Igai Healthy Responsible Lifestyle

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 220
  • Pages: 1
IGAI HEALTHY RESPONSBILE LIFESTYLE EDUCATION The Board of Education has formally adopted the Health Content and Achievement Standards as prescribed by the State of Wyoming. However, due to the sensitive nature of teaching in the area of human reproduction, maturation, sexually transmitted diseases, human relationships, and other related issues, it will be the policy of the Board of Education to approve health-related curriculum materials by using the approved instructional materials’ selection and adoption process (see policy IIA and regulation IIA-R). The Board supports the concept that we should utilize information, materials, books or media that promote the importance of marriage and the family, sexual abstinence before marriage, fidelity within marriage, and healthy personal and family relationships. The Board of Education further directs instructors in this District to avoid planning curriculum promoting, homosexuality, promiscuity, and abortion. The Board supports efforts to develop curriculum that teaches respect for all people. The Board of Education reaffirms the principle that parents have the right and responsibility to review the curriculum which is planned for their children. Parents may request that their child be excluded from the classroom for health-related topics that the parents prefer to teach at home. Students who need additional health information may be referred to parents, counselors, and/or local health professionals.


June 5, 2003

Lincoln County School District #2, Wyoming

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