In Class Response 2

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 622
  • Pages: 2
1. What are the new technological skills you learned this semester and how will you use them in your future classroom? Throughout this class we have seen multiple different programs, that have to do with a multitude of different uses. These programs include Audacity, Canva, and Weebly. Most of this programs that I have mentioned are linked to editing audio, or creating videos, or pictures. I’ve decided to mention these programs, due to them being the programs I would most likely use in the future as a teacher. As a physical educator, media will be difficult to integrate in the classroom settings, but these programs can be used in interesting ways to become useful. Audacity can be used to record audio, this can be used to create a voiceover to put over a video, of students doing actions to help them improve on their skills. Canva is a tool that can be used to create backgrounds, infographics, and posters. This could be used in a classroom, to easily and creatively, create posters or infographics, that could be used to convey information to students. Weebly is a program used to create free to use websites. With this program, teachers could create easy to use spaces that their students could scroll through to get assignments, information, or fun activities that they can use outside of class. 2.What could be the possible challenges you may face in terms of integrating these learned tools in your future classroom? Although all these programs are useful for classrooms, teachers will still face some challenges integrating these technologies into their everyday classes. One issue teacher could face is getting the students to stay focused while using technology in the classroom. This issue can be seen whenever students have access to technology, they will often try to find a way to use the technology to waste time or goof off. I say this from first hand experience, because when I was younger that’s what me and my friends would do whenever we were given access to different technologies. An issue that is seem is also time, teachers don’t have a lot of time with their classroom. This issue is where, when, and for how long show teachers use these different technologies in the classroom. An issue is also money, since school already have budget issues, balancing all classes needs, and extra curricular activities. To properly integrate technology schools, have to invest a lot of money, in getting the technology, in training their staff on how to use it, and to maintaining the technology. Lastly, another issue is how to properly integrate technology in multiple before classroom settings. Looking at all the different classes students take in schools, integration can be much easier in some classroom, compared to others. The question becomes should some classes be priorities in terms of getting the technological improvements, or should all the classes be improved at the same time? 3.How does Neil Selwyn’s video relate to your learning experiences of EDEC 262? This video relates to my class experience, due to it talking about all the issues teachers can face integrating technology, and how teachers don’t currently have more pressing issues than technology in their classrooms. As stated before, teachers have to balance a lot of different aspect like money, time allowed to activities, and student participation. As this class presented many tools that could be integrated into the curriculum, the issues that Neil Selwyn’s presents, bring a realist look on the issue. Meaning that as much as teachers can try new things in their classrooms, those new projects still most be accepted by the school

board, payed for, and time needs to be given to the teachers and students to try the new projects.

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