Humility (book)

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We thank the Father for the fulfillment of the prophecy of Our Lord Jesus Christ that a Comforter will come who will teach us all things, and bring to our remembrance, whatsoever things He has taught us. (John 14:26)




Page ACKNOWLEGEMENT.....................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................2 STATEMENTS BY O. O. OBU...........................3 BIBLE WITNESSES.........................................6 THE PRINCIPLES OF HUMILITY......................7 GREATEST LESSON IN HUMILITY..................22 HUMILITY: KEY TO SALVATION...................37 A LADDER TO EXALTATION.........................54 A LESSON FROM THE OWL AND THE FOWL...........................................61 BEFORE HONOUR IS HUMILITY.....................69




YOU HAVE TO SERVE OTHERS. DO NOT STRUGGLE FOR MONEY, DO NOT STRUGGLE FOR POSITION AND POWER. DO NOT SIT DOWN LIKE A KING AND GIVE DIRECTIVES TO OTHERS TO DO SOMETHING. PROVIDE SERVICE TO OTHERS. BY SO DOING YOU WILL PROVIDE THE LEADERSHIP BY YOUR GOOD EXAMPLE. When those whom you are leading observe that the greatest among them is the servant, and is serving rather than waiting for others to serve him, then all of them will stand up and provide services to one another. It is the will of God to use base things to select things that are despised, to magnify his glory. Remember that if you hold yourself in a very high esteem, God cannot select you to fulfill His will. He says I am a jealous God. He will exalt you, and thereafter will bring you down so another person from a lowly position will replace you. The reason is to ensure that you are not unnecessarily proud. It is the height of foolishness for any person to say he is indispensable. As a point of information, God had already executed His plan and accomplished His will. He has already selected the instruments of His rule and kept them in order. His will is to use the base things of this world to put to nought the things which are mighty. If we were to regard ourselves as fools, by now God would have used us effectively; for it is His will to use foolishness to nullify wisdom. But when one begins to show one's pomposity and arrogance, professing that one is wise, that one is powerful, or that one is indispensable, then God will use a very lowly placed person to bring one to nought. You should continue to humble yourself even when God raises you up, for


this is why He says, that except we become like a small child, we cannot enter into the kingdom of God. The central problem of the entire world is that, once God has elevated somebody, no other person should be allowed to pass along the street. If your pomposity is based on the fact that you are wealthy or that you own a costly car, or that you are a white man, you should know that TO HUMBLE ONESELF TO THE GROUND IS TO LIFT ONESELF UP.


BIBLE WITNESSES FIRST BIBLE WITNESS But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. (Matthew 23:11)


SECOND BIBLE WITNESS Humble yourselves therefore under the might hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; casting all your cares upon him; for he careth for you. (1 Peter 5:6-7)

FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 11:11 "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."

THIRD BIBLE WITNESS Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. (James 4:10)

SECOND BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 20:24-25 "And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority over them."

FOURTH BIBLE WITNESS Even as the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.(Matthew 20:28) FIFTH BIBLE WITNESS Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.(John 14:12)

GOLDEN TEXT: LUKE 9:47-48 "And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a child, and set him by him, and said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me: for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great."

ONLY THE HUMBLE ARE FOR THE KINGDOM: Brethren, there are two things creating problems



in the world. Both of them are addressed by Christ in the text above. They are disobedience and over-ambition. When the mother of James and John, the two sons of Zebede requested that Christ should accept to have both of them sit, one on His right hand and the other on the left hand, when Christ should come into His glory, Christ inquired to know whether they could receive His type of Baptism and drink of the cup. She said yes. Christ told them that it is true they could do those things, but to sit on His left and right hands respectively, such was not within His authority, but those who were to stay there were predestined by His Father. When Peter and Andrew who were first called by Christ, heard the request made by the woman, they were troubled in their mind. This is the cause of confusion in the entire world. Do you see how Christ treated the issue? Did He ask them why they should think of sitting on His left and right hand? He simply called His disciples and addressed them as contained in the Golden Text. Beloved, you have to understand the issue at stake. Our Lord Jesus Christ had the power to query certain behaviors and actions of His disciples, and yet, He did not. He never showed any expression of anger. He was not exasperated. Rather, He told them that the princes of this world have dominion and authority over their subjects but that it should not be so among them. In another case the disciples wanted to know who should be greatest among them, He did not answer them, instead He brought a little child before them and said that anyone who would rejoice with the little child was rejoicing in Him and that the greatest among them is the one who would humble himself as a little child. That was how Christ was resolving complicated issues.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is an embodiment of peace and yet no one has preached Christ to the world. People rather go about preaching confusion. You are expected to preach humility, meekness, peaceful nature, love, holy life, and also put these teaching into practice. These virtues constitute CHRISTIANITY. The apostle Paul said that Christ did not commission him to go and baptize people, but to preach the gospel. Thus, he did refuse to use his own knowledge and ideas lest the Cross of Christ be made of none effect. He revealed that if He did not preach what Christ did, then his love, truth, mercy, patience, humility, temperance and all that Christ did would turn out to be a sheer waste of time. That was why Paul had to preach the gospel without rest. This too is incumbent on every person to do the same. Preach about all the virtues and lifestyle of Christ. If you do this and demonstrate same, there will be no more problems in the world.



REVEALING GOD: The phrase, "THE WORD OF GOD" means mercy, meekness, temperance, love, patience, longsuffering, endurance. You must cultivate these virtues. You are still in the "CROSS" stage because you have not learnt how to overcome problems. If you were to emulate the life style of Christ and preach same to the world, you would have advanced spiritually and there would have been no more problems in the world. SHOWING GOD TO THE WORLD MEANS PRACTICING THE TEACHINGS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST AND TEACHING PEOPLE THE SAME TEACHINGS. THIS IS THE TRUTH AND THE GREATEST THING IN THIS KINGDOM OF

The First Bible Lesson states that of all the men born of women, none has risen above John the Baptist but the one who is greater than John the Baptist is HE WHO IS HUMBLE; HE HAS NOTHING TO SAY IN DEFENSE OF HIMSELF AT ANY POINT IN TIME. HE IS THE ONE WHO IS NOT EXASPERATED IN ANY SITUATION. And have you been able to find this type of person in the entire world today? If you have identified one, have you emulated him? HAVE YOU ALSO GONE TO SPREAD THE GLAD TIDING TO THE ENTIRE WORLD? No one hears his voice in the streets, but does it mean He has not been calumniated against or abused and accused falsely? His voice is not heard because of His humility. What you have to take to the entire world is the practical demonstration of the humility of Christ. You have to show practical demonstration of Christ's qualities of meekness, His love, mercy, kindness, patience, temperance, righteousness. THIS IS WHAT IS MEANT BY THE WORD OF GOD. THE REASON WE EXTOL THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS BECAUSE HE IS THE ONLY RIGHTEOUS ONE. AND THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE TO EMULATE AND TEACH OTHERS. Abraham had faith in God, so also did Melchisedec, Isaac, Jacob and all the Patriarchs of old but Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only one whose lifestyle is commended. He is therefore the greatest in heaven and on earth. This is why you are expected to follow after His foot prints. Once you see anyone behaving like Christ, go and tell the rest. The world has spread all sorts of rumors

concerning the Holy Father. He is called Beelzebub, vampire, mermaid, apparition, and all evil names, but you have witnessed the contrary. If you had gone out to preach about the love which is here in abundance, and if you have practiced what you preach, do you think there would have been any problems with you and also in the entire world? Your main duty in this kingdom is to experience this truth, practice the truth and take the truth to those who are not here. You have heard what is said about Christ and you have read same from the scripture, but now you have come to see the practical application of these virtues. Here is a situation where you were told that when the Holy Spirit would come, He will teach you all things and lead you to the accurate knowledge of the truth. Now He is here doing all these things. You witness these things everyday, yet you still engage in unwholesome acts. But once you practice what you witness here, if you tell it to another person, he will not have any doubt because he has equally become an eye witness. If you do this then the whole world would have been converted to Christ a long time ago. WHAT DO YOU THINK MAKES THE BLIND TO SEE, THE LAME TO WALK, THE DEAF TO HEAR, OR WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL MAKE AN INFIDEL BELIEVE THAT GOD EXISTS? ALL THESE THINGS ARE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION OF GOD'S TEACHINGS. You have failed in your calling because you have refused to hear what you are told to hear and you have failed to testify about what you have witnessed. If you have performed your duties accordingly, the glory of God would have been revealed unto the entire world.




THE ONE IN YOUR MIDST IS GOD AS WELL AS THE HOLY SPIRIT WHOM OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST DID PROMISE US WOULD COME AND LEAD MAN TO THE ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH. You have some one who has never been angry with anybody. He never quarrels, fights with anyone or frowns his face. He neither ignores anyone, nor ever commits any sin. These are the behaviors you are supposed to emulate and then go and broadcast to others. It is then that the glory of God will be revealed in earnest. If you go to do anything contrary to what I am telling you, then you are a rebel. THE GREATEST BEING: THE GREATEST PERSON IN THIS KINGDOM IS THE ONE WHO HUMBLES HIMSELF. That is why Christ testified eloquently that among all those who are born of women, none has risen above John, yet the least in the kingdom is greater than John. You have raised the dead, made the blind to see, the lame to walk but these do not make you great. THE GREATEST PERSON IN THE KINGDOM IS THE ONE WHO DOES NOT COUNT SINS ON OTHERS, WHO DOES NOT CONTEST ANYTHING, IS NOT OFFENDED AT ANY POINT IN TIME, DOES NOT BOAST. HE IS ALWAYS AT THE SERVICE OF OTHERS. HE IS PATIENT AND HE ENDURES EVERY SITUATION HE COMES ACROSS. HE IS MEEK AND LOWLY IN HEART, HE IS TRUTHFUL AND HE IS LOVING. SUCH A PERSON IS THE GREATEST, AND HE IS GOD HIMSELF. This is why you are told that to enter this

kingdom, you must allow the will of God to prevail in your life always. Do not seek to introduce yourself to as somebody worthy of recognition. You must never argue the word of God with anybody, and do not seek for recognition. If you go to somebody's house to look for him, and you are told he is not there, even if you see him in the house, do not ask questions. Rather, go on your way. Such is the life pattern of God. ALWAYS BE A SILENT GUEST IN THE MIDST OF PEOPLE, FOR SUCH IS THE QUALITY OF THE TRUE CHILDREN OF GOD. During the early years of Christ, He went to visit His friends but when the mother of those friends saw Him, she said that the friends had gone out. When Christ inquired to know who were inside the room, she said they were piglets. Christ retorted that it should be according to her statement and He left. When He was gone, she went and opened the door to the room the children were hiding in, and behold, the children had turned into piglets. So she ran after Christ and confessed that His friends were at home in the room and it was not piglets as she had earlier said. Christ said,"Let it be as you have said." The piglets instantly became children. That is the lifestyle of God. He is not given to contesting anything with any person. GREATNESS DOES NOT LIE IN EXACTING THINGS FROM OTHERS BY FORCE OR BY MAKING NOISE. SUCH ARE NOT THE WAYS OF GOD. WHY IS IT THAT THE FATHER IS HERE IN THE WORLD AND THE WORLD DOES NOT KNOW HIM? IS IT NOT BECAUSE OF HIS SILENCE? HAS THE FATHER EVER CLAIMED TO BE THE ONE PERFORMING



GOD'S MODUS OPERANDI: Recall when Our Lord Jesus Christ asked His disciples who the people said He was, and they told Him their opinion. He then asked them what their opinion was, and Peter replied that He was Christ, the Son of the living God. Christ said to Peter, "Peter, son of Jona, flesh and blood has not revealed this thing to you, but my Father who is in Heaven."(Matthew 16:17) That is to say He was appointed instantly as the head. He never introduced Himself as anything to anyone. He does not converse with anyone because He knows that is THE WORD IS GOD, and He does not joke with the word. This is what is used in identifying the children of God. As for the noisy ones, they have nothing in common with God, for they are of the devil. Christ declared that He could not do anything on His own but what He hears, same He declares to the people because He sought not for His will but that of the one who sent Him. This was because He knew that the word is God. He does not speak any how and once He makes any pronouncement, it becomes fulfilled. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave every glory to the Father. He is

always in spirit. Once you do anything and you express doubt as to whether you will be rewarded, you have failed completely, and even if you stay here to abuse God, He hears yet He utters no word. On the other hand, give Him all the praises you can give, He will not answer you. That is why you are confused about what you are doing. You always wonder if what you are doing is pleasing unto God or not. You wonder whether God is seeing or hearing you. Till eternity you cannot know whom God loves or hates. GOD OPERATES AS A SILENT GUEST. Whatever your thought is or whatever speech you make, He is not concerned or perturbed. He will not answer you. If you ask whether He does not approve it, He will equally not answer you. Whatever action you take does not bother Him. That is the modus operandi of God. But remember that God is always with you. He does His work and planning by Himself. He never relates His information to anybody, and no one has a say concerning the operational pattern of God. When the people took a woman who had allegedly committed adultery, before Christ and told Him how Moses commanded that anyone who committed adultery should be stoned to death, they demanded for His verdict on the issue. He asked anyone from among the group, who had not committed any sin to cast the first stone at the woman. With that, the people left one after the other, in total shame. Turning towards the woman, He asked, "Where are thine accusers?" She replied that they were all gone. And He told her that since they did not condemn her, neither did He condemn her. He only bid her go and sin no more.(John 8:2-11) In another instance, the people questioned Christ



THESE FEATS IN BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR? WHAT ABOUT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, DID HE ARROGATE ANYTHING TO HIMSELF? Right now after three days of death, He is with you and yet He does not make you understand this. He is doing his work accurately, but none can ever identify Him apart from the Father and whoever the Father may wish to reveal Him to.

whether it was wrong to pay tribute to Caesar. In view of this question, Christ demanded for a coin which was handed over to Him. He asked whose image was on the coin and they replied that it was Caesar's image. He therefore told them to give to Caesar what belonged to Caesar and to God what belonged to God.(Matt 22:1721) It is stated that we do err in all things but if any man does not err in tongue, such a person is perfect (James 3:2). Who in the whole world has not offended in words? THE ONLY PERFECT PERSON IS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. All others are given to ill utterances which are carnal and have no association with God. Read the first lesson again.

FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 11:11 "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." A PLACE FOR THE HUMBLE: Beloved, ANYONE WHO HUMBLES HIMSELF IS GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD. If you brag about your wealth and position to others, of a truth, you have no share in the kingdom because you are a flippant child. When you are told of some other person's wealth and in the process, you start enumerating your achievements, you have missed your wealth. Anyone who knows God, does not do things for people to see. If he intends to build a house, he will give


the money in secret to the people to go and do it. There is no point letting others know about your achievements, for this egoistic behavior can rob you of the kingdom. The secret of this kingdom is to allow others to praise you, without you showing off. Whatever thing you do, allow others to give the testimony. Any time you testify about yourself, you have failed completely and you are a very low person in this kingdom. James 3:2 States: "For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body." In the whole world is there any person who has not offended in words? The word is God and God alone is the one to make any statements. This is because any word you utter will come to pass. For instance you could tell someone not to do a particular thing and as a result of his abstaining from doing it, he perishes. In that case, his blood will be upon you. ALLOW GOD TO UTTER THE WORD; FOR GOD ALONE IS THE ONE TO DO EVERY THING. IF YOU DESIRE TO HAVE A KEY POSITION IN THIS KINGDOM, THEN YOU MUST CONTROL YOUR TONGUE. If you are hungry do not beg for food. If you are sick, do not report to any person. Simply commit everything to the Father because everything is under His control. Whether you are poor or sick, the Father knows; and anyone who demonstrates these characteristics of humility, is the greatest in the kingdom of God. Anyone who has faith in God knows that God is the truth and that He alone does everything and no one has a hand in the way things are done in the kingdom. YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY CONTRIBUTION TO


DIVINE APPROACH TO SOLVING COMPLICATED ISSUES: Note the reply given by Christ in the above portion? He knows that the ten were aggrieved, and if He were to make a speech, something would have happened. He would have been found wanting in the sight of the Father. Therefore, if He had made any statement, He would have made Himself a judge and no more a savior.

Thus He would have failed in essence. All the words you utter will stand against you on judgement day, and you will be asked who authorized you to make such statements. Sometimes the statements you make affect you now and in the future. When such events come to pass, you forget that you made such statements some time in the past. BECAUSE OF YOUR UNGUARDED UTTERANCES, YOU ARE FOUND RETROGRESSING INSTEAD OF ACQUIRING THE PORTION YOU ARE SEEKING FOR IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD. IT IS SAID THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM IS THE ONE WHO HUMBLES HIMSELF; AND ONCE YOU MAKE ANY STATEMENT YOU HAVE EXALTED YOURSELF. The reason why a humble person is compared to a little child is because the child cannot speak. A child does not know anything, nor does he claim anything. The child is God in disguise. THEREFORE IF YOU DESIRE TO BE GREAT IN THE KINGDOM, STOP MAKING UNGUARDED STATEMENTS. DO NOT TALK ABOUT YOURSELF OR ANOTHER PERSON, DO NOT TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU INTEND TO DO OR WHAT YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE. Now when you go out and you start saying, "Olumba has caused the rain not to fall, He has made people to die or He has made us to be here." How then can God who has really done these things be praised? The moment you rob God of His glory, it means you are not worthy of this kingdom. THE GREATEST PERSON IN THIS KINGDOM IS THE ONE WHO DOES NOT TALK CARELESSLY AT ANY POINT IN TIME. HE IS HUMBLE AS A CHILD. HE IS




SECOND BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 20:24-25 "And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority over them."

NOT GIVEN TO ANGER, HE DOES NOT MAKE SUGGESTIONS, HE DOES NOT BEGRUDGE PEOPLE, HE DOES NOT COMPLAIN TO PEOPLE, AND HE DOES NOT ENGAGE IN ANY VAIN TALK. BRIDLE YOUR TONGUE: You intend to give out something to some other person yet you go out and announce this in the public place. Before you even do it, people have already heard about it and eventually, if you fail, people have heard, and they will know about your failure. This makes you fall short in the sight of God because you are a flippant child. This is why you are told that anyone who professes to be a man of God but does not tame his tongue, his religion is in vain (James 1:26). When you talk at random, condemning people here and there, what type of person do you think you are? A local adage says that the monkey's voice kills it. The antelope says it is not the person who shoots at him that he is angry with but rather, he is angry with the one who engineered the hunter to shoot at him. You say someone is evil and if he is eventually condemned you will be responsible for his death. On the other hand, if you tell someone that God has blessed him, and that he will receive something from God and that this fails to materialize, he will look for you because you have deceived him and he will be disappointed in you. THEREFORE IT IS SAFE TO BE QUIET AND CONTROL YOUR TONGUE. ALLOW GOD TO SPEAK THE WORD BECAUSE THE WORD IS HIS. IT IS HIS SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE STATEMENTS. GOD KNOWS WHAT TO DO AT


ANY GIVEN POINT IN TIME. THEREFORE DO NOT BE INQUISITIVE, SEEKING TO KNOW WHAT GOD WILL DO TO YOU WHEN YOU DO A PARTICULAR THING. Do not tell people God has exalted them or they have been promoted and so on because such statements are vain. They only end up making the people glorify you instead of God, and this in turn will place you in a sad state in this kingdom. If you want to be a real child of God, do not be angry with anybody, no matter what; and do not neglect your services to God or to your fellow man. Read the Golden Text again.

GOLDEN TEXT: LUKE 9:47-48 "And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a child, and set him by him, and said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me: for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great." THE CHILD - A SYMBOL OF HUMILITY: As you were called in here, God never told you He would send you to heaven or hell, and when someone comes making such statements that you are a real child of God and so on, do not believe him. Such statements are blasphemous. They make one become insignificant in the kingdom of God. THE GREATEST IN THIS KINGDOM DOES NOT LACK ANYTHING, HE IS NOT GIVEN TO ANGER, AND HE DOES NOT MAKE SUGGESTIONS AND PLANS. HE ALLOWS GOD TO DO HIS WILL. Read Matthew 6:4-6 Anybody who wants to do anything for God and


makes proclamation concerning such things has already got his reward, and God has nothing to do with him because he is seeking his personal glory. But if you want to do anything for the poor, do not allow your left hand to know what your right hand is doing. Anything you have to do, do it in secret and God will reward you openly. Such covert action depicts humility. Anything you allow people to hear of ahead of time amounts to self exaltation and you do not receive any reward from God. In a nutshell, the greatest person in this kingdom of God is the one who operates in secret. Whatsoever he does, he does not allow anybody to know. It is said that a stroke of the cane is sufficient to the wise. He who has ears to hear let him hear what the Holy Spirit has imparted to the world. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER.

his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS." Second Bible Lesson: Luke 2:7 "And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn." Golden Text: Matthew 2:10-11 "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh."

First Bible Lesson: Matthew 1:24-25 "Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him

Brethren, the above texts are usually chosen year in and year out by the Holy Father to mark the occasion of the birth of Christ. This year's anniversary commemorates the two thousand and twenty-fourth (2,024). The purpose of this anniversary is to remind the entire world of His teaching that, all should live as the children of God and worship Him. What was done to the Israelites shall also be done to the Gentiles in this generation. (Rom 9:24-26). We need not be reminded from time to time how God should be worshipped because events have proved to us that God is not an abstract phenomenon but a human being. God exists in human form, the Son of God exists in human form, and the Son of man also exists in human form. Whether or not He was born of a woman is




unnecessary and uncalled for. What is important is how to worship God. It is quite unnecessary for anyone to make unnecessary requests while praying to God. The three wise men who visited the Lord did not request anything from Him; rather they went to Him with precious gifts. During His ministerial works, on the other side of the River, when the people found Him, calling Him Rabbi, they asked Him when He arrived at the place. In His response, He told them: Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. (John 6:26) He therefore advised them: "Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed." (John 6:27) The three chosen texts in this sermon depict the truth in the revelation about Our Lord Jesus Christ. Joseph himself would not have escaped the punishment associated with disbelief if he had failed to believe in the message delivered by the angel. Many of you today, even in this kingdom, hardly believe visions or dreams. You are proud of your positions as elders, prophets, pastors or bishops, and because of that you refuse to obey God's voice that comes to you through vision or dream. Joseph was just newly married and had not yet slept with his wife when he noticed that she was already pregnant. As a human being, Joseph got offended and secretly planned to divorce Mary for adultery. But an angel of God appeared to him and warned him to desist from the act, that Mary was conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit. Joseph instantly obeyed that voice and did not ask anybody for further advice. That is a great

lesson for all of us. The action of Joseph to adhere to the instruction of the angel is an example of worshipping God in spirit and in truth. If all of us should learn from Joseph, we would be free from problems. Isaiah the prophet said: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14). He had that revelation in a vision. A lot of you do not believe in visions and dreams, yet these are divine mediums through which God communicates with man. This explains why it is said that, the true worshippers worship God in spirit and in truth. This is because God reveals Himself to you, teaches you, and generally relates to you in spirit. These things called vision, dream and prophecy are nothing other than the Spirit of God. Therefore, it is erroneous for anyone to associate dream or vision with mermaid, ghost or the works of his enemy. If Joseph had disbelieved visions and dreams, he and indeed the whole world would have lost because Christ would have been prematurely killed by the enemies. The entire world is beset with problems because human beings are unbelievers, Thomases. You cannot see God with your naked eyes because you are carnal and unclean. It is recorded in the scripture that: "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." (Proverbs 29:18) If Joseph himself was not a prophet, he would have disobeyed the Holy Spirit and divorced his wife. Mary, on her part, would have been killed for the offense of adultery. Later on, when Herod realized that he had been tricked by the three wise men, he launched a



desperate attack on the infants. If Joseph did not also adhere to the spiritual instruction to escape with the infant Jesus to Egypt, (Matt 2:13-14) then Jesus would not have survived the massacre of the innocent children and the entire world would have perished. Given the same opportunity, many of you today would not have believed it. Incidentally, the glorious ministry of Our Lord Jesus Christ would not have manifested. Even Mary herself initially doubted the possibility of giving birth to a child when the angel of God told her that she would conceive and bring forth a male child who would be named Jesus. (Luke 1:28-31). This is because she was a virgin. Nevertheless, she believed and continued her services in the temple awaiting the fulfillment of the prophecy. Man today had derailed from the path of salvation, and lost contact with his Creator because he solely believes in man-made communication system like the radio, newspapers, TV, etc. These sources of communication are carnal and destructive. Do not joke with any revelation from God; no matter the form it comes to you. You should try as much as possible to believe and pray unceasingly for God to always reveal Himself to you. Even the four wise-men that came from the four corners of the world (North, South, East and West), if they did not believe in prophecy, how would they have met together or searched for the newborn king? The birth of the child was revealed to them differently and they immediately set off in obedience to locate and worship Him. Their mission was not to locate him in order to request for any mundane thing but to worship Him as a newborn king. But in your own case, do you go to God to worship Him? You rather go to Him

with diverse problems for Him to solve. On their return, the angel of God appeared to them and directed them to take a different route home so that Herod would not force them to disclose to him the location of the infant king. They obeyed him and spared the life of the infant Jesus. The problems of the world start in the spiritual realm before manifesting in the physical world. Before somebody is physically sick or dead, he first of all experienced it in the spiritual world. In the same vein, you can only defeat your enemies in the spirit before you overcome them physically. You are healed of your infirmities in spirit before such healing would manifest physically. This you can do, if only you are unceasing in prayer and believe in God's revelations. You have to listen to whatever God says. The words of men are empty and lead to destruction. The flesh has nothing to offer in this kingdom. Flesh and blood cannot see this kingdom nor abide in it. It is only through the spirit that you can behold this kingdom and enter into it. Your problem is that you are still carnally minded. There were four wise men and not three. The fourth wise man met a certain man that was incapacitated, and decided to stop and render some service to him as was directed by the Spirit. He had thought of abandoning the man so as to meet his colleagues who had gone ahead of him but for the sake of humanitarian deed, he decided to save the life of the battered man. That was how the fourth wise man lost the company of the other three. Except you find solutions to your physical problems spiritually you cannot solve them. Once, there lived a certain man who was very sick and finally died.



