Iago Character Analysis Essay

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  • Words: 981
  • Pages: 4
I am not what I am- Iago character analysis Iago, the triumphant villain within Othello is a complicated character- his true intentions are shrouded in the layers of deception and deviance that help create his false visage. The heinous crimes he sets out to achieve are unfathomable, yet without this peculiar character the play itself would be little more than a light romantic drama. Iago is the villain we love to hate; he makes the play and at the same time breaks all the characters within it, he is the sole instigator of the tragic eventfulness within Othello. And yet still Iago is one of the most complex characters within Shakespearean tragedy. To for fill the plot outline, it was essential that Iago was depicted as the epitome of evil, and this is accomplished within his particular characteristic traits. His heightened devious nature comes across only within his many soliloquies, and Shakespeare used these to evoke frustration within the audience; the true dramatic irony of his character only seeps out during these extended asides. The intention was to stir up pity towards the other characters, who are tragically fooled by Iago’s split personality. “Honest Iago…O good Iago” Desdemona, in seeking his advice. We see the deceptive web that Iago has wound around everyone but himself, and the irony is the characters truly believe he is an honest being. Shakespeare repeats the word ‘honest’ over 50 times during the play, obsessively throwing the word around so to exaggerate the contradictory meaning within Othello’s context. The self obsessed cloud that remains around Iago’s head throughout the play, is only revealed to the audience. Towards the other characters, he maintains his master disguise of loyalty and truthfulness, when in actual fact he is conspiring against them all.

The innate evil within Iago is only truly revealed at the end of the play, when he has done the damage. The concept of evil is so overplayed that it seems Iago’s actions are motiveless; he does not have a specific reason for desiring to bring down his fellow characters. As an audience, we cannot truly believe the justifications he gives along the play, due to his overwhelming deceptive tendencies. And when questioned, he replies with a tone that exposes nothing. Othello- “Why he hath thus ensnar’d my soul and body?” Iago- “Demand me nothing; what you know, you know. From this time forth I never will speak word” The cunning nature of Iago is so dramatised, that we almost cringe as each thing Iago sets out to do; he accomplishes with great success. However the question arises, really how clever is Iago? As he said himself, he does not have a master plan- his innovation and eagerness to exploit are the true reasons for his success as a villain. Iago seizes every opportunity to take advantage of the vulnerabilities of his victims, and in doing so he personally succeeds. This is reinforced by the proud ego covering his true insecurities; Shakespeare makes this apparent as he displays Iago’s uncertainty regarding himself. This in turn brings light to the issue of Iago’s insecurities, the somewhat subconscious moral to why he goes about causing destruction. In Iago’s world, the hate comes first and then the fabricated motif follows. It is an example of his constant need to rationalize himself. The beliefs of adultery involving Othello and Cassio are fantasies that feed his hate. To work his hatred into rage, he invents hurts to justify his heinous actions. What he does not realise is that his urge to hate Othello is a product of the deep psychological problems that exist within himself; these

remain unmentioned in the play however the audience comes to make assumptions that Iago is not entirely sane In order to feel superiority, Iago also expresses his hatred towards women- treating them as sexual objects to satisfy men’s desires and nothing more. Iago- “You rise to play/And go to bed to work.” To add towards his apparent loathing towards women, at the end of the play Iago murders his own spouse; Emilia. This reinforces the idea that Emilia is seen more as a servant than a companion in Iago’s eyes. This behaviour is heavily contrasted with Othello’s passionate love towards Desdemona; however although both relationships are juxtaposed against each other- both men commit the same crime; the act of murdering their own wives. This denotes towards Iago’s tremendous influence over Othello’s behaviours. The certain techniques Shakespeare has used while constructing Iago’s speech allow the responder to build a dense image of the villain. Lacing Iago’s words with dank imagery, bestial images and sexual innuendo indicates his dark conception of the world in general; this language reflects the depravity of his mind. Iago- “Even now, now, very now, an old black ram Is tupping your white ewe. Arise, arise;” … “I am one, sir, that comes to tell you’re your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs” Immediately Iago’s thoughts towards Othello and Desdemona’s elopement are evident within his tone. He refers to Othello as an old black ram- indicating his racially charged hatred towards Othello. The metaphoric reference to Othello and Desdemona making love is full of detestation and loathing; it is clear that whatever affection he later displays towards Othello- it is all part of his act.

The character of Iago is so layer that one could delve significantly deeper into his nuances and personality; however it is undeniable that Iago plays the main role in plot development within the play. With fine usage of techniques that hint at Iago’s haunted personality- Shakespeare is able to conjure up a villain that has fascinated audiences for centuries. At the end, we leave without fully understanding the reasoning behind the tragic conclusion; we are left unsatisfied yet intrigued by Iago; a being who eternally remains unknowable.

975 words by Asha Forsyth 2009

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