Huntress Chapter 1,2,3,4

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  • Words: 4,852
  • Pages: 9
I barred my teeth and ran. Dodging trees while hearing them behind me. One of them howled into the sky, calling for back up. They will never touch me, never, I have the graceful skill of running fast, and master at deeking. Growing up with boys will get you that. I was abandoned by my mother and never knew my father, I was found in an ally where a seventeen year old boy cared for me. Soon I was playing with them, and running wild. By the time I was ten, I was faster than al the other boys, of course the boy who had found me was twenty seven by them and started his own family. Again I was left alone on the streets. I found companions here and there, but they never stayed. So I grew up stealing and striving for myself. This is where it got me, being chased by the royal guards, for they caught me in the act. More sounds behind me. Probably doubled. Cowards. I was loosing them, so I quickly hid behind a tree. They ran past me and I was quiet for a moment. One footstep crunched behind me. Automatically my hair on the back of my neck stood up. I slowly turned around. Suddenly a lycan jumped on me. It bit my leg, I howled out of pain and dropped to the ground. Another one attacked my belly. That prevented me from escaping. Slowly and quietly all five of them were standing around me, waiting for me to present my belly. Never , never, never will I admit defeat. Instead I growled and one of them hit me with their claws, which scratched my face a bit. Again I growled and instead of hitting me, one of them nudged me to get up. I struggled but did so. One of them left and came back being human, and in his hand, rope. Fun. Since I couldn’t really move because everything was so painful, I just stood there. He tied the rope around my muzzle, and then around my neck and belly. Finally connecting it to my hind left leg. This was so I defiantly could not escape. While he was doing that, the rest of the guards went to change into human form. When they came back, I could see that they were all male. “So what to do with her?” one of them asked. “Let’s keep her for our personal use, eh?” another suggested. “Yeah, yeah ,yeah, yeah,” came from the males. Disgusting, “No!” all of them went eerily quiet. I’m guessing that was their leader of the pack. “We work for the King, or have you fools forgotten? We will bring her to the King.” most of them were disappointed, but complied, following orders. So, here I was being sent to the King. I mentally thought of all the possibilities that he could do to me. Whipping, personal use, slave, or death. Personally I despised him so much I would much rather die than be anything for him. “Let’s go!” one of them yelled. He hit me on the back to get moving. “Hey!” another one yelled at the guy holding me and took the responsibility of putting me in the wan. He was much more patient with me. Aware of all my injuries. When we were in the van they put me in a cage. “ Name’s Josh Adolfus, and you are Huntress, am I correct?” the man asked. I was surprised because his last name meant Nobel Wolf and he was in fact kind. Then, there was of course my name. Huntress. It was a nick name for me because I was always thieving. And that I was a wolf. I was the best of the best. The boys on the street first named me that. I looked back at Josh and nodded, since I couldn’t speak being in my wolf form. He smiled back at me, With his face I could see he was trying not to make me worried about the King. But I wasn’t anyways. I know he is a bastard. Josh was nice, nice face, nice eyes, nice hair. A good guy I decided. Another while I got so tired to keep my defences up. My injuries were killing me, and I needed to rest badly before they got worse. So I stopped pacing and looked around to see if it was possible. Then I caught Josh’s eye. “ Don’t worry I won’t let them hurt you. Rest yourself huntress.” I thanks him with my eyes. Somehow I knew I could trust him. Slowly I lowered myself on the ground and whimpered a couple of time because of my bruises and cuts. Finally, finding a comfortable position, I fell deep asleep, and dreamed.

