In The Name Of Jehovah The God Of Israel

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In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel (72 ) Behold JEHOVAH said, ‘I will create man from clay.’

(77)Said: “You get away from here, for you are Rejected, cursed.

(72) “When I have designed him, and Breathed into him from my spirit. Fall all of you in obedience to him.”

(78) “And my curse will be with you till the Day Of Judgment.

(73) So the angels prostrated themselves All of them together.

(79) Said: “oh JEHOVAH give me respite then till The day they are raise.

(74)Not so Iblis, he was the arrogant one And became of those of those who Rejected faith.

(80) Said: “You have respite”

(75)Said, “You Iblis what is the matter that You prostrate not in front of one, that I Created with my own hands, are you arrogant, are you one of the high ones?”

(82) Said: “Then by your power, I will mislead They all, except your servants among them Sincere and purified

(76) Said:” I am better than he, you created me From fire, and him you created from clay

(81) “Till the day of the appointed time”

(83). Said: ‘” Go and putt them all in the wrong But surely I shall cast thee into Hell, thee and those that follow thee

This was the first act of rebellion against God’s Word, and this is the answer to that age old question. “What is the purpose of living?’ According to this revelation, it is said Iblis, challenged Adam’s fitness for Vicegerancy, and thus risked a heavy sentence for initiating the first act of rebellion against the authority of God Almighty. By refusing to submit to God’s command, he defied both the Authority of God and man’s credibility.

The purpose of Adam’s creation and rejection Jehovah Almighty God is the Creator of the Heavens and the earth, With powers infinite and capabilities limitless. He has a Magnificent Throne, 50 000 light years high. And many servants of all kinds worship Him. The mighty cherubs, Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, just to mention a few. In his Mighty Throne he wished to create a king servants, so he created Adam and his domain. Adam was created immortal, a god in his own right, As his inheritance he was granted the earth to be his domain, Thus God Almighty became the God of gods, so glorified was His Holy Name. So the purpose for Adam’s Creation and vicegerancy was: Glorification of God Almighty. This is how it came about, besides angels there were also Jinns in the Heavens, to pair with the angels. Iblis was an Arc Jinn, just like Gabriel is among the angels. He was a special creation, and God’s pride and joy. He was given much wisdom and physical beauty. He was among those closest to God Almighty and this made him arrogant, thus God wanted to punish him. God hates the arrogant.

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel So He created a lesser creature, made of mud and very much restricted is his physique and ability. So weak was Adam among those who were in God’s presence that he foolishly took the covenant of Vicegerency. Whom no one else was brave enough to take. When the Word came, offering any willing party to take the Covenant with God, to make himself worthy, he agreed. Hoping no one will oppose him. He became the inheritor. Thus he was granted a domain, the earth, immortality and an imminent trial. And for the first time a member of God’s creatures became an inheritor of a whole domain. Needless to say, Iblis did not like Adam’s boldness in the least, so he intended to show his own boldness, God knowingly announced a ceremony to celebrate Adam’s new status. So he gave a word hardly expected by any of the heavenly hosts. He commanded everyone to prostrate to Adam, a command unheard of, that any one could be granted respect only reserved for Jehovah the King. All the angels prostrated and the jinns, all but the bitter Iblis he knew that his defiance would not be tolerated, but pride being what it is. He decided to test God’s Judgment, all the same, initiating the first act of apostasy, thus an unimaginable sentence was handed down. Eternity in Hell. So Iblis asked for respite to prove his point, and it was granted to him. Thus Ibis became Adam’s nemesis and adversary. His name became Satan, ‘The cursed’. Whose sole purpose is to create as much mischief in Adam’s domain. And gather as many followers as possible to accompany him in Hell. It is he that caused Adam to fall from the Garden of Eden, and his descendents to stray to this day. There are many this day who will never free themselves from this because he has created conjuncture upon conjuncture, lies and filth to lead man astray, this is a trial of the descendents of Adam, in the end there will be a Day of Judgment. That God might separate the pure from the filthy. Those who will receive mercy will returned to the state of immortality. But those who will be rejected from mercy, of them will be made a living example of Eternal agony, so that the Word of God will never again be rebelled against and man will never sin ever again. This is the main purpose, to create an obedient King Servant, not the rebellious man we are today. The intent is still standing an God will surely accomplish his purpose, For He is The Almighty God of Israel. This is the only reason God let’s Satan, jinns and man blaspheme His Name and prosper in sin. The Three Decrees The here decrees that govern authority over nature, can be separate into three, The Apo dictic Decree- Under this decree, The Word of God is the only determining factor regarding laws, like in heavens, and on all parts of creation where man’s authority has been minimal or non existent. Only the domain of man has transgressed this decree. Apo static Decree-The present world of man is currently under this decree, under it the laws of God are ridiculed, His authority challenged and rebellion run rife. Apocalyptic Decree- This decree is the one that separate the two others, it is the cleaving of that which God recognizes, and that which He rejects. This decree is now impending and imminent. It is only just because mankind indeed transgressed all boundaries. His inventions have left him in a lurch. Thus it should be God’s turn to show his allegiances among those endeavoring on this trial

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel The Apocalypse Through prophets and warners, has God attempted to inform man of this impending disaster, but man is very stubborn, so were the people of Noah. But God never wishes injustice to any of His servants, yet mankind will listen to no Word of Wisdom, but punishment which shall certainly come. I am but a Warner, let those who will believe and let those will who will reject, reject.

