Identifying Conditionals

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 895
  • Pages: 6
www .m yp lac ef or en gl is h.b lo gs pot .c om Pr inta bl e Handout:

Second Conditional


Third Conditional

Instruct ions: Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - If I dr ink tea in th e mo rning, i t makes me f ee l si ck. Zero Conditional First Conditional Second Conditional Third Conditional Mixed Conditional Q2 - I' ll te ll he r if sh e comes. Zero Conditional First Conditional Second Conditional Third Conditional Mixed Conditional Q3 - I' d have hel pe d had I been the re. Zero Conditional First Conditional ©

Mixed Conditional Q4 - If he 's ther e, c ould you

tel l

him that I rea lly nee d to speak to him. Zero Conditional First Conditional Second Conditional Third Conditional Mixed Conditional Q5 - If I we re you, I'd buy it as soon as p oss ible. Zero Conditional First Conditional Second Conditional Third Conditional Mixed Conditional Q6 - If I had the t ime, I' d help you.

www .m yp lac ef or en gl is h.b lo gs pot .c om Zero Conditional

Third Conditional

First Conditional

Mixed Conditional

Second Conditional

Q9 - If sh e'd t ri ed hard er, she

Third Conditional

might ha ve suc ce ed ed.

Mixed Conditional

Zero Conditional

Q7 - I woul d have hand le d

First Conditional

things d if fe rent ly if I'd be en in

Second Conditional

charg e.

Third Conditional

Zero Conditional

Mixed Conditional

First Conditional

Q10 - If you work hard en

Second Conditional

you ma y we ll pass.

Third Conditional

Zero Conditional

Mixed Conditional

First Conditional

Q8 - Wate r bo il s if you heat i t

Second Conditional

to a hu nd re d deg re es ce ls ius.

Third Conditional

Zero Conditional

Mixed Conditional

First Conditional Second Conditional Q11 - If w e fai l, who wi ll be

Zero Conditional

he ld r es ponsib le?

First Conditional Second Conditional


ough ,

www .m yp lac ef or en gl is h.b lo gs pot .c om Third Conditional

Zero Conditional

Mixed Conditional

First Conditional

Q12 - If sh e went, she c ould

Second Conditional

rep ort back

Third Conditional

to us al l.

Zero Conditional

Mixed Conditional

First Conditional

Q15 - I woul d be su rpr is ed if it

Second Conditional

ra ine d.

Third Conditional

Zero Conditional

Mixed Conditional

First Conditional

Q13 - If he 'd stud ie d at a good

Second Conditional

col leg e, he might ha

Third Conditional

ve got a

bett er g rade.

Mixed Conditional

Zero Conditional

Q16 - If anyone comp

First Conditional

deal w ith i t imm ed iately.

Second Conditional

Zero Conditional

Third Conditional

First Conditional

Mixed Conditional

Second Conditional

Q14 - If you eve r ne ed he lp, just

Third Conditional

ask me.

Mixed Conditional


lains, w e

www .m yp lac ef or en gl is h.b lo gs pot .c om

Third Conditional Answer Sheet: Identifying Conditionals

Mixed Conditional

Q1 - If I drink tea in the morning, it makes me feel sick. Q4 - If he's there, could you tell him that I really need to speak

Zero Conditional First Conditional

Zero Conditional

Second Conditional

First Conditional

Third Conditional

Second Conditional

Mixed Conditional

Third Conditional

Q2 - I'll tell her if she comes.

Zero Conditional

Mixed Conditional Q5 - If I were you, I'd buy it as soon as possible.

First Conditional

Zero Conditional

Second Conditional

First Conditional

Third Conditional

Second Conditional

Mixed Conditional

Third Conditional

Q3 - I'd have helped had I been there.

Zero Conditional


to him.

Mixed Conditional Q6 - If I had the time, I'd help you.

First Conditional

Zero Conditional

Second Conditional

First Conditional

www .m yp lac ef or en gl is h.b lo gs pot .c om Second Conditional

Third Conditional

Third Conditional

Mixed Conditional

Mixed Conditional Q7 - I would have handled things differently if I'd been in

Q11 - If we fail, who will be held responsible?

Zero Conditional


Zero Conditional First Conditional Second Conditional Third Conditional Mixed Conditional

First Conditional Second Conditional Third Conditional Mixed Conditional Q12 - If she went, she could report back to us all.

Zero Conditional

Q8 - Water boils if you heat it to a hundred degrees celsius.

Zero Conditional First Conditional Second Conditional Third Conditional Mixed Conditional Q9 - If she'd tried harder, she might have succeeded.

Second Conditional Third Conditional Mixed Conditional Q13 - If he'd studied at a good college, he might have got a better grade.

Zero Conditional

Zero Conditional

First Conditional

First Conditional

Second Conditional

Second Conditional

Third Conditional

Third Conditional

Mixed Conditional

Mixed Conditional Q10 - If you work hard enough, you may well pass.

Q14 - If you ever need help, just ask me.

Zero Conditional

Zero Conditional

First Conditional

First Conditional

Second Conditional

Second Conditional


First Conditional

www .m yp lac ef or en gl is h.b lo gs pot .c om Third Conditional Mixed Conditional Q15 - I would be surprised if it rained.

Zero Conditional First Conditional

Zero Conditional

Second Conditional

First Conditional

Third Conditional

Second Conditional

Mixed Conditional

Third Conditional Mixed Conditional


Q16 - If anyone complains, we deal with it immediately.

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