-You are so talented,..If you were more ambitious you could be wizard head , vampire head, ghost head…but you are a poor wearwolf…even wearwolf head!.. -Oh , mother calm down!..But why?! I love being ‘a poor wearwolf’ ‘cuz I love my life and I love you so much..(tipand la mama sa). -(bate puternic cu piciorul in podea)..But no ‘cuz you are deserved to be anything else …not a simple wearwolf!!...Oh..my dear son.. -(bate puternic cu picorul im podea, uitandu-se pe mica fereastra de desupra sa)I will give you a proof and you will be proud of your son.. -But you are so talented,..If you were more ambitious you could be wizard head , vampire head, ghost head…but you are a poor wearwolf…even wearwolf head!.. -(batand cu picorul in podea incepe sa-si convinga mama ca nu este ceea ce pare)..But mother I am brave !..Let me doing something and I will promis you that you will be proud of your son! Just tell me what can I do! -SCENA 2( se aude un sunet si intra in viteza un tanar vrajitor aducand posta…fara sa spuna nimic ii da in mana Mirandei 1 plic si iese la fel cum a intrat) -It’s a letter from my sister..oh..it is from Black Land . She has problems ‘cuz in 3 days it is Halloween and her monster are captivated by your..your -My?! My what?!..(tipand) -(plangand)..By of your father.. -But I don’t have a father…you’ve told me that I haven’t a father.. -I lie you…your father is a monster who have made a lot of wars against my sister..and now you make me proud of you if you will save her monsters. -Ok…yes yes this is my chance of my life!!( spune aceste lucruri cu fata la public , fara ca mama sa sa-l auda) -Now I prepared a little bag for you..now go, go..don’t forget that you have only 3 days! -I won’t forget it! -Good luck, my dear!
-SCENA 3(Miranda e singura in incapere incepand sa vorbeasca despre fiul sau)
-It is good for me if he will come back home alive(razand)…I know that he can’t do more ..but if he were mre ambitious he could become a wizard head…no no no…don’t repeat it again Miranda..It’s enough Miranda!!
ACTUL 2 -SCENA 1(suna un telefon) -Oh..tell me that you’re still alive, please.. -Yes mother , I am fine! Bye. -SCENA 2( a ajuns in BLACK LAND) -Hello , aunt Evelin! -(plangand)..Oh my dear , I was waiting for you..Why are again late?! - but I am not late..it is only 1 p.m. o’clock….(isi verifa ceasul)..oh yes you’re again write it’s …7 p.m.?!.. - Shut up , stupid!. Now we have to go at Maximlian to save my dear monster.. -(cantand)…I will meet my father.. I will meet my father…I will meet my father.. -( Evelina se intoarce dandu-i o palma)..Shut up …you wanna meet your father..? don’t you know that he has stolen my monster , my treasure and a half of my kingdom?!.. -No but thank you for telling me ..now I start to hate him!
-SCENA 3-We arrived at his castle. You have to go in the basement and there you will find 3 keys , you will get them and you will unlock the 3 cages. - But how can I go in the basement? - You have to have an ivitation. -Really? - No stupid…you have to find a way to go in the castle…or you can go at the guardians and tell them that you are Maximilian’s son. -Are you kidding me? -Of course ..look at your face ! you are so scared like a baby.. -No I am not. I am brave and now I will go to save your monster. (el incearca sa treaca de zid ..dupa cateva incercari cade pe partea cealalta si ridica deasupra zidului un stegulet alb).
-SCENA 4-Yes I can see the keys.(le ia si se duce usor sa descuie custile). - Are you hurry?(doi strajeri se apropie de el cu 2 sabii moderne argintii) -Yes, I am ..Bye! (ia monstrii de mana sii alearga cu ei in tot castelul pentru ca uitase unde e iesire..intre timp da de sala tronului , unde pe un scaun sta tatal sau) -No …no way ..don’t tell me that you’re my father.. -Son?!..yes I hope that I am you father but what Are doing with that monsters..they are mine now.. - no, they are not yours. They belong to my aunt, Evelina..and if you have ever loved me you will give me back the monsters.. -Oh son , you put me in this situation…what can I do now? Of course I love you event though I haven’t stayed with you..as I said what can I do?!..As you want…get the monsters and please leave me alone…. -I won’t go till you promis me that you won’t attack my aunt again..ever!!
ACTUL 3 -SCENA 1Teller:-Halloween passed and we are back to Miranda’s house. -Hello .is anybody home?.. (nimeni nu rapunde..in semiintuneric Miaranda sta pe scaun fara sa zica nimic) - You are so talented,..If you were more ambitious you could be wizard head , vampire head, ghost head…but you are a poor wearwolf…even wearwolf head!..My old remark..But now I have one that it is better for my brave son!!..What a brave boy..even though he is not a waerwolf head..but his mine and I love him!! -Yes mother…you’ve seen that I was brave and now I hope that you are proud of your son!... (cei doi stau pe doua scaune unul langa altul imbratisandu-se puternic)