“Get away from me!” I screamed, “no! Leave me alone!” The figured were advancing on us. Us? Someone else was there with me. I didn’t bother to check who it was. I was too scared. “Don’t be scared, you have to help us. You are the one Huntress. The one forever,” it dropped it’s clock and I screamed even louder. The body was the head of a wolf and body of man. I heard about these wolves. They were called Muses. Outcasts there were, and were treated like lepers or even worse. “What do you want from me?” I shouted at them. Five of them were now around me, and dropped their clocks. “Help us, be free. You are the one. Your destiny is to...” “Huntress, Huntress, Huntress! Wake up!” Slowly I opened my eyes and found Josh staring at me. “Are you okay?” he whispered. I nodded my head. “Shut the mutt, before I do!” one of the men yelled from the back. At that threat I got up and looked around me. Josh was sitting beside me on the side, while the two other mean were sitting on the opposite side, and two mean were in the front. The leader was driving. I looked at myself. My injuries were still bleeding a little, it would take at least another two days to heal them. My legs were cramped, I really needed to go for a walk and stretch. “Hey, can we go out for a bit?” Josh asked, noticing my discomfort. “Fine,” the leader said. I guess he was cramped too. Once the van slowed everyone got out. Then Josh helped me out of my cage, and put me on a thick metal chain. “I hope you won’t escape me,” he joked. I glared at him. “Of course I know I’m to pretty to run away from.” Then I laughed. For a while we both just grinned at each other. “The forest was filled with trees, and bushes. Clouds were covering the sky,. Since it was around mid fall, it was getting chilly. I remember this was the time when children went to school. Up until now I always went to school. I am seventeen years old. Yeah so that’s what you know about me. What I know about myself. I am also fierce, stubborn, and very independent. I also don’t trust easily, so that is why I am surprised I trust Josh. “So do you want to change into a human now?” I didn’t trust him that much, so I said shook my head. “Oh alright. SO then what do you want to do?” he asked. I looked on the ground and saw some untouched snow. I quickly approached it and wrote in the snow, HOW OLD ARE YOU? Josh came and read it. He smiled and said, “ Twenty one, and you?” I hesitated for a second if I should tell him. hen I wrote seventeen. “Really?” josh really looked confused. “I thought you were only twelve or eleven. You have a small built for a wolf, I guess that’s why you are so quick and agile.” I smiled a toothy grin. “Hey! Time to go back now!” shouted the leader. Josh quickly guided me back to the van and put me in the cage again/ One of them said it was only half an hour until we reach the castle. Time flew by, and before I knew it we were at the black iron bares, and behind that a castle. It was made out of white bricks with black towers, and there was green grass everywhere, with trees and bushes. It looked so pretty. Too bad I hated every moment of it. Slowly we made it through the gates and arrived at the front door. Josh took me out of my cage, and the door to the castle opened. Usually there are a lot of parts to the castle. Only one room is used constantly, over and over again for everyday things. These things are servants cleaning, resting, balls, parties, entertaining of any kind, and slave or prisoner welcomes. It is sometime to decide their fate, or even death. I heard a lot of people getting killed in this main room. The real room name is The Grande Room. I never thought this is where I would be standing. Yet, here I was. Slowly they dragged me into the room, and literally dragged me. I wasn’t moving at all. My belly and muzzle were getting burns from the rope that the leader of the guards was pulling me by. They threw me at the King's feet.