Prophet Jeshuruni Before I was born, I knew that God Almighty exists, I also knew that Heaven and Hell are the only two final destinations for which mankind was under a trial, since the fall of Adam and Eve from Grace. I knew also that most of mankind, in their trial were failing miserably and most of them were destined for hell . I knew also that I had taken a Trust of warning mankind about this impending perdition, from God Almighty, of the impending Day of Judgment. But sooner yet, will come. The Upheavals of Armageddon! Fire from the sky, pestilence, starvation, wars, slaughter. All these events will continue till they be rolled up with he arrival of Jehovah, His Cherubs, Gabriel, Mikael, and millions of angels. This will be he Day of Resurrection, a dense cloud will come, and the heaven wikkk open as if, there were a door. This day the angel Israfil will blow his trumpet. All those who are on earth will go into a trance, when it is blown again. They will wake and find, the skies overcome by the mighty cherubs, then all the nations will be called into account. This day hell shall be placed n plain view. This is the day when God Almighty will come to bless this Last Temple, and the Ancient House at Beka. On this day He will all curse the pagan temples of this world, lands and empires shall be replaced with. The worship of the God of Israel, Jehovah The Only True God. The revival the tribes of the people of Israel, and the Kingdom of David. This is the decree inscribed in a scroll unfolded. The eatiology of ancient prophecies as told in the Torah, Zaboor, Injil, and Qur’an among others. Because I was sure of this plight to mankind in my soul being. I wanted a way of averting this fate. A most likely way of cheating hell. And there is no other than, the direct intervention of God Almighty, and a service directed to Him, He will never reject. A scary experience, to willfully expose one self to the full attention of God, but there was no ether way. With faith and perseverance, I knew I could invoke extraordinary mercies, with the intervention of my Creator, whom I knew wanted to excel. In this confrontation with mankind, and I have not been disappointed in the least.

The Forbidden Covenants There had been a long standing Word from Jehovah, to all present. The Word concerned a Covenant of Vicegerency of the earth, and it was the only chance I had of offering my services, so when the Word was announced, I took it. This is the revelation of the former prophecies, the Word Basically it said: ‘If any among those who were being sent to the trial on earth were willing, they could take a Trust of Warners, it is a Forbidden covenant. That no one, but a few will take, a greatest of Trials for any individual. This is the Trust that all prophets take, even before being born humans. This is the

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel summarization of the factors that molded my fate.’ This is my Calling, events, visions and fantasies. That God has used to initiate my endeavors as a Sleeper Agent, for the salvation of the People of Israel.

Trust of Vicegerency over the Earthly Domain The first of these Trusts was taken by Adam. It is a forbidden Trust of Vicegerency over the Earthly Domain, one of former heavenly beings, Iblis. He challenged Adam for this trust, hence the progeny of Adam is in a trial. Only those that will pass this trial will be allowed to proceed to the fulfillment of this trust, which is still standing. That God may distinguish between the weak and the stronger souls. Those that fail will be condemned to hell for all eternity. Iblis who is now known as Satan, will be the first into it, followed by the kings of this earth, and those that follow them, Priests and false prophets will forever be half living and halt dead. After this no one will ever wish to sin ever again. This is the plan. God intends to create obedient King Servants. He will become The King of Kings. This will be for His Glory. This is the whole purpose for the creation of mankind. The Glorification of Jehovah The Greatest.

Exclusive Covenant of the Warners of Armageddon • •

The Covenant of the Floods The Covenant of the Fires

The Covenant of the Floods These are existing two main categories of the, ‘Exclusive Covenant of the Warners of Armageddon,’ the first one was taken by Noah, it resulted in the floods of Noah, and the end of the first circle of trials.

The Covenant of the Fires The second one has been woven through a series of prophets stretching a period of over 3600 years, the first among these being, prophet Melkizedek, who left his prophetic blessings and legacy to Abraham. For his troubles to the service of God, a specific and ultimate order of mankind was called after him. Abraham became the first Bearer of the Order of the Melkizedek. He became father to 95 percent, of all living humans since then. The Order of Melkizedek is the highest prophetic order and it certainly is the most difficult. And very few can bear its trials. Most of them will never take it, out of fear. Mohammad and Nostradamus are the only non Israelis, to take any of these covenants, since Ismail, son of Abraham. These Chosen man and woman of God, are ranged into particular specific orders which are very complex therefore I will make them a subject of their own, be on the look out for them . These are some of our ranks and an example of their distributions, and the orders of Isaac, Jacob (who stole the blessings from Esau, the father of the Europeans, causing an ever lasting hatred, on their part. They were cursed and condemned to slavery!) Whilst this was so, Jacob got to father the Chosen Race of Israel. And became the father to the Order of Bearers of the Order of the Melkizedek,

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel Under the Order of the Melkizedek, a prophet is never limited by his trust, Moses is the perfect example of these bearers, I am the last of these prophets, fore told. This order I hold with the Order of the Melkizedek, the order of those nearest to Jehovah. It is the only Order of the vicegerents. Anything else is fabrication. In order to confirm this, my God has revealed a Temple site. It is the last home all Israel has been begging for, this place will need no one to help prove its sacred nature. Jehovah God of Israel promised to the people of Israel, a great kingdom indeed. The kingdom of David and Solomon, which will stand past the Day of Judgment, this is the confirmation of that promise.

