OLERICULTURE Olericulture is one of the
branches of Horticulture that deals with vegetables. Olericulture is derived from that latin word ‘oleris’ which means pot herb and the English world culture which means cultivation
The olericulture means cultivation of pot herbs.
However, presently it is broadly used to indicate the cultivation of vegetables. The term ‘vegetable gardening’ is more popular to signify olericulture in the present context
The term vegetable is applied to the edible herbaceous plant or parts there of which are consumed generally in unripe stage after cooking.
Nutritional value of Vegetables Vegetables are the cheapest source of natural protective agents contributing vitamins, minerals and proteins and calories. They also supply roughages which helps to improve digestion and prevention of constipation
Vitamins Those are essential for regulating body processes.
They are found in small or large quantities in most natural form in the vegetables.
Vitamin A Is essential for normal growth. Reproduction and maintenance of health and vigour.
It offers protection against cold and influenza and helps in improving eye sight.
It can be had from palak ,spinach, amaranthus, fenugreek, carrot, cabbage, lettuce ,peas and tomatoes
Green leafy vegetables are rich in carotenes which is the precursor of vitamin A.
Talinum triangulare
Vitamin –B complex Tones the nervous system and helps in proper functioning of the digestive tract. Its deficiency in human diet results in ‘Beri Beri’ a disease condition and loss of appetite.
Beans are rich source of this vitamin.
Peas and Asparagus are also good sources.
Vitamin – C:
Promotes general health and healthy gums Prevents scurvy and keeps the blood vessels in a good condition Cabbage ,green chilies, tomato, spinach, potatoes, and carrot are the good sources of ascorbic acid
Vitamin – D
It is necessary for building up bones preventing rickets and diseases of teeth. It helps in the calcifications of bones by proper utilization of calcium and phosphorus. All green vegetables are particularly rich in this vitamin.
Vitamin – E: .
Has an important effect on the generative functions and promotes fertility. Green lettuces and other green vegetables are good sources of this vitamin.
Vitamin –K
Helps in blood clotting and green leafy vegetables are rich source of the vitamin.
Of the ten elements required by the human body calcium and iron are supplied mostly by vegetables. Leafy vegetables are rich in many minerals such as calcium, Iron, potassium and phosphorus.
Calcium is essential for strengthening the bones, regulation of heart beat and in controlling blood clots. The leafy vegetables like amaranthus, fenugreek and spinach are rich in calcium
Iron is largely present in spinach, bittergourd, carrot and onion.
Iodine in present in lady’s finger (okra), summer squash and asparagus
Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium are most important base elements for neutralizing the acid produced in the body and these are obtained from the vegetables consumed
Vegetables such as potato, sweet potato, root crops like colocasia, tapioca, Elephant’s foot, yam are valuable sources of carbohydrates ,which are energy giving foods.
Peas and Beans are the rich source of proteins that are utilized in the building up of new tissues and body growth.
Most vegetables particularly leafy vegetables such as amaranthus, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, characterized by high water content chlorophyll and high percentage of cellulose or fibre are the sources of roughage .
Roughage aids in digestion of more concentrated food and also assists in pushing the food through digestive canal, thus preventing constipation
It has been estimated that for maintaining normal health each adult should consume daily 100 gm of roots and tubers, 100 grams of leafy vegetables and 120 grams of other vegetables i.e. the fruit vegetables.
Economic Importance of Vegetables
Vegetables are the cheapest source of protective foods contributing carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts in the human diet. They yield roughly 3 to 4 times the nutrients obtained from cereal crops in a much shorter duration.
When vegetables are adequately consumed, the pressure and demand on cereals can be reduced. Increased intake of vegetables reduce appreciable quantity of cereals consumed by individuals.
Per hectare yield of vegetables is very high.
Most of the vegetables if properly grown can give a yield which is five to ten times higher than any cereal crop.
Vegetables are important source of farm income as they are sold at higher rates than that of cereals and grains.
Even when they are sold at a cheaper rate in the peak production season, due to their high yield, they compensate losses and will have higher monetary returns.
Market garden of vegetables, provide substantial incomes due to intensive cultivation and production.
Vegetables compared to other crops can be raised through out the your.
Many of the vegetables like Spinach, Potato, Brinjal, Bhendi, Tomato etc. can be grown twice and even thrice in a year.
Some green vegetables are ready for harvest within 45-60 days.
Thus several vegetable crops can be grown one after the other, throughout the year, if irrigation facilities are available. Now a days many early varieties of vegetables are available which can grow earlier and yield good returns to the growers.
Their cultivation as such occupies an important place in the agricultural development and economy of the country.
As the demand increases especially in cities, the cost of vegetables become very high.
As such there is urgent use to utilize every bit of space available, for vegetable cultivation. A kitchen garden for a house hold, a school garden for a school or a college’s not only produce the valuable vegetables, but also lend an esthetic appearance and beautify the drab surroundings.