Imran Khan-leader Of The Nation Of Cornered Tigers

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,652
  • Pages: 3
There comes a time, in the life of a nation, when all seems to be lost, when there is no light at the end of the tunnel, when the will for survival and hopes of salvation are all but dashed, when the past is a torture, present an infamy and future a nightmare! When good tidings are rare while disasters and reversals are a norm, when the land is stalked by tragedies and a dreadful hush prevails over the landscape. Pakistan, a valiant nation of 170 million lion hearts, is passing through this very phase. This verily, is the darkest of hour of its checkered history. As the exploited, gypped and caged nation smarts from the series of stinging blows, dealt to its bruised, battered and outraged body by a succession of military and civilian dictators, the landscape of the country cuts a sorry if not a tragic figure. Internal strife marked by armed rebellions, earth being pounded, blood being spilled, human flesh being blown to bits in all parts of the land with harrowing regularity. An ever parlous economy now sinking down a slippery slope, the ever fragile fabric of national unity coming apart at seams, ideals as rule of law, supremacy of constitution and independence of judiciary being reduced to mere fodder for academic debates, soaring inflation, spiraling poverty rate, mounting uncertainty, flight of capital by the hour, with the country lurching from one disaster to another, teetering at the edge of an abyss, the present is doom and gloom while future a nightmare. Pakistan is a nation of cornered tigers, pummeled into a temporary and uneasy submission, by expansionist and hegemonistic powers through their corrupt, callous and treacherous quislings. Pakistanis have had their fair share of Mir Jaffirs and Mir Sadiks! But the laws the break of construction ruins of the

of nature, history and human conduct show, that it’s darkest before dawn. A trough has to precede a crest; destruction bears seeds of and hope in it, only after a nadir, comes the zenith. Only from the past, emerge fresh hope, renewed vigor and a new Leader!

A leader, through the courage of his convictions, clarity of vision, indomitable will, unwavering strength of an incorruptible character, unswerving focus and unflagging patriotic spirit; single handedly changes the course of history. His revolutionary and soul stirring message, spreads across the milieu like wildfire, warming the hearts of a bedraggled and comatose nation, setting ablaze sterile and cold imaginations, triggering off an earthquake, resulting in seminal tectonic shifts, which alter the tapestry of the landscape as well as the future of the nation dwelling within, forever. History has bestowed many titles on such rare individuals, Greeks called them as Deus ex machina; some called them as Messiahs, others the saviors, Muslims of the sub continent had their Quaid I Azam. People of Pakistan, a nation of cornered tigers, fervently searches for its own Deus Ex Machina, a saviour, a messiah. When a nation is in crisis, it needs a man to match the times. But you do not create such a man, you only recognize that man. Cometh the hour, Cometh the man! “If the situation and the man meet”, Willy Brandt told Oriana Fallaci, “then the machinery is set off by which history takes one direction instead of another.” The situation and the man are about to meet, perhaps a number of times, over the course of next few decisive months, and history may take a different turn. In an age notorious for mendacious, bland, spineless and venal politicians, Imran Khan appears to be sincere, dynamic, defiant and consistent. As the protest movement triggered off by Chief Justice Iftikhar and members of the Bar snowballed into a mini revolution, Imran Khan emerged as the leader of the anti-dictatorship forces. Three of Imran Khan personal characteristics have endeared him to the people of Pakistan: His sincerity, his refusal to compromise and deal with the powers of darkness and his courage. He possesses in fair degree all the three