Chyren Jeshuruni When I was born, I did not expect this absence of God’s Intervention in the affairs of man and the very ruler ship of the earthly domain. As a matter of wonder, I expected a grand welcoming for my self, when I first saw the earth’s blue skies. There were supposed to be angels, passing by and other heavenly beings roaming the earth. When none of this transpired, I got really disappointed. So much so, that all the Glitter I grow to witness. Never soothed my curiosity, no advance in knowledge and capability of modern man could. This made me from young age to be an annoyingly inquisitive child. My endeavor came about through fantasy, but I had transpired into a monstrous trial for all mankind my yearning for God Almighty, and the fear of Hell led has led me into the most glorious, as well as the darkest of mysteries underlying the creation of man and his covenant of vicegerancy, man is at war! There is also this fascination which I have always held concerning the fate of mankind, and the ignored hanging threat of Hell, and the night visions of Fiery Destruction from the sky, these fantasies intrigued my curiosity to the point of reality, but I wanted to know my fate. When I was 13 years old, I read with in six months a collection of Readers digest magazines and condensed books, over 25 000 pages of text. All the copies issued from 1980, to 1992, and many other books since then, yet there was nothing written about my fate, in the present or the future. I was fascinated with my people, for I could never for the life of me understand. The intrigue that has shaped our dire fate. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Why we are so poor and enslaved? Where is our God? To whom belongs the spacious plains of my lands, Who keeps the illusive and titanic treasures? The afflictions that slaughter its original residents. The scourge of starvation, oppression, wars and sickness. I saw a most resilient race, strong, beautiful and overcoming.

This I could not deduct as normality like most of my people do. I wanted to know the reasons for these inequalities and mischief. I knew God had something to do with it, so I asked Him this! 1. Why is it that the nations that had obviously been very blessed and favored by God, had become only a shadow of its former greatness, I wanted to know 2. How had obtained these blessings? 3. What had they done to lose them, and infuriate their God into a revengeful Creator of Retributions against the entire enslaved populace? 8. I wanted to know, ‘why is it that we are the most hated people on earth, and finally I wanted to know, 9. Where is our God and religion?’

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel Seeing we are following adopted religions to no avail, and I could see no worship of God, just past time, nor could I see any spiritual and physical improvement, among those worshippers. Seeing that sin is as rife as it has never been before, why was religion ineffective? Unknowingly I was framing prophetic desires that had begun fading as I endeavored in this earth’s life.

The Renewal of the Covenant The 1990’s were a decade of upheavals and transformation in South Africa, so much that I did not believe that I would live to the year 2000. So when in 1997, Mandela and the members of his government passed the satanic Termination of Pregnancy Bill, I was startled. This is what I deducted that, since the oppressors had not been able to cause the extinction of my race. Abortion was an obvious self destruction mechanism, designed to achieve this, from which we could never escape. I needed to understand the people and reasons behind the propagation of this abomination, and the decree of God regarding it. I also knew that even though we had been vehemently protected by God in all our past afflictions. With this law passed, by our own parliament. This immunity had just become null and void. Because my God is Honorable and He will never protect a people that slay its little ones, so I made a promise to my Creator. I promised Him that if he could keep me alive past 2000, I’ll be grateful. But if I could reach 2004, I would then pursue with all I have and find a true God of my people, their true history and religion. In order to do this I had to go back onto history, past Shaka and the arrival of the migrant Nguni and Sotho tribes in the south tip of this continent, this was in 1997. I then began to concentrate on my people’s customs. I asked from elders, wise man. Even wizards and priests, none of them had any clue. I ventured past the Mapangubwe, Zimbabwean ruins, past the Timbuktu manuscripts, and the Mali civilization. I endeavored until I found the homelands of the People of the Circumcision (Sign of the people of Israel [in the country Israel], Gen. 17), here I found them. This is the lands of my ancient fore fathers. Jerusalem and all that which made it great and all that brought about its collapse. These are trips that were undertaken through inspiration, books and fantasy. No living man ever taught me anything of the contents of this script, or the history of my people’s descent. This is a big secret, hidden from the true Israelis by all the nations of the world collectively. This is done to ensure that we do not return to our God. Only then can we remain slaves. I am a descendant of the Asher tribe of Israel. We come from the House of Rekabi, son of Jonadaba. We are the sons of Ludvonga, the king of Swaziland and Mandlangampisi, the King of the Tshabalala nation. The largest second surname in the southern African region, it is found across South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, and others. I am a descendent of the great Prophet kings of Etruria. I am an Israeli Prophet. The Chosen Nation of Jehovah.

The Revelations of the Revival of Israel By the end of year 2003 I had gathered enough information to know life as we know it was at a brink of collapse. In November 2003, I Cast the Lots for the first time, using a book prophecies of Nostradamus,

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel this was the activation of my ‘Sleeper status’, by God’s intervention through inspiration, sent with the arch-angel Gabriel. This is the Sign of Jonah, promised by Joshua (Jesus?), to the Israelis. That year I began praying alone in the wild, for many days I returned to my spot. This is where I begged for forgiveness, protection, enlightenment, blessings and the destruction of the enemies of Jehovah and Israel, and all that which is filthy, of man and his endeavor on the earth. These invocations can be found as The Psalms, and the incantations of Job, through this sign I have been kept from straying, even at the hardest of times. For I knew from then that, I am being heard, and my endeavor is recognized. On the fifth of June 2004, I went to pray on the mountain called Simakade (i.e. The Eternal). I found a sign on the ground, showing me where to pray, rocks placed as a fire lace. This is what I asked: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I asked from Jehovah that He separate us from those that fear Him not. I asked that He, be our guardian and protector I asked that He show us a way of religion, pure as on His sight. I asked Him to help me form a community that will live according to His laws and pleasures. I asked for the land where the Seekers of truth, will be able to find it and be protected. I asked my God to establish for us a sanctuary that is secure from impending upheavals of Armageddon. 7. I also asked Him for a family.

