Ibm Aix 6.1 New Features

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 12
Open, secure, scalable, reliable UNIX operating system for IBM Power Architecture servers

AIX Version 6.1

The next step in the evolution of the UNIX OS Businesses today need to maximize the return on investment in information technology. Their IT infrastructure should have the flexibility to quickly adjust to changing business computing requirements and scale to handle ever expanding workloads—without adding complexity. But just providing flexibility and performance isn’t enough; the IT infrastructure also needs to provide


rock solid security and near-continuous ■

Latest generation of IBM’s well-

Built on IBM POWER6™ tech-

proven, scalable, open

nology and virtualization to help

standards-based UNIX®

deliver superior performance,

operating system

increase system utilization and efficiency, provide for easy

Features for virtualization,

administration and reduce

security, availability and man-

total costs

availability and while managing energy and cooling costs. These are just some of the reasons why more and more businesses are choosing the AIX operating system (OS) running on IBM systems designed with

ageability designed to make

Power Architecture® technology. With

AIX® 6 even more flexible,

its proven scalability, advanced virtual-

secure and available than

ization, security, manageability and reli-

previous versions

ability features, the AIX OS is an excellent choice for building an IT infrastructure. And, AIX is the only operating system that leverages decades of IBM technology innovation designed to provide the highest level of performance and reliability of any UNIX operating system.

The newest version of AIX, Version 6.1,

easier and less expensive to manage.

You can use PowerVM Workload

is binary compatible with previous ver-

This AIX release underscores IBM’s firm

Partitions to save administrative overhead

sions of the AIX OS, including AIX 5L™

commitment to long-term UNIX innova-

when consolidating systems, by reducing

and even earlier versions of AIX. This

tions that deliver business value. This

the number of AIX instances that have to

means that applications that ran on

release of AIX continues the evolution of

be managed. For example, instead of

earlier versions will continue to run

the UNIX OS that started in Austin,

applying patches to multiple copies of

on AIX 6.1—guaranteed. AIX 6.1 is an

Texas, with AIX on the RT PC and the

AIX 6.1, using WPARs, you can patch the

open standards-based UNIX OS that is

RISC Systems/6000™ (RS/6000).

global instance, and all WPARs inherit that


same patch level. This helps manage

designed to comply with the Open Group’s Single UNIX Specification

AIX 6.1 is available in two different edi-

growth by allowing you to concentrate on

Version 3.

tions: a Standard Edition that includes

managing applications instead of spend-

AIX only and an AIX Enterprise

ing time on repetitive administration tasks.

AIX 6.1 runs on systems based on

Edition that includes AIX 6, the

POWER4™, PPC970, POWER5™ and

Workload Partitions Manager for AIX

Each PowerVM Workload Partition can be

the latest generation of POWER™

and several Tivoli® products. AIX

separately administered from other

processor, POWER6. Most of the new

Enterprise Edition is designed to pro-

WPARs in the system. For example, each

features of AIX 6.1 are available on the

vide enterprise management capabilities

WPAR can have unique users and groups

earlier POWER processor-based plat-

with all the capabilities of AIX 6 in a sin-

and a unique root administrator. The root

forms, but the most capability is deliv-

gle product.

user for a WPAR cannot take actions that would affect the global instance or other

ered on systems built with the new POWER6 processors. The AIX OS is

PowerVM Workload Partitions

designed for the IBM Power™,

WPARs. This isolation provides for further

Workload Partitions

savings through delegation of administra-

System p™, System i™, System p5™,

AIX 6.1 introduces a new, software-based,

tive work.

System i5™, eServer™ p5, eServer

virtualization approach called PowerVM™

pSeries® and eServer i5 server product

Workload Partitions (WPARs). WPARs

PowerVM Workload Partitions share a

lines, as well as IBM BladeCenter®

enable the creation of multiple virtual

single AIX 6.1 instance, so there is less

blades based on Power Architecture

AIX 6.1 environments inside of a single

isolation than there is with logical parti-

technology and IBM IntelliStation®

AIX 6.1 instance. Each WPAR can have a

tions (LPAR) in which each LPAR has its

POWER workstations.

unique “root” administrator, network

own independent copy of AIX 6.1.

addresses, filesystems and security con-

Feedback from users of AIX 6.1 is

AIX 6.1 extends the capabilities of the

text (users and groups). WPARs share a

that WPARs provide enough isolation for

AIX OS to include new virtualization

regulated portion of the processing and

many workloads—at a substantial savings

approaches including the ability to relo-

I/O resources of the global instance but

of administrative effort. WPARs can be

cate applications between systems

are isolated from the processes and users

used inside of LPARs, allowing the combi-

without restarting the application,

in other WPARs or in the global instance.

nation of the two technologies to leverage

new security features to improve and

WPARs are unique in that they are the

the superior isolation of LPARs with the

simplify security administration, new

only software-based virtualization

administrative ease of WPARs.

availability features inspired by

approach designed from the beginning to

IBM legacy systems and numerous

be movable between systems. This capa-

features designed to make the AIX OS

bility, called Live Application Mobility, is described below.

AIX 6.1 provides for two types of

AIX 6.1 includes Workload Partitions as

because the entire WPAR, including the

Workload Partitions—System WPARs and

part of the base operating system.

application context, has been moved to

Application WPARs:

WPARs can be created and managed

the target system. The WPAR Manager

on a single AIX 6.1 instance using

will also typically be used to control the

System WPARs look like inde-

SMIT and command line interfaces.

relocation, but command line interfaces

pendent AIX 6.1 instances. They

IBM also provides a new licensed pro-

can also be used. Live Application Mobility

have their own copies of many

gram product, the IBM PowerVM

has been enhanced to provide near

system services like init and mail,

Workload Partitions Manager™ for AIX

instantaneous transfer of a WPAR from

they can be logged into via telnet,

(WPAR Manager) that lets you manage

one system to another—transparently

and they have their own users and

WPARs across multiple systems. The

moving applications without substantially


WPAR Manager product is available

affecting end users.

Application WPARs are much

separately; it is not part of AIX 6.1.

Live Application Mobility is designed to

simpler; an Application WPAR is Live Application Mobility

provide several benefits: first, it allows

cation that makes it more man-

Workload Partitions can be moved from

some outages to be avoided by moving

ageable. Application WPARs run

one system to another without restarting

the application off of a system that needs

inside of the global instance and

the application or causing significant dis-

to be shut down for maintenance; sec-

do not have their own administra-

ruption to the application end user. This

ond, it can be used to balance workloads

tor, filesystems or security context.

process is called Live Application Mobility,

across several systems—automatically or

All processes running inside of an

a feature of AIX 6.1 and the Workload

manually; and finally, it can be used to

Application WPAR can be grouped

Partitions Manager for AIX (WPAR

move workloads off servers during non-

together for management, includ-

Manager). During the relocation process,

peak periods so that those servers could

ing resource controls. Because

the WPAR Manager first creates a check-

be turned off—saving energy.

Application WPARs are not run-

point of the Workload Partition, then the

ning their own copies of system

memory and other WPAR configuration

PowerVM Live Application Mobility is a

processes like init, they have an

information is moved to the target system,

feature of AIX 6.1 and the WPAR Manager

even smaller resource footprint

and finally, the WPAR is resumed on the

and can be used on any hardware sup-

than System WPARs.

new system—right where it left off.

ported by AIX 6.1.

simply a wrapper around an appli-

Applications do not have to be restarted

Security features

Trusted AIX

AIX Security Expert

Providing for a secure computing envi-

Trusted AIX extends the security capabili-

The AIX Security Expert was introduced

ronment has always been a key goal for

ties of the AIX OS by integrating compart-

with Technology Level 5 update to the

the AIX OS. AIX 6.1 is designed to be

mentalized, multilevel security (MLS) into

AIX 5.3 OS, and provides clients with

compliant under the Common Criteria

the base operating system to meet critical

the capability to manage more than

at Common Access Protection

government and private industry security

300 system security settings from a single

Profile/Evaluation Assurance Level 4+,

requirements. Trusted AIX is implemented

interface. To configure security on a sys-

including the Role Based Access

as an installation option that can provide

tem, you start with a template that pro-

Control Protection Profile (RBACPP)

the highest levels of label-based security

vides the initial configuration and then

and the Labeled Security Protection

to meet critical government and private

customize to fit security requirements. The

Profile (LSPP). It includes many new

industry security requirements. Trusted AIX

Security Expert provides four templates:

features that can increase security while

supports various MLS features such as

high, medium or low security or a

reducing the effort needed to provide a

partitioned directories, trusted networking

Sarbanes Oxley template designed to help

secure infrastructure:

and labeled printing.

you become compliant with the security requirements of the Sarbanes Oxley Act.

Role Based Access Control

Encrypting Filesystem

Once the Security Expert has been used

Role Based Access Control (RBAC) pro-

The IBM Enhanced Journaled Filesystem

to configure security on a system, you can

vides improved security and manageability

Extended (JFS2) adds even greater data

export those security settings and use

by allowing administrators to grant author-

security with the capability to encrypt the

them to set other systems identically. With

ization for management of specific AIX 6.1

data in a filesystem. Clients can select

AIX 6.1, you can even store these security

resources to users other than root. RBAC

from a number of different encryption

configurations directly in a Lightweight

can also be used to associate specific

algorithms. The encrypted data can even

Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

management privileges with programs,

be backed up in encrypted format, reduc-

directory—simplifying implementation of

which can reduce the need to run those

ing the risk of data being compromised if

consistent security across an entire

programs under the root user or via

backup media is lost or stolen. The


setuid. RBAC improves security by reduc-

Encrypting Filesystem can even help pre-

ing the number of root users required to

vent the compromise of data by root level

manage systems. It can reduce adminis-

users. The Encrypting Filesystem does not

trative costs and improve administrative

require significant additional administrative

efficiency by allowing secure delegation of

effort because the key management is

routine administrative tasks to non-root

automatic and fully integrated into the


login authentication process.

Secure by Default Installation Option

Support for Long Pass Phrases

Kernel Support for POWER6

The AIX 6.1 installation process will offer a

AIX 6.1 and AIX 5.3 Technology Level

Storage Keys

new option, Secure by Default that

7 will support greater than eight character

This AIX 6.1 feature brings a mainframe-

enables only the minimal number of sys-

passwords for authentication of users.

inspired reliability capability to the UNIX

tem and network services to provide the

These releases will provide for storing of

market for the first time. Enabled by the

maximum amount of security. Secure by

passwords using encryption algorithms

POWER6 processor, Storage Keys can

Default works best when used in conjunc-

such as SHA/256/512, MD5 etc. System-

reduce the number of intermittent outages

tion with the AIX Security Expert to tightly

wide controls can be configured by the

associated with undetected memory over-

control the security configuration of each

administrator to choose the algorithm as

lays inside the AIX kernel and kernel


well as the size of the password which

extensions. Applications can also use the

could be up to 255 characters. Enhanced

POWER6 Storage Keys feature to

Trusted Execution

support will also include support for pass

increase the reliability of large, complex

In Trusted Execution mode, AIX 6.1 will


applications running under the AIX 5.3 or AIX 6.1 releases.

verify the integrity programs at execution time. This can increase security by reduc-

In addition to these new features,

ing the possibility that tampered programs

AIX 6.1 provides a wide range of other

could be used to compromise the security

integrated security features—all

AIX 6.1 provides a new dynamic tracing

of the system. A signature (SHA256/RSA)

designed to provide a high level of con-

capability that can simplify debugging

database for important system files is cre-

fidence in the safety of mission-critical

complex system or application code. This

ated automatically as part of the regular

processes and applications.

dynamic tracing facility will be introduced

Dynamic Tracing

through a new tracing command, probe-

AIX 6.1 install. The Trusted Execution tool can be used to check the integrity of the

Near-continuous availability features

vue, which allows a developer or system

system against the database. Also the

Over the years, the AIX OS has

administrator to dynamically place probes

administrator can define policies such that

included many reliability features

in existing application or kernel code,

the loads of files listed in the database are

inspired by IBM legacy technologies.

without requiring special source code or

monitored and execution/loads not

The release of AIX 6.1 introduces

even recompilation. probevue is very flexi-

allowed if hashes do not match.

unprecedented availability features to

ble, allowing dynamic specification of the

Additionally the administrator can lock the

the UNIX market that can help reduce

data to be captured at probe points and

signature database or the files in the data-

planned and unplanned outages. These

providing the ability to associate execution

base from being modified by any one in

features include:

pre-conditions with a given probe.

the system, including root. ●

Concurrent AIX Kernel Updates Concurrent AIX updates provides a new capability to deliver some kernel updates as interim fixes that will not require a system reboot to put into effect. This can reduce the number of unplanned outages required to maintain a secure, reliable system.

Non-intrusive Service Aids

Enhanced Software First Failure Data

Functional Recovery Routines

AIX 6.1 service aids are designed to mini-


When many operating systems other than

mally impact performance and availability.

IBM has included many availability fea-

IBM z/OS® encounter a severe problem

Second Failure Data Capture (SFDC) tech-

tures in the AIX 5.3 and earlier releases.

inside the heart of the OS, they crash.

nology involves building highly tunable

One of the key innovations used to

AIX 6.1 is the first UNIX OS to introduce

diagnostic and data capture features into

improve the reliability, availability and serv-

new technology that can, in some cases,

the operating system, but only enabling

iceability features of the AIX OS was the

recover from errors that would otherwise

them after problem diagnosis has started.

introduction of First Failure Data Capture

cause the operating system to crash. This

The result is faster, less-disruptive problem

(FFDC) technology. As a concept bor-

is just another example of a feature

determination, without the need to install

rowed from IBM hardware reliability fea-

inspired by IBM’s legacy technology and

special “debug” code. AIX 6.1 also intro-

tures, FFDC gathers diagnostic

designed to improve the reliability of AIX,

duces a mainframe-inspired live dump

information about a problem at the time

our premier UNIX OS.

facility which allows selected subsystems

the problem occurs–dramatically reducing

to dump their diagnostic information for

the need to recreate the problem (and

Manageability features

subsequent service analysis, without

impact performance and availability) at a

Many of the features already described

requiring a full system dump and partition

later time to generate diagnostic informa-

such as Workload Partitions, Live

outage. For those problems that still

tion. Because clients do not typically inter-

Application Mobility, Role Based Access

require a partition restart in order to

act with this technology, it is one of the

Control, AIX Security Expert, and AIX

recover, AIX 6.1 provides a firmware-

“hidden innovations” that is largely unseen

Concurrent Updates can significantly

assisted dump mode on systems based

but is designed to help increase the over-

improve the administrative efficiency of

on POWER6 processor technology. In this

all reliability, serviceability and most impor-

managing the AIX OS, particularly as

new mode, AIX 6.1 cooperates with sys-

tant, availability of the AIX OS. AIX 6.1

tem firmware to write the First Failure Data

builds on the FFDC capabilities introduced

Capture (FFDC) information to the dump

in previous AIX releases by introducing

device using the restarted AIX 6.1 image,

even more instrumentation to provide real

rather than writing to the dump device at

time diagnostic information.

the time of the failure. The result is fewer dump failures which can enable quicker problem determination and resolution.

AIX environments grow. AIX 6.1 also

Automatic Variable Page Size for

Name Resolver Caching Daemon

includes additional features specifically


This daemon caches requests to resolve a

intended to improve the manageability

AIX 6.1 will automatically manage the size

hostname, service or netgroup to improve

of the AIX OS:

of pages used when it is running on a

the efficiency of subsequent requests for

system based on POWER6 processors.

the same information. Use of this facility

IBM Systems Director Console for AIX

AIX 6.1 will automatically use 4K, 64K or a

can dramatically improve the performance

This new management interface allows

combination of those page sizes to opti-

of applications that are dependent on

administrators to manage AIX 6.1

mize performance without administrative

repeated requests for name resolution.

