Implementation Of The Ossie

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  • Pages: 97
Software Defined Radio This chapter is an introduction to Software Defined Radio (SDR) in general.

Introduction The conventional way of implementing waveforms and radio functions is based on hardware based systems

that do all the work. Generation, modulation,filter

functions,up conversion,down conversion of frequencies ,demodulation everything is done with electronics in some way. Therefore, there are some limitations on what a specific machine can perform. For example, a normal AM radio knows how to perform its functions , convert the AM radio waves into sound that we can listen. Now if we can see a radio technology that can turn our radio into a GSM telephone, a WIMAX radio or a CDMA receiver or even a satellite terminal. That’s exactly the benefit we get with software radios.

Waveforms A waveform can be explained in the form of a radio function. Everything used to describe a specific radio signal is included in the waveform. For example GSM is one of the amin technologies for the implementation of 2G cellular systems . WiMAX or CDMA would be other examples of waveforms.

Idea behind SDR The idea behind the software defined radio is to bring the software source code as close








generated.,encoded.modulated,filtered and processed in computer software. The main advantages of SDR are : •

The ability to change waveform and functions on demand.

Quick and easy upgrading with new and enhanced features.

Cost effective solutions.

Receive and broadcast multiple channels at the same time.


Parameters of SDR The parameters of software defined radio are antenna,wideband antenna,RF front end,ADC,DAC,IF to baseband downconverter,baseband processing etc.



A/D Converter


Receiving Software Radio


RF Front End

D/A Conveter

Transmitting Software Radio Software Radio Block Diagram


Software Communications Architecture (SCA) The Software Communications Architecture (SCA) is an open architecture defined by the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Joint Program Office (JPO). The SCA has been published to provide a common open architecture that can be used to build a family of radios across multiple domains. The radios built upon SCA are interoperable, can use a wide range of frequencies, and enable technology insertion. The SCA also supports software reusability. The SCA is used as the underlying architecture in our radio implementation.[1] When the JTRS JPO was established to acquire a family of affordable, high capacity, tactical radio systems which could provide interoperable network services, the need for an open architecture emerged. By building upon a common open architecture, JTRS can improve interoperability by providing the ability to share waveform software between radios and reduce development and deployment costs. In view of its potential applicability across a wide range of communications domains, JTRS JPO named this architecture the Software Communications Architecture [2, 3, 4]. The JTRS JPO states that the SCA has been published to meet the following goals [36]: Common Open Architecture The use of an open architecture has the advantages of promoting competition, interoperability, technology insertion, quick upgrades, software reusability, and scalability. Multiple Domains The SCA complaint radios must be able to support operations in a wide variety of domains.

Multiple Bands: The SCA compliant radio can replace a number of radios that use a wide range of frequencies, and it can interoperate with them. Compatibility: The SCA compliant radio must be able to communicate with legacy systems to minimize the impact of platform integration.

Upgrades: The SCA architecture must enable technology insertion, so that new technologies can be incorporated to improve performance, and to build future-proof radios. Security: Security is a very important aspect of military radios. The architecture should provide the foundation to solve issues like programmable cryptographic capability, certificate management, user identification and authentication, key management, and multiple independent levels of classification. Networking: The SCA compliant radios should support legacy network protocols, for the purpose of seamless integration. The architecture should also support wideband networking capabilities for voice, data and video. Software Reusability: As with any other software architecture, the SCA architecture should allow for the maximum possible reuse of software components. The components should support

plug-n-play behavior with waveforms being portable from one implementation to the next. The SCA defines an Operating Environment (OE) that will be used by radios. It also specifies the services and interfaces that the applications use from the OE. The interfaces are defined by using the CORBA IDL, and graphical representations are made by using UML & XML [1]. The OE consists of a Core Framework (CF), a CORBA middleware and a POSIX-





based Operating System (OS). The OS running the SCA must provide services and interfaces that are defined as mandatory in the Application Environment Profile (AEP) of the SCA. The CF describes the interfaces, their purposes and their operations. It provides an abstraction of the underlying software and hardware layers for software application developers. An SCA compatible system must implement these interfaces. The interfaces are grouped as Base Application Interfaces, Framework Control Interfaces and Framework Services Interfaces. The Base Application Interfaces are used by the application layer. They provide the basic building blocks of an application. The Framework Control Interfaces provide the control of the system. The application layer can reach the OS through these control interfaces.

The Framework Services Interfaces provide the system services. These interfaces support both core and none-core applications. The CF uses a Domain Profile to describe the components in the system. The Domain Profile is a set of XML files that describe the identity, capabilities, properties, interdependencies, and location of the hardware devices and software components that make up the system [2].

Relationship between SCA components Although the SCA uses the CORBA middleware for its software bus, the application layer can reach the OS by other means. CORBA adapters can be used to wrap the legacy software components. Figure shows the relationship between the AEP, the application and the OE.

Middleware Middleware is a layer of software between the applications and the underlying network. This layer provides services like identification, authentication, naming, trading, security and directories. The middleware also aims to provide hardware and location transparency to software entities. It functions as a conversion and translation layer. With the help of middleware, software applications running on different platforms can communicate transparently. ` Relationship between the SCA and CORBA Our project uses CORBA as the underlying middleware. CORBA has been chosen as the middleware layer of the Software Communications Architecture, because of the wide commercial availability of CORBA products and its industry acceptance. CORBA is used to provide a cross-platform middleware service that simplifies standardized client/server operations in this distributed environment by hiding the actual communication mechanisms under an Object Request Broker software bus [24, 25].

POSIX Based Operating System POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX): A set of programming interface standards governing how to write application source code so that the applications are portable between operating systems. POSIX is the Portable Operating System Interface, the open operating interface standard accepted world-wide. It is produced by IEEE and recognized by ISO and ANSI.[5,6] Here are a few POSIX compatible operating systems •





Mac OS X






Linux (most distributions — see LSB)




SkyOS [7]

We are using Fedora Core 7 as our operating system which is an RPM-based, general purpose Linux distribution, developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and sponsored by Red Hat.

Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) The GSM standard is employed worldwide for mobile communication which has utilized itself in the world of communication for over 15 years. The standard of GSM still remains as one of the most practical methods for quality communication over the globe. The features in GSM which enable its quality of communication over the channel involve its physical layer which corresponds to the following blocks as shown.

Transmitter RPE-LTP Speech Coding Convolution Coder Interleaving Encryption


Receiver De Modulation Decryption De Interleaving Viterbi Decoding RPE-LTP Speech Decoding

GSM Speech Codec RPE-LTP Introduction The "Global System for Mobile communications" (GSM) is a digital mobile radio system which is extensively used throughout Europe, and also in many other parts of the world. The GSM full rate speech codec as the name implies corresponds to Regular Pulse Excitation Long Term Prediction which operates at data rate of 13 kbps and uses a Regular Pulse Excited (RPE) codec which is an example of hybrid coders.

Digitized Voice and Data Rates The analog input speech coming from the microphone is digitized by passing it through the ADC which samples at sampling frequency of 8K with 13 bit resolution to achieve the ADC output data rate of 104kbps.According to GSM specifications the input speech is split up into frames with 160 samples per frame out of 8000 samples per second to make the frame time equal to 20 ms.

Output of RPE-LTP The output of RPE-LTP codec is 260 bits for 160 samples i.e. 20 ms frame. That makes the output data rate 260 bits/20 ms =13kbps.

Compression Factor The GSM speech codec compresses the speech from 104 kbps to 13 kbps thus achieving compression ratio of 8:1.

RPE-LTP Encoder The RPE-LTP encoder is explained as follows.

Stages of RPE-LTP Encoder The encoder has three major parts:

1) Linear Prediction analysis (short-term prediction) 2) Long-Term Prediction 3) Excitation analysis


Linear Prediction Analysis (Short Term Prediction) The Linear Prediction Analysis includes LPC (Linear Predictive Coding). The LPC stage involves the autocorrelation of the 160 samples to find the strength of the signal with its time separated version. The resulting signal is taken from its end half and then Levinson Durbin Recursion is performed on this auto correlated signal to yield the prediction coefficients of the voice. Levinson Durbin Recursion is performed in linear algebra for recursively calculating the solution to any equation involving Toeplitz Matrix. The speech encoder is shown in the figure as follows.

Figure 1 Speech Encoder RPE-LTP

Mathematical Representation Given a speech signal x (n), its linear prediction coefficients ak and order K of the filter, we can predict the speech x^ (n) using the relation given as follows.


xˆ ( n) = ∑ak x ( n − k )

_______ (1)

k =1

We know that z-transform of a signal x (n) is given by:

X ( z) =

∑x(n) z


n =− ∞





The residual error would be given as: K

e(n) = x( n) − xˆ (n) = x (n) − ∑ a k x (n − k ) k =1



E ( z ) = X ( z )[1 − ∑ak z −k ] k =1



Rearranging the equation (4) we get,

X ( z ) = E ( z ) H ( z ), H ( z ) =

1 K

1 − ∑ak z −k



k =1

Where the R.H.S of equation (5) represents an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter or Autoregressive (AR) Filter

To calculate ak we use Levinson Durbin Recursion which operates on the auto correlated segment of the speech signal. The autocorrelation of a signal x (m) is defined by:

Rn ( k ) =

N −1−k


m =0


( m) x n ( m + k )

_______ (6)

The relationship which exists between the auto correlation sequence R (n) and prediction coefficients is given by: K

Rn (i ) = ∑ ak Rn (| i − k |) k =1



In Matrix form the equation (7) can be expressed as:

 Rn (0)  R (1) n      Rn ( K −1)

Rn (1) Rn (0) 

   Rn (1)

Rn ( K − 1)  a1   Rn (1)    a   R ( 2)    2  =  n  Rn (1)            Rn (0)  a K   Rn ( K )

_____ (8)

where the first matrix corresponds to Toeplitz Matrix. Equation (8) can be solved to produce linear prediction coefficients ak by the use of Levinson Durbin Recursion which utilizes the Toeplitz nature of the matrix to recursively obtain LPC as follows. Loop of variable i to go from 1, 2… k

........................................... 1 Here variable alpha corresponds to Linear Prediction Coefficients and k refers to lattice filter coefficients .According to GSM specifications we get 8 prediction coefficients for 160 auto correlated samples and then we also find lattice filter coefficients using the above mentioned algorithm. The next step involves the calculation of Log Area Ratios (LAR). The LAR’s are calculated from the lattice filter coefficients using the formula. LAR (i) =log ((1-k (i))/ (1+k (i)))

_______ (9)

According to the GSM specifications, we get 8 LAR’s for 8 lattice filter coefficients and they are coded in the following order. The first two LAR’s are coded with 6 bits, the next two LAR’s with 5 bits, the next two LAR’s with 4 bits and the last two bits with 3 bits. This gives a total of 36 bits for LAR’s. After performing these operations, the residual or the excitation signal is obtained by subtracting the predicted speech signal from the original speech signal thus giving 160 samples of the residual signal for the next stage. The coefficients of the linear combination of the previous samples, plus an encoded form of the residual, the difference between the predicted and actual sample, represent the signal.

2) Long term Prediction The long-term predictor divides the residual signal into 4 windows each containing 40 samples and estimates pitch and gain for every 5 ms window of residual signal using

Long Term Prediction. The 160 samples are split into 4 sub-windows of 40 samples each. The long-term predictor produces two parameters for each sub window: the lag and the gain. The lag is determined as the peak of the cross-correlation between the current frame and the last two frames, and the gain is the found by normalizing the cross correlation coefficients.

………………………………………….. 2

The lag and gain parameters are applied to a long-term filter, and a prediction of the current short-term residual signal is made. Each estimate provides a lag coefficient and gain coefficient of 7 bits and 2 bits, respectively. Together these four estimates require 4*(7+2) bits = 36 bits. The gain factor in the predicted speech sample ensures that the synthesized speech has the same energy level as the original speech signal. ………… 3a This residual signal is exposed to short term filtering and using short term filtering, long term residual is obtained. This long term residual is filtered using weighted filter coefficients and the filtered long term residual is sent to the next stage of RPE (Regular Pulse Excitation).


Excitation Analysis The excitation analysis involves the sections of RPE decimation, RPE Interpolation and grid position. The 40 samples of filtered long term residual obtained are given input to the RPE decimation section where 40 samples are converted into 4 sequences each of 13 samples. The energy of these four sequences is computed and the sequence with the largest energy is chosen. Its grid position i.e. its position out of the 4 sequences is coded with 2 bits, then the maximum of that 13 samples is determined and it is coded with 6 bits and the 13 samples are additionally coded with 3 bits to produce (2+6+13*3)=47 bits for 40 samples of the filtered long term residual. These 47 bits are produced for every cycle so after 160 samples of the residual signal have been processed we get 47*4=188 bits. Now we have got the 76 parameters comprising of total 260 bits for frame of 160 samples which are summarized as follows.

………………………………………………………..3b The last step involves updating of the short term residual for its use in the loop. This is achieved by the use of RPE Interpolation which involves interpolating the selected residual sequence of 13 samples to a sequence of 40 samples to update the short term residual.