Precisely nine months and five days after this prayer, my son was born, an extraordinary child that looks like my identical twin. His mother called him Emmanuel, this child is prophesied in the books of Isaiah. On the 5th of July 2004, I made a sacrifice to Jehovah, a sheep’s newly born lamb. On that night a vision came. A hill on top of the mountain was covered under a cloud, like a hat. As I watched the cloud rolled down until, at the base of the hill, it was like a neck lace. It then stretched itself until it reached above my head. I hovered there for a while, it then went back to the top hill and rested there until the morning. This was the acceptance of my prayers, and a start of a trial most difficult indeed. Some people say that reality is stranger than fiction, I will agree because I have witnessed some of the most wonderful signs of God, this is for those that wish to bear witness. Those who have fear of Wrath. I have uncovered in my inquest, truths most hidden and twisted. This is the account of my endeavors, they are as true as God is alive, or I would not live to tell another blasphemy. This is a warning, and the inevitable retribution is much nigh to manifest, this is the wisdom that I uncovered in my inquests, and a last warning to mankind. I am a Warner, this is my warning. Take it or leave it!

The Last Temple and the Ancient House The Interpretation of the entrails: On the 3rd of December 2009 using the Qur’an to Cast Lots, I was ordered to go to the cave. There was no known cave nearby, so said. So Casting again the same word came back three times, so I left my room and went up the mountain of where I was staying in my mother’s house. It is called Ntanyandlovu. When I left my room, I was pushed by a soft breeze. All the way to the left and to the right, I went until I reached its summit. This is where the Last Temple of Jehovah will be built. After that I was directed to

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel the side of the mountain, where I discovered a very curios cave. It is shaped like an arc, and it has many wonders. Rocks shaped into many unimaginable things. Serpents, sharks, ships and even the likeness of God’s Face, two of them. This is the Last Palace of the kingdom of David, and it can be seen by anyone willing, but the pilgrimage to the Temple site is a duty over all true believers. May it be Israel or otherwise. In a hidden place, I was shown a place where, after digging for three days. Under many rocks I found hidden there, three peculiar sticks. These sticks were wrapped in heavy plastic. These I took home. They were the sanctified olive branches; the three of them were covered in black, oily material. I was ordered to burn these, in order to sanctify the mountain, which I did. Since then the mountain has revealed many of its intriguing mysteries. The fall of Babel has been confirmed with signs, the decree of apostasy and murder of children. Everything is there, I have seen them. Leviathan is situated on the next mountain. This sanctification was performed on the 6th December 2006, the moon circles counted from that day, will reveal the exact day of the pilgrimage. The contexts of revelation 1. The Last Temple of Jehovah will be built 2. The new City of Jerusalem will be built 3. The kingdom of David will be revived 4. The Resurrection is close at hand 5. During the upheavals of Armageddon, only those accepted on and about this mountain will be protected by God. Any other place on earth will be open to perdition from God or man. 6. This will be through plagues, wars, starvation and fire from the sky. 7. This is the only place of worship that God will recognize, the only safe sanctuary. These are the hidden contents of the ancient prophecies, I am a Warner and this is my warning. Take it or leave it, I will neither loose nor gain nothing by your conclusions; this is for the benefit of mankind. This warning is sent in order that there may be no plea against God. It will be when the evil deeds of mankind shall reach them. This is the interpretation of the entrails, as mentioned by Nostradamus. This Temple will be built any that fears and know the real true God are under obligation to render their service towards accomplishing this task, as well as the Yearly Pilgrimage to the Temple. We shall celebrate all the Sacred Days of Israel, as well as decreed sacrifice. The pass over shall be held on local grounds. All the nations of the earth shall have to send ambassador that will represent those nations, failing which! God Almighty will cause drought to that land. Peoples of the earth are expected to embrace this revelation, and any opposition shall be met with greatest retribution ever seen. On the day that the Temple shall be finished, God Almighty will arrive to sanctify His Earthly Throne room and Palace. He will come to conclude this task I have started. It will be the Hour of Judgment. I mentioned before whilst making an example of prophetic ranks as in the sight of God, the orders under which prophets are called. Noah was belonging to the Order of the Fathers, he was entrusted with the Covenant of Warners of Armageddon, whilst Moses was entrusted with the covenant of the Bearers of the Criterion. Under the same Order of the Fathers. It is the order in which Adam, Abraham and Mohammad belonged.

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel As a member in the Order of Warners of Armageddon. Noah was blessed with fatherhood to all the peoples of the earth. Abraham got the same blessing through the Order of the Melkizedek. Moses got it through the order of the Bearers of the Criterion. The sign of his criterion was his sacred staff. These signs and this place of God are my signs as a member of the Order of the Bearers of the Criterion. The trials of Noah and Moses were confirmed with waters of retribution. After the floods of Noah, God promised that he will never again cause the end of mankind through water. The waters of Moses were a confirmation of His handiwork. But He has now promised the perdition of the fires. In Job 40 He mentioned in clear detail a fire breathing serpent called Leviathan, he is the messenger sent to help me build this Temple. I am the fore told prophet, whose legacy has been tainted with ill begotten hearsays and Devilish slander. The near future will be filled with a lot of special signs and events from God, and even more blasphemy, thus it is meet for me that I state my case before hand. This in order that the legitimacy of my calling be confirmed, if what I am saying is false, then it will not happen. But if I am true, God help us.

The Judgment against Mankind It may seem a trivial matter to some that, God places so much emphasis against the worship of idols. The problem is self refractory. The first enigma comes from the fact that: 1. Worship is highest form of Gratitude (i)

God Almighty is the only provider, He created everything, and knew all their fate. The food we eat He provides, He knew each grain for each meal. Before we were even created, or the universe for that matter. God does these things for no reward, it is mercy simple and clear.