remotely through a browser. The

effort. This self tuning feature can be con-

IBM Systems Director Console for AIX

trolled by the administrator but the default

(console) provides responsive Web access

behavior is to let AIX 6.1 manage page

This new installation option is intended

to common systems management tools

sizes automatically.

primarily for use by administrators with

such as the Systems Management Interface Tool (SMIT). The console is

Graphical Installation

limited AIX installation experience. Solution Performance Tuning

Graphical Installation simplifies the installa-

included as part of AIX 6.1—no other

The default tuning parameters for AIX 6.1

tion process but includes options to navi-

products are required to use it other than

have been changed to provide much bet-

gate to the traditional installation menus if

a Web browser. The console is named

ter performance for most applications


after the IBM Systems Director because it

right out of the box. In many cases,

is built on the same graphical user inter-

administrators can get good applications

face as the IBM Systems Director. The

performance without the need to make

console also provides the capability to

any tuning changes.

securely run administrative commands on multiple systems.

Network Installation Manager Support

Platform Support

on all supported hardware. A few fea-

for NFSv4

AIX Version 6.1 will run on systems

tures are only available when AIX 6.1 is

The Network Installation Manager (NIM)

based on POWER4, PPC970,

running on a system built with

has been enhanced to provide additional

POWER5 and POWER6 processors.

POWER6 processors. The table below

security features and flexibility by enabling

Most features of AIX 6.1 are available

lists selected features of AIX 6.1 and

the use of NFS version 4. NIM can use

whether those features require

NVSv4 to provide stronger, Kerberos-

POWER6 processors.

based security during the installation of AIX 6.1 and other software.

AIX 6.1 Feature

Platforms Supported

PowerVM Workload Partitions


Live Application Mobility


Application Storage Keys

POWER6 (also supported by AIX 5.3)

Kernel Storage Keys


Automatic Variable Page Size


Firmware Assisted Dump


Hardware Decimal Floating-Point

POWER6 (also supported by AIX 5.3)

Role Based Access Control


Encrypting Filesystem


Trusted AIX


probevue Dynamic Tracing


AIX 6.1 only supports the 64-bit kernel.

user and occurs with no application

Open source flexibility

32-bit and 64-bit applications that

downtime. Like Live Application Mobility,

AIX 6.1 offers a wide range of system

ran on AIX 5L will continue to run

Live Partition Mobility can enable

interoperability features and open

unchanged on AIX 6.1, but 32-bit ker-

increased availability, workload balancing

source tools to enable Linux® applica-

nel extensions and device drivers are

and energy savings.

tions to be recompiled and run in a

not supported on AIX 6.1.

native AIX 6.1 environment. AIX affinity Shared Dedicated Capacity

with Linux can promote faster and less

IBM systems based on the POWER6

This new configuration option for dedi-

costly deployment of multi-platform,

processor such as the Power 570 pro-

cated processor partitions enables the

integrated solutions. Many solutions

vide additional virtualization capabilities

administrator to donate excess processor

developed for Linux will run on AIX 6.1

of the PowerVM feature that are sup-

cycles to a Shared Processor Pool without

with a simple recompilation of the

ported by AIX 5.3 as well as AIX 6.1.

affecting the workload running in the dedi-

source code. IBM provides the AIX

These features include:

cated processor partition.

Toolbox for Linux Applications, which is

a collection of open source and GNU ●

Multiple Shared Processor Pools

software commonly found with Linux

This new capability of POWER6

Most POWER6 processor-based systems

distributions. Because the applications

processor-based systems allows an entire

support multiple separate Shared

run on AIX, businesses can combine

logical partition to be relocated from one

Processor Pools. This feature can be

the flexibility of Linux with the

server to another while end users are

used for additional control of processor

advanced features of AIX 6.1, including

using applications running in the partition.

resource allocations and potentially can

advanced workload management,

The relocation is transparent to the end

reduce the license charges for applica-

sophisticated systems management

tions running in a micro-partition.

tools, scalability and security.

