Each agent is associated with a server in the transaction pipeline. An agent gathers metric data about transactions that are initiated by the agent, which are directed to a downstream server of the server with which each agent is associated.

No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3679/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "KEY TRANSPORT TAMPER PROTECTION" (51) International classification :H04L 9/100 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/382,198 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :21/05/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14645 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/05/2003 1)DUFFIELD, DAVID, JAY (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/107586 2)SCHULTZ, MARK, ALAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DEISS, MICHAEL, SCOTT :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for protecting the digital output signal of a security module, comprising of: receiving a scrambled digital signal from a source external to said security module, recovering at least one transport scramble control flag from the scrambled digital signal, descrambling said received scrambled signal to generate a descrambled signal, monitoring the at least one transport scramble control flag, generating a scrambling key in response to said monitored transport scramble control flag, and scrambling said descrambled signal using said scrambling key to generate a re-scrambled signal. The present invention also includes a conditional access system comprising a host device and a security device coupled to the host device, such that the security device includes at least one transport scramble control flag modification circuit. By monitoring the transport scramble control flag as content passes through the security module, protection of the content can be securely maintained.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3682/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MEMBRANCE DEVICES AND DEVICE COMPONENTS" (51) International classification :B01D 61/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/386,032 1)GE OSMONICS, INC (32) Priority Date :04/06/2002 Address of Applicant :5951 CLEARWATER DRIVE, MINNETONKA, MN 55343-8995, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/17527 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/06/2003 1)KLOOS STEVEN D (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/101575 2)ROLCHIGO PHILIP M (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KURTH CHRISTOPHER J :NA Number 4)KUNG CHIA H :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A membrane device including a first membrane sheet and a second membrane sheet comprised of either two separate sheets or one sheet folded upon itself separated by a permeate carrier. The membrane device utilizes permeate carrier materials that have a lower resistance to flow and therefore provide improved flux and reduced salt passage.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 78

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3720/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SURFACE-CLEANING MACHINE" (51) International classification :E04G 23/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :P 200201199 1)CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES (32) Priority Date :24/05/2002 CIENTIFICAS Address of Applicant :SERRANO 117, 28006 MADRID, (33) Name of priority country :Spain :PCT/ES2003/00208 SPAIN Spain (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100192 1)TEODOR AKINFIEV (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)MANUEL ANGEL ARMANDA RODRIGUEZ :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a machine for cleaning surfaces, primarily vertical surfaces. The inventive machine comprises a body which is fixed to the cable of a crane, actuator-equipped brushes which are pivot-fixed to the body and at least three wheels which are also pivot-fixed to the body, said components being fixed such that the working elements thereof are all disposed in the same plane. The invention is characterised in that it comprises: a case having an open wall on the side of the treated surface, an elastic seal along the contour of the open part of same and devices for extracting the air from said case.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3721/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONTROL SEQUENCES OF THE HUMAN CORIN GENE" (51) International classification :C12N (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/384,108 1)SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (32) Priority Date :31/05/2002 Address of Applicant :MULLERSTRASSE 178, D-13342 BERLIN, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/16741 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/05/2003 1)JUNLIANG PAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/102135 2)QINGYU WU (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention provides a novel expression control region isolated form mammalian corin genes. This control region preferentially activates transcription in cardiac cells. Methods and compositions are provided to employ this control region for identification of agents capable of modulating corin expression and for treatment of cardiac diseases.

No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3736/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FLUORINATED TREATMENT FOR SOIL RESISTANCE" (51) International classification :D06M 15/576 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/207,405 1)E.I.DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :29/07/2002 Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/023815 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/07/2003 1)JOYCE MONSON MATERNIAK (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/011714 2)PETER MICHAEL MURPHY (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A soil resist agent comprising a dispersion of a polyfluoro organic compound having a least one of a urea, urethane or ester linkage, and at least one anionic surfactant wherein the ratio of polyfluoro organic compound to surfactant is from about 0.075:1.0 to about 5:1 for treatment of fibrous substrates is disclosed.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3737/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR COATING TO OBTAIN SPECIAL SURFACE EFFECTS" (51) International classification :D06M 17/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/393,352 1)E.I.DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :01/07/2002 Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/020897 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/06/2003 1)STEFANIE GOECKE (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/003281 2)NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)NA :NA Number 4)NA :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for coating substrates to produce surfaces which have a textile-like texture; the process comprises the following steps: a) coating fibers with a polymer dispersion based on one or more polymers selected from the group of polyurethanes, polyester polyurethanes, polyesters or mixtures thereof, b) blending the coated fibers together with the polymer dispersion to form a coating material and applying the coating material onto the surface to be coated and c) curing the coating material thereby forming a coating on the surface of the substrate; also, the process according to the invention relates to a coating material which is applied onto the substrate surface, comprising A) 5 to 40 wt. % of the polymer dispersion basing on one or more polymers selected from the group polyurethane, polyester polyurethane and polyester, having a solids content of 25 to 90 wt. %, B) 0 to 35 wt. % of one or more crosslinking agents, selected from the group of formaldehyde condensation resins and polyisocyanates, C) 2 to 20 wt. % of fiber material, D) 0 to 20 wt. % of solvent, E) 5 to 35 wt. % of water, and optionally, F) 0.5 to 10 wt. % of additives conventionally used in connection with coatings, pigments and/or extenders.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3589/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filed on


(57) Abstract : The invention relates to methods for preventing the attachment of aquatic organisms to surfaces that are submerged for extensive periods of time in water. More particularly, this invention relates to the protection of submerged surfaces with alkylamine derivatives as antifouling agents. The invention is beneficiary for the environment in that it will permit the use of copper- and tin-free paints.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3590/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A POWERED TOOTHBRUSH HAVING A DECORATIVE FACADE" (51) International classification :A61C 17/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/145,196 1)COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :14/05/2002 Address of Applicant :300 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10022, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/14829 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/05/2003 1)HUI FUNG KUT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/096924 2)FATTORI JOSEPH (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DAI TAU :NA Number 4)GATZEMEYER JOHN J :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a powered toothbrush containing a decorative facade, which facade may be permanently attached to the brush handle or may be replaceable by the user.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3591/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR REGION SENSITIVE DYNAMICALLY CONFIGURABLE DOCUMENT RELEVANCE RANKING" (51) International classification :G06F 17/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/380,763 1)VERITY, INC (32) Priority Date :14/05/2002 Address of Applicant :894 ROSS DRIVE, SUNNYVALE, CA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. 94089, U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/15507 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :14/05/2003 1)JUDD DOUGLASS RUSSELL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098466 2)SUBBAROYAN RAM (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KARSH BRUCE D :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A document section sensitive relevance ranking system for ranking the results of a free-text search as part of a document indexing and document query system is disclosed. The system has a document indexer that accepts structured, semi-structured, or unstructured documents and creates an easily searchable index of the documents. Then, a document query system receives free-text queries [740 of fig. 7], executes the query against the document index [760 of fig. 7], and creates a list of result documents. The configurable relevance ranking system then ranks the individual documents in the document result list into an order of estimated relevance [770 of fig. 7].

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3742/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR DIGITAL RECORDING, STORAGE, AND/OR TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION BY MEANS OF A CAMERA PROVIDED ON A COMMUNICATION TERMINAL" (51) International classification :G06K 9/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/06579 1)REAL EYES 3D Address of Applicant :217 BUREAUX DE LA COLLINE(32) Priority Date :27/05/2002 92213 SAINT CLOUD CEDEX, FRANCE France (33) Name of priority country :France (86) International Application No :PCT/FR2003/01606 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/05/2003 1)MARTIN LEFEBURE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100713 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method for selection of a digitising zone by a camera (CN), correction of the projection distortion, resolution enhancement, then binarisation, comprising the following operation steps: generation of a closed contour (DC) within the document for processing (O) or around the document for processing (O), produced manually or printed, presentation of the document for processing (O) in front of the camera (CN) at an angle such that said contour is entirely visible within the image present on the visualisation screen (AF), recording the image and searching for the contour within the image, calculation of projection distortions (bloc CC), extraction and fusion of the image contents and generation of the final image.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3745/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLYPROPYLENE COMPOSITIONS ESPECIALLY FOR PIPES" (51) International classification :C08K 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/EP2003/05023 1)BOREALIS TECHNOLOGY OY (32) Priority Date :14/05/2003 Address of Applicant :P.O.BOX 330, FIN-06201 PORVOO, (33) Name of priority country :PCT FINLAND Finland (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/05023 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :14/05/2003 1)CARL-GUSTAF EK (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/097731 2)SIEGFRIED LIEDAUER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JAMES MCGOLDRICK :NA Number 4)FRANZ RUEMER :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to filled propylene compositions especially for pipes and pipe systems having increased impact and stiffness properties especially increased long term properties.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3748/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "HOMOGENOUS PROCESS FOR THE HYDROGENATION OF CARBOXYLIC ACIDS AND DERIVATIVES THEREOF" (51) International classification :B01J 31/40 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0210143.4 1)DAVY PROCESS TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Address of Applicant :20 EASTBOURNE TERRACE, (32) Priority Date :02/05/2002 LONDON W2 6LE, UK U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2003/01819 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :29/04/2003 1)KILNER, MELVYN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093208 2)TYERS, DEREK VINCENT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)CRABTREE, SIMON PETER :NA Number 4)WOOD, MICHAEL ANTHONY :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A homogenous process for the hydrogenation of the carboxylic acids and/or derivatives thereof in the presence of a catalyst comprising ruthenium, rhodium, iron, osmium or palladium, and an organic phosphine is described in which the hydrogenation is carried out in the presence of at least about 1% by weight water. A process for regenerating a catalyst comprising ruthenium, rhodium, iron, osmium or palladium and an organic phosphine is also described in which the regeneration is carried out in the presence of hydrogen and water.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3694/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "HEIGHT-RELATED GENE" (51) International classification :C12N (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0209640.2 1)GUDRUN ANNA RAPPOLD (32) Priority Date :26/04/2002 Address of Applicant :INSTITUTE OF HUMAN GENETICS, UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG, INF 328, 69120 (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/EP2003/04546 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY Germany (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/04/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/091381 1)GUDRUN ANNA RAPPOLD (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)STEFAN KIRSCH :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The application relates to isolated regions and genes from the Y chromosome which encompass the Y specific growth gene GCY. Probes and primers are also provided.

No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3695/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DISPERSION" (51) International classification :C08G 81/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0212528.4 1)ADVANCED GEL TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (32) Priority Date :31/05/2002 Address of Applicant :UNIT 41 CAMPUS ROAD, LISTERHILLS SCIENCE PARK, BRADFORD BD7 1HR (GB) (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/02399 U.K. (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/06/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/102052 1)EAGLAND, DONALD (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)CROWTHER, NICHOLAS, JOHN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of preparing a dispersion which includes the step of contacting a first phase, a first material immiscible therewith, a first polymeric material and a second polymeric material wherein: (a) (i) said first polymeric material has a repeat unit of the formula (I), wherein A and B are the same or different, are selected from optionally-substituted aromatic and heteroaromatic groups and at least one comprises a relatively polar atom or group and R1 and R2 independently comprise relatively non-polar atoms or groups; (ii) said first polymeric material is prepared or preparable by providing a compound of general formula (1), wherein A, B, R1 and R2 are as described above, in an aqueous solvent and causing the groups C=C in said compound to react with one another to form said first polymeric material; (b) said second polymeric material includes a functional group which is able to react with said first polymeric material so that covalent bonds are formed between said first and second polymeric materials; (c) the ratio of the weight of said first polymeric material to the weight of said first phase is equal to or less than 0.0025; and (d) the ratio of the weight of said second polymeric material to the weight of said first phase is equal to or less than 0.035.

No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 41

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3696/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DETECTING CHANGE IN DATA STREAMS" (51) International classification :G06F 17/40 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0209368.0 1)NEURAL TECHNOLOGIES LTD (32) Priority Date :24/04/2002 Address of Applicant :IDEAL HOUSE, BEDFORD ROAD, PETERSFIELD, HAMPSHIRE GU32 3QA, UK U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/AU2003/00460 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/04/2003 1)BOLT, GEORGE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/091911 2)MANSLOW, JOHN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for analysing data streams comprises receiving a data stream (12), conducting a first analysis of the data stream (14) for a possible target activity, and if a possible target activity is indicated generating a first alert (28). If the first alert (28) is generated, a second analysis (16) for the possible target activity is conducted to determine whether the target activity is indicated in the data stream with a high degree of certainty. If a possible target activity is indicated by the second analysis, a second alert (34) is generated and provided to an external system for action.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3805/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "LATERAL SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE" (51) International classification :H01L 29/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/391,431 1)CAMBRIDGE SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED (32) Priority Date :26/06/2002 Address of Applicant :SUITE 215/216, WELLINGTON HOUSE, EAST ROAD, CAMBRIDGE CB1 1BH, GREAT (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/GB2003/002635 BRITAIN U.K. (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/06/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/004013 1)UDREA, FLORIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A lateral semiconductor device (10) has a semiconductor layer (15) on an insulating substrate (16). The semiconductor layer (15) has a first region (12) of a first conduction type and a second region (13) of a second conduction type with a drift region (14) therebetween. The drift region (14) is provided by a third region (14") of the first conduction type and a fourth region (14") of the second conduction type. The third and fourth (drift) regions (14", 14") are so arranged that when a reverse voltage bias is applied across the first and second regions (12, 13) of the semiconductor layer (15), the third region (14") has locally in the proximity of the first region (12) an excess of impurity charge relative to the fourth region (14"), and the fourth region (14") has locally in the proximity of the second region (13) and excess of impurity charge relative to the third region (14"), and the total volume charge in the third region (14") is substantially equal to the total volume charge in the fourth region (14").

No. of Pages : 67 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3683/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A COMPUTING SERVICES GRID" (51) International classification :G06F 15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/170,300 1)INTERNATION BUSINESS MACHINE (32) Priority Date :12/06/2002 CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ARMONK, NEW YORK 10504, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/GB2003/002489 U.S.A. (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :09/06/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/107203 1)LINDQUIST DAVID (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)RAJARAMAN BALA :NA Number 3)TAN YIH-SHIN :NA Filing Date 4)TOPOL BRAD (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A computing services grid. The grid can include a service desk coupled to one or more computing service instances. Each service instance can conform to an interface which is common to all service instances in the grid. A routing component can be disposed in the grid. Specifically, the routing component can route individual service requests to individual ones of the service instances. An instance selection service is used to satisfy QoS characteristics associated with the requestor of the service. The grid further can include a service instance monitoring component. The monitoring component can monitor the performance of individual service instances charged with processing individual service requests. Fail-over logic can be configured to re-route service requests from selected service instances to others of the service instances where the monitoring component detects a fail-over condition in the selected service instances. In that regard, fail-over conditions can include error conditions and a performance deficiency conditions in which the performance of a selected service instance lags behind guaranteed levels of performance.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3687/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SELECTIVE HYDROGENATION OF ACETYLENES" (51) International classification :C07C 5/03 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/215,096 1)CATALYTIC DISTILLATION TECHNOLOGIES (32) Priority Date :08/08/2002 Address of Applicant :10100 BAY AREA BOULEVARD, PASADENA, TEXAS 77507, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/018583 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/06/2003 1)J. YONG RYU (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/014824 2)JOHN R. ADAMS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WILLIBRORD A. GROTEN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for removing acetylenic compounds using unsulfided metallic nickel or unsulfided metallic nickel modified with metallic Mo, Re, Bi or mixtures in which the catalyst is used alone or is used in combination with other acetylenic selective catalysts. The unsulfided metallic nickel catalyst or modified catalyst is preferably the first catalyst to contact the hydrocarbon stream.

No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 27

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3851/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MANUFACTURE OF BOTTLE WITH PUSH-ON CLOSURE" (51) International classification :B29C (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0210398.4 1)BRITTON, CHARLES, JONATHAN (32) Priority Date :07/05/2002 Address of Applicant :6 ELMVIL ROAD, ASHCHURCH, TEWKESBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL20 8DD, UK U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/01911 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :06/05/2003 1)BRITTON, CHARLES, JONATHAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/095170 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of manufacture of a bottle which may be closed by a push-on closure, apparatus for manufacturing the same, a bottle and a closure for the bottle. A bottle (72) is manufactured in a multi-component assembly. The bottle preform (not shown) is made by an injection moulding technique, having detents on its upwardly and outwardly facing surfaces. It is then transferred to a blow mould where it is first heated, and then shaped by inserting a blow pin (62) through the neck of the preform to stretch it in its longitudinal axis. During this operation, the top surface of the preform is bent down, such that the detent formed on the upwardly facing surface of the preform now extends laterally into the volume of the preform. The stretched preform is then blown to take the shape of the blow mould, forming the bottle (72). A closure is formed by injection moulding, and is held on the bottle by the laterally extending detents.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3579/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A SYSTEM FOR GENERATING POWER" (51) International classification :E02B 9/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1758 1)HASTINGS, STEPHEN, JOHN (32) Priority Date :15/04/2002 Address of Applicant :3 BRANDON COURT, ENDEAVOUR HILLS, VICTORIA 3802, AUSTRALIA Australia (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2002/01354 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/10/2002 1)HASTINGS, STEPHEN, JOHN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089721 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system for generating power, including: a barrier partially dividing a body of water subject to tidal effects into two regions of water such that said regions of water have differing water levels over a tidal cycle; a passage in said barrier for placing said regions of water in fluid communication with each other; and means within said passage responsive to flow of water for driving a power generation means; wherein water flows from one of said regions of water to the other of said regions of water via said passage when said regions have differing water levels during said tidal cycle

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 45

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3581/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "REFINING PROCESS AND APPARATUS" (51) International classification :C11B 13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 1775 1)ENVIROFUEL IP PTY.LTD (32) Priority Date :16/04/2002 Address of Applicant :5-7 KEVLAR CLOSE, BRAESIDE, VICTORIA 3195, AUSTRALIA Australia (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00451 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/04/2003 1)EVERTON, MIKE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/089557 2)ISAACS, JOHN HERSCHEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An apparatus and method is provided for treating a waste material, particularly an aqueous waste material containing fats, oils and greases (FOG), involving the use of at least two stages in which, in the first stage, the aqueous waste material is subjected to a separation step in which water is removed to leave a partially refined stream containing the FOG followed by a second treatment stage, in which the partially refined FOG stream is further refined by removing more of the water so as to produce a FOG-containing stream that has a low water content which can be used as a fuel. In one embodiment, the refined FOG is used as a fuel for a combustion engine, typically a hydrogen assisted combustion engine for generating electricity. The energy generating plant can be combined with the waste treatment plant or the two can be separated from each other. One of the characteristics of this invention is that the water removed from the waste material can be recycled for use in the process, thereby providing energy saving as the introduction of fresh steam is not continuously required.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3582/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A HIERARCHICAL SYSTEM FOR ANALYSING DATA STREAMS" (51) International classification :G06F 11/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0208711.2 1)NEURAL TECHNOLOGIES LTD (32) Priority Date :16/04/2002 Address of Applicant :IDEAL HOUSE, BEDFORD ROAD, PETERSFIELD, HAMPSHIRE GU32 3QA, UK U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/AU2003/00460 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/04/2003 1)BOLT, GEORGE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/090081 2)MANSLOW, JOHN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for analysing data streams comprises receiving a data stream (12), conducting a first analysis of the data stream (14) for a possible target activity, and if a possible target activity is indicated generating a first alert (28). If the first alert (28) is generated, a second analysis (16) for the possible target activity is conducted to determine whether the target activity is indicated in the data stream with a high degree of certainty. If a possible target activity is indicated by the second analysis, a second alert (34) is generated and provided to an external system for action.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3583/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR ADHESION OF COLOR FILTERS TO A FACEPLATE PANEL OF A CATHODE RAY TUBE (CRT)" (51) International classification :H01J 29/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/153,752 1)M/S. THOMSON LICENSING S.A Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A. LE GALLO, 92648 (32) Priority Date :22/05/2002 BOULOGNE, CEDEX (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/11653 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/04/2003 1)PARSAPOUR, FARZAD (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/100812 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and composition for manufacturing a luminescent screen (22) assembly for a color cathode ray tube (CRT) (10) is disclosed. The luminescent screen assembly is formed on an interior surface of a faceplate panel of the CRT. The luminescent screen assembly has a patterned light-absorbing matrix (23) thereon. The matrix defines a first set of fields (40), a second set of fields (42), and a third set of fields (44). An aqueous pigment suspension is applied to the first set of fields. The aqueous pigment suspension comprises a pigment, one or more surface-active agents and at least one non-pigmented oxide particle. The at least one non-pigmented oxide particle has a size that is less than that of the pigment

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3740/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PICK RESISTANT LOCK" (51) International classification :E05B 27/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :150362 1)MUL-T-LOCK TECHNOLOGIES, LTD (32) Priority Date :20/06/2002 Address of Applicant :MULT-T-LOCK PARK, P.O.BOX 465, 81104 YAVNE, ISRAEL Israel (33) Name of priority country :Israel :PCT/IL2003/000523 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/06/2003 1)RAMI ALMOZNINO (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/001165 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An anti-picking cylinder lock including a lock body (10), a plug (14) defining a keyway (16), a plurality of telescopic body pin assemblies (22), each of the telescopic body pin assemblies (22) including an outer body pin (24) and an inner body pin (30)and a plurality of telescopic plug pin assemblies (42), each of the telescopic plug pin assemblies (42) including an outer plug pin (44) and an inner plug pin (46), characterized in that at least one of the outer plug pins and the outer body pins is formed with at least one inner facing recess (90) configured and arranged such that upon attempted picking of the lock, a portion of at least one of the inner plug pins (46) and the inner body pins (30) tends to engage the at least one recess (90), thus causing at least one of the inner plug pins (46) and the inner body pins (30) to move together in at least one direction.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3741/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MICROBIOLOGICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM" (51) International classification :C12N (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :1020471 1)NEDERLANDSE ORGANISATIE VOOR TOEGEPAST(32) Priority Date :25/04/2002 NATUURWETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK TNO Address of Applicant :SCHOEMAKERSTRAAT 97, 2628 (33) Name of priority country :Netherlands :PCT/NL2003/000302 VK DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS Netherlands (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/091389 1)HENRICUS MATHEUS WILHELMUS THIJSEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)ROY CHRISTIAAN MONTIJN :NA Number 3)FRANK HENRI JOHAN SCHUREN :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an apparatus and a method for the classification of microorganisms. In particular, the invention relates to an apparatus and method for the classification of microorganisms with annotation of clinically and/or industrially relevant information. An apparatus according to the invention comprises a measuring apparatus for classifying a microorganism according to distinctive features, a database containing clinically and/or industrially relevant information of a plurality of microorganisms, and a calculation unit for comparing the results from the measuring apparatus to the information in the database for the annotation of the clinically and/or industrially relevant information to the microorganism, and in which the measuring apparatus, the database and the data analysis apparatus are provided with input and output means.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3887/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR LOCATING AN IMPACT ON A SURFACE AND DEVICE THEREFOR" (51) International classification :G06K 11/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02 07208 1)CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE (32) Priority Date :12/06/2002 SCIENTIFIQUE-CNRS Address of Applicant :3, RUE MICHEL ANGE 75794 PARIS (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/FR2003/01769 CEDEX 16,FRANCE France (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/06/2003 2)UNIVERSITE PARIS 7-DENIS DIDEROT (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/107261 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)ING ROS KIRI :NA Number 2)CATHELINE STEFAN :NA Filing Date 3)QUIEFFIN NICOLAS (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 4)FINK MATHIAS Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concerns a method for locating an impact on a surface (9) forming part of an object (5) forming an acoustic interface, provided with at least an acoustic sensor (6). Said method consists in sensing at least one signal from acoustic waves generated in the object forming an acoustic interface by the impact and locating the impact during a recognition step which consists in comparing the sensed signal with at least a predetermined signal corresponding to the sensed signal when an impact is generated on at least one active zone forming part of the surface of the object forming an acoustic interface, and associating the impact with said active zone if the sensed signal is sufficiently identical to said predetermined signal.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3888/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FIBER MANAGEMENT DRAWER AND PATCH PANEL" (51) International classification :G02B 6/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/201,536 1)ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC (32) Priority Date :22/07/2002 Address of Applicant :13625 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55344-2252, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/022633 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/07/2003 1)KIM, MATTHEW (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/010193 2)WENTWORTH, MICHAEL, J (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SMITH, TREVOR, D :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A telecommunications cable management system includes fanning trays and management panels, including slidable drawers, mounted to a rack for management of cables. The fanning tray includes fingers for managing vertical cables. The cables extend horizontally throught the fanning tray. The fanning tray includes hinges to access the space or the rack behind the fanning tray. A lock holds the fanning tray in the pivoted up position. One drawer includes slack management devices including a radius limiter that selectively releases to release slack at desired times. A slidable termination panel can be mounted in another drawer to allow greater access to the panel. The fanning trays and drawers are mounted to a rack for managing and connecting the cables.

No. of Pages : 56 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3653/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CATECHIN MULTIMERS AS THERAPEUTIC DRUG DELIVERY AGENTS" (51) International classification :A61K 31/35 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/137,368 1)DRAKE LARSON (32) Priority Date :03/05/2002 Address of Applicant :78360 VIA SEVILLA, LA QUINTA, CA 92253, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/13722 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/05/2003 1)DRAKE LARSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/092613 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Described herein are catechin multimers, and particularly substituted catechin multimers, and their use as carrier moieties for the delivery of nucleophilic and cationic bioactive therapeutic agents to target sites in vivo. For example, substituted catechin multimers of the present invention may be administered alone, for the treatment of stenotic vascular diseases and disorders, such as atherosclerosis (also known as arteriosclerosis) and coronary heart disease (also known as coronary artery disease and ischemic heart disease). Alternatively, catechin multimers, substituted and otherwise, may be complexed with nucleophilic and/or cationic bioactive therapeutic agents, such as anti-thrombotic agents, cholesterol lowering agents, anti-plaque agents, anti-cancer agents, chemotherapeutic agents, anti-inflammatory agents, agents antibiotics, antimicrobials, wound healing agents, and the like, for the treatment of a variety of diseases and disorders, including but not limited to cardiac and vascular stenoses, cancer, inflammatory conditions, neurological conditions, infection, wounds, burns and the like. The catechin multimers, particularly the subtituted catechin multimers, described herein have a strong affinity for polar proteins residing in the vascular endothelium as well as cell walls and membranes, and, accordingly, are able to provide targeted delivery of bioactive agents embedded therein and/or complexed therewith so as to potentiate their therapeutic effects. The therapeutic complexes may be pharmaceutically formulated "neat" (e.g., without additives) or with additives such as pharmaceutical carriers, diluents, buffers, adjuvants, excipients, surfactants, and stabilizers.

No. of Pages : 31 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3914/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PEPTIDES FROM THE E2, E6 AND E7 PROTEINS OF HUMAN PILLOMAVIRUSES 16 AND 18 FOR DETECTING AND/OR DIAGNOSING CERVICAL AND OTHER CANCERS" (51) International classification :C12N (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/394,172 1)HU UAO XIONG Address of Applicant :234 ESCUELA AVENUE, #47, (32) Priority Date :02/07/2002 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA 94040, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/020887 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :02/07/2003 1)HU UAO XIONG (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/ 005469 2)ROSENFELD MARK JAY (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An isolated protein sequence or peptide from the E2, E6 or E7 early coding region of human papillomavirus (HPV) that is soluble in an aqueous medium, and characterized by a relative paucity of tryptophan, methionine and cysteine residues, and a relative abundance of glycine and asparagine residues. Also disclosed are isolated protein sequences or peptides from the E2, E6 or E7 early coding regions of HPV 16 and 18 and methodologies for detecting or diagnosing cancer or cellular abnormalities. Detection and/or diagnosis of cancer or cellular abnormalities may include detecting and/or diagnosing pre-cancerous or pre-malignant conditions, cervical dysplasia, cervical carcinoma, koilocytosis, hyperkeratosis, intraepithelial lesions, and other cancers. Preferably, novel methodologies for detecting and/or diagnosing cancer or cellular abnormalities of the present invention may comprise the steps of (1) reacting a sample of body fluid or tissue with isolated protein sequences or peptides; (2) forming an antibody-peptide complex; and (3) detecting the antibody-peptide complex.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 70

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3916/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MOTOR DRIVE CONTROL WITH A SINGLE CURRENT SENSOR USING SPACE VECTOR TECHNIQUE" (51) International classification :H02M 7/5387 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0213098.7 1)TRW LIMITED Address of Applicant :STARTFORD ROAD, SOLIHULL, (32) Priority Date :07/06/2002 WEST MIDLANDS B90 4AX, GREAT BRITAIN U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2003/02466 2)TRW AUTOMOTIVE US LLC Filing Date :05/06/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/105329 1)WILLIAMS, CONNEL, BRETT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)COLES, JEFFREY, RONALD :NA Number 3)SZABO, ADRIAN :NA Filing Date 4)DIXON, CHRISTOPHER, DAVID (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)LI, JIANG Filing Date :NA 6)FARDOUN, ABBAS, AHMAD (57) Abstract : A drive system for a three phase brushless AC motor is arranged to optimise the transistor switching pattern to improve power output whilst allowing current measurement in all of the phases using a single sensor. This is achieved by defining voltage demand vectors x where more than two states are required to meet a minimum state time requirement determined by the single sensor method, and calculating three or more state vectors which produce the demanded vector x whilst still allowing single current sensing. Various methods of optimising the PWM pattern so as to give maximum output whilst using single current sensing are also disclosed.