But mankind is ungrateful, God hates ingratitude and rebellion. Not only will they deny the graces of God, His Throne and even His very ‘presence’. They will go as far as worshipping devils and demons, thus his inheritor status becomes void as he is placed as the lowest of the low. By worshipping things other than God, we worship things that are lower than humans in rank, thus injuring our rights. And these things are cursed and bound for Hell. (ii)

There are people who have inherited this realm of high trials, they did not accomplish this by the blessings of the Owner of The Universe. They did it by adhering to the devil, selling the domain of man to his worst enemies. So that they can obtain wicked wisdom like creating such farce conceptions as democratic capitalism and the theory of evolution.

These two are some of the most wicked forms of Satan’s calculations. Capitalism is a system that feeds from the weak. For a product to be valuable in this system it has to be inaccessible, it is called demand. It creates an endless drift between that are privileged and those that are not. (iii)

The planet itself has suffered: irreparable blows through the exploits of the capitalist. A child would buy candy for ten cents. Some will make profit from the sale. Yet the earth will have to work for at least two hundred years to process the candy’s plastic wrapper, and it gains nothing from the sale. This greedy form of trade mentality has caused extinction to many animals, lands are converted into deserts and even the sky is full of dangerous poisons. Unless God intervenes, this planet will not survive another 50 years.

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel Through its policies, the oppressor has been able to continue his plunder, way past the supposed liberation of occupied lands, their gold and momentous wealth is shipped into foreign lands for no particular reason other than exploitation, as well as to balance the inequalities of credit trade.

2. Apo static Laws (I)

The democratic: part means that mankind is freed from the restrictions, set by God as divine laws. Abortion and sodomy, is justified by this farce ‘freedom’ from account. This would have been impossible had not the white man convinced the lame at heart that we come from apes. The theory of evolution is atheism of the highest degree. By agreeing that life originated (II) from chance, we actually suggest that God did not create us, that He is a liar by saying He did, (God forgive!). We are telling our children that, they will not be held into account for rape, murder, abortion, adultery and many other abominations that are so prevalent today. That as long as they are not apprehended, God will not punish the wickedness, they commit on His creation. This is madness does any think that God Almighty condones this mischief? And that he has nothing to say about it, so did the people of Noah.

The Monkey Business: For many centuries the people of Africa, were subjected to horrendous treatment. For no obvious reasons, they were attacked from their homes, sons were sold as slaves. Daughters were made prostitutes, and men were buried for months to feed a greedy master with his own wealth, land and dignity. These extermination attempts were done by people who pretended to worship God, 'We come in peace', they said. These people told each other, in their churches that is, it was not wrong in the sight of God, to kill, maim, exterminate, enslave, plunder and deceive black men because they were not humans, but monkeys that can talk. Our cries and claims of human descent were ridiculed with glee, as the slaughter raved on. Now there came later, a Good Samaritan called Charles Darwin. "Stop" he protested to our barbaric slave-masters," We are all monkeys," he declared. So with great reluctance there ceased the blatant slaughter, for the sake of these relations suddenly established. Open persecutions were halted, but, so did the respect for The Almighty Creator. This was our second down fall, for by leaving the eternal decrees, we took to folly. This left us vulnerable, and the enemy knows that. The only way to overcome us is by creating a rift, between us and our God. Through this, there manifested a new form of persecution. Secretive, cruel and extremely greedy. And now, what's with the monkey business, I think we can expect history to repeat itself, I'm sensing oncoming slaughter, like in a jungle. War of the Apes.

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel The decrees of Good and Evil Here is another reason idol worship is self destructive act to mankind. If man worships anything other than God, he opens is soul to the manipulations of the devil, and he is bound for failure. Everything is created in two even worship is classified in only two categories. One either worships God or the Devil, good and evil. Nothing is in between, only God can protect any soul. Anything else is an imposter. The worship of ‘intercessors’ is usually filled with orgy and sacrifices that are abominable to God. Worst of these is the sacrifice of children to idols. This one act has repeatedly brought forth the wrath of God over mankind, since the times of Noah. It is for this reason that God destroyed that generation, it is the same sin that has brought about our own perdition, perfidy bears perdition. After the fall of Adam, the peoples of the earth went berserk. They rebelled against The Almighty and challenged His unique right of sovereignty. Man who had been created to be the inheritors of the realm, were tainted by sin. Thus they became demon worshiping minions, thus inciting the retribution of God. They rebelled against the first commandment, and went to worship monsters like Lat, Uzza and Man at. She was later known as Ash era. They sacrificed their children on her altars, so God destroyed them. The people of Israel have repeated this abomination by following the people of pagan races that told them, to worship idols and sacrifice their children to them. The worship of Ash era was the cause of the fall of the people of Israel of old, and it will be the cause of our final fall. During the reign of the kings of Israel, the worship of Ash era caused a lot of trouble between Israel and their God. God poured His wrath over them, until the great nation was scattered into cinders. It was through transgression that the people of Israel were condemned to damnation, they got scattered towards the great empty land to the north, and much later south. The idol is now known as Nomkhubulwane, and one of the traits of its worship, is the sacrifice of babies. The Zulu nation of old had a custom, of slaying a twin so that only one ever survived. This abominable custom brought about the fall of this nation. This they did after they ceased the sacred sacrifices and the burnt offerings of the First harvest, that which their fathers made to God Almighty. Whom they called uMvelinqangi (The Original God). These invented religions brought the fall of the Israeli kingdoms of old, today we are still doing the same thing through wide spread abortion practices. If this custom was able to destroy us twice before, I certainly believe that it will happen again. The Europeans call it Lilith, some mythical wife of the devil. The leaders of the world worship this filth hence they encourage this senseless slaughter of sinless children, whilst they themselves are glaring with sin, in hospitals they burn babies in the fire. The same way those European priests, the druids did it in the stone hedge. And they are still doing it all over the world. Over 500 000 South African babies have been killed since 1997. In America 400 000 go missing each year and Britain about 50 000. Where do all these young ones go, In the USA uncontrolled abortion was outlawed after they had murdered more than 3 million of their own babies. What doo you think is God’s take on this, is He happy? This one