"Well....what is this?" King Richard Akyio boomed. "Sir, we found the Huntress and caught her," the leader explained. The prince, which was sitting beside the King looked at me. I stared straight into his eyes which is very disrespectful. I growled a deep sound. "Well, by time you caught her. She is such a little things, I was expecting she was bigger." He turned towards me, "You have caused me a lot of trouble, profit, and people. I shall think of what to do with you, but, first things first, change back." I growled. "It is not a question, it is an order, a command, you are familiar with civilization, yes? Anyways either you turn back or I shoot you with silver and put you in a cage, then you turn back. Which is it?" The King yelled. When you shoot a wolf with silver it doesn't kill us, instead after twentyfour hours it weakens us and we change back. I didn't want t change back, I felt safe in my wolf form. I barred me teeth and growled at the King. "As you wish," he sighed. "Guard bring me the gun." I looked desperately around the room, ways to escape. Around me must be fifteen guards, and in front the prince and King. Suddenly I noticed the hand on my leash relaxed, quickly I ran out towards the King, made a sharp turn and ran toward a closed door. Thank Goddess for my luck because a servant was coming in and I ran by her through the door. There was a pathway into the forest and I ran there trying to hid. .Me, being wounded definitely wouldn’t get far but I will try. I ran all the way to the end of the Royal Forest and noticed a little hole that lead underneath the fence. Probably made by a rabbit. I dug for a couple of minutes and slipped through. You know how people say they can smell freedom? Well that was how I was feeling. I grinned despite my state because I, The Huntress escaped the King. Finally then I did notice me state, my belly was bleeding heavily, my legs were scratched up and my muzzle was bleeding. Whatever, I need to get this rope off. Walking over to the nearest tree I started to sway. I was feeling very, very, very sleepy. Just a couple more steps. I can’t, I have to lie down. Slowly my feet collapsed and I fell on my side letting out a little whimper. Then there I was laying down like that for hours, I lost track of time. Finally night fell and I couldn’t even see the moon or the stars. I think I would die here. At least it would be a peaceful death. No! I cannot think that way. Get up Huntress! Right now! I thought. Slowly I twisted myself over. Oh, I think I broke something. Very excruciating pain hit me and I wanted to collapse again. I can’t. Get up!!! My front legs were up and my back legs. Finally I stood up. Then tried walking a few steps. I had a bad leg so I limped really slowly. A rustle from somewhere. I looked back and startled to see a white male wolf. He was huge, maybe twice the size of me. I gasped. No way was I going to outrun him. Well, goodbye life. Even I was scared shitless, I growled at him. He gave me a puzzled look. Wolves could normally talk in their heads to echoer. That only happens if you are in a pack and share blood. Or it could happen if you love someone deeply. You have to be careful though, wolves mate for life. I couldn’t handle keeping conscious anymore, and the white wolf was the last thing I saw as I was engulfed by darkness. When I woke up my body ached and my head was spinning. " Don't move," a voice said. On instinct I checked my surroundings. I was still in wolf form and my injuries were wrapped up. I was still in the forest near a tree. I looked up trying to see who my savour was. Of course I was still in wolf form so I couldn't speak. I could see it was an outline of a man. " It would be better if you could change into human, of course you will change in a couple of hours anyways. Your body is weakening. Here I will throw a blanket over you, then you can change," the deep male voice said. A red blanket covered me. He was right of course, I did have to change. Slowly I did. When wolves change all they have to think about is how a human

looks. Two seconds later I opened my eyes as a human. Right away I took a painful breath and discovered my injury was a stab in the rib and cut and bruises everywhere. God and I swear I sprained my left ankle. I could probably tell what the male thought of me or especially what he saw. Black hair spilt on the ground, long slender legs sticking from beneath the covers and finally the outline of a slender body underneath the red blanket. I had red lips and black eyes , my skin was fair. Don't judge me though, my whole body was packed with muscle. "Who are you?" I asked. My voice was hoarse because of lack of water. "Just think of me as a friendly admirer. You are quite talented in your ways. I heard you all the way in Canada." "I can take care of myself." " I can see that. Here, it's water not poisoned," the male pressed a bottle to my lips. I would not open them. "Fine you don't believe me then watch me take a sip." He did and then gave me some to drink, grateful I drank it. Again I felt sleepy, how is that possible? "Did you drug me?" "It was for your own good. Just rest, we will talk later." "I hate you." then once more fell into darkness. ***** When I woke I was in a cell. What the hell? It was dark and I was cold. The rock floor hurt my body and the walls and cells were very ugly. What did I do to get here? Last thing I remember is that stranger and him drugging me! I should have known not to trust anyone. I grew not trusting anyone and suddenly this stranger comes and bam! Damn him. Suddenly I heard some rustling at the other end. "Good to see your awake," a voice said. The person came into my sight. "Josh!" I was filled with relief. He was standing right in front of me. Suddenly my cheeks turned a red colour because all I had on was the red blanket wrapped around me. "Well you certainly look older and more mature than before," he was checking me out. "Keep your eyes to yourself!" I snapped at him. "Sorry. You have a meeting with the King now if you would come with me." "I guess I can't hold it off forever," I sighed. Josh gave me a brown dress to wear. It was disgusting but better than being naked. We walked into the Grande room and there sat the King and the prince. "Nice to see you again Huntress. Now since you committed so many crimes I have to think of a good punishment. You know what Huntress? I think I am going to let my son decide. What do you think Prince Leo, my son?" My gaze turned towards the Prince. He was handsome, with short blond hair, all muscle and huge with being six foot two. I myself am five foot seven. He was