Channel Coding Introduction Every transmitted waveform has to go through a channel or medium for its transmission. The channel in real world scenarios is always non-ideal and imparts various kinds of impairments to the waveform like noise, interference, fading etc depending upon the channel characteristics. In order to make the waveform withstand these effects Channel Coding is employed so that the transmitted symbols can be accurately recovered at the receiver. Block Diagram:

Speech Coding

Channel Coding


Channel Coding is of two main types: 1. Error Detection Coding 2. Error Correction Coding As the name indicates Error Detection Coding has the capability to only detect if error has occurred in the received symbol, whereas Error Correction Coding has the power to detect and correct the errors occurred during transmission.

Channel Coding in GSM Since GSM is for wireless communication, in which the accuracy and reliability of data is the top most priority, the Channel Coding used is a combination of Error Detection Coding and Error Correction Coding.

CHANNEL CODER 260 bits of Speech Coder

50 bits Error Detection

Error Correction

456 bits of Channel Coder

132 bits

78 bits

Error Detection Coding (Ref CN Andrew S Tanenbaum, 4th Ed, Pg198) The Error Detection Coding employed is Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) or polynomial codes. Error Detection- Cyclic Redundancy Check

50 bits (Class Ia) Data Frame M(x)

Zero Padding

Modulo 2 Division

Remainder Padding

53 bit Output

Remainder Generator Polynomial G(x)

Cyclic Redundancy Check In CRC, the data bit string is treated as representation of polynomials with coefficients of 0 and 1 only. A k-bit frame is regarded as the coefficient list for a

polynomial with k term, ranging from x0 to xk-1. Such a polynomial is said to be of degree k-1. The sender and receiver must agree upon a generator polynomial, G(x) in advance. Using the Message polynomial M(x) and the generator polynomial G(x) a checksum is calculated. The checksum is appended to the end of the frame so that the polynomial represented by the check summed frame is divisible by G(x). When the receiver gets the check summed frame it divides it by G(x). If there has been a remainder there has been a transmission error. The algorithm for computing the checksum is as follows: 1. If ‘r’ is the degree of G(x), append r zero bits to low order end of M(x) having initially ‘m’ bits, so that it now has m + r bits and corresponds to polynomial xrM(x). 2. Divide the m + r bit string corresponding to G(x) into the bit string corresponding to xrM(x), using modulo 2 division. 3. Subtract the remainder from the bit string corresponding to xrM(x) using modulo 2 subtraction. The result is the check summed frame to be transmitted called T(x). In short, the data polynomial M(x) is appended with zeros equal to the degree of generator polynomial G(x), the resultant is modulo-2 divided by G(x) and the remainder obtained from division is appended with the original data as LSBs resulting in T(x). It should be clear that T(x) is modulo 2 divisible by G(x). The receiver divides it by G(x); that is it computes [T(x) + E(x)]/G(x) where E(x) is the error polynomial incurred due to channel effects. T(x)/G(x) is 0, so the result of the computation is simply E(x)/G(x). Those errors that happen to correspond to polynomials containing G(x) as a factor will slip by; all others will be caught. In GSM, the output frame of 260 bits of Speech Coding is categorized into three types and encoded accordingly. The first 50 bits called as Class Ia, most sensitive to bit errors are protected by a 3-bit CRC. If an error is detected the entire sample is

discarded and is replaced by a modified version of the preceding block. The generator polynomial used in GSM Speech Traffic Channel is: G(x) = x3+x+1 This polynomial is of degree 3, so three bits are appended to the data after remainder calculation resulting in total of 53 bits.

Error Correction Coding In GSM error correction is of much more significance than error detection. As data has to be communicated in real time and without errors, so error correction coding becomes very important for accuracy. In addition to the error detection process, error correction is ensured by using the Error Correction coding called the Convolution Coding.

Convolution Coding Background Convolution code is a very powerful type of error-correcting code used in channel coding to counter the random errors that occur during the signal transmission. The idea of channel coding is to improve the capacity of a channel by adding some carefully designed redundant information to the data being transmitted through the channel. In the process the data can be recovered with more certainty at the receiver. Convolutional codes are applied in applications that require good performance with low implementation cost. 53 bits from CRC

132 bits Class Ib

Convolution Coder Constraint Length K=5 Rate = 1/2 185 bits Generator Polynomials: + G1=1+X+X3+X4 4 zeros G2=1+X3+X4

378 bit Output

Error Correction- Convolution Coder

Applications Convolution codes are used to improve the performance of digital radio, mobile phones, satellite links, and Bluetooth implementations. Convolutional coding and one decoding algorithm, the Viterbi Algorithm, are currently used in about one billion cell phones, which is probably the largest number in any application. However, the largest current consumer of Viterbi algorithm processor cycles is probably digital video broadcasting. A recent estimate at Qualcomm is that approximately 1015 bits per second are now being decoded by the Viterbi algorithm in digital TV sets around the world, every second of every day.

Difference between Block Code & Convolution Code

The major difference of block coding and the convolutional coding is that block coding is memory less. Given a string of data bits, a block coder outputs a unique code block. Convolutional codes do not map individual blocks of bits into blocks of codeword. Instead they accept a continuous stream of bits and map them into an output stream introducing redundancies in the process. Convolutional codes have memory that uses previous bits to encode or decode following bits. Convolutional encoder is a finite state machine (FSM); processing information bits in a serial manner Thus the generated code is a function of input and the states of the FSM. [2]

Encoding Process In the encoding process, each m-bit information symbol (each m-bit string) to be encoded is transformed into an n-bit symbol, where m/n is the code rate (n ≥ m). The number of the symbols or bits involved in the encoding process is called the constraint length K (that is similar to the memory in the system). The transformation is a function of the last L = K-1 information symbols or bits called the memory depth. To convolutionally encode data, start with K memory registers, each holding 1 input bit. All memory registers start with a value of 0, unless otherwise specified. The encoder has n modulo-2 adders, and n generator polynomials — one for each adder. The generator polynomials dictate which of the memory register will be modulo-2 added. In other words they are the impulse responses of each coder output branch. The generator polynomials are represented collectively as a generator matrix. Generator polynomials specify convolutional code completely by the associated generator matrix. Encoded convolutional code is produced by matrix multiplication of input and the generator matrix.

It is important to mention here that we append K-1 extra zeros with the input data bits and convolutionally encode the resulting stream. The extra zeros are added for the purpose of flushing the memory registers in order to return its state back to 0 for all units.

Convolution Coding in GSM After going through some theoretical perspective of the convolution coding, we will now discuss the Convolution Coding as it happens in GSM. In GSM the constraint length of K=5 is used i.e. 5 memory units each capable of storing one bit. The following generator polynomials are utilized for coding the input data bits:

G1 = 1+X+X3+X4 = (1,1,0,1,1) and G2 = 1+X3+X4

= (1,0,0,1,1)

Therefore, output bits are calculated (modulo 2) as follows:

n1 = m1 + m0 + m-2 + m-3 = 1+X+X3+X4 n2 = m1 + m-2 + m-3

= 1+X3+X4

The above generator polynomials result in n=2 encoded bits for each input bit. An input bit m1 is fed into the leftmost register. Using the generator polynomials and the existing values in the remaining registers, the encoder outputs n=2 bits. The register moves the values to the right (m1 moves to m0, m0 moves to m-1 and so on) and waits for the next input bit. If there are no remaining input bits, the encoder continues output until all registers have returned to the zero state.

1st Output Bit

+ Input Bit




X3 X3

X4 X4

+ 2nd Output Bit2nd Output Bit The 53 bits from CRC and 132 bits of Class Ib of the Speech Coder output are combined to form 185 bits. These are padded with 4 zeros (No. of zeros = K-1 = 5-1) which are used for flushing the memory cells and bring them to their initial state. The output of Convolution coder is 378 bits. These bits are padded with the remaining uncoded 78 bits classified as Class II bits to form the final 456 bit output which is fed into the interleaver.

State Diagram Before explaining the state diagram, the states of the memory system (i.e. registers) require attention. Present state is the content of all the registers excluding the first register where the input is held. Next State is the state of all the registers excluding the last register. The arrow line moving away from a state shows the present state and where it is entering it depicts the next state. The dotted line shows that input is 1whereas the solid line shows that input is 0. The state diagrams are important because they make the output and state prediction very easy.

0000 1001

0001 1000 0010 0100 1010


1100 1110





0011 1011

Figure: Encoder State Diagram (K=5, r=1/2) Figure: Encoder State Diagram (K=5, r=1/2) Figure: Encoder State Diagram (K=5, r=1/2)

Figure: Encoder State Diagram (K=5, r=1/2) Figure: Encoder State Diagram (K=5, r=1/2)

Free distance and error distribution A free distance (d) is a minimal Hamming distance between different encoded sequences. A correcting capability (t) of a convolutional code is a number of errors that can be corrected by the code. It can be calculated as: t = (d-1) / 2 Since a convolutional code doesn't use blocks, processing instead a continuous bit stream, the value of t applies to a quantity of errors located relatively near to each other. That is, multiple groups of t errors can usually be fixed when they are relatively far. Since GSM Convolution encoder is non-systematic i.e. the input does not appear in output so it has a free distance of d = 7. This value of d results in t = (7-1)/2 = 3. Thus the encoder can correct any 3 channel errors.

Coding Gain

“It is the reduction, expressed in decibels, in the required Eb/No to achieve a specified error probability of the coded system over an uncoded system with the same modulation and channel characteristics.” The upper bound of the Coding Gain provided by Convolution Coding with constraint length K=5 and rate=1/2 is 5.43dB.

Interleaving Interleaving is used to cater for burst errors by shuffling the bits. In GSM the interleaving is done in the following manner. The 456 bits by the convolution encoder are divided into 57 bit blocks by selecting the 0th, 8th, 16th through 448th bits in the first block, the 1st, 9th 17th through 448th bits in the 2nd block and so on to have 8 blocks.. Then the bits in the first 4 blocks are placed in the even bit positions for the total block of 456 bits, and the bits in the second set of 4 blocks are placed in the odd positions. These 57 bit blocks are the sent for the encryption.

0 8 16 24 ..

0 8 16 24 ..

1 9 17 25 ..

2 10 18 26 ..

2 10 18 26 ..

4 12 20 28 ..

3 11 19 27 ..

6 14 22 30 ..

456 bits


456 Shuffled bits

11010011 4 12 20 28 ..

1 9 17 25 ..

5 13 21 29 ..

3 11 19 27 ..

6 14 22 30 ..

5 13 21 29 ..

7 15 23 31 ..

7 15 23 31 ..


We have used Data Encryption Standard (DES) for ciphering our information. It is the most widely used block cipher algorithm.

Data Encryption Standard (DES) Algorithm

It was adopted in 1977 by the National Bureau of Standards, now the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), as Federal Information Processing Standard 46 (FIPS PUB 46). The algorithm itself is referred to as the Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA). For DES, data are encrypted in 64-bit blocks using a 56-bit key. The algorithm transforms 64-bit input in a series of steps into a 64-bit output. The same steps, with the same key, are used to reverse the encryption.

DES Encryption

The overall scheme for DES encryption is illustrated in Figure. As with any encryption scheme, there are two inputs to the encryption function: the plaintext to be encrypted and the key. In this case, the plaintext must be 64 bits in length and the key is 56 bits in length. Actually, the function expects a 64-bit key as input. However, only 56 of these bits are ever used; the other 8 bits can be used as parity bits or simply set arbitrarily.

Figure 3.4. General Depiction of DES Encryption Algorithm

Looking at the left-hand side of the figure, we can see that the processing of the plaintext proceeds in three phases. First, the 64-bit plaintext passes through an initial permutation (IP) that rearranges the bits to produce the permuted input. This is followed by a phase consisting of 16 rounds of the same function, which involves both permutation and substitution functions. The output of the last (sixteenth) round consists of 64 bits that are a function of the input plaintext and the key. The left and right halves of the output are swapped to produce the preoutput. Finally, the preoutput is passed through a permutation (IP-1) that is the inverse of the initial permutation function, to produce the 64-bit ciphertext. With the exception of the initial and final permutations, DES has the exact structure of a Feistel cipher, as shown in Figure 3.2. The right-hand portion of Figure 3.4 shows the way in which the 56-bit key is used. Initially, the key is passed through a permutation function. Then, for each of the 16 rounds, a subkey (Ki) is produced by the combination of a left circular shift and a permutation. The permutation function is the same for each round, but a different subkey is produced because of the repeated shifts of the key bits.

Table 3.2. Permutation Tables for DES (a) Initial Permutation (IP) 58




































permutation and its 57


































inverse are defined by



shown in Tables and

3.2b, The

tables are to be (b) Inverse Initial Permutation (IP1)



















































follows. The input to a table consists of



numbered from 1 to







permutation table contain


permutation of the 34








numbers from 1 to









64. Each entry in the

(c) Expansion Permutation (E)


table indicates the




















































numbered input bit in



which also consists of 64 bits.

Details of Single Round

Figure 3.5 shows the internal structure of a single round. Again, begin by focusing on the left-hand side of the diagram. The left and right halves of each 64-bit intermediate value are treated as separate 32-bit quantities, labeled L (left) and R (right). As in any classic Feistel cipher, the overall processing at each round can be summarized in the following formulas: Li = Ri-1 Ri = Li-1 x F(Ri-1, Ki) Figure 3.5. Single Round of DES Algorithm

The round key Ki is 48 bits. The R input is 32 bits. This R input is first expanded to 48 bits by using a table that defines a permutation plus an expansion that involves duplication of 16 of the R bits (Table 3.2c). The resulting 48 bits are XORed with Ki. This 48-bit result passes through a substitution function that produces a 32-bit output, which is permuted as defined by Table 3.2d. The role of the S-boxes in the function F is illustrated in Figure 3.6. The substitution

consists of a set of eight S-boxes, each of which accepts 6 bits as input and produces 4 bits as output. These transformations are defined in Table 3.3, which is interpreted as follows: The first and last bits of the input to box Si form a 2-bit binary number to select one of four substitutions defined by the four rows in the table for Si. The middle four bits select one of the sixteen columns. The decimal value in the cell selected by the row and column is then converted to its 4-bit representation to produce the output. For example, in S1 for input 011001, the row is 01 (row 1) and the column is 1100 (column 12). The value in row 1, column 12 is 9, so the output is 1001.

