...i made thisz story year 2003,, during my highschool days.. glad 2share it with you guysz.. hope you like it..:) LenAi and Hynesz are beszt of friendsz since their childhood deisz, childhood sweethearts 2be said. But now,, asz they grew up older,, thingsz changed. Hynesz aT 20 and Lenai at d age of 19. Lenai wazs such a brilliant and independent girl. Living in a modern world of her own. She wasz now separated from her parentsz who decided 2settle down on Statesz. She'sz a lady full of perfection. Wealthy lifestyle,, beauty&brainsz. Whatever she wantsz,, she getz. But at her age,, she'sz still a young playful girl who doesn't know how 2take thingsz seriously,, especially when it comes about heartsz matter. She doesn't believe in the existence of love. For her it'sz just one of life'sz games she'sz fond of playin'. And yesz,, at her age,, she doesn't yet experienced 2fall in LOVE,, aszide of keep on breakin' ader else'sz heart. But for Hynesz,, who'sz madly,, deeply and head over heelsz in Love with her,, it'sz abszolutely nothing. For he can accept Lenai for whoever she wasz and she'sz not even whatever she believesz in. A feeling that he kept on hiding on himself. But Lenai isz not that naive and vain. She knowsz what Hynesz feelsz for her,, but she simply ignoresz that for she doesn't like the idea of havin' an intimate relationship with her childhood friend. yesz,, she never did like Hynesz more than that. She even doesn't believe that Hynesz feelingzs for her isz true,, and if ever it isz,, she knowsz she couldn't love him back asz well,, for Hynesz waszn't her ideal man 2be with. She don't think he can be able 2dance with her for they have different beliefsz. Hynesz isz totally unlike her and she don't think she can make thingsz work with him. But still,, Hynesz stayz on her side. Looking over her,, watching her every movesz,, accompany her wherever she goesz and make szure that she'sz alwaysz safE. And that traitsz of him starting 2irritatezs her. She feels like bein' treated like a one year old kid. She triesz 2puszh him
away a million timesz,, but she failed. And he'sz startin' 2get on her nervesz. For one laszt try,, she callsz him up and tell him 2meet her up in a clasz restaurant for she have something important 2tell him. Hynesz wantsz 2jump with szo much happinesz after receiving her call. He rushezs at their meeting place asz faszt asz he can.. He thought that maybe Lenai made up her mind and will finally give him a chance 2swoon her heart and provesz how much he lovesz her. But what she heard only breaksz and torn hisz heart into two. He heard it falling and crashing into pieces. He couldn't see a single emotion from her face. Not even a timid smile for him. "Hynesz,, let'sz get straight 2d point. I don't wanna hurt but you pushed me to do szo. I want you to get loszt. Away from me. Get it..? Don't you realized how your traits simply irritatesz me..?! You are alwaysz on my side,, lookin' over me,, watchin' my every moves,, and wherever am I,, you're there..! For God'zAke,, i am not a child anymore so stop treating me like one..! Face it,, a lot of thingz had already been change. You see..? I can fully stand up on my own now. Ok..? And i don't need you asz my bodyguard..! Did i am hiring u..?! Hell no..! So please,, leave me alone..!" Hynesz doesn't know what to say. What he heard wasz really hurt hizs feeling.. Szo mUch. And what really more hurt isz the fact that those wordsZ cumsz out from the lipsz of the girl he uszed 2loved more than hisz life. But he needsz to say something.. Hoping somehow,, it can melt Lenai'sz heart. "Im sorry. But you know I can't. You know how much i loved you. I will do anything for you. No matter what you think or say.. But please,, don't aszk me to stay away from you. For you know i can't live without you.. It will killz me..! Even how many timesz you try to pushed me away,, throw me hurtin' wordsz,, i will still stay. I know and i will never losez hope that someday,, maybe someday,, you will open up your heart for me and finally let me in. i know someday,, you will learn to love me back asz much asz iLoveyou. Maybe not now,, but i know.. someday."
What a drama.. thisz man isz really out of hisz trolley.. She needsz to wake him up to reality. "Ha-ha-ha.. Wake up man. Do you really think that i could love you back..? Stop hopin' and wiszhin' for something impossible. Don't dream too much Hynesz,, for even in my dreamsz,, i will never ever learn to love you..! So iF i we're you,, just throw your stupid feelingsz into a deep river and let it flow.. then go,, find another girl who can loved you back,, because i swear..! it'sz not me. and it will never be me..! Well,, that'sz it.. if you really do loved me like what you were szayin',, stay-away-from-me!" She standsz up and leavesz Hynesz with no more wordsz 2say. She walksz away and never even give him a second look. He hasz nothing to do but follow her sight with a sad look and silently whiszper a promisze to himself. "Yeah,, i maybe crazy. and it'sz all because of you. maybe you are hurting me now and hurting me again tomorrow. but that pain you've caused me and will continue mkes me feel will never be enough for me to give up on lovin' u. iLoveyou. and i alwaysz do. No matter what." A week and a month paszes by and Hynesz' presence isz not diszturbin' her.. She wantsz to feel happy bcoz finally he get rid of her. But y she can't..? She feelsz incomplete. Empty. asz if one piece of her life isz miszin'. isz she miszes him..? No way..! and y am i..?! Izn't I am d one who pushes him away.. thisz isz wt i want.. so be it. i don't wanna misz that stupid guy. and i will not..! So she get herszelf busy all day long. she alwaysz hung out with her friendsz. Goin' to diszco.. drink and dance all night. but when she'sz all alone,, lyin' on her bed,, she can't get him out of her mind. Silly her for keep on azkin' herszelf silently. "Where is he possibly now..? iszn't he miszes me like the way i do..? Oh,, how i hate that guy for makin' me feel like thisz..!"
One night,, asz uszual,, while hangin' on a bar with her friendsz,, she met a guy who fortunately attracts her easily. she suddenly feelsz strange for Kenneth. finally,, she thought,, she's inLove..! He courted her,, and because she already feelsz sumthing special for him,, she never think twice to say yesz and gladly be hisz girl. Hynesz knowsz all about it. although he'sz not botherin' Lenai,, he'sz just around,, doin' the zame thing for the girl he promised to loved all hisz life. and for the second time,, he saw hisz heart falling into damn pieces. The pain he once felt make him feel like he wasz finally ready to give her up and just face the fact that she can't really loved her back no matter what he do. For the laszt time,, he decided to talk to her,, and at the same time,, bid goodbyez. "Lenai." Her heart is beatin' her off upon hearing that voice she longsz to hear again for so long. She turns slowly and looksz back to see the face of the man who gives her sleeplesz nightsz. "Hynesz!" "Glad to know that you still knows me. Anyway,, who cud ever forget a silly man like me,, right..?" A bitter smile shown on hisz lipsz,, yet it can't hide the sadnesz and pain that freely shown on hisz eyesz. "Ye--yeah. You got it right. Well,, sO what brought you here again..? i thought the last time we talked,, everything'sz already clear between the two of usz." She triesz so hard to hide her true emotionsz that wantsz to jump out by that time and pretend that hisz presence doesn't affectsz her even a bit. That she still doesn't care at ol.
"Why you seem so tough..? why you're alwaysz that hard on me..? why you're alwaysz tryin' to hurt me..? i just loved you. and that loved givesz me misery. are you happy to see me on despair because of loving you diz much..? anyway,, do a sound stupid on you again..? well,, u don't have to say anything,, for im jz here to say "goodbye". yesz,, im finally lettin' u outta my life. but one more thing,, do you really loved him..?" He steal hisz breath. He knosz upon hearing her anszwer will goin' to break hiz heart again. but still, he choose to hear it from her.. atleast,, he will be sure that the girl he loves wasz really happy with the man who winsz her heart. Her happinesz isz the only thing that can make him give up hisz own. Lenai doesn't know what to say. But she still comesz up with an answer that wasz shot her heart through. "Yesz. I do. Loved that i never feel for you. Now,, satisfied..?" She'sz hurt. She knowsz for a fact that she'sz really hurt. and she doesn't understand why she'sz feeling that way. "well,, im happy for the two of you. lucky him.. i hope he'sz really the one meant for you. Bye Lenai. Maybe,, thisz isz really a goodbye u've alwaysz wanted." Hynesz hold her closer and kiszes her forehead gently then whisper a soft "iLoveyou" on her ear. She seen the tearzs that slowly rolling down on hisz cheeksz when he finally turn hisz back and slowly walksz away from her. For Hynesz,, it muszt really be the end of hisz world. For Lenai,, she doen't know what to feel. She felt sumthing strange inside of her. She hearsz her heart crackin' up with szo much pain she never thought she would ever feel. She wantsz 2run over him,,hug him tight and never let him go,, but all she can do isz look on hisz way