half a foot taller than me. As if sensing my gaze he turned toward me. The right thing to do would be to lower your gaze, but screw it I stared right back at him. "I know, make her my servant." "Are you sure? She will me harm to tame," the King stated. "Yes I am sure father," the Prince replied. Again he looked at me. "For now put her in my chambers." the King smiled at his son as if sharing a private joke. "Yes, my son. Good idea of breaking her in." suddenly I was being dragged away. "NO!!!!!" I started yelling. I stopped to catch my breath and heard the end of their conversation. "She will be a fun one," the King said. "We'll find out soon enough," the Prince replied. The guard sat me on the bed and Josh had mysteriously vanished. They tied my hand be legs with cord. Then they left. Alone I was contemplating how to escape when the door opened and the Prince strode in. "Touch me and I will seriously kill you," I warned. The Prince just grinned and went to his closet. He took something out and showed it to me. It was a thin gold band with emeralds on it. Slowly he lifted it over my head and put it on me as a necklace. "You take this off and people will kill you. Now as I have no intention of touching you I will explain how you will serve me. You bring me breakfast in bed, you clean my room, you help me get dressed, and you sleep in the room next to me. There will be more instructions later on. Now since it is time for bed you will help me get undressed. Come here." I went over to him and he cut my ropes. The I took off his clock, gloved and everything until he was only standing in pants. "That's it. Stop. Now leave me and go to sleep next door. Dresses are in the closet and breakfast is at nine am sharp." With a wave of his hand he dismissed me and I left. I don't know why I did everything he told me. It was like I was under a spell. But I did remember how his chest looked. It was smooth as marble and his skin colour was tan. Wait! What am I thinking about I cannot think of these things. Ugh where is that stupid guard? "Miss? Over here is where you sleep," a guard appeared and told me. He also checked out my necklace and stared at it for a few seconds. Suddenly I got an idea. "What does it mean?" I politely asked. "Ask Prince Akyio next time you see him. Now please go to your sleeping quarters." Fine be like that. I entered my room. My room was small and brown. A little bed stood at the side of it and a

lamp. There were two windows and a stool with a little table. I went to go sit on the stool and looked out into the sky. "Goodbye freedom," I whispered to myself. The sky a was beautiful with millions of stars and a full moon. Normally I would be sleeping under them but now I feel like a caged animal. How would I live here? Wait! Why am I giving in? No, I will be free even if it kills me. I was raised in the streets and always was free now I will be free again. Slowly I studied the windows, locked, I went over to the door and found it locked as well. No surprise there I sighed loudly And climbed into the bed. Maybe tomorrow, was my last thought of the night.

My eyes slowly opened. I forgot where I was for a second. But then it all came back to me. The chase, the guards, the Prince and King. Great so everything was actually happening to me. I groaned out loud. "So your finally up. I thought you were dead," a voice commented. I refused to show fear so I turned to the other side of the bed. "I would be happier if you weren't here when I woke," I truthfully replied. "I see you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Well get up, I'll help you dress," the Prince ordered. "Do I have to remind you I am Prince and you must do what I want," he sounded amused. "Go to hell." "Get up or else I'll send you to the soldiers and I'm sure they would appreciate some female company. Oh, and if you use that language one more time with me I will send you there no matter what," the amusement was long gone from his voice. He didn't sound like he was kidding. So I had no choice and had to get up. Slowly I swung my feet over the side of the bed and got out. "Fine what now?!" His eyes raked up and down my body." Now we get you dressed. What size of bra are you?" When I hesitated he went in. "You either answer or I get a solider to dress you." "Aren't I supposed to dress you?" I asked. "We locked you in to see if you would try to escape. But seeing you didn't the door will be kept open from now on." With him momentarily distracted, I grabbed the right size or bra and underwear, and ran into the bathroom. My size is a 36D. When I was done putting those on, I told him to pass me the gown. At first he disagree, but eventually complied since I'd was my first time dressing with a male. "What now?" I asked when I got up. His eyes looked me up and down, "Your corset needs to be tighter, turn

