Immunocal Tops Mount Everest

  • November 2019
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focus I M M U N O T E C ’ S




MAY 2005


Copyright -Gabriel Filippi collection

Taking Immunocal to the Top of the World! Immunocal/HMS 90 is one of the crucial items that fill Gabriel Filippi’s backpack on his endeavor to climb Everest. THE DREAM Gabriel Filippi is driven by a challenge… his own! In the spring of 2000, the athlete climbed Mount Everest and stopped 500 meters short of the summit. Disappointing? Not at all! He is proud of his accomplishment and equally proud of the decision to stop before the pinnacle; deciding that survival was more critical than acclaim. As Focus goes to print, Gabriel is making his second attempt to climb Everest; only this time, he has “upped the anty”! He is climbing to the summit without oxygen (but with Immunocal / HMS 90), a feat very few have accomplished, and that gives a whole new meaning to “survival of the fittest”. Gabriel is strong willed, strong minded, and very determined to finally beat his own record and stand atop the world! No one aims for an Everest summit without prior accomplishments; Gabriel has indeed climbed numerous times all over the world. His endeavors include rock, ice, and high altitude climbing. The highest peaks of each continent have also arrested his attention and he has ascended four of the seven:

• • • •

South America’s Mount Aconcagua (Argentina) North America’s Mount McKinley (United States) Europe’s Elbrus (Russia) Africa’s Kilimandjaro (Tanzania)

A self-portrait while on a solo climb of Mt McKinley, Alaska

Along with Mount Everest, his other three high altitude climbs include Antarctica’s Mount Vinson and Oceania’s Cartzsend Pyramid. He also did a winter expedition in the Himalayas on one of the fourteen 8,000-meter peaks of the planet called Nanga Parbat, in Pakistan. But it’s not all about selfish thrills. Gabriel also gets an adrenaline rush from charitable deeds. In 2003, he was the leader of the Life Line Expedition; and one of the men who put a heart transplant recipient on top of Mont Blanc, France; making the man the first North American See TOP OF THE WORLD / Page 3

The Honorable Immunotec Customer The Doctor is In – Sam Lowy uses ingenuity to make America’s oldest mayor a customer! “HOW IS YOUR DEFENSE?”

Sam Lowy is a man who cares for his family, but he also looks out for others… even those he has not met! It was a routine December morning for the Immunotec distributor as he began a day of work by checking his email and scanning news headlines. But the story he was about to see was not so routine.

The story Sam read online – initially cast on the CBS news – was about Dorothy Geeben; a 96 year-old woman who was running for re-election to her post as mayor of Ocean Breeze Park, Florida; making her the oldest mayor in America. He Dorothy Geeben was intrigued and decided immediately to seize the opportunity to take it to the next level. Sam decided to contact Dorothy. While numerous reporters had been

calling her for interviews about her re-election, Sam was one of the few who called her to tell her about supplements that could support her good health. Dorothy – accustomed to the attention – welcomed Sam’s call, and the two spoke for quite a while. Sam knew that Dorothy must have been doing something – or a lot of things – right, given her good health and ripe age of 96. But confident in Immunotec’s products, he wanted to share them with this extraordinary lady. He offered to send her some Immunocal / HMS 90, as well as a jar of Skin Perfecting Cream; and called back a month later to follow-up and see how Dorothy felt. Dorothy’s testimonial was very positive. Shortly after, Dorothy wrote Sam a postcard to thank him; as she loved Immunocal / HMS 90 and how it made her feel. He mailed her an application and she is now a very special customer; probably our oldest one!

Dr. Tom Iwama MD, General Practitioner It has been well established that for a hockey or football team to win, a strong defense is a crucial element. A hockey coach once said that a fancy offence got fans into the door but a solid defense won the game. In the same way, I see the different parts of the body as a team working together to protect us and allow us to lead healthy lives – full of vitality.

