Windows Media Player 11 ung dung cong nghe kiem tra ban quyen rat nghiet nga "Windows Genuine Advantage Validation" cua Microsoft. Vi the khong the cai duoc no neu ban dung ban Windows khong co ban quyen, ban se gap thong bao loi "Setup cannot continue" Muon Setup duoc chi can mot thu thuat nho sau : - Dau tien may ban phai cai san WinRAR 3.51 - Dung WinRAR giai nen file Setup (window media player 11.exe) vao mot thu muc nao do (WMP11 chang han) - Chep file " legitlib.dll " (di kem tap tin huong dan nay) vao thu muc WMP11 (chep de len file legitlib.dll cu de loai bo viec kiem tra ban quyen) - Sau do ban chi can chay tap tin "setup_wm.exe" trong thu muc WMP11 de cai dat ma thoi. Ban cung co the tai file Setup wmp11 da duoc viet hoa so so tai dia chi: