Iit Kgp Dictionary

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IIT Kharagpur Dictionary [edit]

2 2.2 n. A 2.2 Kilometres round in central part of IIT-KGP campus. Usu. A run of it.


A Acads n. Academics. Alankar n. The annual cultural magazine of Gymkhana, hence of the institute. Atthi n. A C.G.P.A. in between 8 and 9. Azad n. Azad Hall Of Residence. A senior male students B. Tech. Hall.



B.C. Roy n. Bidhan Chandra Roy. Former Chief Minister of West Bengal. Many establishments in IITKGP including a hospital, a Hall and the central square are named after him. Bhaat n. Bekar Chat. A useless talk in a group whose sole purpose is to pass time. Also a regular magazine drafted by first year students trying to copy Junk. Bhatnagar n. The Bhatnagar Auditorium. Bong n. Bengali. A Bengali-speaking person. B.T.D.S. abbr.,n. Bengali Technology Dramatics Society.

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Bunda n. Any boy. Bundi n. Any girl. [edit]

C Cali n. Calibre. Candi n. Candidate(For elections). C.G. n. Short-form of C.G.P.A. C.G.P.A. abbr,.n. Cumulative Grade Point Average. An index of a students performance in academics which reflects his performance throughout his studies in IIT-KGP. Chhagi n. A C.G.P.A. in between 6 and 7. Chhedis n. A dhaba/restaurant just outside campus. C.I.C. abbr.,n. The Computers and Informatics Centre. It is situated in Takshashila. C.L. a bbr.,n. Central Library.



D.A.S.A. abbr.,n. Direct Admission of Students Abroad. A special route for N.R.I. sponsored candidates to enter the IITs. Involves less competition than J.E.E. Such students in IITs called DASAites. D.C. abbr.,n. Disciplinary Charge. Due to inappropriate conduct of student. The Commitee hence http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Arundhati_bakshi/Sandbox (2 of 14)2/20/2006 9:21:57 PM

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formed(Disciplinary Commitee). Dep n. Department. DepC v.t.,v.i. To have a Department change under the provisions specified by IIT-KGP. Requires excellent academic performance in first year B. Tech. course. Despo n. Desparate. Diro n. Director of IIT-KGP. D.L. abbr.,n Dreamland Restaurant. D.O.A.A. abbr.,n. Dean Of Academic Affairs. Responsible for academics of students. He is the main responsible person in any Resarch and Development work taken up by the institute. D.O.S.A. abbr.,n. Dean Of Student Affairs. Responsible for mantaining discipline in students. Conducts surprize checks in order to check ragging. D.P. abbr.,n. Durga Puja. The vaccation in its duration. D.V.C. abbr.,n. Damodar Valley Corporation. The D.V.C. Market.



E.T.D.S. abbr.,n. English Technology Dramatics Society. E.T.M.S. abbr.,n. Eastern Technology Music Society.

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Facad n. Faculty Advisor. Facca n. An F-grade in any subject. Meaning fail. Faccha n. A first year male student. Usu. a B. Tech. student. Facchi n. A first year female student. Usu. a B. Tech. student. Fight n.,v.t.,v.i. Difficulty in achieving something. Frust v.t. Frustated. Generally due to academics and lack of female population. Also Frustoo. Frustoo v.t. See Frust. Funda n. The basic knowledge of anything. Fundoo adv. Something having very strong conceptual background. excl. Something great. [edit]

G Ghaasi n. A student of Agriculture Engineering Department. GPL abbr.,v. Gaand Pe Laat , kicking on the ass during birthdays, or on some success G.Sec. abbr.,n. General Secretary. Of Halls or Gymkhana. In Gymkana, always a third year student. Gokhale

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n. Gokhale Hall Of Residence. A research scholar hall. Gult n. Telugu. A Telugu-speaking person. Originated by reading the word 'Telugu' backwards when written in Telugu. Gyan Ghosh Stadium n. A stadium situated on Scholar's Avenue that is used for a variety of track and field events. Gymkhana n. Technology Students Gymkhana(T.S.G.). The centre of all the extra-curricular students' activities. Organises various events and competitions for students. [edit]

H Hall

n. (Halls Of Residence). Word used for hostel in IIT-KGP. The latter is rarely used. The Halls accomodate students who study in IIT-KGP. All Halls have their separate Mess, Canteens, Grocery & Stationery Shops, etc. There are separate halls for B.Tech students, M.Tech students, Business Management students and Research Scholars. Hall-day n. The celebration day of any Hall in which there is festive atmosphere and people from all over IIT-KGP are invited to enjoy. Hall-funda n. The knowledge of one's Hall specialities and way of life, etc. Halu adv. Hallucinated. Hardcore excl. An extreme case of situation or attitude. happa Hall President see HP eg. Gaurav Srivastav - Azad Hall Harry's n. A dhaba/restaurant on the IIT Main Road. Hawa

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n. J.E.E. All India Rank. H.J.B. abbr.,n. See J.C.B. H.P. abbr.,n. Hall President H.T.D.S. abbr.,n. Hindi Technology Dramatics Society. [edit]

I I.G. abbr.,n. Indira Gandhi Hall Of Residence. A senior female students B. Tech. Hall. I.I.T. Foundation(U.S.A.) An Alumni foundation responsible for much development of IIT-KGP including funds for buildings, LAN, etc. Illu

n. Illumination(on Dipawali). A competition involving all Halls for best illumination and rangoli on Dipawali. Insti n. Institute. Used to refer the main building of IIT-KGP. Intro n. Introduction. Generally a brief speech involving one's name, department, city, hobbies,etc. I.P. abbr.,n. Interaction Period. See O.P. [edit]

J Jam n. Jamshedpur , Just a minute unprepared speaking competition J.C.B.

abbr.,n. Jagdish Chandra Bose Hall Of Residence. A first year male students B. Tech Hall. Shares the same premises and governing body with Homi Jehangir Bhabha(H.J.B.) Hall Of Residence. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Arundhati_bakshi/Sandbox (6 of 14)2/20/2006 9:21:57 PM

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Junk n. A regular magazine. It contains news of students and reveals the hidden state of affairs, suggestions for a better life, trivia, etc. The members of the group behind it are called Junky. Junta n. The human population. Of IIT-KGP or elsewhere. [edit]

K Kam-akal n. A student of Chemical Engineering Department. Khoj n. A treasure hunt competition organised by Azad Hall. Kol n. Kolkata. Khodu n. A student of Mining Engineering Department.


L Lallu n. See L.L.R. L.L.R.

abbr.,n. Lala Lajpat Rai Hall Of Residence. A senior male students B. Tech. Hall. Commonly used word for it and its residents is lallu. Load n. Tension,v.i. To Have Tension. [edit]

M Maggu n. Student who mugs. See mug. Makhana v.t. To spoil a job. To do something unsincerely. To play spoil-sport. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Arundhati_bakshi/Sandbox (7 of 14)2/20/2006 9:21:57 PM

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Matka n. Any M. Tech. male student. Matki n. Any M. Tech. female student. M.B.M. abbr.,n. Masters Of Business Management. A Hall of Business management students. Associated with V.G.S.O.M. M.M.M. abbr.,n. Madan Mohan Malviya Hall Of Residence. M.S. abbr.,n. Meghnad Saha Hall Of Residence. A Hall accomodating B. Tech. first year male students and M. Tech. students. M.T. abbr.,n. Mother Teresa Hall Of Residence. A female students M. Tech. Hall. Mug v.t.,v.i. To rote. [edit]

N Nalini Ranjan Sarkar Avenue n. The part of road that compliments the Scholar's Avenue to make 2.2 kilometre circle. Nehli n. A C.G.P.A. greater than 9. Nehru n. Nehru Hall Of Residence. A senior male students B. Tech Hall. Netaji n. The Netaji Auditotium. Used for conducting major events, performances and screening movies. N.M.S.T. abbr.,n. Nehru Museum of Science and Technology. Located in Old Building.

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N.S.O. abbr.,n. National Sports Organisation. N.S.S. abbr.,n. National Service Scheme. [edit]

O Old Campus n. See PAN Loop. O.P.

abbr.,n. Orientation Period. More commonly used word for ragging in IIT-KGP. It includes mentally harassing junior students and testing their Hall-funda. A commonly used synonym is I.P. (Interaction Period). Orientation n. See O.P. [edit]


PAN Loop n. The set of Halls: Patel, Azad and Nehru. The area bounded by them. These were the first to be constructed hence known as Old Campus. Patel n. Patel Hall Of Residence and its residents. A senior male students B. Tech. Hall. Peace excl.,n.,v.i., To be tension-free. A tension-free state.



Ragging v.t.,v.i. To harass junior students of one's institute. Use obsolete in IIT-KGP. More commonly used word is Orientation. Raman n. The Raman Auditorium. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Arundhati_bakshi/Sandbox (9 of 14)2/20/2006 9:21:57 PM

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Rassa n. A male research scholar. Rassi n. A female research scholar. R.D.C. abbr.,n. Rural Development Centre. The central office of N.S.S. Rep suf.,n. Representative. Reskee n. Research Scholars. R.K. abbr.,n. Radhakrishnan Hall Of Residence. A senior male students B. Tech. Hall. Room-baap n. The student(male) who occupied someone's room in the previous year. Room-maa n. The student(female) who occupied someone's room in the previous year. R.P. abbr.,n. Rajendra Prasad Hall Of Residence. A senior male students B. Tech. Hall. [edit]


S.A.M. abbr.,n. Sir Ashutosh Mukerjee Hall Of Residence. A hall for management students studying in V. G.S.O.M. Shares same premises with Gokhale Hall. Satti n. A C.G.P.A. in between 7 and 8.

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Scholar's Avenue n. The road leading from the IIT Main Gate about which most of the Halls are situated. Secy n. Secretary. Usu. of Gymkhana or Halls. Sem n. Semester. Senti n.,v.i. Sentiments. Sentimental. S.F. abbr.,n. Spring Fest. An annual festival in IIT-KGP when there are plenty of competitions, events and performances by well known artists. Proclaimed as eastern India's biggest festival. S.M.S.T. abbr.,n. School of Medical Sciences and Technology. S.N. abbr.,n. Sarojini Naidu Hall Of Residence. A female students B. Tech. Hall. Residents are called SNites. Soc-n-cult n. Social and Cultural Activities. S.Q. abbr.,n. Summer Quater. A special course organised by IIT-KGP for students who fail to clear subjects in previous semesters, so that they need not repeat next year. S.T.E.P. abbr.,n. Science and Technology Enterpreneur's Park. Stud n. Any student who is good in academics but excellent in other fields like sports, etc. eg. Atul Kumar , Parag Saurabh , Kunal Kashyap

T Takshashila http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Arundhati_bakshi/Sandbox (11 of 14)2/20/2006 9:21:57 PM


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n. A complex that houses C.I.C. Tam n. Tamil. A Tamil-speaking person. T&P abbr.,n. Training And Placement Section. T.D.S. abbr.,n. Technology Dance Society. Tech pre.,adj. Technology. An adjective used frequently with anything associated with IIT-KGP. Tech-mart n. Technology Market. A market inside IIT-KGP premises. Tempo n. Enthusiasm and vigour. Tempo shout v.i. To shout in a singing manner "KGP Ka Tempo High Hai". Of KGP or of some similar affiliations like Hall. n. The shout "KGP Ka Tempo High Hai". T.F.S. abbr.,n. Technology Film Society. T.H.O.K. abbr.,n. Thick Heads Of KGP. A student of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Department. Tinku n. An Egg-Poach-Burger. T.O.A.T. abbr.,n. Tagore Open Air Theatre. Tumpa abbr.,n. Typically Uncivilized Midnaporean People's Association, or Tribal Uncivilized Midnaporean People's Association. People who belong to Midnapur district.

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T.S.G. abbr.,See Gymkhana. [edit]

U Uddu n. An Oriya-speaking person.


V V.G.S. abbr.,n. Vishveshwaraiyya Guest House. V.G.S.O.M. abbr.,n. Vinod Gupta School Of Management. Vikramshila n. One of the recently built academic complex to take over/compliment the role of Main Building. Volu n. Volunteer. V.P. abbr.,n. Vice President of Gymkhana. A fourth year student. V.S. abbr.,n. Vidyasagar Hall Of Residence. An M. Tech. Hall.


W W.T.M.S. abbr.,n. Western Technology Music Society.


Z Z.H. abbr.,n, Zakir Hussain Hall Of Residence. A research scholar Hall.

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● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

abbr. - Abbreviation adj. - Adjective adv. - Adverb excl. - Exclamation n. - Noun pre. - Prefix suf. - Suffix usu. - Usually v.i. - Verb(intransitive) v.t. - Verb(transitive)

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