So what did Sam do differently? He was pro-active and creative by taking things a step further; and

If I could design the human body, where would I put the strongest line of defense against the onslaught of toxins, chemicals, and infectious agents? These offending agents from outside the



THE DOCTOR IS IN / From the front cover

body bring about their damage by the production of dangerous free radicals. Free radicals destroy vital cell components by robbing hydrogen atoms to neutralize them. The end result is compromised function of our cells and even cell death. Nature’s answer to this threat by free radicals is the presence of antioxidants. These defensive players effectively neutralize free radicals, detoxify, and repair cell damage. There are many antioxidants known to man but the crucial antioxidant is glutathione. Glutathione, created by the cell, is not only a powerful antioxidant, a detoxifier, and a cell repairer, but also a re-charger of other antioxidants so that they can work more efficiently. Glutathione is like the defensive captain, playing a hard-nosed game of checking the offending free radicals and encouraging the other team mates to work harder to do their job. The most logical place to put your best line of defense is the interface between the outside world and the body, like the “blue-line” in a hockey rink which separates the neutral zone from your zone. Where are these interfaces? The obvious answer is the skin. The skin is a marvelous dynamic sheath that protects us from the elements of the outside world. It is not just a dead piece of covering but a living tissue that has many functions. It is no wonder then

that our skin is loaded with glutathione, ready to intercept the threat of free radicals that come in direct contact with the skin. Another, less obvious, line of defense is our gastro-intestinal tract. This is also an interface between the outside world and the body. Instead of standing guard against the outside elements, the intestinal lining intercepts free radicals that come from the food we eat. Today’s food is tainted by chemicals, pesticides, and insecticides. Once again, nature has loaded the cells lining our gut with glutathione, ready to check and neutralize these free radicals before they damage our bodies. After we digest our food, all the blood from our gut enters the liver to metabolize the nutrients. If harmful chemicals and free radicals escape the defense of the gut, the liver would be an excellent place to stop the invasion of these dangerous molecules before they enter the body. Sure enough, our liver is another place where nature has placed an abundant supply of glutathione. It just makes good sense.

carcinogens, and other offensive agents. Why do we get sick, suffer disease or experience degeneration? It is my opinion that our stocks of glutathione diminish as we age. Experts in the emerging science of anti-aging state that we age, not one day at a time; but rather, one cell at a time. Our supply of this crucial antioxidant also decreases when we live in an increasing toxic world and the levels of glutathione deplete as they fight the effects of these free radicals. How do we replenish the supply of this crucial defensive player? Is there a safe, natural and effective way to improve our line of defense? Immunocal / HMS 90 is undenatured whey protein, a rich source of the essential building blocks of glutathione. Taking Immunocal or HMS 90 is a quick and easy way to shore up your “blue-line” of defense. Remember, a strong defense will win games. In the same way, a strong line of defense in the interfaces between the outside world and our cells is a way to live healthier and vibrant lives. Why not start today?

The fourth line of defense is another interface between the outside world and our bodies. It is the lung, where inhaled air enters our body. Once again, we see the wisdom of nature to place glutathione in abundance in the cells lining our lungs, ready to effectively deal with the free radicals created from inhaled pollutants, chemicals,


proving that a customer or a prospect could literally be found anywhere… so a distributor must be open to all Sam and his children opportunities. Sam’s motto is “share, share, share; nothing should stop you from telling people about the products!”

what she eats. She does not snack and avoids sweets – claiming that “doughnuts are not good” because she has to watch her intake of sugar. She also limits watching television and only tunes in to the news.

What about Dorothy, our oldest customer?

Sam has been in Network Marketing for over 10 years, when in 1997, a nutritionist told him about Immunocal / HMS 90; claiming that she had not seen such a quality product that could help so many people in so many different ways. Initially, he was unsure about joining the “wellness” industry as he felt a distributor got “too technical” in describing the products. But the nutritionist urged him to just “look into it”. He did and has been with Immunotec since. Immunotec was his first “health” company. Sam, like other distributors who joined Immunotec in its early years, was impressed by the products, the values, and the level of service he received. As he put it; “I learned the hard way, and realized the value of a company that truly supports its distributors.” With Immunotec, he also felt that he was part of a family… and that was more important than anything else to him.