Figure 3.6. Calculation of F(R, K)

Table 3.3. Definition of DES S-Boxes

Each row of an S-box defines a general reversible substitution. Figure 3.1 may be useful in understanding the mapping. The figure shows the substitution for row 0 of box S1.

The operation of the S-boxes is worth further comment. Ignore for the moment the contribution of the key (Ki). If you examine the expansion table, you see that the 32 bits of input are split into groups of 4 bits, and then become groups of 6 bits by taking the outer bits from the two adjacent groups. For example, if part of the input word is... efgh ijkl mnop ... this becomes ... defghi hijklm lmnopq ... The outer two bits of each group select one of four possible substitutions (one row of an S-box). Then a 4-bit output value is substituted for the particular 4-bit input (the middle four input bits). The 32-bit output from the eight S-boxes is then permuted, so that on the next round the output from each S-box immediately affects as many others as possible.

Key Generation

Returning to Figures 3.4 and 3.5, we see that a 64-bit key is used as input to the algorithm. The bits of the key are numbered from 1 through 64; every eighth bit is ignored, as indicated by the lack of shading in Table 3.4a. The key is first subjected to a permutation governed by a table labeled Permuted Choice One (Table 3.4b). The resulting 56-bit key is then treated as two 28-bit quantities, labeled C0 and D0. At each round, Ci-1 and Di-1 are separately subjected to a circular left shift, or rotation, of 1 or 2 bits, as governed by Table 3.4d. These shifted values serve as input to the next round. They also serve as input to Permuted Choice Two (Table 3.4c), which produces a 48bit output that serves as input to the function F(Ri-1, Ki).

Table 3.4. DES Key Schedule Calculation (a) Input Key

































































(b) Permuted Choice One (PC-1) 57
























































(c) Permuted Choice Two (PC-2) 14
















































(d) Schedule of Left Shifts Round

1 2 3







10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 1 2








number Bits








GSM Physical Layer Modulation GSM uses Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying as its modulation scheme. In digital communication, Gaussian minimum shift keying or GMSK is a continuous-phase frequency-shift keying modulation scheme.

CPFSK A continuous phase frequency shift keying is Continuous-phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK) is a commonly-used variation of frequency-shift keying (FSK), which is itself a special case of analog frequency modulation. FSK is a method of modulating digital data onto a sinusoidal carrier wave, encoding the information present in the data to variations in the carrier's instantaneous frequency between one

of two frequencies (referred to as the space frequency and mark frequency). In general, a standard FSK signal does not have continuous phase, as the modulated waveform switches instantaneously between two sinusoids with different frequencies. The phase of a CPFSK is in fact continuous; this characteristic is desirable for signals that are to be transmitted over a band limited channel, as discontinuities in a signal introduce wideband frequency components. In addition, some classes of amplifiers exhibit nonlinear behavior when driven with nearly-discontinuous signals; this could have undesired effects on the shape of the transmitted signal. If a finitely-valued digital signal to be transmitted (the message) is m(t), then the corresponding CPFSK signal is

where Ac represents the amplitude of the CPFSK signal, fc is the base carrier frequency, and Df is a parameter that controls the frequency deviation of the modulated signal. The integral located inside the cosine is what gives the CPFSK signal its continuous phase; an integral over any finitely-valued function (which m(t) is assumed to be) will not contain any discontinuities. If the message signal is assumed to be causal, then the limits on the integral change to a lower bound of zero and a higher bound of t.. Note that this does not mean that m(t) must be continuous; in fact, most ideal digital data waveforms contain discontinuities. However, even a discontinuous message signal will generate a proper CPFSK signal.

GMSK derived from MSK GMSK is a form of MSK which is Minimum Shift Keying. It is called Minimum Shift Keying. First we would explain MSK so that GMSK can be understood in a better fashion.

MSK uses changes in phase to represent 0's and 1's, but unlike most other keying schemes we have seen in class, the pulse sent to represent a 0 or a 1, not only depends on what information is being sent, but what was previously sent.. The pulse used in MSK is the following


If a ‘1’ was sent and

If a ‘0’ was sent

We can understand this case with the help of an example of data bits say 111010000

If it assumed that h = 1/2, then the figure simplifies. The phase can now go up or down by increments of pi/2, and the values at which the phase can be (at integer intervals of Tb) are {-pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi}. Ther above figure takes the following form.

The figure illustrates one feature of MSK that may not be obvious, when a large number of the same symbol is transmitted, the phase does not go to infinity, but rotates around 0 phase.

Signal Constellation of MSK Taking the equation for the pulse and using the trigonometric identity for a sum in a cosine we get.

The above function can be simplified in the following manner.




These equations only depend on theta(0) and theta(tb) so the 4 different possibilities we have are

Now the signal constellation can be drawn.

MSK as a form of FSK Even though the derivation of MSK was produced by analyzing the changes in phase, MSK is actually a form of frequency-shift-keying (FSK) with

where f1 and f2 are the frequencies used for the pulses. MSK produces an FSK with the minimum difference between the frequencies of the two FSK signals such that the signals do not interfere with each other.

Advantages of MSK MSK produces a power spectrum density that falls off much faster compared to the spectrum of QPSK. While QPSK falls off at the inverse square of the frequency, MSK falls off at the inverse fourth power of the frequency. Thus MSK can operate in a smaller bandwidth as compared to QPSK.

Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying GSM specific GMSK is similar to standard minimum-shift keying (MSK), however the digital data stream is first shaped with a Gaussian filter before being applied to a frequency modulator. This has the advantage of reducing sideband power, which in turn reduces out-of-band interference between signal carriers in adjacent frequency channels. However, the Gaussian filter increases the modulation memory in the system and causes intersymbol interference, making it more difficult to discriminate between different transmitted data values and requiring more complex channel equalization algorithms such as an adaptive equalizer at the receiver.

GMSK Modulation In GMSK modulation the incoming sequence of bits is converted to NRZ sequence with 4 samples per symbol corresponding to four 1’s for bit ‘1’ and four -1’s for ‘0’ . Then this NRZ sequence is filtered with a Guassian filter which provides spectral efficiency. This Gaussian Filter is mathematically described as. alpha=(log10(2)).^(1/2)/((2).^(1/2)*B); h=sqrt(pi)/alpha.*exp(-pi^2.*t^2./alpha^2); %impulse response where B is the 3 dB bandwidth of the Gaussian Filter. h is the impulse response of the Gaussian Filter which is described as follows.

Gaussian Filter Time Domain Response

The filtered NRZ sequence is integrated to produce the phase information that is the inherent characteristic of a FM modulation. The phase is scaled for pi/2 change for every bit. The sine and cosine of this phase are taken to produce I and Q channel information. The GMSK complex signal consists of I as the real part and Q as the imaginary part.

Figure In phase, Quadrature phase and GMSK signal

Spectral Efficiency and Inter Symbol Interference In GSM we use 3 dB Bandwidth and Symbol Time Period T product of 0.3 as it is a tradeoff between better spectral efficiency and Inter symbol interference. The more

the BT product, less will be the spectral efficiency and less ISI. We take 0.3 as standard in GSM.

GMSK Demodulation In GMSK Demodulation we have adopted non coherent detection. We have employed one bit differential detector which delays the incoming sequence of GMSK complex signal by one bit that is 4 to 5 samples delay. The resulting complex signal is multiplied with the original GMSK signal to produce the phase information that is stored in the imaginary part of the complex signal. The imaginary part is given to the symbol timing recovery which efficiently decides the symbols that were sent from the transmitter side.

Figure Real and Imaginary part of Multiplied GMSK Signal and One Bit Delayed GMSK Signal

Synchronization Synchronization plays the most crucial role in correct data reception at the receiver. No matter how strong the channel coding is employed, how efficient the modulation technique is used, if the transmitter and receiver is not synchronized with each other the entire communication ceases. GSM actually uses Equalization in which a block of 26 bits is incorporated between two 57 data bit blocks.

In our model of GSM we have used synchronization for detecting the timing phase errors. Since we have used non-coherent detection for demodulation so we did not face the issue of carrier frequency synchronization in our implementation. The synchronization we used in our GSM model was Symbol Timing Recovery proposed by Floyd M. Gardener in his paper. In order to get a clear picture we studied the paper presented by Muhammad Azam, Ezaz Akram, Dr. Jamil Ahmed and Dr. Ismail Shah who implemented the Gardener algorithm.

Symbol Timing Recovery The Symbol Timing Recovery is used to approximate the best instant at which if the symbol is sampled will result in a correct decision regarding the symbol. The symbol in case of GMSK is defined as bit 1 or bit 0. We have represented one symbol by 4 samples at transmitter end i.e. for every one bit there were corresponding four samples transmitted. These samples become helpful in providing the symbol timing from which we can make correct symbol decisions. Symbol Timing is required because the clocks of any two devices are running at different speeds. Though roughly they can be at the same frequency but in reality there is always some minute difference in the phase of the clock signals they generate. The difference between the clock frequencies of the two devices is called as Sampling Frequency Error and the difference between the clock signals between them is called as Sampling Phase Error. These two factors contribute in the incorrect sampling of the received analog signal. Thus symbol timing becomes a great concern. Clock 1

Sampling Phase Error

Clock 2

One solution to this problem is to transmit a special sequence after every frame or a number of frames which can tell the receiver that this is the starting point of new frame. This technique though is efficient but it consumes bandwidth because additional data has to be transmitted along with the original data. Second method is the non-data aided technique in which an all digital timing recovery loop is used. The main advantage of this loop is that the sampling is allowed to be unsynchronized and timing adjustment is done after the unsynchronized sampling. The sampling rate at A/D is kept at two times or more of the maximum frequency component in the incoming signal. The block diagram of this loop is shown below:






Garden er TED x(kTi)


M mu(k)


Integrator y(kMTi) Loop Filter

Interpolator The purpose of the interpolator is to compute the intermediate best sample which would have occurred if the signal was continuous. This interpolated value is then used to make the decision for detection. The interpolator filter we have employed is the first order linear filter. This linear filter serves the purpose well and is computationally efficient. The equation of linear filter is: Interpolated_output[k] = (1-mu)*sampled_GMSK [m] + mu*sampled_GMSK [m+1] Where m is the basepoint index for the kth symbol and mu is the fractional delay. These are the inputs to the interpolator by which the interpolated value is calculated. The diagram below will show a clear idea of these two parameters: mu Sampled symbol

We earlier transmitted four


m+1 samples per symbol. The base point index m

represents one of the received samples which serves as the integer part of the interpolated sample. The fractional index mu is the fractional part in the interpolation process. With the help of these two parameters and the corresponding inputs we interpolate the best value by using the above equation.

Gardener Timing Error Detector It is the most important part in the timing recovery process. It estimates the fractional delay (fractional index) that must be adjusted to get the samples at the maximum

opening of eye diagram. The timing error detector we have used was originally proposed by Floyd Gardener. It is also known as zero crossing detector and follows the principle of Maximum Likelihood estimation. At minimum it requires only two samples per symbol for error estimation. It locates the mid point between interpolated samples and uses it to find the timing difference. The Gardener equation is given below: e(n)=y(n-1/2)*[ y(n)-y(n-1)]

Correct Timing

Late Timing

Early Timing

Where e(n) represents the error signal, y(n) is the present interpolated sample and y(n1) is the previous interpolated sample. y(n-1/2) is the interpolated sample between the two interpolations. If the value of y(n-1/2) is zero this means that timing is correct. Negative value of y(n-1/2) indicates late timing while positive value indicates early timing. The error thus calculated helps in locating the exact interpolation point in the next sample.

Decimator Gardener timing error detector requires any even number of samples per symbol but its output only needs to be processed at symbol rate. Decimator produces the output at the symbol rate after discarding the extra samples. For our case the number of incoming samples was 4, we discarded the extra 3 samples per symbol.

Loop Filter

The loop filter is used to track frequency and phase error steps in the input signal. It is designed from the classical theory of phase locked loops. The Gardener TED output signal is fed to the loop filter. Zero order loop filter is required to track the phase steps which only contains a scaling constant Kp (proportional constant) in its transfer function. In order to track the frequency steps 1st order loop filter is required. In parallel with the proportional path the filter contains an integrating path to convert frequency steps into phase steps. This helps in rectifying the sampling frequency errors. The block diagram of the loop filter is shown below:

Kp y(n)


+ Ki



The proportional path is used for correcting the sampling phase errors and the integral path is used for correcting the sampling frequency clock errors. The values of Kp and Ki are found using the following expressions: Kp = (4*BTs)/(1+1/(4*zeta2)) Ki = [ (2*BTs)/(zeta+1/(4*zeta)) ]2 Where zeta is the damping ratio and its value is taken as 0.707 for making the system under damped. B=Single Sided Loop Bandwidth Ts=Sampling Interval BTs=Normalized Loop Bandwidth, typical values between 10-4 and 10-1. The output of loop filter is given by the following equation:

LFop[k] = Kp * Gardener_output[k] + (Ki-Kp)*Gardener_output [k-1] + LFop[k-1]

Integrator It provides the interpolator with the required estimates of the fractional delay mu and basepoint index m. Basepoint index is the required information fed to the interpolator to adjust the position of its symbol window over the input signal. The integrator (NCO) is updated according to the following equations: NCO_op[k] =NCO_op[k-1] + LFop[k] m[k+1]

=m[k] + int ( NCO_op[k]+ mu[k] )

mu[k+1] =m[k] -(mu[k]+ NCO_op[k]) m is the integer part of the calculations and mu is the decimal part. These updated values are used by interpolator to calculate the intermediate samples.

