Ifmp Fireplan Update Volume 23 - December 2008

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FirePlan Update Vol. 23 - December 2008

Milestones in Integrated Fire Management Planning

Message from Norm Free, Manager SFMST I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the hard work and dedication demonstrated in the planning and implementation of IFMP across the state. A lot of work has been undertaken behind the scenes in preparation for rolling out IFMP at the regional levels. The OESC risk assessment framework and the redevelopment of the NSW Rural Fire Service planning tool being re-shaped to fit Victorian conditions are a couple of key examples of this work in progress. As we head towards the end of 2008, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a happy and safe festive season. Take this opportunity to rest and refresh and I look forward to seeing you all back and ready to make 2009 a great year for IFMP. Corporate Communications staff and emergency services media managers contacted

by the Manager SFMST when he presents an overview of IFMP plans for 2009. Communications contacts Each organisation represented on the State Fire Management Planning Support Committee has nominated a communication contact to promote the work of IFMP within their organisations and among their major stakeholders. A briefing and presentation has been scheduled for 29 January 2009 to update everyone on the state of play and to provide opportunities for additional IFMP related stories to be identified and published. Regional Chairs share their hopes for the implementation of IFMP Barwon South West Region The Barwon South West Regional Strategic Fire Management Planning Committee was established on 17 November 2008 at the Corangamite Council Chambers in Camperdown.

Media contacts An update on IFMP has been provided to the state emergency services senior media committee (EMJPIC). This group has carriage of all media related issues affecting emergency services.

The committee comprises CFA, DSE, Parks Vic, DHS, SES, DPCD, DPI, Victoria Police, VicRoads, Utilities providers, Rail Authorities, Catchment Management Authorities plus the municipalities of Queenscliff, Greater Geelong, Surf Coast, Colac Otway, Corangamite, Moyne, Glenelg and Southern Grampians.

The IFMP Communications Manager Sue Fitzpatrick gave an update on the project and briefed the meeting on the key milestones of the work being undertaken. A presentation will be made in January 2009

The Committee elected Mr Paul Stacchino, CFA General Manager Barwon Corangamite as the Chair. Mr Stacchino is keen to ensure that all committee members have the opportunity to participate in identifying and

For further information: Email [email protected] Phone: (03) 9262 8469

promoting the priorities and possible treatments for fire risk within the region. This will ensure that the Barwon South West Region is positioned to address current and emerging fire risk to the people, assets, industry and the magnificent coastline of Victoria. He said, ‘one of the exciting elements of the IFMP framework will be the people involved in fire management planning at regional and municipal level undertaking a consistent community engagement process. This will ensure our local communities understand what their risk is with respect to fire and how they can contribute to the delivery of treatments to mitigate their risk’. Grampians Region The inaugural meeting of the Grampians Regional Strategic Fire Management Planning Committee was held in Stawell on Thursday 4 December 2008 and was initially chaired by Mr Brian Parry AM, Chair of the State Fire Management Planning Committee. The meeting was well attended by all major stakeholders and followed on from the Divisional Emergency Response Coordinating Committee - Summer Fire Briefing. Mr Don Kelly, CFA General Manager Midlands Wimmera area was appointed Chair of the committee. When asked how the Committee might contribute to the IFMP aims of reducing fire risk in the region, Mr Kelly said, 'my intent is to have the committee work collaboratively with all organisations to create improved community fire safety outcomes, recognising that various aspects IFMP will be new ground for many of us. The benefits will be evident in improved planning practices and planning outcomes across the organisations.

government and risk environments, will mean that we have made huge steps in the advancement of community safety’". He also added that in order to accomplish this, ‘we need to bring the community along with us. By doing this we will promote and foster community ownership, as well as enhance community capacity and connectedness to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies’. The next meeting is scheduled for February 2009. NETWORK MANAGERS For additional information on work being planned in regions please contact the relevant Fire Planning Network Managers Barwon South Western Jill Golland [email protected] 0488 678 532 Eastern (Metro) Kim Morris Gippsland David Johnson

Grampians Jeni Taylor

Hume Shaun Huguenin

Loddon Mallee Darryl Glover

North & West (Metro) Matthew Howe

[email protected] 0447 385 962 [email protected] 0438 743 134

[email protected] 0488 304 560

[email protected] 0429 020 632

[email protected] 0407 809 902

[email protected] 0488 327 567

Southern (Metro) Catherine Clancy [email protected]

To achieve this across land tenures, the traditional silos of Preparation, Prevention, Response and Recovery (PPRR), local For further information: Email [email protected] Phone: (03) 9262 8469

0458 356 799

For further information: Email [email protected] Phone: (03) 9262 8469

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