
  • November 2019
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last 10 posts [ in reverse order ]

snowmoon� posted on apr 12 2006, 11:43 am
  <span class='postcolor'> c� g� đ�u, n� tưởng thằng hardcore gamer trong forum m�nh kh�c với gamer trong forum n� chứ thực ra 2 thằng l� 1 biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

ngu vậy hả ntlinh
unnamed_1512 posted on apr 12 2006, 11:40 am
  <span class='postcolor'> c� chuyện g� dzậy?hardcore_gamer l�m sao?
ntlinh posted on apr 12 2006, 10:34 am
  <span class='postcolor'> dm to^? su* dua' nao` vao` 4rum post bai` rui` cho lun link cai' 4rum nay` vao` chu~ ki' cua? no'
dm con choa' nao` da^y'
hinh` nhu* thang` gamer dei' j` dung' ko

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