No. of Pages : 61 No. of Claims : 57

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3862/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AQUEOUS ADHESIVE DISPERSIONS" (51) International classification :C08K 3/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 24 898.2 1)BAYER MATERIALSCIENCE AG (32) Priority Date :04/06/2002 Address of Applicant :D-51368 LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/005396 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :23/05/2003 1)RUDIGER MUSCH (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/102066 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to polychloroprene-based aqueous adhesive dispersions, to a method for producing the same and to the use thereof.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3868/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "INPUT METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING DIGITIZE OPERATION CODE FOR THE WORLD CHARACTERS INFORMATION AND INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEM THEREOF" (51) International classification :G06F 3/023 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02120916.2 1)SU RONGBIN Address of Applicant :1531 # NO.1 MIDDLE SCHOOL OF (32) Priority Date :05/06/2002 YULIN CITY, NO.10 QINGFENG ROAD, YULIN, GUANGXI (33) Name of priority country :China (86) International Application No :PCT/CN2003/00441 ZHUANG AUTONOMOUS REGON 537000, P.R.CHINA China Filing Date :05/06/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/104963 1)SU RONGBIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An input method for optimizing digitize operation code for the world characters information and information processing system thereof, belongs to the digitize code processing technology for the world characters information, and it thoroughly solved the contradiction between the facility and high efficiency of code processing for the world characters information of each country. The major characteristic is: according to pronunciation and graphemic information of world characters, the digitize operation code processing for the world characters information of each country are performed by using ten numerals 0-9, and adopting the code method of addition/subtraction and partitioned operation based bit, these numeric coding are used as the numeral index of document retrieval and the computer"s input code for the world characters of each country, one complete set of design method and system that can design the operating system, the computer language, the instruction of chip, the wireless interface protocol using the world characters of each country are set up, and it is widely applied to computer, communication, network system and code sequencing retrieval system for the world characters.

No. of Pages : 145 No. of Claims : 83

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3924/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF A GLAZED PIECE PROVIDED WITH A MULTI-LAYER COATING" (51) International classification :C03C 17/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02077435.2 1)GLAVERBEL Address of Applicant :CHAUSSEE DE LA HULPE, 166, B(32) Priority Date :17/06/2002 1170 BRUXELLES, BELGIUM Belgium (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/50227 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :13/06/2003 1)DANIEL DECROUPET (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/106363 2)JEAN-MICHEL DEPAUW (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method for production of a glazed piece provided with a multi-layer coating deposited by cathodic atomisation, a glazed piece provided with a multi-layer coating and a crowned or tempered glazed piece provided with a multi-layer coating. According to the invention, at least one first transparent dielectric layer is deposited, followed by a functional layer based on a material which reflects infra-red radiation. A first protective layer is then deposited with at most 3nm of a material having an electronegativity difference to oxygen of less than 1.9, followed by deposition of a second protective layer, with at most 7nm of a material with an electronegativity difference to oxygen of greater than 1.4. At least one second transparent dielectric layer is then deposited. The invention is particularly advantageous for the formation of glazed pieces with low emmissivity or for solar protection which are crowned or tempered after deposition of the coating.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 48

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3936/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ADAPTIVE PNEUMATIC SEAT CUSHION AND BACKREST CUSHION FOR VEHICLES AND AEROPLANES" (51) International classification :B60N 2/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 32 625.8 1)PROSPECTIVE CONCEPTS AG Address of Applicant :FLUGHOFSTRASSE 41, CH-8152 (32) Priority Date :18/07/2002 GLATTBRUGG, SWITZERLAND Switzerland (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/CH2003/000017 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :15/01/2003 1)RUDI LEUTERT (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/009399 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to an adaptive seat and backrest cushion, divided into a seat cushion (1) and a backrest cushion (2) of essentially the same construction. A number of webs (6, 7) are introduced between an upper skin (4) and a lower skin (5) of an airtight shell (3) by welding or gluing. The first webs (6) are of simple construction, the second webs (7) are of double construction each with a cavity (10) between the webs (7). The space within the shell (3) is filled with compressed air at a pressure p1, the cavities (10) can be pressurised as required with compressed air at a pressure of p2, where p2 > p1. The thickness as well as the softness of the seat or backrest cushion (1, 2) can thus be altered. As a result of the number and arrangement of the doubled webs (7) and the possible combination thereof in groups the cushions (1, 2) can be matched to the instantaneous comfort requirements by selective pressurisation with the compressed air p2 by the seated person.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3900/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SELECTIVE CHROMOPHORES" (51) International classification :C07D 265/34 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201750-7 1)GUNNAR WESTMAN (32) Priority Date :06/06/2002 Address of Applicant :ASMUNDTORPSVAGEN 6, S-438 92 HARRYDA, SWEDEN Sweden (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00947 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :06/06/2003 1)GUNNAR WESTMAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/104210 2)EVA JENNSICHE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ANDERS HAMBERGER :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to chromophores for selective staining of cells or cell parts comprising a fluorescent chromophore of the general formulae I. The invention further comprises a method for cell sorting, a method for cell targeting, as well as a method for cell identification.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3901/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NOVEL LIGANDS THAT ARE INHIBITORS OF THE BAR RECEPTORS, PROCESS FOR PREPARING THEM AND USE THEREOF IN HUMAN MEDICINE AND IN COSMETICS" (51) International classification :C07C 65/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/06850 1)GALDERMA RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, S.N.C Address of Applicant :635 ROUTE DES LUCIOLLES, (32) Priority Date :04/06/2002 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, F-06560 VALBONNE, FRANCE France (33) Name of priority country :France (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/05554 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/05/2003 1)THIBAUD BIADATTI (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/01928 2)PASCAL COLLETTE (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to novel biaryl compounds corresponding to the general formula (I) below: and to the method for preparing them, and to their use in pharmaceutical compositions intended for use in human or veterinary medicine, or alternatively in cosmetic compositions.

No. of Pages : 81 No. of Claims : 29

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3902/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PYRROLIDINE DERIVATIVES AS OXYTOCIN ANTAGONISTS" (51) International classification :C07D 207/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/EP2003/050286 1)APPLIED RESEARCH SYSTEMS ARS HOLDING N.V (32) Priority Date :04/07/2003 Address of Applicant :PIETERMAAI 15, CURACAO, THE (33) Name of priority country :PCT NETHERLANDS Netherlands (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/050286 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :04/07/2003 1)CATHERINE JORAND-LEBRUN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/005249 2)JEROME DORBAIS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ANNA QUATTROPANI :NA Number 4)MATTHIAS SCHWARZ :NA Filing Date 5)DELPHINE VALOGNES (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to novel pyrrolidine derivative of formula (I), its geometrical isomers, its optically active forms as enantiomers, diastereomers, mixtures of these and its racemate forms, as well as salts thereof, wherein R1 is selected from the group comprising or consisting of H and C1-C6-alkyl, for the prevention and/or treatment of preterm labor, premature birth or dysmenorrhea.

No. of Pages : 70 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3941/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AUTOMATED IMPORT OF DATA" (51) International classification :G06F 15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/381,576 1)TRANSCENTIVE, INC. (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 Address of Applicant :TWO ENTERPRISE DRIVE, SHELTON, CONNECTICUT 06480, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/15295 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/05/2003 1)JOHN BROAD (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098859 2)WELLINGTON PAK (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for importing data from a client to a destination application on a server system is presented. At the client system, the method includes identifying a type (200) and location (210) of a plurality of data items is for importing and requesting import of the data items. Each of the requests includes the identifying information. At the server system, the method includes receiving the requests and based on the identifying information, retrieving (220) the data from the client system and individually storing (230) the plurality of data items at the server system. The server system also individually retrieving, in response to predefined criteria, the stored data items and importing (260) the data items to the destination application. During the import, the server generates and stores a log (300). The log (300) includes status information regarding the import of each data item. The information includes statistics and errors (330) that occur during import.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3943/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "GLOBAL EMPLOYEE RECORD" (51) International classification :G06F 17/60 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/381,502 1)TRANSCENTIVE, INC. (32) Priority Date :17/05/2002 Address of Applicant :TWO ENTERPRISE DRIVE, SHELTON, CONNECTICUT 06480, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/015534 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/05/2003 1)DORIS LANDAETA (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/098395 2)CYNTHINA GAFNEY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ANNE MESEREAU :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method are presented for storing and managing information in equity and performance compensation plans (fig. 1). The method includes storing information records (52) including data regarding participants (54) in the compensation plans and their residency history (60) over participant-specified time periods, one or more companies sponsoring one or more compensation plans (56), and jurisdictional (58) requirements and restrictions applicable to participants, companies and compensation plans. The company data (56) includes company-imposed requirements and restrictions (72, 74) of the plan for granting, vesting and exercising options. The jurisdictional data (58) includes a history (62) of one or more jurisdictional requirements over jurisdictionally-specified time periods. In response to a triggering event (116), the method includes retrieving participant (54), compensation (56) and jurisdictional (58) information records corresponding to the trigger, comparing portions of the participant"s residency history (60) and the jurisdictional history (62), and satisfying the triggering event by complying with company and jurisdictionally imposed requirements and restrictions in accordance with applicable time periods.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 3

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3702/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A PACIFIER, A SYSTEM AND A METHOD FOR MAINTAINING PROPER DENTITIONS" (51) International classification :A61J 17/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/412,454 1)ORTHO-TAIN, INC (32) Priority Date :20/09/2002 Address of Applicant :950 GREEN BAY ROAD, WINNETKA, IL 60093, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/029665 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/09/2003 1)BERGERSEN, EARL, O (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/026219 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A pacifier (10), a system and a method for maintaining proper dentitions in a child are provided. The pacifier (10) may have a bulb (16) which is connected to an external shield (15) by an isthmus. A child may suck on the bulb (16) when the pacifier (10) is worn in the mouth. The isthmus (12) connecting the bulb (16) and the external shield (15) may be flat. Moreover, the isthmus (12) may have a thickness which may be less than a thickness of known connectors, and may be wider from side-to-side than connectors associated with known pacifiers, which connect a bulb and an external shield. As a result, the pacifier (10) may prevent the child from developing, for example, an open bite or other malocclusion. The pacifier (10) may or may not incorporate a thickened pillow (94) to aid in the reduction of pain associated with teething.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 49

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3703/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DENTAL APPLIANCES HAVING ATTACHABLE UPPER AND LOWER HALVES AND SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR TREATING MALOCCLUSIONS" (51) International classification :A61C (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/384,744 1)ORTHO-TAIN, INC Address of Applicant :950 GREEN BAY ROAD, (32) Priority Date :30/05/2002 WINNETKA, IL 60093, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/17196 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :30/05/2003 1)BERGERSEN, EARL, O (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/101331 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Dental appliances and systems and methods for treating malocclusions are provided. The dental appliances may have an upper shell (10) and a lower shell (12) which receive upper teeth and lower teeth, respectively, of a user. In addition, the upper shell (10) and the lower shell (12) may be attached by a fastening device, such as, for example, snaps (14a, 14b, 14c), magnets (42), or the like. By attaching the upper shell (10) and the lower shell (12), the dental appliance may treat malocclusions, such as, for example, overjet or overbite. The upper shell (10) and/or the lower shell (12) may be constructed from a hard material and a softer material, respectively. In n embodiment, the upper shell (10) and the lower shell (12) may be connected by, for example, a spring (76) or a hinge (20).

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 82

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3705/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A DENTAL APPLIANCE HAVING A DUPLICATED TOOTH AREA AND/OR A PREDICTED TOOTH AREA AND A METHOD FOR CORRECTING THE POSITION OF THE TEETH OF A PATIENT" (51) International classification :A61C (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/384,315 1)ORTHO-TAIN, INC Address of Applicant :950 GREEN BAY ROAD, (32) Priority Date :30/05/2002 WINNETKA, IL 60093, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/17163 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :29/05/2003 1)BERGERSEN, EARL, O (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/101330 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A dental appliance (1) and a method for correcting the arch shape and/or size of a patient by utilizing existing tooth shapes and sizes are provided. A method for correcting the position of the arch and/or teeth of a person is also provided. Also provided is a method for correcting the position of teeth in the mouth, erupting teeth and/or teeth expected to erupt by utilizing existing tooth shapes and sizes and/or group standards. The dental appliance (1) may have teeth sockets (4) which may be formed to match the corresponding tooth of the patient identically or may be formed to correct the position of the tooth into the proper location. The teeth sockets (4) may be sized based on predictions of the size and/or shape of the teeth which have not eruped. The dental appliance (1) may correct, for example, rotations, spacing, crowding, overjet and/or overbite.

No. of Pages : 58 No. of Claims : 103

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3707/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "HIGH DENSITY OPTICAL DISC AND METHOD FOR REPRODUCING AND RECORDING DATA THEREOF" (51) International classification :G11B 7/007 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10-2002-0030424 1)LG ELECTRONICS INC. Address of Applicant :20, YOIDO-DONG, (32) Priority Date :30/05/2002 (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea YOUNGDUNGPO-GU, SEOUL 150-010, REPUBLIC OF (86) International Application No :PCT/KR2003/01066 KOREA Republic of Korea Filing Date :30/05/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/102934 1)PARK, KYUNG CHAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)KIM, YOUNG KUK :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A high-density optical disc such as a high density-digital versatile disc (HD-DVD) or Blu-ray disc, and a method for reproducing or recording data of the high-density optical disc. The high-density optical disc includes a lead-in area, a data area and a lead-out area. The lead-in area has major information. A minimum mark or space length of the major information recorded in the lead-in area is longer than that of data recorded in the data area. The major information of the lead-in area is copied to the lead-out area. On the basis of the data reproduction or recording method, an optical disc device can correctly read and confirm the major information from the high-density optical disc, minimize the interference between a mark and space in high-density recording data, reduce the effects of scratches or dust on the disc, and efficiently prevent an erroneous data reproduction or recording operation.

No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 48

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3944/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ADAPTIVE PNEUMATIC SEAT CUSHION AND BACKREST CUSHION FOR VEHICLES AND AEROPLANES" (51) International classification :B60N 2/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 32 627.4 1)PROSPECTIVE CONCEPTS AG Address of Applicant :FLUGHHOFSTRASSE 41, CH-8152 (32) Priority Date :18/07/2002 GLATTBRUGG, SWITZERLAND Switzerland (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/CH2003/000200 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/03/2003 1)LASZLO KEREKES (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/009400 2)TINA MOOR (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The inventive sitting and reclining cushion is divided into a seat cushion and a back cushion, which are configured in an essentially identical manner. A sleeve (4) consisting of a textile material with low elasticity contains a plurality of tubular pockets (5) consisting of an identical material and joined longitudinally to said sleeve by means of seams (6). Each pocket (5) is likewise connected to its neighbour or neighbours by means of seams (6). Each pocket (5) contains a pouch (7), which consists of an elastic plastic and comprises a valve (8), and can be filled with compressed air. As a result, the pockets (5) modify their shape, thus tensioning the sleeve (4) and forming the actual sitting or reclining surface. The optimised shape of the cushion structure can be adapted to individual requirements for comfort by means of different air pressures in the pouches (7).

No. of Pages : 9 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3967/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NOVEL ARYLIMIDAZOLE DERIVATIVES, PREPARATION AND THERAPEUTIC USES THEREOF" (51) International classification :C07C (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/09416 1)SOCIETE DE CONSEILS DE RECHERCHES ET D' (32) Priority Date :25/07/2002 APPLICATIONS SCIENTIFIQUES (S.C.R.A.S) (33) Name of priority country :France Address of Applicant :SOCIETE PAR ACTIONS (86) International Application No :PCT/FR2003/002336 SIMPLIFIEE, 42, RUE DU DOCTEUR BLANCHE, F-75016 Filing Date :24/07/2003 PARIS, FRANCE France (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/011402 (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application 1)DENNIS BIGG :NA Number 2)ANNE-MARIE LIBERATORE :NA Filing Date 3)PIERRE-ETIENNE CHABRIER DE LASSAUNIERE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concerns compounds of general formula (I), wherein R1 represents H, alkyl, cycloalkyl or cycloalkylalkyl and R2 represents H or alkyl; R3 represents H, alkyl or aralkyl; X represents a bond or a linear or branched alkylene radical (II); Y represents H, cycloalkyl, OR14, SR15, NR4R5 or A represents a bond or phenyl; B and B" are independently selected among alkyl, NR6R7, SR8 and carbocyclic aryl or heterocyclic aryl radicals with five or six members optionally substituted; R4 represents H, alkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, aralkyl, -C(O)R9, -C(O)OR9, -C(O)NHR9 or -SO2R9, or further aryl or aralkyl whereof the aromatic ring is optionally substituted and R5 represents in particular H or alkyl, or further R4 and R5 form with the nitrogen atom bearing them a non-aromatic heterocycle of five to seven members optionally substituted; R6 represents (in particular) H or alkyl and R7 represents (in particular) H or alkyl; R8 represents an alkyl radical optionally substituted; R9 represents alkyl, haloakyl, cycloalkyl or cycloalkylalkyl, or further one of the aralkyl or aryl or heteroaryl radicals optionally substituted; R14 and R15 independently represent (in particular) alkyl, phenyl or aralkyl. The compounds of general formula (I) can be used as NO synthase inhibitors and as modulators of sodium channels (for treating pains, multiple sclerosis, the central nervous system or the peripheral nervous system and the like).

No. of Pages : 52 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4045/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A PLATFORM FOR TRANSDERMAL FORMULATIONS (PTF)" (51) International classification :A61K 9/70 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 28 680,9 1)HOLDEN DEVELOPMENT LIMITED (32) Priority Date :27/06/2002 Address of Applicant :TRIDENT CHAMBERS, P.O.BOX 146, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/IB2003/003467 ISLANDS VIRGIN ISLANDS (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/06/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/002444 1)LANDSCHAFT, YUVAL, SIMHA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A composition which can be used a platform for transdermal administration of therapeutically active compounds and/or nutrients, which comprises (a) at least one therapeutically active compound and/or at least one nutrient, and (b) a non-oily emulsion

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4078/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "USE OF PERFLUOROALKYL-CONTAINING METAL COMPLEXES AS CONTRAST MEDIA IN MR-IMAGING FOR VISUALIZATION OF INTRAVASCULAR THROMBI" (51) International classification :A61K 49/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 31 799.2 1)SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Address of Applicant :MULLERSTRASSE 178, D-13353 (32) Priority Date :10/07/2002 BERLIN, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/007274 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :05/07/2003 1)BERND MISSELWITZ (87) International Publication No : WO/2004/006965 2)JOHANNES PLATZEK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)YOKO KAWATA :NA Number 4)HANNS-JOACHIM WEINMANN :NA Filing Date 5)TAKISHI YOKAWA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)ULRICH NIEDBALLA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to the use of metal complexes containing perfluoroalkyl as contrast agents in MR imaging for representing intravascular thrombi. Said complexes have a critical micelle-formation concentration < 10-3 mol/l, a hydrodynamic micelle diameter (2 Rh) > 1 nm and a proton relaxivity in plasma (R1) > 10 l/mmols.

No. of Pages : 93 No. of Claims : 50

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3894/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "MULTIMEDIA CONTENT DELIVERY THROUGH WLAN COVERAGE AREA" (51) International classification :H04B (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/390,837 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A (32) Priority Date :21/06/2002 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92648 BOULOGNE, (FR) France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/019431 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/06/2003 1)VERMA, SHAILY (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/062114 2)WANG, CHARLES, CHUANMING (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)LI, JUN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system (10) for transferring content includes a wireless local area network (WLAN) and a network module (25) provided within the WLAN or a cellular network to alert users of available content in the WLAN and handle user requests made for content when a user has access to the cellular network. The network module (25), which may comprise an interworking function (25), delivers the content to the user through the WLAN when the user is present in a coverage area of the WLAN. The invention allows a user to view the programs available for download and request a specific program using a relatively low speed network, such as a cellular network, and download the program through a high speed network, such as a WLAN.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3976/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/09/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SYNTHETIC AND CHIMERIC PROMOTERS, EXPRESSION CASSETTES, PLASMIDS, VECTORS, TRANSGENIC PLANTS AND SEEDS CONTAINING THEM, AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THEM" (51) International classification :C12N 15/82 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :99/12373 1)MERISTEM THERAPEUTICS (32) Priority Date :30/09/1999 Address of Applicant :8, RUE DES FRERES LUMIERE, F(33) Name of priority country :France 63100 CLERMONT FERRAND FRANCE. France (86) International Application No :PCT/IB00/1383 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :28/09/2000 1)VERONIQUE GRUBER (87) International Publication No :WO 01/23593 2)FREDERIC NORRE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MANFRED THEISEN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :IN/PCT/2001/00451/DEL Filed on :30/05/2001 (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to synthetic and chimeric promoters comprising at least one nucleic acid sequence derived from a promoter of a gene encoding a high molecular weight wheat glutenin (HMWG). The invention also relates to expression cassettes, vectors and transgenic plants containing said promoters, and to a method for the production of said transgenic plants and seeds.

No. of Pages : 98 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4038/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING AND SEGMENTING REPEATING MEDIA OBJECTS EMBEDDED IN A STREAM" (51) International classification :H04N 7/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/187,774 1)MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE MICROSOFT WAY, (32) Priority Date :01/07/2002 REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/020772 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :30/06/2003 1)CORMAC HERLEY (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/004345 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An "object extractor" (260) automatically identifies and segments repeating media objects in a media stream (210). "Objects" are any section of non-negligible duration, i.e., a song, video, advertisement, jingle, etc., which would be considered to be a logical unit by a human listener or viewer. Identification and segmentation of repeating objects is achieved by directly comparing sections of the media stream (210) to identify matching portions of the stream, then aligning the matching portions to identify object endpoints. Alternately, a suite of object dependent algorithms is employed to target particular aspects of the stream for identifying possible objects within the stream. Confirmation of possible objects as repeating objects is achieved by automatically searching for potentially matching objects in a dynamic object database (230), followed by a detailed comparison to one or more of the potentially matching objects. Object endpoints are then determined by automatic alignment (250) and comparison to other copies of that object.

No. of Pages : 68 No. of Claims : 25

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4060/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FUEL CELL SYSTEM WITH MIXER/EDUCTOR" (51) International classification :H01M 02/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/187,495 1)FUELCELL ENERGY, INC (32) Priority Date :02/07/2002 Address of Applicant :3 GREAT PASTURE ROAD, DANBURY, CT 06813, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/015657 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/05/2003 1)SCOTT BLANCHET (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/006375 2)PINAKIN PATEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A fuel cell system containing a mixer/eductor (7) for reducing the pressure difference between the gases in the anode (3) and cathodesides (4) of a fuel cell stack is disclosed. The mixer/eductor (7) is placed at the mixing point between the anode tail or exhaust fuel gas (3b) and the fresh air or oxidant supply gas inlet. The incoming oxidant pressure is converted to a high momentum stream to form a suction on the fuel exhaust gas. This suction compensates for pressure losses in the gas piping and the oxidizer used to burn the exhaust fuel gas resulting in substantial balancing of the anode and cathode-side gas pressures. The mixer/eductor (7) can be in the form of an axial or annular jet pump unit, both of which are advantageous in aggressively mixing the fuel exhaust gas with the incoming oxidant or air. The mixer/eductor geometry can be varied to provide the proper suction to balance pressures over a chosen range of operating conditions. Additionally, the incoming fresh air flow rate or an oxidant exhaust recycle flow rate can be varied to actively balance pressures at any operating point.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3806/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A LAMP AND METHOD OF PRODUCING A LAMP" (51) International classification :H01L 25/075 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 2979 1)LEDNIUM TECHNOLOGY PTY.LIMITED (32) Priority Date :14/06/2002 Address of Applicant :SUITE 1804, TOWER A. ZENITH CENTRE, 821 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, CHATSWOOD, NEW (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00724 SOUTH WALES 2067, AUSTRALIA Australia (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/06/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/107423 1)JEGANATHAN BALU (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)MONTAGNAT JOHN ALBERT :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of producing a lamp, including: mounting light emitting junctions (LED"s 4) in respective receptacles (2); mounting the receptacles on a curved support structure (110) so as to form a three-dimensional array; and placing the light emitting junctions in electrical connection with the support structure. The receptacles (2) are formed by pressing or stamping from thin sheet metal separately to support (110), and the LED"s (4) are mounted therein prior to mounting the receptacles on the support (110). The receptacles can function to guide or reflect light output from the junctions. The support (110) can be a leadframe with cavities or holes to receive the receptacles (2).

No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 53

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3807/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS PROVIDING INFORMATION TRANSFER" (51) International classification :H04B 7/185 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201404-1 1)PILOTFISH NETWORKS AB (32) Priority Date :06/05/2002 Address of Applicant :STORA BADHUSGATAN 18-20, SE411 21 GOTEBORG, SWEDEN Sweden (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/00708 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/05/2003 1)MATTIAS BERGANDER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/094388 2)ERIK LARSSON (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and a system of providing information transfer between at least one data unit and a central server. A data unit in an area within which at least partly two different communication means have an overlapping coverage, transfer information with the central server by means of one of these communication means. Selection of the communication means is done from a plurality of parameters governed by a data unit profile. The central server in turn will in most applications be interconnected to one or more users and their applications by means of a further communication network, such as the internet. A user will thus communicate with the central server by means of a single communication network and method even though several different communication networks and methods are used for information transfer to and from the data unit or units.

No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 34

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3808/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "VIBRATORY SCREENING MACHINE WITH SUCTION AND PRESSURE AND METHOD FOR SCREENING A SLURRY" (51) International classification :B01D 37/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/167,996 1)DERRICK CORPORATION Address of Applicant :590 DUKE ROAD, BUFFALO, NEW (32) Priority Date :12/06/2002 YORK 14225, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/16276 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/05/2003 1)MITCHELL JAMES DERRICK (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/105988 2)ROBERT GORDON DERRICK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JAMES MOONEY :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A vibratory screening machine (10) including a frame (11, 12), a vibratory motor (42) on said frame, a bed (69, 104, 110, 111) on the frame (12), a plurality of screens (112) on the bed, a chamber (73, 74, 75) below each of the screens, and a source (159) of suction and pressure in communication with each of the chambers (73, 74, 75). A method of screening a slurry containing a mixture of fine and coarse particles and liquid including the steps of providing a vibratory screen (112), passing the mixture across the vibratory screen, applying suction on the opposite side of the vibratory screen from the mixture to draw liquid and fine particles from the mixture through said screen and into a chamber (73) below the screen, and either intermittently terminating the suction or applying pneumatic pressure to the chamber.

No. of Pages : 56 No. of Claims : 43

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4141/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "OPTICAL FIBER AND METHOD OF FABRICATING THE SAME" (51) International classification :C03B 37/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-201795 1)SUMITOMO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, LTD (32) Priority Date :10/07/2002 Address of Applicant :5-33, KITAHAMA 4-CHOME, CHUOKU, OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA 541-0041, JAPAN Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2003/08788 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/07/2003 1)KATSUYA NAGAYAMA (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/007383 2)KEISEI MORITA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An optical fiber matrix (2) is prepared by adding Ge into a core region in an amount which satisfies the condition of [Ge] ‰¥ 0.3 %, wherein [Ge] is the relative refractive index difference expressed in a percentage % relative to pure SiO2, and formed into an optical fiber (3) by conducting hot wire drawing in a wire drawing furnace (11). In a heat treatment furnace (21) at the succeeding stage of the wire drawing furnace (11), the optical fiber (3) is annealed at a cooling rate of 2000 °C/second or less under the condition that the annealing time is not shorter than the relaxation time. Then the annealed optical fiber (3) is introduced into a cooling means (31) at an introduction temperature not less than 700 °C, and forcedly cooled by the cooling means (31). Consequently, there can be obtained an optical fiber having a reduced Rayleigh scattering loss and a good hydrogen resistant property with a high productivity. A method for manufacturing such an optical fiber is also disclosed.

