Ict Medium Term Plan-history Ww2

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 569
  • Pages: 11

N.C links


Geog: 2c, 2d. ICT: 1a, 1b. History: 1a, 2c, 4a.


PSHE: 4b ICT: 3a, 3b En1 4c, En3 9a, History: 4a

Learning objectives -To find out when and where it took place -To learn about key characters and events during the WW2





-Group discussion to elicitate children’s existing knowledge of ww2 -Watch Video footage of the war as a class -Internet research, PowerPoint to show findings to class, groups specialise on certain places and people, I.e.: home guard, Hitler etc... Also using various techniques to embed photos, videos and text onto their PowerPoint’s.

Computers PowerPoint IWB Video

- To discuss what sort of feelings the evacuee’s might be experiencing. - To use a share point provided to discuss these feelings. (ongoing)


-Ask the children to answer questions using selected sources, e.g. photographs, extracts from novels, oral accounts, letters and memoirs. -Have children hot-seat and role play being evacuees, discuss feelings. -Write letters home (discuss the journey, where they are, who they are with, what it is like...) -Use share point to discuss feelings, commenting on each other’s blogs, children should take the roles of different characters and comment appropriately on each others opinions.

Computers, share-point access, range of historical sources

-Bring food packaging from home and try to work out what they would be able to have.

Computers Ration-books Food

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Ma3 4a, 4b PSHE: 4a, 4b.

- To understand why rationing was necessary and its


Key vocabulary Where, When, Timeline, Chronological, research, events, sources, information, nonfiction/historic al World war 2, Nations/countr ies Feelings, emotions, billeting officer, host family, evacuation, evacuee.

Key questions


C.C links

-Why was it called ‘world war’? -Who was involved? -Why were they involved? -What key characters were involved?

- Pupils can tell me when and where WW2 took place - Pupils are able to tell me of events and characters from WW2

Geography , ICT

-What does it feel like to be evacuated? -Why was it necessary? -Where did the children go? How did this affect them?

- Pupils are able to discuss and give their own opinions on the feelings of evacuees - Pupils have also presented and shared their feelings using the appropriate software provided to them (ongoing)

PSHE, ICT, Drama Literacy

Rationing Portions Lb’s and Oz’s

-Why did food have to be rationed?

- Pupils are able to understand why rationing

Cooking Maths PSHE

Years 3 and 4- History Learning about WW2

P.E. dance year 4 unit 9 Music Exploring rhythmic patterns unit 10 History Unit 9 1-looking at where it was (geog), when it happened 2- what was it like to be an evacuee (PSHE and ICT)- setting up a share point for them to discuss 3- What would you eat as an evacuee- (D&T) looking at making an interesting meal using food that would have been available to them 4- Writing instructions to making there dish- (ICT & literacy) creating a video or powerpoint presentation 5- What was it like being a child in the war- (ICT) researching into it, (PSHE) looking at how they would have felt (RE) looking at jewish side of it 6- Recording their own interpretation of a day in the life of a child during the war (ICT) 7- What has been done since to prevent a war (history)

ADOBE captivate 4 AVID free DV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2YMAC0JkVM Still picture preview

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