Name SSR/Reading
Independent Reading Project - C Reading is one of the most important skills that we learn and practice in life. We read everyday, every minute, almost constantly. Reading helps us do many things—we read to gather information, to entertain ourselves, to keep in touch with our friends, etc. Independent reading (reading selections of our own choosing at our own pace) helps us to become more skilled, effective readers as it allows us to practice our comprehension and vocabulary skills. Independent Reading Project: Due : October 26, 2007 (Friday) Task: To read 1 book of your choosing and complete this IRD packet. ♦ Your fiction or nonfiction novel must have at least 100 pages OF PRINT. ♦ Books numbering more than 300 pages may count as 2 books. The second book can count as extra credit this nine weeks OR as one of your books for second nine weeks. See me for approval. Details: o Selected books must have a reading level of 4.0 or higher, OR you have gotten approval from me to read a book with an unknown reading level or one that is lower than 4.0. o Books may be fiction or non-fiction. o You must take the AR Test after completing each book you read. In order for the book to count toward your IRP goal, you must successfully pass the AR test. Turn in your AR test summary prior to turning in your IRP. o If you choose to read a book that is not part of the AR program, you will need to complete an additional assignment for this project. See me for more information. o As you complete your IRP books, work on your book summaries. Do NOT wait to complete all the book summaries at once. Capture your ideas while they’re fresh in your mind!
o Finally, take time to decorate or illustrate your IRP packet cover. Be creative, colorful, and neat.
Good Luck and Good Reading!
Reader’s Journal Please complete the following using complete sentences.. 1)
Of the books you’ve read this 9 weeks, which did you enjoy most? Give 3 specific reasons for your choice. (4-6 sentences.)
What did you learn (life lessons, general information, etc.) from your reading this 9 weeks? Explain in detail.
List 3 new words you discovered from your readings and give the definition of each.
: new word
: new word
: new word
Book Summary: Title: #pp: Author: ___/____
AR pts:
Fiction or Non-Fiction?
Genre? (adventure, romance, teen issues, historical fiction, sci fi, humor, etc.)
(4-6 sentences)
Main Characters
(List main characters, along with a brief description of each. Ex— Susie Smith, a high school cheerleader)
Conflict Type: Person v/s Internal or external? (Circle one.) Brief description:
(What is the lesson you learned? Note: for Nonfiction, this is called the Main Idea.)
I would/would not (circle one) recommend this book to others because (be specific)
Teacher Initials