Relations of the deceased person sought to know the cause of his death. They met a certain magician who promised to trace the cause of his death. In order to enable him carry out a thorough spiritual investigation of the cause of any event, what the magician did was to give another person around, something in the form of anesthesia. Once this person took it he would be unconscious of the physical world for two hours. In the subconscious state, the person would investigate the source of whatever problem that was to be investigated, and soon report back to the magician. It happened that on this particular occasion, the man overstayed in the land of the spirits beyond the specific period of normal investigation. Unfortunately for the messenger, over there he found himself arrested by the law-enforcement officers who asked him to explain his role in an incident of a free-for-all fight in which he took part while in the world. In that incident a person was killed during the fracas. There were other people who identified him as one of the persons who participated in the fracas. However, the case was determined in his favor. He was acquitted on the grounds that it was a free-for-all fight. When he finally regained his consciousness, he narrated his ordeal to the magician and others present. Whatever situation you find yourself is only an extension or a manifestation of a spiritual course. You should also know that the body itself is an empty vessel which cannot achieve anything on its own without the spirit that occupies it. Once the spirit deserts a man, the body is useless. The relationship between man and God is purely on spiritual basis. That is why the moment you hand over your problems to Him, He solves them for you without your notice or personal

effort. Therefore, it is needless for you to seek for any person to pray for you or even solve your problem. The true children of God behave like the four wise men, they do not go to God with requests but with gifts, such is the work of faith. Read the first lesson once again.



First Bible Lesson: Matthew 1:24-25 "Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS." All the sins that you commit in the dark are open before God. Whatever you do whether in the dark or in the most hidden place is open before God. The teachings that are imparted to you here in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star are meant to deliver you from bondage. All the sins you commit, the type of food you eat, and the clothing you put on affect your spirit. Whatever you do has either positive or negative effect on your spiritual being, depending on whether such an act is disapproved by the Holy Spirit. This explains why I keep on warning you to refrain from sin, and to love one another. If you practice the gospel your spirit cannot be seen as evil. This is why members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star are above the world. The only set of people who are completely free are those who worship God in spirit and in truth. Any member of Brotherhood who falls sick, dies or is afflicted in any way should blame himself. God is not like man who is limited in wisdom, power, influence and everything you can think of.

God is a spirit and He is lavishly available for all to reach. Wherever you may stay to practice the gospel of love one another, He will be there to listen to you and solve your problems. His angels are always readily available in spirit to minister to you. Physically, God has kept His prophet to serve you. God abhors any form of vice. He does not admit noise, idolatry, fornication, deceit, stealing or any other sin. You do not need to ask God for anything. He is the Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent God. He knows all your problems and hearts' desires. The blessing of God gets to you first in spirit before manifesting in the physical world. Your protection, prosperity and elevation are granted to you first in spirit. Therefore, it is an act of foolishness to refuse to listen to the Spirit. Always do whatever He tells you to do. Whatever He advises you not to do, obey; and whatever you are instructed to do, do not resist it. Your trouble and confusion are caused by Satan who does not want you to know God, and to worship Him in spirit and truth. Brethren, I want to reveal to you the source of Job's fate to confirm that both blessings and problems have spiritual origin. The scriptural excerpt hereunder proves our case: "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for

nought? Hast not thou made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. But put forth thine hand now and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face. And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord." (Job 1:6-12) That is a clear indication of the fact that nothing would take place without God's permission. But what you should know is that God does not



leave His children comfortless. In Brotherhood many have tried to persuade me to excommunicate some members. That I cannot do. They report to me how bad and disobedient you are, and would want you punished. At the same time, they would turn round to accuse you openly of worshipping man. They do this with the sole aim of luring you out of the fold of Brotherhood in order to get the opportunity of destroying you. This is the work of the evil one. But because God loves us so dearly He does not impute sins upon His children. You should, therefore, hold fast and have faith in God because He can never forsake you. Read the second lesson once more.

Second Bible Lesson: Luke 2:7 "And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn."

The significance of the circumstances surrounding the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, is humility. Any member of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star who receives this gospel and practices it will not trouble himself about any mundane thing. It is said that whoever humbles himself shall be exalted. (Matt 23:12). If God Himself can so humble Himself, how much more you, an ordinary man? The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is here on earth but is so quiet. It is only man who makes empty noises and brags. The saviour of mankind was born in a manger without any complaint. Did that stop Him from being the Lord? His humility is further demonstrated in His divine teaching. He advised you that if you are invited to a feast, do not choose to seat on an exalted seat. You should instead go to a very low seat at one corner of the venue. This is to avoid embarrassment for if those who are higher than you in status arrive, you would be asked to vacate the place to a lower seat. (Luke 14:8-11). You should therefore, make humility your watchword. You should be simple in your mode of dressing, the food you eat and in everything. Any person who does not maintain a low profile and live a humble life is of the devil. God is humble and simple, He is noiseless and does not boast. Past kings in biblical records like Caiaphas, Herod, Caesar, Pilate and the rest of them decorated their palaces when it was rumoured that the Lord would be born. During the period of His ministerial work, Our Lord Jesus Christ enjoyed the company of the destitute, the sick, the lame and the afflicted. In this generation, He teaches us love, mercy, kindness, hard work, sincerity and all the virtues. But

who has practiced these virtues among you? You cannot do the work of peace, love, mercy, humility and righteousness except you possess these very virtues. Before His birth, the people were well-informed of His coming. They knew quite well that a Saviour would be born to man but the very family was not known. When He did finally come, He fell short of their expectation. They had expected the birth of a warrior who would come to liberate them from their Roman overlords. It is because of the high esteem in which humility is held before God, that prompted Christ to say: "Verily, I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever shall, therefore, humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matt 18:3-4). To be born in a manger is a clear demonstration of humility. The most outstanding topic taught by the Holy Father here in this kingdom is humility. The level of humility demonstrated by the Father in practical terms is unique. But on your own part as a member of Brotherhood, instead of emulating the divine example of the Father, you occupy yourself in noise making, shouting on the name of the Father as if He is your peer. There is nothing in the world worthy for the children of God to worry about. Whatever it is, position, money, children, cars, houses, just name them; they are nothing, and cannot profit you anything. The birth of Christ is the source of salvation to mankind and it was through His birth that God was also revealed to man. It is because of His sterling humility and love for mankind that He said: "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;



for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your soul. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matt 11:29-30). There is nothing man can do to God at all because God is self-sufficient. Everything including life and death are under His control. It is said, humility goes before glory. (Prov 15:33).Man does not have the love of God in his heart. This explains why Christ said: "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not; if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. How can ye believe, which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh from God only?" (John 5:43-44) If you seek to be glorified and honored by your fellow man, how will it be possible for you to glorify and love God? It would be highly impossible.Be refreshed with the golden text now

The above passage explains how to worship God in spirit and in truth. But most of you want to sit down with Him physically and discuss your material problems. Many persons who have got the needed spiritual awareness (self-consciousness) know and worship Him accordingly. Many others do not come here (34 Ambo Street, Calabar) for the sake of the gospel but to see the Father and lay their problems before Him. Did Abraham seek to see the Father? The true children of

God do not bother to see Him physically but only to obey His divine instruction. There is no record in the entire Scriptures that Christ physically sat down with the Father to discuss His problems, but He was always calling on His Father, and worshipping Him in spirit and in truth. The rate of His calling on the Father was so much that Philip one day asked Him to show them the Father too. Philip did not know that he had to worship God in spirit and in truth. That even though He was not with the Father physically, He was always with Him at all times spiritually (John 14:8-11). If you humble yourself like a little child, then the Father will speak to you directly. In a certain family, the husband is a baptized member of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star but the wife is not. The wife was all the time seeing the Father and discussing with Him. The husband could not believe it. To prove her wrong or right, he asked her to request the Father to give him a car. When the Father re-appeared before the woman, she placed the request of her husband before the Father. So she was directed to inform her husband to go to a certain firm dealing on cars and get a brand new one. To his greatest surprise, when the man went to the shop and said that he was sent by the Father to get a car, without hesitation they handed over the key and directed him to one of the cars parked. Up till now, the woman herself is not yet baptized. If you were to know that the Father works in spirit, you would not fall into temptation. It is therefore, out of your selfish interest that you plant yourself in the church claiming to worship God. Emulate the three wise men who went to the Lord with gifts. Go to God with gifts. But if you have



Golden Text: Matthew 2:10-11 "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh."

nothing to offer, let your heart be clean so that He can come in and dwell. If the wise men did not present the Lord with the gifts of frankincense, myrrh and gold the parents of Christ would have had problems financially. The gold was used for their transport to Egypt; the frankincense was used as gasoline, and myrrh equally useful in the well-being of the family. God expects you to express a thankful heart at all times. Hannah was barren but when she became blessed with a child called Samuel, she dedicated him to God. For that gesture alone God gave her five more children. Have you shown a thankful heart to God? The Scriptures gave the following admonition: "I have shewed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35). You are always asking from God but offering nothing to Him. Conclusively, it is necessary to note that: "...the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." (Romans 14:17). May God bless His Holy Words. Amen! THANK YOU FATHER.

HUMILITY: THE KEY TO SALVATION FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 18:4 "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as a little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." SECOND BIBLE LESSON: LUKE 14:33 "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple." GOLDEN TEXT: LUKE 9: 48 "And said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me: for he that is least



among you all, the same shall be great."

HUMILITY MAKES FOR SALVATION: Beloved brethren, our texts for today's gospel remind us of all that is required of us in this kingdom of God. The first lesson says, anyone who is not humble like a little child has no place in the kingdom of God. So whether you are wealthy or not, has nothing to do with this kingdom. In like manner, your academic attainment or status in life cannot afford you anything if you are not humble. The only thing required of us in this kingdom is humility and peace. This is why the second lesson makes it clear that anyone who does not denounce or forsake all the material things of world, cannot be a disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and he cannot inherit the kingdom of God. When you are told to forsake the things of the world, it has so many implications. It does not mean forsaking material wealth only. The things you have to forsake include impatience, greed, arrogance, pomposity, hatred. And when you have forsaken all your deceitful ways, and you humble yourself, you will be worthy of entry into the kingdom of God. There is an adage that a wise man sees danger afar off and he takes precaution, but a foolish man waits until he is overtaken by events. This is what is happening to man in this age. People have just refused to learn from the experiences of their forebears. This is why there are problems in the world. We should however be grateful to the Father for revealing these words of wisdom to us for this particular gospel will serve as a source of salvation to all those who would listen to it and abide by it.

Do not boast of wealth, power, knowledge, neither should you brag that the Father loves you more than all others, or in any other thing whatever; for such does not bring salvation. It rather hinders one's spiritual progress and chances of being a disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I have always been telling you to learn from the example of Lucifer. Lucifer was the head of all the angels. And he in turn had Our Lord Jesus Christ as his master. Apart from Christ, Lucifer was next to God in terms of power, and divine manipulations. But what brought about his downfall? It was because Lucifer did not humble himself. He was arrogant, and because of his arrogance, he flouted God's instructions that all the angels should bow and worship Our Lord Jesus Christ. Lucifer then had erroneously thought that he was the one to be revered, and so he mocked the other angels who obeyed this instruction. Today, we give Lucifer all sorts of names, ranging from thief, robber, murderer, liar, one who deceives, and he who destroys the world. All these names arise because he was intransigent to the instructions of God. He proved stubborn only because he under-rated Our Lord Jesus Christ. He felt Christ was too small to be worshipped. He regarded Christ as one who knows nothing, and he felt it will be a kind of insult for him (Lucifer), with all his divine manipulations, to bow down and worship Christ. Lucifer from all his considerations felt he should be exempted from these instructions because, in his reasoning, Christ was too young for such glory and honor. THIS IS WHY LUCIFER CAN NEVER BE FORGIVEN EVEN IF EVERY OTHER PERSON IS FORGIVEN. And so it is his recalcitrant nature that has reduced him to the position he finds himself in today.



What informed Lucifer's disobedience was the post he occupied as head of all angels and because of this, he was very pompous. This pomposity never allowed him to realize that he could not have been deprived of anything if he had obeyed that instruction. But because he refused to worship Our Lord Jesus Christ, he was immediately debased. Disobedience also caused the downfall of the king of Egypt at the time of Moses. When God instructed Moses to go and inform Pharaoh to free the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, so they could worship Him, Pharaoh was recalcitrant. Hence, upon all the signs and wonders wrought by Moses and Aaron, to prove the authenticity of the message, Pharaoh still hardened his heart. If Pharaoh had allowed the children of Israel to go, the calamities that befell him would have been averted. King Nebuchadnezzar also comes to focus. He thought he possessed all the powers on earth during his time, and as such, he never regarded the injunctions of God as anything. We all know how he ended. He paid dearly for his disobedience. The case of Pilate at the trial of Our Lord Jesus Christ is also worthy of note. When Christ was taken before Pilate, his wife sent a message to him that he, Pilate, should not have a hand in the crucifixion of Christ, the righteous man, for her soul suffered many things in the previous night in a dream because of Him. Pilate thought that was just a bidding of woman which should not be adhered to. And because he wanted to please the Jews, he approved the crucifixion of Christ and he later perished. Nobody in this world is insignificant, so you

have no right to treat anybody with disdain. Even if your child should give you an advice or a suggestion, consider it critically to know whether you should discard it or not. What leads people astray in the world today is pomposity. People are claiming to be of great importance and they impose their influence on other people. But I am telling you that anybody who persists in the this habit of imposing his influence on others, will not enter the kingdom of God. Everything created by God represents God. Animals in the bush, birds of the air, fishes in the water, etc. all represent God and they have their various assignments. So, if you say that they are insignificant, you are only underrating them. This is yet another example: There was a certain captain of a ship. He did not have confidence in his subordinates. It happened that his chief engineer likes drinking, and the captain was not comfortable with his habit of drinking. On a certain day while the engineer was drinking, the captain interrupted and even seized the drinks from him. As result of this, the engineer removed a nut from the engine of the ship. Consequently, when the captain tried to start the ship, it could not start. He therefore went for a team of engineers to check what had happened, but the fault could not be detected. He invited another team, and yet nothing happened. He finally went to his chief engineer and pleaded with him to check what was wrong with the ship. The engineer then told the Captain to return the wine that he had seized. He obliged and the chief engineer went to the ship's engine, manipulated some things, returned the knot and immediately the fault was rectified. Have you now seen that both the Captain and



the chief engineer are important as far as the ship is concerned? The scripture has made it clear that there is no other way we can save our souls other than humbling ourselves even like little children. But unfortunately, in the world today, everybody wants to be noticed and this they do at the expense of other people's comfort. Even in the government circles, nobody wants to be a servant. Every person wants to be the master. People want to be named Mr. President, and on doing this they do not know they have derailed from the divine injunctions of God, the Father. POMPOSITY DESTROYS: Beloved, I have no intention of prolonging this sermon, but let it be known that everybody is important. Even in your homes you do not have to underrate your wife only because she is a woman. You do not have to count out your children in your day to day plans, just because you feel they have no part to play. Each and every member of your family has his or her own contributions to make in whatever decision that is to be taken. Now, I want to tell you a story of an event that happened at Eniong, here in Cross River State. There was a certain rich man at Eniong, and here in Calabar there was yet another rich merchant. This Calabar merchant decided to deal with the man from Eniong simply because the Eniong man was too pompous and arrogant. To implement his plan, he poisoned a particular tin of oil and paid somebody to take this oil to none other person than the rich merchant at Eniong. When the paid agent got to Eniong with this tin

of oil, the wife of the rich merchant advised her husband not to buy this tin of oil. She explained to her husband that he should question why somebody had to travel all the way from Calabar to Eniong with only one tin of oil to sell to him. She further said that the oil had bad odor. But the adamant husband rejected all the objections raised by his wife. The Eniong merchant told his wife that as a prominent and wealthy man, he had the right to use his money as he pleased and so he ended up asserting his will and power by paying for the oil. He further went ahead to mix the single tin of oil with the stock he already had. When he took the oil to the market, he discovered that the entire stock had turned into a runny substance like ordinary water. With this turn of events, his customers rejected the oil and the man suffered a serious loss which eventually led to his downfall. This happened simply because the man was pompous and he could not listen to his wife. The above story reveals that it is not God who underrates or scoffs at people's advice. I am imparting this divine message to you so that you will know what this particular act has caused the world. The whites do not have any regard for the blacks. They call them "black monkeys" and the blacks in turn, are claiming to be superior. If this should continue, I am afraid, you might not enter into the kingdom of God. THE ONLY DIRECT WAY TO ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS FOR ONE TO HUMBLE ONESELF AT ALL TIMES, AND GIVE OTHER PEOPLE THEIR DUE RESPECT. FORGET ABOUT YOUR PRIDE. NOTE THAT BEFORE GOD, ALL MEN ARE EQUAL, AND THAT IN GOD'S SCHEME OF THINGS, NOBODY IS



HOW CHRIST CONQUERED TEMPTATION: It might not have been possible for Christ to conquer, if He did not humble himself as stated in the First Bible Lesson. He humbled himself to the point that he washed the feet of His disciples. Our Lord Jesus Christ placed Himself in the position of the sick people, the destitute, the blind, and even little children. He mixed with people of all classes, as an example of what God expects from us. You could recall when little children were taken to Our Lord Jesus Christ for blessing, and His disciples

tried to stop them and how the Lord reacted. He being merciful, asked His disciples not to drive the little children away, but they should allow the little children to come unto Him for such is the kingdom of heaven. This has reference in Matthew 19:13-14. Again, when Our Lord Jesus Christ was going out of Jericho with His disciples, a certain blind man, Bartimaeus, the son of Timeous, sat by the wayside, begging. When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth who was passing, he began to cry out saying, "Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me."And Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. And when he was called, he rose and ran to Christ. Our Lord Jesus asked him, What wilt thou that I do onto you? The blind man answered and said, Lord, that I might receive my sight.” And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight.” Read Mark 10:46-52 for details. Now you can realize how humble Our Lord Jesus Christ was, as He did associate with the afflicted. Once again, when Christ was in Bethany, in the house of Simon, the leper, Mary Magdalene went there with a box of precious ointment and stood at the feet of Jesus, weeping, and washing His feet with her tears and she also used her hair to wipe His feet, kissed His feet and anointed them with the ointment. Simon, the Pharisee, got annoyed and thought within himself that if Christ were a Prophet, he would have known who and what manner of woman Mary Magdalene was; for according to him, she was a sinner. Our Lord Jesus Christ, since He is God, knew what was in Simon's mind, and so called him and told him a story about a certain creditor who had two debtors. One owed him five




FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 18:4 "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as a little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

hundred pence, and the other fifty pence. He told Simon that when the two debtors could not pay their debts, the man frankly forgave them both. Christ then requested Simon to tell Him which of the them would love the creator most. Simon answered and said that it is the one who owed the greatest amount. Our Lord Jesus Christ agreed with him. He then told Simon that ever since He went to him, Simon could not give Him anything, but that Mary Magdalene had done the greatest thing which could be recorded for her for eternity. With this, Christ blessed Mary and forgave her sins. Read Luke 7:37-48, for all the details. All these were done by Our Lord Jesus Christ to show that there is no other way into the kingdom of God except through humility. So if you do not practice this gospel, you will not in any way see the kingdom of heaven. Forget about your status in the society or even in the Church. If you do not heed the injunctions and practice this injunction with all sincerity, you are doomed. And it should be known to you that vain glories and pride are not considered as criterion for one to attain the kingdom of God. All that is expected of you is total humility. At times people do arrogate God's glory to themselves when the deaf, lame, dumb and blind are made whole by God through them as tools in God's hands. BE INFORMED THAT GOD HAS NOT GIVEN YOU THE AUTHORITY TO ARROGATE ANY GLORY TO YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU CANNOT ON YOUR OWN DO ANYTHING IF THE POWER IS NOT GIVEN TO YOU BY GOD. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WAS NOT LIFTED HIGHER BECAUSE OF HIS PREACHING OR

HEALING, BUT HE WAS LIFTED HIGHER BECAUSE OF HIS HUMILITY. HE WAS HUMBLE EVEN TO THE CROSS, NOT MINDING WHAT THE PEOPLE DID TO HIM. HE HOWEVER PRAYED THE FATHER TO FORGIVE HIS ADVERSARIES. AND BECAUSE OF THE HUMILITY IN HIM, GOD EXALTED HIM AND RAISED HIS NAME WAY ABOVE ALL OTHER NAMES. Read Philippians 2:6-10. When Our Lord Jesus Christ was apprehended, He did not, because of His position as the Son of God, struggle to save Himself. He was confident that it is the will of the Father that must prevail. Even when Peter severed the ear of the high priest's servant, Christ warned Peter to put his sword back into its sheath for all those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword. Christ then picked up the severed ear and fixed it back in its place. He continued to ask Peter if He, Christ, could not pray the Father to send Him twelve legions of angels to fight on His behalf if He wanted to fight. Christ concluded by saying that He could not do these things else the scriptures could not be fulfilled. Refer to Matthew 26:51-54, for the full details. There is no other person who would have done what Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ did. This explains why His honor and glory know no bound in the world today. Let the second lesson be read.



SECOND BIBLE LESSON: LUKE 14:33 "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple."

HUMBLE YOURSELF: If you want to be my disciple, you have to forsake all that you have. This is the standing order given by Our Lord Jesus Christ, and it holds sway till today. Anybody who cannot abide by the above injunction, is not qualified to be His disciple, and if you are not a disciple of Christ you cannot see the kingdom of God. SO NO MATTER YOUR POSITION OR CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE CHURCH, THE KEY TO YOUR SALVATION IS TO HUMBLE YOURSELF EVEN AS A LITTLE CHILD, AND FORSAKE ALL THE MATERIAL THINGS OF THIS WORLD. WHENEVER YOU ARE PROUD YOU WILL BE DEBASED BY GOD, BUT IF YOU HUMBLE YOURSELF, YOU WILL BE ELEVATED BY GOD. Even the scripture states that: "Verily, I say unto you, among them that are born of women, there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."(Matthew 11:11). THE ONLY THING YOU ARE EXPECTED TO DO IS TO EXHIBIT HUMILITY, NOT YOUR RICHES, ACADEMIC ATTAINMENT OR THE CHILDREN THAT YOU HAVE. Once you decide to mix up with the little children, the down-trodden, the "not well to do" members of society, and the afflicted, you will be able to break through the tumult of life. Let me give you another story. There was a certain man who was very wealthy. At a point he started building a house. But along the line, he was offended by his wife and so he told her to bring her people for the settlement of the misunderstanding between them. Then the woman

summoned her relations who assembled at the couple's house. The man then went into his room and brought out a mighty pot filled with money and gave it to his in-laws to count. These people counted this money for a whole day, but they could not finish counting. They eventually became angry and they asked the rich man why he had to bring this punishment upon them as he summoned them to his house. The man told them that he wanted his wife who was their daughter to know that he is above her and she is not supposed to insult him. He then went on and narrated the cause of the misunderstanding with her to his in laws, and they left his house. Do not forget that this man had started building a house before the problem between him and his wife erupted. Incidentally he had three pots filled with money. It was one of these three pots that he gave to his wife's parents to count. After the problem between him and his wife had ended, he started ordering for the building materials for the completion of the house that he had started building. All the building materials were ordered from overseas. One day he went into his room to take out money from one of the pots, he discovered that the pots were empty, but he did not know why the pots were empty and nobody in the house could tell him anything. That was how the man eventually became poor. If I continue to enumerate these real life situations that are in support of this gospel, you will be amazed, and these are the very intriguing attributes exhibited by the inhabitants of this world. In the world today, one who is said to be a child of God has no association with those that, he feels, are not children of God. A rich man would always underrate the little children. A pastor in the Church does not




PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL: Let me tell you this story to prove to you that pride goes before a fall. Once there lived a certain man who bought a slave who was very hard-working; and so the slave became very prosperous. In turn, the slave bought many other slaves and he became richer that his master. As a result the slave became arrogant. After making so much noise about all his acquired wealth which was over and above anything his master owned, the slave became very arrogant. After he has done a lot of boasting, it came to pass that his master declared a day of stock-taking. So, everybody in the community assembled and demanded to know exactly who was richer, the slave

or the master? When the people assembled together, the slave was first given the opportunity to give account of what he owned. As he did this the people marvelled and they clapped with jubilation, in anticipation of the slave's complete victory over his master. After he had finished, his master stood up and gave his own account. He enumerated the few things he had and then he added the slave himself, in addition to all his property. Dead silence fell upon the whole atmosphere. Everybody became quiet and they nodded in agreement. Everybody was stunned. The above situation is applicable to mankind. Empty did man come into this world and empty too shall he depart this world. Everything you may have acquired in this world will be left behind to the original owner, GOD. If this slave was not arrogant, proud and pompous, he would not have failed. But in spite of these examples and experiences, people are still adamant about what is happening on earth today. I am primarily teaching you about humility in this kingdom. As I teach, I also set a pace for you to follow. When the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo came here, he was amazed by the type of humility exhibited by the Father, and he said so. So many others have been coming here to see the Father; and when they go, they usually tell people that the humility found in the Leader of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, is beyond description. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself taught and practiced humility. That was why when His disciples asked Him who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, He called a child and told them that unless they changed and became like little children, they would never enter the kingdom of heaven. Again in the scripture, He



GOLDEN TEXT: LUKE 9:48 "And said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me: for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great."

made it known to His disciples that the least among them is the greatest and that anyone who does not humble himself like a little child will not enter the kingdom of heaven. But people appear not to be interested in the kingdom of God, rather, they go about bragging about their privileged positions in the society. In government circles, the presidents, the various heads of states, the kings and emperors of this world are so much after their royal seats that they forget everything about God. But when they have problems they expect God to help them. This should prove to you that in spite of their privileged position, they have no control over their lives. All the illustrations and short stories that I am giving you serve as a warning that arrogance is not the best, if you really want to be a member of God's kingdom. We have been found to be wanting in a lot of ways, because of being recalcitrant, arrogant, proud, pompous, etc. We do not give God his glory. At times we even forget that there is A SUPREME BEING CALLED GOD. We fail to see the need for humility. No one has emulated Our Lord Jesus Christ who was always glorifying the Father at all times and in everything He did. From the days of old, pomposity has been the order of the day. This is why the Egyptians felt they should be honored by all nations because Egypt was the first place to own a university. Till date, the Egyptians regard other Universities elsewhere as of a lower standard. The Greeks and the Italians and even their predecessors, the Romans, share in this belief. Even here in Cross River State, if the indigenes go to places like Akwa Ibom State, people in Uyo metropolitan area term them as not being important people. The fact that they are

not from the same country is why they are not even taken into consideration. Similarly, when the people of Uyo come to Calabar, the Calabar people see nothing good in them. Everyone is always claiming his state to be the best. This is the case in all the countries in the world. In the scripture it is written that: "Howbeit, when the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come."(John 16:13). THE HOLY SPIRIT PERSONIFIED IN OUR MIDST TODAY HAS MADE IT CLEAR THAT WITHOUT HUMILITY, THERE IS NOT SALVATION. SO ALL OUR ARROGANCE, PRIDE AND POMPOSITY ARE NOT NEEDED IN THIS KINGDOM. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, WHOM WE ARE FOLLOWING, SET SOME CLEAR EXAMPLES ON HOW TO BE HUMBLE. This is why He compared the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed. He said that it is the smallest of all seeds, but when it grows up, it is the biggest of all plants. Refer to Matthew 13:31-32. THIS SHOWS THAT IF YOU HUMBLE YOURSELF, NO MATTER YOUR POSITION, YOU WILL BE ELEVATED BEYOND EXPECTATION AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU WILL ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Beloved it is said that a stroke of the cane is enough for the wise. Let those who have ears hear what the Holy Spirit has imparted to the entire world. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER.





FIRST BIBLE LESSON: JAMES 4: 5-6 "Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The Spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy? But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JAMES 3:14-16 "But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." GOLDEN TEXT: 2 TIMOTHY 2:24-25 "And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth."



Beloved Brethren, the three main texts and the chorus summarize the theme of this gospel. If you could practice the teachings I impart to you daily, you would be more useful and effective than a hundred millionaires gathered together. Do not say that you are not given money or any other mundane things, for the instructions issued to you daily is more than the whole world. From what is written in the first lesson, you would realize that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Resistance is the lot of the proud. Wherever pride exists, whether in the office, in the family, or community, nothing good can be found there. Wherever there is fighting, quarrelling or any form of mischief, there is nothing good in such a place. But wherever peace and humility prevail, there the Holy Spirit abides. The people of the world are busy complaining of the existence of apparition, mermaid, witches and other illusory things as the cause of their problems. This is not true. For instance, if you get up in the morning, maybe with the intention of fetching water in the public tap, you would find out that the whole place is crowded. In an attempt to get water, the people resort to struggling, fighting in order to board buses. In such a situation, the Spirit of God can never be found there because He has nothing to do with noisy environments. Re-examine the first lesson

FIRST BIBLE LESSON: JAMES 4:5-6 "Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy? But he


giveth more grace. Wherefore, he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." THE REAL SOURCE OF YOUR PROBLEMS: Beloved, it is said, “Humility precedes glory.” God is all knowing, and for that reason, when you fornicate, involve in deceit and greed, you begin to experience problems. On your part, you attribute these problems to your enemies, witches, mermaid and other evil forces. This is not true, rather it is your inability to free yourself completely from sinful acts. If you avoid evil practices, God's grace shall be extended to you. When you humble yourself, God is ready to uplift you and replenish any business you do, whether it is farming, or trading. He will make sure you do not experience any loss. But when you are proud, arrogant, and pompous, you will return home empty-handed. God knows all the fornicators in existence. And He blesses those who are humble. In whatever you do or wherever you go, if humility is not there, leave such a place, immediately. I want you to realize that fighting, quarreling, struggling for position are devilish acts. Such earthly traits are not from God but from Satan.

Bishop, President, Governor, Reverend, white or black man or whatever you may claim to be, you should always humble yourself. Re-examine the second lesson.

SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JAMES 3:14-16 "But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work."

THE CHILDREN OF GOD ARE BORN: I have repeatedly analyzed to you the difference between the people of the world and the children of God. God does not want someone who likes creating confusion; He does not like arrogant and contemptuous people. As I have already told you, humility should always come first in whatever you want to do. Irrespective of whoever you may be, be you a Pope,

DO NOT BE ARROGANT: Beloved, whenever you exalt yourself, whenever you are proud, deceptive or cheat, make sure you do not ascribe it to the Truth who is the Holy Spirit. Such behavior is not godly and it is not from God. Rather it is earthly and devilish, hence, nothing good can be derived from any place that such things are in existence. You are aware of the fact that even in my presence, you see people struggling for the microphone in order to interpret. It is also common to find two people struggling for one seat. In fact this is not the behavior of a man of God but the work of the devil. Right here you find a Pastor struggling with another Deaconess and all other vices. These unwholesome attitudes are not from God but from Satan. At all times, you should count others better and worthier than yourself. In whatever you want to do, make sure you lie low, for others to trample over you, and by so doing, God would exalt you. Avoid any place where there is quarrelling, fighting, or struggling for one thing or the other because such vices are not from God. Such are the works of the



devil; hence nothing good can emerge from such a place. So Brethren, whenever you find yourself in the office, market place, at your residence, in your matrimonial home, or in the midst of people, you must be very careful because once there is fighting, quarrelling, struggling, or any sinful act, God immediately leaves such a place. Whenever God forsakes such a place, it is automatically taken over by Satan. In the same vein, if you want to cultivate any piece of land but you start it with struggling, fighting, and quarrelling which sometimes lead to settlement in court, you would realize that at long last your crops will not yield any good fruits. Similarly, if you are about to start trading, and you start it with violence, or quarrelling, it would not end up well. Such a business will eventually collapse because it is of the devil and only the devil controls such a trade. The sign of a man of God is recorded in the following golden text.

strike you, or render abuses on you, do not retaliate. Instead, you should realize that God is the only judge, and everything should be left to Him.

THE QUALITIES OF A MAN OF GOD: Beloved, when the people of the world come across somebody who is very quiet and humble, they term such a person as timid or coward. But this is not true for the scripture has advised us to be humble, quiet, and practice all the virtues of God. Even if somebody should

THE SIGNS OF THE WORLDLY PEOPLE: The signs of the worldly people are now clear. They include fighting, quarrelling, pride, strife, envy, gossip, the spirit of rivalry and all sinful acts. Whereas the signs that identify the children of God include peace, gentleness, humility, righteousness, love, patience, and all the virtues of God. The children of God do not argue, quarrel, fight; they are not arrogant, they are not easily provoked, neither do they exalt themselves. They are pure in heart, and they regard others better and worthier than themselves. They have realized that God is all in all; hence they handover vengeance to Him. Even if somebody should strike you on the cheek, snatch your bag from you, curse or render abuses on you, as a child of God do not retaliate but hand over everything to God for His judgement. So if you are a child of God or a baptized Brotherhood, these are the signs expected to be seen in you. You are not expected to fight, quarrel, struggle, for anything nor take vengeance. You should avoid arrogance and all other sinful acts which may tarnish your image. You have to be peaceful, humble, pure in heart, loving, and patient in every situation. Now you can clearly differentiate between the one who is a child of God and the one who is a child of Satan, based on the clarification and qualities revealed in this gospel. A stroke of the cane is enough for the wise. Let he who has ears hear what the Holy Spirit has imparted to the world. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen.



GOLDEN TEXT: 2 TIMOTHY 2:24-25 "The servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those who oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth."



FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 5:6 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JAMES 1:20-23 "For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in glass." GOLDEN TEXT: PHILIPPIANS 2:7-8 "But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross."


Brethren, if you want to keep company with me, you have to humble yourself as a child. At any given time, place yourself at the level of a fool, then you will become wise. It is not my intention to belabour you, as the time is already far spent. So let our First Bible Lesson be re-examined.


FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 5:6 "Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."

ABHOR EVIL COMMUNICATIONS: Have you ever heard when Our Lord Jesus Christ engaged in worldly communications with people? Are you not aware that after his teachings and performing his miracles of mercy, he usually left the people and went up to the mount? Do you know the significance of this?