Dorothy will also say that she is “no rocking chair lady”, but “always on the go”. The 96-year old is active and likes it that way. She prefers to be doing things and engages in activities with friends. She attends church and plays the organ every Sunday, drives to weekly bingo games and hair salon visits; she is head of her craft class; not to mention her duties as the retirement community’s mayor where she served on the town’s council for 31 years prior to becoming the “big cheese”. There is another constant in Dorothy’s life; sensible eating. She is very particular about


I learned the hard way, and realized the value of a company that truly supports its distributors.



It is never too late to give your body something that will help sustain that “great” feeling! When asked how she feels, Dorothy’s response is “another year has gone by and I feel great!” An upbeat conversationalist, she appreciates that people have taken the time to talk to her.


Take note; perhaps those are precious secrets to longevity! And the secret to being a successful distributor? Well, according to Sam, it’s passion!

He finds it easy to recruit people on the values and level of service that Immunotec has to offer. Gone are the days where he’d only look at the “comp plan”; he prefers the friendly staff and the full support system. His advice to people considering a business opportunity: “make sure you choose a company that will support your independent business.” Sam loves the fact that he is able to “touch” people’s lives; just like he touched Dorothy Geeben. He is always on the lookout for someone to benefit - be it through health or finances… and he enjoys their glowing testimonials about Immuotec’s products. A concept he calls “wordless”; enriching people’s lives while building a tremendous business. Sam has touched the lives of over 2,000 individuals; bringing him up to the Diamond level. His view is that if you truly have a passion in knowing how many lives you affect in a positive way, then your “possibilities are endless”. Sam Lowy would like to extend a special thanks to the Customer Service team; he is proud to tell others about their special brand of distributor support. And he’s proud to be an independent distributor, benefiting the lives of incredible people like Dorothy Geeben!

back to the Himalayan villages; donating $10,000 of the sponsorship funds to build a local school for the children in that region.

TOP OF THE WORLD / From the front cover

heart transplant recipient to reach that summit. Locally, Gabriel, along with a climbing buddy, has opened a new ice climbing route in Quebec, Canada. In Montreal, he has donated $12,500 to a local charity that feeds children, and has made other donations of clothing and school supplies.

Copyright -Gabriel Filippi collection

He acknowledges and appreciates that certain people help to make his “dreams come true” and he is happy to return the favor. He has a generous sponsor for this trip, but Gabriel will be giving

Gabriel quickly noticed a difference for himself. Using Immunocal / HMS 90, he found that his recovery time (between sets), his recuperation time (post-workout), and fatigue had all diminished; and that his overall performance had improved. Very impressed with Immunocal / HMS 90, he will take it along on the trek. Before, during, and after the climb, Gabriel will consume four packs (equaling a combined total of 40 grams) of Immunocal / HMS 90 each day.

Copyright -Gabriel Filippi collection

Gabriel has added Immunocal / HMS 90 to his training regimen; thanks to John Molson, Immunotec’s Vice-President of Research and Development. John immediately offered to sponsor Gabriel once he learned of his ascent. John knows that the Immunocal / HMS 90 helps neutralize oxidative stress in the muscles of over-trained athletes (medically called cachexia); and climbing Everest definitely qualifies as over-training. John told Gabriel that Immunocal / HMS 90 would help sustain immunity, recovery, and performance; three elements crucial to any climber.

Crossing the crevasse of Everest’s infamous Khumbu icefall

Stay tuned & Focused, for follow-up articles on Gabriel’s brave endeavor in the upcoming issues of the Focus newsletters.

When Gabriel realizes his dream and stands atop Everest, he won’t be waving his own flag – he’ll be proudly displaying the ensign of the company that helped make it possible – Immunotec Research Ltd.

Fellow climbers making their way up on the sides of a huge serac

STEEP EVEREST FACTS • The highest mountain in the world • National Geographic confirmed its elevation at 29,035 feet (8,850 meters) in 1999 • FIRST accomplishments: 1953 - First climbers reach the summit: Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay 1970 - Yuichiro Miura of Japan; attains the summit and descends on skis 1975 - Junko Tabei of Japan; first woman to reach the summit 1998 - Tom Whittaker of America; the first disabled person to reach the summit • Record for most ascents: Sherpa Ang Rita who reached the summit 10 times! • Most relevant to Gabriel: Italy’s Reinhold Messner; climbed without oxygen twice!

STATS • Climbers who have attained the summit: – Over 600 climbers – From 20 different countries – Ages 19 to 60 years old • At least 100 have perished in their attempts; for reasons of: – Avalanches – Crevasses – Extreme cold weather – Effects of the air; lack of oxygen, high humidity, etc.

High Risks for High Climbers Oxidative stress part of altitude illness By Dr. Wulf Dröge, MD and Dr. Jimmy Gutman, MD For skilled and ambitious mountain climbers, the Himalayas present a “highly” tempting conquest. Scaling its peaks represents both a physical and spiritual reward, as well as one of the most spectacular views in the world, available to anyone who has the strength and courage to climb over 7,000 meters. This adventure is not without hazards beyond falling off the mountain. Climbers are at substantial risk for altitude sickness, which includes pulmonary edema (water on the lungs), cerebral edema (brain swelling), blood clotting, retinal bleeding, asthma, and a number of other disorders. Much of the cause of these symptoms relates to insufficient oxygen levels in the body, known medically as “hypoxia”. Hypoxia is extensively studied in medical literature. One of the well recognized hypoxic conditions is known as “ischemia-reperfusion injury” where certain tissues have been oxygen-starved (ischemia) and eventually get re-oxygenated (reperfusion). This situation can be seen in heart-attack, stroke, and after organ transplantation. The injury is due to the high amounts of free radicals generated within those tissues during their hypoxic period. It is clear that we need certain amounts of oxidation and free radicals to continue many metabolic functions, but the key is keeping oxidation and antioxidation in balance. As we are all aware, the major naturally-occuring antioxidant in our cells is glutathione. Common sense dictates that elevated glutathione levels would help protect from hypoxia in major illnesses, however it is easy to overlook the aspect of elevating glutathione in someone as healthy as a mountain climber! These athletes are well advised to beef up their glutathione systems. Carrying a good supply of Immunocal / HMS 90 makes tremendous sense for these individuals to “take it to a higher level”!



BEAUTY… from the inside out! What does your skin reveal to the world? The barrier between our body and the environment, our skin, is also our face to the world. More than just a protective layer, our skin is a vital organ; the largest organ of the body! It helps to serve as its first line of defense. Too often, we don’t protect and nourish it as we should. SO WHILE IT SHIELDS ALL OF OUR INTERNAL ORGANS, WE MUST HELP SAFEGUARD OUR SKIN. WHAT CAUSES IT TO LOOK DULL, AGED, AND WRINKLED?

A lot… EVERY DAY, EVERY HOUR, EVERY MINUTE, OUR SKIN endures the effects of the sun, wind, cold, humidity, and dryness. If the skin isn’t protected against the abuses of these oxidative elements, the results are visible; dull color, dry texture, and the appearance of wrinkles… hence the term “visible signs of aging”! A balanced diet is essential to healthy, glowing skin. Protein, carbohydrates, fats, and essential vitamins and minerals preserve skin by promoting strong circulation to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the cells; and contribute to cell maintenance by deactivating oxidative compounds responsible for damage. Everything we ingest is noticeably reflected in our skin. Unfortunately, not always as bright as it sounds; even a healthy diet comes with a supply of toxins. These are free radicals that hinder

Construction Update Immunotec’s headquarters is coming along as scheduled.

the skin’s ability to repair and rejuvenate because they attack the cells. Weakened cells are the major contributing factor to aging skin. The importance of a balanced diet with key supplements will help to detoxify the cellular system; and detoxify your skin. When it comes to the skin surface, proper cleansing must be emphasized. Exfoliating eliminates waste and removes dead skin cells; allowing topical agents to penetrate deeper into the dermis and attain cells that still have hope for survival and rejuvenation. That brings us to the final step; moisturizing. Proper moisturizing will only occur with application of a quality skin cream. Traditional moisturizers are pleasant to use, but they don’t really contribute to quenching or nourishing the skin. Instead they consist of a thin greasy film – a barrier that attempts to hold moisture in. Not conducive to your skin’s health at all. In fact, they prohibit your skin from breathing; and eliminating toxins. SO IF MOST SKIN TREATMENTS ARE NOT VERY BENEFICIAL, WHAT IS? CAN THE SKIN REALLY BE NOURISHED?