No. of Pages : 70 No. of Claims : 10

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(21) Application No.3749/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "RECIPROCATING PISTON INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES" (51) International classification :F01M 13/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0212588.8 1)J.C. BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :30/05/2002 Address of Applicant :ROCESTER, UTTOXETER, STAFFORDSHIRE ST14 5JP, UK U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/02335 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/05/2003 1)SHARMAN, GREVILLE GEORGE (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/102388 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An internal combustion engine includes a cylinder block (2) defining a plurality of cylinders (5) reciprocably accommodating respective pistons (7), which are connected by respective connecting rods (9) to a common crankshaft (11), which is accommodated in a crankcase. Each cylinder communicates with a common inlet manifold (21) via one or more inlet valves (19). The crankcase communicates with the inlet manifold via a pathway which includes a droplet separator comprising a labyrinthine pathway. The crankshaft (11) carries a drive gear (13), which is in mesh with a plurality of driven gears (15) accommodated in a gearcase (6), which is connected on one end of the cylinder block (2), whereby the crankcase and the gearcase have adjacent opposed surfaces. The labyrinthine pathway is defined at least in part by the said opposed surfaces of the crankcase and the gearcase.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4134/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ASSEMBLY OF CROSSING ELEMENTS AND METHOD OF CONSTRUCTING SAME" (51) International classification :B01F 5/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/395,885 1)SULZER CHEMTECH USA, INC (32) Priority Date :15/07/2002 Address of Applicant :SUITE 200, 423 SOUTH BOULDER, TULSA, OK 74170, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/021893 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :15/07/2003 1)MCMILLEN, ROBERT, E (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/007063 2)STREIFF, FELIX, A (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A statis mixer (10) is provided with a first grid (14) having one or more crossing elements (16) and one or more slots and a second grid (14) having one or more crossing elements (16) and one or more slots. The crossing elements (16) of the first grid (14) are arranged at intersecting angles to the crossing elements (16) of the second grid (14). At least one elongated connector (18) is positioned between and secured to adjacent crossing elements (16) of the first grid (14) and crossing elements (16) of the second grid (14). The grids may further be arranged such that each crossing element of one grid intersects a slot in the other grid.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 25

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(21) Application No.4154/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "USE OF ESCHERICHIA COLI HEAT LABILE TOXIN AS AN ADJUVANT IN BIRDS AND POULTRY" (51) International classification :C12N (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/406,359 1)DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC Address of Applicant :9330 ZIONSVILLE ROAD, (32) Priority Date :27/08/2002 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268-1054, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/026721 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/08/2003 1)TIMOTHY J. MILLER (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/020585 2)MATTHEW J. FANTON (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention is drawn to compositions and methods for using E. coli heat labile toxin (LT) and known analogs as adjuvants in birds. The invention further provides compositions and methods for using plant-produced LT, its known analogs, and protective immunogens as vaccines in birds.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4159/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF PURIFYING FISCHER TROPSCH DERIVED WATER" (51) International classification :C02F 1/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/389,653 1)SASOL TECHNOLOGY (PTY) LTD (32) Priority Date :18/06/2002 Address of Applicant :1 STURDEE AVENUE, ROSEBANK 2196, JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA South Africa (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/ZA2003/00079 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/06/2003 1)DANCUART KOHLER, LUIS, PABLO, FIDEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/106349 2)DU PLESSIS, GERT, HENDRIK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DU TOIT, FRANCOIS, JACOBUS :NA Number 4)PHILLIPS, TREVOR, DAVID :NA Filing Date 5)VAN DER WALT, JANETTE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the production of highly purified water 38 from Fischer-Tropsch reaction water 12, includes at least the steps of a primary treatment stage comprising an equilibrium staged separation process 14 having at least one stage for removing at least a fraction of non-acid oxygenated hydrocarbons from the Fischer-Tropsch reaction water 12 to produce a primary water-enriched stream 16, a secondary treatment stage comprising at least one membrane separation process 28 for removing at least some suspended solids and acidic oxygenated hydrocarbons from at least a portion of the primary water-enriched stream 16 to produce a secondary waterenriched stream 34 and a tertiary treatment stage comprising a dissolved salt and organic removal stage 36 for removing at least some dissolved salts and organic constituents from at least a portion of the secondary water-enriched stream 34.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 37

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4162/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF PURIFYING FISCHER TROPSCH DERIVED WATER" (51) International classification :C02F 1/4 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/390,689 1)SASOL TECHNOLOGY (PTY) LTD (32) Priority Date :18/06/2002 Address of Applicant :1 STURDEE AVENUE, ROSEBANK 2196, JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA South Africa (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/ZA2003/00080 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/06/2003 1)DANCUART KOHLER, LUIS, PABLO, FIDEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/106346 2)DU PLESSIS, GERT, HENDRIK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DU TOIT, FRANCOIS, JACOBUS :NA Number 4)KOPER, EDWARD, LUDOVICUS :NA Filing Date 5)PHILLIPS, TREVOR, DAVID (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)VAN DER WALT, JANETTE Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the production of highly purified water 40 from Fischer-Tropsch reaction water 12 includes distillation 14 as a primary treatment stage, evaporation 20 as a secondary treatment stage, aerobic treatment 24 as a tertiary treatment stage, solid-liquid separation 32 as a quartic treatment stage and membrane separation 38 as a final treatment stage.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 35

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3937/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SHAPED ARTICLES WITH IMPROVED STABILITY" (51) International classification :D02G 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/434,599 1)E.I.DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :19/12/2002 Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/018623 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/06/2003 1)JING CHUNG CHANG (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/061174 2)JOSEPH V. KURIAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A shaped article comprising poly[(alkylene-co-dianhydrosugar ester) dicarboxylate] or poly(alkylene-co-dianhydro-dicarboxylate) having improved stability in the form of less change of Tg and reduced shrinkage upon storage at elevated temperature is disclosed.

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 26

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3938/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ESTER-MODIFIED DICARBOXYLATE POLYMERS" (51) International classification :C08F 20/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/434,758 1)E.I.DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :19/12/2002 Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/018636 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/06/2003 1)JOSEPH V. KURIAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/060939 2)YUANFENG LIANG (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A polymer comprising poly(alkylene-co-dianhydrosugar ester) dicarboxylate and its preparation by reacting an alkylene diol, terephthalic acid, and a moiety of formula 1 X-Ia#191-(A-I) n#191-Ab#191-X Formula 1 wherein:A is the ester residue from an anhydrosugar alcohol or dianhydrosugar alcohol,I is the ester residue from a diacid or its dialkyl esters,X is H when linked to an A residue, OH when linked to an I residue derived from a dibasic acid, and OR when linked to an I residue derived from a dialkyl ester of the dibasic acid,R is a C1 C4 straight or branched chain alkyl group,a and b are independently 0 or 1, andn is 1 to 10is disclosed.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 26

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(21) Application No.3939/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "POLY[1,3-PROPYLENE-CO-1, 4:3,6-DIANHYDRO-D-SORBITOL TEREPHTHALATE] AND MANUFACTURING PROCESS" (51) International classification :C07C (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/172,112 1)E.I.DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY Address of Applicant :1007 MARKET STREET, (32) Priority Date :14/06/2002 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/18621 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :12/06/2003 1)DOUGLAS J. ADELMAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/106383 2)ROBIN N. GREENE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DONALD E. PUTZIG :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A melt polymerization process for the preparation of poly(1,3-propylene-co-isosorbide) terephthalate (3GIT), new 3GITs and products made from the 3GITs. The process comprises (a) providing a mixture comprising terephthalic acid or its alkyl ester, 1,3-propanediol and isosorbide in a molar ratio of diols to terephthalic acid or its alkyl ester of from about 1.1:1 to about 1.6:1 and a molar ratio of 1,3propanediol to isosorbide of from about 2:1 to about 10:1; (b) reacting the mixture in an inert atmosphere at a temperature of about 180 to about 245°C, with concurrent removal of a distillate comprising at least 80% of the water or alkanol volatile reaction product, wherein the distillate contains less than about 5 weight % 1,3-propanediol and less than 1 weight % isosorbide; and (c) continuing the reaction in the presence of a polycondensation catalyst at a pressure of about 0.25 to about 2 mm Hg and about 245 to about 260°C to form a 3GIT containing about 4 to about 20 mole % isosorbide units, based on the 3GIT.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.394/DEL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SPINING APPARATUS"

(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No

:D01H7/02; D01H1/00; D01H7/02 :2008089633 :31/03/2008 :Japan :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)MURATA MACHINERY, LTD. Address of Applicant :3, MINAMI OCHIAI-CHO, KISSHOIN, MINAMI-KU, KYOTO-SHI, KYOTO 601-8326, JAPAN. Japan (72)Name of Inventor : 1)KAWASHIMA KIYOTAKA 2)HORIGUCHI KENJI

(32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a spinning apparatus that collectively manages pressures in a plurality of air spinning units. A spinning machine includes a plurality of spinning units, and a unit controller and a frame control device which serve as a pressure collective management device. Each of the air spinning units includes a whirling flow generating chamber and a pressure sensor. The whirling flow generating chamber internally generates a whirling air flow to twist fibers. The pressure sensor detects pressure inside the whirling flow generating chamber. The unit controller includes a receiving section and a pressure abnormality determining section. The receiving section can receive a pressure value signal from each of the pressure sensors. The pressure abnormality determining section compares the pressure value with a predetermined threshold value to determine whether or not the pressure in each of the air spinning units is abnormal.

No. of Pages : 52 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4184/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "GEOGRID OR MESH STRUCTURE" (51) International classification :F02D 29/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0214931.8 1)TENSAR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (32) Priority Date :27/06/2002 Address of Applicant :NEW WELLINGTON STREET, BLACKBURN BB2 4PJ, UK U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/02753 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :27/06/2003 1)WALSH, ANTHONY,THOMAS (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/003303 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : To make an oriented plastics material geogrid (10) in which oriented strands (6, 9) form triangular meshes with a junction (11) at each corner and six of the strands (6, 9) meet at each junction (11), a plastics material sheet starting material has holes in an array of hexagons, opposite holes of each hexagon being aligned in the machine direction, and the starting material is stretched first in the machine direction and secondly in the transverse direction. In the eventual geogrid (10), the centre portions of the hexagons in the starting material form the junctions (11). The centres of the junctions (11) are slightly biaxially oriented, but at the edges of the junctions (11), the orientation of the edge of substantially each strand (6) or (9) runs around the edge of the respective junction (11) and into the edge of the next strand (6) or (9). During the second stretch, restraint can be applied in the first stretch direction and discontinued before the material is allowed to relax in the second stretch direction. If desired, the procedure can be terminated after the first stretch, to produce a uniaxially-oriented geogrid. By using a starting material which has through holes and weakened zones, it is possible to form the geogrid of the invention from a starting material having a rectangular array of through holes.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 48

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3708/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR THE PROTECTION OF ENDOTHELIAL AND EPITHELIAL CELLS DURING CHEMOTHERAPY" (51) International classification :A61K 31/7088 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/384,114 1)KLINIKUM DER UNIVERSITAET REGENSBURG Address of Applicant :FRANZ-JOSEF-STRAUSS-ALLEE 11, (32) Priority Date :31/05/2002 (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. D-93053 REGENSBURG, GERMANY. Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/05753 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :02/06/2003 1)EISSNER, GUENTHER (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/101468 2)HOLLER, ERNST (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention is directed to the use of a protective oligodeoxyribonucleotide for the treatment of a patient undergoing treatment with an immunosupressant. The invention is further directed to a pharmaceutical composition containing a therapeutically effective dose of an immunosuppressant and of a protective oligodeoxyribonucleotide.

No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3709/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/11/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "TREATMENT OF HZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL" (51) International classification :C04B 18/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PS 2007 1)DOLOMATRIX INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (32) Priority Date :29/04/2002 Address of Applicant :SUITE 1, LEVEL 6, 1 ELIZABETH PLAZA, NORTH SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES 2060, (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00503 AUSTRALIA Australia (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/04/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/093190 1)DOUMBOS, JON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)GARMAN, DAVID :NA Number 3)RICHARDSON GEOFF :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of incorporating a material in a settable binder is disclosed. The binder includes a source of caustic magnesium oxide. The method involves mixing the material with the binder, either as part of a slurry or for subsequent formation into a slurry, and then adding a setting agent to the slurry. The setting agent is added to enhance setting of the binder. The material can be a hazardous waste material or components thereof. The inventors have surprisingly discovered that when the setting agent is added after mixing of the material with the binder, that a superior setting of the material in the binder can be achieved. The settable composition can comprise only a caustic magnesium oxide binder and a setting agent for the binder, as the inventors have surprisingly discovered that there is no need for any other binding agents, thus providing a simpler binder composition and method of use.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.5004/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/11/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "APPARATUS AND METHOD OF HANDLING UTRAN RADIO RESOURCE CONTROL CONNECTING MESSAGES IN UMTS USER EQUIPMENT" (51) International classification :H04Q 7/32 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2,428,236 1)M-STACK LIMITED Address of Applicant :CHANCERY HOUSE, (32) Priority Date :08/05/2003 BIRMINGHAM B1 2RX, GREAT BRITAIN U.K. (33) Name of priority country :Canada (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2004/001991 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :07/05/2004 1)PEDLAR DAVID W (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/100585 2)FUNNELL NICOLA M (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HARRISON ROBERT J :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: The deiaiis of an apparatus and mclhod of bundling universal terrestiia] radio access network radio resource control connecting messages in UMTS user equipment are disclosed herein. According to one aspect of the present application, there i$ provided a user equipment appa-ratus adapted to receive messages from a UTRAN including a stale machine having a Connecting state whereat a connecting coairaand is handled by transitioning to an unambiguous State upon exchange of die connecting command. According to another aspect of the present application, there is provided a method of bundling an unsolicited command sent from a UTRAN including the steps of: determining if the user equipment is in a ininsitional stale trying to esiab-lish a connection with the UTRAN; and if so determined, tmnsiiioning from the transitional state to an unambiguous state.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.5036/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/11/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : TREATMENT FOR ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND RELATED CONDITIONS (51) International classification :A61K 31/4439 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0313772.6 1)MERCK SHARP & DOHME LIMITED (32) Priority Date :13/06/2003 Address of Applicant :HERTFORD ROAD HODDESDON HERTFORDSHIRE EN11 9BU U.K U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2004/002381 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/06/2004 1)CASTRO PINEIRO, JOSE LUIS (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/110443 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : There is disclosed the combination of a growth hormone secretagogue and at least one agent which modifies the production or processing of A in the brain, said at least one agent being selected from: (a) compounds which inhibit the secretion of A; (b) compounds which selectively inhibit the secretion of the 1-42 isoform of A; (c) compounds which inhibit the aggregation of A; and (d)antibodies which selectively bind to A;for use in treatment or prevention of a disease associated with deposition of A in the brain.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.5098/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/11/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SILVER-CONTAINING CATALYSTS, THE MANUFACTURE OF SUCH SILVER CONTAINING CATALYSTS AND THE USE THEREOF" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : A high activity and high selectivity silver catalyst comprising silver and, optionally, one or more promoters supported on a suitable support material having the form of a shaped agglomerate. The structure of the shaped agglomerate is that of a hollow cylinder having a relatively small inside (bore) diameter. The catalyst is made by providing the shaped material of a particular geometry and incorporating the catalytic components therein. The catalyst is useful in the epoxidation of ethylene.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4143/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "OXYGEN ENHANCED COMBUSTION OF LOWER RANK FUELS" (51) International classification :F23M 3/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/194,574 1)PRAXAIR TECHNOLOGY, INC (32) Priority Date :11/07/2002 Address of Applicant :39 OLD RIDGEBURY, ROAD, DANBURY, CONNECTICUT 06810-5113, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/021274 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/07/2003 1)HISASHI KOBAYASHI (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/008028 2)LAWRENCE E. BOOL, III (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KUANG TSAI WU :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A furnace (1) that combusts fuel, such as coal, of a given minimum energy content to obtain a stated minimum amount of energy per unit of time is enabled to combust fuel having a lower energy content, while still obtaining at least the stated minimum energy generation rate, by replacing a small amount of the combustion air fed to the furnace by oxygen. The replacement of oxygen for combustion air also provides reduction in the generation of NOx.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4148/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BRAKE BOOSTER WITH EMERGENCY BRAKE ASSIST FUNCTION" (51) International classification :B60T 13/575 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 34 693.3 1)LUCAS AUTOMOTIVE GMBH (32) Priority Date :30/07/2002 Address of Applicant :CARL-SPAETER-STRASSE 8, 56070 KOBLENZ, GERMANY Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2003/08318 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/07/2003 1)ERNESTO BRAVO VILLIAMAYOR (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/012975 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a brake servo unit (10), in particular for motor vehicles, comprising a control valve (22) for controlling the servo action that is generated by the brake servo unit. Said control valve (22) comprises a control valve housing (18), an input member (24), an output member (34) and a pressure part (38) that is located between the input member (24) and the output member (34) and that acts on the output member (34). The pressure part (38) is detachably supported on the control valve housing (18) by means of a coupling element that is prestressed by a spring, dependent on a relative displacement caused by the input member (24) between said pressure part (38) and control valve housing (18). To simplify the construction without detrimentally affecting the function of the unit, the spring and the coupling element are configured as a one-piece coupling component (52) that is fixed to the control valve housing (18).

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.533/DEL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMPONENT MOUNTING APPARATUS, MOUNTING-COMPONENT PRODUCING METHOD, AND CONVEYOR APPARATUS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No

:H01L21/58 (71)Name of Applicant : :P20081)SONY CORPORATION 098644 Address of Applicant :1-7-1 KONAN, MINATO-KU, :04/04/2008 TOKYO, JAPAN. Japan :Japan (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)HIROMI NEMOTO :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A component mounting apparatus includes: a load area to load a substrate; an unload area to unload the substrate; a main area interposed between the load and unload areas, including a first area including a first mounting area, a second area including a second mounting area, and a third area interposed therebetween; two mounting units to mount, on the substrate, first and second components in the first and second mounting areas, respectively; a conveyor group to convey the substrate, including first to fourth conveyors, the second and fourth conveyors being capable of receiving the substrate from the first and third conveyors in the first and second areas, respectively; and a driving mechanism capable of moving at least one of the first and second conveyors between the first and third areas and moving at least one of the third and fourth conveyors between the second and third areas.

No. of Pages : 73 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.5353/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/11/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : CANNABINOID RECEPTOR LIGANDS AND USES THEREOF (51) International classification :C07D 487/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/476,942 1)PFIZER PRODUCTS INC (32) Priority Date :09/06/2003 Address of Applicant :EASTERN POINT ROAD, GROTON, CONNECTICUT 06340, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/IB2004/001888 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/06/2004 1)PHILIP A. CARPINO (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/108728 2)SUBAS SAKYA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Compounds of formula (I) or (II) that act as cannabinoid receptor ligands and their uses in the treatment of diseases linked to the mediation of the cannabinoid receptors in animals are described herein.

No. of Pages : 99 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.541/DEL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ROTOR FOR AN ELECTRIC DRIVE MOTOR OF A REFRIGERANT COMPRESSOR" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No

:H02K (71)Name of Applicant : :10 2008 1)DANFOSS COMPRESSORS GMBH 017 276.6 Address of Applicant :MADS-CLAUSEN-STR. 7, P.O. BOX :04/04/2008 1443, D-24904 FLENSBURG, GERMANY. Germany :Germany (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)IVERSEN, FRANK HOLM :NA 2)NOMMENSEN, MARTEN :NA 3)HANDKE, EKKEHARD :NA :NA :NA :NA

(32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The invention concerns a rotor (1) for an electric drive motor of a refrigerant compressor with a cylinder ring (2), several permanent magnets (14) resting on the radial inside of the cylinder ring (2), each permanent magnet (14) forming a ring section, und fixing elements (15) between the permanent magnets (14), said fixing elements (15) engaging a fixing geometry (4, 16) of the cylinder ring (2). It is endeavoured to simplify the manufacturing of such a rotor. For this purpose, the cylinder ring (2) is located in a carrier (5), which comprises a bottom (6) and a circumferential wall (7), the permanent magnets (14, 14a, 14b) resting on the bottom (6), and each fixing element (15, 15a, 15b) comprising at least one projection (17, 18), which covers a side (24) of the permanent magnet (14, 14a, 14b) facing away from the bottom (6).

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.411/DEL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No

:B65H59/10; (71)Name of Applicant : B65H54/38; 1)MURATA MACHINERY, LTD. B65H63/08 Address of Applicant :3 MIAMI OCHIAI-CHO, KISSHOIN, MINAMI-KU, KYOTO-SHI, KYOTO 601-8326, JAPAN. Japan :2008(72)Name of Inventor : 089627 :31/03/2008 1)ITOI AKIHIRO :Japan 2)KINO YOSHIHIRO :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A winding unit 10 includes an accumulator 61 which enables a yarn 20 to be accumulated before the yarn 20 is wound into a package 30 and which enables the accumulated yarn 20 to be drawn out to a yarn supplying bobbin 21 side, and a unit control section 50. When a clearer 15 detects a yarn defect, the unit control section 50 draws out a portion of the yarn containing the yarn defect, from the accumulator 61 to the yarn supplying bobbin 21 side. The drawn-out yarn 20 is caught and guided to a splicer device 14 by an upper yarn guide pipe 26. Furthermore, a lower yarn caught by a lower yarn guide pipe 25 is guided to the splicer device 14 for a yarn splicing operation.

No. of Pages : 57 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4110/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "REMOTELY OPERATED CUTTING MODE SHIFTING APPARATUS FOR A COMBINATION FLUID JET DECOKING TOOL" (51) International classification :C10B 33/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/185,303 1)FLOWSERVE MANAGEMENT COMPANY Address of Applicant :222 WEST LAS COLINAS (32) Priority Date :28/06/2002 BOULEVARD, SUITE 1500, IRVING, TEXAS 75039, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/020201 U.S.A. Filing Date :26/06/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/003109 1)DOUGLAS ADAMS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)JAY ROGER CLARK :NA Number 3)LLOYD D. HANSON :NA Filing Date 4)MARTIN PRESCOTT (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)ROBERT M. PURTON Filing Date :NA 6)RICHARD TRAN (57) Abstract : A remotely operated cutting mode shifting apparatus (100) for use with a decoking (10)tool of the type in which the cutting mode is changed by rotation of a diverter valve plate(20), has a shifter body (110) adapted for mounting to the decoking tool and a control rod (115) for engaging with the diverter valve plate. It includes a mechanism within the shifter body for rotating the control rod to drive the diverter valve plate to shift the cutting mode of the decoking tool upon release of cutting fluid pressure from the tool.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.532/DEL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AUTOMATIC WINDER" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No

:D01H 1/38 :2008089032 :31/03/2008 :Japan :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)MURATA MACHINERY, LTD. Address of Applicant :3 MINAMI OCHIAI-CHO, KISSHOIN, MINAMI-KU, KYOTO-SHI, KYOTO 601-8326, JAPAN. Japan (72)Name of Inventor : 1)NAKAGAWA TAKASHI

(32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : An automatic winder includes a yarn winding unit 2 winding a yarn 4 unwound from a yarn supplying bobbin 3 around a winding bobbin 6, 7 while traversing the yarn 4, to form a package 7, and a negative pressure source 62 generating a negative pressure. The yarn winding device 2 has a plurality of suction portion (25, 27, 20) for sucking at least one of the yarn 4 and foreign matter. Each of base ends (25n, 27b, 20c) of the plurality of suction portion (25, 27, 20) is joined to the negative pressure source 62 via a suction control unit 30.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.547/DELNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/01/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : " METHOD FOR DELIVERING A LONG COFFEE EXTRACT FROM A CAPSULE IN A REDUCED FLOW TIME" (51) International classification :A47J 31/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :06015330.1 1)NESTEC S.A. Address of Applicant :AVENUE NESTLE 55, CH-1800 (32) Priority Date :24/07/2006 VEVEY,SWITZERLAND Switzerland (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2007/057071 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :11/07/2007 1)OHRESSER,SYLVIA (87) International Publication No :WO 2008/012202 2)EICHLER,PAUL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KOCH,PETER :NA Number 4)RAETZ,ERNEST :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Method for delivering a long coffee extract from a capsule containing ground coffee within a flow time of 50 seconds or less by injection of water under pressure within the capsule. The capsule is filled with ground coffee and has a delivery membrane. The capsule is extracted in a coffee extraction device, and pressurized water is injected in the capsule under pressure. The coffee beverage is released through the beverage delivery membrane of the capsule with engaging means engaging in and/or against the membrane. The pressure loss is reduced in the coffee bed by providing in the capsule coffee ground having a controlled percentage of fines (F) depending on the average particle size (D4,3). The flow time can be lowered to 40 seconds or even less while maintaining a coffee extraction yield within a high range of 15 to 30%.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4079/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "OLEFIN OLIGOMERIZATION" (51) International classification :C07C 2/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/201,203 1)EXXONMOBIL CHEMICAL PATENTS INC. (32) Priority Date :22/07/2002 Address of Applicant :5200 BAYWAY DRIVE, BAYTOWN, TEXAS 77520-5200, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/011378 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/04/2003 1)STEPHEN H. BROWN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/009518 2)GEORGES M.K. MATHYS (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention is to a method of oligomerizing an olefin stream. The olefin stream contains at least one C2 to C12 olefin to obtain an olefin stream and has from about 1,000 ppm to about 10 percent by weight oxygenated hydrocarbon. The olefin is oligomerized by contacting with an acid based oligomerization catalyst.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.548/DEL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NEW DIOSMETIN COMPOUNDS, A PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : Compounds of formula (I): wherein R1, R2 and R3, which may be the same or different, each represent a hydrogen atom or the group of formula (A): Medicaments.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.5584/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/12/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : METHOD OF THERMOGRAPHIC LUMP SEPARATION OF RAW MATERIAL (VARIANTS) AND DEVICE FOR IMPLEMENTATION THEREOF (VARIANTS) (51) International classification :B03B 13/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :20040604130 1)VOLOSHYN VOLODYMYR M Address of Applicant :25/14, LYSOVOGO ST.,KRYVYI (32) Priority Date :01/06/2004 RIH, 50093, UKRAINE Ukraine (33) Name of priority country :Ukraine (86) International Application No :PCT/UA2004/000036 2) ZUBKEVYCH VIKTOR YU Filing Date :03/06/2004 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/118148 1)VOLOSHYN VOLODYMYR M (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2) ZUBKEVYCH VIKTOR YU :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The interrelated group of inventions relates to methods and devices for raw material lump separation and can be used for dressing ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores, mining chemical feedstock, secondary raw material and technogenic waste. The essence of the inventive method and device lies in that a useful component containing lump and a barren rock is irradiated by an ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic field (UHF). Said radiation frequency is selected in such a way that the electromagnetic wave penetration depth dependent of lump material properties is greater than the lump maximum linear dimension at the peak attenuation of the electromagnetic wave. UHF electromagnetic radiation energy absorbed by the lump material initiates the heating of the components thereof, wherein the component exhibiting a greater electrical conductivity absorbs the greater amount of UHF energy than the component exhibiting a lower electric conductivity during the same time, whereby the heating temperatures of the useful component and the barren stock measured after irradiation are different. The temperature law depends on the mass ratio of the lump components exhibiting different properties and is recorded by a thermographic system. Said invention makes it possible, under the same conditions, to increase the useful component content from 6-10 % to 18-25 %, the increment of the useful component mass ratio by 4.5 %, to reduce the useful component tailing up to 3 % and the energy consumption by 5 % by decreasing the raw material dilution during the processing thereof.

No. of Pages : 91 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.5635/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/12/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CYCLOALKANEPYRROLOPYRIDINES AS DP RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS" (51) International classification :C07D 471/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/479,192 1)MERCK FROSST CANADA LTD (32) Priority Date :12/06/2003 Address of Applicant :16711 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY, KIRKLAND, QUEBEC H9H 3L1 (CA) Canada (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2004/000833 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/06/2004 1)LACHANCE, NICOLAS (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/111047 2)STURINO, CLAUDIO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Novel cycloalkanepyrrolopyridine derivatives are antagonists of prostaglandins, and as such are useful for the treatment of prostaglandin mediated diseases.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 27

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.5986/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/12/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PORTABLE HYDRO-GENERATOR" (51) International classification :F03B 13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :200303232-3 1)MUI, CHIN PANG RICHARD (32) Priority Date :02/06/2003 Address of Applicant :39 JALAN RAJAH, #08-41 FORTUNA COURT, SINGAPORE 329147, SINGAPORE. (33) Name of priority country :Singapore :PCT/SG2004/000161 Singapore (86) International Application No Filing Date :31/05/2004 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/106731 1)MUI, CHIN PANG RICHARD (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A portable hydro-generator (100), for the generation of power, including a tower (10) filled with a driving fluid (110), a semi-sealed curved tubular housing (80) with a drive portion (81) and a return portion (82) primed with a fluid (70), said drive portion (81) having a larger diameter than the return portion (82), an inlet means (60) to allow said fluid to enter said tubular housing (80), a plurality of paddles (30) to harness the kinetic energy of the fluid entering the curved tubular housing, a linkage assembly (34) to link said plurality of paddles, a drive chamber (83), a sprocket (50) within said drive chamber (83) to engage a portion of said paddles, and an output power generator attached to said sprocket. A paddle (30) adapted to be used in the hydro-generator include a top surface (31), a bottom surface (32), seals (33) to prevent water leakage through the paddles, a linkage bar (34) to allow an attachment of said paddle to subsequent paddle, wherein the top surface of the paddle further includes studs (39) to increase the effective surface area of the top of the paddle.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.530/DEL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "AUTOMATIC WINDER AND METHOD FOR DETECTING MALFUNCTION IN AUTOMATIC WINDER" (51) International classification :B65H 54/70 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2008-094299 1)MURATA MACHINERY, LTD. (32) Priority Date :31/03/2008 Address of Applicant :3 MINAMI OCHIAI-CHO, (33) Name of priority country :Japan KISSHOIN, MINAMI-KU, KYOTO-SHI, KYOTO 601-8326, (86) International Application No :NA JAPAN. Japan Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)IMAMURA HISAKATSU (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)MURAYAMA KENICHI Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides an automatic winder including a winding unit 1 guiding a yarn Y unwound from a yarn supplying bobbin 3 through a yarn path to a yarn winding device 4 and winding the yarn Y into a package P in the yarn winding device 4 to manufacture the package P, the automatic winder including a tension sensor 18 measuring tension of the yarn Y passing through the yarn path, and a component malfunction detecting section 22 detecting any of a plurality of components of the winding unit 1 which is malfunctioning, based on a tension measured value detected by the tension sensor 18.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.631/DEL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "COMPOSITION FOR CELL PERMEABILIZATION COMPRISING NOG, HMP, RUBIDIUM CHLORIDE AND/OR LITHIUM CHLORIDE FOR DETECTING LIVING CELLS ON A MEMBRANE" (51) International classification :A01N37/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0852139 1)MILLIPORE CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :01/04/2008 Address of Applicant :290 CONCORD ROAD, US(33) Name of priority country :France BILLERICA, MA 01821, U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)SEBASTIEN RIBAULT (87) International Publication No :NA 2)FREDERIC OLIVIERI (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)HERVE MEDER Filing Date :NA 4)DAVID LEHMANN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)SANDRA LABORDE Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a composition for the permeabilization of the walls of microorganisms comprising the combination of octyl-p-D-glucopyranoside (NOG), sodium polyphosphates (HMP), and a salt chosen from lithium chloride or rubidium chloride, and a method for the enumeration and identification of cells on a membrane using said composition.

