In the last 50 years, global population has more than doubled, reaching a total of around 6.2 billion people on this earth. It is expected to increase by another 2.6 billion in the next 47 years. Projections show that the world population could reach 11 billion people by 2150! Although this is alarming the demographic trends show a decrease in the world’s population growth rate. Demographic experts expect that the population will stabilise around 11 billion people. Global population growth rates have dropped from 2.1% in the 1960 to 1970 decade to a projected 1.3% from 2005 to 2010. Most parts of the world have gone through what is called a “demographic transition チ Ein which most populations go from having high birth and mortality rates to lower birth and mortality rates. While it is now accepted that the world population will not continue to increase exponentially until we’re falling off the planet, the question remains how will the earth sustain 5 billion more people in the next 150 years? The theme of this year’s
World Population Day, “One billion adolescents: the right to health, information and services”, highlights the need to support young people in their efforts to lead safe, rewarding lives and contribute to the wellbeing of their families and communities. Dis advantages of over population food shortage, water shortage, health problems, environmental degredation and lack of education..... advantages-the economy is possible for a better future