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I.B. Voters' Guide

Endorsement is nothing to brag about By Ed Kravitz


recently conducted a telephone interview with Deputy Ernie Carillo, Chairman of the Deputy Sheriff ’s Association Political Action Committee or PAC. The subject was, “How Did the PAC arrive at its choices for endorsements in Imperial Beach?” Ernie was a patrol officer in Imperial Beach prior to his new assignment as a “floater” at the Chula Vista Superior Courthouse. While Ernie is quite modest in referring to himself as, ”just a lowly deputy,” he was able to shed considerable light on the process of getting an endorsement from the DSA PAC. Ernie said the committee looks at the ballot statements by the candidates and interviews those who wish to be interviewed. He said the DSA looks for “sure win-


ners,” mentioning that they pick the right candidate eight out of 10 times. Step 1. Look at the campaign statements and information. I mentioned to Deputy Carillo that the PAC had given endorsements to candidates prior to the end of the filing period to enter the race. How could the PAC make an endorsement with-

out knowing who all the candidates were? He said, ”We pretty much knew who was running. We almost always endorse the incumbent or their suggested picks.” So, after not knowing who all the candidates would be, we move on to step #2. Step 2. Interview the existing mayor and City Council. Since these public

in the field. In this case, Captain Octavia Parker was consulted to see who she would choose. Since Diane Rose signs the check every month, she was given consideration over other potential candidates. I asked Deputy Carillo, “If Charles Manson signed the check to the Sheriff’s Department every month, wouldn’t the DSA PAC support him as well?” He reluctantly agreed, “Probably!” I ask that the voters of Imperial Beach politely disreofficials are known entities gard the DSA PAC endorsewho have worked with the ments for Jim Janney, Maxx deputies prior to the election, Stalheim, or Patricia McCoy. they are asked their opinions While we all respect what and recommendations. law enforcement does for the Deputy Carillo stated quite community outside of policlearly that, Diane Rose had tics, this endorsement is onerequested the endorsements sided, unfair and “fixed.” Do for Jim Janney, Maxx the Sheriff’s Deputies actualStalheim and Patricia McCoy ly care who sits on the City Council, as long as they get by the DSA PAC. Step 3. Talk to the troops paid?

Politicians are like diapers: They should be changed frequently — and for the same reason

Continued from page 6 the missing financial information or justify what appear to be unethical or illegal actions, they should be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit embezzlement of public funds! The assertions by the IBCC faux newspaper in 2004 should serve as a warning to anyone who reads the inevitable 2006 version coming soon. It’s all twisted propaganda and lies to try to make themselves look better.These leaders have not done a good job in public office, even though they say they did.

STALHEIM Continued from page 5 Redevelopment.com show that economic development by the private sector is more sustainable and profitable than the methods used by redevelopment agencies. Unless the RDA is disbanded, private property ownership in Imperial Beach means nothing. Stalheim and the RDA are coming to take your property, displace you, turn it over to their developer

Page 8 - I. B. Voters' Guide - Nov. 2006

friends and reap windfall benefits, all from an incremental increase in your taxes. Redevelopment diverts tax monies from the general fund that would otherwise pay for street repairs, good schools, and adequate police and fire protection. Redevelopent laws need to be repealed and redevelopment fanatics should not be given positions of power and authority to make those decisons. Stalheim’s deep conections to Cox, Inzunza and others should be reason enough not to trust him. McCoy is Cox’s patsy — and so is Stalheim!

advertising in the Eagle and Times next week in ”The Pre-Election Issue.” Thanks for telling your friends about this site. Don’t be timid: Continued from page 2 Sound off. You’d be surprised how many of you are A lot of you! We’re getting unhappy about the same more hits than the Eagle & things. Times Web site for “PreIf you haven’t figured it election news and discus- out yet, this Web site is antision.” We have an interactive incumbent. When the rest of forum blog where you can you put your thinking caps post your comments or con- on and realize that complete tinue discussion of topics. change at City Hall is critiWe are well on our way to cal, perhaps you will pick becoming Imperial Beach’s new leaders who are not part “Other News Source of of a larger, self perpetuating Choice.” power machine called the Sorry you won’t see our IBCC.


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