1.palindrome of string or number 2.password checking using string and normal methods 3.traffic lights 4.stepper motor 5.logic controller 6.factorial of given number(8051 and/or 8086)(procedures or macros) 7.fibonacci series(8051 and/or 8086)(procedures or macros) 8.evaluation of expression(8051 and/or 8086) 9.8051 transmitting & receiving using scon 10.16 bit counter using timer0,timer1 11.addressing modes of 8086,8051 12.control,jump instructions 13.daa,aaa,xlat,aas,neg,byte pointer 14.packed bcd to unpacked bcd and vice versa 15.ascii to bcd(vice versa) 16.accepting values thru keyboard and displaying it 17.number of characters in a phrase 18.sorting for 8086/8051 19.arithmetic mean of first n numbers 20.cubes of n numbers 21.square of first n numbers using 8086 and/or 8051 22.7 segment display 23.transferring data from one memory to another 24.gray code 25.lcm,gcd 26.maximum,minimum and mid of given numbers 27.opcode(any one of operations of +,-,/,*) 28.division using 2's complement