Eye Diagrams Without Symbol Timing Recovery

With Symbol Timing Recovery

DES Decryption

As with any Feistel cipher, decryption uses the same algorithm as encryption, except that the application of the subkeys is reversed.

De Interleaving

De-interleaving consists in performing the reverse operation. The major drawback of interleaving is the corresponding delay: transmission time from the first burst to the last one in a block is equal to 8 TDMA frames (i.e. about 37 ms).

456 Shuffled bits

0 8 16 24 ..

0 8 16 24 ..

2 10 18 26 ..

1 9 17 25 ..

4 12 20 28 ..

2 10 18 26 ..

6 14 22 30 ..

3 11 19 27 ..


456 bits

01101101 1 9 17 25 ..

4 12 20 28 ..

3 11 19 27 ..

5 13 21 29 ..

5 13 21 29 ..

6 14 22 30 ..

7 15 23 31 ..

7 15 23 31 ..

In the de interleaving section we apply the reverse procedure. The rows are arranged in the order so that the original order is restored. Then the bits are read column wise so the original order of the 456 bits is restored and the data is correspondingly fed to the Viterbi decoder for further processing.

Viterbi Decoding

The waveform is channel coded at transmitter in order to withstand the effects of channel and hold the digital information accurately. In order to retrieve this data back with out errors the decoding process is done at the receiver so that pure data stream can be obtained back. This process is called Channel Decoding. In GSM, like channel coding both Error Detection and Error Correction Decoding is performed but this time, the Error Correction takes precedence.

Error Correction Decoding

The error correction decoding employs the Maximum Likelihood Estimation method for recovering back the original data stream. Maximum likelihood decoding means finding the sequence of code branch in the code trellis that was most likely transmitted. Therefore maximum likelihood decoding is based on calculating the hamming distances for each branch forming encode word. Thus in order to understand the decoding process, it becomes fundamental to understand the trellis diagram.

Trellis diagram

A convolutional encoder is a finite state machine. An encoder with n binary cells will have 2n states. These states keep on changing with the advent of new bits. The states are important because they play a key role in decoding the bit stream. These states alter themselves like the formation of a tree. As a result of which they form a tree-like diagram called “Trellis”. We explain the trellis as it is formed in Convolution Coding in GSM. We assume that the initial state of the memory register is all zeros. Then if a 0 comes as the input the state will be retained the same with output 00, however, if input is 1 then the state will change into 1000 with output 11. Next we have 2 states to cater. First will be the state 0000, it will give the state transactions and outputs as discussed. Second state is 1000. If a 0 is input at this stage then the new state will be 0100 with output as 10, if the input is 1 the next state will be 1100 with output 00. This process continues at the next stage and the tree formed in this way keeps on growing.

Maximum Likelihood and Viterbi Decoding Now we will look how trellis helps in decoding the incoming data stream. We shall explain through the trellis formed in our particular case. From encoding process we know that there were 2 output bits generated for each 1 bit. This implies that 2 input bits at decoder should be treated together for estimating that 1 input bit. The decoding process happens exactly on these grounds. The input to decoder is the coded stream, which are operated 2 bits at a time. Suppose at decoder the initial state is 0000. The decoder receives 11 as input. It compares the received input with the two possible outputs which could be produced at this state. First possible output is 00 and the other is 11. The decoder measures the Hamming distance between the input bits and the possible output bits. The Hamming distance is computed by Xoring the Input with the possible output and then measuring the number of ones in the result. Hamming distance in case of 00 as possible output is 2 and that in case of 11 is 0 with the input as 11. Now the decoder saves this Hamming distance in memory and then moves onto the next state. Now it has 2 states to check; one is 0000 and the next is 1000. Suppose the new input bits are 10. Again the same procedure is repeated for the 4 possible outputs that can occur at the two states. The new Hamming distance calculated is added up to the previous Hamming distance. This process continues until all the data bits are passed through the decoder. The decoder then searches for the path with the minimum Hamming distance in the trellis and the input bits that correspond to that minimum distance path is taken as the decoded sequence. In Maximum Likelihood, this process is end to end, i.e. the decoder checks all the paths from

the first input bits till the last bits. In Viterbi algorithm Maximum

Likelihood decoding is performed by reducing its complexity. Viterbi algorithm eliminates the least likely trellis paths at each transmission stage. It reduces decoding complexity with early rejection of unlike paths. Viterbi algorithm gets its efficiency via concentrating on suvival paths of the trellis. The Viterbi decoding algorithm uses the trellis diagram to perform the decoding. The basic cycle repeated by the algorithm at each stage into the trellis is

1. Add: At each cycle of decoding, the branch metrics enumerating from the nodes (states) of the previous stage are computed. These branch metrics are added to the previously accumulated and saved path metrics. 2. Compare: The path metrics leading to each of the encoder’s states are compared. 3. Select: The highest-likelihood path (survivor) leading to each of the encoder’s states is selected, and the lower-likelihood paths are discarded. A metric is a measure of the “distance” between what is received and all of the possible channel symbols that could have been received. The metrics for the soft decision and the basic Viterbi decoding techniques are computed using different methods. For basic Viterbi decoding, the metric used is the Hamming distance, which specifies the number of bits by which two symbols differ. For the soft decision technique, the metric used is the Euclidean distance between the signal points in a signal. The trellis diagram for K=5 used in GSM is shown on the next page.

Error Detection Decoding The first 53 bits of Viterbi decoded sequence are fed into Error Detection block. In this stage the 53 data bits T(x) are divided by the Generator polynomial G(x) = x3+x+1 that is [T(x) + E(x)]/G(x) is computed where E(x) is the error polynomial incurred due to channel effects. T(x)/G(x) is 0, so the result of the computation is simply E(x)/G(x). If the result of this modulo 2 division is not zero then an error is detected. Those errors that happen to correspond to polynomials containing G(x) as a factor will slip by; all others will be caught.

RPE-LTP Decoder The RPE LTP decoder works in the sense that the incoming 260 bits are separated on the basis of the 76 parameters. The bits are decoded back to the parameters and the speech is synthesized using the decoder scheme as shown below.

Figure 2 RPE LTP Decoder


Using the scheme shown above, we proceed by decoding the bits and obtaining the speech parameters. Then we obtain the long term residual from the quantized residual sequences and then estimate the short term residual from the long term residual. Finally the speech is synthesized from the filtering of the short term residual with the recovered prediction coefficients. The recovered speech is processed to improve its quality and then it is passed to the D/A converter to be played back via speaker.

Implementation of the OSSIE: GSM Waveform In this chapter the implementation of GSM waveform on OSSIE is described.

Introduction After simulating the GSM transceiver on matlab, we were in a position to implement the waveform on principles of SCA. So first of all we studied and understood Software Communication Architecture through different articles and research papers available on net.

Open Source SCA Implementatio::Embedded For the purpose of implementing the GSM waveform on SCA, we searched for such environment which could integrate CORBA, IDL, XML and UML together. We found OSSIE (Open Source SCA Implementatio::Embedded) which is an open source Software Defined Radio (SDR) development effort based at Virginia Tech. OSSIE is primarily intended to enable research and education in SDR and wireless communications. The software package includes an SDR core framework based on the JTRS Software Communications Architecture, tools for rapid development of SDR components and waveforms applications. The current version of OSSIE (0.6.2) is based on version 2.2.1 of the SCA specification. The next step was to get familiar with OSSIE. OSSIE is a complex software with a lot of source files and it is extremely difficult to handle and comprehend the whole source code of it. Its user guide and few labs give you an introduction to waveform development, component connection and application installation provided by OSSIE by default. There is no help for custom component development so it took us few weeks to debug the default components and able o make our own components.

A detailed presentation of OSSIE can be found in Jacob A. DePriest’s thesis entitled “A Practical Approach to Rapid Prototyping of SCA Waveforms” at Virginia Tech [8]. This thesis is written with assumption that reader has certain prior knowledge about C++ programming. Here are two important C++ files generated for eah new component; .h, .cpp. These are where the functionalities are defined for the components.

Strategy of implementing waveform The strategy of implementing waveform in OSSIE is explained in this secion. The main steps are

a) Component Development b) Node Development c) Waveform Development d) Connecting Components e) Generating Waveform

Component Development To develop a component the developer must know the functionality of the component and its input and output. This will enable him to determine its uses and provides port, the type of interfaces for the input and output.

OSSIE Component Developer

The figure shows the OSSIE component editor. Here you can

a) Declare the name of component b) Describe its functionality c) Define its uses and provides port d) Define component properties e) Deployment settings

Port Assignment The figure shows the port developer. Here you must specify the a) Port name b) The interface it inherits c) The type of port (uses or provides)

After providing this information in the component editor you can generate the component which generates the associated header and .cpp files. The next step in component development is to define the functionality of the component in the generated files. This is the main step in component development.

Once the component implementation is provided the last step is to compile and make this component. This step generates the binaries and xml profiles for the component.

Once the component development is finished, this component can be used in any waveform even for multiple times.

Components Transmitter 1. speechcoder_GSM 2. convolutioncoder_GSM 3. interleaver_GSM 4. enrypt_GSM 5. modulation_GSM

Receiver 1. demodulation_GSM 2. decipher_GSM 3. deinterleaver_GSM 4. viterbidecoder_GSM 5. speechdecoder_GSM 6. GSM_test_receiver

Node Development Node means a collection of devices. The device can be a GPP, DSP, USRP, FPGA etc. In our case we are using the processor of the PC to run the waveform. Every component must be deployed on a device of the node.

Waveform Development

First of all u divide your waveform into components. These components are individually developed and registered into the OWD. When all the components have been developed, waveform development is carried out.


figure shows the OSSIE waveform developer. The developd components and the default components are listed in the left hand panel from where the components are added in the waveform.the main steps are 1. name the waveform 2. develop the nodes 3. add the required components 4. set the assembly controller 5. connect the components When the waveform is complete it is then generated. The generated waveform is then compiled to generate XML profiles for the waveform. All you have to do is to load the waveform onto your device and run. The steps to run the waveform is given in OSSIE’s user guide.

Results Output of GSM Transmitter

Output of Receiver

INPUT SAMPLES {0.0,0.0,0.0001,0.0002,-0.0005,0.0008,-0.0013,0.0020,-0.0032,0.0051,-0.0085, 0.2109,0.3538,0.5551,0.7486,0.9836,0.9837,0.6619,0.3567,0.6763,0.5267,-0.1016,-0.2907,0.0623,0.4734,0.6047,0.5845,0.7224,0.7421,0.7660,0.7112,0.6597,0.5804, 0.2815,0.0574,0.3686,0.6001,0.1246,0.0390,0.1517,0.4890,0.2700,0.1086,0.1205,0.2301,0.4895,0.561 9,0.7420,0.9990,0.9967,0.9985,0.9999,0.9843,0.9999,0.8190,0.2994,0.5211,0.8611,0.2154,0.2734,0.67 72,0.5230,0.8183,0.9721,0.9999,0.4040,0.2139,0.5266,0.5467,0.2103,0.0153,0.0357,0.3807,0.6439,0.6 446,0.6494,0.7378,0.9143,0.8513,0.6048,0.5660,0.3560,0.0209,0.3198,0.6508,0.2555,0.0164,0.4418,0.

7404,0.5937,0.3002,0.4607,0.4169,0.4464,0.4468,0.4429,0.6620,0.9501,0.9999,0.9845,0.9999,0.9717, 0.9999,0.5594,0.3477,0.5418,0.4845,0.0789,0.3130,0.3865,0.4528,0.9999,0.9717, 0.9949,0.3908,0.5019,0.7090,0.4178,-0.0840,-0.2050,0.1068,0.3683,0.6308,0.6954, 0.8308,0.8020,0.6241,0.5684,0.4762,0.3248,0.1923,0.0215,0.3762,0.3617,0.0253,0.3321,0.6989,0.501 7,0.2098,0.1705,0.5382,0.4262,0.6884,0.4939,0.8208,0.9997,0.9999,0.9880,0.9999,0.8690,0.2495,0.29 45,0.7194,0.7893,-0.2933,0.1242,0.7300,0.8754, 0.7885,0.9504}

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

0.1038210.9945960.01756630.9998460.1668080.9859890.3180360.9480790.4615320.8871230.59381 10.8046050.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8926960.450660.9498090.3128290.9806020.196007 0.9889960.1479440.9804670.1966840.9493770.314140.8917610.4525070.8105890.5856160.71020.70 40.5975540.8018290.49650.8680370.4535690.8912210.49650.8680370.59270.8054240.6810910.7321 990.7159950.6981060.6810910.7321990.59270.8054240.49650.8680370.4535690.8912210.49650.868 0370.59270.8054240.6810910.7321990.7159950.6981060.6805860.7326680.5867070.8097990.45908 20.8883940.3154180.9489530.1640860.9864460.008766770.999962-0.1467660.9891710.2987310.954337-0.4434350.896306-0.5773610.816489-0.6972530.716825-0.8001960.5997380.883690.468073-0.9457040.32503-0.984730.174087-0.9998210.0189126-0.99061-0.1367220.957319-0.289033-0.90076-0.434318-0.822305-0.569047-0.724339-0.689444-0.613702-0.7895380.514012-0.857783-0.47156-0.881834-0.514604-0.857428-0.614791-0.78869-0.725765-0.6879430.823873-0.566775-0.901955-0.43183-0.958113-0.286389-0.990983-0.133987-0.9997650.02167210.9843680.176125-0.9472080.320619-0.9016320.432505-0.8794620.475968-0.901930.4318820.947650.319312-0.984730.174087-0.9998210.0189126-0.990704-0.136038-0.959438-0.2819210.918439-0.395563-0.898051-0.439891-0.918711-0.39493-0.959826-0.280597-0.990983-0.1339870.9997650.0216721-0.9843680.176125-0.9472080.320619-0.9016320.432505-0.8794620.4759680.9016320.432505-0.9452540.326335-0.9764230.215866-0.985790.167982-0.9762740.216540.9428070.33334-0.8823950.47051-0.7985380.601944-0.6952720.718747-0.5751050.8180790.440960.897527-0.2960960.9551580.1440350.9895730.01152660.9999340.1668080.9859890.3180360.9480790.4615320.8871230.59381 10.8046050.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8930060.4500440.9521050.3057730.988060.154069 0.999999-0.001380010.987739-0.1561140.953519-0.3013320.910223-0.4141190.888940.4580240.910508-0.4134910.953934-0.3000160.988060.1540690.9999990.001380010.9877390.1561140.9535190.3013320.9102230.4141190.888940.45802 40.9102230.4141190.9516820.3070860.9806020.1960070.9889960.1479440.9806020.1960070.95168 20.3070860.9102230.4141190.888940.4580240.9105080.4134910.9539340.3000160.988060.1540690. 999999-0.001380010.987739-0.1561140.953519-0.3013320.910223-0.4141190.888940.4580240.910508-0.4134910.953934-0.3000160.988060.1540690.9999990.001380010.9876310.1567950.9512570.3083990.8917610.4525070.8105890.5856 160.7097140.704490.5915880.8062410.4590820.8883940.3154180.9489530.1647670.9863330.01618 650.999869-0.1045070.994524-0.1528920.9882430.1045070.9945240.01014670.9999490.1246670.9921990.1729150.9849370.1239820.9922840.00272 6530.999996-0.1467660.989171-0.2987310.954337-0.4434350.896306-0.5773610.8164890.6972530.716825-0.8001960.599738-0.8833670.468682-0.9432660.332039-0.9764230.2158660.985790.167982-0.9762740.21654-0.9428070.33334-0.8823950.47051-0.7985380.6019440.6952720.718747-0.5751050.818079-0.440960.897527-0.2960960.9551580.1447180.9894730.004106530.9999920.1246670.9921990.1729150.9849370.1239820.9922840.0027 26530.999996-0.1467660.989171-0.2987310.954337-0.4428170.896612-0.5712870.8207510.6660930.745869-0.7016810.712491-0.6660930.745869-0.5762340.817285-0.4787830.8779330.435390.900242-0.4787830.877933-0.5762340.817285-0.6660930.745869-0.7016810.712491-

0.6655780.746328-0.5701530.821538-0.440960.897527-0.2960960.9551580.1440350.9895730.01152660.9999340.1668080.9859890.3180360.9480790.4615320.8871230.59381 10.8046050.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8930060.4500440.9521050.3057730.988060.154069 0.999999-0.001380010.987631-0.1567950.951257-0.3083990.891761-0.4525070.8105890.5856160.709714-0.704490.591588-0.8062410.459082-0.8883940.315418-0.9489530.1640860.9864460.00876677-0.999962-0.146766-0.989171-0.298731-0.954337-0.443435-0.896306-0.5773610.816489-0.697253-0.716825-0.800196-0.599738-0.88369-0.468073-0.945704-0.32503-0.984730.174087-0.999821-0.0189126-0.990610.136722-0.9573190.289033-0.900760.4343180.8223050.569047-0.7243390.689444-0.6137020.789538-0.5140120.857783-0.471560.8818340.5140120.857783-0.6089220.79323-0.6958090.718227-0.7300130.683433-0.6958090.7182270.6089220.79323-0.5140120.857783-0.471560.881834-0.5146040.857428-0.6147910.788690.7257650.687943-0.8238730.566775-0.9019550.43183-0.9581130.286389-0.9909830.1339870.999765-0.0216721-0.984368-0.176125-0.947208-0.320619-0.901632-0.432505-0.879462-0.4759680.90193-0.431882-0.94765-0.319312-0.98473-0.174087-0.999821-0.0189126-0.990610.1367220.9573190.289033-0.900760.434318-0.8223050.569047-0.7243390.689444-0.6137020.7895380.5140120.857783-0.471560.881834-0.5140120.857783-0.6089220.79323-0.6958090.7182270.7300130.683433-0.6953130.718707-0.6030190.797727-0.4770150.878895-0.3346090.9423570.184070.9829130.02905660.9995780.1266630.9919460.2793040.9602030.4251560.905120.5606740.8280370.682563 0.7308270.7878620.6158520.8736740.4865120.9363340.3511110.9718420.2356350.9821780.187952 0.9718420.2356350.9384370.3454490.892670.4507120.8696230.4937170.892670.4507120.9384370.3 454490.9718420.2356350.9821780.1879520.9716790.2363060.9358480.3524030.8726650.4883190.7 861590.6180240.6810490.7322380.5645260.8254150.4608690.8874680.4170330.9088920.4614810.8 87150.5656650.8246350.6825630.7308270.7878620.6158520.874010.4859090.9389130.3441540.980 9950.1940340.9992310.03919750.99318-0.1165920.962987-0.2695470.909387-0.415950.8336830.5522430.73818-0.6746030.629597-0.7769220.531312-0.8471760.489358-0.8720830.5318970.8468090.630669-0.7760520.739575-0.6730740.835204-0.549940.910247-0.4140670.9617210.2740320.987748-0.1560570.994184-0.1076920.98764-0.1567380.961342-0.2753590.9093870.415950.833683-0.5522430.737715-0.6751120.623815-0.7815720.494752-0.8690340.3536630.9353730.203978-0.9789760.0493344-0.998782-0.106508-0.994312-0.259762-0.965673-0.4060710.913842-0.537513-0.843255-0.63528-0.772282-0.672193-0.740376-0.634747-0.77272-0.5363490.843996-0.404178-0.91468-0.257095-0.966386-0.10445-0.994530.0446792-0.9990010.1648240.9863230.212737-0.9771090.164824-0.9863230.0507127-0.998713-0.0640668-0.997946-0.1126670.993633-0.0640668-0.9979460.0507127-0.9987130.164824-0.9863230.212737-0.9771090.1641430.9864360.0433006-0.999062-0.106508-0.994312-0.259762-0.965673-0.406071-0.913842-0.5375130.843255-0.63528-0.772282-0.672193-0.740376-0.63528-0.772282-0.542597-0.839993-0.4427650.896638-0.398503-0.917167-0.443384-0.896332-0.548815-0.835944-0.667592-0.744527-0.7752020.631713-0.863622-0.50414-0.929016-0.37004-0.96686-0.255308-0.978162-0.207844-0.9666830.255975-0.928504-0.371321-0.862576-0.505927-0.773456-0.63385-0.66605-0.745907-0.5476610.836701-0.442765-0.896638-0.398503-0.917167-0.443384-0.896332-0.548815-0.835944-0.667592-

0.744527-0.775202-0.631713-0.863969-0.503544-0.931736-0.363136-0.976855-0.213901-0.998230.0594662-0.9953410.0964136-0.9682590.24995-0.9176410.397411-0.8447180.5352120.7512630.660003-0.6395460.768753-0.5122850.858816-0.3725710.928004-0.2238010.9746350.06959190.9975760.08630920.9962680.2401120.9707450.3874430.9218940.5202910.8539890.6194 770.7850150.657030.7538640.6189350.7854420.5191120.8547060.3855340.9226940.2374320.97140 40.08355920.996503-0.0723450.99738-0.2264910.974013-0.3751310.926972-0.5140610.8577530.6359570.771725-0.7243790.689402-0.7571430.653249-0.7239030.689902-0.6348910.7726020.5122850.858816-0.3725710.928004-0.2244740.974480.07699230.9970320.04380290.999040.09248050.9957140.04311350.99907-0.07836820.9969240.2264910.974013-0.3751310.926972-0.5146530.857398-0.6416660.766984-0.7530810.6579270.8461920.532878-0.9187340.394877-0.9689450.247277-0.9956040.0936661-0.998062-0.06222110.976261-0.216596-0.93073-0.365706-0.862576-0.505927-0.773456-0.63385-0.665535-0.7463670.541437-0.840741-0.404178-0.91468-0.257095-0.966386-0.10445-0.994530.04467920.9990010.164824-0.9863230.212737-0.9771090.164824-0.9863230.0507127-0.998713-0.06406680.997946-0.112667-0.993633-0.0633782-0.997990.058122-0.9983090.206679-0.9784090.3562430.9343930.497149-0.8676650.62597-0.7798470.739575-0.6730740.835204-0.549940.9102470.4140670.961721-0.2740320.987748-0.1560570.994184-0.1076920.987748-0.1560570.9633580.2682180.926276-0.3768450.906793-0.4215770.926536-0.3762050.965322-0.2610620.9934980.113850.9991190.04195530.9805910.1960640.9405070.3397740.892670.4507120.8696230.4937170. 892670.4507120.9384370.3454490.9718420.2356350.9821780.1879520.9716790.2363060.9358480.3 524030.8726650.4883190.7861590.6180240.6810490.7322380.5645260.8254150.4608690.8874680.4 170330.9088920.4608690.8874680.559530.828810.650820.7592320.6870780.7265830.650820.75923 20.559530.828810.4608690.8874680.4170330.9088920.4608690.8874680.559530.828810.650820.759 2320.6870780.7265830.6502960.7596810.5533650.8329390.4226560.906290.2766530.960970.12392 50.992292-0.03181530.999494-0.1867820.982401-0.3372090.94143-0.4788340.8779060.6041190.796894-0.6958090.718227-0.7300130.683433-0.6958090.718227-0.6089220.793230.5140120.857783-0.471560.881834-0.5140120.857783-0.6089220.79323-0.6958090.7182270.7300130.683433-0.6953130.718707-0.6030190.797727-0.4770150.878895-0.3346090.9423570.1847480.982786-0.03647290.9993350.08430430.996440.1328070.9911420.08361670.9964980.0378520.999283-0.1867820.982401-0.3372090.94143-0.4794390.877575-0.6100160.7923890.7257650.687943-0.8238730.566775-0.9019550.43183-0.9581130.286389-0.9909830.1339870.999765-0.0216721-0.984246-0.176804-0.944803-0.327639-0.882395-0.47051-0.798538-0.6019440.695272-0.718747-0.575105-0.818079-0.44096-0.897527-0.296096-0.955158-0.1447180.9894730.00410653-0.9999920.124667-0.9921990.172915-0.9849370.123982-0.9922840.002726530.999996-0.146766-0.989171-0.298731-0.954337-0.442817-0.896612-0.571287-0.820751-0.6660930.745869-0.701681-0.712491-0.666093-0.745869-0.576234-0.817285-0.478783-0.877933-0.435390.900242-0.479388-0.877603-0.582282-0.812987-0.697253-0.716825-0.800196-0.599738-0.8833670.468682-0.943266-0.332039-0.976423-0.215866-0.98579-0.167982-0.976274-0.21654-0.9428070.33334-0.882395-0.47051-0.798538-0.601944-0.695272-0.718747-0.575105-0.818079-0.440960.897527-0.296096-0.955158-0.144718-0.9894730.00410653-0.9999920.124667-0.9921990.172915-