around." "But, then I cannot breath!" I whined as he turned me around. When he was done, he gave me a nod. The dress itself was beautiful. It was blood red and the bodice fitted me perfectly. You could see the swell of my breasts. The gown was laced with lace everywhere and it complimented my black hair and fair skin. "Is this how you dress all your slaves?" I asked. "Do you not know what that colour around your neck means?" I shook my head. "It means you are a royal servant and the emeralds mean you belong to me. So no one can touch you because I could kill them for it. Also since you are mine you will be following me around all day. So I have to dress you nice, otherwise people will think badly of me." "My dear Prince Leo, you are ever so kind," I said sarcastically. I checked out what he was wearing. It was riding breeches with black boots, a white shirt and a red clock with the wolf symbol on it. "Alright I think you are ready, let's go. Oh, over there are your shoes," the Prince pointed out. I looked at the shoes, these were gold high heels at least six inches high. "Are you crazy! I cannot walk in those." Prince Leo grabbed my arms and pressed me against the wall. "You will do as I say because I am your Prince. For the record, of you call me a name one more time I will kill you. I am Prince or Master, do you understand!" For once in my life I was actually frightened. He gave off such energy that it really gets to you. I think be saw the fear in my eyes and satisfied, let go of me. Quietly I walked over to those shoes and lifted my gown a little to slip them on. When I saw my left ankle it was purple and swollen, must be a bit fractured. I can't believe he was going to make me walk in those heels. The Prince looked over at my ankle and quickly looked away, what a monster! "Hurry up!" he snapped, "and don't limp." How the hell was I supposed to not limp?! Slowly but steadily I followed the Prince out of my room. "The first person you are going to meet is Miss Liza. She is a royal adviser and we have some matters to discuss. You will be quiet and servants should be seen not heard. Do you understand?" "Yes my Prince," I agreed, looking down. I was trying to make him think I was a nice little girl, while actually I think of a master plan to escape. Finally we came to a stop. It was a long way to get to this door. I swear we walked a kilometre at least. "Now listen, you will stand against a wall and not make a sound. Alright?" he asked. I nodded my head. We walked into the room. The Prince went to sit across an older looking lady. I studied her. She had blond hair in a pixie cut, she was maybe only five feet, and pretty. I still didn't like her. "Hello Leo. I haven't seen you in a while," Liza said. I could see she was

practically drooling all over him. "Nice to see you too." Then she spotted me. "Now don't be rude, who is this?" "My servant," I noticed he was giving short and clean answers. Liza saw the gold band with emeralds. "Must be more than a servant," she mumbled. "Hello my dear, my name is Liza James." Since I wasn't aloud to talk, I just nodded my head in hello. "Now," she said, "what can I do for you?" turning to this Prince. "I was wondering if you could tell me what my name means," Leo asked shyly. This is the first time I saw him take his defences down. It looked good on him. "But of course!" I personally was interested to hear this. I knew what names meant, so I was curious to what she would say. There were people who pretended to know, but actually didn't. "Give me your hand. Yes, your name is Leo Akyio. It means ruler of future and all." "Thank you Liza," Leo thanked her. Suddenly as if sensing my gaze on her, Liza turned towards me. "Would you like to know what your name means?" she asked. I shook my head. "Come child what is your name?" I glared at her Leo cleared his throat and answered for me, "Her name is Huntress." The woman's eyes widened in shock, I'm guessing she heard of me. "What is your real name?" I shook my head. "Speak!" Leo commanded. I looked at him and then at her. "I am not giving you my real name, for only my trusted people know it. I also do not require your services because I already know what my name means. Another reason I am not telling you it is because you are a fake. Liza gasped in outrage. "I am not a fake, if you are so sure then what does Leo Akyio mean!?" "It means Prince Lion White World," I told her. Calmly by firmly. "I do not believe this! Guards! Fetch my dictionary of names," she ordered. I looked at Leo and he had an unreadable expression on his face. I could tell there was going to be hell to pay later. The guards returned and Leo ordered that the book be handed to him. Slowly he found his name and abruptly closed the book. Leo stared from me to her. "Miss Liza you are fired, please leave before I have the guards escort you out." Liza gasped and stuttered words I couldn't understand. After she left, I asked Leo if I could go too. "No," he answered, "I have other plans for you."

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