PowerVM Live Partition Mobility

AIX Version 6.1 New Features



Virtualization PowerVM Workload Partitions

Reduced administration, improved system efficiency

Live Application Mobility

Increased application availability, enhanced workload manageability and energy savings

PowerVM Live Partition Mobility

Increased application availability, enhanced workload manageability and energy savings * **

Multiple Shared Processor Pools

Greater resource management flexibility and reduced application software expense * **

Shared Dedicated Processors

Improved server utilization * **

Role Based Access Control

Improved security, decreased administration costs

Encrypting Filesystem

Improved security

Trusted AIX

Highest level of security for critical government and business workloads

AIX Security Expert

Improved security, decreased administration costs by enabling federated management of security across multiple AIX systems

Secure by Default

Improved security on initial installations of AIX 6.1

Trusted Execution

Improved security

Filesystem Permissions Tool

Improved security




Near-continuous Availability Concurrent AIX Updates

Greater system availability, improved security by enabling critical security patches to be installed without causing an outage

Storage Keys

Improved AIX availability* and improved application availability**

Dynamic Tracing

Easier resolution to application execution and performance problems

Enhanced First Failure Data Capture

Increased AIX reliability and quicker problem resolution

Non-intrusive Service Aids

Increased AIX reliability and quicker problem resolution

Functional Recovery Routines

Increased AIX and application reliability and availability

PowerVM Workload Partitions

Reduced administrative expense by reducing the number of AIX operating systems to maintain. Greater flexibility to deploy and manage workloads

Live Application Mobility

Improved flexibility to improve application availability and performance and to reduce energy costs

PowerVM Workload Partitions Manager

Reduced management costs by providing federated management of workload partitions across the enterprise

PowerVM Live Partition Mobility

Improved flexibility to improve application availability and performance and to reduce energy costs * **

IBM System Director Console for AIX

Reduced administrative costs and improved administrative effectiveness by enabling Webbased administration across multiple AIX instances

Automatic Variable Page Size

Improved performance with reduced administrative effort


* Supported only on Power™ Systems servers with POWER6 technology ** Also supported by AIX 5.3

AIX Expansion Pack

number of other useful applications.

Service and support to help keep

The AIX Expansion Pack extends the

The AIX Expansion Pack also includes

businesses running

base operating system by providing an

new, supported versions of the lsof,

AIX 6.1 provides a platform that lets

integrated directory server, encryption

openssh and openssl administrative

you get the most out of today’s applica-

support, an HTTP server to serve


tions while positioning your business for

online publication pages and support

the future. And like all Power Systems

Web-based System Manager and a

products, AIX 6.1 is backed by IBM’s worldwide service and support.

For more information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Corporation Integrated Marketing Communications, Systems and Technology Group Route 100 Somers, NY 10589

For more information on AIX 6.1 releases and upgrade benefits, contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner or visit the

Produced in the United States of America October 2008 All Rights Reserved

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This publication was developed for products and/or services offered in the United States. IBM may not offer the products, features or services discussed in this publication in other countries. The information may be subject to change without notice. Consult your local IBM business contact for information on the products, features and services available in your area. All statements regarding IBM’s future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. IBM, the IBM logo, AIX, AIX 5L, BladeCenter, eServer, IntelliStation, Power, POWER, POWER4, POWER5, POWER6, PowerVM, Power Architecture, Power Systems, pSeries, RISC Systems/6000, System i, System i5, System p, System p5, Workload Partitions Manager and z/OS are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries or both. A full list of U.S. trademarks owned by IBM may be found at: UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States, other countries or both. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts, or new and used parts. Regardless, our warranty terms apply.

All performance estimates are provided “AS IS” and no warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by IBM. Buyers should consult other sources of information, including system benchmarks, to evaluate the performance of a system they are considering buying. 1

More information on the binary compatibility of AIX 6.1 can be found at os/aix/compatibility/.

Photographs show engineering and design models. Changes may be incorporated in production models. Copying or downloading the images contained in this document is expressly prohibited without the written consent of IBM. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of these products. Questions on the capabilities of the nonIBM products should be addressed with the suppliers.


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