till he finally get lostz of her sight. Tearsz streaming down on her face. She can't move. The pain she'sz feelin' isz makin' her weak. "Hon..? What'sz wrong..?" Lenai remains quiet. Ignoring Kenneth'sz presence. She'sz silently hoping that Hynesz wasz still on her sight. "Lenai..? Are you okay..?" "No. Im not..!" They both got stunned. She suddenly realizes what have she done. "Im sOrry.. I didn't mean to-----" "No.. iT'z okay. Shall we go now..? I think you badly needsz rest." Kenneth smile at her and gently hold her hand. But Lenai didn't move. She remainsz standin',, lookin' straight at him,, drownin' on tearsz. He looksz at her quiet wonderin'. He knowsz something isz wrong. He didn't szay anythin',, he just wait for Lenai to talk it over. "Kenneth.. im sorry.. im szo sorry. but i think,, i don't really loved you. i never did loved you. maybe,, i just misztaken my real feelingsz for you into loved.... look,," How she wished to just get lost on hisz sight at that moment.. She don't want 2 hurt other'sz feeling again,, but thisz time,, she had no choice but 2be true to herself before everything gone really too late. "i dont wanna fool myself at ol.. i don't wanna fool you anymore Kenneth.. I don't want to stuck myself with you only to hurt you even more at the end of all thisz. i know,, after thisz,, it would be szo hard
for the two of usz to bring thingz back just like before.. but,, if i offer you friendszhip,, wud u accept it..?" She knows she do sound stupid. But she doesn't care at ol.. all she knowsz isz that she'sz speakinG her heart out. Finally,, Kenneth breaksz hisz silence. Look into her eyesz and smile with a szad eyesz. "It'z your desicion. and for the lastz time,, i'lL respects it. maybe,, we are not really meant for each other. just wanted you to know,, i did loved you. i really do. but if im not the one who can mkesz you happy,, then i'lL gonna let you be in the armsz of that someone who can make you so." "oh,, thank you for szo much undersztanding Kenneth." He gives her a light hug and a tap on a shoulder. Then holds her face and wipe away her tearsz. "izs hE the one who just walksz outta your life..?" She nodded,, still cryin' her heart out. "Yesz. and until now,, i can'T still believe that i've fallen' szo hard for that stupid guy who did nothing but loves me szo much. I cudn't belive how i acted so mean unto him though i know how it'sz goin' 2break hiz heart. i didn't care. i take hiz feelingsz for granted. i thought that hisz presence irritatesz me,,but the truth isz,,it'sz d only thing that completin' me. but now,, after he bidz goodbye,, i realized how much i loved him and badly needing him back in my life. while watchin' him walkin' away from me,, all i wanna do izs to run towardsz him,, hug him and tellsz him to please stay with me. but i can't. it'sz asz if,, sumthing'zs tellin' me to jz let him go. maybe bcoz,, im only scared that i myt hurt him all over again. i don't kno Kenneth,, i really don't know......."
Kenneth held her chin up. "sSshhh.. cheer up. think of it,, if you really do lovesz him,, then go and prove him szo. don't let that fear to eat your nervesz,, go through your heart and make you lose all the chancesz to be happy in hisz armsz." "but how..? what if he don't believe me..? what if he already make up hisz mind and give up on me..? what if he'll puszhed me too away like what i did to him..? what if he'sz already tired of me and doesn't want me anymore after all the misery and pain i've caused him.. what if-------" "sheeszz.. silly girl.. no more what if'sz ok..? he lovesz you right..? he lovesz you szo much.. more than hisz life.. and the one who loves,, understandsz. Now,, go to him and make him the happiest man on earth." He gently caresz her nose and give her a cheerful and hopeful smile she needed. That makes her smile too. "that'sz my girl.. so now,, go and don't wait till it'sz too late to win back hisz heart." "thankz to u Kenneth.. you are such a wonderful perszon.. hope someday you will find the right girl for you.. im sure she will be asz lucky asz me for havin' you. byE.. wiszh me luck my friend." She kiszed him on the cheek and turn around. She gives him a second look and wave goodbye. Finally,, she'sz out of hisz sight,, and tearsz were free atLaszt to shown up. "hope to see you with a full blown smile again my girl.. that would makezs me forget how you broke my heart once in my life." and slowly walksz away.