No. of Pages : 37 No. of Claims : 35

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.831/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "IMMUNO-CHROMATOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES BASED SIMPLE, RAPID AND FIELD DETECTION SYSTEM OF RICIN: A SCHEDULE-I CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENT" (51) International classification :C12Q1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)DIRECTOR GENERAL, DEFENCE RESEARCH & (32) Priority Date :NA DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, GOVT OF INDIA, DRDO BHAWAN, RAJAJI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 011, (INDIA) Delhi India (87) International Publication No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 1)KUMAR, OM Filing Date :NA 2)PRADHAN, SANTWANA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 3)VIJAYARAGHAVAN, RAJAGOPALAN Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a rapid field detection system of ricin . This system is an immuno - chromatographic technique which utilizes the sandwich immunoassay of ricin with antiricin polyclonal IgG antibodies and monoclonal IgM antibodies . The monoclonal IgM antibodies were obtained from the clone 5F9F7 . The present invention also discloses a kit which utilizes the present method for specific detection of ricin.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.838/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : NOVEL DONOR-ACCEPTOR FLUORENE SCAFFOLDS: A PROCESS AND USES THEREOF :C07C25/24 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL (32) Priority Date :NA RESEARCH (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :ANUSANDHAN BHAWAN, RAFI (86) International Application No :NA MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001,INDIA Delhi India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)ATUL GOEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)SUMIT CHAURASIA Filing Date :NA 3)VIJAY KUMAR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 4)SUNDAR MANOHARAN Filing Date :NA 5)R.S.ANAND (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to novel donor-acceptor fluorene compounds, which can be used as for the fabrication of electroluminescent devices, and a process of preparing said novel compounds. More particularly, the present invention relates to amine donor and nitrile/ester acceptor fluorenes, fluorenones their p-conjugated systems and related compounds, processes for preparing the said compounds including oxidation of fluorenes to corresponding fluorenones and their use in preparing organic electronic devices such as organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), photovoltaic/solar cell, Field effect transistors and other useful electroluminescent devices. The compounds are prepared by reacting 2H-pyran-2-ones in isolated or rigid conformations with cyclic ketones containing methylene carbonyl moiety in the presence of a base in an organic solvent. The compounds may be used for preparing organic electronic devices such as organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), photovoltaic/solar cell, Field effect transistors and other useful electroluminescent devices. The present invention also relates to a new concept and approach to overcome the problem of "Green emission defect" in 9-unsubstituted fluorene-based organic light emitting diodes which occurred due to the conversion of fluorenes to fluorenones that show emission mainly in green-yellow region. In the present invention we have placed donor-acceptor substituents in such a way that donor-acceptor fluorenones show emission in the blue region (instead of green-yellow region) thus improving the blue colour purity and overcoming the problem of green emission defect.

No. of Pages : 68 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3919/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SENSOR" (51) International classification :G01H 11/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0201927-1 1)COVIAL DEVICE AB (32) Priority Date :26/06/2002 Address of Applicant :GEVARSGATAN 8, S-254 66 HELSINGBORG, SWEDEN Sweden (33) Name of priority country :Sweden :PCT/SE2003/000871 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/05/2003 1)TORD CEDELL (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/001353 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The disclosure relates to a method and an apparatus for sensing and indicating permanent state deviations via detection of temporary inner material oscillations in real time in parts of importance for hardware design and construction, within existing production equipment, e.g. machinery, and/or monitoring of previously built-up infrastructure. One or more at least approximately 20 µm thick amorphous or nanocrystalline band elements with high permeability and relatively high magnetostriction are applied to a pertinent part, the band element or elements, respectively, being at least partially surrounded by a multi-turn coil, such atomic movements (oscillations) as occur in any optional such state deviation in the part being transferred to the band element/elements. The deviation either gives rise to a clearly measurable and detectable magnetic flow change (dB/dt) in the coil in proportion to said atomic movements, or to a similarly measurable and detectable inductance change in the coil/coils.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3920/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "REFRESH METHOD AND PIXEL CIRCUIT FOR ACTIVE MATRIX" (51) International classification :G09G 3/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0214468.1 1)GEMIDIS N.V. (32) Priority Date :24/06/2002 Address of Applicant :TECHNOLOGIEPARK 3, B-9052 GENT [ZWIJNAARDE], BELGIUM Belgium (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/BE2003/000108 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/06/2003 1)HERBERT DE SMET (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/001715 2)JEAN VAN DEN STEEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GEERT VAN DOORSELAER :NA Number 4)ANDRE VAN CALSTER :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides an array of pixels, each pixel comprising: a pixel element, a pixel refresh circuit, a first memory element and a first switch element. Each pixel element comprises a first pixel electrode for individual control of the pixel element and a second pixel electrode, the second pixel electrode linking substantially all pixel elements in the array and being connected to a common counter-electrode. The first and second pixel electrode form a first capacitor. The pixel element has a threshold voltage and a modulation voltage. The pixel refresh circuit is intended for transferring electric charge related to a pixel data value from a data input of the pixel to the first pixel electrode via a charge transfer path. The first memory element is coupled to the pixel data input for storing electric charge related to the pixel data value. The first switch element is located between the first memory element and the first pixel electrode, and is for controlling charge transfer from the first memory element through the charge transfer path to the first pixel electrode. According to the present invention, the first switch element and the first memory element co-operate to transfer charge related to the pixel data value passively along the charge transfer path to the first capacitor. According to the present invention, the array further comprises means for applying a dynamically changing voltage to the common counter-electrode, the dynamically changing voltage changing between a first driving value and a second driving value so that the pixel data value is a signal comprised between zero volts and a data voltage value, the data voltage value being not smaller than the modulation voltage and smaller than the sum of the modulation voltage and the threshold voltage of any of the pixels elements. The present invention also provides a method for refreshing pixel values of an array of pixels.

No. of Pages : 55 No. of Claims : 35

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3922/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SPHERICAL PELLET CONTAINING A WATER-SOLUBLE ACTIVE INFREDIENT" (51) International classification :A61K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02077587.0 1)CILAG AG (32) Priority Date :27/06/2002 Address of Applicant :HOCHSTRASSE 201, CH-8205 SCHAFFHAUSEN, SWITZERLAND Switzerland (33) Name of priority country :EPO :PCT/EP2003/006831 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/06/2003 1)BRIAN STRONG (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/002398 2)MARTIN KLOEMKES (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DIETER BACHMANN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for preparing spherical pellets comprising (a) a water-soluble active ingredient soluble, freely soluble or very soluble in water; and in particular having a water-solubility of ≥ 0.5 g/ml; (b) a spheronizing agent; (c) a dry lubricant, said method comprising preparing a mixture of the active ingredient, the spheronising agent, the dry lubricant; and an amount of water which is less than 5%, w/w relative to the total weight of the mixture; extruding said mixture to obtain an extrudate; and spheronising the extrudate to form spherical pellets. The invention further concerns pellets obtained by this process and sustained release oral dosage forms containing said pellets.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.5462/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/11/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "NOVEL LINCOMYCIN DERIVATIVES POSSESSING ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY" (51) International classification :C07H 15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/479,296 1)VICURON PHARMACEUTICALS INC. (32) Priority Date :17/06/2003 Address of Applicant :34790, ARDENTECH CT. FREMONT, CALIFORNIA 94555, U.S.A. U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/019689 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/06/2004 1)JASON GUSTAF LEWIS (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/012320 2)SAMPATH-KUMAR ANANDAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HARDWIN O'DOWD :NA Number 4)MIKHAIL FEDEROVICH GORDEEV :NA Filing Date 5)DINESH V. PATEL (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Novel lincomycin derivatives are disclosed. These lincomycin derivatives exhibit antibacterial activity. The compounds of the subject invention may exhibit potent activities against bacteria, including gram positive organisms, and may be useful antimicrobial agents. Methods of synthesis and of use the compounds are also disclosed.

No. of Pages : 284 No. of Claims : 29

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.8618/DELNP/2007 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/11/2007

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : WINDING STATION WITH MAGAZINE FOR EMPTY TUBES LOCATED UNDER THE WINDING MECHANISM (51) International classification :B65H 67/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :05447126.3 1)TEXTIELMACHINEFABRIEK GILBOS N.V Address of Applicant :GROTE BAAN 10, B-9310 (32) Priority Date :30/05/2005 HERDERSEM-AALST, BELGIUM. Belgium (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2006/004102 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :03/05/2006 1)GILBOS, ERIK (87) International Publication No :WO 2006/128541 2)VAN HAUTTE, CHRISTIAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)RUBBRECHT, EMIEL :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a winding station for winding textile yarn onto empty tubes, comprising: - a winding mechanism (1 ) comprising two flanges (2) for gripping the ends of said tube (8), each flange mounted on a pivoted winding arm (6) , which arms position the empty tube in contact with a driving roller (14) , such that the longitudinal axis of the empty tube is above the longitudinal axis of the driving roller (14), - a stationary, linear magazine (4) with a filling end (5) and a feeding end (7) , wherein - the filling end (5) and the feeding end of the magazine (4) are below the level of the flanges (2) , and - the filling end is above feeding end such that magazine (4) is inclined at angle, alpha, of less than or equal to 45 deg, - a lifting mechanism (11 ) comprising a pivoted arm terminating in a tube carrier (10) , which tube carrier (10) is configured to bring an empty tube from the feeding end of the magazine (4) to a space between the flanges (2) by an arc movement of the arm (9) . It further relates to and a winding assembly.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.866/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : HERBAL FORMULATION FOR OXIDATIVE STRESS AND ITS PROCESS OF PREPARATION :A61K31/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)OM PRAKASH (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :VILLAGE-ITAIHAIRA, P.O., (33) Name of priority country :NA ROZAYAQUBPUR, GREATER NOIDA, DIST. GAUTAM (86) International Application No :NA BUDH NAGAR, U.P. Uttar Pradesh India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)OM PRAKASH (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A pharmaceutical or herbal preparation which comprises a mixture of the -following four herbs: Bacopa monnieri. Curcuma longa, Emblica offlcinale and Zingiber ojficinale or a mixture of the active ingredients that have been extracted from those herbs or their extracts. The herbal formulation of the invention relates to a herbal health protective, promotive and antioxidant formulation.

No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.839/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : The present invention provides a semi-synthetic sesquiterpene lactone Parthenin compound of general formula 1, obtained from a plant weed Parthenium hysterophorus. The semi-synthetic compounds are useful in showing cytotoxicity on human cancer cell lines thus useful in cancer therapy. The effective concentration of the semi-synthetic sesquiterpene lactone compounds is in the range of 150 µM in vitro.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.886/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : RECLAMATION OF SALINE AND SODIC SOIL USING MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY (51) International classification

:C09K17/32; (71)Name of Applicant : C09K17/14 1)CAREPRO BIOSCIENCES PVT LTD :NA Address of Applicant :C-130, LAJPAT NAGAR-1, NEW :NA DELHI-110 024 Delhi India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)PAIKRAY, SITARAM PRASAD :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A microbial technology package is disclosed for the reclamation of sodic alkali soils. The method comprises forming an aqueous solution containing mixed microbial culture. The fungus Trichoderma was also included in the technology along with several biological amendments such as molasses and farmyard manure. The technology being based on microorganisms, the treatment is effective and reclaims the soil up to deeper layers. Soils reclaimed by means of microbial treatment may leach out the excess sodium from clay particle improving the soil aggregation, thereby improving water holding capacity and texture of soil. The complete microbial technology package provided in the present invention was successfully reclaimed the soil to normal fertile soil.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.891/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A RADIOACTIVE TRIMER COMPLEX FOR THE DETECTION OF TUMORS :A61K49/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)PANJAB UNIVERSITY (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :CHANDIGARH-160014 INDIA (33) Name of priority country :NA Chandigarh India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)DHAWAN DEVINDER KUMAR (87) International Publication No :NA 2)MALHOTRA ANSHOO (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)CHADHA VIJAYTA DANI Filing Date :NA 4)AVDESH (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present disclosure provides a trimer complex of a metastable radionuclide, a water soluble protein and an antineoplastic agent selected from cisplatin or doxorubicin that can be used for the early detection of malignant tumors. The present disclosure provides an efficient method for the preparation of the trimer complex with high binding percentage.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.905/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SURFACE-MODIFIED PARTICLES OF IBANDRONATE" :A61K31/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)RANBAXY LABORATORIES LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :12TH FLOOR, DEVIKA TOWER, 6, (33) Name of priority country :NA NEHRU PLACE, NEW DELHI-110019 INDIA Delhi India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)CHITHAMBARAM MUTHU LINGAM (87) International Publication No :NA 2)RACHNA WASON (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)ANUPAM TREHAN Filing Date :NA 4)VINOD KUMAR ARORA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to surface-modified particles of ibandronate and process of preparation thereof, wherein the said particles are in the form of adsorbate comprising ibandronate, a pharmaceutically acceptable polymer and optionally, a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. The said particles are also formulated into solid dosage forms.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.947/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/03/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A STORAGE DEVICE FOR A SHAVING RAZOR" (51) International classification :B65D 83/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :09/364,240 1)THE GILLETTE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :29/07/1999 Address of Applicant :PRUDENTIAL TOWER BUILDING, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02199, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2000/20068 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :24/07/2000 1)CHARLES BRIDGHAM WORRICK, III (87) International Publication No :WO 2001/09007 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :IN/PCT/2001,01205/DEL Filed on :27/12/2001 (57) Abstract : A storage device, e.g., for a shaving razor and replacement cartridges, including a base member having at least one storage compartment, an done or more sealed packages that are each located in a respective storage compartment. The sealed package contains a shaving cartridge including a plastic housing and a plurality of blades. Each compartment provides a retention force, e.g., by opposed members, to retain a respective package within the compartment with a retention force that is less than a peeling force needed to initiate peeling of a cover layer sealably connected to the stored package. The cover has shaving razor engagement structure for carrying a razor on an external surface of the cover.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.60/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/01/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "EXTENDED RELEASE FORMULATION OF DIVALPROEX SODIUM" (51) International classification :A61K 9/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/IB2003/002173 1)RANBAXY LABORATORIES LIMITED (32) Priority Date :06/06/2003 Address of Applicant :19, NEHRU PLACE, NEW DELHI(33) Name of priority country :PCT 110019, INDIA Delhi India (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2003/002173 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :06/06/2003 1)PRATIK KUMAR (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/103635 2)GIRISH KUMAR JAIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ASHOK RAMPAL :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an extended release pharmaceutical composition comprising valproic acid, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, ester, or amide thereof or divalproex sodium.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 71

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.6004/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/12/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : 'APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR INSTALLING FUNCTIONAL NON--ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS' (51) International classification :E04D 13/147 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :MO2003A000191 1)STRASSO, PASQUALE Address of Applicant :VIA ANNIO FLORIANO, 23, 05100 (32) Priority Date :26/06/2003 TERNI, ITLY. Italy (33) Name of priority country :Italy (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2004/002080 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :02/03/2004 1) STRASSO,PASQUALE (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/0036042 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Apparatus, comprising covering means (C) suitable for covering a water tank (2) serving part of a building and mounted onto a portion thereof, said covering means being made in the shape of an architectural component, whereby said apparatus further comprises angular positioning means (9) such as to keep said tank in a substantially vertical position.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.883/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL&NBSP;TRANSFER CASE :C12M1/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)ACME TELE POWER LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :9th FLOOR, INFINITY TOWER, (33) Name of priority country :NA BUILDING C, DLF CYBER CITY, PHASE II, GURGOAN(86) International Application No :NA 1220002, HARYANA, INDIA. Haryana India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)SHAYAM VASANTRAO RAUT (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)SHIV VASANTRAO MISHRA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The biological material transfer case may comprise a box made of insulted panels. A power distribution panel may be provided to switch on and off the power as and when required. Temperature control system may be provided to monitors and control the temperature inside the box at both the ends of the box. Pressure monitoring system may be provided to monitor and control pressure inside the box within a defined range. Phase change material may be provided inside the box to maintain the temperature within the defined range and for a predefined time period. Thermo electric cooler may be provided to support phase change material to maintain temperature within defined range.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.896/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : LOCK DETECTION CIRCUIT FOR PHASE LOCKED LOOP :H03D3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR INC. (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :6501 WILLIAM CANON DRIVE (33) Name of priority country :NA WEST, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78735 U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)KATHURIA, MANAN (87) International Publication No :NA 2)KUMAR, ABHISHEK (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)CHAKRAVARTY, SUHAS Filing Date :NA 4)SURI, ROOPAK (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A lock detector circuit for detecting a lock condition between a reference signal and a feedback signal includes a first counter for outputting a first counter value indicative of a number of clock cycles of the reference signal, and a second counter for outputting a second counter value indicative of a number of clock cycles of the feedback signal. An asynchronous comparator receives said first and second counter values and provides an output signal having a pulse width which is proportional to the difference between the first and second counter values. A pulse width detector receives the comparator"s output signal and produces an output signal which is indicative of the relationship between the pulse width of the comparator"s output signal and a predetermined threshold value. A state machine controls the state of at least one lock indication signal according to the pulse width detector"s output signal.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.906/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "FPGA BASED HIGH FREQUENCY THREE PHASE INVERTER" :H02M (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)SU-KAM POWER SYSTEMS LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :PLOT NO. WZ-1401/2 , NANGAL (33) Name of priority country :NA RAYA, NEW DELHI-110046, INDIA Delhi India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)KUNWER SACHDEV (87) International Publication No :NA 2)VENKAT RAJARAMAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)SANJEEV KUMAR SAINI Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a FPGA based high frequency three phase inverter which gives a single chip solution for implementation of various complex digital control functions in hardware. The space vector modulation PWM (SVM) controller is realized in hardware inside the FPGA in which high frequency 3-phase inverter provides additional advantage of superior harmonic quality and large under modulation range. The FPGA also communicates with user interface devices. The information to the user is also provided in the form of audio messages.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.946/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/03/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A WALL-MOUNTED STORAGE DEVICE FOR CONNECTION TO A SECURING DEVICE" (51) International classification :B65D 83/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/364,240 1)THE GILLETTE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :29/07/1999 Address of Applicant :PRUDENTIAL TOWER BUILDING, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02199, U.S.A. U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2000/20068 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :24/07/2000 1)CHARLES BRIDGHAM WORRICK, III (87) International Publication No :WO 2001/09007 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :IN/PCT/2001,01205/DEL Filed on :27/12/2001 (57) Abstract : A storage device, e.g., for a shaving razor and replacement cartridges, including a base member having at least one storage compartment, an done or more sealed packages that are each located in a respective storage compartment. The sealed package contains a shaving cartridge including a plastic housing and a plurality of blades. Each compartment provides a retention force, e.g., by opposed members, to retain a respective package within the compartment with a retention force that is less than a peeling force needed to initiate peeling of a cover layer sealably connected to the stored package. The cover has shaving razor engagement structure for carrying a razor on an external surface of the cover.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4163/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/12/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF PURIFYING FISCHER TROPSCH DERIVED WATER" (51) International classification :C02F 9/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/390,684 1)SASOL TECHNOLOGY (PTY) LTD (32) Priority Date :18/06/2002 Address of Applicant :1 STURDEE AVENUE, ROSEBANK 2196, JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA South Africa (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/ZA2003/00081 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/06/2003 1)DANCUART KOHLER, LUIS, PABLO, FIDEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/106354 2)DU PLESSIS, GERT, HENDRIK (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DU TOIT, FRANCOIS, JACOBUS :NA Number 4)KOPER, EDWARD, LUDOVICUS :NA Filing Date 5)VAN DER WALT, JANETTE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the production of highly purified water 44 from Fischer-Tropsch reaction water 12 includes distillation 14 as a primary treatment stage, biological treatment including anaerobic digestion 20 and aerobic digestion 22 as a secondary treatment stage, solidliquid separation 32 as a tertiary treatment stage and a dissolved salt and organic removal stage 40 as final treatment stage.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 29

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.5476/DELNP/2005 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/11/2005

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR PREPARING PARTICLES CONTAINING AN ANTIVIRAL" (51) International classification :A61K 31/53 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :04103156.8 1)TIBOTEC PHARMACEUTICALS LTD (32) Priority Date :02/07/2003 Address of Applicant :EASTGATE VILLAGE, EASTGATE, LITTLE ISLAND, CO CORK, IRELAND Ireland (33) Name of priority country :EPO (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2004/051545 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :19/07/2004 1)GAEL LAMOUREUX (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/011702 2)GERARD COUSIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DANIEL JOSEPH CHRISTIAAN THONE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for preparing a particle comprising a co-precipitate surrounding a neutral hydrophilic carrier, said process comprising spraying an organic solution on a neutral hydrophilic carrier, said solution comprising at least one triazine or pyrimidine active ingredient having HIV inhibiting properties, one surface active agent, and one hydrophilic polymer, wherein the spraying of whole of the solution occurs in at least two separate steps, each of these steps followed by a grinding step of the product obtained at the end of the preceding step.

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.846/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a method of cloning stable stress tolerant superoxide dismutase from diverse plant species using universal primers.

No. of Pages : 64 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.486/DEL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "DOUBLE HEAD DRAWFRAME" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No

:D01H5/70 (71)Name of Applicant : :10 2008 1)RIETER INGOLSTADT GMBH. 000 920.2 Address of Applicant :FRIEDRICH-EBERT-STR. 84, 85055 :01/04/2008 INGOLSTADT, GERMANY. Germany :Germany (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)OTMAR KOVACS :NA 2)ARMIN BRUNNER :NA 3)DR. KLAUS-UWE MOLL :NA :NA :NA :NA

(32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A double-head draw frame is proposed, having two drafting systems (2) arranged next to one another, each for drafting a fibre bundle (FB) supplied to the respective drafting systems (2). The double-head draw frame is characterised in that, viewed from above, a central platform (10) from which an operator (B) has access to both drafting systems (2) is arranged between the two drafting systems (2). (Figure 1)

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.869/DEL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "A NOVEL SYSTEM FOR GENERATING POWER FROM SOLAR ENERGY" :H01L (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)MOHAN CHANDRA (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :# 202, SECTOR 36A, CHANDIGARH(33) Name of priority country :NA 160036, INDIA Chandigarh India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)MOHAN CHANDRA (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a novel Photovoltaic system to generate electricity from solar energy by using a novel diurnal threestep sun-tracker for making extended linear arrays of PV panels, suitably-spaced to avoid inter se shadows, to swivel with the sun as it travels across the horizon during the day for increasing their power generating efficiency and exploiting the response of PV panels to incident solar radiation at higher altitudes. The instant invention takes advantage of many suitably oriented natural mountain slopes or man-made structures including dams and forts already erected for other purposes and use for power generation by mounting the linear PV arrays on existing dams or forts thereby saving large tracts of expensive land. The said system is reliable, efficient, non-polluting, economic to install and maintain and cost effective to operate.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.8694/DELNP/2007 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/11/2007

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : AIRCRAFT & MOTOR VEHICLE PROTECTION SYSTEM (51) International classification :B64C 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/108,595 1)ORR, JAMES, R. (32) Priority Date :18/04/2005 Address of Applicant :4721 WISCONSIN AVENUE, DAVENPORT, IOWA 52806, USA U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/013226 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/04/2006 1)ORR, JAMES, R (87) International Publication No :WO 2006/113193 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The Aircraft & motor vehicle protection system invention eliminates the environmental hazards associated with the safety and environmental elements such as (1) sun, (2) heat, (3) thunderstorms, (4) hail, (5) rain & fuel contamination, (6) bird and animal nesting and droppings, (7) freezing rain, (8) frost, (9) ice, (10) snow, and (11) extreme cold that are possibly introduced to aircraft and ground vehicles parked or tied down and exposed to the elements and animals. The invention, which utilizes inflatable/deflatable modules to form the complete system, with multiple layers of protection, with each layer eliminating one or more of the eleven hazards, ensures the elimination of the hazardous concerns associated with parked aircraft increases the percentages for safe flight, reduces the opportunity for damage to the aircraft and assists in maintaining the value of the aircraft. This invention also provides the protection for ground vehicles.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2287/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PYRROLOPYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVES"

(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)TEIJIN LIMITED :C07D 487/04 Address of Applicant :6-7, MINAMIHOMMACHI 1:2002-46128 CHOME, CHUO-KU, OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA 541-0054, JAPAN :22/02/2002 Japan :Japan (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/JP2003/01977 1)KENICHIRO KATAOKA :24/02/2003 2)TOMOMI KOSUGI :WO 2003/070729 3)TOSHIHIRO ISHII :NA 4)TAKAHIRO TAKEUCHI :NA 5)TAKAHARU TSUTSUMI 6)AKIRA NAKANO :NA 7)GEN UNOKI :NA 8)MASANORI YAMAMOTO 9)YURI SAKAI

(57) Abstract : (I) Pyrrolo[3,2-d] pyrimidine derivatives represented by the above general formula (I) or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. Because of having a GSK-3 inhibitory effect, these compounds are expected as being useful as remedies or preventives for diseases in which GSK-3 participates such as diabetes, diabetic complications, Alzheimer™s disease, neurodegenerative disease, depression and mania, traumatic brain injury, hair loss, inflammatory diseases, cancer and immunodeficiency.

No. of Pages : 531 No. of Claims : 128

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2288/DELNP/2004 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/08/2004

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FORMING CONSTRUCTION PANELS AND STRUCTURES" (51) International classification :E04G 17/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PR 9849 1)NICOLO, ASSUNTA (32) Priority Date :08/01/2002 Address of Applicant :2 BROOKLYN AVENUE, BROOKLYN PARK, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5032, AUSTRALIA (33) Name of priority country :Australia :PCT/AU2003/00011 Australia (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :08/01/2003 (87) International Publication No :WO 2003/058008 1)BRENNAN, JAMES ANDREW (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention includes a formwork structure located on supporting surface, the structure having a side form perimeter including side form members, the perimeter defining a curable non-solid material retaining area; the formwork including side form support members that support the side form members, at least one of the side form support members being held in a fixed position relative to the supporting surface by a surface-to-member releasable securing device fixed to the supporting surface and which engages the side form support member, characterised in that the secured side form support member is adapted to permit another side form support member to be secured thereto by one or more releasable inter-member securing devices, which are separate to the surface-to-member securing device.

No. of Pages : 75 No. of Claims : 29

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1260/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : CERAMIC PARTICULATE MATERIAL AND PROCESSES FOR FORMING SAME (51) International classification :C01F7/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/884,925 1)SAINT GOBAIN CERAMICS & PLASTICS INC. (32) Priority Date :15/01/2007 Address of Applicant :ONE NEW BOND STREET, PO BOX (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. NO. 15138, WORCESTER, MA 01615-0138,. U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2008/051066 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :15/01/2008 1)BAUER RALPH (87) International Publication No :WO2008/089177A2 2)HAERLE ANDREW G. (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)YENER DORUK O :NA Number 4)THERON CLAIRE :NA Filing Date 5)KAVANAUGH MICHAEL D. (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Ceramic particulate material includes alumina particles, the particles having a specific surface area (SSA) not less than 15 m2/g and not greater than 75 m2/g and a sphericity quantified by at least one of (i) a means roundness not Jess than 0710 as measured by Roundness Correlation Image Analysis, and (ii) a concavity less than 20%, wherein concavity is the percent of alumina particles based on a sample of at least 100 particles, which have a concave outer peripheral portion that extends along a distance not less than 10% of dso by TEM inspection, the concave outer peripheral portion having a negative radius of curvature as viewed from an interior oi the particle.

No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1290/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : DECOLORIZATION OF PROCESS STREAMS BY CHEMICAL OXIDATION IN THE MANUFACTURE OF TRICHLOROGALACTOSUCROSE (51) International classification :C13D3/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :42/MUM/2007 1)V.B. MEDICARE PVT. LTD. (32) Priority Date :08/01/2007 Address of Applicant :141, WALCHAND HIRACHAND (33) Name of priority country :India MARG, MUMBAI 400001, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. (86) International Application No :PCT/IN2008/00006 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :02/01/2008 1)CHANDRASEKHAR BATCHU (87) International Publication No :WO2008/084498A1 2)PATIL ANDANAGOUDA SHARANAPPAGOUDA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)RATNAM RAKESH :NA Number 4)AURORA SUNDEEP :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process is described in which decolorization of solutions or reaction mixtures containing trichiorogalactosucrose or 6-acetyl trichiorogalactosucrose is achieved described by bubbling ozone. The method can be used at various stages in the process of production and with or without a combination with other adsorbents for colour removal.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1337/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : SKATE WITH PIVOTING ROCKER AND REPLACEABLE BLADE (51) International classification :A63C1/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2,574,753 1)MULTIMATIC INC. (32) Priority Date :19/01/2007 Address of Applicant :85 VALLEYWOOD DRIVE, MARKHAM, ONTARIO L3R 5E5, CANADA. (33) Name of priority country :Canada :PCT/CA2008/000099 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/01/2008 1)SALMON JOHN JASPER (87) International Publication No :WO2008/086620A1 2)HAMPTON RICHARD CHARLES (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A replaceable blade ice skate (9) comprising a holder (2), a blade system having at least one blade engagement portion (11) and a blade (4, 52), at least one attachment device (5) mounted to the holder for movement between a blade securing position and a blade releasing position. The attachment device having an attachment engagement portion (6), wherein the blade system is retained in the holder via the blade engagement portion detachably mating with the attachment engagement portion when the attachment device is in the blade securing position. The blade system further comprising a downward facing rocker (3) and a flexible replaceable blade (4) which conforms to the first defined curvature of the rocker when mounted thereon.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 56

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1475/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PRESSSURE COMPENSATION DRIP-TAPE" (51) International classification :A01G25/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10-2007-0017345 1)SEOWON CO., LTD (32) Priority Date :21/02/2007 Address of Applicant :165-3, CHUNUI-DONG, WONMI-GU, BUCHEON-SI, GYEONGGI-DO, 420-120 REPUBLIC OF (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea :PCT/KR2008/000999 KOREA. (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :20/02/2008 (87) International Publication No :WO2008/102983 A1 1)LEE CHONG WON (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a pressure-compensation drip tape, which is used in drip irrigation to continuously and evenly supply a small amount of water to plants. The drip tape of the present invention includes an outer shell 10, and overlapping sheets 21, 23 and 25, which are expandable depending on an increase of water pressure. Furthermore, the drip tape has a main passage 11, which is defined by the outer shell and the innermost overlapping sheet, such that most water supplied from a water source flows through the main passage, pressure-reducing passages 31 and 33, which are defined between the overlapping sheets, and discharge holes 21H, 23H and 25H, which are formed in the border between the main passage and one of the pressure-reducing passages and the border between the pressure-reducing passages, such that the water sequentially flows via the main passage and the pressure-reducing passages and drips outside the drip tape.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1506/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "SECURE MONEY TRANSFER SYSTEMS AND METHODS USING BIOMETRIC KEYS ASSOCIATED THEREWITH" (51) International classification :G06Q40/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/623,968 1)THE WESTERN UNION COMPANY Address of Applicant :12500 EAST BELFORD AVENUE (32) Priority Date :17/01/2007 ENGLELWOOD COLORADO 80112,. U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2008/050903 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :11/01/2008 1)KEANE,TIM (87) International Publication No :WO 2008/089091A2 2)SEIFERT,DEAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GRAHMANN,JONATHAN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for transferring funds from a sender to a recipient includes receiving a request to transfer the funds from a sender; creating a transaction record having a transaction identifier; providing the transaction identifier to the sender; receiving the transaction identifier from a recipient; obtaining a first biometric sample from the recipient; using the biometric sample to select a MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) from a pool of predetermined MTCNs; associating the MTCN with the first biometric sample and the transaction record; providing the MTCN to the recipient; thereafter, receiving a request from the recipient to receive the funds; obtaining the MTCN from the recipient; obtaining a second biometric sample from the recipient; using the MTCN and/or the second biometric sample to locate the transaction record; comparing the second biometric sample to the first biometric sample; and determining whether to provide the funds based on the comparison.