0.9849370.123982-0.9922840.00272653-0.999996-0.146766-0.989171-0.298731-0.954337-0.4428170.896612-0.571287-0.820751-0.666093-0.745869-0.701681-0.712491-0.665578-0.746328-0.5701530.821538-0.44096-0.897527-0.296096-0.955158-0.144035-0.9895730.0115266-0.9999340.1668080.9859890.318036-0.9480790.461532-0.8871230.593811-0.8046050.711655-0.7025290.8122020.5833770.892696-0.450660.949809-0.3128290.980602-0.1960070.988996-0.1479440.9806020.1960070.951682-0.3070860.910223-0.4141190.88894-0.4580240.910223-0.4141190.9516820.3070860.980602-0.1960070.988996-0.1479440.980467-0.1966840.949377-0.314140.8917610.4525070.810589-0.5856160.7102-0.7040.597554-0.8018290.4965-0.8680370.4535690.8912210.497098-0.8676940.59866-0.8010030.711655-0.7025290.812202-0.5833770.8926960.450660.949809-0.3128290.980602-0.1960070.988996-0.1479440.980467-0.1966840.9493770.314140.891761-0.4525070.810589-0.5856160.709714-0.704490.591588-0.8062410.4590820.8883940.315418-0.9489530.164767-0.9863330.0161865-0.999869-0.104507-0.994524-0.1528920.988243-0.103821-0.9945960.0175663-0.9998460.166808-0.9859890.318036-0.9480790.460920.8874420.587824-0.8089890.681091-0.7321990.715995-0.6981060.680586-0.7326680.5867070.8097990.459082-0.8883940.315418-0.9489530.164086-0.9864460.00876677-0.999962-0.1467660.989171-0.298731-0.954337-0.443435-0.896306-0.577361-0.816489-0.697253-0.716825-0.8001960.599738-0.88369-0.468073-0.945704-0.32503-0.98473-0.174087-0.999821-0.01891260.9907040.136038-0.9594380.281921-0.9184390.395563-0.8980510.439891-0.9187110.394930.9598260.280597-0.9909830.133987-0.999765-0.0216721-0.984246-0.176804-0.944803-0.3276390.882395-0.47051-0.798538-0.601944-0.695272-0.718747-0.575105-0.818079-0.44096-0.8975270.296096-0.955158-0.144718-0.9894730.00410653-0.9999920.124667-0.9921990.1729150.9849370.123982-0.9922840.00272653-0.999996-0.146766-0.989171-0.298731-0.954337-0.4428170.896612-0.571287-0.820751-0.666093-0.745869-0.701681-0.712491-0.665578-0.746328-0.5701530.821538-0.44096-0.897527-0.296096-0.955158-0.144035-0.9895730.0115266-0.9999340.1668080.9859890.318036-0.9480790.461532-0.8871230.593811-0.8046050.711655-0.7025290.8122020.5833770.893006-0.4500440.952105-0.3057730.988060.1540690.9999990.001380010.9876310.1567950.9512570.3083990.8917610.4525070.8105890.5856 160.7097140.704490.5915880.8062410.4590820.8883940.3154180.9489530.1647670.9863330.01618 650.999869-0.1045070.994524-0.1528920.9882430.1038210.9945960.01756630.9998460.1668080.9859890.3180360.9480790.460920.8874420.587824 0.8089890.6810910.7321990.7159950.6981060.6810910.7321990.59270.8054240.49650.8680370.453 5690.8912210.4970980.8676940.598660.8010030.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8926960.4506 60.9498090.3128290.9806020.1960070.9889960.1479440.9806020.1960070.9516820.3070860.91022 30.4141190.888940.4580240.9102230.4141190.9516820.3070860.9806020.1960070.9889960.147944 0.9806020.1960070.9516820.3070860.9102230.4141190.888940.4580240.9102230.4141190.9516820. 3070860.9806020.1960070.9889960.1479440.9806020.1960070.9516820.3070860.9102230.4141190. 888940.4580240.9102230.4141190.9516820.3070860.9806020.1960070.9889960.1479440.9804670.1 966840.9493770.314140.8917610.4525070.8105890.5856160.7097140.704490.5915880.8062410.459 0820.8883940.3154180.9489530.1647670.9863330.01618650.999869-0.1045070.9945240.1528920.988243-

0.1045070.9945240.01014670.9999490.1246670.9921990.1729150.9849370.1239820.9922840.00272 6530.999996-0.1467660.989171-0.2987310.954337-0.4434350.896306-0.5773610.8164890.6972530.716825-0.8001960.599738-0.883690.468073-0.9457040.32503-0.984730.1740870.9998210.0189126-0.990704-0.136038-0.959438-0.281921-0.918439-0.395563-0.898051-0.4398910.918711-0.39493-0.959826-0.280597-0.990983-0.133987-0.9997650.0216721-0.9842460.1768040.9448030.327639-0.8823950.47051-0.7985380.601944-0.6952720.718747-0.5751050.8180790.440960.897527-0.2960960.9551580.1440350.9895730.01152660.9999340.1668080.9859890.3180360.9480790.4615320.8871230.59381 10.8046050.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8930060.4500440.9521050.3057730.988060.154069 0.999999-0.001380010.987631-0.1567950.951257-0.3083990.891761-0.4525070.8105890.5856160.709714-0.704490.591588-0.8062410.459082-0.8883940.315418-0.9489530.1647670.9863330.0161865-0.999869-0.104507-0.994524-0.152892-0.988243-0.104507-0.9945240.01014670.9999490.124667-0.9921990.172915-0.9849370.123982-0.9922840.00272653-0.999996-0.1467660.989171-0.298731-0.954337-0.443435-0.896306-0.577361-0.816489-0.697253-0.716825-0.8001960.599738-0.88369-0.468073-0.945704-0.32503-0.98473-0.174087-0.999821-0.01891260.9907040.136038-0.9594380.281921-0.9184390.395563-0.8980510.439891-0.9187110.394930.9598260.280597-0.9909830.133987-0.999765-0.0216721-0.984246-0.176804-0.944803-0.3276390.882395-0.47051-0.798538-0.601944-0.695272-0.718747-0.575105-0.818079-0.44096-0.8975270.296096-0.955158-0.144035-0.9895730.0115266-0.9999340.166808-0.9859890.3180360.9480790.461532-0.8871230.593811-0.8046050.711655-0.7025290.812202-0.5833770.8930060.4500440.952105-0.3057730.988060.1540690.9999990.001380010.9876310.1567950.9512570.3083990.8917610.4525070.8105890.5856 160.7097140.704490.5915880.8062410.4590820.8883940.3154180.9489530.1647670.9863330.01618 650.999869-0.1045070.994524-0.1528920.9882430.1045070.9945240.01014670.9999490.1246670.9921990.1729150.9849370.1239820.9922840.00272 6530.999996-0.1467660.989171-0.2987310.954337-0.4434350.896306-0.5773610.8164890.6972530.716825-0.8001960.599738-0.883690.468073-0.9457040.32503-0.984730.1740870.9998210.0189126-0.99061-0.136722-0.957319-0.289033-0.90076-0.434318-0.822305-0.5690470.723863-0.689943-0.607826-0.79407-0.477015-0.878895-0.334609-0.942357-0.184748-0.9827860.0364729-0.9993350.0843043-0.996440.132807-0.9911420.0836167-0.996498-0.037852-0.9992830.186782-0.982401-0.337209-0.94143-0.478834-0.877906-0.604119-0.796894-0.695809-0.7182270.730013-0.683433-0.695313-0.718707-0.603019-0.797727-0.477015-0.878895-0.334609-0.9423570.184748-0.982786-0.0364729-0.9993350.0843043-0.996440.132807-0.9911420.0836167-0.9964980.037852-0.999283-0.186782-0.982401-0.337209-0.94143-0.479439-0.877575-0.610016-0.7923890.725765-0.687943-0.823873-0.566775-0.901657-0.432453-0.955962-0.293491-0.984378-0.1760680.991794-0.127844-0.984378-0.176068-0.957717-0.287711-0.918439-0.395563-0.898051-0.4398910.918439-0.395563-0.957717-0.287711-0.984378-0.176068-0.991794-0.127844-0.984378-0.1760680.957717-0.287711-0.918439-0.395563-0.898051-0.439891-0.918711-0.39493-0.959826-0.2805970.990983-0.133987-0.9997650.0216721-0.9843680.176125-0.9472080.320619-0.9016320.4325050.8794620.475968-0.901930.431882-0.947650.319312-0.984730.174087-0.9998210.0189126-

0.990704-0.136038-0.959438-0.281921-0.918439-0.395563-0.898051-0.439891-0.918439-0.3955630.957717-0.287711-0.984378-0.176068-0.991794-0.127844-0.984378-0.176068-0.957717-0.2877110.918439-0.395563-0.898051-0.439891-0.918711-0.39493-0.959826-0.280597-0.990983-0.1339870.9997650.0216721-0.9843680.176125-0.9472080.320619-0.9016320.432505-0.8794620.4759680.901930.431882-0.947650.319312-0.984730.174087-0.9998210.0189126-0.990704-0.1360380.959438-0.281921-0.918439-0.395563-0.898051-0.439891-0.918439-0.395563-0.957717-0.2877110.984378-0.176068-0.991794-0.127844-0.984378-0.176068-0.957717-0.287711-0.918439-0.3955630.898051-0.439891-0.918439-0.395563-0.957717-0.287711-0.984378-0.176068-0.991794-0.1278440.984256-0.176748-0.955556-0.29481-0.90076-0.434318-0.822305-0.569047-0.724339-0.6894440.613702-0.789538-0.514012-0.857783-0.47156-0.881834-0.514012-0.857783-0.608922-0.793230.695809-0.718227-0.730013-0.683433-0.695809-0.718227-0.608922-0.79323-0.514012-0.8577830.47156-0.881834-0.514604-0.857428-0.614791-0.78869-0.725765-0.687943-0.823873-0.5667750.901955-0.43183-0.958113-0.286389-0.990983-0.133987-0.9997650.0216721-0.9842460.1768040.9448030.327639-0.8823950.47051-0.7985380.601944-0.6957670.718267-0.581160.8137890.4787830.877933-0.435390.900242-0.4793880.877603-0.5822820.812987-0.6972530.7168250.8001960.599738-0.883690.468073-0.9457040.32503-0.984730.174087-0.9998210.01891260.990704-0.136038-0.959438-0.281921-0.918439-0.395563-0.898051-0.439891-0.918711-0.394930.959826-0.280597-0.990983-0.133987-0.9997650.0216721-0.9843680.176125-0.9472080.3206190.9016320.432505-0.8794620.475968-0.901930.431882-0.947650.319312-0.984730.1740870.9998210.0189126-0.99061-0.136722-0.957319-0.289033-0.90076-0.434318-0.822305-0.5690470.724339-0.689444-0.613702-0.789538-0.514012-0.857783-0.47156-0.881834-0.514604-0.8574280.614791-0.78869-0.725765-0.687943-0.823873-0.566775-0.901955-0.43183-0.958113-0.2863890.990983-0.133987-0.9997650.0216721-0.9842460.176804-0.9448030.327639-0.8823950.470510.7985380.601944-0.6957670.718267-0.581160.813789-0.4787830.877933-0.435390.9002420.4787830.877933-0.5762340.817285-0.6660930.745869-0.7016810.712491-0.6655780.7463280.5701530.821538-0.440960.897527-0.2960960.9551580.1440350.9895730.01152660.9999340.1668080.9859890.3180360.9480790.4615320.8871230.59381 10.8046050.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8926960.450660.9498090.3128290.9806020.196007 0.9889960.1479440.9804670.1966840.9493770.314140.8917610.4525070.8105890.5856160.71020.70 40.5975540.8018290.49650.8680370.4535690.8912210.4970980.8676940.598660.8010030.7116550.7 025290.8122020.5833770.8930060.4500440.9521050.3057730.988060.1540690.9999990.001380010.987739-0.1561140.953519-0.3013320.910223-0.4141190.88894-0.4580240.9102230.4141190.951682-0.3070860.980602-0.1960070.988996-0.1479440.980602-0.1960070.9516820.3070860.910223-0.4141190.88894-0.4580240.910508-0.4134910.953934-0.3000160.988060.1540690.9999990.001380010.9876310.1567950.9512570.3083990.8917610.4525070.8105890.5856 160.71020.7040.5975540.8018290.49650.8680370.4535690.8912210.4970980.8676940.598660.80100 30.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8926960.450660.9498090.3128290.9806020.1960070.988996 0.1479440.9806020.1960070.9516820.3070860.9102230.4141190.888940.4580240.9102230.4141190. 9516820.3070860.9806020.1960070.9889960.1479440.9804670.1966840.9493770.314140.8917610.4 525070.8105890.5856160.71020.7040.5975540.8018290.49650.8680370.4535690.8912210.4970980.8