But what Lenai foundsz out only breaksz her heart. Now,, she feelsz the same way Hynesz felt after she broke hisz heart over and over. Asz if heaven fallsz down straight to her. "He'sz been rushed at the hospital moments ago.. Fighting for hisz life.. he'sz condition isz critical. he'sz sufferin' on colon cancer for szo long.. and he hidesz that on usz,, not to make usz worry. and now,, it'sz seemsz like there'sz no more way for him to szurvive.. Lenai,, my son lovesz you szo much.. Szo please,, stay with him,, on hisz side even in the laszt few momentsz of hisz life." She'sz holdin her breath and emotion.. Her tearsz seem won't cease at ol. She doesn't know how to face the fact that any moment will goin' to be the laszt she will see that face or even be able to touch it. the face of the man who taught her how to love. "why are you cryin'..? are you not aware how those tears could make my heart achesz..?" hynesz wipesz her tearsz and force a smile. he looksz szo pale and weak. And that sight of him breaksz her heart with szo much pain. "do you really need to leave..? couldn't you just stay here with me..? i thought you loved me....iLoveyou too Hynesz.. iLoveyou szo much.. pLease tell me you'll stay...." She holds hisz hand and kiszes it gently.. "please tell me you will..." Hynesz couldn't believe it. She lovesz her..! She finally do. It'zs the moszt wonderful thing which could ever happen to him. to be loved by the girl he loves more than anything. It'sz like he'sz ready to face Him in heaven and take hisz final step on golden stair up to that place where he could keep that happinesz he will bringsz to hisz heart.
"iLovEyOu.. no wordsz isz enough to tell you how much i really do.. Szo please,, promisze me you won't leave me.. promisze me,, you will stay.. please.. for the szake of our love.. please....." "ssshhh.. stop cryin'.. listen. i won't promisze you anything.. i can't promisze you that i'lL stay.. but alwaysz keep thisz in mind. If one day,, you wake up and find me not there for you,, promisze me you won't shed with tearsz,, not becausze of me.. okay..? that you will continue living asz whole,, and my memoriesz,, never live with it.. make it a part of your paszt and promisze me to go on stilL complete." He said in a weak voice. he triesz to smile and hidesz the sadnesz inszide.. He doesn't want to leave.. Not at all now that he knows she lovesz her much too. God knowsz how much she lovesz her asz well,, but he knowsz for a fact too that anytime,, he'll be leavin'.. No matter what. "Lenai.. How do you feel whenever watchin' the sunset..?" He aszked.. they were at the shore at that moment,, grippin' each other'sz hand. Hisz head on her lap. She looksz down and smile with teary-eyesz. "before..? nothing. It'sz js mean anader dei wasz about to end.. at the same time,, expectin' to face another long tiring usual dei asz the sun cumsz up agen.. but now..? it givesz me fear.. everytime i closze my eyesz to sleep at night,, i wasz hopin' the same thing over and over.. and that isz,, to still be able to see the sun rises agen with your sight. you on my side.. to still feel your warmth hug.. to see your smile that makesz me forget everything.. sumtymz,, i wished that the time would be freeze.. that the sun won't set at ol.. that i'lL forever be stayin' wrapped in your armsz.. geesz.. it must be early yet for dreamin'.... hmm.. why..?" She looksz away,, tryin' to hold her tearsz.. Hynesz squizzed her hand.. He sit down and face her.. kiszes her forehead,, her eyes,, nose,, both cheek,, chin.. held her hand up to hisz lips. then look straight to her.. asz if puttin' every detailzs of her into hisz mind,, hisz soul and hisz heart.
"thank you.. thank you for lovin' me.. for lettin' me in.. for givin' me a chance to loved you with all i am.. thank you for spending and sharing some time of your life with me. iLoveyou. u don't know how much you makesz me feel szo happy for lettin' me to hve you even only for a short while of my life.. it wasz already heaven to be with you my love." He hugsz her szo tightly.. and just stay hisz head layin' on her shoulder.. Lenai let her tearsz flow.. she knowsz,, there'sz no more sunrise with the guy she lovesz and only needing all her life.. it'sz time to let him go and be where he supposed to be.. and that place isz not on her side. "for the one i love" i don't want to leave you. but you know that i need to. don't be sad nor cry. just think that im alwaysz be around. if you look up in heaven. and you don't feel my presence up there. look and feel around you. and you'll feel me dEr. even my body leavesz you. and you could not touch me anymore. my soul is just down here in thisz world. looking and watchin' for you.