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel sin has brought about the destruction of mankind, God can tolerate no more! Because of this sin mankind will suffer utter destruction. This is the long war of God who wants to establish himself King almighty against man’s rebellious desires and ill perceptions. The war between man is about the best deity to be worshipped, they worshp their desires and that which their fathers worshipped. It is this act of rebellion that God decided to choose Israel as a tribe for His sole worship. He made with them a covenant, in order that His remembrance will not fade, or His witness be overcome. Yet with the promise of vicegerancy, Israel was warned never to undermine the covenant. Yet they did, it is the reason we are slaves today The people of the west have rejected this decree of God, and chose to worship idols in derogation of The Creator. Israel has long joined this march to hell, so that their God has left them at the mercy of those that are jealous of them, and only desire their fortunes and utter annihilation. So did the Jews and the Arabs who have conveniently forgotten to inform us of our ancient relations, as well a our ownership of the Sacred books the Torah and the Qur’an. They turn against Israel in support of pagans who them selves have stolen a collection of our scripture, that they call the bible. They are all people of the book, without our books they have nothing accept distant relations to Abraham. And Abraham did father 95% of man, so this is no great feat really

The First Bearer of the covenant of Vicegerancy Before the Fall of Man only two humans lived on this earth. Adam and Eve, and they lived in the Garden of Eden. We are not obliged with the understanding, as to the amount of years that they lived there, possibly millions, since when the dinosaurs roamed this land and seas. God knows, and Adam was created an immortal. This may be the reason why mankind was not seen during the roaming of the dinosaurs, Adam lived in an exclusive garden Eden. What we do know of a surety is that, Adam’s trial started no more that ten thousand years ago. God says so! Actually it is precisely 9455. The argument that the earth was created then is very ignorant, because Adam lived for a long time as an immortal, so mankind might be 3 million years old. This immortality that you seek can be achieved, not through created science or worship of expendable devils. It can only be achieved through the intercession of The Eternal God, only prophets can become Vicegerents, not Lucifer’s minions. Even if it can be allowed for a while that such an empire thrives, it will never be infinite. You can see how many cracks this empire already has, and it is bound t crumble eventually. I think that will happen sooner rather than later. Adam was an immortal and a god, as a master over an exclusive domain. He was given a choice of good or bad, obedience to God’s sovereignty as his Lord and Master. Or rebel against that decree, by eating of a tree, Adam rebelled against the sovereignty of the Almighty and broke his Trust. As a result he was stripped of his immortal vicegerent status. It is then, that he fell from grace. From being a Vicegerent, living eternally, a god in his own Domain, the likeness of which none was made before. Save the Ever-living God Almighty, yet. He was debased into a perishable mortal. Because of the sin of Rebellion, so began his trial and that of his progeny, to this day, it has raged on, till the Day of Resurrection not far. It shall rage on.

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel Although fallen from Grace, Adam was not completely, annihilated, or stripped of his entire kingdom. Because he remained a sole ruler on the earth where none else had been chosen as his inheritor, or successor. Save for the rebellious impostor that has established an abominable kingdom of demons and minions, the can only thrive in great sin and inequality. After being rejected from Eden, Adam lived as a Mortal Vice-gerent for another thousand years, less sixty. This was the first and second Covenant of the Fathers, because not until Adam had fallen from grace, did he become a father.

Second Bearer of the covenant of Vicegerancy After the first Apocalypse, there came no prophets of note, until there came to be a Man of God, called The Melkizedek, a Mighty prophet of Jehovah, a man sent to alter the cause of history forever. It is this man that was sent to bless a young Abram, and anoint him as the Chosen one. This anointment is the one that began the second and last on the series of prophet’s covenants.

Abraham’s Covenant If there was ever a man loved more by God, none of them exceeds this man of God. With this man Jehovah made a unique and special Covenant that was to last to the end of time, basically, forever, for He said to him: “Look hither oh Abram; thine father has rejected thee, for no reason than that thou followeth mine good pleasure, The same way that mine earthly servants have rejected mine Sovereign Worship, for that of derived pagan gods of theirs. Therefore I shall bless thee greatly or Abraham, so thou shalt be called from now, for thou shalt be father to the nations plenty on the earth,” so said the Almighty a word to last beyond this present life. To strengthen this promise, God made a covenant with Abraham. The covenant is this: “Abraham was to dedicate his all self to God, he was forbidden to worship anything else, he was to be a worshipper of God, from whom God was to create a nation that will be of the Chosen Peoples, a nation of Jehovah’s Devotees. For His part of the bargain Jehovah gave this promise to Abraham: “If ye and thine progeny wilt honor this mine covenant, with thee,’ declared the Creator, “Then shall I make thee and thine progeny the inheritors of the earth, the Vicegerents of mine handiwork forever. I shall place amongst thine progeny, mine priests and prophets, I shalt make of thine sons and daughters. A nation of prophets, high priests, warriors and Nassir, for mine glory and worship, dost thou then bear witness of mine word as covenant binding forever, oh Abraham?,” inquired the Almighty Jehovah, “Yea I bear witness, oh mine God Jehovah,” submitted Abraham, to his Lord’s Will. This is no less than a promise of immortality, made by God Almighty. The immortal God upon a flimsy perishable being, who’s legacy is immortal. Just like the nation for which, he took an oath to God.

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel “Bear witness then that I am among those that bear witness, to thine word, oh Abraham”. Said Jehovah in conclusion, as a sign of obedience and identifying with this covenant. God instructed that Abraham should be circumcised, him and his sons, were forever to bear this sign of their identity.

Abraham’s Progeny The next ‘Chosen One’ after Abraham was his second son Isaac, born of Sarah, for his first one was begotten of an Egyptian slave Hagar, Ishmael the father of all Arabs. Isaac was chosen under the Covenant of the Fathers, under the Order of the Melkizedek, whilst Isaac was under the Order of kings, which is a little slighter than the former.

Isaac begot Esau and Jacob Esau became the father of all Europeans, for although he had been born an heir, of Isaac’s house and inheritance. He was a rebel and a pagan; he sold his inheritance right to Jacob for a plate full of beans. This on the sight of God was seen as ingratitude and rebellion, thus Jacob received his brother’s sacred inheritance, because of his consistency, faith and. As for their father’s blessings, Jacob decided to keep them for himself having seen how this was going to be wasted on his faithless brother. So with his mother’s help, they consorted a plan to steal his brother’s blessings. Which unknown to Isaac, Jacob retained. When Esau returned to receive his blessings, it was too late. Whilst he pleaded with his father to reverse the promise made to Jacob. His father gave this reply: “You will be your brother’s slave, you will teal his fields, and tend to his sheep. You will live by your sword, and turn rebellious against your brother. But then he will again subdue you, and thine progeny, forever you will remain beneath him. It is these events that we today see being fulfilled. Because at no other time after this declaration did the two brothers ever live in peace, we have been enemies, and for the larger part, will remain so.

Israel, Jehovah’s People Jacob was named Israel, and it was through him that the promise God made was to be fulfilled to the full, for it was through his twelve sons that the whole nation of Israel descended. Then there came in their land a great drought, which forced them to flee to Egypt, where they remained for four hundred years, as slaves. Building the land of Egypt to glory unprecedented prior, to the arrival of Jacob’s son, Joseph. It is they that built the pagan temples of Egypt, the so-called Pyramids, Sphinx and other pagan chambers they had, to worship their dead kings and anchorites. It was not through God’s neglect that my people became slaves in Egypt, but it was because of their neglect of the Covenant their fathers were sworn to.

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel A similar scenario that is still occurring today, only this time it has lasted five times as much, to two thousand years. But the Europeans, have like the Egyptians utilized on this historical heedlessness, and managed to turn us away from the truth. Only they have excelled their own expectations, for they never dreameth of this good fortune to last for this long. Again it is not through God’s neglect of us that has given them such success, nor was it through their numerous tactics of deceit or toys of destruction; those are as futile as are, their masters. For none can face the forces of The Almighty Jehovah, let alone, defeat them. It is Israel that has brought about his own ills. And he continues to do so through covetous, rebellion. That has been his down fall, plenty a time unheeded. Now about vicegerents, it is the intentions of the owner of this Palace to reverse this prevalence, just like did Moses. And his name is Jeshuruni the Messiah. The Last of the of Bearers of the Criterion. This is the man in the Prophecies of Darkness, and the descendants of Esau know and expect his coming. And they have placed much lies to mislead those that wishes to see God’s intervention, for the salvation of the whole of mankind and his domain… Identifying the people of Israel is not really a matter of great exercise, because they were given an ‘identity tag’, and they possess a very unique faith, symbol and culture. There are three points with which one can separate the people from the rest of the world. Those being: 1. Jehovah is their God 2. Their identification is circumcision 3. They have a very unique culture

The New Mount Sinai The last enigma regarding this revelation is that of the mountain. The question being; why does it have all these symbols? There must be a good and sacred decree upon which this decision was taken. The answer is quite simple, whilst very much, unexpected, was so even to myself!. These are answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The Last Temple of Jehovah will be built on it. We are the people of the Covenant Israel The Great Last War of Armageddon ,is nigh It is the sign of Noah’s Ark, the only place of refuge. This is the land of promise, Jehovah gave the Israelis. The fore-told Messiah has arrived Resurrection is nigh, and imminent. God Jehovah is coming

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel Name

Year of Birth

The Progeny of Adam First Son Year of Death

Years Lived

Adam 0 130 930 930 Seth 130 105 937 807 Enoch 235 90 1140 905 Keenan 325 70 1235 910 Mahalalel 395 65 1290 895 Tarred 460 162 1422 962 Enoch 622 65 987 365 Methuselah 687 187 1656 969 Lamech 874 182 1651 777 Noah 1056 500 2006 950 The precise year of Noah’s flood is 1656. The same year that Arpaxad was born. Noah was 600 years old, and it had taken him 26 years to build his Ark. Noah had stayed a virgin for 500 years, thus had God blessed him because of his state of chastity. This man feared adultery more than anyone. Ham Shem 1558 100 2058 500 Japheth Arpaxad 1658 35 2096 438 Shelah 1693 30 2126 433 Eber 1993 34 2457 464 Peleg 2027 30 2266 239 Reu 2057 32 2296 239 Serug 2089 30 2319 230 Nahor 3019 29 3167 148 Tera 3048 70 3253 205 Abraham 3118 100 3293 175 3218 40 3403 185 • Isaac Jacob 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

3258 25 3398 The Sons of Israel: year 3285 (12 tribes of Israel) Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Dan Naftal Gad Asher Isaac Zebulon Joseph Benjamin