Most of our problems emanate from our worldly discussions. We focus our attention on mundane things instead of surrendering our hearts unto God and allowing Him to lead us aright. Note that Except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it, and except the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen do so in vain.(Psalm 127:1). If you have finally come to this realization that you are lacking in knowledge, power, and everything, why then do you resent the idea of surrendering yourself to Him to be led rightly to the final goal and excellence? The world is in a very pathetic situation. People claim to have accumulated knowledge but their actions prove them otherwise. Take a cue from Our Lord Jesus Christ when He was arrested and arraigned before the governor (Pilate). He was accused and buffeted but He did not answer anything. Others made uncomplimentary and fictitious statements against Him but he did not react, to such an extent that Pilate was perplexed and he asked if Christ did not hear all the allegations against him and if he had no mouth to say something. When he did not still respond, Pilate asked Him,"Now that you are keeping mute with me do you not know that I have power to crucify you and I have power to discharge you?" It was at this point that Christ responded, "Pilate, you cannot do anything to me if God in heaven above did not give you the power."(John 19:10-11). Our Lord Jesus Christ realized that he had no knowledge and was therefore in quest for the knowledge from God. He went about quietly and nobody heard His voice in the streets. He did not engage in arguments. He was quiet at all times because He was waiting for the wisdom of God from above. Even at His tempting He knew that it was God



HUMILITY, THE BASIS FOR ACCURATE WISDOM: Any person who desires to be imbued with the wisdom of God or to attain a higher status in his life has to humble himself or herself completely. The Bible text here says,"Blessed are those who thirst and hunger after righteousness for they shall be filled." THIS IMPLIES THAT SUCH PEOPLE MUST REMAIN ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED TO DIVINE DIRECTIVES, SO THAT IN THE END THEY WILL ACHIEVE THEIR GOAL. They should not claim knowledge of anything since true and accurate wisdom belong to God; and if you are desirous of his wisdom, you must be completely submissive. Let it be known to you that it is not proper for you to cheer and clap your hands when you see the Father coming to the pulpit. For what purpose or reason are you clapping your hands? What do you think will be the benefit of such an act? What really is exciting when you cannot put the word of God into practice? If you were to strive for the recondite wisdom of God, you would bow in humility for God to lead you to the accurate truth.

alone who would avenge Him. ARE YOU JUSTIFIED? It is pathetic to observe how you behave in the world. Wherever I am and wherever I am not, you claim that you came to learn and acquire knowledge. Is that how any person who needs knowledge should behave? Does your behaviour justify you as one who is taught at all. ANY PERSON WHO WANTS TO LEARN WITHOUT HUMILITY AND A QUIET DISPOSITION IS SUCH THAT CAN FALL PREY TO DECEITS AND SWINDLERS. Let our Second Lesson be read.

SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JAMES 1:20-23 "For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in glass."

righteousness of God. Dispute and arguments and quarrels and fightings cannot bring the salvation you are looking for. WE ARE THEREFORE ADVISED TO BE DOERS OF THE WORD AND NOT HEARERS ONLY, BECAUSE IF WE ARE HEARERS ONLY, WE WILL BE DECEIVING OURSELVES. If we only hear the word of God and we do not practise same, we will be like a person admiring himself in the mirror but not achieving anything therefrom. Therefore shun quarrelling, arguments, debates, disputes but receive the ignited word of God so that you may be led to the accurate knowledge of the truth. All the knowledge and wisdom we are looking for derive from God. IF WE WERE TO COME TO HIM AS FOOLISH AND UNKNOWLEDGEABLE PERSONS, SITTING BEFORE HIM IN HUMILITY, LISTENING TO HIM AND WANTING TO RECEIVE HIS WORDS IN HUMILITY, BY THIS TIME, HE WOULD HAVE TAKEN US TO UNIMAGINABLE HEIGHTS.

REFRAIN FROM ARGUMENTS: Brethren, if since we started embracing this fold, we were desirous to acquire THE TRUE WISDOM OF GOD, BY NOW WE WOULD HAVE REACHED A GREAT HEIGHT. If by the time you came here you acknowledged yourself as a simpleton and allowed yourself to be taught by the Father, by now you would have gone far. Anger and wrath are not worth the

CONCENTRATE ON THE WORD OF GOD: In order that we may be able to practise the word of God, we should set aside everything that bothers us and concentrate on the word of God which is capable of performing any act, teaching us and leading us to the accurate wisdom we are looking for. Our Lord Jesus Christ had said "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear I judge: and my judgement is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."(John 5:30). When somebody speaks to you, listen to him as a dumb fellow, listen to him as a simpleton, as somebody



who knows nothing. If you are quiet while listening to him you will learn so much from what he says to you. SILENCE IS REWARDING: DO YOU KNOW WHAT GOOD YOU CAN DERIVE FROM KEEPING QUIET? Remember the story of the hawk and the owl? When the hawk went and caught the young owl and went back to report to God, with the intention of eating it as food, it firstly went to seek God's consent. But God asked if the mother owl made any statement. The hawk said the mother owl did not say anything and it could not discern what was in the mother owl's mind. Then, God said, take the baby owl back to the mother owl immediately. Go back and find another bird. It went forward to the world and saw a native fowl, and so it caught one of its chicks. The mother flared up and nearly plugged off its eyes. The hawk ran away and told God,"The mother fowl nearly killed me, and as I have managed to escape, I will never go back there." But God said,"That is the food for you." You should learn from these two instances of the mother owl and the mother fowl. The owl did not react when its baby was picked but God ordered the hawk to quickly return the baby owl back to its mother. But to the howling fowl, God recommended its chick as food for the hawk. This lesson tells you the relevance of humility and submission to God for vengeance or whatever that is necessary. Brethren let the Golden Text be read.

GOLDEN TEXT: PHILIPPIANS 2:7-8 "But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the


likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." SHUN PRIDE: Brethren, have you heard what has been read to you? Why was Our Lord Jesus Christ elevated above all men in the world? AS HE WENT ABOUT IN THE WORLD, HIS VOICE WAS NOT HEARD IN THE STREETS. HE DID NOT QUARREL, FIGHT, OR OFFEND ANY PERSON. IT WAS FOR THIS REASON THAT HE WAS RAISED ABOVE ALL MEN AND HIS NAME EXALTED ABOVE ANY OTHER NAME IN THE WORLD. SO SHALL ANY PERSON WHO SUBMITS HIMSELF ABSOLUTELY BE EXALTED AT THE END. Experiment on this, even from this moment. Emulate that example of humility from Our Lord Jesus Christ, and your testimony begins immediately. NO PERSON HAS EVER TURNED TO GOD AND RETURNED EMPTY-HANDED. IF YOU WILL ACCEPT TO SHUN PRIDE, POMPOSITY, BE HUMBLE AND ATTENTIVE TO HIM, AND RECEIVE THE IGNITED WORD THEN, HE WILL USE YOU AS A VESSEL OF HIS MISSION. THE USEFUL ADVICE: It is surprising to see you record remarkable attendance here, but do not have a grasp of the gospel preached to you. What therefore have you benefitted from coming in here? Our Lord Jesus Christ, though in the form of God, humbled himself even unto death on the cross. It was for this reason that he was raised up,



BEFORE HONOUR IS HUMILITY First Bible Lesson: James 4:10 "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord,


and he shall lift you up." Second Bible Lesson: Luke 14:10 "But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee." Golden Text: Philippians 2:8-9 "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name."

Brethren, that is our lesson for tonight. That is what is mostly lacking amongst you. But the Father knows the different shortcomings in you; and day after day, He is removing and demolishing them. If you were to humble yourself before the Lord, would you have quarreled before me? Would you have fought before me? Would you have murmured against any person before me? Would you have argued before me? All these unwholesome behaviour reveal you. If you should commit these offenses before me, what happens behind me? You struggle to sing songs and to offer prayers before me. You scramble for positions before me. Man’s Frailties The Father has seen your shortcomings, that is why He has chosen this night to lay bare, these


shortcomings before you. There is none of you in Brotherhood who is cool-headed and humble to the other person. Even if you speak to a very small, brother he will warn you not to speak to him in that manner. A wife in the house does not accept to humble herself before the husband. Similarly, the husband does not submit to the wife. Even a stranger in the house will claim that the house belongs to his Father Olumba Olumba Obu, and as such he will break open your bedroom and search your boxes and wardrobes to remove whatever he likes. He will claim it is Obu’s box if you dare ask him.

that woman is your carnal mother but do not boast and exalt yourself because of this. Humble yourself. Everybody knows that the car you drive is given you by the Father. Humble yourself to the ground. Whether God had made you a chief, your position calls for humility. If God has appointed you a governor, humble yourself to the point of prostrating. If God has ordained you a pastor, humble yourself to the ground. If the Father has made you a Leader’s Representative or at whatever position you are kept, humble yourself in the sight of God always.

Any Position a Man occupies calls for Humility Today, the Father has taught us to be humble even while walking along the streets, or in our homes, or at functions and wherever else we may be. In the matrimonial home, the husband is yours, quite alright, but do not seize the privilege to do anything you like. Everybody knows that the man is your carnal father and

Do not Praise Yourself If we can humble ourselves and not be puffed-up, God will lift us up. You know one spiritual chorus we have which says, if you want to walk with me, humble yourself as a little child. Whether you are a Choirmaster or Choirmistress, whatever you are, you have to humble yourself. Even if you erected the Bethel building, the money you spent in building, belongs to the Father. The Bethel is built by the Father, therefore, humble yourself. Allow others to praise you. Do not praise yourself. He was Exalted because of Humility Brethren, the most important thing, in this Kingdom of God is humility. It is a promise that all those who will humble themselves, God will exalt. Have you not heard what happened to Our Lord Jesus Christ? It was because of humility that God gave Him a name which is above every name. It was not because of raising the dead that God lifted His name. It was not because of preaching the word of God in every city that God lifted His Name. But it was because He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death on the cross. His humility implies that when people slapped Him, He



Humility the Foundation of Greatness The way and manner you speak one to the other, leaves much to be desired. It does not seem that you have received any teachings from God. Wherever you go to, you want to sit in the forefront. Wherever you find yourself, you want to be known. Have you heard what the first lesson says? It says: "Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up." One of the most important virtues in this Kingdom is humility. Because it is said, "Before honour is humility."(Prov 18:12) If you were to be humble, you would not struggle for common bread. If you were to humble yourself, you would not live a reprobate life.

did not retaliate. When they made false allegations against Him, He did not bandy words with them. They jumped on Him He did not budge; to, the extent that Pilate slapped at Him, Upon all these allegations He said nothing to defend Himself. But He kept quiet. Even when Peter cut off the right ear of the servant of the High Priest, He rather rebuked Peter, and said: "Put thy sword into the sheath: for all they that take-up the sword shall perish by the sword." He picked up the piece of ear and put it in its place. It was then that He told Peter, "Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?" (Matt 26:52-54) Can you see humility at work? Always allow the Will of God to Prevail He was so humble to the point of prostrating on the ground to plead to the Father, saying, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but let thine, be done." (Matt 26:39) Can you observe humility. He has never resisted the will of God. But in your own case, you keep certain conditions before God that if he does not heal you of your infirmities, you will not take Him for the true God; or that He should not allow your enemies to laugh at you and ask where is that your God. Do you not realize that these things amount to vainglory? You speak unseemingly against God. You speak forcefully and without the fear of God. Call upon the Father with Fear and Trembling Remember how that Pharisee prayed with arrogance, expressing how he paid tithe of one tenth of


his earnings, fasted twice a week and not like unto the evil man, the Publican. Can you see pride and pomposity in him? But the Publican could not even lift up his eyes to the sky. He placed his hands on his chest and prayed God to be merciful to him a sinner.(Luke 18:10-13) Can you realize absolute humility at work? But in your own case, you will forcefully shout on Olumba Olumba Obu to do one thing or the other for you. What does this show? You cannot shout on your carnal father in that manner. You can neither shout on your carnal friend nor brother in that manner. But Olumba Olumba Obu is the name you shout on at random and even use it as threats to people along the streets. What are these things? They signify vainglory and strife. At certain times you come out here and pray for one hour. What does it mean? Is it not pomposity? Brethren, we should strive because the things we have less regards to, are highly esteemed before God. When you are beset with a little problem or sickness, you will seek to apply medication as means of help. Is that humility? Are you not after self-help ventures? Why do you not surrender yourself completely and let the sickness carry out its intention in you. Somebody comes to abuse and curse you, and you return fire to fire. Have you humbled yourself? Have you surrendered yourself unto God. When our Lord Jesus Christ was cursed and abused, did you hear his voice? Brethren, let us humble ourselves. You are also witness to the fact that upon all the allegations and blackmail, have you heard his statement of defense? Many of you struggle for the inclusion of Brotherhood's name in organized functions and ceremonies. Have you ever heard me ask for such recognition? I do not want it


in any way. Brethren, I do not intend to take you far this night. The first lesson will now be read.