676940.598660.8010030.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8930060.4500440.9521050.3057730.98 8060.1540690.999999-0.001380010.987739-0.1561140.953519-0.3013320.910223-0.4141190.888940.4580240.910508-0.4134910.953934-0.3000160.988060.1540690.9999990.001380010.9877390.1561140.9535190.3013320.9102230.4141190.888940.45802 40.9102230.4141190.9516820.3070860.9806020.1960070.9889960.1479440.9804670.1966840.94937 70.314140.8917610.4525070.8105890.5856160.7097140.704490.5915880.8062410.4590820.8883940. 3154180.9489530.1640860.9864460.008766770.999962-0.1467660.989171-0.2987310.9543370.4428170.896612-0.5712870.820751-0.6660930.745869-0.7016810.712491-0.6660930.7458690.5762340.817285-0.4787830.877933-0.435390.900242-0.4793880.877603-0.5822820.8129870.6972530.716825-0.8001960.599738-0.8833670.468682-0.9432660.332039-0.9764230.2158660.985790.167982-0.9762740.21654-0.9428070.33334-0.8823950.47051-0.7985380.6019440.6957670.718267-0.581160.813789-0.4787830.877933-0.435390.900242-0.4787830.8779330.5762340.817285-0.6660930.745869-0.7016810.712491-0.6655780.746328-0.5701530.8215380.440960.897527-0.2960960.9551580.1440350.9895730.01152660.9999340.1668080.9859890.3180360.9480790.4615320.8871230.59381 10.8046050.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8930060.4500440.9521050.3057730.988060.154069 0.999999-0.001380010.987631-0.1567950.951257-0.3083990.891761-0.4525070.8105890.5856160.7102-0.7040.597554-0.8018290.4965-0.8680370.453569-0.8912210.4970980.8676940.59866-0.8010030.711655-0.7025290.812202-0.5833770.893006-0.4500440.9521050.3057730.988060.1540690.9999990.001380010.9877390.1561140.9535190.3013320.9102230.4141190.888940.45802 40.9105080.4134910.9539340.3000160.988060.1540690.999999-0.001380010.9877390.1561140.953519-0.3013320.910223-0.4141190.88894-0.4580240.910508-0.4134910.9539340.3000160.988060.1540690.9999990.001380010.9876310.1567950.9512570.3083990.8917610.4525070.8105890.5856 160.71020.7040.5975540.8018290.49650.8680370.4535690.8912210.4970980.8676940.598660.80100 30.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8930060.4500440.9521050.3057730.988060.1540690.999999 -0.001380010.987631-0.1567950.951257-0.3083990.891761-0.4525070.810589-0.5856160.7097140.704490.591588-0.8062410.459082-0.8883940.315418-0.9489530.164086-0.9864460.008766770.999962-0.146766-0.989171-0.298731-0.954337-0.442817-0.896612-0.571287-0.820751-0.6660930.745869-0.701681-0.712491-0.666093-0.745869-0.576234-0.817285-0.478783-0.877933-0.435390.900242-0.478783-0.877933-0.576234-0.817285-0.666093-0.745869-0.701681-0.712491-0.6660930.745869-0.576234-0.817285-0.478783-0.877933-0.43539-0.900242-0.479388-0.877603-0.5822820.812987-0.697253-0.716825-0.800196-0.599738-0.883367-0.468682-0.943266-0.332039-0.9764230.215866-0.98579-0.167982-0.976274-0.21654-0.942807-0.33334-0.882395-0.47051-0.7985380.601944-0.695767-0.718267-0.58116-0.813789-0.478783-0.877933-0.43539-0.900242-0.4787830.877933-0.576234-0.817285-0.666093-0.745869-0.701681-0.712491-0.666093-0.745869-0.5762340.817285-0.478783-0.877933-0.43539-0.900242-0.479388-0.877603-0.582282-0.812987-0.6972530.716825-0.800196-0.599738-0.88369-0.468073-0.945704-0.32503-0.98473-0.174087-0.9998210.0189126-0.9907040.136038-0.9594380.281921-0.9184390.395563-0.8980510.439891-

0.9187110.39493-0.9598260.280597-0.9909830.133987-0.999765-0.0216721-0.984368-0.1761250.947208-0.320619-0.901632-0.432505-0.879462-0.475968-0.901632-0.432505-0.945254-0.3263350.976423-0.215866-0.98579-0.167982-0.976274-0.21654-0.942807-0.33334-0.882395-0.470510.798538-0.601944-0.695272-0.718747-0.575105-0.818079-0.44096-0.897527-0.296096-0.9551580.144718-0.9894730.00410653-0.9999920.124667-0.9921990.172915-0.9849370.1246670.9921990.0101467-0.999949-0.104507-0.994524-0.152892-0.988243-0.103821-0.9945960.01756630.9998460.166808-0.9859890.318036-0.9480790.46092-0.8874420.587824-0.8089890.6810910.7321990.715995-0.6981060.681091-0.7321990.5927-0.8054240.4965-0.8680370.4535690.8912210.4965-0.8680370.5927-0.8054240.681091-0.7321990.715995-0.6981060.6810910.7321990.5927-0.8054240.4965-0.8680370.453569-0.8912210.497098-0.8676940.598660.8010030.711655-0.7025290.812202-0.5833770.893006-0.4500440.952105-0.3057730.988060.1540690.9999990.001380010.9876310.1567950.9512570.3083990.8917610.4525070.8105890.5856 160.7097140.704490.5915880.8062410.4590820.8883940.3154180.9489530.1640860.9864460.00876 6770.999962-0.1467660.989171-0.2987310.954337-0.4428170.896612-0.5712870.8207510.6660930.745869-0.7016810.712491-0.6660930.745869-0.5762340.817285-0.4787830.8779330.435390.900242-0.4793880.877603-0.5822820.812987-0.6972530.716825-0.8001960.5997380.883690.468073-0.9457040.32503-0.984730.174087-0.9998210.0189126-0.990704-0.1360380.959438-0.281921-0.918439-0.395563-0.898051-0.439891-0.918439-0.395563-0.957717-0.2877110.984378-0.176068-0.991794-0.127844-0.984256-0.176748-0.955556-0.29481-0.90076-0.4343180.822305-0.569047-0.724339-0.689444-0.613702-0.789538-0.514012-0.857783-0.47156-0.8818340.514604-0.857428-0.614791-0.78869-0.725765-0.687943-0.823873-0.566775-0.901955-0.431830.958113-0.286389-0.990983-0.133987-0.9997650.0216721-0.9842460.176804-0.9448030.3276390.8823950.47051-0.7985380.601944-0.6952720.718747-0.5751050.818079-0.440960.8975270.2960960.9551580.1447180.9894730.004106530.9999920.1246670.9921990.1729150.9849370.1239820.9922840.0027 26530.999996-0.1467660.989171-0.2987310.954337-0.4434350.896306-0.5773610.8164890.6972530.716825-0.8001960.599738-0.8833670.468682-0.9432660.332039-0.9764230.2158660.985790.167982-0.9762740.21654-0.9428070.33334-0.8823950.47051-0.7985380.6019440.6957670.718267-0.581160.813789-0.4787830.877933-0.435390.900242-0.4793880.8776030.5822820.812987-0.6972530.716825-0.8001960.599738-0.8833670.468682-0.9432660.3320390.9764230.215866-0.985790.167982-0.9762740.21654-0.9428070.33334-0.8823950.470510.7985380.601944-0.6957670.718267-0.581160.813789-0.4787830.877933-0.435390.9002420.4787830.877933-0.5762340.817285-0.6660930.745869-0.7016810.712491-0.6660930.7458690.5762340.817285-0.4787830.877933-0.435390.900242-0.4787830.877933-0.5762340.8172850.6660930.745869-0.7016810.712491-0.6660930.745869-0.5762340.817285-0.4787830.8779330.435390.900242-0.4787830.877933-0.5762340.817285-0.6660930.745869-0.7016810.7124910.6655780.746328-0.5701530.821538-0.440960.897527-0.2960960.9551580.1447180.9894730.004106530.9999920.1246670.9921990.1729150.9849370.1246670.9921990.0101 4670.999949-0.1045070.994524-0.1528920.9882430.1038210.9945960.01756630.9998460.1668080.9859890.3180360.9480790.4615320.8871230.59381

10.8046050.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8926960.450660.9498090.3128290.9806020.196007 0.9889960.1479440.9806020.1960070.9516820.3070860.9102230.4141190.888940.4580240.9102230. 4141190.9516820.3070860.9806020.1960070.9889960.1479440.9806020.1960070.9516820.3070860. 9102230.4141190.888940.4580240.9102230.4141190.9516820.3070860.9806020.1960070.9889960.1 479440.9806020.1960070.9516820.3070860.9102230.4141190.888940.4580240.9105080.4134910.95 39340.3000160.988060.1540690.999999-0.001380010.987631-0.1567950.951257-0.3083990.8917610.4525070.810589-0.5856160.7102-0.7040.597554-0.8018290.4965-0.8680370.4535690.8912210.497098-0.8676940.59866-0.8010030.711655-0.7025290.812202-0.5833770.8930060.4500440.952105-0.3057730.988060.1540690.9999990.001380010.9876310.1567950.9512570.3083990.8917610.4525070.8105890.5856 160.71020.7040.5975540.8018290.49650.8680370.4535690.8912210.49650.8680370.59270.8054240. 6810910.7321990.7159950.6981060.6805860.7326680.5867070.8097990.4590820.8883940.3154180. 9489530.1640860.9864460.008766770.999962-0.1467660.989171-0.2987310.9543370.4434350.896306-0.5773610.816489-0.6972530.716825-0.8001960.599738-0.8833670.4686820.9432660.332039-0.9764230.215866-0.985790.167982-0.9764230.215866-0.9452540.3263350.9016320.432505-0.8794620.475968-0.901930.431882-0.947650.319312-0.984730.1740870.9998210.0189126-0.99061-0.136722-0.957319-0.289033-0.90076-0.434318-0.822305-0.5690470.724339-0.689444-0.613702-0.789538-0.514012-0.857783-0.47156-0.881834-0.514012-0.8577830.608922-0.79323-0.695809-0.718227-0.730013-0.683433-0.695313-0.718707-0.603019-0.7977270.477015-0.878895-0.334609-0.942357-0.18407-0.982913-0.0290566-0.9995780.1266630.9919460.279304-0.9602030.425156-0.905120.560674-0.8280370.682563-0.7308270.7878620.6158520.873674-0.4865120.936334-0.3511110.971842-0.2356350.982178-0.1879520.9718420.2356350.938437-0.3454490.89267-0.4507120.869623-0.4937170.89298-0.4500960.9409750.3384760.980995-0.1940340.9992310.03919750.993260.1159060.9649610.2623940.9262760.3768450.9067930.4215770.9262760.376845 0.9633580.2682180.9877480.1560570.9941840.1076920.9877480.1560570.9633580.2682180.926276 0.3768450.9067930.4215770.9265360.3762050.9653220.2610620.9934980.113850.9991190.04195530.980456-0.1967410.93796-0.3467440.872665-0.4883190.786159-0.6180240.6810490.7322380.564526-0.8254150.460869-0.8874680.417033-0.9088920.461481-0.887150.5656650.8246350.682563-0.7308270.787862-0.6158520.873674-0.4865120.936334-0.3511110.9718420.2356350.982178-0.1879520.971842-0.2356350.938437-0.3454490.89267-0.4507120.8696230.4937170.89267-0.4507120.938437-0.3454490.971842-0.2356350.982178-0.1879520.9716790.2363060.935848-0.3524030.872665-0.4883190.786159-0.6180240.680543-0.7327080.5583860.8295810.422656-0.906290.276653-0.960970.123925-0.992292-0.0318153-0.999494-0.1867820.982401-0.337209-0.94143-0.479439-0.877575-0.610016-0.792389-0.725765-0.687943-0.8238730.566775-0.901657-0.432453-0.955962-0.293491-0.984378-0.176068-0.991794-0.127844-0.9843780.176068-0.957717-0.287711-0.918439-0.395563-0.898051-0.439891-0.918711-0.39493-0.9598260.280597-0.990983-0.133987-0.9997650.0216721-0.9842460.176804-0.9448030.3276390.8823950.47051-0.7985380.601944-0.6957670.718267-0.581160.813789-0.4787830.8779330.435390.900242-0.4793880.877603-0.5822820.812987-0.6972530.716825-0.8001960.599738-

0.8833670.468682-0.9432660.332039-0.9764230.215866-0.985790.167982-0.9764230.2158660.9452540.326335-0.9016320.432505-0.8794620.475968-0.901930.431882-0.947650.3193120.984730.174087-0.9998210.0189126-0.990704-0.136038-0.959438-0.281921-0.918439-0.3955630.898051-0.439891-0.918711-0.39493-0.959826-0.280597-0.990983-0.133987-0.9997650.02167210.9842460.176804-0.9448030.327639-0.8823950.47051-0.7985380.601944-0.6952720.7187470.5751050.818079-0.440960.897527-0.2960960.9551580.1447180.9894730.004106530.9999920.1246670.9921990.1729150.9849370.1239820.9922840.0027 26530.999996-0.1467660.989171-0.2987310.954337-0.4428170.896612-0.5712870.8207510.6660930.745869-0.7016810.712491-0.6655780.746328-0.5701530.821538-0.440960.8975270.2960960.9551580.1440350.9895730.01152660.9999340.1668080.9859890.3180360.9480790.4615320.8871230.59381 10.8046050.7116550.7025290.8122020.5833770.8930060.4500440.9521050.3057730.988060.154069 0.999999-0.001380010.987631-0.1567950.951257-0.3083990.891761-0.4525070.8105890.5856160.709714-0.704490.591588-0.8062410.459082-0.8883940.315418-0.9489530.1640860.9864460.00876677-0.999962-0.146766-0.989171-0.298731-0.954337-0.443435-0.896306-0.5773610.816489-0.697253-0.716825-0.800196-0.599738-0.88369-0.468073-0.945704-0.32503-0.984730.174087-0.999821-0.0189126-0.990610.136722-0.9573190.289033-0.900760.4343180.8223050.569047-0.7238630.689943-0.6078260.79407-0.4770150.878895-0.3346090.9423570.184070.9829130.02905660.9995780.1266630.9919460.2793040.9602030.4251560.905120.5606740.8280370.682563 0.7308270.7878620.6158520.874010.4859090.9389130.3441540.9809950.1940340.9992310.0391975 0.99318-0.1165920.962987-0.2695470.909387-0.415950.833683-0.5522430.7377150.6751120.623815-0.7815720.494752-0.8690340.353663-0.9353730.203978-0.9789760.04933440.998782-0.106508-0.994312-0.259762-0.965673-0.406701-0.913561-0.543755-0.839244-0.6675920.744527-0.775202-0.631713-0.863969-0.503544-0.931736-0.363136-0.976855-0.213901-0.998230.0594662-0.9953410.0964136-0.9682590.24995-0.9176410.397411-0.8447180.5352120.7512630.660003-0.6395460.768753-0.5122850.858816-0.3725710.928004-0.2238010.9746350.06959190.9975760.08630920.9962680.2401120.9707450.3880790.9216260.5266130.8501050.6523 470.7579210.7622240.6473140.8535730.5209730.9241750.3819680.9723140.2336790.9968180.0797 1050.997093-0.07619590.973131-0.230250.925516-0.3787080.855405-0.517960.7645010.6446230.655014-0.7556160.529607-0.8482430.391326-0.9202520.243533-0.9698930.08982080.995958-0.0660748-0.997815-0.220364-0.975418-0.369297-0.929311-0.509254-0.860616-0.6368320.771002-0.748931-0.662648-0.842826-0.538186-0.916234-0.400643-0.967372-0.253362-0.9949950.0999219-0.9984340.0559468-0.9776030.210456-0.9330110.359849-0.8657390.5004950.7774240.628976-0.6702130.742169-0.5467110.837322-0.4099190.912122-0.2631640.9647510.1100130.993930.04581310.998950.2005250.9796890.3503630.9366140.4916850.8707730.6210560. 7837660.735330.6777090.8317310.5551780.9079150.4191530.9620310.272940.9927630.1200920.99 9363-0.03567470.981673-0.1905740.940121-0.3408420.875717-0.4828240.7900280.6130710.685135-0.7284160.563589-0.8260550.428344-0.9036160.282687-0.9592120.1301590.991493-0.0255326-0.999674-0.180604-0.983556-0.331285-0.943531-0.473914-0.880571-0.605023-