In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel Israel is the Immortal race If immortality refers to the existence, that has no boundaries of death or peril, let us then consider this. The nations of Israel went into an ‘incubation mode’ of 400 years in Egypt, they were being built and strengthened under tremendous trials. They stayed there until the year 3685. The so called Jewish calendar, the one that Israel used before the current draconian calendar, it states this year as 5770. If you add these two adjoining circles, you will have the precise number of years that man has endeavored on the earth which is 9455. If you subtract the number of years until the Floods (1656), you will know the number of years this circle of man has lasted. The difference comes to 7799. This circle of trials has lasted for 7799. Now in God’s sight a thousand yeas on earth is equal to a day, this is because He determines His days In accordance with the task at hand (for no darkness can encircle mine lord, or sun to determine His limits). This circle is overdue with almost 800 years, for one reason, and one reason alone. To give respite to the children of Israel lest they perish with those who perish utterly, and the word of God be held in vain blasphemy. It is because now that this revelation has been sent, and the new Temple Announced. There is no more need for any more respite. God Almighty will do this to glorify Himself, to keep His Word. So if He says that he created the Heavens and the earth in two days, He means it in His own reckoning, which is different from the reckoning of a weak mortal. His day to you can easily be equal to a trillion year. He is in no hurry, he grow not old or go hungry. He is Immortal, so don’t blaspheme in ignorance lest you have no say on The Day of Reckoning. This here earth is a battle site, and a battle for survival is raging on. There are those that survive through parasitism, than there are others that survive through sheer endurance. Yet others there are that perish. If there can ever be an ultimate race, an immortal race. This is an example of one that has come closest to this form of being. There is a species that has survived trials like no other, unimaginable oppression. The epitome of the material evidence of such existence should be the Nations of Israel, If any man were to retain to such a state, then non can accede the resilience of a man of Israel. We have been put under every form of trial ever conceived for, or by mankind. Under ridiculously uneven odds, we are still growing. Because the Nation of Jehovah is immortal, and it can not be altered. We will continue to do so. Until God Jehovah, our God ceases the existence of all creation, then shall the covenant of Abraham become null, but until then. No one will subdue the Nation of God Almighty and survive for very long, falsehood is bound to perish. God has sworn His Holy Name that. He will certainly exact retribution. Israel shall remain the inheritors of Immortality, I will. God has said: ‘we shall be made Vicegerents of the highest Order. The minions of the devil shall share on his burdens! These are the sons of Israel that went into Egypt in good faith, during the year 3285, and they were later turned into slaves. The arrival of Jacob and his sons in Egypt, meant that the fortunes of the Faros had changed for the better. Joseph made Faro a very rich king, during the seven years of famine, people came from far and wide seeking for food. With them they brought forth a large fortune. The land of Egypt was under put under the control of the monarchy, as people used their land in exchange for food.

In the Name Of Jehovah The God of Israel The peoples of Egypt for their show of gratitude for such good service, and fortunes suddenly appeared with the Israelis, they decided to enslave us, and God has not forgiven them to this day. They were made to build idol temples of Baal, and yes the sphinx, pyramids and all that jazz. It was all the ingenuity and strength of Israel that manifested them, their enslavers wanted to break and subjugate them totally, mind body and soul, and yet they could not. Because much as we had strayed in following the foreign gods of Egypt, our God had made a promise which was not going to be ceased by Faro the king of glorify stakes. They killed our new born sons, and took our woman for them selves. Yet as we can all see, Israel is a very resilient race, a Chosen Immortal Race. We our God Almighty, and we shall celebrate His Holy name in great rejoicing forever for he has promised a great kingdom, not of the dead but the living. This is not a long drawn out promise that shall be reached after everything has been called to account, in the Final Day of Judgment. It is a garden of great wonders, our home and earthly palace. But our Temple is a Temple of God Almighty and we shall complete it. God has promised us in his Name, and there is nothing that anyone can do about it. These people lived in Egypt for 400 years and multiplied tremendously, much to the frustration of our slavers. So exponential was the growth of this nation that in only four centuries, they increased from an unimpressive quantity of (70sons + 66 woman=136 persons!) to a strong and resilient nation of 600 000 subjects (counting adults over 21 only). This is why Faro wanted to exterminate them, actually he wanted them out of his land, seeing that they were increasing at a rate threatening to Egyptian empire. But he could not let them go, simply because, Egypt owed its splendor to the sweat of Israel. Just like the current system owes its continuity to the strength of an Israeli and the riches of his lands still build their temples, we still feed them our share, and we still leave our wives and daughters in their mercy. Whilst we and our sons venture forth in the heat to enrich them with our blood, sweat and tears There are people that call themselves wealthy, and their kingdoms eternal, they are the worst of enemies, tribe condemned to slavery, from their very initiation. They call themselves free-masons, freed slaves, freed only because of the covenant that they made with the devil, we today are ruled by devil worshipping, nameless tribes of slaves. That is how low Israel has been debased, very much. . Nothing has actually changed accept maybe names. Instead of Baal, we worship Jesus. Instead of Asher we worship Nomkhubulwane. Instead of Faro we have the Pope as a high priest of Baal. These are just names that God does not know anything about. We were subjugated before because of this vain dedication to Idols. We are again slaves because of the same reason. Israel never learns. We have proved for many millennia that we ere impossible to exterminate, that Israel is the Immortal Race, not the Aryans of Hitler and Kissinger. Those are legends that they pursue to no avail, they sell their souls to the devil. They strive for mischief upon the earth its ocean and the lives there in and a big waste of human life. People that seek elongated livelihood, yet take no heed of God Almighty who created them.

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