The uplifting answer is YES! The use of a quality skin cream cannot be dismissed. A treatment that goes beyond simply acting as a barrier is crucial in maintaining healthy skin. Skin Perfecting Cream goes beyond “coating” to help sustain your healthy-looking skin.


PERFECTLY! Immunotec’s formula works to moisturize and to help beautify skin. It contains 10% Immunocal/HMS 90 – a specially prepared milk protein isolate – and two other key ingredients; Emu oil and Sodium PCA, all working to help to shield your skin, protect it against environmental pollutants, and revitalize it. Skin will be naturally moisturized, softer, and more youthful looking; it will radiate and deny the signs of aging! Isn’t that something to glow about? Skin Perfecting Cream’s hydrating and replenishing formula: • Moisturizes • Supports skin’s natural ability to repair itself • Maintains texture and tone of the skin • Reduces the appearance of fine lines All skin is not created equal… nor are any of the skin treatments available today. Immunotec’s Skin Perfecting Cream is made with a specific and unique formulation; containing ingredient that all skin types need to stay healthy. Skin Perfecting Cream will promote radiant results regardless of your skin type… so the essence of healthy skin is created equal.

It’s spring, and you know what that means; the air is fresh, the snow is melting… and the ground is rising? Yes, construction crews are hard at work building Immunotec’s new Head Office complex. What a “ground-breaking” structure it will be! At this point, crews are actually past the initial phase, and in the process of laying a solid foundation for the edifice – which parallels the company’s solidity. We told you in January about the plan to build the new Headquarters, promising to begin the structure in the spring… and here it is – right on schedule! We will keep you up-to-date on the progress throughout the spring and summer months. We also look forward to welcoming our distributors into the strikingly modern, two-story structure! Red Carpet Days will become more comfortable once held in the new building’s spectacular amphitheatre. We are proud to say that this new complex fosters and reflects the company’s evolution. It will be ready to receive management, staff, and distributors in September 2005!


FOCUS welcomes your contributions, including training ideas, business-building tips, comments and suggestions.

Editor: Tim Thomas Contributing Editor: Kathryn Stephens

Where appropriate, kindly include a photo.

Editorial Assistant: Eevet Khoury

Please e-mail your ideas to: [email protected]

Chuck Roberts, President John Andrique, V.P. Purchasing Travis Bond, Executive V.P. Sales & Marketing Gustavo Bounous, M.D., Dir. R & D Jim Britt, V.P. Sales & Training Jacques Cohen, V.P. International John H. Molson, V.P. R & D Richard Patte, Exec. V.P. Cynthia Pincombe, V.P. Medical Tim Thomas, V.P. Marketing

Immunocal® and HMS 90® are registered trademarks of Immunotec Research Ltd. Immunotec Research and the Immunotec logo are registered trademarks owned by Immunotec Research Ltd.

The statements made throughout this issue have not been evaluated by the FDA or Health and Welfare Canada. The products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease.

IMMUNOTEC BY THE NUMBERS Health / Wealth Call Thursday, 9:00 p.m. ET/PT 888-957-2222 Gutman’s Medline 1st/3rd Wednesday, 9:00 p.m. ET/PT 888-957-2222 Prycena Call 2nd/4th Wednesday, 9:00 p.m. ET/PT 888-957-2222 Business Briefing Call Available 24/7 888-593-3777

Printed in Canada

Audio/Fax on Demand System 888-830-4040 Internet E-mail [email protected]

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