0.796208-0.721427-0.692491-0.820294-0.571942-0.899223-0.437491-0.956294-0.292406-0.9901210.140213-0.9998820.0153879-0.9853380.170615-0.9468440.321694-0.8853350.4649550.8023060.596913-0.6997750.714363-0.5802360.814449-0.4465920.894738-0.3020940.9532780.1502520.9886480.005241570.9999860.1606080.9870180.312070.9500590.4559470.8900070.58874 20.8083210.7072260.7069880.8085190.588470.890160.4556480.9501640.3117510.9870720.1602760. 9999880.004905280.988597-0.1505850.953177-0.3024140.894587-0.4468930.8142530.580510.714127-0.7000160.596643-0.8025060.464657-0.8854910.321376-0.9469520.1702830.9853950.0150516-0.999887-0.140546-0.990074-0.292727-0.956196-0.437793-0.899076-0.5722180.820102-0.692734-0.721194-0.796411-0.604756-0.880731-0.473618-0.943642-0.330968-0.9836170.180273-0.999683-0.0251964-0.9914490.130493-0.9591170.28301-0.9034720.4286480.8258660.563867-0.7281850.68538-0.6128050.790234-0.482530.87588-0.3405260.9402350.1902440.9817370.03533860.9993750.1204260.9927220.2732630.9619390.4194590.9077740.5554580.8315450.67795 60.7351020.7839750.6207920.8709380.4913920.9367320.3500480.9797560.2001960.9989650.04547 720.993893-0.1103470.964662-0.2634890.911984-0.4102260.837326-0.5467030.7444260.6677050.645135-0.7640690.563626-0.826030.518828-0.8548790.504009-0.8636980.5013990.865216 @@@@@ OUTPUT OF DEMODULATION @@@@@ 11100011010111111000110010000001101001111011100011010000000000010111000100001011000 01100001101001001100000011100111111011101101101011101001111110010011100111101001100 01100000111100111111100100101010111011110000000001000011111111101111110011000101001 10100110101101000011100111000010000110001011100101100011011110110010000001110011100 00001010011010001101110110101111110111011000001110011001010100100010101000111101111 01110111101101000110100000100011011000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000 @@@@@ OUTPUT OF DEINTERLEAVER @@@@@ 00110101011110111111001101010100110100111111100011000110111110100001010001101001011 01101101010111011001010000101000110100101010101010110000000010110010101011000110100 00101011001100000011010110010110111011001001011101101001010110000011001110110100010 01001000110101011101100100110010110000000011000011010101110000100011100011101001010 01110101000101110000010110011011100010010010000110101101110011000101111111010101011 11111000110110110111101101110011101100101


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DSP Implementation of GSM In this section we will discuss the implementation of the algorithms we discussed so far on DSK 6713 Floating point by Texas Instrument. A brief description of the DSP board is presented first for a clear cut idea of the working of the device.

Overview of DSK 6713 The 6713 DSP Starter Kit (DSK) is a low-cost platform which lets users evaluate and develop applications for the Texas Instruments C67X DSP family. The primary features of the DSK are: ·

225 MHz TMS320C6713 Floating Point DSP


AIC23 Stereo Codec


Four Position User DIP Switch and Four User LEDs


On-board Flash and SDRAM

The TMS320C6713 DSP is the heart of the system. It is a core member of Texas Instruments’ C64X line of fixed point DSPs whose distinguishing features are an extremely high performance 225MHz VLIW DSP core and 256Kbytes of internal memory. On-chip peripherals include a 32-bit external memory interface (EMIF) with integrated SDRAM controller, 2 multi-channel buffered serial ports (McBSPs), two on-board timers and an enhanced DMA controller (EDMA). The 6713 has a significant amount of internal memory so many applications will have all code and data on-chip. External accesses are done through the EMIF which can connect to both synchronous and asynchronous memories. The EMIF signals are also brought out to standard TI expansion bus connectors so additional functionality can be added on daughtercard modules. DSPs are frequently used in audio processing applications so the DSK includes an onboard codec called the AIC23. Codec stands for coder/decoder, the job of the AIC23 is to code analog input samples into a digital format for the DSP to process, then decode data coming out of the DSP to generate the processed analog output. Digital data is sent to and from the codec on McBSP1 which is a bidirectional serial port.

Data Transfer Analog signals are transmitted and received from the codec via McBSP1. The EDMA is configured to take every 16-bit signed audio sample arriving on McBSP1 and store

it in a buffer in memory to be processed by the DSP. At the same time the EDMA is used to transfer data from memory to the McBSP1 to be sampled and transmitted.

Ping Pong Buffering Using a single buffer for transmitting and receiving can be tricky and timing dependent because new data constantly overwrites present data being transmitted. Ping pong buffering is a technique where two buffers are used for data transfer instead of only one. The EDMA is configured in our case to fill the Ping buffer first, and then the Pong buffer. While the Pong buffer is being filled, the Ping buffer can be processed with the knowledge that the current transfer will not overwrite it. In our system we use Ping and Pong buffers for both transmitting and receiving.

Development Environment Code Composer Studio is TI’s flagship development tool. It consists of an assembler, a C compiler, an integrated development environment (IDE, the graphical interface to the tools) and numerous support utilities like a hex format conversion tool. The DSK includes a special version of Code Composer specially tailored to features on the 6713 DSK board. The 6713 DSK includes a special device called a JTAG emulator on-board that can directly access the register and memory state of the 6713 chip through a standardized JTAG interface port. When a user wants to monitor the progress of his program, Code Composer sends commands to the emulator through its USB host interface to check on any data the user is interested in. This debugging method is extremely powerful because programs can be debugged unobtrusively on real hardware targets without making any special provisions for debug like external probes, software monitors or simulated hardware.


designing your own hardware around the 6713 you can debug your application with the same rich functionality of the DSK simply by using Code Composer with an external emulator and including a header for the JTAG interface signals.

Include files Typical header files used in the application development in C language. Is not necessary to add those kind of files in the project, on the contrary it is the CCS itself the one in charge of loading those files into the project.

Library Files User’s library files are included in this folder.

Source Files The different modules that compose the application are included in this folder. They can be developed in C language of (.c) or in Assembly language (.asm).

Cmd Files Files used by the linker in order to describe the way in which different sections built in the application are located in thee different memory address the platform dispose from running the current application. Though we hand coded the entire GSM waveform in C for Code Composer Studio for our implementation, this can also be done by creating MATLAB simulink models and then using the MATLAB tool called Embedded Target for TI C6000.

Resources Used •

Chip Support Library: o IRAM o DMA o EDMA

o McBSP o Timer1 •

Board Support Library: o SDRAM o AIC23 Audio Codec

Flow of Data in DSP


INTRODUCTION Digital down conversion is a technique that takes a band limited high sample rate digitized signal, mixes the signal to a lower frequency and reduces the sample rate while retaining all the information. It is a fundamental part of many communication systems. This technique greatly reduces the amount of effort required for the subsequent processing of the signal without loss of any of the information carried. In a simplified digital radio design, the high-frequency signal received from the antenna first passes through an RF section followed by analog-to-digital conversion. In the case of a global system for mobile communications (GSM) system, the frequency of the incoming signal at this stage is around 70 MHz. This high-frequency signal then passes through a digital downconverter (DDC), which performs frequency translation and produces the corresponding baseband signal. In the case of a GSM system, the baseband frequency is around 270 kHz. The digital radio then recreates the audio signal after demodulating the baseband signal.

COMPONENTS OF DIGITAL DOWNCONVERTER (DDC) In order to achieve digital down conversion of a digitized signal we need to have following components 1. Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO) 2. Mixer 3. Low pass filter 4. Decimator

Figure 1 DDC block diagram


It is a technique for using digital data processing blocks as a means to generate a frequency tunable output signal referenced to a fixed-frequency clock source. In essence, the reference clock frequency is “divided down” in a DDS architecture by the scaling factor set forth in a programmable binary tuning word.The tuning word is typically 24 to 48 bits long which enables a DDS implementation to provide superior output frequency tuning resolution [1].

THEORY OF OPERATION In its simplest form, a direct digital synthesizer can be implemented from a precision reference clock, an address counter, a programmable read only memory (PROM), and a D/A converter (see Figure 2 ).

Figure 2 Simple Direct digital synthesizer

In this case, the digital amplitude information that corresponds to a complete cycle of a sine wave is stored in the PROM. The PROM is therefore functioning as a sine lookup table. The address counter steps through and accesses each of the PROM’s memory locations and the contents (the equivalent sine amplitude words) are presented to a high-speed D/A converter. The D/A converter generates an analog sine wave in response to the digital input words from the PROM [1].

NCO The introduction of the phase accumulator in the DDS architecture in place of address counter forms numerically controlled oscillator (NCO).In the figure given below

Figure 3 Frequency tunable DDS system

an N-bit variable-modulus counter and phase register are implemented in the circuit before the sine lookup table, as a replacement for the address counter.

The carry function allows this function as a “phase wheel” in the DDS architecture. To understand this basic function, visualize the sine wave oscillation as a vector rotating around a phase circle (see Figure 4)

Figure 4 Digital Phase Wheel

where fo = the output frequency of the DDS M = the binary tuning word fc = the internal reference clock frequency (system clock) N = The length in bits of the phase accumulator 2^N = Total number of points on the phase wheel Each designated point on the phase wheel corresponds to the equivalent point on a cycle of a sine waveform. As the vector rotates around the wheel, visualize that a corresponding output sine wave is being generated. One revolution of the vector around the phase wheel, at a constant speed, results in one complete cycle of the output sine wave. The phase accumulator is utilized to provide the equivalent of the vector’s linear rotation around the phase wheel. The contents of the phase accumulator correspond to the points on the cycle of the output sine wave. The number of discrete phase points contained in the “wheel” is determined by the resolution, N, of the phase accumulator. The output of the phase accumulator is linear and cannot directly be used to generate a sine wave or any other waveform except a ramp. Therefore, a phase-to amplitude lookup table is used to convert a truncated version of the phase accumulator’s instantaneous output value into the sine wave amplitude information that is presented to the D/A converter. The phase-to-amplitude

lookup table generates all the necessary data by reading forward then back through the lookup table.

Figure 5 Signal flow through DDS architecture

The phase accumulator is actually a modulus M counter that increments its stored number each time it receives a clock pulse. The magnitude of the increment is determined by a digital word M contained in a “delta phase register” that is summed with the overflow of the counter. The word in the delta phase register forms the phase step size between reference clock updates; it effectively sets how many points to skip around the phase wheel. The larger the jump size, the faster the phase accumulator overflows and completes its equivalent of a sine wave cycle. For a N=32-bit phase accumulator, an M value of 0000…0001(one) would result in the phase accumulator overflowing after 2^32 reference clock cycles (increments). If the M value is changed to 0111…1111, the phase accumulator will overflow after only 2^1 clock cycles, or two reference clock cycles. This control of the jump size constitutes the frequency tuning resolution of the DDS architecture [1].

OUTPUT OF NCO These results are for the following Specifications Tuning word value = 64 Clock frequency = 12800 Hz Output frequency = 1600 Hz

One cycle of sine wave shown

One cycle of cosine wave shown

GENERATED BANDPASS SIGNAL Summation of 1000 sine waves. Bandwidth is 1000 Hz. Starting frequency is 1100 Hz . Ending frequency is 2100 Hz. Centered at 1600 Hz

Frequency domain representation of Band pass signal

Time domain representation of Band pass signal

MIXER This part multiplies the incoming signal with the output of NCO. As a result we get sum of frequencies and difference of frequencies.

LOW PASS FIR CHEBYSHEV FILTER This filter removes the sum of frequencies portion and we are left with difference of frequencies portion only. We used filter with following specifications Order 658 Sampling frequency 12800Hz Cut Off frequency 500 Hz Side Lobe attenuation 50

Frequency domain representation of filtered signal

Time domain representation of filtered signal

DECIMATOR We decimated by a factor of 4.

Time domain representation of Filtered and decimated signal

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