I Write To Say.

  • November 2019
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Re: HappyValentinesday

DearAmy,my love AfterI spoketo you and RaffieI lookedout of my windowand saw Dc Suthepup in the sky.The lighthidthe outlineof the mountainandit lookedlikeheavenhighup abovethe city. I am sorryI got angrytonight.I don'treallysuspectyou and Olivier.I alsodon'tthinkthatit is impossible thatyouare sleeping withhim.ButI likehim,and if I can'ttrustyouwithhim thenljust can'ttrustyou. I was annoyedthatyou didn'ttell me straightawaywhenI askedyou whatyouweredoing,but I alsounderstand thatyoujustwantedto takethe lineof leastresistance. Anyway,I readyourcolourful Valentinemessagesand |m veryglady wrotethem.Thankyou. I loveyou Amy

. Mail- [email protected]

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Doug m> v On 2114| 06, tuangkanok sukapunapand HappyValentines day my LoveDouggie > Howareyou ?

> lwrite to say I loveyou as I alwaysdo. I'm missingyou everyhour.l > the memoryof you in my brian,myblood,my vein,my breathand in > | wishwe couldlivetogetherverysoon. > withall of my love, > yourAmy > Do You Yahoo!? > Tiredof spam?Yahoo!Mailhasthe bestspamprotection around > http:/m ail.yah_g o.c*o_ m.

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