Hummer Review 0001

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 650
  • Pages: 2
Sunday. ,April 20, 2003




t ; a pit

til .yn. spapen

ln the land of opportunin', thc nev Hummer FiZ is huilr ro prorecc our right to life. liberw and ihe pursuit of . . well, just airout anr:thing. For D.J. Ahrcns, general manage r er Bergstrom Cadillac-FIummerOldsmtibile of \[a,.lison, norhing sa,vs "get the heck out of mv rvav" rluite likc a Hummer.

First built in 1985 b.;,,\II Gcneral,

the "High Nlobilin Nlultrpurpose Wheeled \:ehicle" (Htrl\tW\'), or "hum-r'ce," becane popular in the 1990s, ll'hen it rvrs ieatured rvidelv (1.\-N during rhc Cult'\\'.rr. 'rn CrleLriities like :\rnold Schu'arzencgger made thc irrst ci-"ilian-owned F{ummer. rhe l'11. a I'Iull.,rvocd prop. In 1999. General .\lotors seized on rhe popularicl of thc Flummer and ncgoriated a cr:ntract rvirir


mrke both thc

Gcnerrrl. Thev nrlrr' [{i und the neivlv

reieased, rrrore srrect-i'riendlv H2 oui of a neu ANf Ccneral-orvned nlant

in lndi:rnl. ,\ccording to Ahrens, rt'hose dealership bcgan seliing Hrrmnrers in Januan', the i{2 is a l' improvement over its predccessr:r. which uas prohibitivel"' lo,-rd and rode "rough." "lbu can't tlrrre dow'n the highwev and calk on rhe phone in rhat beasr," he e:iplained. T'he qrriercr. nondiesel H2. i)n the other hand. aims for a balance betrvee n che stark uriliri'of the FI1 and, weli, rhe sport of im SIJV conrenders. Indeed. the H3. sometimes cslled the Babv Hummer, forges a neri' path fbr luxun vehicles. lVhile less than half the price r:f the Hi. rt sdll star$ at around $50,000 add rr.i


that tcrrrurcs iike the optionrl heared icathcr seats, high-tech aurjin sysrem. tiual-zone climate conrrrrl ind a polve r sunroof. lbt. while rhe I'11 can hold sir adrrks ione in thc single third-nrrv 1ump seari to the til'-. fbur, it has t'ar less st,rrlge space rhan SUVs. mostlv because the spere tire

takes up niost o1'rhc back rarrd alsr; impedes rear lisibilirr ) [,est l,ve tbrsct irs origins, ihe Fi]'s m0ie unlilLlc fc,tiures still sar

"Descrt Srornt." 'Ihese include


,,'n-boar.J air r-.ompressr)r to arljusl

wheel infiation, tirg iamps, ;rnd. of coursc. the rrertrcai windshielLi. \l'ith

jrrsr lti rnches

ground clearance, lplate bolred to it.s he ll-,' t;r shreid ic from rough rerrain. L,ikc ir-s predecessor, the H2 can ford ,Jecp rvater iup co Z0 inchcs), cilmb 1o-inch :iieps cr rocks and even racklc a Ji.r-dcgree slope. Still, rvirh rwo child se'rr tcthers srrndard in the che



h,rs a sree


back sear,

$e H2 is likalv


nor head-

cd for cq:mbat *nycime s(}On. While ,r felv inchcs narrriv'er an'l 750 p*unds lighter than the H1, rhe F{?'s smnce is no less Powerfui. \Yitl: a *tr16-horsepnrver, 6.0-liter V'B

engine tnd .i6ti pound-feer ':i torque, ihe H2 hardly says "suburhran." And that rdge, says i\hrens, is ils rnain appeal.

Indeed, for most l{ttmmer owntlrs, the H?'s i:ff'road capabiiities are of secondary importance, When asked what L{ummers add to the daily cornm$rr tirat SllVs can't, .{hrens dcclares'-rlniquenes,9,"

""bu rvillldi:'r bpliev* riic lor:ks you gct trhen you driv'e it. I'r'e nevet seen ihe reacticn I get when tr drive a !{urnmer, it reali-v stand$ out." The reaerion is overwhelmingiY positive, he insisrs, excepf for e


Given the low gas rniieage r:f t|re li? {i{i miles per gallan in the cit'r and 13, nt fi{rst. on the highwav) environrnetttaiists have stimething to criricizo. Whlie the H2 wr:n't win anv {wards for environmcnml-fiiendliness, Ahrcns shrugs, "lt'.s what peaple rvant. And i{ peopie want it and thel: crn a{ford it," he reasoned, "chsn who are [environmentalists] to say rhev ean't have


This appeal ro rebelliousness, machisrno and

above all, Personal

freedam is at the heart of rhe popularity. Iniieed, perHurnrner's lnd patencly is more nothing hapr oatrioticall-,',\merican thln a car *hnt* tagline promises "an incredible fceling r:f freedom" and the *pponunity



sxperience the world, and your plac*

in it. like neyer before."f

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