primary characteristics of human soul, as enshrined in the Greek mythology viz; nous(intellect) thumos(passion) and epthumia(appetite). He has vocally and consistently opposed the anti-national, anti-people policies of the forces of status quo, ever since his entry in the political arena back in 1996. His message: No deal, no compromise, no gradualism, no sharing of power, no rapprochement with those, who have imperiled the existence of Pakistan. Imran Khan has his finger on the pulse of the nation. He has the sagacity and credibility to unite all the disparate forces along the most radical demand: Sweeping away of the current iniquitous system. He has aroused hopes of deliverance from ineffectual rule in different strata of society. The middle classes see in him an upholder of freedom from the yoke of regression, restoration of 1973 Constitution, authentic democracy and Rule of Law. They regard him as a nationalist opposed to military dictatorship and American interference in our internal affairs. Imran Khan has that elusive quality which we call leadership. What makes a great leader? If a Leader must be tough enough to fight, tender enough to cry, human enough to make mistakes, humble enough to admit them, strong enough to absorb the pain, and resilient enough to bounce back and keep on moving; who else fits the billing as perfectly as Imran Khan? A cursory glance at his track record, says it all. If a leader is one who makes life shrink or expand in proportion to his courage, then monuments to Imran Khan’s indomitable will, impregnable resolve and undaunting courage are spread all across Pakistan and remain etched on the memory of the nation. If Leadership is a combination of strategy and character, then who better epitomizes a neat blend of these virtues than Imran Khan? If the great leaders are like the best conductors - they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players, then the events of WC 92 proved beyond any shadow of doubt, Imran Khan’s caliber as a charismatic, inspiring and stimulating leader! One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency. The way Imran Khan had highlighted the folly, contained in the ill-conceived Tribal Areas military operations, much before the mis-adventure had spawned into as dire a crisis, as it is today, and had adumbrated grave consequences for the survival of Pakistan as a result, speaks volumes about his vision, foresight and perspicacity. If a big man is one who makes us feel bigger when we are with him, then the legendary opinion maker Haroon Rashid will tell you, as who is his fount of courage and hope! The first task of a leader is to keep hope alive. Imran Khan’s life, is a story of hope, optimism and self belief. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. Imran Khan has carved out a niche for himself in the pantheon of those leaders, who always have lead from the front! An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep; ours is a nation of cornered tigers, being unfortunately led by a sheep! It awaits the advent of the inevitable-the emergence of a Lion who can steer them over to the path of glory-nation awaits the arrival of Imran Khan!

Today Imran Khan presents himself as a glowing beacon, a national savior to whom the country will rally in its hour of greatest need at a time of painful disarray. Today Imran Khan has the capacity to mobilize the people against status quo in all the federating units. He has character and character counts more than any other quality in a leader. He tells the people that history is on their side and they are going to win. So here we have: Courage, determination, fearlessness. Call it as you will. Today Imran Khan is like a classic hero who has emerged as a paladin of nationalism, baptized in the waters of public opinion, made great and filled with courage. A simple act of courage shown by Chief Justice Iftikhar sparked off a revolution which knocked away the foundations of dictatorship. Leaders in transitional times are often suited to the beginning of the new phase and seldom to carrying the venture through to its end. They are heroes of the moment. Imran Khan is destined to carry the revolution set into motion by Chief Justice Iftikhar to its logical conclusion. There are moments in history when it seems that future course of events may well depend on one man and one man only-Pakistan faces one such moment of truth and its harbinger of change is Imran Khan! Imran Khan is set for a rendezvous with Destiny. It seems that all the years he spent in political wilderness and incessant toil had been but a preparation for this hour and for this trial. A window of hope has opened for Pakistan. At this moment, above all others, our thoughts should be concentrated upon the supreme aim: freedom from exploitation once and for all. Every man and woman must stand up and be counted. The lines are drawn. Those who are not with the people are against them. People are on the march and nothing can stop them. One thing is clear. People will not falter. They will not fail. They will reach the earthworks. All is ready. The nation of cornered tigers, is once again being led by the same Lion, who orchestrated a memorable back to ramparts charge way back in 1992, then leading a pack of 16 individuals. This time his Army has swelled to a number of 16 crores and the challenge has become all the more formidable and daunting! But he did it once, with fair bit of style and grace at that, Inshallah he will do it again!

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