No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1279/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "ADIPONECTIN ANTIBODIES AND METHODS TO MEASURE ADIPONECTIN" (51) International classification :G01N 33/68 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/879,179 1)F HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG (32) Priority Date :08/01/2007 Address of Applicant :GRENZACHERSTRASSE 124, CH4070 BASEL, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/EP2008/050025 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/01/2008 1)BURGHARDT CHARLES (87) International Publication No :WO2008/084003A1 2)KOCHAN JAREMA PETER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)RASMUSSEN ERIK ROY :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention pertains to methods for measuring different forms of human adiponectin that are present in human plasmalserum. and more specifically methods are based on an ELISA assay that utilizes different monoclonal antibodies directed against adiponectin, in combination with different polyclonal antibodies directed - against different domains of human adiponectin. The invention also provides unique isoforms of adiponectin and antibodies thereto, including polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies.

No. of Pages : 102 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1351/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : CONSENSUS PEPTIDE :C07K14/78,A61K38/17 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)NUMAT AS (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :POSTBOKS 54B, N-1309 RUD, (33) Name of priority country :NA NORWAY (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2007/04068 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/12/2007 1)LYNGSTADAAS STALE PETTER (87) International Publication No : WO/2008/078167 2)ELLINGSEN JAN EIRIK (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to artificial peptides optimized for the induction and/or stimulation of mineralization and/or biomineralization. The invention also relates to the use of these artificial peptides for the induction and/or stimulation of mineralization and/or biomineralization in vivo and in vitro.

No. of Pages : 57 No. of Claims : 60

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1352/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : JET SPINNING APPARATUS (51) International classification :D01H1/115 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102007006674.2 1)OERLIKON TEXTILE GMBH & CO.KG (32) Priority Date :10/02/2007 Address of Applicant :LEVERKUSER STRASSE 65, D42897 REMSCHEID, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2008/000701 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/01/2008 1)CASAS FRANCESC CANO (87) International Publication No :WO2008/095631A1 2)TORNERO-GARCIA JOSE-ANTONIO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WEIDE THOMAS :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a jet spinning apparatus (5) for producing a thread (20) by means of a circulating airflow, having a hollow spinning cone (19) which is arranged in a spinning housing (15), and having two separate group of blown air nozzles (25, 30) which can be loaded with compressed air independently of one another, wherein the strength of a vacuum flow which acts on a sliver inlet opening (22) during the spinning process can be set via the arrangement of a first group of blown air nozzles (25) and the strength of an airflow which circulates in the region of the spinning cone (19) can be predefined via the arrangement of a second group of blown air nozzles (30). There is provision according to the invention for the blown air nozzles (25) of the first gtoup to be arranged offset at a spacing (b) with regard to the longitudinal centre axis (24) of the jet spinning apparatus (5), with the result that an airflow can be introduced into the jet spinning apparatus (5) via the blown air nozzles (25) during the spinning process, which airflow has a tangential blown air component in order to assist the airflow which circulates in the region of the spinning cone (19).

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1378/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : CARBON-SUPPORTED GOLD CATALYST, PROCESSES FOR ITS PRODUCTION AND USE FOR OXIDATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (51) International (71)Name of Applicant : :B01J23/52,C07C51/235,C07C59/105 classification 1)SUEDZUCKER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (31) Priority Document No :102007005528.7 MANNHEIM/OCHSENFURT (32) Priority Date :03/02/2007 Address of Applicant :MAXIMILIANSTRASSE 10, 68165 (33) Name of priority MANNHEIM, GERMANY. :Germany country (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International 1)HAJI BEGLI ALIREZA :PCT/EP2008/000694 Application No 2)KROENER CHRISTINE :30/01/2008 Filing Date 3)DECKER NADINE (87) International 4)PRUESSE ULF :WO2008/095629A1 Publication No 5)VORLOP KLAUS-DIETER (61) Patent of Addition to :NA Application Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to :NA Application Number :NA Filing Date (57) Abstract : The invention relates to processes for preparing supported gold catalysts on carbon supports, wherein the support is contacted with aqueous solution or suspension of a chloroauric acid precursor. The invention also relates to a carbon-supported gold catalyst and to the use thereof for oxidation of alcohols, aldehydes, polyhydroxy compounds and carbohydrates.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1406/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : PROCESS AND PLANT FOR PRODUCING METAL OXIDE FROM METAL SALTS (51) International classification

:C01B13/18, B01J (71)Name of Applicant : 8/24 1)OUTOTEC OYJ :10 2007 014 435.2 Address of Applicant :RIIHITONTUNTIE 7, FINLAND02200, ESPOO, FINLAND. :22/03/2007 (72)Name of Inventor : :Germany :PCT/EP2008/002145 1)MISSALLA MICHAEL :18/03/2008 2)SCHNEIDER GUNTER :WO2008/113553A1 3)KLETT CORNELIS 4)SCHMIDBAUER ERWIN :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : When producing metal oxide from metal salts, the metal salt, in particular aluminum hydroxide, is dried and preheated in a first preheater (2) at a temperature of 100 to 200°C, precalcined in a second preheater (5) at a temperature of 300 to 400°C and then calcined in a reactor (8) at a temperature of 850 to 1100°C to obtain metal oxide, in particular alumina. After precalcination in the second preheater (5), a partial stream of the metal salt is branched off and supplied to a mixing tank (14), in which it is mixed with the metal oxide withdrawn from the reactor (8).

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1231/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/06/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : VESICLES OF SELF-ASSEMBLING BLOCK COPOLYMERS AND METHODS FOR MAKING AND USING THE SAME (51) International classification :A61K9/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/872,078 1)THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF (32) Priority Date :01/12/2006 CALIFORNIA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. Address of Applicant :1111 FRANKLIN STREET, 5TH (86) International Application No :PCT/US2007/086161 FLOOR, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94607-5200, U.S.A. Filing Date :30/11/2007 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO2008/070571A2 1)DEMING TIMOTHY J (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)KAMEI DANIEL T. :NA Number 3)HOLOWKA ERIC P. :NA Filing Date 4)SUN VICTOR Z (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Vesicles of self-assembling block copolymers, e.g., diblock copolypeptides, as well as methods of making and using the same. Vesicles of the invention have a shell made up of block copolymers that include an intracellular transduction hydrophilic domain and a hydrophobic domain. In certain embodiments, the vesicles include an encapsulated active agent, e.g., a diagnostic or therapeutic agent. The vesicles find use in a variety of different application, including the intracellular delivery of active agents, e.g., diagnostic and therapeutic agents.

No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 43

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1243/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : PIPERIDINYLAMINO-PYRIDAZINES AND THEIR USE AS FAST DISSOCIATING DOPAMINE 2 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS (51) International classification :C07/D401/12,A61K31/501 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :06125685.5 1)JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA N. V. (32) Priority Date :08/12/2006 Address of Applicant :TURNHOUTSEWEG 30, 2340 (33) Name of priority country :EUROPEAN UNION BEERSE, BELGIUM. (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2007/063338 Filing Date :05/12/2007 1)MACDONALD GREGOR JAMES (87) International Publication No :WO2008/068277A1 2)ANDRES GIL JOSE IGNACIO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)VAN DEN KEYBUS FRANS ALFONS MARIA :NA Number 4)BARTOLOME NEBREDA JOSE MANUEL :NA Filing Date 5)VAN GOOL MICHIEL LUC MARIA (62) Divisional to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to 6-(piperidin-4-ylamino)pyridazin-3-carbonitriles of formula (I) that are fast dissociating dopamine 2 receptor antagonists, processes for preparing these compounds, pharmaceutical compositions comprising these compounds as an active ingredient. The compounds find utility as medicines for treating or preventing central nervous system disorders, for example schizophrenia, by exerting an antipsychotic effect without motor side effects

No. of Pages : 41 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1312/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : AIR NOZZLE ASSEMBLY HAVING A JOINING APPARATUS. (51) International classification :D01H1/115 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102007009074.0 1)OERLIKON TEXTILE GMBH & CO. KG (32) Priority Date :24/02/2007 Address of Applicant :LEVERKUSER STRASSE 65, D42897 REMSCHEID, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP2008/000489 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/01/2008 1)FEUERLOHN HELMUT (87) International Publication No :WO2008/101580A1 2)SESHAYER CHANDRU (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WEIDE THOMAS :NA Number 4)WINZEN LOTHAR :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a spinning apparatus (5) for producing a thread (36) by means of a circulating air flow, wherein the spinning apparatus (5) has a hollow spinning cone (19) which is arranged in a spinning housing (14,15) and, in order to generate the circulating air flow, a nozzle block (17) which can be loaded with compressed air, wherein the spinning housing (14, 15) has an expansion chamber (28) which is provided with at least one waste air channel (29), wherein a compressed air source (22) can be connected to the waste air channel (29) for the joining operation/ while the nozzle block can be separated from the compressed air supply, as a result of which an air flow which runs along the spinning cone (19) in the direction.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.262/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification

:A61K31/275; (71)Name of Applicant : A61K9/14; 1)WOCKHARDT LTD., A61K9/16 Address of Applicant :D-4, M.I.D.C., CHIKALTHANA, :NA AURANGABAD Maharashtra India (72)Name of Inventor : :NA :NA 1)JAIN GIRISH KUMAR :NA 2)TALWAR MUNISH :NA 3)KAPOOR RITESH : NA 4)MASHALKAR MANOJ :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The invention provides a signal oral dose pharmaceutical composition comprising, triple combination of entacepone, levodapa and carbidopa, or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof along with one or more sugar alcohols wherein entacapone is co-micronized with sugar alcohol. The invention also provides process of making such compositions.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.266/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : CONTROLLED RELEASE DILTIAZEM COMPOSITION (51) International classification

:A61K9/54; (71)Name of Applicant : A61K9/50 1)WOCKHARDT LTD., :NA Address of Applicant :D-4, M.I.D.C., CHIKALTHANA, :NA AURANGABAD Maharashtra India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)JAIN GIRISH KUMAR :NA 2)KANDI CHANDRASHEKHAR : NA 3)CHAUDHARI SHRIKANT SHAHIKANT :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a controlled release diltiazem pharmaceutical composition comprising a) delayed release pellets comprising diltiazem or salts thereof along with pharmaceutically acceptable excipients and b) rapid release minitablets.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.267/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : NOVEL USE OF INDICATOR CELL LINE FOR BIOASSAY (51) International classification

:C07K14/00, (71)Name of Applicant : A61K 1)FDC LIMITED :NA Address of Applicant :142-48, S.V. ROAD, JOGESHWARI :NA (W), MUMBAI Maharashtra India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)CHANDAVARKAR NANDAN MOHAN :NA 2)TAWTE AMIT CHANDRAKANT : NA 3)SHIRKE ANAGHA ASEEMIT :NA 4)PARACKAL MARIAMMA ANTHONY :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a standardised method of bioassay for detecting the effective concentration of granulocyte colony stimulating factor and estimation of ED50 and specific activity of G-CSF using human acute myeloid cell line. The invention also mentions further use of this technique for estimation of potency of G-CSF samples during various stages of purification process.

No. of Pages : 49 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1364/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : INSTRUMENT CONTAINER HAVING MULTIPLE CHAMBERS WITH FLOW PATHWAYS THEREBETWEEN (51) International classification :A61L2/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/671,078 1)AMERICAN STERILIZER COMPANY (32) Priority Date :05/02/2007 Address of Applicant :5960 HEISLEY ROAD, MENTOR, OH (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. 44060-1834, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2008/000898 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :24/01/2008 1)HORACEK JEFFREY R. (87) International Publication No :WO2008/097430A2 2)JETHROW CHRISTOPHER A. (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A multi-chamber instrument container for microbially deactivating medical, dental, veterinary and mortuary instruments and articles. A pressure differential between chambers causes fluid flow therebetween, thus flowing fluid through internal passages of instrument extending between the chambers.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 38

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1365/MUMNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/07/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : VISUALIZATION OF BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL BY THE USE OF COATED CONTRAST AGENTS (51) International classification :A61K49/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/899,995 1)SPAGO IMAGING AB (32) Priority Date :07/02/2007 Address of Applicant :GREV TUREGATAN 7, 114 46 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/IB2008/050084 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/01/2008 1)AXELSSON OSKAR :WO2008/096280A1 2)UVDAL KAJSA (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for visualizing biological mateR1al, preferably by MR1, compR1sing the steps of: (i) br1nging a population of coated nanoparticles into contact with said biological mateR1al, each of which nanoparticles compR1ses a) a metal oxide of a transition metal, said metal oxide preferably being paramagnetic and preferably compR1sing a lanthanide (+III) such as gadolinium (+III), and b) a coating coveR1ng the surface of the core particle, and (ii) recording the image; wherein the coating is hydrophilic and compR1ses a silane layer which is located next to the surface of the core particle and compR1ses one or more different silane groups which each compR1ses an organic group R and a silane- siloxane linkage where a) R compR1ses a hydrophilic organic group R" and a hydrophobic spacer B, b) O is oxygen directly binding to a surface metal ion of the metal oxide, and c) C is carbon and is also part of B. A composition for visualization and methods for the manufacture of the nanoparticles and core particles are also disclosed. Visualization includes imaging by MR, CT, X-ray, near IR fluorescence, PET, microscopying etc with the largest advantages accomplished for in-vivo imaging.

No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 35

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.1857/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/09/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND DEVICE FOR ESTIMATING SPEED OF WIRELESS TERMINAL (51) International classification :H04L1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :200810090570.9 1)VIA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (32) Priority Date :03/04/2008 Address of Applicant :8F, NO 535, CHUNG-CHENG RD., (33) Name of priority country :China HSIN-TIEN CITY, TAIPEI HSIEN, Taiwan (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)CALVIN WANG (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A speed estimation device applicable to an orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) system is provided. The speed estimation device receives a plurality of channel response information signals from an OFDM symbol and obtains a 5 speed estimation result according toa sampling interval, the speed estimation device. The speed estimation device comprises a correlator, a statistical module, and a comparator. The correlator performs a correlation operation on the plurality of channel response information signals corresponding to sub-carriers with a time domain interval being the sampling interval to obtain a plurality of correlation result information signals. 10 The statistical module connected to the correlator performs a statistical operation on the plurality of correlation result information signals to obtain a statistical correlation result information signal. The comparator connected to the statistical module compares the statistical correlation result information signal with a first threshold according to the first threshold to obtain the speed estimation result. 2 SEP 2008 24

No. of Pages : 31 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.279/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : PIN SHEAR HARDNESS TESTER FOR METALS :G01N3/40 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)KUMAR B BHATIA (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :408 A, POONAM APARTMENTS, (33) Name of priority country :NA DR.ANNIE BESANT ROAD, WORLI, MUMBAI. Maharashtra (86) International Application No :NA India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No : NA 1)KUMAR B BHATIA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A metal hardness tester for determining the hardness of a specimen, the hardness water comprises main frame (1), gear box assembly (2) consist of worm (6) and worm-wheel (3), the specimen is kept on anvil (11) and the indenter (10) is just in contact with this specimen, load is exerted by worm (6) by rotating a small handle provided which will turn the worm wheel (3) whereby the lead screw (4) presses down on to the plunger (16) guided by guide pin (7) in the slot, the plunger (16) exerts pressure on indenter (10) transmitted through the shearing pin located in the hole (12) the plunger (16) when the load exerted on the shearing pin increases, it gets double sheared and the indenter (10) makes the dent in the specimen on the anvil (11).

No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 3

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.263/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification

:A61K31/275; (71)Name of Applicant : A61K9/14; 1)WOCKHARDT LTD., A61K9/16 Address of Applicant :D-4, M.I.D.C., CHIKALTHANA, :NA AURANGABAD Maharashtra India (72)Name of Inventor : :NA :NA 1)TALWAR MUNISH :NA 2)KAPOOR RITESH :NA 3)MASHALKAR MANOJ : NA 4)JAIN GIRISH KUMAR :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The invention provides a signal oral dose pharmaceutical composition comprising, triple combination of entacepone, levodapa and carbidopa, or salts thereof along with one or more sugar alcohols wherein entacapone is co-micronized with sugar alcohol, characterized in that one or both of the rate and the absorption of composition comprising triple combination of entacepone, levodapa and carbidopa, or salts thereof is equal to or greater than that obtained by a triple combination of entacepone, levodapa and carbidopa formulation markted under the trade name Stalevo200(R).

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.273/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR PRETREATMENT OF LIGNOCELLULOSIC BIOMASS (51) International classification

:C12P7/10; (71)Name of Applicant : C12P7/02 1)TATA CHEMICALS LIMITED :NA Address of Applicant :BOMBAY HOUSE, 24, HOMI MODI :NA STREET, MUMBAI Maharashtra India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)SRINIVASAN RAJAGOPALAN :NA 2)ANIRUDDHA JAMADAR : NA 3)PURVESH SHINGALA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The invention provides for a process for the pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass comprising adding trona soda or crushed refined soda to the lignocellulosic biomass in an amount ranging from 0.1% to 20% wt of the dry biomass, adding a predetermined amount of water to the mixture of lignocellulosic biomass to obtain a feedstock, holding the feedstock for a residence time and adding steam to the feedstock to heat the feedstock to a temperature in the range of 150 to 250˚C to obtain biomass.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.312/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF TAZAROTENE (51) International classification


(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to process for the preparation of ethyl 6 - [2 - (4, 4 -dimethylthiochroman - 6 - yl) ethynyl] nicotinate and its pharmaceutical acceptable salt.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.313/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification

:A61K; (71)Name of Applicant : A61P; 1)CADILA HEALTHCARE LIMITED C07D Address of Applicant :ZYDUS TOWER, SATELLITE :NA CROSS ROADS, AHMEDABAD Gujarat India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)HARIKISHORE PINGALI :NA 2)MUKUL R JAIN :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to novel compounds of substituted benzimidazoles, their stereoisomers, regioisomers, tautomeric forms and novel intermediates involved in their synthesis, their pharmaceutically acceptable salts, pharmaceutically acceptable solvates and pharmaceutical compositions containing them. The present invention also relates to a process of preparing these novel compounds, their stereoisomers, regioisomers, their tautomeric forms, their pharmaceutically acceptable salts, pharmaceutically acceptable solvates, pharmaceutical compositions containing them, and novel intermediates involved in their synthesis.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.322/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : TOPICAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION :A61K31/045 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CIPLA LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :289, BELLASIS ROAD, MUMBAI (33) Name of priority country :NA CENTRAL, MUMBAI Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)LULLA AMAR (87) International Publication No : NA 2)MALHOTRA GEENA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In the present invention, there is provided a transdermal spray formulation wherein the said transdermal spray formulation comprises (i) a pharmaceutically active agent, (ii) VP/VA copolymer and (iii) a volatile solvent or nonvolatile solvent or a combination thereof.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 23

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.323/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A NOVEL PROCESS FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF PREGABALIN VIA NOVEL INTERMEDIATES :C07C227/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CIPLA LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :289 BELLASIS ROAD, MUMBAI (33) Name of priority country :NA CENTRAL, MUMBAI Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)RAO DHARMARAJ RAMCHANDRA (87) International Publication No : NA 2)KANKAN RAJENDRA NARAYANRAO (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)PANDE VIDYADHAR PURUSHOTTAM Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention is to provide a novel process for preparing pregabalin. There is provided a process via new intermediates for the synthesis of pregabalin.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 42

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.344/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : CHITOSAN BASED MEDICATED TOOTHPASTES :A61K8/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)NITIN CHANDRAKANT MOHIRE (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :PH.D. STUDENT, GOVT. COLLEGE (33) Name of priority country :NA OF PHARMACY, VIDYANAGAR, KARAD, DIST-SATARA (86) International Application No :NA Maharashtra India Filing Date :NA 2)ADHIKRAO VYANKATRAO YADAV (87) International Publication No : NA (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 1)NITIN CHANDRAKANT MOHIRE Filing Date :NA 2)ADHIKRAO VYANKATRAO YADAV (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Present invention disclose chitosan based medicated dentifrice composition and process of preparing the same. Preferably pressent invention discloses chitosan based medicated toothpaste compositions with one or more additional agents effective in oral care. Preferably present invention provides a chitosan based medicated toothpaste composition wherein chitosan is used as toothpaste base which further comproses of one or more abraives, one or more binding agents, one or more surfactants, one or more humectants, one or more sweeteners, one or more foaming agents and more or more antifoaming.

No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.275/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : HYDROGEN PRODUCTION WITH SOLAR CONCENTRATORS AND FEEDSTOCK RECYCLED BY SYNTHESIS FROM CARBON DIOXIDE (51) International classification :B01J8/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)SATISH A. NADKARNI (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :20, KANARA HOUSE, MOGUL (33) Name of priority country :NA MARG, MAHIM, MUMBAI Maharashtra India (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)SATISH A. NADKARNI (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Hydrogen Production with Solar Conecntrators and Feedstock Recycled through CO2. This Invention envisages the use of Solar Energy for production clean and economical Hydrogen gas, by avoiding the furnaces costly oils for heating the reformer of Hydrocabons like Methanol, and also avoiding the pollution thereof. It uses the unwanted reformation bydroduct CO2 gainfully by electrochemically combining it with water to synthesize Methanol and recycle it to the reformer, avoiding the costs of CO2 sequestration. The electrical energy required for the electrochemical reaction to convert CO2 to Methanol is also derived from Solar Energy, through more efficient Photovoltaic Concentrator. The Hydrogen fed Fuel Cells for power generation would also provide electrical energy for this Reaction . By using Co2 from the atmosphere and adequate Solar/Fuel Cells energy, full requirement of the reformer would be made up by this synthesis, and this System can be made self-sustaining.

No. of Pages : 7 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.283/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : MULTI FRAME CARTON AND PROCESS THEREFOR :B65D5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)ITC LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :37, J.L.NEHRU ROAD, KOLKATA (33) Name of priority country :NA West Bengal India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)SIVADAS NAYAKAR MADHAVAN (87) International Publication No : NA 2)BANERJEE DIPTA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)KUMAR ASHWINI Filing Date :NA 4)KARTHICK MUDALIAR VEDASEKAR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)SIVANANTHAN THATHAMANJI NAMASIVAYAM Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to multi-frame carton and process for making the same. More particularly it relates to a carton comprising an outer frame and an inner frame that substantially reinforces the outer frame across at least one frame surface wherein the inner frame and the outer frame are provided by folding a substantially planar carton layout along a plurality of creases.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.294/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A NOVEL PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF SULFINYL DERIVATIVE :C07D401/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)MACLEODS PHARMACEUTICLS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :304- ATLANTA ARCADE, OPP. (33) Name of priority country :NA LEELA HOTEL, MAROL CHURCH ROAD, ANDHERI (EAST) (86) International Application No :NA MUMBAI Maharashtra India (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No : NA 1)AGARWAL RAJENDRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)BHIRUD SHEKHAR BHASKAR Filing Date :NA 3)KHUDE GOPAL DNYANDEV (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 4)VALLU VENKATESWARA RAO Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a novel process for the preparation of a sulfinyl derivative. The process includes an oxidation of a thioether group in a compound by tertiary butyl hypochlorite in the absence of catalyst to sulfoxide group, to obtain the sulfinyl derivative.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.341/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF CLOPIDOGREL HYDROGEN SULPHATE (51) International classification

:C07D221/04; C07D221/00 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA


(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an improved process for preparation of (+)-(S)-alpha-2-(chlorphenyl)-6, 7-dihydrothieno [3,2-C] pyridine-5 (4-H)-acetic acid methyl ester, commonly known as Clopidogrel . The invention is characterized by process improvements in resolution of racemic Clopidogrel and recycling of resolving agent.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.346/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : The present invention includes design and development of a suitable in vitro drug release method for sublingual tablets using magnetic stirrer optimized according to the formulation with the following objective namely correlation between in vitro drug release and in vivo dissolution time for the sublingual tablets of drugs of varying solubilities.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.349/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : IMPROVED CERAMIC PROPPANT, SYSTEM FOR PRODUCTION AND PROCESS THEREOF :C04B41/83 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)AJAY KUMAR DASGUPTA (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :L4 SHIVNAGRI, KOTHRUD, PUNE (33) Name of priority country :NA Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)AJAY KUMAR DASGUPTA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to the ceramic proppants. In particular the invention relates to an energy efficient system and process of manufacturing the same using Raw/ naturally occurring / as mined / uncalcined Bauxite as a raw material.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.350/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : ISOLATION OF ANALGESIC COMPOUND FROM BARK OF ANNONA SQUAMOSA LINN :A61K31/015 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)DEVANAND B. SHINDE (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL (33) Name of priority country :NA TECHNOLOGY, DR.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR (86) International Application No :NA MARATHWADA UNIVERSITY, AURANGABAD 431004 Filing Date :NA Maharashtra India (87) International Publication No : NA (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 1)DEVANAND B. SHINDE Filing Date :NA 2)machindra j. chavan (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 3)PRAVIN S. WAKTE Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a extraction, isolation of a analgesic compound Kaur-16-ene-19-oic acid from the park of Annona squamosa Linn. By using a column chromatography. The compound of invention exhibits analgesic activity by inducing central as well as peripheral analgesia.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 4

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.352/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : PLATFORM FOR A BALANCE

(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country

:G01G21/22; (71)Name of Applicant : G01G7/00; 1)METTLER-TOLEDO AG Address of Applicant :IM LANGACHER CH-8606 G01G21/30 :07104592.6 GREFENSEE Switzerland :21/03/2007 (72)Name of Inventor : :EUROPEAN 1)ZEISS SIEGFRIED UNION 2)ROTACH HANSJOERG :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : Platform for an electronic balance, a holder that the platform can be plugged into, a method of manufacturing a platform of singlepiece construction, as well as the use of a plurality of platforms and holders in a weighing lift. The platform has a load-receiving area for a weighing object, a centering pin and a rotation-blocking element, said rotation-blocking element being arranged between the load-receiving area and the centering pin; wherein the platform is made in one piece out of a sheet metal material and can be plugged substantially without loose play into a holder which has at its end a first coupling portion with a wedge-shaped groove serving to receive the rotation-blocking element and which further has a body in which a receiving seat is formed for the centering pin that serves to position the platform parallel to the load direction.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.356/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification

:A61K9/08; (71)Name of Applicant : A61K31/44; 1)M. J. BIOPHARM PVT. LIMITED A61K9/08 Address of Applicant :113, JOLLY MAKER CHAMBERS :NA NO. 2, NARIMAN POINT, MUMBAI Maharashtra India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)VYAS ASHOK VASANTRAY :NA 2)JADHAV RAVINDRA TUKARAM :NA 3)PHAD SUBHASH TRIMBAK : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to injectable preparations and a process of preparation thereof. There is provided a sterile, stable injectable preparation containing at least one pharmaceutically acceptable parent base substance 3-Hydroxy-2, 4, 6trimethylpyridine and/or derivative and/or salt thereof either alone or in combination with any other pharmaceutically active ingredient along with carrier and excipients.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.357/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification

:A61K9/08; (71)Name of Applicant : A61K9/48; 1)M. J. BIOPHARM PVT. LIMITED A61K31/44 Address of Applicant :113, JOLLY MAKER CHAMBERS :NA NO. 2. NARIMAN POINT, MUMBAI Maharashtra India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)VYAS ASHOK VASANTRAY :NA 2)JADHAV RAVINDRA TUKARAM :NA 3)PHAD SUBHASH TRIMBAK : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to oral dosage formulations and process of preparation thereof. There is provided an oral pharmaceutical dosage form comprising at least one pharmaceutically acceptable parent base substance 3-Hydroxy-2, 4, 6-trimethylpyridine and/or derivative and/or salt thereof, either alone or in combination with other pharmaceutically active ingredients along with a carrier and excipients.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.358/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification


(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : This invention envisages a system and apparatus for software development which is driven by the needs of potential users and the value to the user. According to this invention there is envisaged a system for softwaredevelopment which includes means to identify value to users and corresponding value drivers; means to reduce gap between perceived value and experienced value; means to segregate value drivers based on levels of understanding and knowledge domains involved; means to increase perceived value by improving the adopted processes at different levels of understanding based on accumulated value at that level means to look ahead for opportunities to exemplify value; means to identify configuration items and adapt configuration management to ensure consistency in delivering value; and means to use configuration management to design product lines.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.355/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification

:A61K9/08; (71)Name of Applicant : A61K31/44; 1)M. J. BIOPHARM PVT. LIMITED A61K9/08; Address of Applicant :113, JOLLY MAKER CHAMBERS A61K31/4 NO. 2, NARIMAN POINT, MUMBAI Maharashtra India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)VYAS ASHOK VASANTRAY :NA 2)JADHAV RAVINDRA TUKARAM :NA 3)PHAD SUBHASH TRIMBAK :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to sterile opthalmic preparations and a process for preparation thereof.There is provided a sterile, stable ophthalmic preparation containing at least one pharmaceutically acceptable parent base substance 3-Hydroxy-2, 4, 6-trimethylpyridine and/or derivative and/or salt thereof either alone or in combination with other pharmaceutically acceptable active ingredient along with carriers and excipients.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.359/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : POLYMER MELT EXTRUSION WHICH HAS POTENTIAL USE IN DIE DESING :G06F15/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TATA CONSULTANCEY SERVICES LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :BOMBAY HOUSE, 24, SIR HOMI (33) Name of priority country :NA MODY STREET, MUMBAI Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)VIVEK GANVIR (87) International Publication No : NA 2)GAUTHAM PURUSHOTTHAM BASAVARSU (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)LELE ASHISH Filing Date :NA 4)THAOKAR ROCHISH (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to polymer melt extrusion which has potential use in die design. The invention is to simulate the die swell in polymer melt extrusion and to accurately predict the swell which is suitable for die designing applications and to provide a numerical tool for simulating die swell and flow of polymer melt during extrusion using ALE based finite element algorithm which is simple and convenient to implement complex viscoelastic constitutive equations.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.367/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


:C12Q1/02; (71)Name of Applicant : C12Q1/68 1)TRANSASIA BIO-MEDICALS LTD. :NA Address of Applicant :TRANSASIA HOUSE, 8, :NA CHANDIVALI STUDIO ROAD, MUMBAI Maharashtra India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)AMITABHA DE :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The invention describes a solid phase immunoassay kit for quantitative estimation of CRP in the human serum and/or plasma samples comprising of: (a) an insoluble solid support or matrix having multiple microwells that are coated with covalently bonded or physically attached anti-CRP monoclonal antibodies; (b) a conjugate material having number of enzyme labels that are conjugated with covalently linked anti-CRP monoclonal antibodies; and (c) immunoassay reagents for performing the solid phase immunoassay for quantitative estimation of CRP in the human serum and/or plasma.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.368/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : AN IMMUNOASSAY KIT FOR QUANTITATIVE DETECTION OF C-REACTIVE PROTEIN IN SERUM AND/OR PLASMA (51) International classification :G01N33/543 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TRANSASIA BIO-MEDICALS LTD. (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :TRANSASIA HOUSE, 8, (33) Name of priority country :NA CHANDIVALI STUDIO ROAD, MUMBAI Maharashtra India (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)AMITABHA DE (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The instant invention relates to a quantitative detection of substances, particularly antigenic proteins in human serum and/or plasma based on specific solid phase immunoassay techniques. More preferably, the instant invention relates to detection of amount of antigens or hapten like small chemical substances, most preferably C-reactive protein (CRP), based on the solid phase immunoassay techniques that employs labeled reagents like enzyme-labeled reagents for detecting said antigenic proteins or hapten. The instant invention specifically relates to an immunoassay kit for quantitative detection of CRP in the human serum and/or plasma for diagnosis of inflammatory processes as an acute phase protein.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.376/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : MONITORING OF PROCESS EQUIPMENT (51) International classification

:G05B19/042; (71)Name of Applicant : G05B19/04 1)THERMAX LIMITED :NA Address of Applicant :D-13, MIDC INDUSTRIAL AREA, :NA R.D. AGA ROAD, CHINCHWAD, PUNE Maharashtra India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)JOSHIPURA SHISHIR SHIRISH :NA 2)MADIWALE RAJESH RATNAKAR : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : This invention envisages a service provision for process equipment particularly for Monitoring and Diagnostics (RMD) for boilers and chillers using remote monitoring and diagnostics means. In a preferred embodiment of this invention, the system uses an architecture based on the current mobile phone technologies to launch quickly improved service processes which will run it parallel to RMD.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.377/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : CONFIGURABLE, QUESTIONNAIRE-BASED PROJECT ASSESSMENT :G06Q10/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)ACCENTURE GLOBAL SERVICES GmbH (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :HERRENACKER 15, CH-8200 (33) Name of priority country :NA SCHAFFHAUSEN Switzerland (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)ANIL KUMAR PANDEY (87) International Publication No : NA 2)ANUPAM PANDEY (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Project assessment is initiated with receipt of project specification data that is descriptive among other things, of at least one skill set or domain to the project. Based on the project specification data, one or more questionnaires, each corresponding to one of the identified skill sets, are automatically selected. Each of the selected questionnaires comprises questions concerning best practices applicable to the corresponding one skill set. The identified questionnaires are provided to a user and, in turn, assessment data is received in response to the one or more questionnaires. Based on the assessment data, an overall project score and other scores can be determined and presented. The at least one skill set may identify specific technologies being applied to the project. Because the presented in the at least one questionnaire require standardized answers, results from among a plurality of reviewers may be compared more readily.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.365/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A NOVEL AND ONE POT PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF BIS (3-METHYL-2- THINYL) METHANONE (51) International classification

:C07C; C07C49/00 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA


(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a novel and one pot process for the preparation of bis(3-methyl-2-thienyl)methanone an important intermediate needed for the synthesis of a potent anticonvulsant drug tiagabine hydrochloride from 2-bromo-3-methyl thiophene.

No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.366/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification

:C07C201/12; C07C205/38; C07D307/91 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA


(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention describesan improved and scalable process for the preparation of terahydro-N-[3-(methylamino)propyl]-2-furan carboxamide an important intermediate needed for the synthesis of an antihypertensive drug alfuzosin.

No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.373/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS AND A DEVICE TO CLEAN SUBSTRATES

(51) International classification

:A47L11/34; (71)Name of Applicant : A47L13/26; 1)HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LIMITED B05B7/06 Address of Applicant :165/166 BACKBAY :NA RECLAMATION, MUMBAI Maharashtra India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)JAYARAMAN SURESH SAMBAMURTHY :NA 2)KAMKAR KIRTAN SHRAVAN :NA 3)SAH AMIT : NA 4)SHRESTH RUDRA SAURABH :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : There is provided a process to clean a substrate comprising a step of subjecting the substrate to an air-water spray, generated using a spraying means comprising an air passage and a water passage, wherein air is greater than 90% by volume of the spray, the air velocity is greater than 80 m/s and wherein said air passage does not coaxially surround said water passage. It is particularly preferred that the air and water do not come in contact inside said spraying means.

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.383/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED SWITCH AND ELECTRICAL WIRING ACCESSORIES MOUNTING FRAME (51) International classification

:H05K7/18; H02B1/20 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)ANCHOR ELECTRICALS PVT. LTD. Address of Applicant :MARATHON INNOVA, C-WING, 1ST FLOOR, OPP. PENINSULA CORPORATE PARK, OFF G.K.MARG, LOWER PAREL(W), MUMBAI Maharashtra India (72)Name of Inventor : 1)MEHUL SHAH

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : An improved switch and electrical wiring accessories mounting frame, wherein the mounting frame is modified and developed to provide an unique mechanism for mounting of the switch and other electrical wiring accessories components in the frame from the front side and removal or dislodging of the same from the mounting frame from both, front or rear side. The said mechanism is designed to enable mounting of switch and other electrical wiring accessories components on to the frame manually without an aid of tool, while removal of the same from front is possible only with the help of a tool such as a screw- driver or similar, whereas dislodging the same from rear can be done manually. This feature provides safety to the user from the front without use of a tool, which may be accessible in normal course of usage. Whereas intentional removal of mounted components from the front side by using a common tool such as a screw-driver provides high degree of convenience to the user in the process of changing or servicing the mounted components without needing to remove the entire frame assembly from the wall for the same. Fig. 1 and 2 shows an improved switch or wiring accessory component with improved mounting mechanism: Fig 3 shows an improved mounting frame, Fig. 4 shows mounting direction of a modified switch in the improved frame, Fig. 5 shows mounting snaps of the switch in the frame on the rear which may be accessed manually without an did of tool for dislodging the switch, Fig.6 shows the same assembly as in Fig. 5 but from the front side showing areas wherein one may insert a screwdriver to access the same mounting snaps from front, Fig. 7 shows detailed view of mounting snap assembly with the improved frame.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.291/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING BIO-DEGRADABLE PAPERBOARD :B29C55/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)HSI-CHING CHANG (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :NO. 23-10, LANE 420, SEC 2, (33) Name of priority country :NA DINGCAO RD., LUGANG TOWNSHIP, CHANGUA (86) International Application No :NA COUNTRY 50564. Taiwan Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No : NA 1)HSI-CHING CHANG (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for manufacturing bio-degradable paperboard includes a step of preparing paperboard which is pre-heated and received an electric electricity removal treatment; a step of spreading a layer of bio-degradable Polylactic Acid (PLA) or corn starch on a surface of the paperboard by a coating machine; a step of using two-coating machines located beside a coating head of the coating machine to simultaneously spread two guide films on two sides of the paperboard, the guide films made by low density of polyethylene and connected to two outsides of the layer20; a step rolling the paperboard and the layer on the paperboard by 12 kg force by two metal rollers, and a step of using two cooling rollers roll the paperboard and the layer on the paperboard, the paperboard with the layer being ready to be cut to desired shapes.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.292/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : DEPROTECTION OF PHOSPHONATE ESTERS (51) International classification


(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The invention is to provide a simple, cost-effective process for deprotection of phosphonate esters of high purity without the formation of undesired impurities. The object of the invention is to provide a process for preparation of tenofovir in high yield and purity using an inorganic acid and to utilize reagents for deprotection of phosphonate esters, which are less hazardous and safe to use on an industrial scale.

No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.371/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : INNOVATILVE PROCESS FOR AUTOMATIC CLEANING OF FILTER SCREEN WITH FLIPPING BREAKER PLATE USED IN PLASTIC RECYCLING (51) International classification :B01D29/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)VISHWAS KRISHNAKANT JAGTAP (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :48 RAVINDRA NAGAR, VISHWAS (33) Name of priority country :NA BUILDING, MOHADI ROAD, JALGAON Maharashtra India (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)VISHWAS KRISHNAKANT JAGTAP (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An automated system of cleaning of filter screen whereby its use, the filteration of the plastic melt is done mor effectively & sefely by getting the filter screen automatically cleaned, there is no need to replace filter screen; the scope of increasing productivity is ensured and its use results on complete prevention of pollution caused due to burring of clogged filter screen.

No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.387/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : ONE POT PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF MECLIZINE HYDROCHLORIDE :A61K47/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)FDC LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :142-48, S.V.ROAD, (33) Name of priority country :NA JOGESHWARI(W), MUMBAI Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)JOSHI SHREERANG VIDHYADHAR (87) International Publication No : NA 2)JOSHI VINAY ANANT (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)PATIL JITENDRA KESHAVARAO Filing Date :NA 4)CHANDAVARKAR MOHAN ANAND (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed herein is one pot synthesis for preparation of meclizine hydrochloride which comprises sequential bromination of m-xylene to obtain 3-methyl benzyl bromide followed by in situ condensation of bromocompound with 4-chloro benzhydryl piperazine in the presence of acid acceptor to give meclizine base of formula I, which on treatment with hydrochloric acid to obtain meclizine hydrochloride salt. The invention further discloses the effective purification of meclizine base with citric acid to obtain meclizine hydrochloride substantially free from dimeric impurity in the next step.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.378/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : NOVEL HYDRAZIDE CONTAINING TAXANE CONJUGATES :A61K31/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :17/B, MAHAL INDUSTRIAL (33) Name of priority country :NA ESTATE, MAHAKALI CAVES ROAD, ANDHERI (E) (86) International Application No :NA MUMBAI Maharashtra India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No : NA 1)PATEL JITEN RANCHHODBHAI (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)PATEL GOPALKUMAR CHIMANLAL Filing Date :NA 3)SHETH GAURAV SANJIVKUMAR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 4)CHITTURI TRINANDHA RAO Filing Date :NA 5)THENNATI RAJAMANNAR (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to novel hydrazide containing carboxylate derivatives of taxanes and salts thereof for use as chemotherapeutic agents for prevention and treatment of cancer.

No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 6

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.395/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS AND A DEVICE FOR REMOVING A STAIN FROM A FABRIC :D06H3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :165/166 BACKBAY (33) Name of priority country :NA RECLAMATION, MUMBAI Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)DESHPANDE NITIN SIDDHESHWAR (87) International Publication No : NA 2)MUKHERJEE ARIJIT (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)NAIK VIJAY MUKUND Filing Date :NA 4)RAUT JANHAVI SANJAY (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)VENKATARAGHAVAN RAJANARAYANA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention is to provide a process for removing a stain from a fabric comprising a step of passing an electric current of from 0.01 A to 10 A using a voltage/current source across at least two electrodes through an aqueous solution of a substance capable of generating an oxidative or reductive bleaching species, whilst keeping the stained area of the fabric in contact with the aqueous solution and positioned at a distance not greater than 3 cm from one of the electrodes.

No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.67/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/01/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : 2- BROMO-3-{4-[2(5-ETHYL-2- PYRIDYL)ETHOXY] PHENYL}PROPINAMIDE AND THE PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION (51) International classification


(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filed on (57) Abstract : The invwention is about the compound 2-bromo-3-[4-[295-ethyl-2-pyridyl0ethoxy]phenyl}propinamide and the process for its preparation, comprising reacting diazonium salt of 4-[2-(5-Erthyl-2-pyridyl) ethoxy] amino-benene, with acrylamide, aqueous HX (wherein X is Br or CI) in the presence of a metal halide.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 3

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.268/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : NOVEL POLYMORPHIC FORM W-1 OF OLANZAPINE AND PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF (51) International classification

:C07D495/04; (71)Name of Applicant : C07D495/00 1)WOCKHARDT LTD :NA Address of Applicant :D-4, M.I.D.C.,AREA, :NA CHIKALTHANA, AURANGABAD Madhya Pradesh India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)MOHAMMAD RAFEEQ :NA 2)IRSHAD BAIG : NA 3)SRIVASTAVA ALKA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a novel polymorphic Form W-1 of olanzapine and a process for the preparation thereof.

No. of Pages : 9 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.277/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : DEVICE FOR DIRECTING AND GUIDING VARIOUS PRODUCT LAYOUTS (51) International classification

:B65G47/28; B65B23/12 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)M/S. RJ ENGINEERS Address of Applicant :E 46/2/1, OPPOSITE DAGGER FORST, NRB ROAD, MIDC CHIKALTHANA, AURANGABAD Maharashtra India (72)Name of Inventor : 1)RAO JAYKUMAR GANESH 2)KULKARNI RAVINDRA LAKHMAN

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : This invention relates generally to packaging systems and particularly to devices for directing and guiding materials in conveyance. More particularly, the present invention relates to mechanisms and systems to overcome the problem of limited ability and limited ease of packaging machines to migrate between product layouts of different dimensions.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.278/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : Process for preparing 4-chloro-substituted pyridine intermediates of formula I, useful for preparation of pyridinylmethylsulphinyl beneimidazole compounds, especially Rabeprazole is disclosed herein. The invention, further describes process for predation of Rabeprazole sodium of high purity in a reproducible & consistent manner.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.318/MUM/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED DOOR LOCK (51) International classification

:E05B17/10, (71)Name of Applicant : E05B17/00 1)GODREJ & BOYCE MFG. CO. LTD :NA Address of Applicant :LOCKS DIVISION (PLANT-18) :NA PIROJSHANAGAR, VIKHROLI, MUMBAI Maharashtra India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)BHAGWAN KRISHNA TIKE :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A two bolt door lock is disclosed wherein the bolts are transversely disposed and wherein the bolts are disposed one beside the other in the lock position so as to provide a secure locking mode when door mounted and in locked position a vertical bolt is disposed on inside receiving member mounted adjacent to the jamb and horizontal latch bolt is automatically disposed inside the receiving member when the door is shut. Attempts to jimmy, push back the horizontal bolt in its line of least resistance are frustrated by the presence of the vertically locked twin bolt acting against the jimmy and force. The bolts are both operated by single key actuated cylinder and /or hand knob through a common crank mechanism with co-ordinated cam actions. In other embodiments, keys may be employed on both the inside and outside of the door. In further embodiments the vertical deadbolt can be made with single locking or twin locking and operated almost in a similar manner.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.290/CHE/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : SAFETY WICK SYSTEM (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country

:A01M1/00 :2008/2803 :31/03/2008 :South Africa :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)BUZBEE (PTY) LTD. Address of Applicant :The Braes 193 Bryanston Drive Cnr William Nicol & Bryanston Drive Bryanston 2021 Johannesburg South Africa (72)Name of Inventor : 1)HALL Kenneth Michael

(86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a safety wick system, said system including a wick housing through which a wick extends in use, said housing having a shank portion and, at least one end zone thereof, a stop portion which at its widest point is wider than the shank, and a collar located on the housing and displaceable from an exposed position on the housing in which the wick is exposed to a snuffing position in which the wick is occluded and a housing stop portion engaging portion of the collar engages the housing stop portion so that, if the wick was alight, the collar snuffs out the wick™s flame.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.467/CHENP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/01/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : IMPROVED PROCESS FOR EPROSARTAN INTERMEDIATE (51) International classification : C07D 401/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)M/S. HETERO RESEARCH FOUNDATION (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :HETERO RESEARCH FOUNDATION; PLOT NO. B-80 & 81, A.P.I.E; BALANAGAR, (33) Name of priority country :NA :PCT/IN2008/000211 HYDERABAD-500 018, Andhra Pradesh India (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :31/03/2008 (87) International Publication No : WO/2009/122421 1)PARTHASARADHI REDDY, BANDI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)RATHNAKAR REDDY, KURA :NA Number 3)RAJI REDDY, RAPOLU :NA Filing Date 4)MURALIDHARA REDDY, DASARI (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)PETER PAUL RAJ, MEDABALIMI Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides an improved process for preparation of (E)-a-[[2-butyl-1-[[4-(methoxycarbonyl)phenyl]methyl]-1Himidazole-5-yl] methylene]-2-thiophene propanoic acid ethyl ester in high purity and in high yield. Thus, for example, 4-[[2-butyl-5formyl-1H-imidazole-1-yl]methyl]benzoic acid methyl ester is reacted with ethyl 2-carboxy-3-(2-thienyl)propionate in the presence of piperidinium propionate in diisopropyl ether or a mixture of n-hexane and a solvent selected from toluene and cyclohexane, optionally purifying the crude compound to obtain (E)-a-[[2-butyl-1-[[4-(methoxy carbonyl)phenyl]methyll-lH-imidazole-5~yl]methylene]-2thiophene propanoic acid ethyl ester substantially free of 3-(2-thienyl) propanoic acid ethyl ester impurity.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.469/CHE/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : FOAM MOLDING MOLD STRUCTURE, MOLDING METHOD OF FOAM MOLDED PRODUCT, AND FOAM MOLDED PRODUCT (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No

:B29C45/37 (71)Name of Applicant : :20081)SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION 097519 Address of Applicant :300, TAKATSUKA-CHO, MINAMI:03/04/2008 KU, HAMAMATSU-SHI, SHIZUOKA-KEN, 432-8611 Japan :Japan (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)EGAWA, TAKAHISA, :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : In a state that a fixed mold and a movable mold are matched with each other, a molten resin is filled into a cavity. In this state, a movable nest is set in a position retired from a mold matching surface of the movable mold by a predetermined distance, its surface in a fixed mold side functioning as a cavity surface, and the molten resin is filled as far as a nest fitting portion. Then, only the movable mold is made to move backward in a mold opening direction (in an arrow direction in the drawing) by the predetermined distance to release a pressure and foam the molten resin, whereby a foam molded product is molded in which a strength of part thereof is improved.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4784/CHENP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)SONY CORPORATION, :G06T11/80 Address of Applicant :1-7-1, KONAN, MINATO-KU, :2007-061735 TOKYO Japan :12/03/2007 (72)Name of Inventor : :Japan 1)YOCHIRO SAKO :PCT/JP2008/052625 2)MASAAKI TSURUTA :18/02/2008 3)NOZOMU OZAKI :WO 2008/111363 4)ITARU KAWAKAMI 5)YASUHIDE HOSODA :NA 6)MASAMICHI ASUKAI :NA 7)TAIJI ITO :NA 8)AKINOBU SUGINO :NA 9)HIDEHIKO SEKIZAWA 10)AKANE SANO 11)KAN EBISAWA

(57) Abstract : A replacement area is set within an image expressed with captured image data. A pixel area with image content that can be processed without greatly altering the entire image content, for instance, may be designated as the replacement area. Replacement image data are generated by executing processing for replacing all of or part of the pixel data in the replacement area with insertion image data. The insertion image data are image data containing text, graphics or the like, such as an advertisement, a message or a translation. Consequently, various types of information can be provided in the replacement image data, a message from the user can be incorporated in the replacement image data, or better user convenience can be assured through the replacement image data.

No. of Pages : 90 No. of Claims : 19

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4788/CHENP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM FOR BONDING GLASS INTO A STRUCTURE (71)Name of Applicant : :B32B17/10 :11/707,701 1)DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES INC :16/02/2007 Address of Applicant :2040 DOW CENTER, MIDLAND, MICHIGAN 48674 U.S.A. :U.S.A. :PCT/US08/53369 (72)Name of Inventor : :08/02/2008 1)HSIEH, HARRY :WO 2)ALLAM, DOMINIC (87) International Publication No 2008/100801 A1 3)WU, ZIYAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention is a composition comprising a) one or more organotitanates having four ligands wherein the ligands are hydrocarbyl, optionally containing one or more functional groups having one or more heteroatoms selected from the group comprising oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur wherein two or more of the ligands may form a cyclic structure; b) one or more mercaptosilanes; c) one or more polyaminosilanes; d) one or more secondary aminosilanes; e) a solvent which dissolves the components of the composition; and f) one or more organotin compounds. This composition is referred to as a clear primer hereinafter. In another embodiment the invention is a system for bonding glass to a substrate which comprises a clear primer according to the invention; and an adhesive comprising an isocyanate functional prepolymer and a catalyst for the cure of the isocyanate functional prepolymer. (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 16

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4802/CHENP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PREPARATION OF PIGMENT RED 149" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date

:C09B5/62 (71)Name of Applicant : :07102654.6 1)BASF SE :19/02/2007 Address of Applicant :67056, LUDWIGSHAFEN, Germany :EUROPEAN (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country UNION 1)KOWARSCH, HEINRICH (86) International Application No :PCT/EP08/51932 2)HETZENEGGER, JOSEF :18/02/2008 Filing Date 3)STOHR, ANDREAS :WO 4)USCHMANN, HANS-JOACHIM (87) International Publication No 2008/101895 (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides a process for preparing N,N"-cli(3",5"-dimethylphenyl)perylenebis(dicarboximide) by reaction of perylene3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic dianhydride with 3,5-dimethylaniline in the presence of a secondary or tertiary amine as catalyst, which comprises effecting the reaction in an aqueous reaction medium and in the presence of added seed crystals of N,N"-di(3",5"dimethylphenyl)perylenebis(dicarboximide).

No. of Pages : 9 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4803/CHENP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "WALL OF A CASTING DIE FOR CASTING A MOLTEN METAL" (71)Name of Applicant : :B22D11/055 :102007002804.2 1)SMS SIEMAG AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT :18/01/2007 Address of Applicant :EDUARD-SCHLOEMANN-STRASSE :Germany 4, 40237 DUSSELDORF Germany :PCT/EP07/10770 (72)Name of Inventor : :11/12/2007 1)FEHLEMANN, GEREON :WO 2)GIRGENSOHN, ALBRECHT (87) International Publication No 2008/086853 3)HOFFMEISTER, JORN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a wall (100) of a casting die for casting a molten metal. Die walls comprising a front plate (110) with a pocket borehole (112) and a rear plate (120) with a transversal borehole (122) aligned with the pocket borehole, on the cold side of the die front plate, are known in prior art. The aim of the invention is prevent the entrance of cooling liquid from the transition region (115), between the front plate (110) and the rear plate (120), into the pocket borehole (112) or the transversal borehole (122). To this end, a sealing element (140) having a longitudinal borehole is arranged in the transition region (115) in such a way that the longitudinal borehole of the sealing element is at least approximately aligned with the transversal borehole (122) in the rear plate of the die and the pocket borehole (112) in the front plate of the die. (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.2342/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/09/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : OPERATION PARAMETER DISPLAY SYSTEM FOR WORKING VEHICLE FITTED WITH WORKING IMPLEMENT (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No

:F02D29/00 (71)Name of Applicant : :20081)KUBOTA CORPORATION 090313 Address of Applicant :2-47, SHIKITSUHIGASHI 1-CHOME, :31/03/2008 NANIWA-KU, OSAKA-SHI,OSAKA 556-8601 Japan :Japan (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)FUKUMOTO, TOSHIYA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : Abstract An operation parameter display system for an working vehicle (l) fitted with an working implement (3) comprises a parameter setting means (475) setting a group of operation parameters appropriate for the working implement (3) and the working vehicle (1) for each state of an operation executed by the working vehicle (l) in response to an operation input from a manual operation input device (200). A parameter recording means (476) stores the group of operation parameters set by the parameter setting means (475) in a memory (477) in response to an operation input from the operation input device (200). A parameter display control means (479) displays the group of parameters stored in the memory (477) on a display device (101) in response to an operation input from the operation input device (200).

No. of Pages : 57 No. of Claims : 5

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4662/CHENP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "STABLE PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG AEROSOLS" (71)Name of Applicant : :A61K9/00 :NA 1)SCHERING CORPORATION :NA Address of Applicant :2000 GALLOPING HILL ROAD, KENILWORTH, NEW JERSEY 07033 U.S.A. :NA :PCT/US07/03637 (72)Name of Inventor : :09/02/2007 1)SHERWOOD, JILL, K :WO 2)SEQUEIRA, JOEL (87) International Publication No 2008/097233 3)DONOVAN, BRENT, A (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Various aspects of the present invention provide for methods of manufacturing a pharmaceutical, drug product, which include storing a container at a temperature greater than ambient conditions for at least about seven days and conducting release testing on the container after storing. Products manufactured by this method have a more consistent fine particle size distribution (FSD) and fine particle fraction (FPF) at ambient conditions and at accelerated stability conditions over the life of the drug product. Advantageously, such products may more reliably and regularly pass testing requirements as required for an approved drug product by regulatory authorities such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date

No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 40

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4663/CHENP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "BONE GRAFT MATERIAL AND SCAFFOLD IMMOBILIZED WITH TISSUE GROWTH FACTOR DERIVED PEPTIDES" (51) International classification :A61L27/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10 2004 0019010 1)SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY INDUSTRY (32) Priority Date :19/03/2004 FOUNDATION (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea Address of Applicant :56-1, SAN, SINRIM-9-DONG, (86) International Application No :PCT/KR05/00801 GWANAK-GU, SEOUL 151-050 Republic of Korea :18/03/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/089826 1)PARK, YOON,JEONG (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)CHUNG, CHONG-PYOUNG :NA Number 3)LEE, SEUNG, JIN :NA Filing Date 4)RHEE, SANG, HOON (62) Divisional to Application Number :3428/CHENP/2006 :18/03/2005 Filed on (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a bone graft material and a scaffold for tissue engineering applications, which have an osteogenesispromoting peptide immobilized on the surface. More particularly, the invention relates to a bone graft material and a scaffold for tissue engineering applications, which have a cell adhesion-inducing peptide and/or tissue growth factor-derived peptide immobilized on the surface. By the osteogenesis-promoting peptide immobilized on the surface, the inventive bone graft material and scaffold for tissue engineering applications can promote the transition, proliferation and differentiation of cells associated with regeneration, and eventually maximize the regeneration of tissue. Moreover, the peptide immobilized on the surface has low molecular weight, indicating a reduced risk of immune responses upon its application in the body, and can be present in a stable form within the body, thus showing lasting effects. Accordingly, the peptide makes it expedient to perform surgical operations for the regeneration of periodontal tissue, alveolar bone and other bone tissues, and will show high therapeutic effect.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4814/CHENP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "PEROXIDE ACTIVATED OXOMETALATE BASED FORMULATIONS FOR REMOVAL OF ETCH RESIDUE" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date

:C11D7/08 (71)Name of Applicant : :60/889,762 1)MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC :14/02/2007 Address of Applicant :222 RED SCHOOL LANE, :U.S.A. PHILLIPSBURG, NJ 08865 U.S.A. :PCT/US08/01103 (72)Name of Inventor : :28/01/2008 1)WESTWOOD, GLENN :WO (87) International Publication No 2008/100377 (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Highly alkaline, aqueous formulations including (a) water, (b) at least one metal ion-free base at sufficient amounts to produce a final formulation alkaline pH, (c) from about 0.01% to about 5% by weight (expressed as % Si02) of at least one water-soluble metal ionfree silicate corrosion inliibitors; (d) from about 0,01% to about 10% by weight of at least one metal chelating agent, and (e) from more than 0 to about 2.0% by weight of at least one oxymetalate are provided in accordance with this invention. Such formulations are combined with a peroxide such that a peroxymetalate is formed to produce form a microelectronic cleaning composition. Used to remove contaminants and residue from microelectronic devices, such as microelectronic substrates.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4820/CHENP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "STRUCTURAL MEMBER HAVING A PLURALITY OF CONDUCTIVE REGIONS" (71)Name of Applicant : :B81B3/00 :2007-009657 1)CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA :19/01/2007 Address of Applicant :30-2,SHIMOMARUKO 3-CHOME, OHTA-KU, TOKYO 146-8501 Japan :Japan :PCT/JP08/50561 (72)Name of Inventor : :10/01/2008 1)KANDORI, ATSUSHI :WO 2)CHANG, CHIENLIU (87) International Publication No 2008/088032 (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A structural member having a plurality of conductive regions electrically insulated from each other, in which the plurality of conductive regions are electrically insulated from each other by continuous oxidized regions, and the oxidized regions are each formed of an oxide made of a material having a plurality of through holes or trenches formed therein. (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date

No. of Pages : 84 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.4821/CHENP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : "CONTAINER FOR SMOKING ARTICLES" (71)Name of Applicant : :A24F15/04 :0702894.7 1)BRITISH AMERICAN TABACCO (INVESTMENTS) :14/02/2007 LIMITED Address of Applicant :GLOBE HOUSE, 1 WATER STREET, :U.K. :PCT/EP08/50558 LONDON WC2R 3LA, U.K. (72)Name of Inventor : :18/01/2008 :WO 1)BEVAN, MICHAEL, ARTHUR JOHN (87) International Publication No 2008/098816 (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A container for smoking articles (18) comprises a disposable cylindrical cartridge (10) comprising an outer wall (12) and an inner wall (14) that together define an annular space (16) containing a plurality of smoking articles, the inner wall further defining a central receptacle (20) for receiving smoking article butts, and a cylindrical outer case in which the cartridge is received, the ease comprising a cylindrical side wall (42), a top surface (46) and a bottom surface (44), the lop surface having a central aperture (48) that gives access to the central receptacle of" the cartridge, and the rotatable bottom surface having an offset dispensing aperture (50) through which a smoking article can be dispensed" from the annular space of the cartridge. (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date

No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 41

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.725/CHE/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : COMMUNICATION STATION, COMMUNICATION METHOD AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No

:H04L (71)Name of Applicant : :20081)CANON KABUSHI KAISHA 095434 Address of Applicant :30-2, SHIMOMARUKO 3-CHOME, :01/04/2008 OHTA-KU, TOKYO, Japan :Japan (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)EGUCHI, TADASHI, :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A communicaticn station receires cira froni a transmission station, transmits a reception response representing the data reception condition, and determines, based on reception responses from other communication stations, whether coinziiunicaTicn station which has not normally received the data from the transmission station exists among the other communications. Upon normally receiving the data from the transmission station, and determining that the communication station which has not normally received the data from the transmission station exists, the communication station transfers, to the communication station which has not normally received the data, the data received from the transmission station, upon transferring, it is decided, based on a predetermined priority order, whether or not to perfcm the transfer to the communication station which has not normally received the data.