First Bible Lesson: James 4:10 "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up." Brethren, have you heard what is read unto you? You who promise not to agree with whatever somebody says, have you heard what is read unto you? Those of you who are arrogant, have you heard that? Those of you who try to help yourselves, have you heard that? Those of you who are self-conceited, have you heard it? Let Humility over-ride your other Considerations It is not he who saves himself that is saved but he who surrenders his life. If per chance somebody collects your belongings in an extortionate way, you hand it over to God. If you are cursed, abused or your character defamed, if you do not retort, the Father will repay you. I have taught you that even in your families, you should not bother anything. Take the least position, as a very sinful person. Wherever you are invited, take the least seat. Do not seek for a place on the high table but choose the lowest. Brethren, if we practise this Gospel which tells us, "Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up," we will see it work like magic. Put it to test and you will realize how you will be exalted. The reason behind buying glamorous dresses, living in imposing houses and seeking for position is that you may be recognized. Have you been recognized? All this time you


have been quarrelling for positions. Do you have these positions? If you should know that you are ever before God: in your house and everywhere would you not have humbled yourself before Him? Allow the Will of God to Reign Supreme This promise is an eternal covenant. You have observed it even here in Brotherhood. Have you ever heard or witnessed us saying there should be rain or that there should be no rain? It is an insult. Have you ever heard us pray that somebody should not be sick or that God should not allow our enemies to ask where is that your God? Have you heard us say that a particular thing should happen and not the other? It amounts to vainglory, pomposity and arrogance. Have you ever heard us murmur against God or questioning why He should do one thing and not the other? What is required of us by God is absolute humility. He will not fail to lift you up if, from this night, you humble yourself and become like a fool, even in your pattern of life, the way you speak with reverence to God, and give Him glory. When you are walking, march the ground as if it belongs to your father, you ought to walk carefully. Whatever you are engaged in, do not behave as if there is nobody, because there is somebody. When you are thinking, do not be so high-minded as if you are the only cock to crow. Always think little of a thing with the mind that God is in existence, and give Him glory. When you are speaking, say nothing unseemly. Speak with gentleness and lowliness of heart, knowing that God is in existence. When you exalt yourself, He will debase you. Only God Lifts You Up


There were events in the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ that would have caused Him to speak and raise His voice, but can you notice how He behaved? In the midst of tribulation and death, He left everything with humility to the Father. Whether you are the first daughter or first son and the family tends to reject you, do not bother. Do not look for the position. If your right as the son, or second son or first daughter, or as a child has been denied you, do not question. Forget about it, do not seek for recognition; God will raise you up. If you are not remembered by man, God will surely remember you. It is not the person who is something before men but he that is something before God who is recommended by God. It is not the person who exalts himself who is lifted by God, but he is lifted up by God who humbles himself. Even if you are before a little child and he commands you to stand still, do that with respect, and God will lift you up. Even if a brother abuses you and calls you names, and questions your stand in Brotherhood, say, "Peace" to him, and go your way quietly, God will lift you up. Only the Christ has a Name which is above any other Name A critical examination of what happened to Our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, reveals His humble nature. They jeered at Him and asked, "If you are the son of God, come down and save yourself." He said nothing but kept quiet. I do not think that there is any person in the world who can argue that what happened to Our Lord Jesus Christ has ever happened to him. It is because of His humility, even unto death, that God had highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name.

People had come and gone, but which of them has God exalted and given him a name which is above every name? People preach the word of God, raise the dead, make the blind to see, the lame to walk and are generous to people, but God has not given any of them a name which is above every name. Elijah Himself prayed to God that there should be no rain; and for three years and six months there was no rain. Was that not vainglory or strife? After sometime he prayed that God should open the sky, and God did, and there was rain. Have you been told that God gave him a name which is above every name? Even our father Abraham, when he heard that Lot, his nephew, and all his household were arrested by the army, he was not humbled. He rather gathered four hundred soldiers and marched to that city and liberated that city. Upon the shouts on our father Abraham, do you find God giving him a name above every name? It is on this basis that Our Lord Jesus Christ did say, "In my Father’s house there are many mansions." God can give you good health, but does not lift your name. He can give you children but He will not lift your name up. God can bestow eternal life on you, but He will not give you a name above every name. He has diversities of gifts, but the greatest gift is for Him to lift your name. To whom does this gift belong? It does not belong to millionaires. It does not belong to preachers. It does not belong to healers. It is meant for those who humble themselves to the point of prostrating. That is why it is said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God."(Matt 5:3) When a person smites you, buffets you, spits on you, extorts your belonging, and you neither budge nor retort, you have the qualities of Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are denied your right, or



rightful position. Or whatever may be done to you, and you do not say anything, neither do you bother. These are they whose name will be lifted by Him. But who amongst you will afford to sit down in His house and somebody marches in and holds people captives and beats them up without his rising up in defense. If you rise up to fight, it means you have failed colossally. Patience in Tribulation I know that many of you are sad about this Gospel because when you hear people say that Brotherhood is Beelzebub, witchery, vampire, apparition, you are infuriated with such a person because you claim that you are doing the work of God. The moment you do this, you have failed completely. Do you think that all these things are not done by the Father? He knows about them. They are meant to test us. It is said, "Blessed is he who endures temptation." I personally know that these are all tests. That is why I am what you find me. Because from time to time He makes known to us that there is going to be examination. That being the case, I have no problems at all. In your own case because you have neither seen nor known Him, that is why you react violently to what you hear. You are red when it is said that Brotherhood is Beelzebub and vampire. You will no longer go to the person’s house because you will feel he has offended you. Do you seek after glory? Because it is said Brotherhood is not one of the Christian Churches, you rise in anger and in defense. Is that not strife? I am not interested in whatever you call me. Whether you call it apparition or anything, I have no business in it. The Father is a Model of Humility


It is said when you see the dead man, tears will begin to roll down your cheeks. Now you have seen the dead man, where are tears on your cheek? I instruct you to forsake sin, neither to tell lies, nor to fornicate, but you still commit sin, and yet I always turn round to beg you not to be exasperated and not to do those things anymore. I have the full right to expel you or excommunicate you without any redress or anything flapping its wings. Are you not surprised that when a person steals he will demand to be taken to the Father, that the Father may offer him tea? And of a truth, when he is taken to the Father, the Father will give him tea. The action of the Father is a mark of humility. Somebody may stand here and fight and yet you do not find me saying a word. This shows humility. I have surrendered any action to the Father. But a foolish person will boast that he stands before the Father to do whatever he likes, and no person can do anything to him. To the World the Leader’s Appearance is Incognito Our Lord Jesus Christ had said, "I can of mine own self do nothing; as I hear, I judge and my judgement is just (John 5:30); for I know that His commandment is eternal life." All that I do here are commensurate with the commandments found in this kingdom of God. Have you ever found a person as great as this and yet He is neither known in the government nor in the church denominations nor in various homes. No person recognizes His existence nor gives any regard to Him. A state governor will pay a visit to this state and will call at a necromancer, a mermaid priest and others. Have you ever heard any person suggesting that a courtesy call should be paid to the Leader? Who is he? Who knows


him? Do you see us bother? There is no problem at all. When there is any occasion that requires the Governor to attend any church services, he will attend the so-called established and orthodox churches. But for Brotherhood, they will say it is no church. Do you see us argue? I am not interested at all because such things are not important. Brotherhood is the City of God Candidly, throughout the whole world, this is the only place where God is found, where the word of God dwells. It is a very significant place and yet the world acknowledges it not. I am not worried about it. But in all monetary affairs, donations and contributions, Brotherhood will be remembered. In any other sphere of life, it will be argued that Brotherhood is no church, it may not even be mentioned. Do you notice us argue? If it were you, you would have argued. It was the instruction I receive from the hands of the Father. I do not count these things as of any significance but I am simply using them as examples unto you. You should also learn of all that Brotherhood has done because they are the instructions of the Father. Even the type of work which is done generally and for the individuals in this kingdom, who honours and reverences God? Have we ever worried about this? We have not because these are so meant to be.

that we are following the instructions of the Father. There are certain places where the Father had been invited to their occasion but the people do not even take cognizance of the representatives of the Father. These representatives are not given any attention nor offered seats. Yet they will be drumming, dancing, drinking and doing other things. During donations, the Father will be called. After the presentation of the donation, they will begin to shiver and ask whether the representatives will drink or eat. That will mark their departure. In many other places, when such representatives attend even in the church denomination of reverend gentlemen, they will not even take cognizance of them. But it does not matter. They were only concerned with what was said, "Give to him that asketh thee." They give and go their way. The second lesson will now be read. Listen attentively to what is going to be read unto you.

Second Bible Lesson: Luke 14:10 "But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee."

Brotherhood Cannot Be Recognized Carnally This instruction is for me, it is for you and for the entire world. A great many people feel that the Leader neither sees nor hears nor has conscience nor can do anything whatever. This is erroneous. What happens is

Who is the speaker? God Himself speaks. That is the pattern which the children of God should lead. A great many people should be present this night to listen to this Gospel. When they go outside, they shout on Olumba Olumba Obu; that Brotherhood is God; that Brotherhood is above all; or seek for Brotherhood’s share. Such



persons who go about fomenting trouble should be here to hear this Gospel. Pastors, Apostles, Evangelists, and indeed all of you who are pompous and arrogant should come in here and listen to this Gospel. Abhor Arrogance Immediately you are ordained a Prophet, you will not allow any other person a chance. You will assume superintendency over everything. The moment you are ordained a Pastor, you will no longer want to hear what any other person says. Nobody, in your estimation, is capable of advising you. You do not reckon on what others say. You are called a Christ Student without even knowing the meaning of a Christ Student, but you do not allow people to pass along the streets. You will claim superiority over every others. Every person struggles for everything around, but have you heard what the portion says? You have merely been invited here. You do not know the content of this Kingdom of God. You should sit on the ground with absolute humility. Even if you are consecrated an Elder or whatever position is assigned to you, sit on the ground. When the person who invited you appears to find you on the ground, he will call you up to a higher seat. The Highest Position Is the One Occupied by the Humblest Person Do you think that Pastor is the highest position in this Kingdom? Would you think that Apostle is the highest in this Kingdom? Would you think that Elder is the highest in this Kingdom? Or would think that it is the Christ Student who is the highest? Or do you think that it


is the virgin who is the highest? Which of these do you think is the highest position in this kingdom of God? It is the position of a person who humbles himself to the point of prostrating on the ground. In whatever position God has placed you, do not count yourself as anything. You are made a Leader’s Representative to look over all these things, do not give yourself authority over anything in that domain. Wait till the owner comes and He will lift you up. In anything at all, wherever you wish to go, or are sent on delegation, take the lowest seat where the people meet. Brotherhood Comes to Serve It is the advice I had given that Brotherhood is not out to seek for positions either in government circles, or church denominations, in cities, or from any person for that matter. Brotherhood has come to serve God. This instruction is for all the children of God throughout all the four corners of the world. If you are the daughter, or first son, or the father, or whatever position you may occupy, if you take the lowest, seat, counting yourself as nothing, you will hear people calling on you to get up. Every person will want to lift you high. Even when somebody robs you of your right and they struggle over it. They will start to quarrel amongst themselves and complain that the owner has not even said a thing about it; why do they scramble and fight. They will recognize you as the owner. Do not Seek Your Own Glory Brethren do you possess this wisdom? Do not struggle for anything with any person here on earth. Do not allow anything to worry you about any carnal thing,


because it is God who exalts you and God also abases you. You are a child of God, that is accepted. God is your Father, this is also true, but you have to humble yourself wherever you go to. Do not put up yourself as the good and beloved child of God. Humble yourself to the lowest point. Do you remember when Our Lord Jesus Christ asked Peter, saying, "Of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? Of their own children, or of strangers? Peter saith unto him, "Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him, ‘Then are the children free notwithstanding, lest we should offend them." Note the emphasis on "Lest we should offend them." He further told Peter, "Go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth; thou shalt find a piece of money: That take, and give unto them for me and thee." (Matt 17:25-27) Do not forget that He is God, He is the Son of God, He is the Son of man. But because they did not know Him, even if they knew Him, observe how humble He was. He neither encouraged nor fomented any trouble. He did not seek for His own glory as you are doing. It is said, "He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him."(Matt 7:18) Do you remember what happened when Our Lord Jesus Christ walked around the sepulcher and met with the man who used to come out of the sepulcher, who was possessed by the evil spirit. When he told Our Lord Jesus Christ, "I know that you are the Son of the Living God, torment me not for my time is not yet up." So the devils besought him, saying, "If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine." Our Lord Jesus

Christ obeyed and did likewise. Can you notice humility? He was not opposed to it, nor did he torment or kill them. The devils that possessed the man opted to be driven into the swine. The herd of swine ran violently into the sea, and perished in the waters. When they that kept the swine saw these things, they fled into the city and reported everything. The whole city came out and met Our Lord Jesus Christ and besought him that he would depart out of their coasts (Mark 5:2-17). He quietly went His way. He did not stop for a moment to ask what He did or to show that he was the Son of God and able to cause fire to consume them. Gently He left them without making any statement.