No. of Pages : 41 No. of Claims : 8

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.784/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : ADJUSTABLE CONTROL LEVER :E05C1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TVS MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :JAYALAKSHMI ESTATES, (33) Name of priority country :NA NO.24,(OLD NO.8), HADDOWS ROAD, CHENNAI-6 Tamil (86) International Application No :NA Nadu India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No : NA 1)VENKATA RAMBABU K (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)BALAGURU SRIDHAR Filing Date :NA 3)AMIT RAJWADE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 4)VENKATA MANGA RAJU K Filing Date :NA 5)RENGARAJAN BABU (57) Abstract : The present subject matter relates to an adjustable control lever 100 for a vehicle that can be used by persons with different sizes of hand. The adjustable control lever 100 includes a base 102, a lever 104 pivotally coupled to the base 102, and an adjustment mechanism 110 for controllably positioning the lever relative to the base. The adjustment mechanism includes a stopper 206 coupled to a portion of the lever 104, a cylinder 114 having a first end and a second end, and a guider 310 coupled to the first end of the cylinder and a portion of the base. Further, the second end of the cylinder 114 is provided with a plurality of steps that extend longitudinally thereon such that the stopper 206 selectively rests onto any one of the steps. A spring 210 urges the lever 104 onto any one of the steps on the cylinder 114.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.786/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : DUAL LABELED PROBES FOR DETECTION OF HEPATITIS B VIRUS AND A METHOD THEREOF (51) International classification :C12N15/11; C12Q1/68 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)BIGTEC PRIVATE LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :IIND FLOOR SID (33) Name of priority country :NA ENTREPRENEURSHIP BUILDING INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE CAMPUS BANGALORE 560 012 Karnataka India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No : NA 1)JAGANNATH MANJULA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)VASAMSETTY VENKATA RAMACHANDRA RAO :NA Number 3)CHANDRA MADHAVI :NA Filing Date 4)CHANDRASEKHAR BHASKARAN NAIR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)PILLARISETTY VENKATA SUBBARAO Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides solution to the problem involved in detecting Hepatitis B Virus genes. More particularly, the invention is providing dual labeled probes, primers for detection. In addition, it provides a kit and a method for detecting Hepatitis B Virus both qualitatively and quantitatively.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.622/CHE/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : THIN-FILM PHOTOVOLTAIC CELL, THIN-FILM PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THIN-FILM PHOTOVOLTAIC CELL (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country

:H01L31/0368 (71)Name of Applicant : :10-20081)KISCO CORPORATION 0030342 Address of Applicant :SINCHON-DONG 70, VHANGWON:01/04/2008 SI, GYEONGSANGNAM-DO Republic of Korea :Republic of (72)Name of Inventor : Korea 1)MYONG, SEUUG-YEOP :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A method of manufacturing a thin-film photovoltaic cell, comprises laminating a transparent electrode on a transparent substrate, laminating a photovoltaic layer on the transparent electrode, laminating a metal electrode layer on the photovoltaic layer and laminating a buffer layer on the metal electrode layer, the buffer layer being made of a moisture resistance material.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 21

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.724/CHE/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND APPARATUS OF FRICTION WELDING (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No

:B23K20/12 (71)Name of Applicant : :20081)KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOYOTA JIDOSHOKKI Address of Applicant :2-1, TOYODA-CHO, KARIYA-SHI, 094930 :01/04/2008 AICHI-KEN, Japan :Japan 2)IZUMI MACHINE MFG. CO; LTD. :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)KAWAURA, KOICHI, : NA 2)MIZUTANI, AKIRA, :NA :NA :NA :NA

(32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A friction welding method in dudes a step of friction welding a first workpiece and a second workpiece together by pressing the first workpiece against the second workpiece relatively while rotating the two workplaces relatively, and a step of annealing the friction welded workpiece at a position adjacent to a welded portion thereof with high frequency induction heating.

No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.783/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED FRAME RATE CONVERTER AND A METHOD OF OBTAINING THE SAME (51) International classification :H 04 B 01/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :KIADB INDUSTRIAL AREA (33) Name of priority country :NA HEBBAL-HOOTAGALLI MYSORE 570 018 Karnataka India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)SOMSHEKHAR UMADI (87) International Publication No : NA 2)DINESH HEBBAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)R. RAMESH GANESH Filing Date :NA 4)PRASHANTHA D.K (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An improved frame rate converter capable of displaying lower frame rate output without motion discontinuities on a high resolution display monitor is provided. The input frame rate is read individually and progressively scanned signals are generated. The progressively scanned signals are written to a single frame buffer memory. Timing signals corresponding to the progressively scanned signals are generated and utilized in rapid reading of the input frame rate. The timing signals are also utilized to generate timing signals required for displaying the output frame rate. Output frame rates of 60Hz, 90Hz, 120Hz can be achieved by the rapid reading of input frame utilizing the single frame buffer memory. Also, the frame rate converter provided can be employed to convert various input formats with lower frame rates various output formats with higher frame rates.

No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.787/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A MIRROR ADAPTED IN MICROSCOPE TO PERFORM SERS, A MICROSCOPE AND METHODS THEREOF (51) International classification :G 01 N 21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)JAWAHARLAL NEHRU CENTRE FOR ADVANCED (32) Priority Date :NA SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :A DEEMED UNIVERSITY AT:P.B. 6436, JAKKUR CAMPUS BANGALORE 560 064 Karnataka (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA India (87) International Publication No : NA (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 1)CHANDRABHAS NARAYANA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to spectroscopy, more particularly relates to a mirror which is adopted in a microscope to perform Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy [SERS].

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 22

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.788/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : RASAGILINE MESYLATE PARTICLES AND PROCESS FOR PREPARATION THEREOF :C07C209/00,A61K31/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)ACTAVIS GROUP PTC EHF (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :REYKJAVIKURVEGI 76-78 220, (33) Name of priority country :NA HAFNARFJOROUR Ice Land (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)NILESH SUDHIR PATIL (87) International Publication No : NA 2)HAUSHABHAU SHIVAJI PAGIRE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)NEELA PRAVEEN KUMAR :NA Number 4)NITIN SHARADCHANDRA PRADHAN :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides rasagiline mesylate particles having a particle size of about 600 to about 1500 microns and a process for preparation thereof. The present invention further provides solid pharmaceutical compositions comprising rasagiline mesylate particles having a particle size which is suitable for homogeneous distribution of the drug substance in a tablet blend, in particular 90 volume-percent of the particles (D90) have a size of about 255 to about 1400 microns and a process the preparation thereof.

No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.792/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE OPERATIONS INDIA :G06F21/20 PRIVATE LIMITED :NA Address of Applicant :SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE :NA OPERATIONS PVT. LTD. BAGMANE LAKEVIEW BLOCK :NA "B" No. 66/1 BAGMANE TECH PARK C V RAMAN :NA NAGAR BYRASANDRA BANGALORE - 560093 A wholly :NA owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Company Limited : NA Korea an Indian Company Karnataka India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)Jeedigunta Venkateswar :NA 2)Rajavelsamy R :NA 3)Byung Rae Lee 4)Pratyusha Rajendran

(57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a method of optimizing the registration / establishment of security association procedure in IMS networks capable of OMA BCAST services for smartcard profile. The present invention relates to the registration process of Service Protection/ Content Protection function of BCAST, when the BCAST Server is an Application Server (AS) of any system, which uses SIP-based signaling for e.g. IMS System. Further, the present invention comprises of methods by which the SIP interface between SCSCF and BSM carries the Ks_NAF information for the Smartcard Profile. Furthermore, the present invention comprises of methods by which the GBA parameters and hence the Smartcard Profile of BCAST registration of (U)SIM are carried by SIP Methods.

No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.789/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : METHOD FOR GIVING RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON CONTEXT INFORMATION AND DEVICE THEREOF (51) International classification :G06Q30/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)SAMSUNG SOFTWARE INDIA OPERATIONS (32) Priority Date :NA PRIVATE LIMITED (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE OPERATIONS PVT. LTD. BAGMANE LAKEVIEW BLOCK (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA "B" No. 66/1 BAGMANE TECH PARK C V RAMAN (87) International Publication No : NA NAGAR BYRASANDRA BANGALORE - 560093 A wholly (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Company Limited Filing Date :NA Korea an Indian Company Karnataka India (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)Deepak Dasaratha Rao (57) Abstract : The present relates to a method for giving recommendations based on context information and device thereof using a mobile device in a communication network. The system according to the present invention gives the recommendations to the user based on context information. The recommendations are given based on the rules set by the user. These rules are executed to arrive at an inference based on context information. Both the recommendations and the rules are user configurable at any point of time. Further the recommendations can also be tagged for future reference.

No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.794/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A method to provide Personalized Do Not Disturb service :G06F17/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE OPERATIONS (32) Priority Date :NA PRIVATE LIMITED (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE (86) International Application No :NA OPERATIONS PVT. LTD. BAGMANE LAKEVIEW BLOCK Filing Date :NA "B" No. 66/1 BAGMANE TECH PARK C V RAMAN (87) International Publication No : NA NAGAR BYRASANDRA BANGALORE - 560093 A wholly (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Company Limited Filing Date :NA Korea an Indian Company Karnataka India (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)DWARAKA BHAMIDIPATI SREEVATSA (57) Abstract : The present invention proposes a method to provide personalized Do Not Disturb (DND) service and network based call history using IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) servers in IMS networks. According to the present invention personalized DND service can be set based on the caller Identity (ID) or the caller phone number by using the IMS client device. It is also possible to initiate a service change request and change a session to any other IMS based multimedia session while the DND service is activated. Further, details of the calls/session received while the DND service is active can also be known by configuring the network-based session history caching.

No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.795/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : method to provide mail management in IMS and VOIP networks using an advanced application server :G06F15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE OPERATIONS (32) Priority Date :NA PRIVATE LIMITED (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE (86) International Application No :NA OPERATIONS PVT. LTD. BAGMANE LAKEVIEW BLOCK Filing Date :NA "B" No. 66/1 BAGMANE TECH PARK C V RAMAN (87) International Publication No : NA NAGAR BYRASANDRA BANGALORE - 560093 A wholly (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Company Limited Filing Date :NA Korea an Indian Company Karnataka India (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)DWARAKA BHAMIDIPATI SREEVATSA (57) Abstract : The present invention proposes a method to provide mail management service in IP Multimedia Sub-system (IMS) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) networks by using an advanced Application Server (AS). The mail management service provides the users a facility to manage multiple email accounts from different email servers. The mail management service also allows users to configure a scheduling function to send emails on specified date and time. The advanced AS provides the support of multimedia streaming to the users. Further, the AS also supports providing email notifications to the users.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.797/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED MANUFACTURING SYSTEM FOR OPTICAL MEDIA AND AN IMPROVED MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF (51) International classification :G 03 C 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)MOSER BAER INDIA LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :NO 81 VALLUVARKOTTAM HIGH (33) Name of priority country :NA ROAD NUNGAMBAKKAM CHENNAI Tamil Nadu India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)GARG PRIYANGSHU (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An improved manufacturing system for optical media including means for dyeing, sputtering and bonding wherein said means for bonding has an improved ID vacuum pin assembly for spreading of resin on the discs prior to spinning in bonding process , to be precise for bringing glue up to the moat area , configuration of said assembly being modified for sucking, whereby rejection due to bubble formation is minimized by approximately 70% to 75% and capillary time fluctuation is minimized. The present invention also includes an improved method for manufacturing optical media.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.793/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : ENHANCED DISCARD OPERATION IN A LAYERED WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM (51) International classification :H04L12/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE OPERATIONS (32) Priority Date :NA PRIVATE LIMITED (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE OPERATIONS PVT. LTD. BAGMANE LAKEVIEW BLOCK (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA "B" No. 66/1 BAGMANE TECH PARK C V RAMAN (87) International Publication No : NA NAGAR BYRASANDRA BANGALORE - 560093 A wholly (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Company Limited Filing Date :NA Korea an Indian Company Karnataka India (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)VINAY KUMAR SHRIVASTAVA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates with the discard operation in a wireless communication system and provides an enhanced method overcoming the shortcomings of this operation in the related art e.g. in existing LTE communication system. The enhanced method avoids the in-efficient utilization of transmission radio resource in the wireless communications. It also avoids excessive delays in the transmission of data packets at the transmitting entity and its undesired or unacceptable effects at the receiving entity. The enhanced method provides transmitting entity increased flexibility in discarding the upper layer data packets and enables receiving entity detecting the discard of these packets at the transmitter.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.816/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A SYSTEM FOR MULTIMEDIA CONTENTS RETRIEVAL FROM ONBOARD SATELLITE CONTENT SERVERS BY MOBILE TERMINALS (51) International classification :H 04 N 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TATA ELXSI LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :TATA ELXSI LIMITED, ITPL ROAD, (33) Name of priority country :NA WHITEFIELD, BANGALORE-560 048 Karnataka India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)DR.S.JAGANNATHAN (87) International Publication No : NA 2)K.V.SUDHISH (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)DR. PRASANT KUMAR PATTNAIK Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A System for Multimedia Contents Retrieval from Onboard Satellite Content Servers by Mobile Terminals Multimedia (or TV/HDTV/ Electronic Display Terminal) information received from the content servers present on the satellites to regional server and from the regional server to Mobile Terminal through short range wireless, The Mobile Terminal decodes, compresses and sends to the server through the base station to server using MIPv6/802.XX standards A Mobile Terminal is connected to the Television or High Definition Television through a regional short range wireless. The mobile phone has a processor, memory, the multimedia content decoder, Video/Audio/data playing system, clock, wireless transmitting and receiving system and other related components or devices. The wireless transmitting and receiving system send the compressed multimedia information by the processor to the server through base station using Mobile IPv6 or 802.XX standards. The connecting mobile terminal to the regional server can specify the system information, size and resolution of the image, frames etc. to the regional servers. The mobile terminal can use multiple (single) mobile display monitors for displaying the multimedia (TV/Electronic Display Terminal/HDTV) image in variable sides and resolution. The mobile terminal can display the image, which is stored in the server or processed in the mobile terminal on the multiple mobile monitors and also has the option to display with required resolution on TV Electronic Display Terminal/High Resolution Terminal.

No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.817/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A SYSTEM FOR PROGRAMMBALE, INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION EXCHANGE OF EMBEDDED DEVICES (51) International classification :H 03 M 07/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TATA ELXSI LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :TATA ELXSI LIMITED, ITPL ROAD, (33) Name of priority country :NA WHITEFIELD, BANGALORE-560 048 Karnataka India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)DR. S.JAGANNATHAN (87) International Publication No : NA 2)DR. PRASANT KUMAR PATTNAIK (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)K.V.SUDHISH Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Mobile Terminal with single (multiple) Terminal is connected to the High Resolution Terminal or Electronic Display Monitors through short-range wireless. In the present invention broadband add/drop multiplexers for regulating the TVs and servers are used. The mobile terminal can specify the system information such as size and resolution of the image, frames etc to High Resolution Terminal or Electronic Display. The mobile terminal can display the image, which is stored in the server or processed in the mobile terminal on the multiple mobile monitors. The wireless transmitting and receiving system send the compressed signal to the server through base station using Mobile IPv6 or 802.XX standards, aggregators, and add/drop multiplexers.

No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.818/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : O-DESMETHYL VENLAFXINE COCRYSTALS (51) International classification

:A61K9/20; (71)Name of Applicant : C07C215/64 1)ACTAVIS GROUP PTC EHF :NA Address of Applicant :REYKJAVIKURVEGI 76-78 220, :NA HAFNARFJOROUR Ice Land :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)SONNY SEBASTIAN :NA 2)CHALLA KRISHNA : NA 3)NITIN SHARADCHANDRA PRADHAN :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to cocrystals of O-desmethylvenlafaxine, method for the preparation, pharmaceutical compositions, and method of treating thereof.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.819/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : AN INTELLIGENT ACCESS POINT FOR DELIVERING LOCATION BASED INFORMATION (51) International classification

:G 01 R 03/00 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)INFOSYS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Address of Applicant :PLOT NO.44 & 97A ELECTRONICS CITY HOSUR ROAD BANGALORE 560 100 Karnataka India (72)Name of Inventor : 1)DHANAPAL, KARTHIKEYAN BALAJI 2)GUPTA, PUNEET 3)G.V.KARTHIK

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A method for delivering location based information in wireless zone is disclosed. All the location based information is stored in the access point itself thus eliminating the need for backend server. Access point has the intelligence to deliver information in customized to each requesting device's display capability. To provide seamless access to local information the user will get a default web page once the device connects to access point and tries to access internet. This web page will act as a gateway to all the location based information available in the access point. Along with location based information advertisements can also be delivered to the end user in a very cost effective and targeted manner.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.820/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR PREPARING NITROFURANTOIN MONOHYDRATE (51) International classification

:C07D405/12; C07D405/00; :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA


(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : Disclosed herein is an improved process for preparing nitrofurantoin monohydrate. The process comprising suspending nitrofurantoin in polar organic solvents, adding water to resultant mixture, heating the resultant mixture and isolating nitofurantoin monohydrate.

No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 4

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.821/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification

:H 04 (71)Name of Applicant : B 1)INFOSYS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED 07/00 Address of Applicant :PLOT NO 44. & 97A ELECTRONICS :NA CITY HOSUR ROAD BANGALORE 560 100 Karnataka India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)SAXENA, ASHUTOSH :NA 2)SINGH, MEENA DILIP :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A method to secure an electronic transaction in an untrusted network is disclosed. The method comprises generating an electronic coupon using at least a data or a nounce value or a time stamp or a card verification value (CVV) or combinations thereof. The method includes encrypting the generated electronic coupon along with the data and time stamp in an electronic batch and processing the electronic batch over the untrusted network. The method further includes regenerating an electronic coupon from a tupple data maintained in a database for respective customer and validating the received electronic coupon with the regenerated electronic coupon and based on the validation executing the transaction. The method also comprises the method of preserving the anonymity of the customer involved in the electronic transaction.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.838/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : TELESCOPIC FRONT FORK FOR A TWO-WHEELED VEHICLE :B62K25/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TVS MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :JAYALAKSHMI ESTATES, (33) Name of priority country :NA NO.24,(OLD NO.8), HADDOWS ROAD, CHENNAI-6 Tamil (86) International Application No :NA Nadu India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No : NA 1)CHANDAN BANSILAL CHAVAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)MALI AMAR ARJUN Filing Date :NA 3)RENGARAJAN BABU (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present subject matter relates to a telescopic front fork 100 for a two-wheeled vehicle with an adjustable damping mechanism. The adjustable damping mechanism comprises a sleeve 212 that is concentrically disposed between an inner tube 110 and a piston 200. The sleeve 212 can be rotated by a rotating mechanism so as to selectively align the sleeve 212 with a plurality of extension damping holes 208 and compression damping holes 210. Thus, according to different road conditions, different damping values are achieved, as selective blocking of the extension damping holes 208 and the compression damping holes 210 controls the flow of damping fluid inside a telescopic strut 102.

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 12

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.801/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : HIGH DENSITY OPTICALS RECORDING LOW TO HIGH MEDIA FOR WRITE ONCE APPLICATIONS AND A METHOD FOR PREPARING THE SAME (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract : A low to high optical recording medium for write once applications , including a substrate(1), a reflective layer(2), dielectric layers(3,5) phase change material(4) and a cover layer(6) wherein said phase change material is a metal-ceramic combination comprising 80-99 at% (50-70)Sb-(3-15)ln-(15-30)Sn alloy and 2-20 at% 80ZnS-20SiO2 ceramic, whereby said medium, gets adapted to store information at high density, simultaneously ensuring low jitter, betterment of technical performance and cost effectiveness . The present invention also provides a method for manufacturing a low to high optical recording medium for write once applications. FIG 1

No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.802/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


:B29D11/00; (71)Name of Applicant : B29D11/00 1)MOSER BAER INDIA LIMITED :NA Address of Applicant :NO 81 VALLUVARKOTTAM HIGH :NA ROAD NUNGAMBAKKAM CHENNAI Tamil Nadu India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)NATH SHIV :NA 2)NEGI G.S : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : An automated process for recycling polycarbonate material, for reuse in manufacturing optical media and also for ensuring reliability of quality of the final product at low cost, reduction in the net cost for procuring polycarbonate material and reduction in environmental degradation said process including, passing the optical media scrap such as CD/DVDR scrap through a feeder, separating the magnetic and non-ferrous material, grinding the remaining material, passing the grinded material through a floatation process in a floatation unit, for floating out the lighter material and for decanting the heavy material, passing the left over polycarbonate material, from the floatation unit to a chemical washing unit for chemical washing for a requisite time at a desired rpm, followed by heat washing the resultant polycarbonate solid to remove any traces of lacquer and chemicals and thereafter cold washing the resultant polycarbonate solid to solidify and remove lacquer if any, followed by centrifuging and hot drying said polycarbonate material to reduce the percentage of moisture, thereby obtaining clean dry polycarbonate flakes for further use in optical media manufacturing process. The present invention also includes an apparatus for automated process for recycling polycarbonate material, for reuse in manufacturing optical media . FIG 2

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.803/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : DEVICE FOR AUTO BORDER WEFT INSERTION AND METHOD THEREOF :D03D1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)P.L.BANUMURTHI (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :NO.1/56, ROAD STREET (33) Name of priority country :NA THURUGAM VILLAGE ONNAPURAM (POST) ARANI (86) International Application No :NA TALUK, THIRUVANNAMALAI DISTRICT Tamil Nadu India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No : NA 1)P.L.BANUMURTHI (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An auto weft insertion machine and method thereof is a weaving machine or handloom adopted for the multiple weft insertion with a single flying shuttle to get multi design border. The flying shuttle is operated though cord, which move the shuttle across on the shuttle bar and pick the border multiple weft from outside bobbin from either side and insert the border weft up to the body weft, one treadle jacquard on top operates the border weft design with multiple catch cord system and multiple treadles provide to actuate the body and border heddles for accurate shed formation.

No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.849/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : BERBERIS ARISTATA PLAT EXTRACT AND USES THEREOF (51) International classification

:A01G (71)Name of Applicant : 1/00 1)AVESTHAGEN LIMITED :NA Address of Applicant :"Discoverer" , 9th Floor, International :NA Tech Park, Whitefield Road, Bangalore - 560 066 Karnataka India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)VILLOO MORAWALA-PATELL :NA 2)DHRUVDEV H VYAS : NA 3)RENUKA JAIN :NA 4)VIJAY DANAPUR :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention pertains to nutritional or pharmaceutical compositions comprising extracts or concentrates of plants and the mixtures thereof belonging to Berberis sp. with specific reference to Berberis aristata. The present invention further relates to extracts which are isolated from different parts of Berberis aristata plant, the preparation of such extracts and the medicaments containing said extracts. The invention further relates to screening and characterization of extracts for their activity in preventing, mitigating, or treating cardiovascular disorders to achieve the lowest possible cardiac risk. Furthermore, the invention relates to the use of the extracts as a supplement or a medicament useful in the treatment/alleviation or prevention of cardiovascular disease.

No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.839/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A METHOD FOR IMPROVING EFFICENCY OF REDUNDANCY PROTOCOLS :H04L12/28 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (32) Priority Date :NA L.P. (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :20555 S.H. 249 HOUSTON TEXAS (86) International Application No :NA 77070 U.S.A. Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No : NA 1)RANGAPRASAD SAMPATH (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)ASHWIN BHALCHANDRA HEGDE Filing Date :NA 3)JOHN R REILLY (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for improving efficiency of redundancy protocols used in a network is provided. The network comprises a first router running a program instance of a router redundancy protocol in a master state at a first interface and a dynamic protocol at a second interface, and a second router running another program instance of the router redundancy protocol in a backup state at a first interface and the dynamic protocol at a second interface. The program instance at the second router takes over the roles of the program instance at the first router during a failure of the first router. The method comprises establishing an online status of the first router, initiating a routing convergence process by the dynamic protocol at the first router, and taking over the roles from the program instance at the second router by the program instance at the first router when the routing convergence process has ended. (FIG. 2)

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.862/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : NOVEL MANDELATE SALT OF FESOTERODINE :A61K9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)ACTAVIS GROUP PTC EHF (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :REYKJAVIKURVEGI 76-78, 220, (33) Name of priority country :NA HAFNARFJOROUR Ice Land (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)KISHORE CHARUGUNDLA (87) International Publication No : NA 2)UDHAYA KUMAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)NEELA PRAVEEN KUMAR Filing Date :NA 4)NITIN SHARADCHANDRA PRADHAN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to novel and stable mandelate salt of fesoterodine, process for preparation, pharmaceutical compositions, and method of treating thereof. The mandelate salt of fesoterodine is useful for preparing fesoterodine free base or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof in high purity.

No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.863/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PUBLISHING, REPLICATING, AND SEARCHING RESOURCE IN COMMUNICATION NETWORKS (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date

:G06F15/16 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA

(71)Name of Applicant : 1)SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE OPERATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED Address of Applicant :SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE OPERATIONS PVT. LTD. BAGMANE LAKEVIEW BLOCK "B" No. 66/1 BAGMANE TECH PARK C V RAMAN NAGAR BYRASANDRA BANGALORE - 560093 A wholly owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Company Limited Korea an Indian Company Karnataka India (72)Name of Inventor : 1)ABHIJIT MADHUKAR LELE 2)KARTHIK SRINIVASA GOPALAN

(57) Abstract : The invention discloses a method and system for replicating resource in a communication network. The resource can be content, information, data, and the like. The communication network can include a plurality of nodes. Examples of the communication network include, but are not limited to, a peer-to-peer networks, ad-hoc networks, sensor based networks, and content distribution networks. The present invention optimizes content search latency and tradeoff between content meta-data replication and search latency in the communication network.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.850/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : CITRUS RETICULATA PLANT EXTRACT AND USES THEREOF (51) International classification :A01G 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)AVESTHAGEN LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :"Discoverer" , 9th Floor, International (33) Name of priority country :NA Tech Park, Whitefield Road, Bangalore - 560 066 Karnataka India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)VILLOO MORAWALA-PATELL (87) International Publication No : NA 2)DHRUVDEV H VYAS (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)RENUKA JAIN Filing Date :NA 4)VIJAY DANAPUR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention pertains to nutritional or pharmaceutical compositions comprising extracts or concentrates of plants and the mixtures thereof belonging to Lycopersicum sp. with specific reference to Lycopersicum esculentum. The present invention further relates to extracts which are isolated from different parts of Lycopersicum esculentum plant, the preparation of such extracts and the medicaments containing said extracts. The invention further relates to screening and characterization of extracts for their activity in preventing, mitigating, or treating cardiovascular disorders to achieve the lowest possible cardiac risk. Furthermore, the invention relates to the use of the extracts as a supplement or a medicament useful in the treatment/alleviation or prevention of cardiovascular disease.

No. of Pages : 70 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.851/CHE/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM PLANT EXTRACT AND USES THEREOF (51) International classification

:A01G (71)Name of Applicant : 1/00 1)AVESTHAGEN LIMITED :NA Address of Applicant :"Discoverer", 9th Floor, International :NA Tech Park, Whitefield Road, Bangalore - 560 066 Karnataka India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)VILLOO MORAWALA-PATELL :NA 2)DHRUVDEV H VYAS : NA 3)RENUKA JAIN :NA 4)VIJAY DANAPUR :NA :NA :NA

(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention pertains to nutritional or pharmaceutical compositions comprising extracts or concentrates of plants and the mixtures thereof belonging to Citrus sp. with specific reference to Citrus reticulata. The present invention further relates to extracts which are isolated from different parts of Citrus reticulata plant, the preparation of such extracts and the medicaments containing said extracts. The invention further relates to screening and characterization of extracts for their activity in preventing, mitigating, or treating cardiovascular disorders to achieve the lowest possible cardiac risk. Furthermore, the invention relates to the use of the extracts as a supplement or a medicament useful in the treatment/alleviation or prevention of cardiovascular disease.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.294/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : TRANSMISSION OIL MEASUREMENT SYSTEM AND METHOD (51) International classification :B60K17/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :61/040,917 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :31/03/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)RANDALLB. DLUGOSS (87) International Publication No : NA 2)BRET M. OLSON (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system includes a pressure sensor that measures a transmission fluid pressure at a first fluid cavity of a transmission. A transmission control module receives the transmission fluid pressure, determines a transmission fluid temperature in the first fluid cavity based on the transmission fluid pressure, and controls the transmission fluid pressure based on the transmission fluid temperature.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.3040/KOLNP/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/08/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : HE4 MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES AND METHODS FOR THEIR USE (51) International classification :C07K 16/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/906,126 1)TRIPATH IMAGING, INC. (32) Priority Date :09/03/2007 Address of Applicant :780 PLATATION DRIVE, BURLINGTON, NC 27215 UNITED STATE OF AMERICA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2008/056132 U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/03/2008 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2008/112514 1)CHEEK, ROBERT, L. (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)FISCHER, TIMOTHY, J. :NA Number 3)GROELKE, JOHN, W. :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Compositions and methods for diagnosing ovarian cancer in a patient and for identifying patients with an increased likelihood of having ovarian cancer are provided. The compositions include monoclonal antibodies, and variants and fragments thereof, that specifically bind to HE4. Monoclonal antibodies having the binding characteristics of an HE4 antibody of the invention are further provided. Hybridoma cell lines that produce an HE4 monoclonal antibody of the invention are also disclosed herein. The compositions find use in diagnostic methods as well as in screening methods for identifying patients having an increased likelihood of having ovarian cancer. Kits comprising one or more of the disclosed HE4 monoclonal antibodies and for practicing the methods of the invention are further provided. Polypeptides comprising the amino acid sequence for an HE4 epitope and methods of using these polypeptides in the production of antibodies are also encompassed by the present invention.

No. of Pages : 55 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.314/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : VALVETRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES WITH MULTIPLE INTAKE AND EXHAUST TIMING BASED LIFT MODES (51) International classification :F02D41/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :12/062,918 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)ALLEN B. RAYL (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A valve control system for an internal combustion engine includes a valve actuation system that actuates each of an intake valve and an exhaust valve between N open lift modes where N is an integer greater than one. A control module defines a switching window having a start time based on intake valve timing and an end time based on exhaust valve timing. The control module enables transitioning of at least one of the intake and exhaust valves between the N open lift modes based on the switching window.

No. of Pages : 132 No. of Claims : 24

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.315/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : POWERTRAIN HAVING A DAMPER INSTALLED DIRECTLY TO ENGINE OUTPUT AND METHOD OF ASSEMBLING SAME (51) International classification :B60W20/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :61/041,936 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :03/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)TIMOTHY J. REINHART (87) International Publication No : NA 2)WILLIAM S. REED (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)JOEL E. MOWATT Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A hybrid powertrain includes an engine driving an engine output member, such as a crankshaft. A damper is directly connected to the engine output member, and a transmission input shaft is directly connected to the damper, for common rotation therewith. A dry damper is configured to allow the hybrid powertrain to be characterized by a lack of either a flexplate or a flywheel. A method of manufacturing a hybrid powertrain is also provided, including assembling a fully-functional hybrid transmission at a first manufacturing facility and assembling a fully-functional engine by joining a dry damper to an engine at a second manufacturing facility different from the first. Each of the fully-functional engine and hybrid transmission may be tested separately from the other. The fully-functional engine and hybrid transmission may then be shipped to a common assembly facility, and dry-mated at the common assembly facility, forming an assembled hybrid powertrain.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.316/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : VALVETRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS WITH LIFT MODE TRANSITIONING BASED ENGINE SYNCHRONIZATION TIMING AND SENSOR BASED LIFT MODE CONTROL (51) International classification :F02D41/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :12/062,869 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)ALLEN B. RAYL (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A valve control system for an internal combustion engine includes a valve actuation system. The valve actuation system includes lift control valves that actuate at least one of an intake valve and an exhaust valve between N open lift modes, where N is an integer greater than one. A control module enables transitioning of at least one of the intake valve and the exhaust valve between the open lift modes. The control module synchronizes transitions between the N open lift modes with crankshaft and valvetrain timing. The control module generates an engine position synchronization signal based on the transitioning.

No. of Pages : 132 No. of Claims : 30

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.295/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : HYDRAULIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR MULTI-MODE HYBRID TRANSMISSION AND METHOD OF REGULATING THE SAME (51) International classification :E21B34/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :61/040,878 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :31/03/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)ERIC S. TRYON (87) International Publication No : NA 2)MICHAEL D. FOSTER (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A hydraulic control system for a multi-mode hybrid-type power transmission is provided, including an engine-driven main pump in fluid communication with a main regulator valve, and an electrically driven auxiliary pump in fluid communication with an auxiliary regulator valve. A first pressure control solenoid is configured to provide boost pressure to the main regulator valve and thereby boost output of the main pump. A second pressure control solenoid is configured to provide boost pressure to the auxiliary regulator valve and thereby boost output of the auxiliary pump. The distribution of boost pressure from the pressure control solenoids is selectively modified such that at least one of the flows of pressurized fluid from the pumps is equal to the current line pressure requirements of the transmission during engine auto-start and auto-stop, and transitions thereto. An improved method for regulating the hydraulic control system is also provided.

No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.300/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract: A transmission is provided having an input member, an output member, four planetary gear sets, a plurality of coupling members and a plurality of torque- transmitting devices. Further, a hydraulic fluid control circuit is provided for controlling the operation of the plurality of torque-transmitting devices. The hydraulic fluid control circuit receives pressurized hydraulic fluid from an off-axis hydraulic fluid pump and has a plurality of fluid passages disposed in the transmission house, input shaft, output shaft and other coupling members.

No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.317/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : HYDRAULIC CLUTCH CONTROL SYSTEM :F16D48/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :61/042,416 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)MICHAEL D. FOSTER (87) International Publication No : NA 2)JY JEN F. SAH (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)PETER E. WU Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A transmission includes two blocking valves that control fluid pressure to a plurality of clutches. The blocking valves are characterized by a plurality of states that result in at least three transmission operating conditions. Each of the three operating conditions is characterized by fluid pressure being unavailable to at least one of the clutches.

No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 15

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.324/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : VALVETRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES WITH TIME AND EVENT BASED CONTROL (51) International classification :F02D41/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :12/062,938 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)ALLEN B. RAYL (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A valve control system includes a vehicle control module that generates a lift mode command signal to transition one of intake and exhaust valves between N open lift modes. A time module generates a response time signal that indicates a duration of the transition and a lift limit signal that disables the transition. The time module generates the response time and lift limit signals based on current lift mode and status signals. The current lift mode signal indicates a current lift state of one of the intake and exhaust valves. The status signal indicates status of a lift control valve. The lift control valve actuates one of the intake valve and the exhaust valve. The event module generates the current lift mode and status signals based on the lift command signal, the response time signal, and the lift limit signal. One of the time and event modules enables the transition.

No. of Pages : 133 No. of Claims : 28

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.325/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : VALVETRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS WITH INDEPENDENT INTAKE AND EXHAUST LIFT CONTROL (51) International classification :F02D41/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :12/062,890 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)ALLEN B. RAYL (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A valve control system for an internal combustion engine includes a valve actuation system. The valve actuation system includes at least one of first and second configurations. The first configuration includes a shared lift control valve that actuates an intake valve and an exhaust valve between N open lift modes, where N is an integer greater than one. A second configuration includes a first lift control valve that actuates the intake valve and not the exhaust valve and a second lift control valve that actuates the exhaust valve and not the intake valve between the N open lift modes. A control module that enables transitioning of at least one of the intake and exhaust valves between the N open lift modes for the first and second configurations.

No. of Pages : 129 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.326/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : BI-DIRECTIONAL LUG CONNECTION AND METHOD :H01R13/432 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :12/061,681 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :03/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)STEFAN EICHHORST (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: The present invention is directed to an apparatus and method for connecting a unitary cable terminal plate assembly to a busbar from multiple directions in tight closed spaces so that space and assembly problems are improved. A lug connection is accomplished by combining a polyhedron nut having differently oriented nut holes for cooperation with bi-directional holes in the terminal plate assembly together with a stair-step frame to orient the nut in the terminal plate assembly. This bi-directional connection made with a nut, terminal plate, and frame ensures that no change has to be made to a vehicle component needing an electrical lug connection. Further this invention allows for a preferred tool drive direction, for example only vertically, even though the unitary assembly is being repositioned for better packaging orientation.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 11

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.329/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : HYDRAULIC CLUTCH CONTROL SYSTEM :F16D48/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :61/042,386 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)MICHAEL D. FOSTER (87) International Publication No : NA 2)JY-JEN F. SAH (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)PETER E. WU Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A transmission includes two blocking valves that control fluid pressure to a plurality of clutches. The blocking valves are characterized by a plurality of states that result in at least three transmission operating conditions. Each of the three operating conditions is characterized by fluid pressure being unavailable to a respective one of the plurality of clutches.

No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.332/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : INTEGRATED MOTOR COOLING/CLUTCH BACKFILL SYSTEM FOR USE IN A HYBRID TRANSMISSION (51) International classification :F01P3/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :61/042382 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)MICHAEL D. FOSTER (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A fluid is supplied to a housing of a hybrid transmission. An overall system line pressure is elevated to induce leakage of the fluid through a control system. The leaked fluid is flowed through at least one backfill passage to the housing of the hybrid transmission. The leaked fluid is flowed over the motors disposed within the housing to cool the motors. The fluid that is flowed over the motors is collected to create a head pressure within the housing. The head pressure forces the collected fluid upwards within the transmission housing and into clutches that are disposed therein.

No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.333/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : PUMP COVER INLET PORTING AND SEAL FOR HYBRID TRANSMISSION :F16D33/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :61/042004 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :03/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)ERIC S. TRYON (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A hybrid transmission is provided, including a transmission housing with an input cover attached to a main housing portion, and a hydraulic fluid reservoir in fluid communication with and attached to the transmission housing. The transmission also includes an input shaft in driving communication with an engine. A pump cover is attached to the input housing to define a pump pocket therebetween. A torque transmitting assembly is secured to the pump cover. The torque transmitting assembly includes a piston housing member that is coaxial with and longitudinally spaced from the pump cover to define an inlet passage therebetween. The inlet passage is configured to communicate the hydraulic fluid reservoir with the transmission housing, and is oriented at least partially radially adjacent to the pump pocket. A gasket member is disposed between the pump cover and piston housing member, and configured for fluidly sealing the same.

No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.334/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : INPUT SHAFT DRIVEN HYBRID TRANSMISSION PUMP :F16D33/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :61/041934 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :03/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)ERIC S. TRYON (87) International Publication No : NA 2)TIMOTHY J. REINHART (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A pump for a hybrid transmission includes an input shaft having a mating surface - which may include a flat portion - on an outer surface thereof, and a pump rotor coaxial with the input shaft. The pump rotor has an inner surface corresponding to the mating surface of the input shaft, and is directly and drivingly coupled to the input shaft for common rotation therewith. The hybrid transmission may further include an input housing and pump housing, and a pump pocket - in which the pump rotor operates - defined by the input housing, pump housing, and input shaft. The pump is configured to be testable prior to mating the hybrid transmission to an engine. The pump rotor is bounded axially by the input shaft, and a pump guide is configured to center the pump rotor, and to be installed prior to installation of the pump rotor.

No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 10

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.318/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : HUMIDITY SENSOR RETIONALITY DIAGNOSTIC :G01N27/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :61/042,446 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)PAUL A. BAUERLE (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A diagnostic system for a vehicle comprises a humidity module and a fault diagnostic module. The humidity module outputs a first humidity value based on a humidity measurement of a humidity sensor of the vehicle and outputs a second humidity value based on humidity data from a data source that is external to the vehicle. The fault diagnostic module selectively diagnoses a fault in the humidity sensor based on the first humidity value and the second humidity value.

No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 18

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.328/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : INPUT SHAFT WITH INTERNAL DRY SPLINES AND SEALED PLUG AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A HYBRID POWERTRAIN UTILIZING THE SAME (51) International classification :B60W20/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :61/041,933 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :03/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)TIMOTHY J. REINHART (87) International Publication No : NA 2)GREGORY W. KEMPF (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)JOEL E. MOWATT Filing Date :NA 4)ALAN G. HOLMES (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)GRANTLAND I. KINGMAN Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: An input shaft for a hybrid transmission includes a cylindrical hollow shaft portion having internal and external surfaces. The internal surface defines an internal cavity coaxial with the hollow shaft portion and has a splined portion configured to allow power to be transferred to the hollow shaft portion. The input shaft may further include a freeze plug press-fit in the internal cavity, configured to fluidly seal the inner cavity in embodiments with a cavity extending throughout the input shaft. The splined portion may be a broached spline. A method of manufacturing a hybrid powertrain includes forming a hollow transmission input shaft and press-fitting a plug into it, such that the shaft is internally fluid sealed. The shaft is mated to the transmission which may then be filled with fluid and tested for operability. The shaft may be dry-mated to an engine output member for common rotation therewith.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 14

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.335/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : STATOR CAN HOUSING WELDED TO BEARING SUPPORT AND METHOD OF ASSEMBLING A HYBRID TRANSMISSION UTILIZING THE SAME (51) International classification :B60K17/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :61/041935 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :03/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)TIMOTHY J. REINHART (87) International Publication No : NA 2)GREGORY W. KEMPF (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)KENNETH D. SCHOCH Filing Date :NA 4)WILLIAM S. REED (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A motor/generator for a hybrid transmission includes a bearing support configured for attachment to the hybrid transmission. A stator can is bonded directly to the bearing support, possibly by welding. The motor/generator may further include a stator press-fit into said stator can. A method of assembling a hybrid transmission includes welding a stator can to a bearing support, forming a motor/generator housing. A stator is then pressed into the housing. A substantially-complete motor/generator is assembled by installing a rotor, a rotor hub, and a ball bearing into the housing, which are held in the motor/generator housing with a snap ring. The method may include rigidly attaching the substantially-complete motor/generator to a main case. The method may further include testing the substantially-complete motor/generator prior to transporting the motor/generator to a final place of assembly and rigidly attaching the motor/generator to the transmission main case.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 13

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.355/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : HYDRAULIC CONTROL FOR A PARK BY WIRE SYSTEM USED IN A MULTIMODE HYBRID TRANSMISSION (51) International classification :F15B3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :61/042375 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)MICHAEL D. FOSTER (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A servo valve for shifting a transmission between a park and out of park position includes a valve housing and a park servo. A first and second solenoid is disposed in the valve housing for transmitting a respective first or second signal to shift the transmission to the respective first or second state of operation. The park servo is fluidly connected to the transmission and is responsive to the first and second signals to shift the transmission to the respective positions. Fluid pressure within the valve housing moves a valve member therein to move a piston within the park servo to shift the transmission to the corresponding position. A third solenoid transmits a third signal in combination with the second signal to latch and hold the valve member in the corresponding position.

No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.354/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : HYDRAULIC CONTROL MODULE FOR VEHICLE TRANSMISSION AND DIAGNOSTIC DETECTION METHOD FOR THE SAME (51) International classification :F15B3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :61/042451 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)MICHAEL D. FOSTER (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: The present invention provides advanced hardware diagnostic detection for the clutch control components in a hydraulic control module of a multi-mode hybrid transmission. The detection scheme of the present invention utilizes pressure switch sensors to detect the position of each of the valves associated with the clutch control mechanization. The mechanization of these sensors with the valves provides the ability to clearly define the position of each of the valves, while also enabling the transmission electro-hydraulic control module (TEHCM) to diagnose the state of health of each pressure switch. This will allow the diagnostics to differentiate between a failed switch and a failed (e.g., "stuck" or "out of position") valve. The present invention offers the ability to safely diagnose the clutch control components in a power transmission, while preventing unexpected and undesired shift sequencing within the transmission. No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.356/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TORQUE RIPPLE REDUCTION :H02K29/03 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :12/098287 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :04/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)STEVEN E. SCHULZ (87) International Publication No : NA 2)JOHN P. MILLER (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)KHWAJA M. RAHMAN Filing Date :NA 4)SOO-YEOL LEE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: Methods and apparatus are provided for reducing torque ripple in a permanent magnet motor system comprising a permanent magnet motor coupled to an inverter. The method comprises the steps of receiving a torque command, generating a torque ripple reduction signal in response to the torque command, modifying operational control signals in response to the torque ripple reduction signal to generate reduced ripple operational control signals, and providing the reduced ripple operational control signals to the inverter for control of the permanent magnet motor.

No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.369/KOL/2009 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/02/2009

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : POWER SYSTEMS FOR HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE (HEV) :B60W10/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :12/061,437 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :02/04/2008 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)ALAN G. HOLMES (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) power system is provided that includes a vehicle electrical system (VES), an inverter-controller unit (ICU) and an AC electric motor/generator unit (MGU). The VES includes a first DC voltage source and a second DC voltage source coupled in series with the first DC voltage source. The VES also includes a first electrical load coupled across the first DC voltage source, and a second electrical load coupled across the second DC voltage source. The ICU is coupled across the first DC voltage source and the second DC voltage source and is designed to convert DC power from the first DC voltage source and the second DC voltage source to generate AC power for the AC electric MGU. Together the DC voltage sources can replace a conventional highvoltage DC voltage source. In some implementations, techniques are provided for "charge balancing" the first DC voltage source and the second DC voltage source without expensive devices.

No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 20

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.648/KOL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : FLYER SPEED CONTROLLER AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM OF SPINNING MACHINES (51) International classification

:D01H1/00, D01H13/00 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA : NA :NA :NA :NA :NA


(31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : This invention relates to an improved closed-loop speed control system of a spinning frame with respect to the ends break, the system comprising; a three - phase A.C. supply source (1) for feeding a shunt - field circuit (3) of a d. c. motor via a rectifier circuit (2), the supply source (1) further feeding a set of silicon controlled rectifiers (4) which is fed to an armature (5) of the d. c. motor which drives a spinning machine (6), the spinning machine (6) having a rotatable drum with a main shaft (7); a control device comprising a plurality of slotted disk (8) rigidly fixed on the drum (7) and being rotatable in registration with the rotating speed of the drum (7); atleast one infrared light source (9) provided on one side of the disks (8); an infrared light sensor (10) placed on the other side of the disks (8) such that the sensor (10) produces a high binary state of voltage when any of the plurality slots of the rotating disk (8) reaches under an operation zone of the infrared light source (9) and the sensor (10) thereby indicating the speed of the drum (7); and a main controller (11) receiving the feed-back pluses from the sensor (10) and setting a desired speed of the d.c. motor, a motor controller (13) regulating the desired motor speed by monitoring and controlling a firing angle of the set of rectifiers (4) via a firing circuit (14). A plurality of end break sensors (15) are disposed in the spinning machine (6) each of which senses the breakage of individual yarn in the spinning process and transmits the breakage data to a control unit (16), the control unit (16) based on the received data causes the spinning frame to stop further supply of silver to the affected flyer.

No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 7

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.575/KOLNP/2003 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/05/2003

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : COMPOUNDS ACTIVE AT THE GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTOR II (51) International classification :A61K (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0029102.1 1)KARO BIO AB, NOVUM (32) Priority Date :29/11/2000 Address of Applicant :S- 141 57 HUDDINGE Sweden (33) Name of priority country :U.K. 2)ABBOT LABORATORIES :PCT/IB2001/02302 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/11/2001 1)PELCMAN BENJAMIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2002/43648 2)GUSTAFSSON ANNIKA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KYM PHILIP R :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: This invention relates to novel compounds that are liver selective glucocorticoid receptor antagonists, to methods of preparing such compounds, and to methods for using such compounds in therapy and in the regulation of metabolism, especially lowering blood glucose levels. The compounds referred to are compounds according to the formula 1: wherein X is selected from: CH2, CHYR7, CHYC(O)R7, C=O, C=S, and C=NOR8; Y is selected from: O, S, and NR8; R1 is selected from: COOH and heteroaryl; R2 and R3 are independently of each other selected from: hydrogen, halogen, and C1-6alkyl, provided that one of R2 or R3 is other than hydrogen; R4 is selected from: C1-6alkyl, C2-6-alkenyl, C2-6-alkynyl, halogen, (R9)(R10)N, R8C(Z)N(R11). R8OC(Z)N(R11), (R9)(R10)NC(Z)N(R11), R8S(O)2N(R11), (R9)(R10)NS(O)2N(R11), and R8SC(Z)N(R11); R5 is selected from: (i) C1-6alkyl which is substituted by a group selected from A, provided that A is not halogen; (ii) C7-12alkyl, C2-12-alkenyl and C2-12alkynyl; (iii) C1-12-alkyl, where one or more carbon atoms are replaced by Y, and where one or more carbons are optionally substituted by a group selected from A, provided that if more than one carbon is replaced by Y, the said Y groups are not directly connected to each other; R6 is selected from: C1-12-alkyl, C3-8cycIoalkyl, C3-8-heterocycloalkyl, C2-6alkenyl, and C2-6-alkynyl, aryl, and heteroaryl; R7 is optionally selected from hydrogen; R8, R9, R10 and R11 are independently of each other selected from: hydrogen, C1-6alkyl, C3-8cycloalkyl, C2-6alkenyl, C2-6aIkynyI, and C38 9 10 11 8heterocycloalkyl, aryl and heteroaryl; or where any pair of R , R , R and R together with the atom or atoms to which they are bound form a ring having 3-7 ring members; or pharmaceutically acceptable salts, stereoisomers or prodrugs thereof.

No. of Pages : 41 No. of Claims : 17

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.638/KOL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/03/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : A PERFECT SYSTEM FOR DEINKING AND MILD BLEACHING OF ALL VERITIES OF PRINTED AND HAND-WRITTEN WASTE PAPER WITH LESS CONSUMPTION OF POWER, CHEMICALS AND WATER (51) International classification :D21C5/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TODI NANDLAL (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :2, QUEENS PARK KOLKATA West (33) Name of priority country :NA Bengal India (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)TODI NANDLAL (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract: A Perfect system for Deinking and mild Bleaching of all verities of printed and hand-written Waste paper with less consumption of power, chemicals and water.

No. of Pages : 6 No. of Claims : 1

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.661/KOL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED PENILE IMPLANT WITH INDUCTION HEATED ERECTILE CORE :A61F2/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)GHANSHYAM DAS AGRAWAL (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :101A, CHITTARANJAN AVENUE, (33) Name of priority country :NA KOLKATA West Bengal India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)GHANSHYAM DAS AGRAWAL (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to an improved penile implant with induction heated erectile core comprising of a silicon rod provided with a core of bunch of wire surrounded by a metallic jacket.

No. of Pages : 6 No. of Claims : 4

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.672/KOL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009


(51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract: An improved version of the apparatus and method for controlling the flow of fluid along with solid particles is described. The main claim of this invention is in utilization of rack and pinion mechanism for converting the rotary motion, initialized by the stepper motor movements based on the signals received from the sensors into linear motion to a pair of sliding plates for varying the area of opening of the valve. It is also claimed that the selection of material and construction of the apparatus is made in such a way that it caters to easy replacement of sliding plates, resistance to erosive environment, leakproofness of the apparatus, and offers less pressure drop at the down stream of the system.

No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 9

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009



(21) Application No.679/KOL/2008 A

(19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008

(43) Publication Date : 09/10/2009

(54) Title of the invention : NOVEL PROCESS (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date


(57) Abstract: A process of preparing an enantiomerically enriched Y-amino acid.

No. of Pages : 47 No. of Claims : 89

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


Restoration under Section 60 of the Patents Act, 1970 Notice is hereby given that an application for restoration of Patent No. 209445 made by E.I. Du Pont De Nemours And Company on 23.06.2008 has been allowed and the said Patent is restored.

PUBLICATION U/R 84(3) IN RESPECT OF APPLICATION FOR RESTORATION OF PATENTS Notice is hereby given that any person interested in opposing the following applications for Restoration of Patents under Section 60 of the Patent Act, 1970, may at any time within 2 months from the date of publication of this notice, give notice to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office on the prescribed Form 14 under rule 85 of the Patents Rules, 2003. Patent No. 199430



Date of Cessation




Appropriate Office KOLKATA
























The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


PUBLICATION U/R 84(3) IN RESPECT OF APPLICATION FOR RESTORATION OF PATENTS Notice is hereby given that any person interested in opposing the following applications for Restoration of Patents under Section 60 of the Patent Act, 1970, may at any time within 2 months from the date of publication of this notice, give notice to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office on the prescribed Form 14 under rule 85 of the Patents Rules , 2003. Patent No. 200242



Date of Cessation




Appropriate Office KOLKATA

08.03.2008 05.10.2008





















202465 206172






















The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


Publication Under Section 43(2) in Respect of the Grant Following Patents have been granted and any “person interested” in opposing these patents under Section 25(2) may at any time within one year from the date of this issue, to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office, on the prescribed form-7 along with written statement and evidence, if any. Se ria l Patent Date of Date of Nu Numbe Application Number Applicatio Priority m r n be r


Title of Invention

Name of Patentee


Date of Appropri Publication ate of Abstract Office u/s 11(A)

17/08/2007 DELHI



236146 821/DELNP/2006



20/04/2007 DELHI


"STABLE AQUEOUS 236148 5309/DELNP/2005 23/06/2004 23/06/2003 ANTIPLAUQE ORAL COMPOSITION"

17/08/2007 DELHI


236152 777/DELNP/2005

01/09/2003 03/09/2002



236153 601/DELNP/2005

25/09/2003 26/09/2002



IN/PCT/2001/00512 TREATMENT OF A LIQUID 236154 18/11/1999 19/11/1998 MEDIUM COMPRISING A /DEL





The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009

13/03/2009 DELHI 20/06/2008 DELHI





236156 4046/DELNP/2005 04/03/2004 06/03/2003

10 236157 346/DEL/2003





24/08/2007 DELHI



27/04/2007 DELHI

"CAST PART WITH 11 236158 1466/DELNP/2004 30/09/2002 30/09/2002 ENHANCED WEAR RESISTANCE"



The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009

01/06/2007 DELHI


Publication Under Section 43(2) in Respect of the Grant Following Patents have been granted and any “person interested” in opposing these patents under Section 25(2) may at any time within one year from the date of this issue, to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office, on the prescribed form-7 along with written statement and evidence, if any. Ser ial Patent Date of Date of Nu Numbe Application Number Application Priority mb r er 1




Title of Invention

Date of Publication Appropriat Name of Patentee of Abstract e Office u/s 11(A)

METHOD OF LG 236121 1033/MUMNP/2006 03/03/2004 03/03/2003 SELECTING A ELECTRONICS 08/06/2007 MUMBAI REFERENCE PICTURE , INC.

236125 421/MUMNP/2007




236126 541/MUM/2005


236138 316/MUMNP/2006



236149 1431/MUM/2005



236150 552/MUMNP/2007





23/05/2008 MUMBAI


27/07/2007 MUMBAI


08/06/2007 MUMBAI

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


Publication Under Section 43(2) in Respect of the Grant Following Patents have been granted and any “person interested” in opposing these patents under Section 25(2) may at any time within one year from the date of this issue, give notice to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office, on the prescribed form-7 along with written statement and evidence, if any.

Serial Patent Application Number Number Number

Date of Date of Application Priority


236168 784/KOLNP/2003



236169 IN/PCT/2001/788/KOL 09/02/2000 09/02/1999

Title of Invention


Name of Patentee


Date of Publication Appropriate of Abstract Office u/s 11(A) 04/02/2005 KOLKATA

05/09/2008 KOLKATA

236170 1326/KOLNP/2004


26/05/2006 KOLKATA


236171 1516/KOLNP/2005



27/07/2007 KOLKATA


236172 1188/KOLNP/2005

NOVEL 2', 5' 19/11/2003 19/11/2002 OLIGOADENYLIC ACID ANALOGUES.


03/11/2006 KOLKATA


236173 597/KOLNP/2006


03/08/2007 KOLKATA


236174 1477/KOLNP/2004



04/08/2006 KOLKATA


236176 1099/KOLNP/2005

08/12/2003 31/12/2002


13/07/2007 KOLKATA


236177 139/CAL/2000

07/03/2000 09/03/1999 SMALL ELECTRIC MOTOR


05/02/2008 KOLKATA

236178 328/KOLNP/2006


23/03/2007 KOLKATA


236179 2665/KOLNP/2005



27/10/2006 KOLKATA


236180 951/KOL/2005



02/02/2007 KOLKATA


236181 623/KOL/2003

09/12/2003 19/12/2002 CATIONIC ALKYD


26/05/2006 KOLKATA




The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009







12/12/2008 KOLKATA

236183 344/KOLNP/2004


05/09/2008 KOLKATA

236184 1112/KOLNP/2003



236185 317/KOLNP/2006




236186 97/KOLNP/2005




236187 IN/PCT/2001/641/KOL 05/01/2000 06/01/1999


09/03/2007 KOLKATA



26/09/2008 KOLKATA

236188 2285/KOLNP/2005



27/07/2007 KOLKATA


236189 1789/KOLNP/2004



18/08/2006 KOLKATA


236190 762/KOLNP/2004

26/10/2002 14/11/2001


14/04/2006 KOLKATA


236191 802/KOLNP/2005


09/06/2006 KOLKATA

27/07/2007 KOLKATA

26/05/2006 KOLKATA



236192 2701/KOLNP/2005

24/07/2004 30/07/2003 GAS SENSOR



236194 1384/KOLNP/2004




236195 150/KOLNP/2003

07/08/2001 07/08/2000

236196 1224/KOLNP/2003



236197 2277/KOLNP/2005



236198 839/KOLNP/2005

13/11/2003 14/11/2002


236199 1815/KOLNP/2005

19/03/2004 19/03/2003 ANY IRREGULARITY IN






11/03/2005 KOLKATA

18/03/2005 KOLKATA

27/07/2007 KOLKATA


23/06/2006 KOLKATA


24/11/2006 KOLKATA

The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009





236200 1912/KOLNP/2004


25/08/2006 KOLKATA

236201 1845/KOLNP/2005



13/04/2007 KOLKATA




02/03/2007 KOLKATA



10/10/2008 KOLKATA


07/06/2005 KOLKATA

236202 340/KOL/2005


236203 403/CAL/1999



236204 1112/KOLNP/2004



The Patent Office Journal 09/10/2009


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