I Am Not the Doer Can you not recognize the fact that He is the only truthful Teacher? God has noted all the things He has done and has found Him worthy to be a Leader. It was not only on the day He was crucified, but right from the time He came into the world, His life-pattern had been the same. Every work done in the world today is done by Our Lord Jesus Christ, but have you ever found Him standing up to declare that He is doing the work and that the work is not done by Leader O. O. Obu but himself. Right now a great many people are jealous that the glory which should have been given to the Christ is rather given to an ordinary human being, and they ask who Olumba Olumba Obu is. They are very exasperated. The irony of it all is that the Lord Jesus Christ who is doing everything does not even worry about it. All the church denominations congregate and in their prayer report to the Lord Jesus Christ, that Satan is going to snatch all His followers, and that He should kill Olumba Olumba Obu.

But Our Lord Jesus Christ does not say anything. He is doing His work, orderly. There is nothing the church denominations have not done to me. You are aware of what they say whenever they come in here, and they are neither Jesus nor his brother, nor know where He comes from. A man who suffers from hernia does not complain of pains but the neighbour complains of sleeplessness because of his pain. I have told you that I am not the person doing the work but when you go out, you tell people that Olumba Olumba Obu is one thing or the other, but I continue to tell you that I am not the doer. You have heard what is read to you that when you are invited to a dinner, you should sit down in the lowest room; that when the chief host comes, he will tell you to go higher, then will you have glory in the presence of all the guests who sit at meet with you.

start to puff up, you have failed.

Do Not Seek After Man’s Glory Do you not remember when Our Lord Jesus Christ made bread for the people and they ate to their satisfaction. They at once said this is of a truth the prophet that should rule over them in the world and so conspired to make him king by force. When Our Lord Jesus Christ perceived that they would come and take him by force to make him king, he departed from them and hid himself.(John 6:15) Why did he run away? Have you found why He was delivering his messages in parables? He did not seek after any glory from man but after the glory of God because the glories of this world are transitory and perishable. No man can ever glorify you. I am telling you this that you may know yourself so that whenever somebody will come to lift you up and you accept it and

The Christ Was Equal With God When the people wanted to make him a king, if he had accepted and allowed himself to be enthroned, I tell you of a truth, God would have reduced him unto oblivion. Since he was God, he could not assume such a position because he knew that such carnal things are transitory and perishable. He was God. He was the Son of God and equal with God but did not think it robbery to be equal with God. But made himself of no reputation and took upon himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of man. That was why man battered him on the face and asked who battered him, but he did not budge at all. Even at your places of work the Head of Department says you will not be promoted; you should go to Olumba to give you promotion. If you are a tenant, the house owner will give you quit notice to pack from



The Christ Was Very Reserved Do you remember when Our Lord Jesus Christ asked his disciples, "Whom say the people that I am?" They said; "John the Baptist, but some say Elijah, and others say one of the old prophets." He turned and asked them but whom do you say that I am. Peter answered and said Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Then Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "Blessed are your Simon Bar Jona for flesh and blood had not revealed it unto you but my Father who is in heaven. "But at the end He charged them that they should tell no man that He was Jesus the Christ until the consummation. Why did he behave that way? If he had started telling people that he was the Christ, God would have abased him.

his house and go to Olumba Olumba Obu to give you a house because you accept that man is God. What can he do to me? I know him, He cannot do any harm to me. Go and tell him to give you a house. And in the midst of his age grade he will boast that he had disgraced a Brotherhood man and spoken unseemingly against the Brotherhood Leader, because he cannot do any harm. All such things are foolishness and nonsensical. It is said blessed are you when man shall revile you and persecutes you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven.(Matt 5:11-12) Do not allow anything to induce you to exalt yourself. Even if you are made the chairman of the occasion humble yourself, because you are not the chairman. Even while you are sitting on the ground, the owner comes to lift you so high, continue to humble yourself to the point of prostrating. Do not make any noise. No Condition Is Permanent Remember what he said to the Pharaoh. He said for this reason did I lift you up, in order to show my power so that my name would be sung throughout the world. He exalts you high, and He abases you to oblivion. If man were wise and intelligent whenever he is lifted up by God or man, he should maintain absolute humility. This is so because no condition is permanent. You have seen things for yourselves but you have no wisdom. But now, I have shown you the truth which is in this kingdom. Our downfall arises from the fact that when God lifts you high, you begin to puff up. But watch, lest happily you fall into temptation. Upon all


the shouts of Our Lord Jesus Christ, when did He express such joy through orchestra. He sees all the evils we commit and all the good things we do. He is the doer of the work, but have you heard His voice? Some people argue that the Christ is dead and he makes no statement. Some maintain that He is in the sky; Others argue that He no longer exists. Others say He has no power. But have you heard His voice? Though He has heard all and has known all, He does not bandy words with any persons. Argument Against the Deity of Our Lord Jesus Christ This explains why people do not believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. They ask why God so condescends to the extent of entering into the womb of a woman, and how a woman delivers God. They argue such cannot be God. So they refuse to believe in the deity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. They also argue that if He were God, there was a guesthouse where men of all stations of life including lawyers, doctors; professors lodged. But He so condescended Himself to be born in the manger. This is, as it was, indicative of the absolute humility of Our Lord Jesus Christ. When it was known at that time that Our Lord Jesus Christ would be born, Herod, the King and the princes arranged and prepared their houses because they thought that the Christ would be born in their houses. But to their utmost dismay He was born to a mere carpenter who had nothing to eat, and to Mary a simple virgin. These are some of the things which make it conclusive that the ways of God always delude the wisdom of man. If we accept the advice of this day, and the way and manner in which it is revealed, indeed, you will be saved.


The Christ Did Not Come to Destroy But to Save When Our Lord Jesus Christ wanted to go to Jerusalem, He passed through a small Samaritan village. There, the people did not receive him because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. The disciples asked him whether he would desire that they command fire to come down from heaven to consume them even as Elijah did. But he rebuked them and said you do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of man did not come to destroy man’s lives but to save and preserve them.(Luke 9:52-56) Brethren, Brotherhood has not come to puff up, or to be arrogant or to blow its trumpet, but to humble itself to the point of prostrating. And so brethren, I do not wish to take you further than this, the golden text will now be read.

Golden Text: Philippians 2:8-9 "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name."

whole bank for Him for the reason of following Him, but have they seen Him? Yet He is here on earth.

Impersonation of The Christ There are about three persons in the United States of America who deceive others into believing that they are the 'Christ.' The Americans have spent their money rejoicing, and making other preparations because they erroneously believe that Christ in his next advert, would be born in America. In spite of their heavy investments for this purpose, the people who impersonate the Christ die as fowls. Among the Chinese, several persons have claimed to be the Christ. In other places also others have staked similar claims. If somebody comes to lay a claim before you that he is the Christ, he is not, because Our Lord Jesus Christ can never proclaim that He is the Christ. That would tantamount to vainglory.

Brethren, have you heard that which is read unto you? It is said before honour is humility. It was not for any other thing that his name was lifted up but for the reason of his humility. As Our Lord Jesus Christ comes in as we are sitting down here, have you seen him? Ab initio, He has always been working on earth but who has seen him? Some people build storeys that when He comes He will live therein. Some others surrender a

You Are What God Makes You When you humble yourself to the point of prostrating, God will lift you high up. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Have you not realized his grace through humility? Have you ever found a man whose name has been lifted above all other names by God? Never you again seek after glory and honor for yourself. If somebody asks you, who you are, tell him that you do not know who you are. Whatever the Father desires that you should be, that is what you are, but you cannot be whatever you claim to be. Never you suggest anything to yourself. Never you claim anything as your own. Allow God always to fulfill his will on you. Whatever people



may arrogate to you, have no regard for, because God knows that it is a test. Whatever the Father wants you to become, you will see it, you will not decide for yourself, but the Father will do His will. Who Are You to Dictate to God? We should thank God always for the glory He has revealed in us at this end of time. It is said that he humbles himself and becomes obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross. Wherefore God also has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name. Somebody is indebted to you, and you decide to teach him a lesson. Somebody curses you and you swear you will speak to him in the language he understands. Somebody makes an allegation against you, and you argue you will show him what you are. Have you heard what has been read to you? Some people in Brotherhood arrogate to themselves the power to cause night, and the ability to fast and a certain incidence occurs. Have you heard what has been read to you? When you demand that the Father should speak so that something happens and to speak again so that nothing happens, have you heard that it implies vainglory? Allow whatever the Father wills, to come to manifestation. It is so because He owns us and wherever He keeps you should be alright with you. If we want Him to exalt our names then we should humble ourselves to the point of prostrating.

they can heal the sick, and that they can do many other things. Have you ever seen a man like a doctor, engineer or professor who does not arrogate certain powers to himself? In my own case I always tell you that I have no power. These words are not spoken by me. I do not even exist, and I want nothing. It is bamboozling to hear that some people announce that all sick people should be taken to them for healing, because there is power in a particular bethel. But I want to put it before you that I have no power, since I do not do anything, it is the Father who does everything. From where does that action, that pattern of life derive? Can you not realize from where it emanates?

Only God Does Everything I sympathize with those who claim that they are Christ, or God, or Jacob, or prophet, or pastor, I am nothing at all, I do not even exist Have I ever told you that I have power or that I can do anything? Even here in Brotherhood some persons claim they have power, and

Whoever Shall be Great Must be a Servant Has the Gospel of today not revealed to you what each of us should do? And this explains why we should all come into this kingdom of God. It is said, "If you want to walk with me you have to humble yourself as a small child." It is also said, "Whosoever wants to be a leader should enslave himself to others." Even as the Son of man did not come to be ministered unto but to minister and to give His life as ransom for many. He says that whosoever will be great among you should be your minister. Which, therefore, do you think is the highest position in this kingdom? It is said that whosoever wants to be great he should be a servant, also whosoever is the greatest must be a servant, that is exactly what you find in Brotherhood. If you want to be the greatest and you start to minister unto others, but when you are appointed to that position, you start to puff up, you will be down-graded, and your corpse will not even be seen. This explains why



some people here, when they are not yet ordained prophets, they accept all types of jobs menial and otherwise, but when they are ordained, they will feel so elated and will return to their houses to rest, and will not even attend prayers. Such persons do not know themselves. I cannot explain why spectacular things happen on Sunday night, and I want this gospel produced very urgently. When you are called Obu’s son, you will not allow people to pass along the street. Most especially if I invite you, you will become so elated, proud and pompous, and you will tell people not to come near you and whether they do not know that you are Obu’s son? And others will begin to raise their eyebrows and question why the Leader should give preferential treatment to you. You will be a subject of jealousy by others who nurse grievances against you. That is why none of you here accepts to submit himself to others. If you want to pass through a certain place and somebody touches you in an attempt to tell you not to pass, you will push him back and ask him if he does not know that you are in the house of your Father. Brethren, such pattern of life is very pitiful. Even in other church denominations or bethels in which you are a member, you have to humble yourself as you are taught. Do not count yourself as anything throughout your life. Humble yourself to the point of kowtowing. It is humility which is the most important virtue in this kingdom. When somebody curses you, or disgraces you, or spits at you, or you are not considered when anything is shared or you are not given a place to sleep or your name is not even mentioned, do not budge at all. Even if you are called names you have to endure and tolerate.


Do Not Seek to Defend Do not report to any person, or react at all. Do not take any other action. Do not defend yourself. Do not be exasperated because the Father knows, and it is for the reason of this humility that you will be exalted. Why you are confused, easily irritated, always exasperated, cannot obey simple orders, and that you cannot forgive, is that you seek your self-glory. Whoever seeks the glory of God has no problem at all. Even if you go to a certain place where people call you thief, apparition and expel you, do not make a statement of defense that you are not a thief, but you have to walk quietly away. Some people continue to inquire to know what is in Brotherhood. What is in Brotherhood is humility. The word is that the Leader is dead, that he is a cannibal, a murderer, a Dracula. Behold I am standing here. Have I made any statement of defense? Have I refuted in the Newspaper or through the Radio or Television or in any Magazine? If I do that it implies that I have exalted myself. So Brethren, I do not wish to be tedious unto you. One stroke of the cane is sufficient unto the wise. Those who have ears let them hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen THANK YOU FATHER.


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